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EEG sleep spindle activity (SpA) during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep has been reported to be associated with measures of intelligence and overnight performance improvements. The reticular nucleus of the thalamus is generating sleep spindles in interaction with thalamocortical connections. The same system enables efficient encoding and processing during wakefulness. Thus, we examined if the triangular relationship between SpA, measures of intelligence and declarative learning reflect the efficiency of the thalamocortical system. As expected, SpA was associated with general cognitive ability, e.g. information processing speed. SpA was also associated with learning efficiency, however, not with overnight performance improvement in a declarative memory task. SpA might therefore reflect the efficiency of the thalamocortical network and can be seen as a marker for learning during encoding in wakefulness, i.e. learning efficiency.  相似文献   

In this study characteristics of cardiac functioning were investigated in nine subjects during their nocturnal sleep. The pre-ejection period and the high frequency component of heart rate variability were used as indices of cardiac sympathetic and parasympathetic activity of the autonomic nervous system respectively. Heart rate and the autonomic indices were assessed across physiological determined sleep stages and consecutive temporal sleep cycles. Repeated measures ANOVA analyses indicated a significant pattern of heart rate as a function of sleep stages, which was mirrored by parasympathetic activity. Further, a significant decrease of heart rate as a function of sleep cycles was mirrored by an increase of sympathetic activity. Moreover, non-REM/REM differences revealed a dominant role of parasympathetic activity during sleep stages as well as sleep cycles. These findings demonstrate that sympathetic activity is influenced by time asleep, whereas parasympathetic activity is influenced by the depth of sleep.  相似文献   

In this study characteristics of cardiac functioning were investigated in nine subjects during their nocturnal sleep. The pre-ejection period and the high frequency component of heart rate variability were used as indices of cardiac sympathetic and parasympathetic activity of the autonomic nervous system respectively. Heart rate and the autonomic indices were assessed across physiological determined sleep stages and consecutive temporal sleep cycles. Repeated measures ANOVA analyses indicated a significant pattern of heart rate as a function of sleep stages, which was mirrored by parasympathetic activity. Further, a significant decrease of heart rate as a function of sleep cycles was mirrored by an increase of sympathetic activity. Moreover, non-REM/REM differences revealed a dominant role of parasympathetic activity during sleep stages as well as sleep cycles. These findings demonstrate that sympathetic activity is influenced by time asleep, whereas parasympathetic activity is influenced by the depth of sleep.  相似文献   

Statistical Analysis of Chromatid Interference   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
H. Zhao  M. S. McPeek    T. P. Speed 《Genetics》1995,139(2):1057-1065
The nonrandom occurrence of crossovers along a single strand during meiosis can be caused by either chromatid interference, crossover interference or both. Although crossover interference has been consistently observed in almost all organisms since the time of the first linkage studies, chromatid interference has not been as thoroughly discussed in the literature, and the evidence provided for it is inconsistent. In this paper with virtually no restrictions on the nature of crossover interference, we describe the constraints that follow from the assumption of no chromatid interference for single spore data. These constraints are necessary consequences of the assumption of no chromatid interference, but their satisfaction is not sufficient to guarantee no chromatid interference. Models can be constructed in which chromatid interference clearly exists but is not detectable with single spore data. We then extend our analysis to cover tetrad data, which permits more powerful tests of no chromatid interference. We note that the traditional test of no chromatid interference based on tetrad data does not make full use of the information provided by the data, and we offer a statistical procedure for testing the no chromatid interference constraints that does make full use of the data. The procedure is then applied to data from several organisms. Although no strong evidence of chromatid interference is found, we do observe an excess of two-strand double recombinations, i.e., negative chromatid interference.  相似文献   

Summary In single hairs taken from the trichophytosis like areas of infection ofMicrosporon audouinii, which was found in the lethal stage of theMicrosporon-endemic, the author could observe a rudimentary spore-production and deformation due to degeneration. He could find similar changes on fungous hyphae in hairs, which have been infected byArthroderma asteroides. Signs of a similar disintegration — which were, however, of different character — could be observed on the filaments of fungi in the lamellae of trichophytosis, caused byTrichophyton felineum. In the author's opinion these changes are to be regarded as consequences of the degradation taking place in fungous strains.  相似文献   

The correlation behavior in the heart beat rate significantly differs with respect to light sleep, deep sleep, and REM sleep. We investigate whether fluctuations of the heart beat rhythm may serve as a surrogate parameter for rapidly changing sleep phenomena, and if these changes are accessible by progressive beat-by-beat analysis of the sleep electrocardiogram (ECG).  相似文献   

EEG信号经常包含许多快速的时变信息 ,将较长时间段的EEG信号近似看作平稳信号 ,进行FFT谱估计 ,存在其局限性。应用多分辨率小波变换方法 ,在频域和时域上可以同时定位分析大鼠慢波睡眠和睡眠过渡期脑电的动态变化特性。采用慢性埋植电极记录自由活动大鼠的皮层脑电 ,将信号用小波变换分解成δ、θ、α和 β四个分量 ,求各分量的功率和功率百分比的时间变化曲线 ,并与FFT功率谱分析结果进行比较。结果表明 :慢波睡眠期EEG中有 2 6 .2 %± 7.7%的时间段上δ分量功率小于总功率的 5 0 % ,且δ分量较大时 ,其他分量较小 ;δ分量较小时 ,其他分量较大 ,差别显著。此结果揭示了δ节律与θ和α节律之间的一种互补关系。而传统的FFT功率谱分析方法只能显示δ分量为主 (占总功率 70 .6 %± 6 .4 % )的功率谱 ,不能提供时变信息。对于睡眠过渡期的非稳态EEG信号 ,利用小波变换分解得到的θ和α分量可以鉴别出睡眠纺锤波 ,计算睡眠纺锤波的平均持续时间 ,并比较纺锤波和非纺锤波时期各个频谱分量的变化情况。由此可见 ,小波变换可用于计算新的EEG时频定量分析指标用于分析生理、病理和药理作用引起的睡眠EEG的变化过程 ,以弥补传统FFT功率谱分析的不足之处  相似文献   

Comment on: Samora CP, et al. Nat Cell Biol 2011; 13:1040-50.  相似文献   

拉曼光谱技术在生命科学领域已取得较为广泛的研究与应用,如何从低信噪比、质量差的拉曼光谱信号提取并充分利用谱图中所含信息,对光谱后续分析、样品的归类等至关重要.本文首先明确了生物组织拉曼光谱统计分析中几个重要的概念,进而对拉曼光谱数据的预处理,光谱分析研究中较为常用的几种多元统计方法进行了归纳、对比与分析.  相似文献   

A molecular device that records time-varying signals would enable new approaches in neuroscience. We have recently proposed such a device, termed a “molecular ticker tape”, in which an engineered DNA polymerase (DNAP) writes time-varying signals into DNA in the form of nucleotide misincorporation patterns. Here, we define a theoretical framework quantifying the expected capabilities of molecular ticker tapes as a function of experimental parameters. We present a decoding algorithm for estimating time-dependent input signals, and DNAP kinetic parameters, directly from misincorporation rates as determined by sequencing. We explore the requirements for accurate signal decoding, particularly the constraints on (1) the polymerase biochemical parameters, and (2) the amplitude, temporal resolution, and duration of the time-varying input signals. Our results suggest that molecular recording devices with kinetic properties similar to natural polymerases could be used to perform experiments in which neural activity is compared across several experimental conditions, and that devices engineered by combining favorable biochemical properties from multiple known polymerases could potentially measure faster phenomena such as slow synchronization of neuronal oscillations. Sophisticated engineering of DNAPs is likely required to achieve molecular recording of neuronal activity with single-spike temporal resolution over experimentally relevant timescales.  相似文献   

MINQUE (Minimum Norm Quadratic Unbiased Estimators) theory is applied to the problem of estimation of variance components in family data (siblings) with variable family size. Using this approach, the traditional iterative maximum likelihood estimators are shown to be asymptotically normal, even though the data come from non-identical parent distributions. Asymptotic expressions are also obtained for the variance of the MINQUE estimators which hold even if the data are decidedly non-normal (e.g. a mixture of normals). In the case of normal data, exact small-sample variance estimates are derived. Simulations demonstrate the fast rate of convergence to asymptotic properties as the number of families increases. These desirable qualities suggest that the easy to compute MINQUE class of estimators may provide a useful alternative method for modelling familial aggregation.  相似文献   

Zebrafish larvae display rich locomotor behaviour upon external stimulation. The movement can be simultaneously tracked from many larvae arranged in multi-well plates. The resulting time-series locomotor data have been used to reveal new insights into neurobiology and pharmacology. However, the data are of large scale, and the corresponding locomotor behavior is affected by multiple factors. These issues pose a statistical challenge for comparing larval activities. To address this gap, this study has analyzed a visually-driven locomotor behaviour named the visual motor response (VMR) by the Hotelling’s T-squared test. This test is congruent with comparing locomotor profiles from a time period. Different wild-type (WT) strains were compared using the test, which shows that they responded differently to light change at different developmental stages. The performance of this test was evaluated by a power analysis, which shows that the test was sensitive for detecting differences between experimental groups with sample numbers that were commonly used in various studies. In addition, this study investigated the effects of various factors that might affect the VMR by multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The results indicate that the larval activity was generally affected by stage, light stimulus, their interaction, and location in the plate. Nonetheless, different factors affected larval activity differently over time, as indicated by a dynamical analysis of the activity at each second. Intriguingly, this analysis also shows that biological and technical repeats had negligible effect on larval activity. This finding is consistent with that from the Hotelling’s T-squared test, and suggests that experimental repeats can be combined to enhance statistical power. Together, these investigations have established a statistical framework for analyzing VMR data, a framework that should be generally applicable to other locomotor data with similar structure.  相似文献   

本文首次提出混杂试验的多元统计分析方法,并以香茅肥料试验为实例,论述平方和与乘积和矩阵的分解及总自由度的裂分方法,各种WilksA统计量的构造及其显著性测验法.最后给出了笔者编制的SAS统计分析程序.  相似文献   

本文把经典巢式设计的统计分析方法由单变量推广到多变量,使得试验或调查的多性状数据能综合在一起进行分析,以得出考虑了性状间相关性在内的统计结论并用一烟草栽培试验数据示明具体步骤。  相似文献   

Sleep disorders are a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Sleep apnea is the most common sleep disturbance and its detection relies on a polysomnography, i.e., a combination of several medical examinations performed during a monitored sleep night. In order to detect occurrences of sleep apnea without the need of combined recordings, we focus our efforts on extracting a quantifier related to the events of sleep apnea from a cardiovascular time series, namely systolic blood pressure (SBP). Physiologic time series are generally highly nonstationary and entrap the application of conventional tools that require a stationary condition. In our study, data nonstationarities are uncovered by a segmentation procedure which splits the signal into stationary patches, providing local quantities such as mean and variance of the SBP signal in each stationary patch, as well as its duration . We analysed the data of 26 apneic diagnosed individuals, divided into hypertensive and normotensive groups, and compared the results with those of a control group. From the segmentation procedure, we identified that the average duration , as well as the average variance , are correlated to the apnea-hypoapnea index (AHI), previously obtained by polysomnographic exams. Moreover, our results unveil an oscillatory pattern in apneic subjects, whose amplitude is also correlated with AHI. All these quantities allow to separate apneic individuals, with an accuracy of at least . Therefore, they provide alternative criteria to detect sleep apnea based on a single time series, the systolic blood pressure.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2015,21(5):501-507
Objective: To describe the temporal distribution of hypoglycemia and its rate of recurrence during hospitalization to aid in the development of strategies to prevent hypoglycemia in hospitalized patients.Methods: Retrospective review of hypoglycemia (blood glucose <50 mg/dL) audit data in adult hospitalized patients at 2 academic hospitals. Demographics, timing, and blood glucose values were recorded. Antihyperglycemic medications, number of recurrent events, and change in basal insulin dose following the hypoglycemic event were also extracted.Results: A total of 274 index occurrences of hypoglycemia were analyzed. The mean age of the patients was 53.8 years, with roughly equal gender distributions. Twenty-eight percent of the events occurred in the absence of antihyperglycemic therapy. The incidence of hypoglycemia peaked between midnight and 6 AM. There were 36 instances of recurrent hypoglycemia associated with antihyperglycemic therapy, with 78% (n = 28) cases involving basal insulin. Patients on basal insulin who developed hypoglycemia did not have their dose changed prior to the time of the next administration in 75% of the cases.Conclusion: Hypoglycemia in hospitalized patients may occur with greater frequency overnight. Although cumbersome, routine nocturnal glycemic testing should be considered. Education regarding insulin management in the hospital and improved communication between night and day staff may aid in decreasing subsequent hypoglycemic events.Abbreviations: BG = blood glucose EHR = electronic health record ICU = intensive care unit IV = intravenous  相似文献   

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