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CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞发挥效应的分子机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调节性T细胞是一群具有免疫调节(或免疫抑制)作用的细胞,Foxp3 CD4 CD25 调节性T细胞约占CD4 T细胞的5% ̄15%,主要是CD4 CD8-CD25-单阳性胸腺细胞在胸腺的自然选择过程中产生的,也可以通过外周诱导而产生。它通过细胞接触依赖机制和抑制性细胞因子依赖机制主动抑制自身免疫T细胞的活化,维持自稳状态。现对Foxp3 CD4 CD25 T细胞群的一些特征性分子在其效应机制中的作用进行综述。  相似文献   

DNA甲基化、染色质重塑等表观遗传作用对CD4^ T细胞向Th1和Th2的分化有重要的影响,现对Th1细胞表达IFN-γ以及Th2细胞表达IL-4/IL-13在基因转录水平的调节作用给予概述,重点阐述相关转录因子、酶以及蛋白质复合物所发挥的表观遗传调节作用的可能机制。  相似文献   

The progressive loss of CD4+ T cell population is the hallmark of HIV-1 infection but the mechanism underlying the slow T cell decline remains unclear. Some recent studies suggested that pyroptosis, a form of programmed cell death triggered during abortive HIV infection, is associated with the release of inflammatory cytokines, which can attract more CD4+ T cells to be infected. In this paper, we developed mathematical models to study whether this mechanism can explain the time scale of CD4+ T cell decline during HIV infection. Simulations of the models showed that cytokine induced T cell movement can explain the very slow decline of CD4+ T cells within untreated patients. The long-term CD4+ T cell dynamics predicted by the models were shown to be consistent with available data from patients in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Highly active antiretroviral therapy has the potential to restore the CD4+ T cell population but CD4+ response depends on the effectiveness of the therapy, when the therapy is initiated, and whether there are drug sanctuary sites. The model also showed that chronic inflammation induced by pyroptosis may facilitate persistence of the HIV latent reservoir by promoting homeostatic proliferation of memory CD4+ cells. These results improve our understanding of the long-term T cell dynamics in HIV-1 infection, and support that new treatment strategies, such as the use of caspase-1 inhibitors that inhibit pyroptosis, may maintain the CD4+ T cell population and reduce the latent reservoir size.  相似文献   

影响CD4+CD25+T细胞分化发育的细胞分子机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
免疫耐受的精髓即机体对外界病原体抗原产生免疫应答的同时对自身抗原不应答.近两年对CD4 CD25 调节性T细胞(CD4 CD25 regulatory T cell, Treg)所发挥的免疫耐受功能的研究取得了令人瞩目的长足进展,对此群细胞所具有的维持外周免疫耐受的独特地位已无可争议.但调节性T细胞的多种生物学特征特别是Treg细胞分化发育的分子机制与信号需求并不清楚,因此探索有关Treg的发生发育及其影响机制已成为近两年研究Treg细胞的热点.综述最近的相关研究数据,了解胸腺以及外周影响Treg细胞分化发育和功能产生的多种细胞分子机制,有助于进一步研究此群细胞的功能及其在抑制自身免疫性疾病、诱导移植耐受等方面的应用.  相似文献   

The association between the host immune environment and the size of the HIV reservoir during effective antiretroviral therapy is not clear. Progress has also been limited by the lack of a well-accepted assay for quantifying HIV during therapy. We examined the association between multiple measurements of HIV and T cell activation (as defined by markers including CD38, HLA-DR, CCR5 and PD-1) in 30 antiretroviral-treated HIV-infected adults. We found a consistent association between the frequency of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells expressing HLA-DR and the frequency of resting CD4+ T cells containing HIV DNA. This study highlights the need to further examine this relationship and to better characterize the biology of markers commonly used in HIV studies. These results may also have implications for reactivation strategies.  相似文献   

Immune responses and the components of protective immunity following norovirus infection in humans are poorly understood. Although antibody responses following norovirus infection have been partially characterized, T cell responses in humans remain largely undefined. In contrast, T cells have been shown to be essential for viral clearance of mouse norovirus (MNV) infection. In this paper, we demonstrate that CD4+ T cells secrete gamma interferon (IFN-γ) in response to stimulation with MNV virus-like particles (VLPs) after MNV infection, supporting earlier reports for norovirus-infected mice and humans. Utilizing this model, we immunized mice with alphavirus vectors (Venezuelan equine encephalitis [VEE] virus replicon particles [VRPs]) expressing Norwalk virus (NV) or Farmington Hills virus (FH) virus-like particles to evaluate T cell epitopes shared between human norovirus strains. Stimulation of splenocytes from norovirus VRP-immunized mice with overlapping peptides from complete libraries of the NV or FH capsid proteins revealed specific amino acid sequences containing T cell epitopes that were conserved within genoclusters and genogroups. Immunization with heterologous norovirus VRPs resulted in specific cross-reactive IFN-γ secretion profiles following stimulation with NV and FH peptides in the mouse. Identification of unique strain-specific and cross-reactive epitopes may provide insight into homologous and heterologous T cell-mediated norovirus immunity and provide a platform for the study of norovirus-induced cellular immunity in humans.Norovirus infection is characterized by the induction of both humoral and cellular immune responses. Humoral immunity in humans following norovirus infection has been described in detail for a limited number of norovirus strains (8, 10, 12, 17, 18, 29). Humans mount specific antibody responses to the infecting strain, which bear complex patterns of unique and cross-reactive, yet undefined, epitopes to other strains within or across genogroups (23, 29). Short-term immunity following homologous norovirus challenge has been documented, but long-term immunity remains controversial (16, 25). Furthermore, no studies to date have demonstrated cross-protection following heterologous norovirus challenge (30). While some susceptible individuals can become reinfected with multiple norovirus strains throughout their lifetimes, the mechanism of short-term protection and the impact of previous exposures on susceptibility to reinfection remain largely unknown.The role of T cells in controlling norovirus infection also remains largely undefined. A single comprehensive study detailing immune responses in genogroup II Snow Mountain virus-infected individuals revealed that CD4+ TH1 cells can be stimulated by virus-like particles (VLPs) to secrete gamma interferon (IFN-γ) and interleukin-2 (IL-2) (17). Furthermore, heterologous stimulation from VLPs derived from different norovirus strains within but not across genogroups also induced significant IFN-γ secretion compared to that for uninfected individuals (17). A follow-up study with genogroup I Norwalk virus (NV)-infected individuals confirmed high T cell cross-reactivity within a genogroup as measured by IFN-γ secretion (18). Further, vaccination of humans with VLPs also results in short-term IFN-γ production (27).Because norovirus infection studies in humans are confounded by previous exposure histories, the use of inbred mice maintained in pathogen-free environments allows for the study of norovirus immune responses in a naive background. While mice cannot be infected with human norovirus strains, VLP vaccines expressing norovirus structural proteins induce immune responses that can be measured and studied (14, 20). Mice immunized orally or intranasally with VLP vaccines in the presence of adjuvant similarly induced CD4+ IFN-γ responses in Peyer''s patches and spleen (22, 26). Induction of CD8+ T cells and secretion of the TH2 cytokine IL-4 were separately noted; however, it is unclear if these responses were influenced by VLPs or the coadministered vaccine adjuvants (22, 26). Further, coadministration of alphavirus adjuvant particles with multivalent norovirus VLP vaccine, including or excluding mouse norovirus (MNV) VLPs, resulted in significantly reduced MNV loads following MNV challenge (21). Multivalent VLP vaccines induced robust receptor-blocking antibody responses to heterologous human strains not included in the vaccine composition (20, 21). Moreover, natural infection with MNV supports a role for T cell immunity in viral clearance and protection (5).To advance our understanding of the scope of the cellular immune response within and between strains, we immunized mice with Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) virus replicon particles (VRPs) expressing norovirus VLPs derived from the Norwalk virus (GI.1-1968) (1) or Farmington Hills virus (FH) (GII.4-2002) (19) strains and analyzed splenocytes for cytokine secretion, epitope identification, and heterologous stimulation. The data presented here indicate that the major capsid proteins of genogroup I and II noroviruses contain robust T cell epitopes that cross-react with related strains in the mouse yet also occur within regions of known variation, especially among the GII.4 noroviruses.  相似文献   

The ability of antigen-specific T cells to simultaneously produce multiple cytokines is thought to correlate with the functional capacity and efficacy of T cells. These ‘polyfunctional’ T cells have been associated with control of HIV. We aimed to assess the impact of co-infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) on HIV-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cell function. We assessed T cell functionality in 34 South African adults by investigating the IFN-y, IL-2, TNF-α, IL-21 and IL-17 cytokine secretion capacity, using polychromatic flow cytometry, following HIV Gag-specific stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells. We show that MTB is associated with lower HIV-specific T cell function in co-infected as compared to HIV mono-infected individuals. This decline in function was greatest in co-infection with active Tuberculosis (TB) compared to co-infection with latent MTB (LTBI), suggesting that mycobacterial load may contribute to this loss of function. The described impact of MTB on HIV-specific T cell function may be a mechanism for increased HIV disease progression in co-infected subjects as functionally impaired T cells may be less able to control HIV.  相似文献   



Lymphopenia results in the proliferation and differentiation of naïve T cells into memory-like cells in the apparent absence of antigenic stimulation. This response, at least in part due to a greater availability of cytokines, is thought to promote anti-self responses. Although potentially autoreactive memory-like CD8+ T cells generated in a lymphopenic environment are subject to the mechanisms of peripheral tolerance, they can induce autoimmunity in the presence of antigen-specific memory-like CD4+ T helper cells.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we studied the mechanisms underlying CD4 help under lymphopenic conditions in transgenic mice expressing a model antigen in the beta cells of the pancreas. Surprisingly, we found that the self-reactivity mediated by the cooperation of memory-like CD8+ and CD4+ T cells was not abrogated by CD40L blockade. In contrast, treatment with anti-IL-2 antibodies inhibited the onset of autoimmunity. IL-2 neutralization prevented the CD4-mediated differentiation of memory-like CD8+ T cells into pathogenic effectors in response to self-antigen cross-presentation. Furthermore, in the absence of helper cells, induction of IL-2 signaling by an IL-2 immune complex was sufficient to promote memory-like CD8+ T cell self-reactivity.


IL-2 mediates the cooperation of memory-like CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in the breakdown of cross-tolerance, resulting in effector cytotoxic T lymphocyte differentiation and the induction of autoimmune disease.  相似文献   

Stimulating naïve CD8+ T cells with specific antigens and costimulatory signals is insufficient to induce optimal clonal expansion and effector functions. In this study, we show that the activation and differentiation of CD8+ T cells require IL-2 provided by activated CD4+ T cells at the initial priming stage within 0–2.5 hours after stimulation. This critical IL-2 signal from CD4+ cells is mediated through the IL-2Rβγ of CD8+ cells, which is independent of IL-2Rα. The activation of IL-2 signaling advances the restriction point of the cell cycle, and thereby expedites the entry of antigen-stimulated CD8+ T-cell into the S phase. Besides promoting cell proliferation, IL-2 stimulation increases the amount of IFNγ and granzyme B produced by CD8+ T cells. Furthermore, IL-2 at priming enhances the ability of P14 effector cells generated by antigen activation to eradicate B16.gp33 tumors in vivo. Therefore, our studies demonstrate that a full CD8+ T-cell response is elicited by a critical temporal function of IL-2 released from CD4+ T cells, providing mechanistic insights into the regulation of CD8+ T cell activation and differentiation.  相似文献   

Diverse Ag-specific memory TCR repertoires are essential for protection against pathogens. Subunit vaccines that combine peptide or protein Ags with TLR agonists are very potent at inducing T cell immune responses, but their capacity to elicit stable and diverse memory CD4 T cell repertoires has not been evaluated. In this study, we examined the evolution of a complex Ag-specific population during the transition from primary effectors to memory T cells after peptide or protein vaccination. Both vaccination regimens induced equally diverse effector CD4 TCR repertoires, but peptide vaccines skewed the memory CD4 TCR repertoire toward high-affinity clonotypes whereas protein vaccines maintained low-affinity clonotypes in the memory compartment. CD27-mediated signaling was essential for the maintenance of low-affinity clonotypes after protein vaccination but was not sufficient to promote their survival following peptide vaccination. The rapid culling of the TCR repertoire in peptide-immunized mice coincided with a prolonged proliferation phase during which low-affinity clonotypes disappeared despite exhibiting no sign of enhanced apoptosis. Our study reveals a novel affinity threshold for memory CD4 T cell differentiation following vaccination and suggests a role for nonapoptotic cell death in the regulation of CD4 T cell clonal selection.  相似文献   

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