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We determined the effect of low molecular weight components (LMWC) from healthy juvenile and adult Macrobrachium rosenbergii hemolymph on lectin activity and oxidative burst (OB) in hemocytes. In an attempt to identify the LMWC that affect the lectin's hemagglutinating activity or oxidative burst, we determined the hemolymph carbohydrates and free amino acids (FAA) concentration. The LMWC (<2000 Da) were obtained after dialysis of the hemolymph. Our results showed that LMWC from juveniles exerted a greater inhibition on lectin than LMWC from adult hemolymph. Production of superoxide radicals by hemocytes was lower in the presence of juvenile (p<0.05) as compared to adult LMWC. FAA composition of the hemolymph and of LMWC from adults showed higher proportion of alanine (which corresponded to 25% of total FAA) and proline (>20%); whereas, in juveniles, the main FAA identified were glycine (>40%) and alanine (26%). N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc) was the main sugar residue in the hemolymph and LMWC from juveniles; its concentration was 2.4 times higher than glucose (Glc), whereas, in adults, Glc was the main free sugar residue. Our results suggest that the proportion of FAA and carbohydrates in the hemolymph of M. rosenbergii seems to be correlated with the maturation process; furthermore, the high proportion of free GlcNAc and glycine regulate, in the juvenile stage, lectin activity and cellular oxidative mechanisms, respectively.  相似文献   

In invertebrates, lectins play relevant roles in innate immunity; however, their regulatory mechanisms have not been identified yet. In this work, we purified, by gel filtration and affinity chromatography, lectin aggregates circulating in the hemolymph of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii and compared their physicochemical properties with a previously described lectin (MrL). High-molecular weight MrL aggregates (MrL-I) lack hemagglutinating activity and showed bands of 62.1, 67.1 and 81.4 kDa, whereas MrL-III, which corresponds to MrL, showed hemagglutinating activity and is constituted by a single 9.6-kDa band as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis. MrL-I and MrL-III showed similar amino acid composition but different carbohydrates concentration. Edman degradation indicated NH2-terminal sequence of five amino acids for the 9.6-kDa MrL-III (DVPLL/A) and eleven for the main 81.4-kDa band identified in MrL-I (DVPLL/AXKQQQD); analysis by MALDI-TOF indicated a different tryptic pattern for MrL-I and MrL-III. MrL-I was recognized by monoclonal antibodies against MrL-III. Circular dichroism indicated that the secondary structure in both proteins is similar and contains 23% of beta-sheet and 24% of alpha-helix. Our results suggest that differential posttranslational processes that favor aggregation are involved in regulating the activity of the lectin.  相似文献   

Microsatellite loci were characterized in a freshwater prawn from enriched genomic library using six biotinylated probes: (AG)10, (TG)10, (CAA)10, (CAG)10, (GAT)10 and (TAC)10. Primers for DNA amplification were designed and synthesized for 20 loci. Ten loci were polymorphic with the number of alleles ranging from five to 17 alleles per locus and the observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.27 to 0.83 per locus. Developed microsatellite primers should prove useful for selective breeding programs and population genetic studies of freshwater prawn.  相似文献   

The dynamics of vitellogenin (Vg) mRNA expression and patterns of Vg and vitellin distribution in the hepatopancreas and ovary of juvenile Macrobrachium rosenbergii were examined using real-time RT-PCR and immunohistochemical methods. Eyestalk ablation was seen to induce rapid development of the gonads and Vg synthesis in females. In the female hepatopancreas, Vg mRNA expression was observed several days following ablation, after which levels increased gradually with increasing gonadosomatic index (GSI). Vitellin accumulation in the oocytes also increased with increasing Vg mRNA synthesis; expression was however negligible in the ovary. Hemolymph Vg levels in females ranged from 0.04 to 2.2 mg/ml. SDS PAGE/Western blotting analysis of hemolymph samples revealed that juvenile Vg was composed of 199 and 90 kDa subunits; the 102 kDa subunit present in adult female Vg (Okuno et al., 2002. J Exp Zool 292:417-429) could not be detected at any stage of vitellogenesis in juveniles. Vg was not detectable in non-ablated juveniles. The results of this study confirmed that the mode of involvement of eyestalk factors in regulating vitellogenesis is intrinsic to both juveniles and adults, and that a basic pattern of Vg synthesis and processing is conserved. However, the fact that juveniles are not able to produce the same Vg levels observed in adult females, and do not reach high GSI levels culminating in spawning suggests that other factors and physiological conditions specific to adult females are necessary to demonstrate full reproductive ability.  相似文献   

Crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH), a neurohormone synthesized and released from the x-organ sinus gland complex, is primarily involved in carbohydrate metabolism; biogenic amines and peptidergic neuroregulators are known to modulate the release of CHH. Marked elevations of hemolymph glucose titers, which peaked within 2 h, were observed in both intact and bilaterally eyestalk-ablated prawns, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, when they were transferred directly from their optimal temperature of 28 °C to lower temperatures close to their lethal limit. Hyperglycemia can therefore be considered a characteristic response in this species under cold shock. Involvement of biogenic amines in the hyperglycemic response was also demonstrated. Hyperglycemic effects of epinephrine, dopamine and serotonin were mediated through CHH at the eyestalk level, but the response under cold shock was not exclusively mediated through CHH. It is suggested that factor(s) other than CHH are involved in the hyperglycemic response, possibly norepinephrine or/and octopamine. Accepted: 24 October 1998  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay was developed to quantify the lectin present in the hemolymph of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. This method involves the use of murine monoclonal IgG1 with kappa light chain (designated as 3G1) antibodies raised against the purified lectin, the assay that we developed recognized as little as 30 ng/ml of lectin, and was used to measure the lectin concentration in animals at different maturation stages. The highest concentration of lectin was identified in the hemolymph from post-larval prawns and the lowest in molt stage adult animals. The hemagglutination activity of the lectin was four-fold higher in adult than in juvenile specimens, although in all cases N-acetylated sugar residues, such as N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, and N-acetyl-D-neuraminic acid were inhibitors of the lectin activity, suggesting that lectin plays a role in the transport of N-acetylated sugar in juvenile prawns. Our results indicate that lectin concentration and hemagglutinating activity could be influenced by developmental conditions of the freshwater prawn.  相似文献   

The total haemocyte count (THC), phenoloxidase activity, respiratory burst (release of superoxide anion), superoxide dismutase activity, and phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency to the pathogen Lactococcus garvieae were measured when freshwater giant prawns Macrobrachium rosenbergii (16.2 +/- 2.1 g) were individually injected with saline, or dopamine at 0.5, 5.0, or 50.0 pmol prawn(-1). The results show that a transient period of immunosuppression occurred between 2 and 8 h after injection of dopamine for all immune parameters except circulating haemocytes and all immune parameters returned to control values within 8-16 h after receiving dopamine. Injection of dopamine also significantly increased the mortality of M. rosenbergii challenged with the pathogen L. garvieae. These results suggest that stress-inducing dopamine suppresses the immune system, which in turn promotes the susceptibility to L. garvieae in M. rosenbergii.  相似文献   

In May 2001, an epizootic yeast and bacterial co-infection in the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii occurred in Taiwan causing a cumulative mortality of 25%. The diseased prawns had a yellowish-brown body color, milky hemolymph, opaque, whitish muscles, and were approximately 7 mo old with total lengths ranging from 8 to 10 cm. Histopathological examination showed marked edema, yeast infiltration, and necrotic lesions with inflammation in the muscles, hepatopancreas and other internal organs. We isolated 2 pathogens from the diseased prawns, one was a yeast (AOD081MB) and the other a gram-positive coccus (AOD081EF). The gram-positive coccus was identified as Enterococcus faecium by the API 20 Strepsystem, conventional biochemical tests, and it had 99% 16S rDNA sequence identity (GenBank Accession Number AJ276355) to E. faecium (GenBank Accession Number AF529204). The sequence of a PCR product from the D1/D2 domain of 26S rDNA (GenBank Accession Number AF529297) from the yeast gave 99% sequence identity to Metschnikowia bicuspidata (GenBank Accession Number U44822). Experimental infections with these isolates produced gross signs and histopathological changes similar to those observed in the naturally infected prawns. The lethal doses (LD50) for isolate E. faecium AOD081EF, M. bicuspidata AOD081MB and the co-infection were 4.7 x 10(4), 2.6 x 10(2), and 2.4 x 10(2) colony-forming units prawn(-1), respectively. This is the first report of a confirmed co-infection of M. bicuspidata and E. faecium in prawn aquaculture.  相似文献   

We developed a spermatophore-microinjection (SMI) technique that allows exogenous DNA fragments to be transferred easily into the giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii), an important aquacultural shellfish and aquatic invertebrate model. From 28 to 1, 000 ng of the circular plasmid pGL, in a total volume of 1 microl, were directly microinjected into spermatophores. Fertilization and hatching of prawns created with SMI were completed in vivo. Fertilization and hatching rates in the SMI treatments did not differ from those of the untreated control group. The genomes of free swimming, SMI-created larvae (21 days after fertilization) were analyzed using PCR and Southern blot analyses. A product with a molecular mass of 680 bp was amplified. It corresponded to amplifications of pGL, and Southern blot analysis revealed that the amplified band was positive. The gene transfer rate was primarily dependent on the concentration of DNA during SMI. The higher the concentration of pGL, the higher the rate of gene transfer. PCR and Southern blot analyses detected the existence of foreign DNA in 16 of 23 samples (70%) of genomic DNA isolated from hatched larvae in the 750 ng pGL SMI treatment. SMI, described here for the first time, is the simplest and most efficient method for mass producing transgenic giant freshwater prawns.  相似文献   

This paper reports on isolation and characterization of 8 microsatellite loci from a partial genomic library of Macrobrachium rosenbergii using DIG labeled dinucleotides, (GT)15 and (CT)15 as probes. Primers were designed and PCR conditions optimized for repeat arrays. Polymorphism was studied using 24 individuals collected from the wild. All the loci were polymorphic with number of alleles ranging from 3 to 5 and observed heterozygosity 0.50–0.85. All the loci except one were in agreement with Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. No significant pair wise linkage disequilibrium was found among the loci. These markers should prove useful for characterization of natural population as well as brood stock management of this species.  相似文献   

The dynamics of vitellogenin mRNA expression during ovarian maturation in Macrobrachium rosenbergii were examined by measuring hemolymph vitellogenin (Vg) levels and Vg mRNA expression in the hepatopancreas and ovary at differing reproductive stages in both intact and eyestalk ablated animals. Vg mRNA was quantified using real-time RT-PCR and hemolymph Vg was measured by enzyme immunoassay. In intact animals, Vg mRNA levels in the hepatopancreas and hemolymph Vg levels showed a gradual increase during the molt cycle concomitant with increasing gonadosomatic index (GSI), with Vg levels decreasing prior to ecdysis although GSI continued to increase. Eyestalk ablation was seen to accelerate Vg synthesis as well as ovarian maturation, although it did not alter the overall pattern of Vg expression. Vg mRNA expression was negligible in the ovary of both intact and eyestalk ablated animals, confirming that the hepatopancreas is the principal site of Vg synthesis in M. rosenbergii with the ovary being only a minor contributor. This study has shown that Vg synthesis is correlated to ovarian maturation and the molt cycle in M. rosenbergii.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to determine the effect of supplementary vitamin-E (200, 400 and 600 mg/kg feed) on lipid peroxidation (LPX) and antioxidant defence system in gills and hepatopancreas of the freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Results indicated that vitamin-E inhibited LPX in the hepatopancreas in a comparatively lower dose than gills. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was decreased significantly in gills in response to all the three supplemented diet, but in hepatopancreas decrease was observed only in response to higher doses of vitamin-E (400 and 600 mg/kg feed). Catalase (CAT) activity was reduced significantly only in gills but not in hepatopancreas. While glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity was significantly elevated in the hepatopancreas by vitamin-E, its activity remains unaltered in gills. On the contrary, glutathione reductase (GR) activity was decreased in gills but that of hepatopancreas was constant. Glutathione (GSH) content of both gills and hepatopancreas was substantially elevated in the vitamin-E supplemented prawns. Although the ascorbic acid (ASA) content of gills was unchanged by vitamin-E, its level elevated significantly in hepatopancreas. Thus the findings of the present investigation suggest that dietary vitamin-E is capable of reducing LPX level and can modulate antioxidant defence system in gills and hepatopancreas, nevertheless, the response is highly tissue specific. It is further observed that highest dose of vitamin-E (600 mg/kg feed) could not render much additional protection in both the tissues.  相似文献   

Six microsatellite loci were identified and characterized in the eastern form of the widespread and commercially important giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). The loci were detected by randomly screening for dinucleotide and trinucleotide repeat units within a partial genomic library developed for the species. In a sample of 29 prawns, number of alleles and heterozygosity per locus ranged from 12 to 18 and from 0.66 to 0.90, respectively. These markers provide powerful tools for the conservation and management of wild stocks, the improvement of cultured stocks of M. rosenbergii, and for investigating evolutionary processes underlying genetic divergence among populations.  相似文献   

The giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii is one of the most important aquaculture species in Southeast Asia. In this study, in vitro culture of its hematopoietic tissue cells was achieved and characterized for use as a tool to study its pathogens that cause major farm losses. By transmission electron microscopy, the ultrastructure of the primary culture cells was similar to that of cells lining intact hematopoietic tissue lobes. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) (a marker for hematopoietic stem cell proliferation) was detected in some of the cultured cells by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing and flow cytometry. Using a specific staining method to detect phenoloxidase activity and using PCR to detect expression markers for semigranular and granular hemocytes (e.g., prophenoloxidase activating enzyme and prophenoloxidase) revealed that some of the primary cells were able to differentiate into mature hemocytes within 24 h. These results showed that some cells in the cultures were hematopoietic stem cells that could be used to study other interesting research topics (e.g. host pathogen interactions and development of an immortal hematopoietic stem cell line).  相似文献   

Using morphological criteria, we identified three types of blood cells in the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Hyaline hemocytes, the most abundant type, have few large cytoplasmic granules, a large nucleocytoplasmic ratio, and lyse spontaneously in the absence of anticoagulant. Granular hemocytes are heterogeneous in size and in density of their granules. They are phagocytic and readily spread on substrates. The third type of hemocytes, identified as undifferentiated hemocytes, are the least abundant. The hemocytes of this economically relevant crustacean are compared with blood cells of other decapods. J. Morphol. 234:147–153, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ventura T  Aflalo ED  Weil S  Kashkush K  Sagi A 《Heredity》2011,107(5):456-461
In this study, a female-specific DNA marker in the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii was identified through amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). The AFLP-derived sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker was tested in over 200 individuals, giving reproducible sex identification. Further molecular characterization of the sex-marker's genomic region (~ 3 kb long) revealed the presence of tandem and inverted repeats. The ~ 3-kb sequence was identified both in male and female prawns, but with subtle differences: a deletion of 3 bp (present in female prawn but absent in male prawn) identified upstream of the SCAR marker sequence and two female-specific single-nucleotide polymorphisms, both indicating that male prawns are homozygous, whereas female prawns are heterozygous in this locus. Fluorescent in situ hybridization showed the ~ 3-kb sequence to be unique: to the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a unique sex-specific sequence observed in situ in crustaceans. The sex-specific marker identified in M. rosenbergii may have considerable applied merit for crustacean culture in that it will enable the determination of genetic sex at early developmental stages when phenotypic differences are not identifiable.  相似文献   

Eight single locus microsatellite markers were developed to characterize the Malaysian giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. These microsatellites were isolated from an enriched genomic library contained by using a 5'-anchored polymerase chain reaction technique. Primers were designed to flank the repeat sequences and subsequently used to characterize 30 unrelated individuals of the giant freshwater prawn. The polymerase chain reaction amplification products of these eight microsatellite loci were polymorphic with the number of alleles ranging from two to 10 alleles per locus while the levels of heterozygosity ranged from 0.6333 to 0.8667.  相似文献   

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