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Cardinium and Wolbachia are maternally inherited bacterial symbionts of arthropods that can manipulate host reproduction by increasing the fitness of infected females.Here,we report that Cardinium and Wolbachia coinfection induced male-killing and cytoplasmic incompatibility(CI)when they coexisted in a cryptic species of whitefly,Bemisia tabaci Asia II7.Cardinium and Wolbachia symbionts were either singly or simul-taneously localized in the bacteriocytes placed in the abdomen of B.tabaci nymphs and adults.Cardinium-Wolbachia coinfection induced male-killing and resulted in a higher female sex ratio in the intraspecific amphigenetic progeny of Asia II7 IcwH and IcwL lines;interestingly,male-illing induction was enhanced with increased Cardinium titer.Moreover,single infection of Wolbachia induced partial CI in the Asia II7 Iw line and resulted in reduced fecundity,higher embryonic mortality,and lower female sex ratio.The uninfected Asia II7 Iu line had significantly higher fecundity,lower embryonic and nymphal mortalities,and a lower level of CI than both the Wolbachia infected Asia II7 Iw line and the Cardinium--Wolbachia-coinfected Asia II7 IcwH line.Our findings indicate that Cardinium-Wolbachia coinfection induced male-killing,which may have had antag-onistic effects on Wolbachia-induced CI in the Asia II7 whiteflies.For the first time,our study revealed that B.tabaci Asia II7 reproduction is co-manipulated by Cardinium and Wolbachia endosymbionts.  相似文献   

Wolbachia是广泛分布于节肢动物生殖组织中的细胞质遗传的一类共生菌,可以引起宿主生殖行为的改变.烟粉虱是重要的农业害虫,已有的研究表明烟粉虱中存在Wolbachia的感染,但所检测到的感染率不高,并且迄今在烟粉虱中所检出的Wolbachia均属于B组群.该研究从我国河北、新疆、北京、山东、浙江、广西、海南、广州和福建采集到18个烟粉虱地理种群,首先基于ITS1 rDNA克隆测序鉴定了烟粉虱的生物型,然后采用自行设计的Wolbachia 16S rDNA及wsp基因的专用引物对所采集到的烟粉虱种群进行了分子检测.结果表明几乎所有的烟粉虱自然种群中都存在Wolbachia感染,同时还发现B/Q生物型烟粉虱中主要感染A组群Wolbachia,而非B/Q生物型烟粉虱中存在大量的超感染现象.该研究显示烟粉虱自然种群中Wolbachia的感染率比预想的要高得多,而分子检测方法的灵敏度可能是影响Wolbachia感染率研究的关键因素之一.  相似文献   

Abstract The whitefly Bemisia tabaci harbors Portiera aleyrodidarum, an obligatory symbiotic bacterium, as well as several secondary symbionts, including Rickettsia, Hamiltonella, Wolbachia, Arsenophonus, Cardinium and Fritschea, the function of which is unknown. In Israel, Rickettsia is found in both the B and Q of B. tabaci biotypes, and while all other secondary symbionts are located in the bacteriomes, Rickettsia can occupy most of the body cavity of the insect. We tested whether Rickettsia influences the biology of B. tabaci and found that exposing a Rickettsia‐containing population to increasing temperatures significantly increases its tolerance to heat shock that reached 40°C, compared to a Rickettsia‐free population. This increase in tolerance to heat shock was not associated with specific induction of heat‐shock protein gene expression; however, it was associated with reduction in Rickettsia numbers as was assessed by quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction and fluorescence in situ hybridization analyses. To assess the causes for thermotolerance when Rickettsia is reduced, we tested whether its presence is associated with the induction of genes required for thermotolerance. We found that under normal 25°C rearing temperature, genes associated with response to stress such as cytoskeleton genes are induced in the Rickettsia‐containing population. Thus, the presence of Rickettsia in B. tabaci under normal conditions induces the expression of genes required for thermotolerance that under high temperatures indirectly lead to this tolerance.  相似文献   

田间系统调查表明山东省农区烟粉虱优势种为Q隐种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】为了揭示山东省农区烟粉虱 Bemisia tabaci 隐种的分布情况,对2013年7-8月份期间在该省不同农区采集的烟粉虱隐种组成进行了系统调查研究。【方法】在山东省15市22个地点作物上采集了69份烟粉虱样品,利用mtCOI基因PCR-RFLP方法进行了分子鉴定,并分析了烟粉虱Q隐种在不同寄主作物及地理区域内的分布状况。【结果】22个采集地点中,17个地点的采集样品全部为烟粉虱Q隐种;其他5个地点(潍坊、菏泽、泰安、淄博和临沂)的烟粉虱Q隐种所占比例均大于90%,B隐种比例较低(<10%)。烟粉虱Q隐种比例在5种寄主(茄子、辣椒、番茄、黄瓜和棉花)种群间以及在山东省东部丘陵、中部山地和西部平原地区间均没有显著差异。【结论】2013年田间调查发现烟粉虱Q隐种在山东各地已广泛取代B隐种成为该地区优势种群。  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the mycetocytes and mycetome micro-organisms of the sweetpotato whitefly,Bemisia tabaci Genn. andTrialeurodes vaporariorum West are described. InB. tabaci, two morphologically distinct types of micro-organisms were observed in mycetocytes. The predominant type lacked a distinct cell wall, was pleomorphic in shape with a surrounding vacuole. The second type was a coccoid organism, with inner and outer cell membranes. The coccoid organism was often found in groups of varying number within vacuoles, and in many cases appeared to be undergoing degradation. InT. vaporariorum mycetocytes, pleomorphic and coccoid organisms were found, although the coccoid micro-organism inT. vaporariorum, had a thicker cell wall than the coccoid micro-organism inB. tabaci.Abbreviations C coccoid micro-organism - P pleomorphic micro-organism  相似文献   

Laboratory populations of the sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, have been shown to consist of both migratory and trivial flying morphs. The behavior of these forms as part of the process of short-range migration was examined under field conditions. Insects were marked in a field of melons using fluorescent dust during two consecutive growing seasons. During the first growing season, passive traps used to collect living whiteflies, were placed along 16 equally spaced transects radiating from the field to a distance of up to 1.0 km. Wind out of the north-east consistently carried migrating whiteflies to traps placed along transects in the south-western quadrant because cold air drainages dictate wind direction during early morning hours in the desert South-west. For this reason, during the second season traps were laid out over fallow ground in a rectangular grid extending 2.7 km to the south-west of the marked field. If dispersal was entirely passive, patterns could be described using a diffusion model. Statistical examination of the data, howèver, demonstrated that the distribution on all days was patchy. Geostatistical techniques were used to describe the observed patchiness. Traps in the immediate vicinity of the marked field caught more whiteflies than the daily median. Large numbers were also collected from near the periphery of the grid. White-flies were far less prevalent in the grid's center. As a result, the distribution of captured whiteflies can be described as bimodal. These patterns confirm behavior observed in the laboratory, i.e., a portion of the population are trivial fliers that do not engage in migration and are consequently captured in traps near the field, and a portion initially respond to cues associated with skylight, ignoring cues provided by the ground, and fly for a period of time before landing in distant traps. During both years movement out of the field had an exaggerated directional component on 13 of 14 days.  相似文献   

Wolbachia是广泛分布于节肢动物体内一类共生细菌,它能够通过多种机制调控宿主的生殖方式。近年来的研究表明,Wolbachia与许多外来生物的成功入侵相关。本文利用长PCR的方法特异扩增了不同生物型烟粉虱(共24个种群)体内Wolbachiawsp基因,结果发现B型和Q型烟粉虱入侵种群体内均未检测到Wolbachia,而在非B/Q型的浙江种群和肯尼亚种群体内检测到了Wolbachia。对该wsp基因进行测序并和已知序列进行同源性分析发现,浙江烟粉虱种群的Wolbachia属于B组Con/Rug亚种群,而肯尼亚种群属于B组Btab1亚种群。Wolbachia的存在与否可能与烟粉虱的成功入侵有一定的关系。图2表2参23  相似文献   

Abstract Endosymbionts are important components of arthropod biology. The whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) is a cryptic species complex composed of ≥ 28 putative species. In addition to the primary endosymbiont Portiera aleyrodidarum, six secondary endosymbionts (S‐endosymbionts), Hamiltonella, Rickettsia, Wolbachia, Cardinium, Arsenophonus and Fritschea, have been identified in B. tabaci thus far. Here, we tested five of the six S‐endosymbiont lineages (excluding Fritschea) from 340 whitely individuals representing six putative species from China. Hamiltonella was detected only in the two exotic invaders, Middle East‐Asia Minor 1 (MEAM1) and Mediterranean (MED). Rickettsia was absent in Asia II 1 and MED, scarce in Asia II 3 (13%), but abundant in Asia II 7 (63.2%), China 1 (84.7%) and MEAM1 (100%). Wolbachia, Cardinium and Arsenophonus were absent in the invasive MEAM1 and MED but mostly abundant in the native putative species. Furthermore, phylogenetic analyses revealed that some S‐endosymbionts have several clades and different B. tabaci putative species can harbor different clades of a given S‐endosymbiont, demonstrating further the complexity of S‐endosymbionts in B. tabaci. All together, our results demonstrate the variation and diversity of S‐endosymbionts in different putative species of B. tabaci, especially between invasive and native whiteflies.  相似文献   

Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) consists of a complex of morphologically indistinct biotypes that vary mainly in their capacity to transmit plant viruses and to induce physiological disorders in plants of economic importance. The adaptability of B. tabaci to many regions of the world has fostered the appearance of various biotypes and has resulted in a broad spectrum of host plants. Our goal was to identify which biotypes were present in four B. tabaci populations in Brazil. We quantified genetic variability between and within populations. Three individuals were collected from three host plant species: two populations on soybean (Campinas and Rondonópolis), one on pumpkin (Barreiras) and one on tomato (Cruz das Almas) in three States of Brazil (S?o Paulo, Mato Grosso, and Bahia). We chose one sequence of the B biotype, obtained from GenBank; the Campinas population, which had been previously characterized as biotype B, was used as a control for this biotype. We also included one sequence of the Q biotype, obtained from GenBank, as an outgroup. The COI region of the mtDNA gene was partially amplified with the CI-J-2195 and L2-N-3014 pair of primers, and the reaction products were sequenced. Based on distance-based algorithm analyses, we found that all haplotypes belong to biotype B, which was confirmed by the haplotype network. Genetic structure analyses showed that the host plant species does not influence population structuring of this pest; only the geographic location mattered.  相似文献   

杂食性昆虫烟盲蝽Nesidiocoris tenuis是烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci的重要天敌之一。为探索烟盲蝽对不同虫态烟粉虱的捕食作用及捕食偏好性,在室内进行了非选择性和选择性试验。结果表明,在非选择性试验中,烟盲蝽雌成虫、雄成虫以及5龄若虫可以捕食烟粉虱成虫和各龄若虫,但极少捕食卵。其中,烟盲蝽雌成虫、雄成虫及5龄若虫对烟粉虱1龄若虫的捕食量最大,分别为134.2头、101.3头和88.1头,其次是2~3龄若虫,捕食量分别为94.1头、64.2头和53.4头。而在选择性试验中烟盲蝽雄虫更偏好捕食烟粉虱的2~3龄若虫,其次是1龄若虫、4龄若虫和成虫。该结果对了解烟盲蝽控制烟粉虱的作用以及如何对烟盲蝽和其他天敌组合应用提供了参考信息。  相似文献   

The inheritance of resistance to pyriproxyfen, an insect growth regulator (a juvenoid, with ovicidal and larvicidal activities), was studied in the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). Two parental strains, both belonging to Q biotype, were assayed with pyriproxyfen; a susceptible strain (ALM-1) originating from Spain and a pyriproxyfen-resistant one (Pyri-R) from Israel. The resistance ratio between the two parental strains was approximately 7,000-fold. Concentration-mortality lines for F(1) heterozygous females from reciprocal crosses (SS female symbol X R male symbol and RR female symbol X S male symbol ) were derived by statistical modelling and proved intermediate to those of the parents. The pooled degree of dominance from both reciprocal crosses was +0.26, indicating that resistance was incompletely or partially dominant. Mortality curves for F(2) males produced by virgin F(1) heterozygous females displayed a broad plateau at 50% mortality, indicating that resistance to pyriproxyfen in B. tabaci is conferred primarily by a mutant allele at a single locus. The role of arrhenotoky in influencing the mode of inheritance of resistance, and its selection in field populations, is discussed.  相似文献   

The whitefly Bemisia tabaci is a cosmopolitan insect pest that harbors Portiera aleyrodidarum, the primary obligatory symbiotic bacterium, and several facultative secondary symbionts. Secondary symbionts in B. tabaci are generally associated with the bacteriome, ensuring their vertical transmission; however, Rickettsia is an exception and occupies most of the body cavity, except the bacteriome. The mode of Rickettsia transfer between generations and its subcellular localization in insect organs have not been investigated. Using electron and fluorescence microscopy, we show that Rickettsia infects the digestive, salivary, and reproductive organs of the insect; however, it was not observed in the bacteriome. Rickettsia invades the oocytes during early developmental stages and resides in follicular cells and cytoplasm; it is mostly excluded when the egg matures; however, some bacterial cells remain in the egg, ensuring their transfer to subsequent generations. Rickettsia was localized to testicles and the spermatheca, suggesting a horizontal transfer between males and females during mating. The bacterium was further observed at large amounts in midgut cells, concentrating in vacuole-like structures, and was located in the hemolymph, specifically at exceptionally large amounts around bacteriocytes and in fat bodies. Organs further infected by Rickettsia included the primary salivary glands and stylets, sites of possible secretion of the bacterium outside the whitefly body. The close association between Rickettsia and the B. tabaci digestive system might be important for digestive purposes. The vertical transmission of Rickettsia to subsequent generations occurs via the oocyte and not, like other secondary symbionts, the bacteriome.  相似文献   

本文报道海氏桨角蚜小蜂Erelmocerus hayati在室内对不同寄主密度下的B型和Q型烟粉虱Bemisiatabaei寄生和取食情况,并比较了该蜂对两种生物型烟粉虱功能反应的差异。结果表明,海氏桨角蚜小蜂对两种生物型烟粉虱的寄生率和致死率可分别达到60%和70%以上,平均每日最大致死量可达40头烟粉虱若虫。该蜂对两种生物型烟粉虱的功能反应曲线符合Holling Ⅱ型,随寄主密度的增加对烟粉虱若虫的寄生和致死数量均增加直至达到每日最大致死数量,而寄生率和致死率则随寄主密度的增加而显著下降。该蜂对两种生物型烟粉虱的功能反应没有显著的差异。  相似文献   

The whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) is one of the most important pests causing economic losses in a variety of cropping systems around the world. This species was recently found in a coastal region of Colombia and has now spread inland. To investigate this invasive process, the genetic structure of B. tabaci was examined in 8 sampling locations from 2 infested regions (coastal, inland) using 9 microsatellite markers and the mitochondrial COI gene. The mitochondrial analysis indicated that only the invasive species of the B. tabaci complex Middle East–Asia Minor 1 (MEAM 1 known previously as biotype B) was present. The microsatellite data pointed to genetic differences among the regions and no isolation by distance within regions. The coastal region in the Caribbean appears to have been the initial point of invasion, while the inland region in the Southwest showed genetic variation among populations most likely reflecting founder events and ongoing changes associated with climatic and topographical heterogeneity. These findings have implications for tracking and managing B. tabaci.  相似文献   

Twelve new dinucleotide microsatellite loci of the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, were obtained from enriched genomic libraries. Three polymerase chain reaction multiplex sets comprising three, five and four loci were optimized and characterized across 133 B. tabaci females from Israeli rearings and natural populations collected in four Mediterranean countries (Tunisia, France, Spain and Morocco). There were three to 24 alleles per locus and the observed heterozygosity was from 0.084 to 0.420. Deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was detected at four loci associated with significant heterozygote deficiencies due to null alleles and presence of subpopulations that were mostly in the Tunisian sample. The 12 loci carried independent information.  相似文献   

徐婧  栾军波  刘树生 《昆虫知识》2008,45(3):347-352
烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)复合种是热带、亚热带及相邻温带地区的主要害虫之一。其中的B型烟粉虱在近20年来随观赏植物的运输在世界范围内广泛传播扩散,并在许多入侵地迅速取代本地的土著烟粉虱,通过直接取食植物汁液、传播植物双生病毒等方式对当地的农业生产造成极大危害。在B型烟粉虱入侵生物学研究方面,作者课题组研究发现,至少有两个主要机制导致或促进了B型烟粉虱的广泛入侵及其所伴随的双生病毒流行:(1)入侵烟粉虱与土著烟粉虱之间的"非对称交配互作";(2)入侵烟粉虱与所传双生病毒之间的间接互惠共生关系。这些研究结果从一定程度上揭示了B型烟粉虱成功入侵的行为和生态机制,并为进一步探讨烟粉虱的入侵机制提供了思路。  相似文献   

De Barro PJ 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(12):3695-3718
Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) is a haplo-diploid species of sap-feeding insect belonging to the group of insects commonly known as whiteflies. From earlier analyses of mitochondrial and ribosomal markers it has been concluded that in the Asia-Pacific region there were three major indigenous races as well as a large collection of genotypes with no clear association with any race. This new study uses 15 microsatellite loci and demonstrates that the indigenous Asia-Pacific genotypes can be split into six genetic populations with little or no gene flow between them. These bare only superficial similarity to the mitochondrial and ribosomal defined races. Moreover, four of the six can be further split into two subpopulations that again show little evidence gene flow between them. While the patterns reflect a strong geographical structure, physical barriers alone cannot explain all the observed structure. Differential host-plant utilization explained some of the substructure, but could not explain the overall structure. The roles of mating interference and Wolbachia in developing the genetic structure are considered. The lack of gene flow between genetic populations and some subpopulations further suggests that the barriers were either sufficiently impermeable to immigration or that reproductive isolation and competitive interactions were sufficiently strong to prevent gene flow. If the latter is the case, it suggests that there may be as many as 10 morphologically indistinguishable species indigenous to the Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   

Fan  Ze-Yun  Zhu  Zhan-Peng  Peng  Jing  Chen  Xin-Yi  Lu  Zi-Tong  Pan  Hui-Peng  Qiu  Bao-Li 《BioControl》2021,66(5):639-648
BioControl - The impact of predatory or parasitic natural enemies on their pest prey or hosts arises not only through consumption but also through non-consumptive effects. Multiple studies have...  相似文献   

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