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Saprolegnia species are destructive pathogens to many aquatic organisms and are found in most parts of the world. Reports based on phylogenetic analysis suggest that Saprolegnia strains isolated from aquatic animals such as crustaceans and frogs are close to Saprolegnia strains isolated from infected fish or fish eggs and vice versa. However, it has often been assumed that host specificity occurs for each individual isolate or strain. Here we demonstrate that Saprolegnia spp. can have multiple hosts and are thus capable of infecting different aquatic organisms. Saprolegnia delica, Saprolegnia hypogyna, and 2 strains of Saprolegnia diclina were isolated from aquatic insects and amphipods while S. delica, Saprolegnia ferax, Pythium pachycaule, and a Pythium sp. were isolated from the water of a medium to fast flowing river. The ITS region of the rRNA gene was sequenced for all isolates. In challenge experiments, all four isolates from insects were found to be highly pathogenic to eggs of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and embryos of the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis). We found that Saprolegnia spp. isolated from salmon eggs were also able to successfully establish infection in nymphs of stonefly (Perla bipunctata) and embryos of X. laevis). These results suggest that Saprolegnia spp. are capable of infecting multiple hosts, which may give them an advantage during seasonal variation in their natural environments.  相似文献   

Soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) contributes to cell growth, but the contribution of sEH to embryonic development is not well understood. In this study, Xenopus sEH cDNA was isolated from embryos of Xenopus laevis. The Xenopus sEH was expressed in Escherichia coli and was purified. The epoxide hydrolase and phosphatase activities of purified sEH were investigated. The Xenopus sEH did not show phosphatase activity toward 4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate or several lysophosphatidic acids although it had EH activity. The amino acid sequence of Xenopus sEH was compared with that reported previously. We found amino acid substitutions of the 29th Thr to Asn and the 146th Arg to His and prepared a sEH mutant (N29T/H146R), designed as mutant 1. Neither wild-type sEH nor mutant 1 had phosphatase activity. Additional substitution of the 11th Gly with Asp was found by comparison with human sEH which has phosphatase activity, but the Xenopus sEH mutant G11D prepared as mutant 2 did not have phosphatase activity. The epoxide hydrolase activity of sEH seemed to be similar to that of human sEH, while Xenopus sEH did not have phosphatase activity toward several substrates that human sEH metabolizes.  相似文献   

Calpains are cytoplasmic proteases activated by calcium, implicated in cell differentiation and apoptosis. The best characterized enzymes are calpains 1-3. The aim of this work was to localize calpains 1-3 during the development of Xenopus laevis in order to clarify the function of these three proteases. For the first time, we detected the localization of the three proteases at the protein level between one-cell stage and adult age. Their expression was weak at early stages, then increased at tadpole stage and decreased through metamorphosis and adult life. The calpain's expression was maximal during the period characterized by the appearance of organs and modelling process. These observations suggest that calpains play a crucial role during development.  相似文献   

The Bestrophin-1/VMD2 gene has been implicated in Best disease, a juvenile-onset vitelliform macular dystrophy. The Bestrophin proteins have anion channel activity, and the four mammalian members share sequence homologies in multiple transmembrane domains and an RFP-tripeptide motif. The expression patterns and functions of the Bestrophin genes in retinal pigment epithelium have been studied intensively, whereas little is known about their roles in vertebrate embryogenesis. This study examined the roles of four Xenopus tropicalis homologs of BEST genes. The xtBest genes showed spatially and temporally distinct expression. xtBest-2 was the only maternally expressed Best gene, and both xtBest-2 and the Xenopus laevis Best-2 gene were expressed at the edge of the blastopore lip including the organizer. Ectopic expression of xBest-2 caused defects in dorsal axis formation and in mesodermal gene expression during gastrulation. These results suggest a new role of the Bestrophin family genes in early vertebrate embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Phenotypicaly identified Aeromonas strains (n=119) recovered mainly from diseased fish were genetically re-identified and the concordance between the results was analysed. Molecular characterization based on the GCAT genus specific gene showed that only 90 (75.6%) strains belonged to the genus Aeromonas. The 16S rDNA-RFLP method identified correctly most of the strains with the exception of a few that belonged to A. bestiarum, A. salmonicida or A. piscicola. Separation of these 3 species was correctly assessed with the rpoD gene sequences, which revealed that 5 strains with the RFLP pattern of A. salmonicida belonged to A. piscicola, as did 1 strain with the pattern of A. bestiarum. Correct phenotypic identification occurred in only 32 (35.5%) of the 90 strains. Only 14 (21.8%) of the 64 phenotypically identified A. hydrophila strains belonged to this species. However, coincident results were obtained in 88% (15/17) of the genetically identified A. salmonicida strains. Phenotypic tests were re-evaluated on the 90 genetically characterized Aeromonas strains and there were contradictions in the species A. sobria for a number of previously published species-specific traits. After genetic identification, the prevailing species were A. sobria, A. salmonicida, A. bestiarum, A. hydrophila, A. piscicola and A. media but we could also identify a new isolate of the recently described species A. tecta. This work emphasizes the need to rely on the 16S rDNA-RFLP method and sequencing of housekeeping genes such as rpoD for the correct identification of Aeromonas strains.  相似文献   

Two Saprolegnia isolates, JY isolated from silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch) and BMY isolated from zebra fish (Brachydanio rerio Hamilton) came from infections occurring concurrently in different locations in China. To confirm whether the two isolates were from the same Saprolegnia clone, comparative studies have been carried out based on their morphological, physiological and molecular characteristics. Observations showed that morphologically (both asexual and sexual organs) the two isolates were broadly similar and both isolates underwent repeated zoospore emergence. Comparing 704 base pairs of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and the 5.8S rDNA, we found isolates JY and BMY shared an identical ITS sequence with a minor variation (99.6 % similarity). Forty available sequences for representatives Saprolegnia spp. belonged to four phylogenetically separate clades. The two studied isolates fell within clade I that comprised a group of isolates which showed almost an identical ITS sequence but had been identified as a number of different morphological species. Our findings suggest that isolates JY and BMY appear to belong to the S. ferax clade and this clade (I) contains a number of closely related phylogenetic species. This is distinct from the more common fish pathogenic isolates, which belong to the Sparasitica clade (III) and are characterized by having cysts decorated by bundles of long hooked hairs and two further clades (II and IV) containing largely saprotrophic or soil born species.  相似文献   

Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm) is a seed-transmitted, quarantine pathogen which causes bacterial wilt and canker of tomato. Despite efforts to prevent seed contamination, new introductions are regularly detected, associated with new regions of tomato seed production. It seems as if the expanding diversity of Cmm also challenges the limited host range.  相似文献   

During the climax of amphibian metamorphosis many tadpole organs remodel. The different remodeling strategies are controlled by thyroid hormone (TH). The liver, skin, and tail fibroblasts shut off tadpole genes and activate frog genes in the same cell without DNA replication. We refer to this as “gene switching”. In contrast, the exocrine pancreas and the intestinal epithelium dedifferentiate to a progenitor state and then redifferentiate to the adult cell type. Tadpole and adult globin are not present in the same cell. Switching from red cells containing tadpole-specific globin to those with frog globin in the liver occurs at a progenitor cell stage of development and is preceded by DNA replication. Red cell switching is the only one of these remodeling strategies that resembles a stem cell mechanism.  相似文献   

Microarrays have great potential for the study of developmental biology. As a model system Xenopus is well suited for making the most of this potential. However, Xenopus laevis has undergone a genome wide duplication meaning that most genes are represented by two paralogues. This causes a number of problems. Most importantly the presence of duplicated genes mean that a X. laevis microarray will have less or even half the coverage of a similar sized microarray from the closely related but diploid frog Xenopus tropicalis. However, to date, X. laevis is the most commonly used amphibian system for experimental embryology. Therefore, we have tested if a microarray based on sequences from X. tropicalis will work across species using RNA from X. laevis. We produced a pilot oligonucleotide microarray based on sequences from X. tropicalis. The microarray was used to identify genes whose expression levels changed during early X. tropicalis development. The same assay was then carried out using RNA from X. laevis. The cross species experiments gave similar results to those using X. tropicalis RNA. This was true at the whole microarray level and for individual genes, with most genes giving similar results using RNA from X. laevis and X. tropicalis. Furthermore, the overlap in genes identified between a X. laevis and a X. tropicalis set of experiments was only 12% less than the overlap between two sets of X. tropicalis experiments. Therefore researchers can work with X. laevis and still make use of the advantages offered by X. tropicalis microarrays.  相似文献   

Four Gram-negative bacterial strains, recovered from clay soils cultivated with different crops in the Netherland, were subjected to a polyphasic taxonomic study in order to clarify their taxonomic status. Comparative analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that they belong to the genus Lysobacter and to be highly related to the type strains of L. antibioticus DSM 2044T, L. gummosus DSM 6980T, and L. capsici DSM 19286T, displaying 99.1–99.3%, 99.2–99.6% and 99.4–100% sequence similarities, respectively, to these species. The results of DNA–DNA hybridization studies unambigiously indicated that the four strains belonged to the species L. capsici. Nevertheless, DNA fingerprinting and phenotypic characterization indicated that there was a considerable diversification and niche differentiation among the strains belonging to L. capsici. The newly identified L. capsici strains strongly inhibit Rhizoctonia solani AG2 and originate from Rhizoctonia-suppressive soils where also populations of L. antibioticus and L. gummosus were present. This is the first report of the presence of combined populations of closely related Lysobacter spp. within agricultural soils.  相似文献   

A water-soluble polysaccharide was extracted with alkali from the cell wall of Verticillium lecanii (also called Lecanicillium lecanii). After freezing and thawing, the water-soluble fraction was purified by gel filtration chromatography on Sepharose CL-6B and eluted as one peak by HPSEC/RID. Monosaccharide analysis showed galactose and glucose (1.1:1), with traces of mannose (<1%). The structural characteristics were determined by spectroscopic analysis, FT-IR and 1D and 2D 1H and 13C NMR, and methylation results. On the basis of the data obtained, the following structure of the polysaccharide (E3SIV fraction) was established:  相似文献   

Vertebrate heart development requires specification of cardiac precursor cells, migration of cardiac progenitors as well as coordinated cell movements during looping and septation. DM-GRASP/ALCAM/CD166 is a member of the neuronal immunoglobulin domain superfamily of cell adhesion molecules and was recently suggested to be a target gene of non-canonical Wnt signalling. Loss of DM-GRASP function did not affect specification of cardiac progenitor cells. Later during development, expression of cardiac marker genes in the first heart field of Xenopus laevis such as Tbx20 and TnIc was reduced, whereas expression of the second heart field marker genes Isl-1 and BMP-4 was unaffected. Furthermore, loss of DM-GRASP function resulted in defective cell adhesion and cardiac morphogenesis. Additionally, expression of DM-GRASP can rescue the phenotype that results from the loss of non-canonical Wnt11-R signalling suggesting that DM-GRASP and non-canonical Wnt signalling are functionally coupled during cardiac development.  相似文献   

Free-living amoebae are widely distributed in aquatic environments and their hygienic, medical and ecological relationships to man are increasingly important. The purpose of this study was to isolate free-living amoebae from water-hyacinth root (Eichhornia crassipes) and the water of an urban lake in Mexico City. Five grams of wet root were seeded on non-nutritive agar with Enterobacter aerogenes (NNE). Water samples were concentrated by centrifugation at 1200g for 15 min and the pellet was seeded on NNE. Of the 16 isolated genera, 10 were detected in both habitats. The most frequent were Vannella in root and Acanthamoeba and Naegleria in water. The total number of isolates and genera isolated from root was higher than that isolated from water. The differences between root and water are probably due to the morphological characteristics of water-hyacinth root, which provides a large habitat and refuge area for many organisms.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis and Bacillus cereus belong to the B. cereus species group. The two species share substantial chromosomal similarity and differ mostly in their plasmid content. The phylogenetic relationship between these species remains a matter of debate. There is genetic exchange both within and between these species, and current evidence indicates that insects are a particularly suitable environment for the growth of and genetic exchange between these species. We investigated the conjugation efficiency of B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki KT0 (pHT73-EmR) as a donor and a B. thuringiensis and several B. cereus strains as recipients; we used one-recipient and two-recipient conjugal transfer systems in vitro (broth and filter) and in Bombyx mori larvae, and assessed multiplication following conjugation between Bacillus strains. The B. thuringiensis KT0 strain did not show preference for genetic exchange with the B. thuringiensis recipient strain over that with the B. cereus recipient strains. However, B. thuringiensis strains germinated and multiplied more efficiently than B. cereus strains in insect larvae and only B. thuringiensis maintained complete spore germination for at least 24 h in B. mori larvae. These findings show that there is no positive association between bacterial multiplication efficiency and conjugation ability in infected insects for the used strains.  相似文献   

The p24 proteins function in early secretory pathway transport processes, but their exact role is unclear. In physiologically activated Xenopus melanotrope cells, a representative of each p24 subfamily (p24α3, -β1, -γ3, -δ2) is upregulated coordinately with the major melanotrope cargo, proopiomelanocortin (POMC), whereas two other p24s (p24γ2 and -δ1) are also expressed, but not coordinately with POMC. Using melanotrope-specific transgene expression, we here find that the roles of both p24γ2 and p24δ1 in the transport, glycosylation, sulphation and cleavage of POMC are different from those of their upregulated subfamily relatives (p24γ3 and p24δ2, respectively). Thus, even p24 proteins from the same subfamily have distinct functions in secretory cargo biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The α6 integrin is essential for early nervous system development in Xenopus laevis. We have previously reported a uPA cleaved form of integrin α6 (α6p), in invasive human prostate cancer tissue, whose presence correlates with increased migration and invasive capacity. We now report that α6 is cleaved during the normal development of Xenopus in a spatially and temporally controlled manner. In addition, unlike normal mammalian tissues, which lack α6p, the major form of the α6 integrin present in adult Xenopus is α6p. The protease responsible for the cleavage in mammals, uPA, is not involved in the cleavage of Xenopus α6. Finally, overexpression of a mammalian α6 mutant which cannot be cleaved leads to developmental abnormalities suggesting a potential role for the cleavage in development.  相似文献   

Tricladium, with 21 accepted species, is the largest genus of aquatic hyphomycetes. It encompasses species with dematiaceous as well as mucedinaceous colonies. Conidiogenesis is thalloblastic; conidiogenous cells proliferate percurrently or sympodially. Conidia have typically two alternate primary lateral branches. Fontanospora and Variocladium are segregates of Tricladium, differing by conidial branching. Varicosporium comprises nine species, one not well known. Conidiogenesis is blastic or thalloblastic, conidiogenous cells proliferate sympodially or are determinate; conidia regularly produce primary and secondary branches and often fragment into part conidia. Molecular analyses on the 28S rDNA of 86 isolates, including 16 species of Tricladium, five species of Varicosporium, two species of Fontanospora and one species of Variocladium, place these hyphomycetes within Helotiales. Tricladium is polyphyletic and placed in six clades; Varicosporium is polyphyletic and placed in three clades; Fontanospora is polyphyletic within a single clade. Variocladium is placed with poor support as a sister taxon to Varicosporium giganteum, Hymenoscyphus scutula and Torrendiella eucalypti.  相似文献   

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