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We recorded nesting data at 569 fresh night nest sites, comprising 7032 individual nests, of Cross River gorillas inhabiting the Kagwene Mountain in western Cameroon. The mean night nest group size was 12.4. Overall, 55% of night nests were constructed on the ground and 45% in trees. Significantly more arboreal nests were constructed in the wet season (69%), vs. the dry season (19%). Day nest construction was common at Kagwene (n = 260 nest sites, mean nest group size = 5.98) and we encountered significantly more day nest sites in the wet season. Nest site reuse was also common (35%), though not related to season. Our results of nesting habits concur with those from other western gorilla studies, in which rainfall influences arboreal nesting. However, we encountered wet season arboreal nesting, day nest construction, and overall nest site reuse more frequently than reported for other sites. Our observations have considerable implications when estimating group size and density using traditional nest count data. The gorillas at Kagwene inhabit the highest altitudinal range of all Cross River gorilla subpopulations and rainfall is also high; therefore other subpopulations may demonstrate different nesting characteristics. However, one should consider our findings when attempting to estimate Cross River gorilla density at other localities through nest site data.  相似文献   

Although various aspects of gorilla nest building have been described in wild populations, nest-building behavior of captive gorillas has not been subject to much scientific review. We observed nest building in 17 gorillas during three periods: summer baseline, winter baseline, and winter treatment, in which the amount of available nesting material was doubled. We conducted observations exclusively in the indoor holding area in the hour following evening departure of animal care staff. During baseline, gorillas engaged in nest-building on 3.1% of scans and were on a constructed nest on 27.9% of scans. Overall, gorillas spent significantly more time on elevated nests than on floor nests. There were no statistically significant sex, age class, or rearing history differences in nest building, time spent on a nest, or nest location preference. Nest building consisted of both gathering and manipulating materials. The gorillas spent significantly more time building nests in winter than in summer. Additionally, they were more often on elevated nests during winter than summer. Doubling the amount of nesting material did not increase nest building, but it increased the number of floor nests. Our results suggest that providing adequate materials to captive gorillas for nest building may facilitate performance of species-typical nest-building, minimize competition among individuals for nesting sites and materials, and permit individual thermoregulation.  相似文献   

We examined 834 nests built by western lowland gorillas in Cameroon between July 2008 and July 2011 to identify the plant species used in their construction. Preference for each plant species for nesting was assessed using a ‘preference index’ calculated by combining information on the occurrence of each species in the forest and in the nests. Forty-six plant species representing about 15 % of the total number of species in the forest and 26 % of species used for nest building were frequently used by gorillas. Preference levels significantly varied among these species. Nests were mostly built with herbs of the families Marantaceae and Zingiberaceae and woody species such as Manniophyton fulvum (liana) and Alchornea floribunda (shrub). As observed in other gorilla populations, suitability for nest building and availability of gorilla food in stems were the likely determinants of plant selection. The total number of species used per nest ranged from 1 to 11, with an average of 4.9. This is high compared to other sites, emphasizing variability in the availability of nest building materials and habitat differences across the range of the western gorilla. Seasonal changes in the use of different habitat types for nesting did not appear to influence plant use for nest building as there was little variation in plant selection across seasons or the composition of nests. Our findings suggest that gorillas non-randomly select plant species to build nests, and use a particular set of species combined at varying proportions, with no clear seasonal or spatial patterns.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2002,23(5):313-320
We studied the effect of the general structure of the nest plant, especially the presence of thorns, and the structural homogeneity of the nest patch, on the vulnerability of nests to predation, using natural and artificial nests. Artificial nests placed in non-thorny plants had a significantly lower predation rate and higher daily survival rate than those in thorny plants. The addition of a ‘thorny microhabitat’ around the immediate proximity of nests placed in non-thorny plants did not have any effect on vulnerability of nests to predation. Conversely, natural nests were located in patches of habitat with a higher density of the species of plant that supported the nest compared to patches selected at random. However, daily survival rate was similar for natural nests placed in patches with a higher or lower density of the species of nest plant in the four bird species analysed. Similarly, survival of artificial nests did not increase with the presence of a higher number of plants similar to the nest plant in the nest patch. Thus, the observed patterns of survival for natural and artificial nests did not seem to support the potential prey-site hypotheses. Birds appeared to be the main nest predators in this ecosystem. Behavioural aspects of the identified predators and habitat structure could explain the lack of effect of thorns and nest patch characteristics on nest survival.  相似文献   

We recorded 310 fresh chimpanzee night nests at 72 nest sites to determine their choice of tree and site for nesting vis-à-vis the effects of sympatric gorillas. Chimpanzees did not use trees for nesting according to their abundance, but instead tended to nest in fruit trees that they used as food sources. Nesting patterns of chimpanzees may vary with nesting group size, the type of vegetation, and fruit species eaten or not eaten by gorillas. When chimpanzees lodged as a small group in the secondary forest, they nested more frequently in trees bearing ripe fruits eaten only by themselves than in those with fruit eaten also by gorillas. When they lodged as a large group in the primary forest, they nested more frequently in trees bearing ripe fruits eaten by both apes. Nest group size is positively correlated with the availability of preferred ripe fruits in secondary forest. These findings not only reflect the larger foraging groups at the larger fruiting trees but also suggest that chimpanzees may have tended to occupy fruiting trees effectively by nesting in them and by forming large nest groups when the fruits attracted gorillas. Competition over fruits between gorillas and chimpanzees, due to their low productivity in the montane forest of Kahuzi, may have promoted the chimpanzee tactics.  相似文献   

We collected nesting data from 512 fresh nest sites, including 3725 individual nests, of western gorillas at the Mondika Research Site, Central African Republic and Republic of Congo from 1996 through mid-1999. The mean count of nests of weaned individuals is 7.4 per nest site. Nest types included bare earth with no construction (45% of total), partial to full ground construction (34%), and arboreal (21%). Females, blackbacks, and juveniles as a combined age-sex class built significantly more arboreal nests (21% of total) than silverbacks did (2%). Proximate rainfall (independent of temperature) is significantly correlated with nest construction, i.e., as rainfall increased, silverbacks built more ground nests, and non-silverbacks built more ground and arboreal nests. Maximum daily temperature (independent of rainfall) is significantly negatively correlated with nest construction, i.e., as temperature increased, gorillas slept more often on bare earth without constructing a nest. Accordingly, we conclude that although nest building in gorillas may have innate components shared with other great apes, it is a flexible behavioral pattern that in some western populations is often not exhibited. It appears that when gorillas in this population build nests, they do so in response to both wet and cool conditions, and independently of diet, ranging, or group size.  相似文献   

We studied the vegetation and population density of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) and gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in the Petit Loango Reserve, Gabon. The study site consists mainly of primary and secondary forest, and it also includes patches of savanna, inundated forest, and coastal scrub. The density of herbaceous plants of Marantaceae and Zingiberaceae, which serve as important foods for great apes at other study sites, is extremely low. It was very difficult to distinguish between the nests of chimpanzees and gorillas because most gorilla nests were made in trees. We developed a new method to identify the builder of nests via a combination of field observation of nests and fecal samples, and examination of hair samples under a scanning electron microscope. Nests of chimpanzees were mainly in primary forest, and the estimated density (0.78 individual per km 2 ) is higher than the average density in Gabon and comparable to the nest density in the Lopé Reserve, Gabon. Nests of gorillas were mainly in secondary forest, and their estimated density (0.21) is similar to the average next density in Gabon but lower than the gorilla nest density in the Lopé Reserve. The low density of herbaceous foods seemed to influence the density of gorillas but not the density of chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Western gorillas Gorilla gorilla have been exceedingly difficult to habituate to the presence of human observers. Nevertheless, researchers have amassed a wealth of information on population densities and group structure for this ape species by locating and counting the sleeping nests of wild individuals. Such nest-count studies have suggested that western gorilla groups often have multiple silverbacks and these multimale groups occasionally divide into smaller subgroups. However, observational data from forest clearing sites and from a few recently habituated western gorilla groups show no evidence of multimale family groups or of subgrouping. This discrepancy underscores a long-standing question in ape research: How accurately do nesting sites reflect true group compositions? We evaluated these indirect measures of group composition by using DNA from faeces and hair to genetically identify individual gorillas at nesting sites. Samples were collected from unhabituated wild western gorillas ranging near Mondika Research Center in the Central African Republic and Republic of Congo. DNA extracted from these samples was genotyped at up to 10 microsatellite loci and one X–Y homologous locus for sex identification. Individuals were then identified at nesting sites by their unique multilocus genotypes, thus providing a 'molecular census' of individual gorillas. Results confirm that western gorillas often build more than one nest at a nesting site and, thus, nest counts can be highly inaccurate indicators of group size and composition. Indeed, we found that nest counts can overestimate group size by as much as 40%, indicating that true gorilla population numbers are probably lower than those reported from census surveys. This study demonstrates how genetic analysis can be a valuable tool for studying and conserving elusive, endangered animals.  相似文献   

Unlike nearly all other nonhuman primates, great apes build sleeping nests. In Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, chimpanzees build nests nightly and also build day nests. We investigated patterns of nest tree use by Bwindi chimpanzees to understand ecological influences on nest tree selection. We analyzed data on 3,414 chimpanzee nests located from 2000 to 2004. Chimpanzees at Bwindi were selective in their use of nest trees. Of at least 163 tree species known to occur in Bwindi [Butynski, Ecological survey of the Impenetrable (Bwindi) Forest, Uganda, and recommendations for its conservation and management. Report to the Government of Uganda, 1984], chimpanzees utilized only 38 species for nesting. Of these, four tree species (Cassipourea sp., Chrysophyllum gorungosanum, Drypetes gerrardii, and Teclea nobilis) accounted for 72.1% of all nest trees. There was considerable variation in nesting frequencies among the top four species between and within years. However, these species were used significantly more often for nesting than other species in 70.9% (39 of 55) of the months of this study. A Spearman rank correlation found no significant relationship between tree abundance and tree species preference. Ninety-three percent of all nests were constructed in food tree species, although not necessarily at the same time the trees bore food items used by chimpanzees. The results indicate that nesting tree species preferences exist. Bwindi chimpanzees' choice of nesting tree species does not appear to be dependent on tree species density or use of the tree for food. We discuss possible reasons for the selectivity in nest trees by the Bwindi population.  相似文献   

We describe the diet of a semihabituated group of Grauer's gorillas (Gorilla beringei graueri) inhabiting the montane forest of Kahuzi-Biega National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo, based on direct observations, feeding remains in their fresh trails, and fecal samples collected over 9 yr. We examined fruit availability in their habitat; consumption of fruit, vegetative, and animal food; and daily intake of vegetative plant food using a transect, fruit monitoring trails, fecal analysis, and tracing of the animal's daily trails between consecutive nest sites. The fruit food repertoire of Kahuzi gorillas resembles that of western and eastern lowland gorillas inhabiting lowland tropical forests, while their vegetative food repertoire resembles that of mountain gorillas inhabiting montane forests. Among 236 plant foods (116 species), leaves, pith, and barks constitute the major parts (70.2%), with fruit making up the minor part (19.7%). About half (53.2%) of the total fecal samples included fruit remains. The gorillas used leaves, stems and other vegetative plant parts as staples. Their fruit intake was similar to that reported for mountain gorillas in Bwindi. They ate animal foods, including earthworms, on rare occasions. Variation in fruit consumption was positively associated with variation in fruit production. The gorillas ate fig fruits frequently; fig intake is positively correlated with that of other fruits, and figs were not fallback foods. They relied heavily on bamboo shoots on a seasonal basis; however, no bamboo shoots were available for several years after a major flowering event. Our results support the argument that variation in gorilla diets mostly reflects variation in vegetational composition of their habitats.  相似文献   

Ants are among the most important elements in many ecosystems and known as famous ecosystem engineers. By changing physical and chemical properties of soil, ants may provide suitable habitats for other species. Based on previous observations, we hypothesized that Persian goitered gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa subgutturosa) exhibit a preference for utilizing sites close to seed harvester ant (Messor spp.) nests. We tested our hypothesis by (1) mapping the occurrence of harvester ant nests and aggregated gazelle pellet groups along 31 strip transects, (2) monitoring pellet group accumulation bimonthly at 56 pairs of permanent plots established on ant nests and at adjacent control sites for a complete year, and (3) comparing vegetation and soil parameters between ant nest sites used by gazelles and paired control plots without ant nests. Although the area of Messor spp. nest sites covered only about 0.29% of the sampled transects, 84% of the gazelle pellet group aggregation sites were positioned upon ant nests, suggesting that gazelles actively selected Messor spp. nest sites. Pair-wise comparisons between ant nest plots and paired control plots also confirmed higher use of ant nest sites by gazelles compared to sites without ant nests in all time periods. Percent soil organic matter, percent cover of gravel, and annual herb vegetation significantly differed between ant nest and paired control plots in all the vegetation communities. We suggest that the alterations brought about by harvester ants on soil and vegetation make these sites attractive to gazelles. Gazelle territoriality behaviour and use of ant nests as bedding sites may be the reasons for selection of ant nest sites by gazelles.  相似文献   

Foods eaten by gorillas (Gorilla beringei) in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (BINP), Uganda, were analyzed for their nutrient content. The goal of the study was to assess the amounts of fiber, protein, and sugars in the foods eaten by the Bwindi gorillas, and to determine whether condensed tannins and cyanide are present in these foods. A total of 127 food plant parts representing 84 plant species eaten by two groups of Bwindi gorillas were collected, processed, and analyzed for their chemical contents. The Bwindi gorilla ate foods that contain 2-28% crude protein (CP), 21-88% neutral detergent fiber (NDF), 14-60% acid detergent fiber (ADF), 2-42% acid detergent lignin (ADL), and 相似文献   

Social spiders of the species Stegodyphus dumicola live in communal nests with hundreds of individuals and are characterized by extremely low species-wide genetic diversity. The lack of genetic diversity in combination with group living imposes a potential threat for infection by pathogens. We therefore proposed that specific microbial symbionts inhabiting the spider nests may provide antimicrobial defense. To compare the bacterial and fungal diversity in 17 nests from three different locations in Namibia, we used 16S rRNA gene and internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) sequencing. The nest microbiomes differed between geographically distinct spider populations and appeared largely determined by the local environment. Nevertheless, we identified a core microbiome consisting of four bacterial genera (Curtobacterium, Modestobacter, Sphingomonas, Massilia) and four fungal genera (Aureobasidium, Didymella, Alternaria, Ascochyta), which likely are selected from surrounding soil and plants by the nest environment. We did not find indications for a strain- or species-specific symbiosis in the nests. Isolation of bacteria and fungi from nest material retrieved a few bacterial strains with antimicrobial activity but a number of antimicrobial fungi, including members of the fungal core microbiome. The significance of antimicrobial taxa in the nest microbiome for host protection remains to be shown.  相似文献   

Abstract. It has been suggested that ant nests are the most frequent small‐scale disturbance that affect vegetation patterns. However, their effects on plant diversity are little studied. We document effects of nests of the leaf‐cutting ant Acromyrmex lobicornis on physical‐chemical soil properties and their influence on plant diversity near road verges in a desert steppe in NW Patagonia, Argentina. We analysed nest soils and controls for nitrogen, phosphorus, organic matter, moisture retention capacity and texture. We also analysed the vegetation on 42 nests (30 active and 12 abandoned or without life) and 42 areas without nests. Soil around nests had a greater nutrient content and capacity to retain moisture than control soils, which is mainly due to the presence of organic waste that the ants deposit on the soil surface. We found no association between the occurrence of nests and specific groups of plants, but plant diversity was higher at nest‐sites than at nearby non‐nest sites. This increased diversity – which is also found on abandoned nests – is mainly due to the occurrence of a larger number of native and exotic plant species on nest‐sites that are uncommon elsewhere in the study area. The most abundant plant species showed similar cover values at nest and non‐nest sites. This suggests that changes in diversity are associated to edaphic changes caused by nests rather than by changes in competitive balance caused by dominant species exclusion. We propose that the nests of Acromyrmex lobicornis, through increasing the availability of resources, generate favourable microsites that can function both as ‘refuges’ for less frequent native species, and as‘stepping stones’ for less frequent exotic plant species.  相似文献   

For conservation purposes and due to growing ecotourism, free-ranging mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei) have been habituated to humans. Fecal specimens (n = 62) collected in January 1999 from mountain gorillas of the Bwindi and Mgahinga National Parks, Uganda, were tested for Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp., and Shigella spp., and the overall prevalence of infection was 19%, 13%, and 6%, respectively. The prevalence of positive specimens was not related to the year of habituation of a gorilla group to humans. Campylobacter spp., Salmonella, and Shigella spp. infections were not distributed equally among the age classes of gorillas; most of the enteropathogens (80%), and all Shigella spp. organisms, S. sonnei, S. boydii, and S. flexneri, were isolated from subadults and adult gorillas with ages ranging from 6.0 to 11.9 yr. The prevalence of Campylobacter spp. and Salmonella spp. infections among human-habituated gorillas has doubled during the last 4 yr, and isolation of Shigella spp. for the first time from mountain gorillas, may indicate enhanced anthropozoonotic transmission of these enteropathogens.  相似文献   

Abstract  In this study, it was investigated whether ants nesting under artificial rocks in a mesic south-eastern Australian grassland showed preference for nest sites with different temperature regimes. The study also allowed evaluation of competition between species for nest sites and observations of seasonality in brood and alate production in the nests of four common ant groups. On every sampling occasion more than 90% of nests were either Iridomyrmex spp., Rhytidoponera 'metallica' , Paratrechina sp. or Pheidole spp. Soil underneath thinner artificial rocks had higher average temperatures and warmed up earlier in the day and Iridomyrmex spp. and R. 'metallica' showed preference for establishing nests under these. While all ant nests had summer peaks in brood production, Iridomyrmex spp. and R. 'metallica' had brood observed throughout the year. Winged reproductives were commonly encountered in Iridomyrmex spp., R. 'metallica' and Paratrechina sp. nests, but only occasionally Pheidole spp. nests. Alates were present in the nests from February but released by all taxa after spring rains and were scarcely recorded in November, December and January when brood production was observed in most nests. Nest sites that offer protection from predators are an obvious advantage, but improved reproductive success can be gained in cool regions such as the mesic grasslands of the Australian Capital Territory by choosing nest sites with an optimal thermal regime.  相似文献   

Animals use the chemical compounds of plants as a defence mechanism against enemies, and sometimes use olfaction to discriminate and select the chemical plant substances. Some birds bring to the nest plant material that has volatile compounds that protect the host and their offspring against parasitic organisms. Here we show that blue tits on the island of Corsica ( Parus caeruleus ogliastrae ) adorn their nests with fragments of aromatic plants. These plants have chemical compounds that are used by humans to make aromatic house cleaners and herbal medicines. We also show that individual blue tits maintain an aromatic nest environment when offspring are raised, using odour cues to determine the frequency with which they replenish the nest with fresh plant material. We provide an exceptional example of the ecologically relevant use of olfaction by birds under natural conditions. To our knowledge, we present the first experimental demonstration that a free-ranging animal makes use of smell to maintain an aromatic environment for offspring with plants, supporting predictions of the nest protection hypothesis.  相似文献   

Ape Abundance and Habitat Use in the Goualougo Triangle, Republic of Congo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) and western gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) populations in central Africa are rapidly declining as a result of disease epidemics, commercial bushmeat hunting, and habitat destruction. Our main objective was to estimate the absolute abundance and habitat utilization of chimpanzees and gorillas in the intact forests of the Goualougo Triangle in the Republic of Congo, and in an adjacent area in which selective logging will take place in the near future. The estimates provide a unique baseline for apes inhabiting an undisturbed environment. A second objective was to compare estimates of abundance and patterns of habitat utilization generated by different techniques: 1) distance sampling of individual ape nests and nest sites along line transects, 2) direct observations of apes during reconnaissance surveys, and 3) observations of ape traces during reconnaissance surveys. We completed a total of 222 km of line transect surveys in 4 sampling areas, resulting in overall density estimates of 1.53 chimpanzees/km2 and 2.34 gorillas/km2 from nest sites. We generated a density estimate of 2.23 chimpanzees/km2 from direct observations during reconnaissance surveys of a semihabituated community in 1 of the 4 sampling areas. Habitat use profiles that nest surveys depicted on transects differed from those of direct observations and traces we encountered on reconnaissance surveys. We found the highest overall abundance of chimpanzee nests in monodominant Gilbertiodendron forest, whereas our direct observations showed that chimpanzees preferred mixed species forest. Transects that traversed the core area of the community range had the highest encounter rates of chimpanzee nests and nest sites. Gorilla nests on transects showed a preference only for mixed species forest with an open canopy, but direct observations and traces on reconnaissance surveys clearly indicated that gorillas use several habitat types. We conclude by evaluating the precision of these nest surveys and our ability to detect future trends in ape densities in the Goualougo Triangle.
Samantha StrindbergEmail:

Based on their geographic proximity to the Virunga Volcanoes (≈ 25 km), the Bwindi-Impenetrable Forest gorillas have been referred to the subspecies Gorilla gorilla beringei. Differences in anatomy, habitat, ecology, and behavior, however, suggest Bwindi gorillas are distinct from those in the Virungas. Relative to Virunga gorillas, Bwindi gorillas live at lower elevations, in warmer temperatures, are much more arboreal, have longer day ranges and larger home ranges, and eat much more fruit and pith, and less bamboo and leaves. Morphological differences reflect the differences in ecology, habitat, and behavior. Bwindi gorillas measured have smaller bodies, relatively longer limbs, hands, and feet, shorter trunks, thumbs, big toes, and tooth row lengths, and narrower trunks and orbital breadths than Virunga gorillas. These differences indicate Bwindi gorillas do not belong to G.g. beringei and should not be referred to as “mountain gorillas.” How unique the distinguishing features of Bwindi gorillas are, and whether or not they should be assigned to a new taxon, depends on the expression of these features in eastern lowland gorillas (G.g. graueri). © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Decaying wood is a sodium source for mountain gorillas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Like several other non-human primates, mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda consume decaying wood, an interesting but puzzling behaviour. This wood has little obvious nutritional value; it is low in protein and sugar, and high in lignin compared to other foods. We collected pieces of wood eaten and avoided by gorillas, and other foods consumed by gorillas, and measured their sodium content. Wood was substantially higher in sodium than other dietary items, and wood pieces from stumps eaten contained more sodium than those that were avoided. Wood represented only 3.9% of the wet weight food intake of gorillas, but contributed over 95% of dietary sodium, leading us to conclude that decaying wood is an important sodium source for Bwindi gorillas. Because sodium has been leached from the weathered soils characteristic of the subhumid and humid tropics, and because terrestrial plants generally do not require sodium, tropical herbivores, including gorillas, often encounter problems locating the sodium essential for their well-being. Decaying wood is an unexpected sodium source.  相似文献   

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