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在编写《Flora of China》五加科Araliaceae时,发现两个新种,即拟榕叶罗伞Brassaiopsis pseudoficifolia Lowry&C.B.Shang和光华鹅掌柴Scheffiera zhuana Lowry&C.B.Shang。前者与榕叶罗伞B.ficifolia Dunn很相似,其区别在于,叶裂片数目较多,花序上具较多的伞形花序,花序轴具刺,主要分布于云南,广西偶见。后者与白花鹅掌柴S.leucantha R.Vig.相似,其区别在于,子房心皮数目较多,果时具明显的萼缘,花盘扁平,叶质地较薄,局限分布于西藏墨脱县。同时发现越南产的Brassaiopsis gaussenii Bui和中国产的细序鹅掌柴Scheffiera tenuis H.L.Li、球序鹅掌S.glomerulata H.L.Li均不能成立,处理为异名。  相似文献   

韦发南   《广西植物》1993,13(3):203-219
广西五加科植物不但种类丰富,占全国总种数的1/3强,而且经济价值大。中外驰名的人参,在广西引种已成功,有效成分与东北产人参相似,只是糖分略较东北人参为高;人们熟悉的五加皮酒的主药五加皮,广西产量大宗,有广阔的利用前景;民间治风湿要药枫荷桂,广西全境有产,储藏量大,也是一种有发展前途的草药。笔者借编著《广西植物志》之机,对我所馆藏的本科广西标本作了全面研究、订正。在研究叶形变异大的树参属(Dendropanax Decne.)和罗伞树属(Brassaiopsis Decne.)时,遇到了不少困难,后来得到美国哈佛大学植物标本馆给予借用于30年代在广西采的几个种的模式标本,才使困难得以解决。现已知广西五加科共有16属(野生),70种以上。本文报道65种。  相似文献   

中国五加科楤木属一些分类群的订正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全面修订五加科檧木属的基础上 ,对中国檧木属几个有问题的种 ,即A .chinensisL .,A .de caisneanaHance,A .elata (Miq .)Seem .,A .stipulataFranch .,A .dasyphylloidesJ.Wen ,A .thomsoniiSeem .exClarke,A .vietnamensisHa,A .foliolosa (Wall.)Seem .,A .armata (Wall.exDon)Seem .,A .finlaysoniana(Walli.exDon)Seem .和A .debilisJ.Wen进行了讨论 ,并对若干名称作了异名处理。  相似文献   

在研究桂西北和滇东南植物区系的过程中,对五加科的部分种类进行了修订。其中包括1个新种,1个新变种,2个新组合,4个新异名。还报道了一些种的地理分布新记录。  相似文献   

王蕾  廖文波 《西北植物学报》2012,32(6):1261-1266
通过对标本和文献的研究,指出《中国植物志》中黑叶冬青的果枝图版和检索表存在的问题,澄清了《中国植物志》和《Flora of China》中将黑叶冬青(Ilex melanophylla H.T.Chang)被描述为粗枝冬青(Ilex robusta C.J.Tseng)的错误,并对黑叶冬青进行了分类学修订,在仅有的新种原文和模式产地植物志2种文献的基础上,补充和完善雄花枝、果序、果实、分核、分布等内容,将1~2果聚伞果序订正为1~3果聚伞果序,并重新编制了包括黑叶冬青在内的8个近缘种的检索表。  相似文献   

在全面修订五加科木忽木属的基础上.对中国木忽木属几个有问题的种,即A . chinensis L.,A.de- caisneana Hanece,A.elata(Miq.)Seem.,A.stipulata Franch.,A.dasyphylloides J.Wen,A. thomsonii Seem. ex Clarke,A.vietnamensis Ha,A.foliolosa(Wall.)Seem.,A.armata(Wall .ex Don)Seem.,A. finlaysoniana(Walli.ex Don)Seem.和A.debilis J.Wen进行了讨论,井对若于名称作了异名处理。  相似文献   

在野外考察和查阅模式标本的基础上,将紫云小檗Berberis ziyunensis P. K. Hsiao & Z. Y. Li与单花小檗B. uniflora F. N. Wei & Y. G. Wei归并。  相似文献   

不同溶液浸泡处理对鹅掌柴扦插繁殖的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以清水对照,用多菌灵 福美双溶液和NAA IBA溶液对鹅掌柴插穗浸泡处理后扦插,试验对插穗的形态生长指标和生根过程进行了统计,并对插穗内源性激素IAA、ABA的含量进行了分析。结果表明:NAA IBA和适宜的多菌灵 福美双溶液均可提高插穗的生根率,促进根生长。经浸泡处理的插穗的成活率显著地高于对照(p<0.01)。多菌灵 福美双溶液浸泡插穗3h的理论最佳浓度为519mg/L。519mg/L多菌灵 福美双和200mg/LNAA IBA处理都提高了插穗IAA的含量,ABA的含量却有所降低。用519mg/L多菌灵 福美双和200mg/LNAA IBA分别浸泡插穗1.5h,成活率达到95.6%,比单独用200mg/LNAA IBA处理的成活率提高了10%(p<0.05);实验结果还表明,鹅掌柴的生根属混合生根型。  相似文献   

以蓟马诱导的鹅掌柴叶片管状虫瘿为材料,分析了虫瘿和非虫瘿组织的抗氧化活性及其它生理响应以及营养物质的含量、分配等。结果发现虫瘿组织中许多生理指标如过氧化氢浓度、过氧化物酶和苯丙氨酸解氨酶活性以及丙二醛含量都比非虫瘿组织低。虫瘿组织比非虫瘿组织光合速率下降而呼吸速率增强,虫瘿组织转变为一个营养库能够富集较多的营养物质。仅仅使用植物激素和蓟马萃取物不能诱导虫瘿的形成,但是,细胞分裂素类植物生长调节物可以引起类似蓟马诱导虫瘿的早期反应。  相似文献   

黄算珠树(Glochidion fortunei Hance)在《中国植物志》和《Flora of China》中被处理为算盘子[G.puber(L.)Hutch.]的异名,但在《广东植物志》中则作为独立物种所收录。基于形态特征比较和文献研究,黄算珠树与台闽算盘子(G.rubrum Blume)实为同种,故将黄算珠树处理为台闽算盘子的异名。另外,将算盘子的学名由Glochidion puberum纠正为G.puber。  相似文献   

Analysis of ethereal extracts of the roots of Didymopanax macrocarpus and D. vinosus gave falcarinol, dehydrofalcarinol, falcarinone, dehydrofalcarinone and octa-9(Z); 17-diene-12,14-diyne-1,16-diol. The presence of these dehydro compounds in the Araliaceae is very unusual and may constitute an index for chemotaxonomic characterization of the genus.  相似文献   

米兰山小橘(芸香科)的分类订正   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对芸香科山小橘属米兰山小橘进行了分类订正,根据模式标本查阅及原始文献相关特征描述,该种属于楝科割舌树属已知种类,将其处理为割舌树的异名.  相似文献   

Aralia sect. Aralia (Araliaceae) consists of approximately eight species disjunctly distributed in Asia and North America. Phylogenetic and biogeographic analyses were conducted using sequences of the internal transcribed spacer regions of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. Aralia racemosa from eastern North America was sister to A. californica from western North America. Aralia cordata from eastern Asia did not form a species-pair relationship with the eastern North American A. racemosa. The two subspecies of A. racemosa formed a monophyletic group. Biogeographic analyses showed a close area relationship between eastern North America and western North America. The Himalayas were cladistically basal and eastern Asia was placed between the Himalayas and North America. The biogeographic analysis supported the origin of the eastern Asian and eastern North American disjunct pattern in Aralia sect. Aralia via the Bering land bridges. Comparisons with results of phylogenetic analyses of other genera suggested that (1) the floristic connection between eastern North America and western North America may be stronger than previously thought; and (2) the biogeographic patterns in the Northern Hemisphere are complex. Furthermore, a lack of correlation between sequence divergence values and phylogenetic positions was observed, suggesting the importance of a phylogenetic framework in biogeographic analyses.  相似文献   

One new nor sesquiterpenes, Schesesquiterpene (1), together with nine reported sesquiterpenes and nor sesquiterpenes (210) were obtained from Schefflera leucantha R.Vig. (Araliaceae). The structures were determined according to spectroscopic data analysis and chemical evidence. Noteworthily, Compound 7 was isolated as a new natural product, and other compounds (26 and 810) were obtained from the family Araliaceae for the first time.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Seemannaralia appears to be fundamentally different from all other Araliaceae in the presence of a well-developed symplicate zone in its gynoecium, as well as in the ovule insertion in the symplicate zone (rather than in the cross-zone). The present investigation re-examined the floral structure of Seemannaralia with emphasis on the morphology and evolution of its gynoecium.


Flowers and fruits of Seemannaralia gerrardii at various developmental stages were examined using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.

Key Results

Ovaries in the flowers of Seemannaralia are bilocular. Each ovary locule corresponds to a carpel whose ascidiate part is distinctly longer than the plicate part. Each carpel contains one fertile ovule attached to the cross-zone, and one sterile ovule as well. The fruit is unilocular: its central cavity is occupied by a single large seed. In the course of fruit development, the growth of one ovule stops while another ovule develops into the mature seed. When this ovule outgrows the available space in the locule, the septum is ruptured, forming a united cavity of two carpels.


Despite literature data, the synascidiate zone is well developed in the gynoecium of Seemannaralia, and the ovules are attached to the cross-zone. Its preanthetic and anthetic gynoecium has nearly the same structure as gynoecia of most other Araliaceae. The Seemannaralia fruit resembles the paracarpous gynoecium but its ground plan is very different because the central cavity is formed by mechanical rupture of the septum. The term ‘pseudoparacarpy’ (‘false paracarpy’) is proposed to describe this condition, which has not been reported to date for indehiscent fruits in any taxa other than Seemannaralia. In this genus, the pseudoparacarpy has probably resulted from a decrease in seed number in the course of the transition from zoochory to anemochory.  相似文献   

A discussion of the little-known and poorly localized Linnaean species Vitis heptaphylla is presented. Its long, though sometimes questioned, association with Middle America arose from J. E. Smith's annotation of the probable type specimen (No. 281.10, LINN) as a possible member of Sciodaphyllum and his association of the name with the Jamaican Aralia sciodaphyllum Willd. [sic] (Schefflera sciodaphyllum (Sw.) Harms) in Rees' Cyclopaedia. However, the plant is the same as the East Asian tree described as Aralia octophylla Lour, and known almost universally since the 1890s as Schefflera octophylla (Lour.) Harms. A formal treatment, incorporating the necessary new combination, is given. Notes on six other Linnaean Mantissa altera species claimed, like Vitis heptaphylla, to be from "India orientalis" but without supporting references, are given in an Appendix.  相似文献   

Panax stipuleanatus (Araliaceae) is an endangered and medicinally important plant endemic to China. However, phylogenetic relationships within the genus Panax have remained unclear. In this study, we sequenced the complete plastome of P. stipuleanatus and included previously reported Panax plastomes to better understand the relationships between species and plastome evolution within the genus Panax. The plastome of P. stipuleanatus is 156,069 base pairs (bp) in length, consisting of a pair of inverted repeats (IRs, each 25,887 bp) that divide the plastome into a large single copy region (LSC, 86,126 bp) and a small single copy region (SSC, 8169 bp). The plastome contains 114 unigenes (80 protein-coding genes, 30 tRNA genes, and 4 rRNA genes). Comparative analyses indicated that the plastome gene content and order, as well as the expansion/contraction of the IR regions, are all highly conserved within Panax. No significant positive selection in the plastid protein-coding genes was observed across the eight Panax species, suggesting the Panax plastomes may have undergone a strong purifying selection. Our phylogenomic analyses resulted in a phylogeny with high resolution and supports for Panax. Nine proteincoding genes and 10 non-coding regions presented high sequence divergence, which could be useful for identifying different Panax species.  相似文献   

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