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Behavioural syndromes are correlations between behaviours in different functional contexts. Behavioural syndromes are attracting the attention of evolutionary biologists because they mean that different behaviours might not be free to evolve independently of one another. In a landmark study, Huntingford (1976) showed that individual stickleback which were bold toward predators were also aggressive toward conspecifics and active in an unfamiliar environment. Here, I revisited the activity-aggression-boldness syndrome in stickleback and tested the hypothesis that correlations between behaviours might act as evolutionary constraints. I measured a suite of behaviours on wild-caught individuals and their offspring from two different populations and calculated heritabilities and genetic correlations between the different behaviours. I found that these behaviours were phenotypically and genetically correlated in one population but not another. On average, boldness and aggression were negatively related to each other across the populations. These results suggest that behavioural syndromes don't always act as evolutionary constraints.  相似文献   

Analyses of mitochondrial (mt) DNA and microsatellite variation were carried out to examine the relationships between 10 freshwater populations of three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus along the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. Partial sequences of the mtDNA control region and cytochrome b gene, in addition to 15 microsatellite loci, were used to analyse populations from four isolated river catchments. Results uncovered an Adriatic lineage that was clearly divergent from the European lineage, and confirmed that the most divergent and ancient populations are located within the Adriatic lineage as compared with other European populations. Two northern Adriatic populations formed independent clades within the European mitochondrial lineage, suggesting different colonization histories of the different Adriatic populations. Nuclear marker analyses also indicated deep divergence between Adriatic and European populations, albeit with some discordance between the mtDNA phylogeny of the northern Adriatic populations, further highlighting the strong differentiation among the Adriatic populations. The southern populations within the Adriatic lineage were further organized into distinct clades corresponding to respective river catchments and sub-clades corresponding to river tributaries, reflecting a high degree of population structuring within a small geographic region, concurrent with suggestions of existence of several microrefugia within the Balkan Peninsula. The highly divergent clades and haplotypes unique to the southern Adriatic populations further suggest, in accordance with an earlier, more limited survey, that southern Adriatic populations represent an important reservoir for ancient genetic diversity of G. aculeatus.  相似文献   

Natural selection is expected to leave an imprint on the neutral polymorphisms at the adjacent genomic regions of a selected gene. While directional selection tends to reduce within-population genetic diversity and increase among-population differentiation, the reverse is expected under balancing selection. To identify targets of natural selection in the three-spined stickleback ( Gasterosteus aculeatus ) genome, 103 microsatellite and two indel markers including expressed sequence tags (EST) and quantitative trait loci (QTL)-associated loci, were genotyped in four freshwater and three marine populations. The results indicated that a high proportion of loci (14.7%) might be affected by balancing selection and a lower proportion (2.8%) by directional selection. The strongest signatures of directional selection were detected in a microsatellite locus and two indel markers located in the intronic regions of the Eda-gene coding for the number of lateral plates. Yet, other microsatellite loci previously found to be informative in QTL-mapping studies revealed no signatures of selection. Two novel microsatellite loci ( Stn12 and Stn90 ) located in chromosomes I and VIII, respectively, showed signals of directional selection and might be linked to genomic regions containing gene(s) important for adaptive divergence. Although the coverage of the total genomic content was relatively low, the predominance of balancing selection signals is in agreement with the contention that balancing, rather than directional selection is the predominant mode of selection in the wild.  相似文献   

Variation at nine microsatellite loci, four of which are linked to phenotypic traits (spine length and lateral plate morphology) in Canadian three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus , are used to test for selection on marine and freshwater three-spined stickleback morphs in Iceland. There are indications of strong selection on loci linked to dorsal spine length, providing another potential example of parallel divergence at the genomic level in three-spined stickleback.  相似文献   

Identifying the causal factors underlying natural selection remains a key challenge in evolutionary biology. Although the genetic basis for the plate morph evolution of three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) is well described, the environmental variables that form the basis for different morphs are not understood. We measured the effects of dissolved calcium and salinity on the growth of sticklebacks with different plate morphs from Scotland and Poland. There was a significant interaction of calcium with plate morph for fish from both regions, with complete morph sticklebacks growing more slowly at low calcium concentrations and low morph sticklebacks showing divergent responses to calcium concentration. A Scottish anadromous population showed evidence of local adaptation to high salinity, which was independent of plate morph. Polish and Scottish populations diverged in their response to salinity, suggesting a difference in osmotic regulation. The results implicate a role for calcium in selecting for plate morph evolution in sticklebacks, possibly as a limiting element in skeletal growth.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in geometric body shape and external morphology was compared between marine and stream-resident forms of three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus collected from North America and Japan. Some aspects of sexual dimorphism were shared between ecotypes: males had larger heads than females with no significant effect of ecotype on the magnitude of sexual dimorphism. By contrast, a significant sex-by-ecotype interaction was found for body depth. Males tended to have deeper bodies than females in both forms, but the magnitude of sexual dimorphism was reduced in stream-resident forms. Although females were generally larger in standard length and had larger pelvic girdles, significant sexual dimorphism in these traits was not consistently found across populations or ecotypes. These results suggest that some aspects of sexual dimorphism were shared between ecotypes, while others were unique to each population. The results further suggest that ecology may influence the evolution of sexual dimorphism in some external morphological traits, such as body depth.  相似文献   

Inconsistencies in the relationship between fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and fitness may be due to selection acting on the degree of trait asymmetry that differs among populations or among traits. We assessed relationships between parasite susceptibility and fluctuating asymmetry in the number of bony lateral plates among 83 populations of freshwater Gasterosteus aculeatus (three spined stickleback) and among lateral plate positions that vary in the selection they experience for symmetry. The correlation between FA and parasite infection was highly variable among samples. Excess of infected asymmetric G. aculeatus increased significantly as the robustness of structural predator defences decreased. This effect was found for one parasite species only (Eustrongylides sp.) and was slightly stronger in females. In addition, there was a trend for there to be an excess of infected females asymmetric in those lateral plates positions that did not experience selection for their symmetry, although the trend only approached significance. These results suggest that selection for trait symmetry can obscure relationships between fitness and individual-wide developmental stability, providing one possible explanation for some of the heterogeneity in FA/fitness relationships seen in the literature. These results are also consistent with previous reports showing that ecological segregation between symmetric and asymmetric G. aculeatus and between sexes can alter the FA/fitness relationship.  相似文献   

The body shape of 1303 adult male three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus from 118 populations on Haida Gwaii archipelago off the mid-coast of British Columbia was investigated using discriminant function analysis on partial warp scores generated from 12 homologous landmarks on a digital image of each fish. Results demonstrated geographical differences in adult body shape that could be predicted by both abiotic and biotic factors of the habitat. Populations with derived shape (CV1−), including thick peduncles, posterior and closely spaced dorsal spines, anterior pelvis, small dorsal and anal fins, were found in small, shallow, stained ponds, and populations with less derived shape (CV1+), with small narrow peduncles, anterior and widely spaced dorsal spines, posterior pelvis, large dorsal and anal fins were found in large, deep, clear lakes. This relationship was replicated between geographic regions; divergent mtDNA haplotypes in lowland populations; between predation regimes throughout the archipelago, and in each geographical region and between predation regimes in lowland populations monomorphic for the Euro and North American mtDNA haplotype. There were large-bodied populations with derived shape (CV2−), including small heads and shallow elongate bodies in open water habitats of low productivity, and populations with smaller size and less derived shape (CV2+), with large heads and deeper bodies in higher productivity, structurally complex habitats. This relationship was replicated between geographic regions, and partially between divergent mtDNA haplotypes in lowland populations. Field tests for phenotypic plasticity of body shape suggest that <10% of the total variation in body shape among populations throughout the archipelago can be attributed to plasticity.  相似文献   



Understanding the genetic basis of adaptive evolution is one of the major goals in evolutionary biology. Recently, it has been revealed that gene copy number variations (GCNVs) constitute significant proportions of genomic diversities within natural populations. However, it has been unclear whether GCNVs are under positive selection and contribute to adaptive evolution. Parallel evolution refers to adaptive evolution of the same trait in related but independent lineages, and three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) is a well-known model organism. Through identification of genetic variations under parallel selection, i.e., variations shared among related but independent lineages, evidence of positive selection is obtained. In this study, we investigated whole-genome resequencing data from the marine and freshwater groups of three-spined sticklebacks from diverse areas along the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean coastlines, and searched for GCNVs under parallel selection.


We identified 24 GCNVs that showed significant differences in the numbers of mapped reads between the two groups, and this number was significantly larger than that expected by chance. The derived group, i.e., freshwater group, was typically characterized by larger gene-copy numbers, which implied that gene duplications or multiplications helped with adaptation to the freshwater environment. Some of the identified GCNVs were those of multigenic family genes, which is consistent with the theory that fatal effects due to copy-number changes of multigenic family genes tend to be less than those of single-copy genes.


The identification of GCNVs that were likely under parallel selection suggests that contribution of GCNVs should be considered in studies on adaptive evolution.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-735) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of natural selection can be identified using experimental approaches. However, such experiments often yield nonsignificant effects and imprecise estimates of selection due to low power and small sample sizes. Combining results from multiple experimental studies might produce an aggregate estimate of selection that is more revealing than individual studies. For example, bony pelvic armour varies conspicuously among stickleback populations, and predation by vertebrate and insect predators has been hypothesized to be the main driver of this variation. Yet experimental selection studies testing these hypotheses frequently fail to find a significant effect. We experimentally manipulated length of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) pelvic spines in a mesocosm experiment to test whether prickly sculpin (Cottus asper), an intraguild predator of stickleback, favours longer spines. The probability of survival was greater for stickleback with unclipped pelvic spines, but this effect was noisy and not significant. We used meta‐analysis to combine the results of our mesocosm experiment with previously published experimental studies of selection on pelvic armour. We found evidence that fish predation indeed favours increased pelvic armour, with a moderate effect size. The same approach found little evidence that insect predation favours reduced pelvic armour. The causes of reduced pelvic armour in many stickleback populations remain uncertain.  相似文献   

A repeated pattern of background colour matching in animals is an indication that pigmentation may be cryptic. Here, we examine the relationship between pigmentation of the freshwater isopod Asellus aquaticus and background darkness in 29 lakes, wetlands and ponds in Southern Sweden. The results show that Asellus pigmentation was correlated with substrate darkness across all localities. In seven localities, in which two contrasting substrate types were noted, Asellus populations were differentiated with respect to pigmentation. These findings thus provide phenomenological support for cryptic pigmentation in Asellus. Pigmentation generally increased with body size, but the relationship between pigmentation and size differed among localities, possibly as a result of differences in correlational selection on pigmentation and size. Selection thus appears to have resulted in local differentiation over a small spatial scale, even within lakes and wetlands. This differentiation is a likely cause behind elevated phenotype variation noted in localities with two substrate types, suggesting that habitat heterogeneity promotes genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Spatial variation in parasitic infections is common, and has the potential to drive population divergence and the reproductive isolation of hosts. However, despite support from theory and model laboratory systems, little strong evidence has been forthcoming from the wild. Here, we show that parasites are likely to cause reproductive isolation in the adaptive radiation of three-spined stickleback. Adjacent wild populations on the Scottish island of North Uist differ greatly and consistently in the occurrence of different parasites that have substantial effects on fitness. Laboratory-reared fish are more resistant to experimental infection by parasite species from their own population. Furthermore, hybrid backcrosses between the host populations are more resistant to parasites from the parental population to which they are more closely related. These patterns provide strong evidence that parasites can cause ecological speciation, by contributing to selection against migrants and ecologically dependent postmating isolation.  相似文献   

Genomic and genetic methods allow investigation of how frequently the same genes are used by different populations during adaptive evolution, yielding insights into the predictability of evolution at the genetic level. We estimated the probability of gene reuse in parallel and convergent phenotypic evolution in nature using data from published studies. The estimates are surprisingly high, with mean probabilities of 0.32 for genetic mapping studies and 0.55 for candidate gene studies. The probability declines with increasing age of the common ancestor of compared taxa, from about 0.8 for young nodes to 0.1–0.4 for the oldest nodes in our study. Probability of gene reuse is higher when populations begin from the same ancestor (genetic parallelism) than when they begin from divergent ancestors (genetic convergence). Our estimates are broadly consistent with genomic estimates of gene reuse during repeated adaptation to similar environments, but most genomic studies lack data on phenotypic traits affected. Frequent reuse of the same genes during repeated phenotypic evolution suggests that strong biases and constraints affect adaptive evolution, resulting in changes at a relatively small subset of available genes. Declines in the probability of gene reuse with increasing age suggest that these biases diverge with time.  相似文献   

Migration is a complex trait although little is known about genetic correlations between traits involved in such migration syndromes. To assess the migratory responses to climate change, we need information on genetic constraints on evolutionary potential of arrival dates in migratory birds. Using two long-term data sets on barn swallows Hirundo rustica (from Spain and Denmark), we show for the first time in wild populations that spring arrival dates are phenotypically and genetically correlated with morphological and life history traits. In the Danish population, length of outermost tail feathers and wing length were negatively genetically correlated with arrival date. In the Spanish population, we found a negative genetic correlation between arrival date and time elapsed between arrival date and laying date, constraining response to selection that favours both early arrival and shorter delays. This results in a decreased rate of adaptation, not because of constraints on arrival date, but constraints on delay before breeding, that is, a trait that can be equally important in the context of climate change.  相似文献   

We study the population genetics of adaptation in nonequilibrium haploid asexual populations. We find that the accumulation of deleterious mutations, due to the operation of Muller's ratchet, can considerably reduce the rate of fixation of advantageous alleles. Such reduction can be approximated reasonably well by a reduction in the effective population size. In the absence of Muller's ratchet, a beneficial mutation can only become fixed if it creates the best possible genotype; if Muller's ratchet operates, however, mutations initially arising in a nonoptimal genotype can also become fixed in the population, since the loss of the least-loaded class implies that an initially nonoptimal background can become optimal. We show that, while the rate at which adaptive mutations become fixed is reduced, the rate of fixation of deleterious mutations due to the ratchet is not changed by the presence of beneficial mutations as long as the rate of their occurrence is low and the deleterious effects of mutations (s(d)) are higher than the beneficial effects (s(a)). When s(a) > s(d), the advantage of a beneficial mutation can outweigh the deleterious effects of associated mutations. Under these conditions, a beneficial allele can drag to fixation deleterious mutations initially associated with it at a higher rate than in the absence of advantageous alleles. We propose analytical approximations for the rates of accumulation of deleterious and beneficial mutations. Furthermore, when allowing for the possible occurrence of interference between beneficial alleles, we find that the presence of deleterious mutations of either very weak or very strong effect can marginally increase the rate of accumulation of beneficial mutations over that observed in the absence of such deleterious mutations.  相似文献   

Growing knowledge of the molecular basis of adaptation in wild populations is expanding the study of natural selection. We summarize ongoing efforts to infer three aspects of natural selection—mechanism, form and history—from the genetics of adaptive evolution in threespine stickleback that colonized freshwater after the last ice age. We tested a mechanism of selection for reduced bony armour in freshwater by tracking genotype and allele frequency changes at an underlying major locus (Ectodysplasin) in transplanted stickleback populations. We inferred disruptive selection on genotypes at the same locus in a population polymorphic for bony armour. Finally, we compared the distribution of phenotypic effect sizes of genes underlying changes in body shape with that predicted by models of adaptive peak shifts following colonization of freshwater. Studies of the effects of selection on genes complement efforts to identify the molecular basis of adaptive differences, and improve our understanding of phenotypic evolution.  相似文献   

The role and intensity of positive selection maintaining the polymorphism of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I genes in the three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus was investigated. The highly polymorphic set of MHC class I genes found was organized in a single linkage group. Between 5 and 14 sequence variants per individual were identified by single-stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. Segregation analysis studied in 10 three-spined stickleback families followed the expected pattern of Mendelian inheritance. The gamete fusion in three-spined stickleback thus seems to be random with respect to the MHC class I genes. The DNA sequence analyses showed that the expressed MHC class I loci are under strong selection pressure, possibly mediated by parasites. Codons that were revealed to be under positive selection are potentially important in antigen binding. MHC class I sequences did not form significant supported clusters within a phylogenetic tree. Analogous to MHC class II genes, it was not possible to assign the class I sequences to a specific locus, suggesting that the class I genes may have been generated by recent gene duplication.  相似文献   

Behavioural syndromes, that is correlated behaviours, may be a result from adaptive correlational selection, but in a new environmental setting, the trait correlation might act as an evolutionary constraint. However, knowledge about the quantitative genetic basis of behavioural syndromes, and the stability and evolvability of genetic correlations under different ecological conditions, is limited. We investigated the quantitative genetic basis of correlated behaviours in the freshwater isopod Asellus aquaticus. In some Swedish lakes, A. aquaticus has recently colonized a novel habitat and diverged into two ecotypes, presumably due to habitat‐specific selection from predation. Using a common garden approach and animal model analyses, we estimated quantitative genetic parameters for behavioural traits and compared the genetic architecture between the ecotypes. We report that the genetic covariance structure of the behavioural traits has been altered in the novel ecotype, demonstrating divergence in behavioural correlations. Thus, our study confirms that genetic correlations behind behaviours can change rapidly in response to novel selective environments.  相似文献   

Understanding the historical processes that generated current patterns of phenotypic diversity in nature is particularly challenging in subdivided populations. Populations often exhibit heritable genetic differences that correlate with environmental variables, but the non-independence among neighbouring populations complicates statistical inference of adaptation. To understand the relative influence of adaptive and non-adaptive processes in generating phenotypes requires joint evaluation of genetic and phenotypic divergence in an integrated and statistically appropriate analysis. We investigated phenotypic divergence, population-genetic structure and potential fitness trade-offs in populations of Daphnia melanica inhabiting neighbouring subalpine ponds of widely differing transparency to ultraviolet radiation (UVR). Using a combination of experimental, population-genetic and statistical techniques, we separated the effects of shared population ancestry and environmental variables in predicting phenotypic divergence among populations. We found that native water transparency significantly predicted divergence in phenotypes among populations even after accounting for significant population structure. This result demonstrates that environmental factors such as UVR can at least partially account for phenotypic divergence. However, a lack of evidence for a hypothesized trade-off between UVR tolerance and growth rates in the absence of UVR prevents us from ruling out the possibility that non-adaptive processes are partially responsible for phenotypic differentiation in this system.  相似文献   

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