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The present study investigated the mechanical properties of tendon fascicles from the anterior and posterior human patellar tendon. Collagen fascicles from the anterior and posterior human patellar tendon in healthy young men (mean +/- SD, 29.0 +/- 4.6 yr, n = 6) were tested in a mechanical rig. A stereoscopic microscope equipped with a digital camera recorded elongation. The fascicles were preconditioned five cycles before the failure test based on pilot data on rat tendon fascicle. Human fascicle length increased with repeated cycles (P < 0.05); cycle 5 differed from cycle 1 (P < 0.05), but not cycles 2-4. Peak stress and yield stress were greater for anterior (76.0 +/- 9.5 and 56.6 +/- 10.4 MPa, respectively) than posterior fascicles (38.5 +/- 3.9 and 31.6 +/- 2.9 MPa, respectively), P < 0.05, while yield strain was similar (anterior 6.8 +/- 1.0%, posterior 8.7 +/- 1.4%). Tangent modulus was greater for the anterior (1,231 +/- 188 MPa) than the posterior (583 +/- 122 MPa) fascicles, P < 0.05. In conclusion, tendon fascicles from the anterior portion of the human patellar tendon in young men displayed considerably greater peak and yield stress and tangent modulus compared with the posterior portion of the tendon, indicating region-specific material properties.  相似文献   

Tendons are collagen-based fibrous tissues that connect and transmit forces from muscle to bone. These tissues, which are high in collagen type I content, have been studied extensively to understand collagen fibrillogenesis. Although the mechanisms have not been fully elucidated, our understanding has continued to progress. Here, we review two prevailing models of collagen fibrillogenesis and discuss the regulation of the process by candidate cellular and extracellular matrix molecules. Although numerous molecules have been implicated in the regulation of collagen fibrillogenesis, we focus on those that have been suggested to be particularly relevant to collagen type I fibril formation during tendon development, including members of the collagen and small leucine-rich proteoglycan families, as well as other molecules, including scleraxis, cartilage oligomeric matrix protein, and cytoskeletal proteins.  相似文献   

Collagen production in regenerating tendon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Collagen XI is a fibril-forming collagen that regulates collagen fibrillogenesis. Collagen XI is normally associated with collagen II-containing tissues such as cartilage, but it also is expressed broadly during development in collagen I-containing tissues, including tendons. The goals of this study are to define the roles of collagen XI in regulation of tendon fibrillar structure and the relationship to function. A conditional Col11a1-null mouse model was created to permit the spatial and temporal manipulation of Col11a1 expression. We hypothesize that collagen XI functions to regulate fibril assembly, organization and, therefore, tendon function. Previous work using cho mice with ablated Col11a1 alleles supported roles for collagen XI in tendon fibril assembly. Homozygous cho/cho mice have a perinatal lethal phenotype that limited the studies. To circumvent this, a conditional Col11a1flox/flox mouse model was created where exon 3 was flanked with loxP sites. Breeding with Scleraxis-Cre (Scx-Cre) mice yielded a tendon-specific Col11a1-null mouse line, Col11a1Δten/Δten. Col11a1flox/flox mice had no phenotype compared to wild type C57BL/6 mice and other control mice, e.g., Col11a1flox/flox and Scx-Cre. Col11a1flox/flox mice expressed Col11a1 mRNA at levels comparable to wild type and Scx-Cre mice. In contrast, in Col11a1Δten/Δten mice, Col11a1 mRNA expression decreased to baseline in flexor digitorum longus tendons (FDL). Collagen XI protein expression was absent in Col11a1Δten/Δten FDLs, and at ~50% in Col11a1+/Δten compared to controls. Phenotypically, Col11a1Δten/Δten mice had significantly decreased body weights (p < 0.001), grip strengths (p < 0.001), and with age developed gait impairment becoming hypomobile. In the absence of Col11a1, the tendon collagen fibrillar matrix was abnormal when analyzed using transmission electron microscopy. Reducing Col11a1 and, therefore collagen XI content, resulted in abnormal fibril structure, loss of normal fibril diameter control with a significant shift to small diameters and disrupted parallel alignment of fibrils. These alterations in matrix structure were observed in developing (day 4), maturing (day 30) and mature (day 60) mice. Altering the time of knockdown using inducible I-Col11a1−/− mice indicated that the primary regulatory foci for collagen XI was in development. In mature Col11a1Δten/Δten FDLs a significant decrease in the biomechanical properties was observed. The decrease in maximum stress and modulus suggest that fundamental differences in the material properties in the absence of Col11a1 expression underlie the mechanical deficiencies. These data demonstrate an essential role for collagen XI in regulation of tendon fibril assembly and organization occurring primarily during development.  相似文献   

The effects of collagen fiber orientation and osteon geometry on the mechanical properties of secondary osteons under axial compression/tension and combined loadings (compression, bending and torsion) were investigated using a composite-beam finite-element model. Three cross-sectional shapes of secondary osteons were studied to show the effect of geometry. The results of stiffness are presented using the tension and compression properties for each lamella. The model shows that the mechanical properties of osteons are enhanced in bending and torsion when collagen fibers are oriented within 30 degrees of the loading axis. Osteons with alternating lamellar orientation are not well adapted to resist torsional moments, but alternate collagen fiber orientation has virtually no effect on the bending stiffness of osteons. Fiber orientation affects the mechanical properties less significantly when osteons are non-circular. Collagen fiber orientation and osteon geometry interact to determine the mechanical behavior of the osteon, and may act in a compensatory manner in the adaptive process.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate muscle and tendon properties in highly trained sprinters and their relations to running performance. Fifteen sprinters and 15 untrained subjects participated in this study. Muscle thickness and tendon stiffness of knee extensors and plantar flexors were measured. Sprinter muscle thickness was significantly greater than that of the untrained subjects for plantar flexors, but not for knee extensors (except for the medial side). Sprinter tendon stiffness was significantly lower than that of the untrained subjects for knee extensors, but not for plantar flexors. The best official record of a 100-m race was significantly correlated to the muscle thickness of the medial side for knee extensors. In conclusion, the tendon structures of highly trained sprinters are more compliant than those of untrained subjects for knee extensors, but not for plantar flexors. Furthermore, a thicker medial side of knee extensors was associated with greater sprinting performance.  相似文献   

Summary The problematic ligament of sea urchins is a connective tissue which crosses the ball-and-socket joint between spine and body wall. The problem of this ligament is that it is composed of parallel collagen fibrils, yet normally undergoes rapid and dramatic alterations in mechanical properties and in length. Previous work has suggested that the collagen fibrils of the ligament are able to slide past one another during length changes but are inhibited from sliding when the ligament is in catch. In this model of the ligament both the collagen fibrils and the interfibrillar matrix are mechanically important. We have found that the collagen fibrils of the spine ligament of the pencil urchin Eucidaris tribuloides are discontinuous and end by tapering within the body of the ligament. Intact fibrils that have been isolated from the ligament vary by more than an order of magnitude in length and in radius but have a constant length/radius (aspect) ratio of about 5300. This is the first determination of the aspect ratio of collagen fibrils from any source. The constant aspect ratio of the fibrils is consistent with their functioning as the discontinuous fiber phase in a fiber-reinforced composite material, while the high value of the aspect ratio indicates that the nonfibrillar matrix, which must act to transfer stress between fibrils, can produce a stiff and strong ligament even if it is several orders of magnitude weaker and more compliant than the fibrils. Moreover, the tensile properties of the ligament may be determined by the properties of the matrix. A prominent component of the interfibrillar matrix is a proteoglycan which associates with specific bands at the surface of the collagen fibrils through noncovalent binding of its core protein. The glycosaminoglycan moiety of this proteoglycan is partly comprised of chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate polymers. These results are consistent with the sliding fibril hypothesis and suggest that the proteoglycan may be an important component of the stress-transfer matrix.  相似文献   

Fibrils of embryonic cartilage are heterotypic alloys formed by collagens II, IX, and XI and have a uniform diameter of approximately 20 nm. The molecular basis of this lateral growth control is poorly understood. Collagen II subjected to fibril formation in vitro produced short and tapered tactoids with strong D-periodic banding. The maximal width of these tactoids varied over a broad range. By contrast, authentic mixtures of collagens II, IX, and XI yielded long and weakly banded fibrils, which, strikingly, had a uniform width of about 20 nm. The same was true for mixtures of collagens II and XI lacking collagen IX as long as the molar excess of collagen II was less than 8-fold. At higher ratios, the proteins assembled into tactoids coexisting with cartilage-like fibrils. Therefore, diameter control is an inherent property of appropriate mixtures of collagens II and XI. Collagen IX is not essential for this feature but strongly increases the efficiency of fibril formation. Therefore, this protein may be an important stabilizing factor of cartilage fibrils.  相似文献   

The purpose of this technical report is to describe a cost-effective and highly reliable methodology to measure mechanical and material properties of the Achilles tendon. Subjects are positioned on an isokinetic dynamometer time synchronized to a diagnostic ultrasound device. A tendon fascicle distal to the soleus is visualized during a ramped isometric maximal plantarflexion contraction. Excursion of the fascicle and tendon torque output yield a force-elongation curve in which mechanical characteristics and material properties are derived. Excellent intrasession and intersession reliabilities were observed for both the dynamometer (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] 0.99, 0.95) and excursion (ICC 0.99, 0.93) measures. Practical applications for this methodology include examination of training regimes for optimal tendon adaptation and rehabilitation in the presence of tendinopathy.  相似文献   

Tendons attach muscles to bone and thereby transmit tensile forces during joint movement. However, a detailed understanding of the mechanisms that establish the mechanical properties of tendon has remained elusive because of the practical difficulties of studying tissue mechanics in vivo. Here we have performed a study of tendon-like constructs made by culturing embryonic tendon cells in fixed-length fibrin gels. The constructs display mechanical properties (toe–linear–fail stress–strain curve, stiffness, ultimate tensile strength, and failure strain) as well as collagen fibril volume fraction and extracellular matrix (ECM)/cell ratio that are statistically similar to those of embryonic chick metatarsal tendons. The development of mechanical properties during time in culture was abolished when the constructs were treated separately with Triton X-100 (to solubilise membranes), cytochalasin (to disassemble the actin cytoskeleton) and blebbistatin (a small molecule inhibitor of non-muscle myosin II). Importantly, these treatments had no effect on the mechanical properties of the constructs that existed prior to treatment. Live-cell imaging and 14C-proline metabolic labeling showed that blebbistatin inhibited the contraction of the constructs without affecting cell viability, procollagen synthesis, or conversion of procollagen to collagen. In conclusion, the mechanical properties per se of the tendon constructs are attributable to the ECM generated by the cells but the improvement of mechanical properties during time in culture was dependent on non-muscle myosin II-derived forces.  相似文献   

Tendon has a complex hierarchical structure composed of both a collagenous and a non-collagenous matrix. Despite several studies that have aimed to elucidate the mechanism of load transfer between matrix components, the roles of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) remain controversial. Thus, this study investigated the elastic properties of tendon using a modified shear-lag model that accounts for the structure and non-linear mechanical response of the GAGs. Unlike prior shear-lag models that are solved either in two dimensions or in axially symmetric geometries, we present a closed-form analytical model for three-dimensional periodic lattices of fibrils linked by GAGs. Using this approach, we show that the non-linear mechanical response of the GAGs leads to a distinct toe region in the stress–strain response of the tendon. The critical strain of the toe region is shown to decrease inversely with fibril length. Furthermore, we identify a characteristic length scale, related to microstructural parameters (e.g. GAG spacing, stiffness, and geometry) over which load is transferred from the GAGs to the fibrils. We show that when the fibril lengths are significantly larger than this length scale, the mechanical properties of the tendon are relatively insensitive to deletion of GAGs. Our results provide a physical explanation for the insensitivity for the mechanical response of tendon to the deletion of GAGs in mature tendons, underscore the importance of fibril length in determining the elastic properties of the tendon, and are in excellent agreement with computationally intensive simulations.  相似文献   

The aging population is at an increased risk of tendon injury and tendinopathy. Elucidating the molecular basis of tendon aging is crucial to understanding the age-related changes in structure and function in this vulnerable tissue. In this study, the structural and functional features of tendon aging are investigated. In addition, the roles of decorin and biglycan in the aging process were analyzed using transgenic mice at both mature and aged time points. Our hypothesis is that the increase in tendon injuries in the aging population is the result of altered structural properties that reduce the biomechanical function of the tendon and consequently increase susceptibility to injury. Decorin and biglycan are important regulators of tendon structure and therefore, we further hypothesized that decreased function in aged tendons is partly the result of altered decorin and biglycan expression. Biomechanical analyses of mature (day 150) and aged (day 570) patellar tendons revealed deteriorating viscoelastic properties with age. Histology and polarized light microscopy demonstrated decreased cellularity, alterations in tenocyte shape, and reduced collagen fiber alignment in the aged tendons. Ultrastructural analysis of fibril diameter distributions indicated an altered distribution in aged tendons with an increase of large diameter fibrils. Aged wild type tendons maintained expression of decorin which was associated with the structural and functional changes seen in aged tendons. Aged patellar tendons exhibited altered and generally inferior properties across multiple assays. However, decorin-null tendons exhibited significantly decreased effects of aging compared to the other genotypes. The amelioration of the functional deficits seen in the absence of decorin in aged tendons was associated with altered tendon fibril structure. Fibril diameter distributions in the decorin-null aged tendons were comparable to those observed in the mature wild type tendon with the absence of the subpopulation containing large diameter fibrils. Collectively, our findings provide evidence for age-dependent alterations in tendon architecture and functional activity, and further show that lack of stromal decorin attenuates these changes.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to investigate the effects of low-load resistance training with vascular occlusion on the specific tension and tendon properties by comparing with those of high-load training. Nine participants completed 12 weeks (3 days/week) of a unilateral isotonic training program on knee extensors. One leg was trained using low load (20% of 1 RM) with vascular occlusion (LLO) and other leg using high load (80% of 1 RM) without vascular occlusion (HL). Before and after training, maximal isometric knee extension torque (MVC) and muscle volume were measured. Specific tension of vastus lateralis muscle (VL) was calculated from MVC, muscle volume, and muscle architecture measurements. Stiffness of tendon-aponeurosis complex in VL was measured using ultrasonography during isometric knee extension. Both protocols significantly increased MVC and muscle volume of quadriceps femoris muscle. Specific tension of VL increased significantly 5.5% for HL, but not for LLO. The LLO protocol did not alter the stiffness of tendon-aponeurosis complex in knee extensors, while the HL protocol increased it significantly. The present study demonstrated that the specific tension and tendon properties were found to remain following low-load resistance training with vascular occlusion, whereas they increased significantly after high-load training.  相似文献   

The interactions of small leucine-rich proteoglycans (SLRPs) with collagen fibrils, their association with water, and their role in fibrillogenesis suggests that SLRPs may play an important role in tendon mechanics. Some studies have assessed the role of SLRPs in the mechanical response of the tendon, but the relationships between sophisticated mechanics, assembly of collagen, and SLRPs have not been well characterized. Decorin content was varied in a dose dependent manner using decorin null, decorin heterozygote, and wild type mice. Quantitative measures of mechanical (tension and compression), compositional, and structural changes of the mouse patellar tendon were evaluated. Viscoelastic, tensile dynamic modulus was increased in the decorin heterozygous tendons compared to wild type. These tendons also had a significant decrease in total collagen and no structural changes compared to wild type. Decorin null tendons did not have any mechanical changes; however, a significant decrease in the average fibril diameter was found. No differences were seen between genotypes in elastic or compressive properties, and all tendons demonstrated viscoelastic mechanical dependence on strain rate and frequency. These results suggest that decorin, a member of the SLRP family, plays a role in tendon viscoelasticity that cannot be completely explained by its role in collagen fibrillogenesis. In addition, reductions in decorin do not cause large changes in indentation compressive properties, suggesting that other factors contribute to these properties. Understanding these relationships may ultimately help guide development of tissue engineered constructs or treatment modalities.  相似文献   

Tendons primarily function as contractile force transmitters, but their mechanical properties may change dependent upon their level of mechanical usage. Using an ultrasound-based technique we have assessed tendon mechanical properties in vivo in a number of conditions representing different levels of mechanical usage. Ageing alters tendon mechanical properties; stiffness and modulus were lower in older adults by 10 and 14%, respectively, compared to young adults. Increased levels of exercise loading in old age can however partly reverse this process, as tendon stiffness and modulus were found to increase by 65 and 69%, respectively. Complete unloading due to bed rest or spinal cord injury both reduce tendon stiffness and modulus, however, only chronic unloading due to spinal cord injury seems to cause tendon atrophy. Alterations in tendon mechanical properties due to changes in the levels loading have implications for the speed of force transmission, the muscle's operating range and the likelihood of tendon strain injury.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study in combination with our previous published data (Arampatzis et al., 2007) was to examine the effects of a controlled modulation of strain magnitude and strain frequency applied to the Achilles tendon on the plasticity of tendon mechanical and morphological properties. Eleven male adults (23.9±2.2 yr) participated in the study. The participants exercised one leg at low magnitude tendon strain (2.97±0.47%), and the other leg at high tendon strain magnitude (4.72±1.08%) of similar frequency (0.5 Hz, 1 s loading, 1 s relaxation) and exercise volume (integral of the plantar flexion moment over time) for 14 weeks, 4 days per week, 5 sets per session. The exercise volume was similar to the intervention of our earlier study (0.17 Hz frequency; 3 s loading, 3 s relaxation) allowing a direct comparison of the results. Before and after the intervention ankle joint moment has been measured by a dynamometer, tendon–aponeurosis elongation by ultrasound and cross-sectional area of the Achilles tendon by magnet resonance images (MRI). We found a decrease in strain at a given tendon force, an increase in tendon–aponeurosis stiffness and tendon elastic modulus of the Achilles tendon only in the leg exercised at high strain magnitude. The cross-sectional area (CSA) of the Achilles tendon did not show any statistically significant (P>0.05) differences to the pre-exercise values in both legs. The results indicate a superior improvement in tendon properties (stiffness, elastic modulus and CSA) at the low frequency (0.17 Hz) compared to the high strain frequency (0.5 Hz) protocol. These findings provide evidence that the strain magnitude applied to the Achilles tendon should exceed the value, which occurs during habitual activities to trigger adaptational effects and that higher tendon strain duration per contraction leads to superior tendon adaptational responses.  相似文献   

Rotator cuff tears of the shoulder are a common cause of pain and disability. The successful repair of rotator cuff tendon tears depends on the time from onset of injury to the time of surgical repair. However, the effect of time from injury to repair remains poorly understood. A rat model was used to investigate the supraspinatus tendon organizational and mechanical property changes that occur with time post-injury to understand the natural injury response in the absence of repair. It was hypothesized that increased time post-injury would result in increased detrimental changes to tendon organizational and mechanical properties. Tendons were detached at the insertion on the humerus without repair and the quantitative organizational and mechanical properties were analyzed at 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 weeks post-detachment. Tendon detachment resulted in a dramatic decrease in mechanical properties initially followed by a progressive increase with time. The quantitative collagen fiber orientation results provided corroborating support to the mechanical property data. Based on similarities in histology and mechanical properties to rotator cuff tears in humans, the animal model presented here is promising for future investigations of the tendon's natural injury response in the absence of repair.  相似文献   

Thermal stability (measured as isometric contraction force), biomechanical properties and reducible cross-links were measured in tail tendons from streptozotocin diabetic rats, with and without insulin treatment. After 10 days of diabetes the maximum thermal contraction force was unchanged, but the relaxation following the maximal contraction was retarded. After 30 days the maximum contraction force was increased and the relaxation rate was decreased. The maximum strength and stiffness of the tendons were increased after 10 days of diabetes and even more after 30 days. There was no change in the density of reducible cross-links. However, diabetes increased the amount of glucose attached to the lysine and hydroxylysine residues of collagen. Insulin treatment prevented all changes in thermal stability and mechanical properties. The results indicate that stabilization of collagen fibres in diabetes does not follow the same pattern as that seen in normal ageing.  相似文献   

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