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Functional reasons for specific changes in mammal foot skeleton occurring in course of formation and progressive evolution of locomotion on the parasagittal extremities are formulated for the first time. The paper establishes the base of the study of highly parasagittal forms (terrestrial catarhine monkeys, man and his ancestors), that evolved in primate history much later then their counterparts in other orders. The foot of primitive primate (Lemur catta) is scrutinized as a model of a primitive foot structure, that determined the peculiarities of foot evolution in higher forms. Primate foot traits as elements of general mammal foot evolution are described. Some specializations of the primate foot to the arboreal habitats are concluded to preclude the primate foot from progressing to the state inherent in highly advanced parasagittal members of other mammalian orders.  相似文献   

Based on recent advances in experimental embryology and molecular genetics, the morphogenetic program for the vertebrate cranium is summarized and several unanswered classical problems are reviewed. In particular, the presence of mesodermal segmentation in the head, the homology of the trabecular cartilage, and the origin of the dermal skull roof are discussed. The discovery of the neural-crest-derived ectomesenchyme and the roles of the homeobox genes have allowed the classical concept of head segmentation unchanged since Goethe to be re-interpreted in terms of developmental mechanisms at the molecular and cellular levels. In the context of evolutionary developmental biology, the importance of generative constraints is stressed as the developmental factor that generates the homologous morphological patterns apparent in various groups of vertebrates. Furthermore, a modern version of the germ-layer theory is defined in terms of the conserved differentiation of cell lineages, which is again questioned from the vantage of evolutionary developmental biology.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae: new tools for an old pathogen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pneumococcus is one of the longest-known pathogens. It has been instrumental to our understanding of biology in many ways, such as in the discovery of the Gram strain and the identification of nucleic acid as the hereditary material. Despite major advances in our understanding of pneumococcal pathogenesis, the need for vaccines and antibiotics to combat this pathogen is still vital. Genomics is beginning to uncover new virulence factors to advance this process, and it is enabling the development of DNA chip technology, which will permit the analysis of gene expression in specific tissues and in virulence regulatory circuits.  相似文献   

Hardie DG 《Current biology : CB》2000,10(20):R757-R759
The phenomenon whereby the presence of oxygen regulates the rate of glucose metabolism was first described by Louis Pasteur. A novel mechanism has now been discovered, involving the AMP-activated protein kinase cascade, that can account for the Pasteur effect in ischaemic heart muscle.  相似文献   

Evolution of genome size: new approaches to an old problem   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eukaryotic genomes come in a wide variety of sizes. Haploid DNA contents (C values) range > 80,000-fold without an apparent correlation with either the complexity of the organism or the number of genes. This puzzling observation, the C-value paradox, has remained a mystery for almost half a century, despite much progress in the elucidation of the structure and function of genomes. Here I argue that new approaches focussing on the genetic mechanisms that generate genome-size differences could shed much light on the evolution of genome size.  相似文献   

Microbial cells, under moist conditions, are able to adhere to surfaces and to form structured communities embedded in a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). In industrial environments, biofilms can cause heat and mass transfer limitations whilst in medical facilities they can be a source of contamination and proliferation of infections. Biofilm formation is related to the pathogenicity of some bacterial strains and cells in biofilms are usually resistant to antimicrobials agents, which increases the interest in new and sound methods for their prevention and destruction.  相似文献   

Background Manganese (Mn) is an essential micronutrient that is phytotoxic under certain edaphic and climatic conditions. Multiple edaphic factors regulate Mn redox status and therefore its phytoavailability, and multiple environmental factors including light intensity and temperature interact with Mn phytotoxicity. The complexity of these interactions coupled with substantial genetic variation in Mn tolerance have hampered the recognition of Mn toxcity as an important stress in many natural and agricultural systems.Scope Conflicting theories have been advanced regarding the mechanism of Mn phytotoxicity and tolerance. One line of evidence suggests that Mn toxicity ocurs in the leaf apoplast, while another suggests that toxicity occurs by disruption of photosynthetic electron flow in chloroplasts. These conflicting results may at least in part be attributed to the light regimes employed, with studies conducted under light intensities approximating natural sunlight showing evidence of photo-oxidative stress as a mechanism of toxicity. Excessive Mn competes with the transport and metabolism of other cationic metals, causing a range of induced nutrient deficiencies. Compartmentation, exclusion and detoxification mechanisms may all be involved in tolerance to excess Mn. The strong effects of light, temperature, precipitation and other climate variables on Mn phytoavailability and phytotoxicity suggest that global climate change is likely to exacerbate Mn toxicity in the future, which has largely escaped scientific attention.Conclusions Given that Mn is terrestrially ubiquitous, it is imperative that the heightened risk of Mn toxicity to both managed and natural plant ecosystems be factored into evaluation of the potential impacts of global climate change on vegetation. Large inter- and intraspecific genetic variation in tolerance to Mn toxicity suggests that increased Mn toxicity in natural ecosystems may drive changes in community composition, but that in agroecosystems crops may be developed with greater Mn tolerance. These topics deserve greater research attention.  相似文献   

Lehmann AR 《Mutation research》2002,509(1-2):23-34
All cells need not only to remove damage from their DNA, but also to be able to replicate DNA containing unrepaired damage. In mammalian cells, the major process by which cells are able to replicate damaged templates is translesion synthesis, the direct synthesis of DNA past altered bases. Crucial to this process is a series of recently discovered DNA polymerases. Most of them belong to a new family of polymerases designated the Y-family, which have conserved sequences in the catalytic N-terminal half of the proteins. These polymerases have different efficiencies and specificities in vitro depending on the type of damage in the template.One of them, DNA polymerase eta, is defective in xeroderma pigmentosum variants, and overwhelming evidence suggests that this is the polymerase that carries out translesion synthesis past UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers in vivo. DNA polymerase eta is localised in replication factories during DNA replication and accumulates at sites of stalled replication forks. Many studies have been carried out on the properties of the other polymerases in vitro, but there is as yet very little evidence for their specific roles in vivo.  相似文献   

Centromeres: old tales and new tools   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The centromere is a specialised region of the eukaryotic chromosome that directs the equal segregation of sister chromatids into two daughter cells during mitosis. In mitosis, the kinetochores mediate (1) microtubule capture and chromosome alignment at a metaphase plate; (2) the correction of improper microtubule attachments; (3) the maintenance of an active checkpoint until bi-orientation is achieved by the whole complement of chromosomes; (4) the establishment of tension within the centromere which, in turn, contributes to silencing of the spindle checkpoint and triggers the onset of anaphase. In this review, we will analyse how centromeres are organised with respect to chromatin types and arrangements.  相似文献   

Koohi  Hamidreza  Kiani  Kourosh 《Cluster computing》2021,24(2):753-765
Cluster Computing - Collaborative filtering which is the most successful technique of the Recommender System, has recently attracted great attention, especially in the field of e-commerce. CF is...  相似文献   

In routine practice, nuclear pleomorphism of tumours is assessed by haematoxylin staining of the membrane-bound heterochromatin. However, decoration of the nuclear envelope (NE) through the immunofluorescence staining of NE proteins such as lamin B and emerin can provide a more objective appreciation of the nuclear shape. In breast cancer, nuclear pleomorphism is one of the least reproducible parameters to score histological grade, thus we sought to use NE proteins to improve the reproducibility of nuclear grading. First, immuno-fluorescence staining of NE as well as confocal microscopy and three-dimensional reconstruction of nuclei in cultured cells showed a smooth and uniform NE of normal breast epithelium in contrast to an irregular foldings of the membrane and the presence of deep invaginations leading to the formation of an intranuclear scaffold of NE-bound tubules in breast cancer cells. Following the above methods and criteria, we recorded the degree of NE pleomorphism (NEP) in a series of 273 invasive breast cancers tested by immunofluorescence. A uniform nuclear shape with few irregularities (low NEP) was observed in 135 cases or, alternatively, marked folds of the NE and an intranuclear tubular scaffold (high NEP cases) were observed in 138 cases. The latter features were significantly correlated (P-value <0.002) with lymph node metastases in 54 histological grade 1 and in 173 cancers with low mitotic count. Decoration of the NE might thus be regarded as a novel diagnostic parameter to define the grade of malignancy, which parallels and enhances that provided by routine histological procedures.  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory reactions of lactating cows (33 Kg milk/day) have been measured in summer (Tg 25° – 39°C) and in winter (Tg 9, 5° – 24°C) at 3-hr intervals, during four 24-hr cycles. The animals maintained an almost continuous peripheral vasodilation throughout the experimental period. The upper ambient temperatures at which a dairy cow maintains homoeothermy were calculated for different metabolic rates. At the maintenance level a dry cow may maintain homoeothermy at up to 24°C without sweating and up to 40°C if sweating at 50% of the maximal sweating capacity. For a cow producing 30 kg milk/day, the respective figures were 12°C and 24°C respectively. These data indicate that the thermoregulatory capacity of the animals in the natural climate considerably expands the thermal comfort temperature range.
Zusammenfassung Die wärmeregulatorischen Reaktionen milchgebender Kühe (33 kg Milch/Tag) wurden im Sommer (Tg 25° – 39°C) und im Winter (Tg 9, 5° – 24°C) in 3-Stunden Intervallen während 4 mal 24 Stunden periodisch gemessen. Die Tiere hatten eine beinahe kontinuierliche periphere Gefässerweiterung während der Versuchsperioden. Die obere Umgebungstemperatur, bei der Milchkühe homoiothermisch bleiben, wurde aus verschiedenen Stoffwechselraten berechnet. Auf dem Erhaltungsniveau kann eine trocken stehende Kuh die Homoiothermie bis 24°C ohne Schwitzen halten und bis auf 40°C bei Schwitzen bis 50% des maximalen Schwitzvermögens. Für eine Kuh, die 30 kg Milch/Tag leistet sind die entsprechenden Werte 12°C beziehungsweise 24°C. Diese Werte zeigen, dass das Wärmeregulationsvermögen der Tiere im natürlichen Klima den Wärmekomfort-Temperaturbereich erheblich ausdehnt.

Resume On a mesuré l'aptitude de thermorégulation de vaches en lactation (33 kg de lait par jour) toutes les 3 heures durant 4 cycles de 24 heures et cela aussi bien en été (Tg 25° à 39°C) qu'en hiver (Tg 9, 5° à 24°C). Les animaux ont présenté une vasodilatation périphérique assez constante durant toute la période des essais. On a en outre calculé, en partant de différents taux de métabolisme, la température ambiante maximum pour laquelle une vache laitière peut maintenir son homéothermie. Pour une vache sèche, ce maximum est de 24°C sans transpirer et de 40°C si elle transpire le 50% de sa capacité maximum. Pour une vache donnant 30 kg de lait par jour, ces chiffres s'abaissent à 12°C dans le premier cas, à 24°C dans le second. Ces chiffres montrent que la capacité de thermorégulation du bétail bovin augmente considérablement l'amplitude de la zone de confort thermique en climat naturel.

Since the launch of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) in 1988, knowledge as to the nature of circulating polioviruses and the challenges to their interruption has increased tremendously, particularly during the period 2000-2005. By January 2006, however, the systematic application of the standard polio eradication strategies, combined with recent refinements, had reduced the number of countries with ongoing transmission of indigenous wild polioviruses to just four (Nigeria, India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan), the lowest ever in history. In addition, only 8 of the 22 areas that had been re-infected by wild poliovirus in 2003-2005 still required large-scale 'mop-up' activities and circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus (cVDPV) outbreaks were being readily addressed. This progress, despite new challenges late in the GPEI, was greatly facilitated by a range of solutions that included two new monovalent oral polio vaccines (mOPVs), new and robust international standards for polio outbreak response, and renewed political commitment across the remaining infected countries.  相似文献   

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