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The efficacy of radiation treatment depends upon local oxygen concentration. We postulated that the variability in responsiveness of tumor xenografts to a fixed dose of radioimmunotherapy might be related to the tumor pO2 at the time that radioimmunotherapy was administered. We evaluated the growth of xenografts of CALU-3 tumors, a non-small cell lung carcinoma, in response to an 8.9-MBq dose of 131I-RS-7-anti-EGP-1 and correlated tumor growth rate with initial tumor pO2 measured by EPR oximetry. The greatest growth delay in response to radioimmunotherapy had the highest initial pO2, and the fastest-growing tumors had the lowest initial pO2. We then determined the dynamic effect of radioimmunotherapy on tumor pO2 by serial measurements of pO2 for 35 days after radioimmunotherapy. This information could be important for ascertaining the likelihood that a tumor will respond to additional doses as part of a multiple dose scheme. Serial tumor pO2 measurements may help identify a window of opportunity when the surviving tumor regions will be responsive to a second round of radioimmunotherapy or a second therapeutic modality such as chemotherapy or an anti-vascular agent. After radioimmunotherapy, there was an increase in tumor pO2 followed by a decrease below initial levels in most mice. Thus defined times may exist when a tumor is more or less radiosensitive after radioimmunotherapy.  相似文献   

Abstract. The growth of twelve human malignant melanomas in athymic nude mice was studied. Gompertz curves were fitted to volumetric growth data. DNA histograms were obtained with flow cytometry. Each of the twelve melanomas exhibited a characteristic growth pattern, indicating that inherent properties of the tumours are important for the growth control. The theoretical maximum volumes (Vmax) ranged from 208 to 12,900 mm3, the volume doubling times ( T d) from 2.8 to 15.3 days (V= 50 mm3) and from 3.8 to 64.6 days ( V = 200 mm3), and the fraction of cells in S from 5 to 21%. Tumours with short T d were characterized by a higher growth fraction and probably by a lower cell loss factor than those with long T d. The growth was also influenced by the nude mouse host, as indicated by the values for V max which were similar to those reported for mouse tumours (geometric mean = 8100 mm3), but considerably lower than the volumes of many tumours in man. Also the T d-values for the xenografts were generally lower than those reported for tumours in man, presumably due to a lower cell loss factor. During serial transplantation the growth rate of one of the melanomas increased abruptly, probably because of both an increased growth fraction and a reduced cell loss factor. The latter result demonstrates the necessity of keeping basic biological parameters of xenografts under observation during serial transplantation.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined the response of confluent, primary human fibroblasts and cells of a melanoma (YUSAC2) cell line to ionizing radiation mediated through post-translational protein phosphorylation. Since the purpose of our study was to identify novel radiation-induced phosphoproteins in the DNA damage stress response of melanoma cells, we were primarily interested in changes in protein phosphoserine expression at early times after irradiation. Our rationale was that by examining the overall protein phosphorylation profile (the phosphoproteome) in irradiated cells, we might discover novel radiation-induced phosphoproteins that distinguish fibroblasts from melanoma cells. Cell proteins were separated by gel electrophoresis and phosphoproteins were identified by Western blot analysis using nonspecific anti-phosphoamino acid antibodies. This approach was not pursued previously since adequate antibodies for examining global protein phosphoserine expression were unavailable. While some radiation-induced phosphoprotein changes in high-abundance proteins were identified, in general the sensitivity of this approach was not sufficient to detect changes in low-abundance, regulatory proteins. Characterization of these phosphoproteins will require greater enrichment of low-abundance proteins.  相似文献   

Growth and vascular structure of human melanoma xenografts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The growth and the vascular structure of five human melanomas grown in athymic nude mice were studied. Four growth parameters (tumour volume doubling time, fraction of cells in S-phase, growth fraction, cell-loss factor) were analysed against each of four vascular parameters (length of vessels with diameters in the range 5-15 micron, total vessel length, total vessel surface, total vessel volume--all per unit of histologically intact tumour volume). Statistically significant linear correlations between the parameters were found for any of the combinations. However, there was a consistent trend in the data: the tumour volume doubling time and the cell-loss factor tended to decrease while the fraction of cells in S-phase and the growth fraction tended to increase with increasing vascular density, whichever vascular parameter was considered. This finding indicates that the vascular density is among the factors which are decisive for the growth rate of tumours. However, the present work does not exclude the possibility that intrinsic properties of the tumour cells may also be important.  相似文献   

We established a human IgM monoclonal antibody that defines a tumor-associated membrane antigen expressed on human melanoma cells. The antigen has been identified as the ganglioside GD2. In this paper, we describe the potential usefulness of the human monoclonal antibody for radioimaging. Nude mice bearing tumors derived from a human melanoma cell line were used as a model. Antibody activity was degradated significantly after labeling with 131I by the use of a modified chloramine-T method. After testing various concentrations, labeled antibody of a specific activity of 2.8 μCi/ μg produced the best results. Balb/c nude mice bearing a GD2-positive M14 melanoma cell line were injected with 10–30 μg of labeled antibody, and its radiolocalization in different organs and in the whole body were evaluated. The best tumor image was obtained on Day 6. The labeled antibody uptake ratio between tumor and muscle was 9.2:1; the ratio between tumor and liver was 1.4:1. These studies represent the first report of experimental tumor imaging with human monoclonal antibody. Human monoclonals will probably prove to be superior reagents for tumor imaging in melanoma patients if the problem of antibody radiolysis is resolved.  相似文献   

Summary The formation of micronuclei in two human melanoma xenografts (E. E. and V. N.) following hyperthermic treatment (42.5° C for 60 min) was studied and compared to that following single dose irradiation. The melanomas were grown in the hind leg of athymic mice and heated by immersing the tumour-bearing leg into a water-bath. Histological sections were prepared from tumours removed from the mice at predetermined times after treatment and the fraction of abnormal mitotic figures and the number of micronuclei per nucleus were scored. During the first 24 h after treatment, the fraction of abnormal mitotic figures increased abruptly to 90%–100% followed by a rapid decrease to 40%–50%. It then decreased slowly towards about twice the level in untreated tumours. The number of micronuclei started to increase at about the same time as the fraction of abnormal mitotic figures was highest, reached a maximum at about 2–3 days after treatment, and then decreased slowly. The number of micronuclei seen after the hyperthermic treatment was lower than that seen after radiation treatments causing similar tumour regrowth delays. The same hyperthermic treatment resulted in more micronuclei and larger regrowth delays for E. E. than for V. N. melanoma. The present results indicate that DNA damage is involved in heat-induced cell death in tumours treated in vivo.  相似文献   

This study aimed at developing immunohistochemical assays for different subpopulations of hypoxic cells in tumors. BALB/c-nu/nu mice bearing A-07 or R-18 tumors were given a single dose of 90 mg/kg body weight or three doses (3 h apart) of 30 mg/kg body weight of pimonidazole hydrochloride intravenously. The fraction of pimonidazole-labeled cells was assessed in paraffin-embedded and frozen tumor sections and compared with the fraction of radiobiologically hypoxic cells. The staining pattern in paraffin-embedded sections indicated selective staining of chronically hypoxic cells. Frozen sections showed a staining pattern consistent with staining of both chronically and acutely/repetitively hypoxic cells. Fraction of pimonidazole-labeled cells in paraffin-embedded sections was lower than the fraction of radiobiologically hypoxic cells (single-dose and triple-dose experiment). In frozen sections, fraction of pimonidazole-labeled cells was similar to (single-dose experiment) or higher than (triple-dose experiment) fraction of radiobiologically hypoxic cells. Three different subpopulations of hypoxic cells could be quantified by pimonidazole immunohistochemistry: the fraction of cells that are hypoxic because of limitations in oxygen diffusion, the fraction of cells that are hypoxic simultaneously because of fluctuations in blood perfusion, and the fraction of cells that are exposed to one or more periods of hypoxia during their lifetime because of fluctuations in blood perfusion.  相似文献   

To assess the lethal doses of gamma radiation and corresponding apoptotic response in new established human melanoma cell lines we exposed exponentially growing cultures to 8-100 Gy gamma radiation. The apoptosis and cell survival were determined by trypan blue exclusion, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) reaction, agarose gel electrophoresis, colony forming assay, and long-term survival assay. The maximal DNA fragmentation 3 days after irradiation was observed in cultures irradiated with 20 Gy (36.9% TUNEL positive cells). The cultures irradiated with 50 and 100 Gy contained 18.7% and 16.4% TUNEL positive cells, respectively. Cultures exposed to 8 and 20 Gy gamma radiation recovered by week 3-4. Lethally irradiated (50 and 100 Gy) cultures which contained less apoptotic cells by day 3 died by week 5. A detectable increase in melanoma cell pigmentation after irradiation was also observed. The survival of human melanoma cell cultures after exposure to gamma radiation does not correlate with the level of apoptotic cells by day 3. At high radiation doses (> 50 Gy) when the radiation induced cell pigmentation is not inhibited the processes of apoptotic DNA fragmentation might be preferentially inactivated.  相似文献   

Continuous noninvasive monitoring of peri‐cellular liquid phase pO2 in adherent cultures is described. For neurons and astrocytes, this approach demonstrates that there is a significant difference between predicted and observed liquid phase pO2. Particularly at low gas phase pO2s, cell metabolism shifts liquid phase pO2 significantly lower than would be predicted from the O2 gas/air equilibrium coefficient, indicating that the cellular oxygen uptake rate exceeds the oxygen diffusion rate. The results demonstrate the need for direct pO2 measurements at the peri‐cellular level, and question the widely adopted current practice of relying on setting the incubator gas phase level as means of controlling pericellular oxygen tension, particularly in static culture systems that are oxygen mass transfer limited. © 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2011  相似文献   

The Bcl-2-related proteins Bcl-X(L) and Bcl-X(S) represent alternative splice products and exert opposite activities in the control of apoptosis, but their significance for melanoma is not yet clear. Applying the tetracycline-inducible expression system Tet-On, we found overexpression of Bcl-X(S) by itself sufficient to induce apoptosis in vitro in stably transfected human melanoma cell lines. Combination with proapoptotic agents such as etoposide, pamidronate, and ceramide resulted in additive proapoptotic effects, whereas Bcl-X(L) protected from apoptosis caused via CD95/Fas stimulation. In nude mice growth of melanoma xenotransplants derived from stably transfected cells was significantly reduced after induction of Bcl-X(S) by doxycycline. Our results indicate that Bcl-X proteins are of major importance for control of apoptosis in malignant melanoma.  相似文献   

Emerging in vitro evidence points to an immunomodulatory activity of DNA hypomethylating drugs in human malignancies. We investigated the potential of 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (5-AZA-CdR) to modulate the expression of cancer testis antigens (CTA) and of HLA class I antigens by melanoma xenografts, and the resulting modifications in immunogenicity of neoplastic cells. Three primary cultures of melanoma cells, selected for immune phenotype and growth rate, were grafted into BALB/c nu/nu mice that were injected intraperitoneally with different dose- and time-schedules of 5-AZA-CdR. Molecular analyses demonstrated a de novo long-lasting expression of the CTA MAGE-1, -2, -3, -4, -10, GAGE 1-6, NY-ESO-1, and the upregulation of MAGE-1, MAGE-3, and NY-ESO-1 levels in melanoma xenografts from 5-AZA-CdR-treated mice. Serological and biochemical analyses identified a de novo expression of NY-ESO-1 protein and a concomitant and persistent upregulation of HLA class I antigens and of HLA-A1 and -A2 alleles. Immunization of BALB/c mice with 5-AZA-CdR-treated melanoma cells generated high titer circulating anti-NY-ESO-1 antibodies. Altogether, the data obtained identify an immunomodulatory activity of 5-AZA-CdR in vivo and strongly suggest for its clinical use to design novel strategies of CTA-based chemo-immunotherapy for melanoma patients.  相似文献   

The growth characteristics of multicellular spheroids, derived from human melanoma xenografts and cultivated in liquid-overlay culture, were studied and compared with those of the parent tumours. Six of the seven melanomas investigated formed spheroids, which grew exponentially up to a volume of 1-2 X 10(7) microns 3 (a diameter of 270-340 microns) before the growth rate tapered off. The morphology of the spheroids varied considerably among the melanomas; some spheroids grew as densely packed, spherical structures of cells whereas others were loosely packed and showed an irregular shape. Central necrosis developed when the spheroids attained a diameter of 150-200 microns. The histological and cytological appearance of the spheroids was remarkably similar to that of the parent xenograft in five of the six cases. The sixth melanoma contained two subpopulations with distinctly different DNA content, one of which was predominant in the spheroids, the other in the tumours. This gave rise to clear histological and cytological differences. The volume-doubling time of the spheroids during the exponential growth phase ranged from 1.7 +/- 0.2 to 2.7 +/- 0.4 days and the fraction of cells in S from 13 +/- 1 to 28 +/- 2%. The volume-doubling time decreased with increasing fraction of cells in S, indicating that the differences in growth rate were due mainly to differences in the growth fraction or to differences in the duration of G1. The spheroid volume-doubling times did not correlate with those of the parent xenografts (Td = 4.2-22.5 days at V = 200 mm3), possibly because the cell loss factors of the xenografts were large and varied among the melanomas. The fractions of cells in G1/G0, S and G2 + M in the spheroids and the xenografts did not correlate either, but were found to be within the same narrow ranges in the spheroids and the xenografts--i.e. 50-80% (G1/G0), 10-30% (S) and 10-20% (G2 + M).  相似文献   

Gamma irradiation is one of the methods used to sterilize melanoma cells prior to coculturing them with monocyte-derived immature dendritic cells in order to develop antitumor vaccines. However, the changes taking place in tumor cells after irradiation and their interaction with dendritic cells have been scarcely analyzed. We demonstrate here for the first time that after irradiation a fraction of tumor cells present large lipid bodies, which mainly contain triglycerides that are several-fold increased as compared to viable cells as determined by staining with Oil Red O and BODIPY 493/503 and by biochemical analysis. Phosphatidyl-choline, phosphatidyl-ethanolamine and sphingomyelin are also increased in the lipid bodies of irradiated cells. Lipid bodies do not contain the melanoma-associated antigen MART-1. After coculturing immature dendritic cells with irradiated melanoma cells, tumor cells tend to form clumps to which dendritic cells adhere. Under such conditions, dendritic cells are unable to act as stimulating cells in a mixed leukocyte reaction. However, when a maturation cocktail composed of TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-1beta and prostaglandin E2 is added to the coculture, the tumor cells clumps disaggregate, dendritic cells remain free in suspension and their ability to efficiently stimulate allogeneic lymphocytes is restored. These results help to understand the events following melanoma cell irradiation, shed light about interactions between irradiated cells and dendritic cells, and may help to develop optimized dendritic cell vaccines for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the safety and antitumor activity of an autologous GM-CSF-secreting melanoma cell vaccine that was engineered ex vivo with recombinant replication-incompetent adenovirus harboring a human GM-CSF gene (Adv/hGM-CSF). Melanoma samples were surgically obtained from 30 patients (15 female and 15 male, ages ranging from 23 to 87) and were processed for vaccine preparation. Due to stringent eligibility criteria, 9 out of 30 patients were enrolled in the phase 1 clinical trial (FDA IND7677). Melanoma cell lines established from surgical specimens of 9 patients were transduced with Adv/hGM-CSF (MOI of 100) and subsequently irradiated at 35 Gy. These cell lines secreted human GM-CSF in vitro at an average rate of 80-424 ng/10(6) cells/24 h. All patients were intradermally and subcutaneously injected at several sites with irradiated autologous melanoma cells (2x10(6)-1x10(7) in 300 microl saline), 2-10 times, at intervals of 4-8 weeks. None of the patients vaccinated showed any serious adverse systemic response. Three patients (nos.1, 6 and 7) demonstrated local reaction (erythema) to the vaccination. Tumor-specific CTL assays performed in the absence of K562 cells showed that the levels of CTLs in peripheral blood of 5 patients increased following vaccination, whereas those in one patient declined. Levels of CTLs assayed in the presence of K562 cells were considerably lower than those assayed in the absence of K562 cells, but were also found to increase following vaccination in the peripheral blood of 6 patients. A patient who had been vaccinated 10 times (patient 1) responded to the vaccination by apparent reduction in size of metastatic tumor in the lung. Immunohistochemical examination of the vaccination sites of patient 1, biopsied after the 3rd and 4th vaccination. showed that the vaccination sites responded with infiltration of inflammatory cells, such as T cells (CD3+, CD8+), macrophages and dendritic cells (CD83+), for a period up to about 8 days. These data suggest that repeated vaccinations with irradiated autologous GM-CSF-producing tumor cells were well tolerated by patients and led to the activation of an antitumor immune response in some patients.  相似文献   

Summary Nonspecific uptake of radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies in normal tissues is a significant problem for tumor imaging. A potential means of decreasing nonspecific antibody binding is to blockade nonspecific antibody binding sites by predosing with cold, nonspecific isotypematched antibody, before injecting specific antibody. Nontumor-specific murine monoclonal antibody LK2H10 (IgG1) or Ab-1 (IgG2a) was given i.v. at doses of 0 to 3.5 mg to nude mice with xenografts of human melanoma. These mice were then given i.v. 4 g of 131I anti-high molecular weight antigen of melanoma (HMWMAA) monoclonal antibody 763.24T (IgG1) or 225.28S (IgG2a), respectively. These mice were also given a tracer dose of 125I LK2H10 or Ab-1, respectively. Specific tumor uptake of anti-HMWMAA antibodies was see in all cases. No drop in tumor or nontumor uptake was demonstrated for either of the tumor-specific or nonspecific monoclonal antibodies due to nonspecific monoclonal antibody pretreatment. These data suggest that high doses of isotype-matched unlabeled nonspecific monoclonal antibody given before 131I tumor-specific monoclonal antibody, will not enhance tumor imaging. Present address: Hybritech, San Diego, CA, USA  相似文献   

Electrodes for blood pO2 and pCO2 determination   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  

Summary Intravenous injections into nude mice of 5 mg/kg methotrexate (MTX) linked to the antibody to human high molecular weight-melanoma associated antigen (HMW-MAA), monoclonal antibody (mAb) 225.28, an IgG2a, on days 1, 4, 7, 10 and 14, starting 24 h after subcutaneous inoculation of 2 × 106 cultured human M21 melanoma cells inhibited mean tumor volume by 90% on day 14 and by 65% on day 50 after the beginning of the treatment. Injections of equimolar amounts of free MTX and MTX linked to normal mouse IgG or to an isotypematched myeloma protein did not inhibit tumor growth significantly. MTX linked to mAb 225.28 did not inhibit the xenograft of a subline of human melanoma cell line M21 without detectable expression of HMW-MAA. In a clonogenic assay, the MTX-225.28 conjugate was three times more potent in inhibiting the growth of M21 melanoma cells than free MTX, but did not inhibit the growth of kidney carcinoma cells Caki-1, which do not express high-M r MAA. In contrast, MTX linked to the mAb DAL K29, reacting with kidney carcinoma cells Caki-1, inhibited their growth but did not affect that of melanoma cells. M21 melanoma cells isolated from the residual tumor of a mouse treated with the MTX-225.28 conjugate did not differ in their reactivity with mAb 225.28 and in their sensitivity to MTX when compared with M21 cells from an untreated mouse.  相似文献   

Stimulated macrophages produce nitric oxide (NO) via inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) using molecular O2, L-arginine, and NADPH. Exposure of macrophages to hypoxia decreases NO production within seconds, suggesting substrate limitation as the mechanism. Conflicting data exist regarding the effect of pO2 on NADPH production via the oxidative pentose phosphate cycle (OPPC). Therefore, the present studies were developed to determine whether NADPH could be limiting for NO production under hypoxia. Production of NO metabolites (NOx) and OPPC activity by RAW 264.7 cells was significantly increased by stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and interferon γ (IFNγ) at pO2 ranging from 0.07 to 50%. OPPC activity correlated linearly with NOx production at pO2 > 0.13%. Increased OPPC activity by stimulated RAW 264.7 cells was significantly reduced by 1400 W, an iNOS inhibitor. OPPC activity was significantly increased by concomitant treatment of stimulated RAW 264.7 cells with chemical oxidants such as hydroxyethyldisulfide or pimonidazole, at 0.07 and 50% O2, without decreasing NOx production. These results are the first to investigate the effect of pO2 on the relationship between NO production and OPPC activity, and to rule out limitations in OPPC activity as a mechanism by which NO production is decreased under hypoxia.  相似文献   

Transcutaneous pO2 of volunteers during hyperbaric oxygenation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Continuous transcutaneous pO2 measurements (tcPO2 measurements) were performed in healthy volunteers who were breathing air and oxygen under hyperbaric conditions (max. 4 ata). The results show a close correlation of PO2 values measured by the noninvasive method, in blood from discret arterial punctures, chamber PO2, respectively, the PO2 of the inspiratory gas mixture which was checked up to maximal values of 2,200 mm Hg. The PO2 in the arterial blood samples was measured immediately after the puncture insight the hyperbaric chamber using a specially designed through electrode.  相似文献   

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