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Genes with restricted expression within the developing embryo represent valuable tools as they allow distinct tissue types to be distinguished and studied. In order to identify genes that are expressed within a particular germ layer, a differential screen was performed using germ layer-specific cDNA libraries derived from gastrulation stage mouse embryos. The gene expression profiles of the germ layers were compared following the hybridisation of some 20,000 cDNA clones with probes derived from germ layer-specific Ectoderm, Mesoderm and Endoderm libraries. A cDNA clone (50c15) was identified that hybridised with the Mesoderm-derived probe but not Ectoderm or Endoderm. 50c15 derives from Ipl/Tssc3/BWR1C, an imprinted gene which in human maps to chromosome 11p15.5. This region has been associated with Beckwith-Weidemann Syndrome, Wilms' tumour and ovarian, breast and lung cancer. In the gastrulating mouse embryo, wholemount RNA in situ hybridisation revealed that Ipl expression is restricted not only to the mesodermal germ layer, but specifically to lateral mesoderm and the most posterior extent of the primitive streak from which lateral and extra-embryonic mesoderm is derived. Moreover, Ipl is expressed in extra-embryonic tissues prior to gastrulation and afterwards in extra-embryonic mesoderm, ectoderm and endoderm. This expression profile indicates that Ipl is a good molecular marker for embryonic mesoderm and extra-embryonic tissues. In addition heterotopic grafting studies indicate that nascent mesoderm, which expresses Ipl, is restricted in its potential and therefore may be committed to its fate.  相似文献   

We have isolated two mouse genes, Mox-1 and Mox-2 that, by sequence, genomic structure and expression pattern, define a novel homeobox gene family probably involved in mesodermal regionalization and somitic differentiation. Mox-1 is genetically linked to the keratin and Hox-2 genes of chromosome 11, while Mox-2 maps to chromosome 12. At primitive streak stages (approximately 7.0 days post coitum), Mox-1 is expressed in mesoderm lying posterior of the future primordial head and heart. It is not expressed in neural tissue, ectoderm, or endoderm. Mox-1 expression may therefore define an extensive 'posterior' domain of embryonic mesoderm before, or at the earliest stages of, patterning of the mesoderm and neuroectoderm by the Hox cluster genes. Between 7.5 and 9.5 days post coitum, Mox-1 is expressed in presomitic mesoderm, epithelial and differentiating somites (dermatome, myotome and sclerotome) and in lateral plate mesoderm. In the body of midgestation embryos, Mox-1 signal is restricted to loose undifferentiated mesenchyme. Mox-1 signal is also prominent over the mesenchyme of the heart cushions and truncus arteriosus, which arises from epithelial-mesenchymal transformation and over a limited number of craniofacial foci of neural crest-derived mesenchyme that are associated with muscle attachment sites. The expression profile of Mox-2 is similar to, but different from, that of Mox-1. For example, Mox-2 is apparently not expressed before somites form, is then expressed over the entire epithelial somite, but during somitic differentiation, Mox-2 signal rapidly becomes restricted to sclerotomal derivatives. The expression patterns of these genes suggest regulatory roles for Mox-1 and Mox-2 in the initial anterior-posterior regionalization of vertebrate embryonic mesoderm and, in addition, in somite specification and differentiation.  相似文献   

Two members of the murine labial (lab) subfamily of Antennapedia-like homeobox-containing genes, Hox-1.6 and Hox-2.9, have been identified previously. Here we describe a third member genetically linked to the Hox-4 cluster on chromosome 2. This gene, designated Hox-4.9, is similar in structure to the other lab subfamily members. However, little coding sequence other than the homeobox and sequences immediately upstream of it have been conserved. By in situ hybridization analysis, Hox-4.9 mRNA is first detected at the end of the late streak stage (E7.75) in presumptive lateral and extraembryonic mesoderm. During early neurogenesis (E8.0-8.5), Hox-4.9 is detected solely in lateral mesoderm; its lack of expression in somitic mesoderm and the neural tube makes it unique among the Hox genes. By late neurogenesis and through mid-gestation (E9.0-E11.5), Hox-4.9 is no longer detected in lateral mesoderm but is found instead in a restricted region of presumed trunk neural crest and in the dermatome. These data are discussed in comparison with what is known about expression of the other members of the lab subfamily.  相似文献   

During mouse gastrulation, the primitive streak is formed on the posterior side of the embryo. Cells migrate out of the primitive streak to form the future mesoderm and endoderm. Fate mapping studies revealed a group of cell migrate through the proximal end of the primitive streak and give rise to the extraembryonic mesoderm tissues such as the yolk sac blood islands and allantois. However, it is not clear whether the formation of a morphological primitive streak is required for the development of these extraembryonic mesodermal tissues. Loss of the Cripto gene in mice dramatically reduces, but does not completely abolish, Nodal activity leading to the absence of a morphological primitive streak. However, embryonic erythrocytes are still formed and assembled into the blood islands. In addition, Cripto mutant embryos form allantoic buds. However, Drap1 mutant embryos have excessive Nodal activity in the epiblast cells before gastrulation and form an expanded primitive streak, but no yolk sac blood islands or allantoic bud formation. Lefty2 embryos also have elevated levels of Nodal activity in the primitive streak during gastrulation, and undergo normal blood island and allantois formation. We therefore speculate that low level of Nodal activity disrupts the formation of morphological primitive streak on the posterior side, but still allows the formation of primitive streak cells on the proximal side, which give rise to the extraembryonic mesodermal tissues formation. Excessive Nodal activity in the epiblast at pre‐gastrulation stage, but not in the primitive streak cells during gastrulation, disrupts extraembryonic mesoderm development.  相似文献   

The prevalent model for the generation of axial polarity in mouse embryos proposes that a radial to a linear transition in the expression of primitive streak markers precedes the formation of the primitive streak on one side of the epiblast. This model contrasts with the models of mesoderm formation in other vertebrates as it suggests that the primitive streak is initially established in a radial pattern rather than a localized region of the epiblast. Here, we examine the proposed correlation between the expression of Brachyury and Wnt3, two genes reported as expressed radially in the proximal epiblast, with the movements of proximal anterior epiblast cells at stages leading to the formation of the primitive streak. Our results reveal that neither Brachyury nor Wnt3 forms a ring of expression in the proximal epiblast as previously thought. In embryos dissected between 5.5 and 6.5 dpc, Brachyury is first expressed in the distal extra-embryonic ectoderm and subsequently on one side of the epiblast. Wnt3 expression is evident first in the posterior visceral endoderm of 5.5 dpc embryos and later in the posterior epiblast. Lineage analysis shows that the movements of the proximal epiblast do not restrict Brachyury expression to the posterior epiblast. Our data suggest a model whereby the localized expression of these genes in the posterior epiblast, and hence the formation of the primitive streak, is the result of local cell-cell interactions in the future posterior portion of the egg cylinder rather than regionalization of a radial pattern of expression in proximal epiblast cells.  相似文献   

The structure of the cells forming the primitive streak was examined by SEM in a series of embryos at Hamburger and Hamilton's stages 2–5. Specimens were prepared by stripping the endoderm from fresh embryos in New Culture and by fracturing whole fixed embryos along and at right angles to the primitive streak. At all stages of examination the SEM appearance of cells within the primitive streak was quite different from that of ectodermal, endodermal or mesodermal cells away from the streak. Streak cells were closely packed, lay with their long axes directed from ectoderm to endoderm and possessed many flat leaf-like processes. By contrast the ectoderm formed a columnar epithelium, the endoderm a flat epithelium and the mesoderm was a layer of loosely arranged cells with long, thin processes.
Within the streak SEM did not show any differences between cells that could identify them specifically as future endoderm or mesoderm cells. It was concluded that during gastrulation all the cells migrating through the primitive streak have the same appearance regardless of their eventual destination in the embryo. This structure may be attributable to the type of movement made by cells during invagination.  相似文献   

Gastrulation in the mouse: the role of the homeobox gene goosecoid.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Mouse goosecoid is a homeobox gene expressed briefly during early gastrulation. Its mRNA accumulates as a patch on the side of the epiblast at the site where the primitive streak is first formed. goosecoid-expressing cells are then found at the anterior end of the developing primitive streak, and finally in the anteriormost mesoderm at the tip of the early mouse gastrula, a region that gives rise to the head process. Treatment of early mouse embryos with activin results in goosecoid mRNA accumulation in the entire epiblast, suggesting that a localized signal induces goosecoid expression during development. Transplantation experiments indicate that the tip of the murine early gastrula is the equivalent of the organizer of the amphibian gastrula.  相似文献   

The epithelial versus mesenchymal phenotypes of embryonic ectoderm and mesoderm cells of the prestreak stage pig embryos were examined by electron microscopy and molecular marker analysis. During this period the embryonic disc remained flat or slightly convex while becoming oval or pyriform in shape. Mesenchyme cells expressing vimentin were present between the embryonic disc and the underlying visceral endoderm before a primitive streak (or groove) was apparent. The migration of mesenchyme appeared to occur in lateral and posterior directions from a mass of quiescent cells located in the pointed end of the pyriform embryonic disc that expressed Brachyury; these cells are proposed to be the precursors of the primitive streak and/or form the equivalent of the mouse early gastrula organizer (EGO). Cells with the TEC-1 (or SSEA-1) epitope, the marker most frequently used to characterize pluripotent cells, were initially distributed randomly in the embryonic ectoderm and then were found to localize in an anterior crescent which may contain the precursor cells of ectoderm and neurectoderm. As mitotic figures were found only in the anterior crescent, it is proposed that at least some of these proliferating cells migrate toward the EGO. While cytokeratins were barely detectable in the embryonic ectoderm cells, vimentin expression was supposed to be associated with the migratory capacity of these cells. These findings indicate that the early step of gastrulation, migration of extraembryonic mesoderm, occurs at a prestreak stage during which the embryonic disc becomes polarized. genesis 38:13-25, 2004.  相似文献   

Prior to gastrulation the mouse embryo exists as a symmetrical cylinder consisting of three tissue layers. Positioning of the future anterior-posterior axis of the embryo occurs through coordinated cell movements that rotate a pre-existing proximal-distal (P-D) axis. Overt axis formation becomes evident when a discrete population of proximal epiblast cells become induced to form mesoderm, initiating primitive streak formation and marking the posterior side of the embryo. Over the next 12-24 h the primitive streak gradually elongates along the posterior side of the epiblast to reach the distal tip. The most anterior streak cells comprise the 'organizer' region and include the precursors of the so-called 'axial mesendoderm', namely the anterior definitive endoderm and prechordal plate mesoderm, as well as those cells that give rise to the morphologically patent node. Signalling pathways controlled by the transforming growth factor-beta ligand nodal are involved in orchestrating the process of axis formation. Embryos lacking nodal activity arrest development before gastrulation, reflecting an essential role for nodal in establishing P-D polarity by generating and maintaining the molecular pattern within the epiblast, extraembryonic ectoderm and the visceral endoderm. Using a genetic strategy to manipulate temporal and spatial domains of nodal expression reveals that the nodal pathway is also instrumental in controlling both the morphogenetic movements required for orientation of the final axis and for specification of the axial mesendoderm progenitors.  相似文献   

During mouse gastrulation, cells in the primitive streak undergo epithelial–mesenchymal transformation and the resulting mesenchymal cells migrate out laterally to form mesoderm and definitive endoderm across the entire embryonic cylinder. The mechanisms underlying mesoderm and endoderm specification, migration, and allocation are poorly understood. In this study, we focused on the function of mouse Cripto, a member of the EGF-CFC gene family that is highly expressed in the primitive streak and migrating mesoderm cells on embryonic day 6.5. Conditional inactivation of Cripto during gastrulation leads to varied defects in mesoderm and endoderm development. Mutant embryos display accumulation of mesenchymal cells around the shortened primitive streak indicating a functional requirement of Cripto during the formation of mesoderm layer in gastrulation. In addition, some mutant embryos showed poor formation and abnormal allocation of definitive endoderm cells on embryonic day 7.5. Consistently, many mutant embryos that survived to embryonic day 8.5 displayed defects in ventral closure of the gut endoderm causing cardia bifida. Detailed analyses revealed that both the Fgf8–Fgfr1 pathway and p38 MAP kinase activation are partially affected by the loss of Cripto function. These results demonstrate a critical role for Cripto during mouse gastrulation, especially in mesoderm and endoderm formation and allocation.  相似文献   

The structure of the cells forming the primitive streak was examined by SEM in a series of embryos at Hamburger and Hamilton's stages 2--5. Specimens were prepared by stripping the endoderm from fresh embryos in New Culture and by fracturing whole fixed embryos along and at right angles to the primitive streak. At all stages of examination the SEM appearance of cells within the privitive streak was quite different from that of ectodermal, endodermal or mesodermal cells away from the streak. Streak cells were closely packed, lay with their long axes directed from ectoderm to endoderm and possessed many flat leaf-like processes. By contrast the ectoderm formed a columnar epithelium, the endoderm a flat epithelium and the mesoderm was a layer of loosely arrangedcells with long. thin processes. Within the streak SEM did not show any differences between cells that could identify them specifically as future endoderm or mesoderm cells. It was concluded that during gastrulation all the cells migrating through the primitive streak have the same appearance regardless of their eventual destination in the embryo. This structure may be attributable to the type of movement made by cells during invagination.  相似文献   

Four human homeo box-containing cDNAs isolated from mRNA of an SV40-transformed human fibroblast cell line have been regionally localized on the human gene map. One cDNA clone, c10, was found to be nearly identical to the previously mapped Hox-2.1 gene at 17q21. A second cDNA clone, c1, which is 87% homologous to Hox-2.2 at the nucleotide level but is distinct from Hox-2.1 and Hox-2.2, also maps to this region of human chromosome 17 and is probably another member of the Hox-2 cluster of homeo box-containing genes. The third cDNA clone, c8, in which the homeo box is approximately 84% homologous to the mouse Hox-1.1 homeo box region on mouse chromosome 6, maps to chromosome region 12q12----12q13, a region that is involved in chromosome abnormalities in human seminomas and teratomas. The fourth cDNA clone, c13, whose homeo box is approximately 73% homologous to the Hox-2.2 homeo box sequence, is located at chromosome region 2q31----q37. The human homeo box-containing cluster of genes at chromosome region 17q21 is the human cognate of the mouse homeo box-containing gene cluster on mouse chromosome 11. Other mouse homeo box-containing genes of the Antennapedia class (class I) map to mouse chromosomes 6 (Hox-1, proximal to the IgK locus) and 15 (Hox-3). A mouse gene, En-1, with an engrailed-like homeo box (class II) and flanking region maps to mouse chromosome 1 (near the dominant hemimelia gene). Neither of the class I homeo box-containing genes--c8 and c13--maps to a region of obvious homology to chromosomal positions of the presently known mouse homeo box-containing genes.  相似文献   

We report the expression pattern of a murine homolog of the Xenopus laevis T-box gene Eomesodermin. mEomes expression is first detected in the extra-embryonic ectoderm prior to gastrulation, and persists there until head-fold stages. In the embryo proper, mEomes is expressed throughout the early primitive streak, nascent mesoderm and in the anterior visceral endoderm. Although mEomes expression disappears from the embryo at late-streak stages, a second domain of mEomes expression is observed in the telencephalon beginning around E10.5.  相似文献   

Bmpr1a encodes the BMP type IA receptor for bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), including 2 and 4. Here, we use mosaic inactivation of Bmpr1a in the epiblast of the mouse embryo (Bmpr-MORE embryos) to assess functions of this gene in mesoderm development. Unlike Bmpr1a-null embryos, which fail to gastrulate, Bmpr-MORE embryos initiate gastrulation, but the recruitment of prospective paraxial mesoderm cells to the primitive streak is delayed. This delay causes a more proximal distribution of cells with paraxial mesoderm character within the primitive streak, resulting in a lateral expansion of somitic mesoderm to form multiple columns. Inhibition of FGF signaling restores the normal timing of recruitment of prospective paraxial mesoderm and partially rescues the development of somites. This suggests that BMP and FGF signaling function antagonistically during paraxial mesoderm development.  相似文献   

Gastrulation in higher vertebrate species classically commences with the generation of mesoderm cells in the primitive streak by epithelio-mesenchymal transformation of epiblast cells. However, the primitive streak also marks, with its longitudinal orientation in the posterior part of the conceptus, the anterior-posterior (or head-tail) axis of the embryo. Results obtained in chick and mouse suggest that signals secreted by the hypoblast (or visceral endoderm), the extraembryonic tissue covering the epiblast ventrally, antagonise the mesoderm induction cascade in the anterior part of the epiblast and thereby restrict streak development to the posterior pole (and possibly initiate head development anteriorly). In this paper we took advantage of the disc-shape morphology of the rabbit gastrula for defining the expression compartments of the signalling molecules Cerberus and Dickkopf at pre-gastrulation and early gastrulation stages in a mammal other than the mouse. The two molecules are expressed in novel expression compartments in a complementary fashion both in the hypoblast and in the emerging primitive streak. In loss-of-function experiments, carried out in a New-type culturing system, hypoblast was removed prior to culture at defined stages before and at the beginning of gastrulation. The epiblast shows a stage-dependent and topographically restricted susceptibility to express Brachyury, a T-box gene pivotal for mesoderm formation, and to transform into (histologically proven) mesoderm. These results confirm for the mammalian embryo that the anterior-posterior axis of the conceptus is formed first as a molecular prepattern in the hypoblast and then irrevocably fixed, under the control of signals secreted from the hypoblast, by epithelio-mesenchymal transformation (primitive streak formation) in the epiblast.Edited by D. Tautz  相似文献   

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