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Genomic instability and bystander effects have recently been linked experimentally both in vivo and in vitro. The aim of the present study was to determine if medium from irradiated cells several passages distant from the original exposure could initiate apoptosis in unirradiated cells. Human keratinocytes (from the HPV-G cell line) were irradiated with 0.5 Gy or 5 Gy gamma rays. Medium was harvested at each passage up to the 7th passage (approximately 35 population doublings) postirradiation and transferred to unirradiated keratinocytes. Intracellular calcium levels, mitochondrial membrane potential, and the level of reactive oxygen species were all monitored for 24 h after medium transfer. Rapid calcium fluxes (within 30 s), loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, and increases in reactive oxygen species (from 6 h after medium transfer) were observed in the recipient cells. There was no significant difference between medium conditioned by cells irradiated with 0.5 or 5 Gy. The effect of medium from progeny was the same as the initial effect reported previously and did not diminish with increasing passage number. The data suggest that initiating events in the cascade that leads to apoptosis are induced in unirradiated cells by a signal produced by irradiated cells and that this signal can still be produced by the progeny of irradiated cells for several generations.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry in an insect host: a big role for big parasites?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thomas  Ward  & Poulin 《Ecology letters》1998,1(2):112-117
Parasites are expected to be associated with host developmental instability because developmentally unstable hosts may be more susceptible to, or more frequently exposed to, parasitic infections compared with developmentally stable ones, or because parasites may directly disrupt host development. In this study, we analysed the relationship between developmental stability in the weta Pleioplectron simplex (Orthoptera) and infections by hairworm and mermithid parasites. These parasites have a long development in their host and the size of adult worms exceeds the length of the host by a considerable amount (15–20 cm). For one character (femora) we found that fluctuating asymmetry was significantly higher in parasitized individuals compared with unparasitized ones, in each of two samples collected in different years. Because no relationship was observed between the level of fluctuating asymmetry and the parasite size or number, however, infection by hairworm and mermithid parasites could be more a consequence of developmental instability than a cause. For other characters (tibia, external and internal spines of femora), the level of fluctuating asymmetry between parasitized and unparasitized individuals was not significantly different. Our results are discussed in relation to ecological constraints met by hairworm and mermithid parasites to complete their life cycle.  相似文献   

Manipulation of host behaviour by parasites: a weakening paradigm?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
New scientific paradigms often generate an early wave of enthusiasm among researchers and a barrage of studies seeking to validate or refute the newly proposed idea. All else being equal, the strength and direction of the empirical evidence being published should not change over time, allowing one to assess the generality of the paradigm based on the gradual accumulation of evidence. Here, I examine the relationship between the magnitude of published quantitative estimates of parasite-induced changes in host behaviour and year of publication from the time the adaptive host manipulation hypothesis was first proposed. Two independent data sets were used, both originally gathered for other purposes. First, across 137 comparisons between the behaviour of infected and uninfected hosts, the estimated relative influence of parasites correlated negatively with year of publication. This effect was contingent upon the transmission mode of the parasites studied. The negative relationship was very strong among studies of parasites which benefit from host manipulation (transmission to the next host occurs by predation on an infected intermediate host), i.e. among studies which were explicit tests of the adaptive manipulation hypothesis. There was no correlation with year of publication among studies on other types of parasites which do not seem to receive benefits from host manipulation. Second, among 14 estimates of the relative, parasite-mediated increase in transmission rate (i.e. increases in predation rates by definitive hosts on intermediate hosts), the estimated influence of parasites again correlated negatively with year of publication. These results have several possible explanations, but tend to suggest biases with regard to what results are published through time as accepted paradigms changed.  相似文献   

Mitotic death is a delayed response of p53 mutant tumours that are resistant to genotoxic damage. Questions surround why this response is so delayed and how its mechanisms serve a survival function. After uncoupling apoptosis from G1 and S phase arrests and adapting these checkpoints, p53 mutated tumour cells arrive at the G2 compartment where decisions regarding survival and death are made. Missed or insufficient DNA repair in G1 and S phases after severe genotoxic damage results in cells arriving in G2 with an accumulation of point mutations and chromosome breaks. Double strand breaks can be repaired by homologous recombination during G2 arrest. However, cells with excessive chromosome lesions either directly bypass the G2/M checkpoint, starting endocycles from G2 arrest, or are subsequently detected by the spindle checkpoint and present with the features of mitotic death. These complex features include apoptosis from metaphase and mitosis restitution, the latter of which can also facilitate transient endocycles, producing endopolyploid cells. The ability of cells to initiate endocycles during G2 arrest and mitosis restitution most likely reflects their similar molecular environments, with down-regulated mitosis promoting factor activity. Resulting endocycling cells have the ability to repair damaged DNA, and although mostly reproductively dead, in some cases give rise to mitotic progeny. We conclude that the features of mitotic death do not simply represent aberrations of dying cells but are indicative of a switch to amitotic modes of cell survival that may provide additional mechanisms of genotoxic resistance.  相似文献   

A sample of mud snails Hydrobia ulvae (Prosobranchia) from an intertidal population revealed that the shells of trematode-infected specimens were especially likely to be fouled with epibionts. Experimentally trematode-infected Biomphalaria glabrata (Pulmonata) appeared to be especially prone to develop epigrowth in comparison with uninfected conspecifics as well. These findings suggest an interaction between trematode infections and epibiosis in aquatic gastropods. The two most likely explanations for this are (1) that trematode infections weakens the snails' natural defences against epibionts, or (2) that the defences against epibionts also are effective against invading trematodes, causing snail specimens with a particularly good fouling defence to be less likely to become infected.  相似文献   

Selective oxidation of phosphatidylserine (PS) during apoptosis precedes its externalization in plasma membrane and is essential for the engulfment of apoptotic cells. To experimentally test whether PS oxidation stimulates its externalization via its effects on aminophospholipid translocase (APT) or by enhanced PS scrambling, action of oxidized PS (PSox) was studied using leukemia HL-60 cells and lymphoma Raji cells. Both PS and PSox were equally well recognized by APT. PSox did not inhibit APT. Rate of transmembrane PS diffusion was fourfold higher in cells with integrated PSox than with PS. Thus, PSox acts as a "non-enzymatic scramblase" likely contributing to PS externalization.  相似文献   

Brittain T  Skommer J 《IUBMB life》2012,64(5):419-422
We hypothesize that the various, previously reported, reactivities of neuroglobin with redox partners and oxygen provide for the establishment of a redox cycle within cells, such as neurons and retinal rod cells. Using native cell lysates, from cultured human cells of neuronal origin, we have estimated the rate of reduction of the oxidized form of neuroglobin in vivo. Furthermore we provide evidence that the cytosol of these cells contains factors (presumably enzymes) capable of employing either glutathione or NADH as re-reductants of ferric neuroglobin. Taken in conjunction with previous rate data, for the various redox reactions of neuroglobin, this information allows us to set up a computer model to estimate the steady state cellular level of the antiapoptotic ferrous form of neuroglobin. This model indicates that the steady state level of antiapoptotic neuroglobin is very sensitive to the cellular oxygen tension and moderately sensitive to the redox status of the cell. Further analysis indicates that such a system would be capable of significant modification, on the seconds time scale, following hypoxic transition, as is likely in stroke. We hypothesize that this mechanism might provide a moderately rapid mechanism for adjusting the antiapoptotic status of a cell, whilst the reaction of neuroglobin with mitochondrial cytochrome c provides a very rapid, but limited, capacity to intervene in the apoptotic pathway.  相似文献   

Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDI) increase gene expression through induction of histone acetylation. However, it remains unclear whether increases in specific gene expression events determine the apoptotic response following HDI administration. Herein, we show that a variety of HDI trigger in hematopoietic cells not only widespread histone acetylation and DNA damage responses but also actual DNA damage, which is significantly increased in leukemic cells compared with normal cells. Thus, increase in H2AX and ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) phosphorylation, early markers of DNA damage, occurs rapidly following HDI administration. Activation of the DNA damage and repair response following HDI treatment is further emphasized by localizing DNA repair proteins to regions of DNA damage. These events are followed by subsequent apoptosis of neoplastic cells but not normal cells. Our data indicate that induction of apoptosis by HDI may result predominantly through accumulation of excessive DNA damage in leukemia cells, leading to activation of apoptosis.  相似文献   

We present experimental data on the survivorship of damselflies infested by parasitic water mites from a population in field cages. In addition, we show correlative laboratory data under simulated severe weather conditions. In the manipulative experiment, parasitized females' individual condition, which was measured as weight at emergence, was an important determinant of survival under field conditions. In contrast, such a relationship did not occur in males and unparasitized females. It was found in the laboratory experiment that water mites as well as weight at emergence both contributed significantly to the reduced survivorship of male and female damselflies. It was concluded that the impact of parasitism depends on environmental conditions and that host sexes differ in their responses to parasitism. This is discussed in the light of immunocompetence in invertebrates.  相似文献   

Analysis of numerous air samples has indicated that dormant, viable fungal spores are highly present, which suggests that aerial dispersion is important for fungi. Whereas the majority of the spores may travel only very short distances, there is indication that a notable number of them cover much longer distances. Harmomegathy is a terminology coined by Wodehouse (1935) describing the natural folding of pollen to accommodate controlled and reversible water loss. Here, we discuss evidence that this concept may also apply to airborne fungal spores that face similar challenges and have to survive periods of drought and low temperatures while retaining viability to germinate after deposition upon a suitable moist substrate. In fact, (air)dried conidia, appear collapsed, survive for much longer times compared to spores in liquid, that deteriorate in time. This indicates that for some types of fungal spores, true dormancy is reached in the desiccated state. For these airborne spores this might be regarded as a pre-adaptation that supports long-distance transport of viable cells through air. We state that spores are naturally folded during transport in air if the humidity is low enough. We hypothesize that this is a pre-adaptation supporting release, dispersal and survival of airborne spores. Moreover, the smaller size of dry naturally-folded spores may also be relevant, e.g. for the opportunistic pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus reduced spore size supports deposition within the alveoli in the lung.  相似文献   

Although cholesterol is the predominant sterol in parasite tissue, many parasites are unable to synthesize cholesterol or longchain fatty acids, de novo, and must therefore obtain these components from the host. Of particular interest are the plasma lipoproteins, a rich and abundant source of cholesterol, and other lipids that could be used by parasites inhabiting the vascular system of their host or with access to plasma proteins at extravascular sites. It is not inconceivable that parasites may have evolved a variety of receptors for lipoproteins by convergent evolution. Here, Mark Rogers discusses evidence for the presence of lipoprotein receptors in protozoan and metazoan parasites of mammals.  相似文献   

Mast cells are classically considered innate immune cells that act as first responders in many microbial infections and have long been appreciated as potent contributors to allergic reactions. However, recent advances in the realm of autoimmunity have made it clear that these cells are also involved in the pathogenic responses that exacerbate disease. In the murine models of multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and bullous pemphigoid, both the pathogenic role of mast cells and some of their mechanisms of action are shared. Similar to their role in infection and a subset of allergic responses, mast cells are required for the efficient recruitment of neutrophils to sites of inflammation. Although this mast cell-dependent neutrophil response is protective in infection settings, it is postulated that neutrophils promote local vascular permeability and facilitate the entry of inflammatory cells that enhance tissue destruction at target sites. However, there is still much to learn. There is little information regarding mechanisms of mast cell activation in disease. Nor is it known how many mast cell-derived mediators are relevant and whether interactions with other cells are implicated in these diseases including T cells, B cells and astrocytes. Here we review the current state of knowledge about mast cells in autoimmune disease. We also discuss findings regarding newly discovered mast cell actions and factors that modulate mast cell function. We speculate that much of this new information will ultimately contribute to a greater understanding of the full range of mast cell actions in autoimmunity. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Mast cells in inflammation.  相似文献   

Individuals of free-living organisms are often infected simultaneously by a community of parasites. If the co-infecting parasites interact, then this can add significantly to the diversity of host genotypexparasite genotype interactions. However, interactions between parasite species are usually not examined considering potential variation in interactions between different strain combinations of co-infecting parasites. Here, we examined the importance of interactions between strains of fish eye flukes Diplostomum spathaceum and Diplostomum gasterostei on their infectivity in naive fish hosts. We assessed the infection success of strains of both species in single-strain exposures and in co-exposures with a random strain of the other species. Parasite infection success did not consistently increase or decrease in the co-exposure treatment, but depended on the combinations of co-infecting parasite strains. This disrupted the relative infectivity of D. spathaceum strains observed in single-strain exposures. The infection success of D. gasterostei strains was independent of exposure type. These results suggest that interactions among parasite species may be strain specific and potentially promote maintenance of genetic polymorphism in parasite populations.  相似文献   

Neural tube defects (NTDs), such as spina bifida (SB) or exencephaly, are common congenital malformations leading to infant mortality or severe disability. The etiology of NTDs is multifactorial with a strong genetic component. More than 70 NTD mouse models have been reported, suggesting the involvement of distinct pathogenetic mechanisms, including faulty cell death regulation. In this review, we focus on the contribution of functional genomics in elucidating the role of apoptosis and autophagy genes in neurodevelopment. On the basis of compared phenotypical analysis, here we discuss the relative importance of a tuned control of both apoptosome-mediated cell death and basal autophagy for regulating the correct morphogenesis and cell number in developing central nervous system (CNS). The pharmacological modulation of genes involved in these processes may thus represent a novel strategy for interfering with the occurrence of NTDs.  相似文献   

Understanding the influence of parasites on the community ecology of free-living organisms is an emerging theme in ecology. The cockle Austrovenus stutchburyi is an abundant mollusc inhabiting the sheltered shores of New Zealand. This species, which lives just few centimetres under the surface, plays a key role for many benthic invertebrate species, because in these habitats the cockle shell is the only available hard surface where invertebrates can establish. However, the behaviour of this cockle can be altered locally by a parasite, the trematode Curtuteria australis. Indeed, heavily infected cockles are unable to bury perfectly and typically lie entirely exposed at the surface of the mud. In this study, we investigated the ecological consequences of this behavioural alteration for two invertebrates species commonly associated with cockles, the anemone Anthopleura aureoradiata and the limpet Notoacmea helmsi. A field study first demonstrated that in both infected and non-infected populations of cockles, there was a negative relationship between the number of anemones and limpets found on cockles. In the laboratory, we showed that predation of limpets by anemones is possible when they share the same cockle shell. In a heavily infected population of cockles, limpets were significantly more frequent and more abundant on cockles manipulated by C. australis than on cockles with a normal behaviour. A colonization test conducted in natural conditions demonstrated that the predominance of limpets on manipulated cockles results from a direct habitat preference. Conversely, anemones were significantly less frequent and less abundant on manipulated cockles than on cockles manipulated by C. australis. A desiccation test revealed that, relative to limpets, they had a lower resistance to this physical stress. We discuss our results in relation to current ideas on ecosystem engineering by organisms.  相似文献   

Leishmaniasis is a vector-borne disease caused by the protozoa Leishmania. We have analyzed and compared the sequences of three experimental exoproteomes of Leishmania promastigotes from different species to determine their specific features and to identify new candidate proteins involved in interactions of Leishmania with the host. The exoproteomes differ from the proteomes by a decrease in the average molecular weight per protein, in disordered amino acid residues and in basic proteins. The exoproteome of the visceral species is significantly enriched in sites predicted to be phosphorylated as well as in features frequently associated with molecular interactions (intrinsic disorder, number of disordered binding regions per protein, interaction and/or trafficking motifs) compared to the other species. The visceral species might thus have a larger interaction repertoire with the host than the other species. Less than 10% of the exoproteomes contain heparin-binding and RGD sequences, and ~ 30% the host targeting signal RXLXE/D/Q. These latter proteins might thus be exported inside the host cell during the intracellular stage of the infection. Furthermore we have identified nine protein families conserved in the three exoproteomes with specific combinations of Pfam domains and selected eleven proteins containing at least three interaction and/or trafficking motifs including two splicing factors, phosphomannomutase, 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-independent phosphoglycerate mutase, the paraflagellar rod protein-1D and a putative helicase. Their role in host–Leishmania interactions warrants further investigation but the putative ATP-dependent DEAD/H RNA helicase, which contains numerous interaction motifs, a host targeting signal and two disordered regions, is a very promising candidate.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking is known to contribute to inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract by promoting recruitment of inflammatory-immune cells such as neutrophils and perhaps by altering neutrophil functional properties. We investigated whether acrolein, a toxic unsaturated aldehyde found in cigarette smoke, could directly affect neutrophil function. Exposure of freshly isolated human neutrophils to acrolein markedly inhibited spontaneous neutrophil apoptosis as indicated by loss of membrane asymmetry and DNA fragmentation and induced increased neutrophil production of the chemokine interleukin-8 (IL-8). Acrolein (1--50 microM) was found to induce marked activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), and inhibition of p38 MAPK activation by SB-203580 prevented acrolein-induced IL-8 release. However, inhibition of either ERK or p38 MAPK did not affect acrolein-dependent inhibition of apoptosis. Acrolein exposure prevented the activation of caspase-3, a crucial step in the execution of neutrophil apoptosis, presumably by direct inhibition of the enzyme. Our results indicate that acrolein may contribute to smoke-induced inflammatory processes in the lung by increasing neutrophil recruitment and reducing neutrophil clearance by apoptosis.  相似文献   

Recent experimental evidence suggests that parasites can not only evade immune responses actively but also exploit the hormonal microenvironment within the host to favor their establishment, growth and reproduction. The benefit for parasites of hormonal exploitation is so great that they have evolved structures similar to the steroid and protein hormone receptors expressed in upper vertebrates that can bind to the hormonal metabolites synthesized by the host. This strategy is exemplified by two parasites that respond to adrenal steroids and sexual steroids, respectively: Schistosoma mansoni and Taenia crassiceps. Understanding how the host endocrine system can, under certain circumstances, favor the establishment of a parasite, and characterizing the parasite hormone receptors that are involved might aid the design of hormonal analogs and drugs that affect the parasite exclusively.  相似文献   

The standing crop biomass of different populations or trophic levels reflects patterns of energy flow through an ecosystem. The contribution of parasites to total biomass is often considered negligible; recent evidence suggests otherwise, although it comes from a narrow range of natural systems. Quantifying how local parasite biomass, whether that of a single species or an assemblage of species sharing the same host, varies across localities with host population biomass, is critical to determine what constrains parasite populations. We use an extensive dataset on all free‐living and parasitic metazoan species from multiple sites in New Zealand lakes to measure parasite biomass and test how it covaries with host biomass. In all lakes, trematodes had the highest combined biomass among parasite taxa, ranging from about 0.01 to 0.25 g m?2, surpassing the biomass of minor free‐living taxa. Unlike findings from other studies, the life stage contributing the most to total trematode biomass was the metacercarial stage in the second intermediate host, and not sporocysts or rediae within snail first intermediate hosts, possibly due to low prevalence and small snail sizes. For populations of single parasite species, we found no relationship between host and parasite biomass for either juvenile or adult nematodes. In contrast, all life stages of trematodes had local biomasses that correlated positively with those of their hosts. For assemblages of parasite species sharing the same host, we found strong relationships between local host population biomass and the total biomass of parasites supported. In these host–parasite biomass relationships, the scaling factor (slope in log‐log space) suggests that parasites may not be making full use of available host resources. Host populations appear capable of supporting a little more parasite biomass, and may be open to expansion of existing parasites or invasion by new ones.  相似文献   

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