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目的:研究安徽省老鸦瓣属药用植物资源分布和开发利用情况。方法:野外实地调查、标本采集鉴定、文献资料查阅。结果:安徽省老鸦瓣属药用植物有4种,皆可药用,发现1个新分类群有待进一步研究。结论:为今后深入研究利用安徽省老鸦瓣药用植物资源提供科学依据。  相似文献   

老鸦瓣群(Amana群)是百合科中的一个东亚特有类群,仅分布在中国中东部、日本和朝鲜半岛。该类群在形态上与广义郁金香属Tulipa L.相似,但也具有与子房近等长的花柱以及2-3(-4)个苞片等与郁金香属不同的形态特征。有关该类群是否应置于郁金香属中或是否应独立为属的问题长期以来存在争议。为了澄清该问题,我们对产于中国的Amana群进行了广泛的标本室和野外形态观察,并采用分支系统学方法,对该类群3个种以及郁金香属的其他15种植物(包括土耳其的3个种)的28个形态性状数据进行了分支分析。结果表明广义郁金香属并非是一个单系类群。Amana群与广义郁金香属的其他4个组sect. Orithyia、sect. Eriostemones、sect. Leiostemones、sect. Tulipanum以及Lloydia属的两个种共同构成一个大支的3个分支。我们对广义郁金香属5个组共19种植物的ITS以及trnL-F分子序列综合分析的结果也表明:sect. Tulipanum、sect. Leiostemones、sect. Eriostemones和sect. Orithyia构成一大支,Amana群和猪牙花属的Erythronium sibiricum构成另一大支。因此,我们认为Amana群应从广义郁金香属中独立出来,恢复其老鸦瓣属Amana Honda作为属的分类地位。  相似文献   

该文报道了湖南杜鹃花科一新记录植物——早春杜鹃(Rhododendron praevernum),并对其花部形态和叶形大小进行了补充描述。该种的雄蕊数目变异较大,现有文献的描述差异也较大,导致鉴定该物种时出现一定困难和混乱。该研究结果为该种进一步分类修订提供了有价值的信息。  相似文献   

金钟藤分类考证及补充描述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
旋花科植物金钟藤在中国华南地区已蔓延暴发成为"森林杀手",已引起各界的高度关注。该文对金钟藤的系统归隶、基名与异名、模式标本、分类文献,以及相关种进行考证和分析,澄清了一些误解和标本鉴定的错误,论证了金钟藤变种黄毛金钟藤在中国仅产于广西,而云南产的黄毛金钟藤实为铜钟藤,并把Merremia biosiana var.sumatrana van Ooststr.作黄毛金钟藤的新异名处理。  相似文献   

楼梯草属的花序不但是反映该属进化趋势的重要器官之一,而且还是该属的属下划分及种间鉴定的关键性状。本文基于大量的有花标本研究,并参照模式标本及相关文献资料对该属的三种植物花序形态进行了补充描述。  相似文献   

楼梯草属的花序不但是反映该属进化趋势的重要器官之一,而且还是该属的属下划分及种间鉴定的关键性状。本文基于大量的有花标本研究,并参照模式标本及相关文献资料对该属的三种植物花序形态进行了补充描述。  相似文献   

楼梯草属植物的瘦果具有较高的形态多样性,可作为种类鉴定的重要依据.然而,中国超过半数楼梯草属植物缺少瘦果形态信息.该研究通过野外考察、标本查阅以及光镜和扫描电镜的观察,对七种楼梯草属植物的瘦果进行了补充描述,并提供了墨线图和照片.该研究结果对该属的进一步分类修订提供了有价值的信息.  相似文献   

凤仙花属植物的花部形态历来是该属的属下划分及种间界定的关键性状,基于大量的有花标本及野外实地调查,并参照了模式标本对海南凤仙花和龙州凤仙花的花部形态进行了补充描述。  相似文献   

竹亚科箭竹属两种植物花序的补充描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据所看到和采集到的标本对竹亚科箭竹属两种植物云龙箭竹和元江箭竹的花序特征做了较为详细的中文以及拉丁文补充描述。该文对箭竹属的分类提供了更丰富的参考凭证,对今后该属的修订工作有较大的意义。  相似文献   

描述了重庆市南川金佛山百合科Liliaceae一新种——金佛山万寿竹Disporum jinfoshanenseX.Z.Li,D.M.Zhang&D.Y.Hong。该种与山东万寿竹D.smilacinum A.Gray相似,具卵形或椭圆形叶,顶生花序,花被片白色,开展,基部稍具浅囊;不同之处在于其茎高15–20cm,叶3–4片,集中于茎上部,叶柄明显,长2–4mm,花被片内表面密布短柔毛。山东万寿竹只分布于山东半岛、朝鲜半岛以及日本。  相似文献   

Disporum jinfoshanense X. Z. Li, D. M. Zhang & D. Y. Hong, a new species of the Liliaceae from Nanchuan, Chongqing, China, is described and illustrated. This species is morphologically similar to D. smilacinum A. Gray in having leaves ovate to elliptic, inflorescences terminal, flowers spreading, tepals white, slightly saccate at the base, but differs from the latter in having stems dwarf, 15–20 cm tall, leaves 3–4, all on the upper part of the stems, petioles 2–4 mm long, and tepals densely pubescent on the inner surface.  相似文献   

A new variety Chrysosplenium japonicum var. cuneifolium from Anhui, China, is described, and the species Chrysosplenium delavayi is found new to Anhui. The genusChrysosplenium L. of Anhui is additionally recounted.  相似文献   

Two new species of the Liliaceae are described from Anhui Province, China. i. e. Fritillaria qimenensis D. C. Zhang et J. Z. Shao and Lilium anhuiense D. C. Zhang et J. Z.Shao.  相似文献   

Until now the genus Amana (Liliaceae), known as ‘East Asian tulips’, has contained just seven species. In this study, a phylogenomic and integrative taxonomic approach was used to reveal two new species, Amana nanyueensis from Central China and A. tianmuensis from East China. A. nanyueensis resembles Amana edulis in possessing a densely villous-woolly bulb tunic and two opposite bracts, but differs in its leaves and anthers. Amana tianmuensis resembles Amana erythronioides in possessing three verticillate bracts and yellow anthers, but differs in aspects of its leaves and bulbs. These four species are clearly separated from each other in principal components analysis based on morphology. Phylogenomic analyses based on plastid CDS further support the species delimitation of A. nanyueensis and A. tianmuensis and suggests they are closely related to A. edulis. Cytological analysis shows that A. nanyueensis and A. tianmuensis are both diploid (2n = 2x = 24), different from A. edulis, which is either diploid (northern populations) or tetraploid (southern populations, 2n = 4x = 48). The pollen morphology of A. nanyueensis is similar to other Amana species (single-groove germination aperture), but A. tianmuensis is quite different because of the presence of a sulcus membrane, which creates the illusion of double grooves. Ecological niche modelling also revealed a niche differentiation between A. edulis, A. nanyueensis and A. tianmuensis.  相似文献   

Paeonia decomposita Hand.-Mazz.subsp,rotundiloba D.Y.Hong is here raised to the specific rank,P.rotundiloba (D.Y.Hong) D.Y.Hong,based on its distinctiveness of four diagnostic characters:number of carpels;height of disk; number of leaflets of the lower leaves,and shape of the terminal leaflets; and unpublished molecular data.Paeonia rotundiloba differs distinctly from P.decomposita in having carpels mostly 3,less often 2 or 4,very rarely 5 (vs.almost always 5,very occasionally 4 or 3),disk 8-15 mm high (vs.4-9.6 mm),leaflets mostly 19-39(vs.29-63) in number,and ratio of length to width of the terminal leaflets 1.09-1.93 (vs.1.81-2.99).  相似文献   

Abstract Paeonia decomposita Hand.‐Mazz. subsp. rotundiloba D. Y. Hong is here raised to the specific rank, P. rotundiloba (D. Y. Hong) D. Y. Hong, based on its distinctiveness of four diagnostic characters: number of carpels; height of disk; number of leaflets of the lower leaves, and shape of the terminal leaflets; and unpublished molecular data. Paeonia rotundiloba differs distinctly from P. decomposita in having carpels mostly 3, less often 2 or 4, very rarely 5 (vs. almost always 5, very occasionally 4 or 3), disk 8–15 mm high (vs. 4–9.6 mm), leaflets mostly 19–39 (vs. 29–63) in number, and ratio of length to width of the terminal leaflets 1.09–1.93 (vs. 1.81–2.99).  相似文献   

Lysionotus fengshanensis Yan Liu & D. X. Nong, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. Lysionotus fengshanensis is very similar to L. longipedunculatus (W. T. Wang) W. T. Wang, but differs by the peduncle being 2–4 cm long and purple, corolla campanulate, 2.5–3.0 cm long, 1.5–1.7 cm in diameter at the mouth, filaments slightly geniculate near the middle, apex of filaments with gland and staminodes 3.  相似文献   

Mussaenda lancipetala X. F. Deng & D. X. Zhang, a new species of Rubiaceae from Yunnan Province, Southwestern China, is described and illustrated. The new species is characterized by its reverse herkogamous sexual system, its ovate-lanceolate corolla lobes with caudate apex, and corolla tube covered with sparse farinose pubescence, by which it is clearly distinguished from other species of Mussaenda.  相似文献   

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