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Flood control, drainage and irrigation (FCDI) schemes are widespread in Bangladesh. They are built to control water levels to improve agricultural production based on high yielding varieties (HYV) of rice that cannot tolerate rapid inundation or that require irrigation, and to provide protection from extreme flood events. The benefits to the agricultural sector can be significant. At some sites in Bangladesh, farmers report up to 80% more agricultural production inside the schemes than outside. However, fish production and species richness is typically lowered by these structures. Fish yields inside a typical flood control compartment can be 50% lower than outside, with up to 25 species of fish absent or less abundant. Lower rates of recruitment of migratory whitefish species, whose lateral migrations are obstructed by the embankments, were found to be largely responsible for these differences. With a risk of more extreme flooding during the monsoon season but hotter and more arid dry season conditions predicted as a consequence of climate change, more FCDI schemes may need to be constructed to provide flood protection and to meet increasing irrigation needs. Based on fisheries monitoring and mark-recapture studies undertaken at 3 sluice gates, nine recommendations for operating sluice gates to mitigate the impacts of FCDI schemes on fish production and biodiversity are described. These recommendations aim to improve the access of migratory whitefish to modified floodplains and to improve or sustain the production of resident (non-migratory) blackfish whilst minimising agricultural sector losses. Guest editors: R. L. Welcomme & G. Marmulla Hydropower, Flood Control and Water Abstraction: Implications for Fish and Fisheries  相似文献   

Urban areas provide habitat for numerous native species, but life in towns and cities presents many challenges. The effect of climate on the ecology and the behaviour of non‐volant vertebrates inhabiting urban habitats have received little attention. In this study, we investigated demography, growth rates, movements and reproduction of a semi‐aquatic freshwater turtle, Chelodina longicollis, along a natural to urban gradient during a period of relatively high rainfall (2011–2014) and compared this to a previous study in the same system during drought (2006–2007). In addition to changes in rainfall, urbanization increased considerably over the same time period and a pest‐exclusion fence was constructed to mitigate against urban hazards encroaching on the adjacent reserve. Turtles grew at similar rates, had similar abundances and sex ratios and had similar reproductive output across the gradient from urban to non‐urban sites during the wet period. Despite increasing urbanization, recruitment occurred at all sites and survivorship estimates were similar among sites. Turtles moved among wetlands at high rates and over long distances (6 km), underscoring the importance of movements in urban landscapes. Our results contrast with those for the same system during drought, when turtles were less abundant and grew slower in the nature reserve compared with the urban environment. Our results underscore the strong influence climate can have on population dynamics and resilience of species to changes brought about by urbanization. Further monitoring is required to understand the long‐term population responses of long‐lived species to drought cycles.  相似文献   

A mark-recapture programme at the Pabna Irrigation and Rural Development Project (PIRDP) site in NW Bangladesh showed that Catla catla, Channa striata and Wallago attu migrated through the sluice gates, both with and against prevailing currents in different season, while the smaller Anabas testudineus, Glossogobius giuris and Puntius sophore did not. Species assemblages were significantly different inside and outside the flood control, drainage and irrigation (FCDI) schemes, with up to 25 species absent or less abundant inside compared to outside. The majority of these species were large predators or conspicuous members of the highly prized migratory 'whitefish' category, including silurid catfish, Indian major carps, mullets and clupeids. In their absence, species inside FCDI schemes were dominated by much smaller resident 'blackfish' species. Assemblages inside FCDI schemes thus had both a reduced species richness, and a unit value reduced by up to 25%. It was concluded that FCDI schemes such as the PIRDP negatively affect fish species assemblages and stock values, by reducing the accessibility of impounded floodplains to migrant fish. Though some fish are capable of penetrating existing sluice gates, management measures are required to encourage the passage of more species.  相似文献   

The closer the wavelength of a steady background of monochromatic light is to the peak sensitivity of a cone that is being illuminated, the stronger is the desensitization of that cone; this is chromatic adaptation. A model of the freshwater turtle retina with the neural components of chromatic adaptation via negative feedback circuits is used to simulate and study various aspects of chromatic adaptation. An internal negative feedback circuit resides solely within the cone pedicle and thereby, its adaptive effects are relatively specific, so that univariance is maintained. The cone-L-horizontal cell circuit is an external negative feedback circuit and its adaptive effects are less specific since all 3 chromatic cone types are involved, so that univariance is violated. Chromatic adaptation is the result of the decrease in the cone gain due to the dependency of the gains of the negative feedback circuits on the mean illuminance level. The results of the model are consistent with von Kries law, but the changes in gains of the cones due to chromatic adaptation are dependent on wavelength, intensity of the adapting light and size.  相似文献   

Impacts of climate change on avian populations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review focuses on the impacts of climate change on population dynamics. I introduce the MUP (Measuring, Understanding, and Predicting) approach, which provides a general framework where an enhanced understanding of climate‐population processes, along with improved long‐term data, are merged into coherent projections of future population responses to climate change. This approach can be applied to any species, but this review illustrates its benefit using birds as examples. Birds are one of the best‐studied groups and a large number of studies have detected climate impacts on vital rates (i.e., life history traits, such as survival, maturation, or breeding, affecting changes in population size and composition) and population abundance. These studies reveal multifaceted effects of climate with direct, indirect, time‐lagged, and nonlinear effects. However, few studies integrate these effects into a climate‐dependent population model to understand the respective role of climate variables and their components (mean state, variability, extreme) on population dynamics. To quantify how populations cope with climate change impacts, I introduce a new universal variable: the ‘population robustness to climate change.’ The comparison of such robustness, along with prospective and retrospective analysis may help to identify the major climate threats and characteristics of threatened avian species. Finally, studies projecting avian population responses to future climate change predicted by IPCC‐class climate models are rare. Population projections hinge on selecting a multiclimate model ensemble at the appropriate temporal and spatial scales and integrating both radiative forcing and internal variability in climate with fully specified uncertainties in both demographic and climate processes.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control regions (CR), cytochrome b (Cyt b), NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 (ND4) and cytochrome coxidase subunit I (CO I) genes of four Asian freshwater turtles, Mauremys japonica, Ocadia sinensis, M. mutica, and Annamemys annamensis, were sequenced using universal PCR and long-PCR techniques. Combined with CR sequences of Chinemys reevesii, the composition and structure of CR of the five species were compared and analyzed. Three functional domains (TAS, CD and CSB) in CR and their conserved sequences (TAS, CSB-F, CSB-1, CSB-2, and CSB-3) were identified based on sequence similarity to those of other turtles. At the 3' end of CSB, six type motifs of variable number of tandem repeats (VNTRs) of five species were recognized, in which the TTATATTA motif may be the VNTR motif of the ancestral species of these five turtles. Comparison of nucleotide divergences among Cyt b, ND4, CO I, and CR of 11 turtle species using transitions + transversions and transversions-only methods supported the conclusion that CR evolved 2.6- to 5.7-fold faster than the other mtDNA genes. After excluding VNTRs of CR, molecular phylogenetic trees were constructed with maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods. The results supported an expanded clade of Mauremys, which included species formerly in Ocadia, Chinemys, Mauremys, and Annamemys; this was also reflected in the results of VNTR analysis.  相似文献   

The extreme longevity of turtles and tortoises can make it difficult to determine the conservation status of their populations because high annual adult survival may mask gradual attrition due to low levels of recruitment. When long-term demographic trends are unknown and available data are insufficient for population modelling, it may be assumed that a scarcity of juveniles indicates low recruitment that will result in population ageing and numerical decline. However, the reliability with which the proportion of juveniles foreshadows demographic change is uncertain. We tested the hypothesis that a low proportion of juveniles in a turtle population presages its ageing by analysing over 20 years of survey data for five discrete populations of the Australian western saw-shelled turtle (Myuchelys bellii: Chelidae), a listed threatened species. The analysis tested whether the initial proportion of juvenile turtles in each population was related to its temporal trend in average body size. The five populations had varied structure and trends, with the initial proportion of juvenile turtles ranging from 10% to 39% and average body size increasing over time in some populations and decreasing in others. Contrary to expectation, the initial proportion of juveniles was unrelated to the trend in average body size and, by inference, average age, indicating that effective trend forecasting requires more detailed demographic information than merely population structure.  相似文献   

A model of the cone-horizontal cell circuit is presented based on morphological evidence recently found in the Reeves' turtle: a luminosity horizontal cell (LHC) that receives inputs from red-, green-, and blue-sensitive cones in the ratio of 15:3:1, a triphasic horizontal cell (THC) that receives inputs from one class of red-sensitive and from blue-sensitive cones in the ratio of 2:1; and a biphasic chromaticity horizontal cell (BHC) that receives inputs from green-sensitive cones as well as from a special class of red-sensitive (i.e. the broad spectrum) and from blue-sensitive cones in the ratio of 3:2:1. A study of the simulated impulse responses strongly suggests that the basic response patterns of the BHC and THC can be readily explained by a simple wiring diagram consisting of direct hyper-polarizing inputs from the appropriate cones and a depolarizing input from the LHC which acts as a voltage inverter. A negative feedback circuit from the LHC to the cone pedicles is included and its negative feedback gain increases as the mean illuminance level (Io) increases. The negative feedback circuit, which promotes adaptation in the cones to changing Io's, is not necessary for opponent polarization in the BHC or THC, but does explain variabilities of impulse responses.  相似文献   

The trematode Microphallus sp. alters the behavior of its snail intermediate host, Potamopyrgus antipodarum, in ways that seem to increase transmission to its final host, e.g., waterfowl, and decrease the probability of being eaten by other predators, e.g., fish. The parasite seems to cause the snail to move from the top to the bottom of rocks at about 0900 hr. Waterfowl feed predominantly before 0900 hr, and fish feed predominantly after 0900 hr. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that Microphallus sp.-infected snails exhibit a change in behavior at around 0900 hr by examining their response to light and vertical orientation before and after 0900 hr. Results demonstrated that uninfected snails generally move toward light, oriented downward, and move a greater distance in the light compared with the dark at all times of day. Microphallus sp.-infected snails behaved differently from uninfected snails in the early morning but similarly to uninfected snails in the late morning with regard to downward orientation and distance moved in response to light. Snails infected with parasites other than Microphallus sp. behaved similarly to uninfected snails during both time periods. These results suggest that Microphallus sp. manipulates the behavior of Potamopyrgus sp. by altering rates of movement in response to light and vertical orientation in a manner consistent with the hypothesized 0900-hr shift.  相似文献   

Variations in water potential have marked effects on aspects of embryological development in reptiles. Therefore variation in the salinity of the incubation environment is likely to have significant consequences on the early life stage. The combination of an extended incubation period, coupled with the real threat of soil salinisation within their range makes Chelodina expansa an ideal model to assess the influence of salinity on turtle embryology. We quantified the influence of salt on the development of C. expansa hatchlings in four substrate treatments varying in salinity. Embryos incubated in higher salinities had 39 % less survival than those incubated in substrates with freshwater. Hatchlings that emerged from eggs in saline treatments were smaller with higher concentrations of plasma sodium, chloride, urea, and potassium. The physiological effects of salinity mirror those of turtles incubated in drier media with low water potential. Salinisation of river banks has the potential to reduce hatching success and fitness of nesting reptiles.  相似文献   

Gonadal cycles are described for Alathyria jacksoni and Velesunio ambiguus from the River Murray at Overland Corner (near Lock 3) and for V. ambiguus at Point Sturt, Lake Alexandrina. The study included periods of low flow (1982), minor flooding (1983) and intermediate flow (1986). In males, gametogenesis continued year-round with fertilisation in late winter. Female A. jacksoni brooded embryos in spring and released glochidia during spring and summer, whereas in female V. ambiguus, glochidia were present most of the year, with peak releases in spring and summer. In both species, the proportions of actively reproducing individuals varied. In the Murray, populations were influenced by variations in discharge. At Point Sturt, gonadal cycles in V. ambiguus were irregular, influenced by variable lake levels. Although both species are essentially gonochoristic, there were hermaphrodites in river and lake populations, and a female bias in the population at Point Sturt. Infections by parasitic trematodes at Point Sturt were rare, but occurred in 10% of A. jacksoni and 35% of V. ambiguus at Overland Corner. The river populations were also affected by gill damage due to unionicolid mites. The disparities in infections between river and lake mussels are unexplained, but did affect their reproductive activity.  相似文献   

The morphology of an animal is known to reflect both genetic variation and adaptation to the environment. Thus, phenotypic criteria have been used to characterize indigenous crayfish populations. Twenty-one morphometric parameters were measured on crayfish from 25 waterbodies in the Austrian and Italian parts of Tyrol. They were analysed with hierarchical cluster analysis to obtain the population structure based on morphological similarity between and within the freshwater crayfish species Astacus astacus (noble crayfish), Austropotamobius torrentium (stone crayfish) and Austropotamobius pallipes (white-clawed crayfish). Furthermore, a stepwise discriminant analysis was applied to the morphometric data to test their differentiating power between populations. Both analyses resulted in a clear differentiation of species and populations, and reflected geographic separations. Thus, the developed morphometric methods were shown to be applicable to characterize the phenotype in freshwater crayfish and seem appropriate to be used for stock identification and the effective characterization of management units in decapod crustaceans.  相似文献   


Many lowland floodplain habitats have been disconnected from their rivers by flood defence banks. Removing or lowering these banks can reinstate regular flooding and thus restore these important wetland plant communities. In this study we analyse changes in wetland hydrology and plant community composition following the lowering of flood defence banks at a floodplain of the River Don in the United Kingdom (UK). The aim of the restoration project was to improve the quality of “floodplain grazing marsh” habitat, which is a group of wetland communities that are of conservation interest in the UK. We analyse changes in species richness and community composition over a period of 6 years, and compare the presence of indicator species from the target floodplain grazing marsh plant communities. The lowering of the flood banks increased the frequency of flood events, from an estimated average of 1.7 floods per year to 571 floods per year. The increased flooding significantly increased the proportion of time that the wetland was submerged, and the heterogeneity in hydrological conditions within the floodplain. There were significant differences in composition between the pre-restoration and restored plant communities. Plants with traits for moisture tolerance became more abundant, although the communities did not contain significantly more ‘target’ floodplain grazing marsh species at the end of the study period than prior to restoration. Colonisation by floodplain grazing marsh species may have been limited because environmental conditions were not yet suitable, or because of a shortage of colonising propagules. While the desired target plant community has not been achieved after 5 years, it is encouraging that the community has changed dynamically as a result of hydrological changes, and that moisture-tolerant species have increased in occurrence. Over the next few decades, the restored flood regime may cause further environmental change or colonisation events, thus helping increase the occurrence of desired floodplain grazing marsh indicator species.


Roads are detrimental to wildlife populations that require contiguous networks of terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Many species of freshwater turtles are sensitive to habitat fragmentation caused by roads, and are susceptible to road mortality during overland migrations. The common long‐necked turtle (Chelodina longicollis) is an Australian freshwater turtle that frequently moves between wetlands, and so populations may incur negative impacts from road effects. Here, we assessed the relationship between C. longicollis and road density and landscape variables within populations inhabiting 20 wetlands distributed throughout greater Melbourne, Australia. The size frequency distribution of C. longicollis at sites surrounded by high road densities was skewed towards larger individuals, but there was no difference in the frequency of juveniles between high and low road density sites. Regression modelling revealed a clear positive relationship between road density and carapace length (CL) of C. longicollis; the mean CL at a site with the highest road density was predicted to be 23% greater than mean CL at a site surrounded by no roads. Female CL was also positively related to road density. There was a clear positive relationship between wetland age and CL, although this relationship was not as strong. While there was no relationship evident between road density and the proportion of female C. longicollis at a site, more females were captured at smaller ephemeral sites surrounded by a high proportion of green open space and located near drainage lines. We did not find evidence of sex‐related differences in road effects. These results suggest that roads may be affecting C. longicollis in the study area, but the direct cause of any effects is difficult to identify.  相似文献   

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