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Spirogyra Link (1820) is an anabranched filamentous green alga that forms free-floating mats in shallow waters. It occurs widely in static waters such as ponds and ditches, sheltered littoral areas of lakes, and stow-flowing streams. Field observations of its seasonal distribution suggest that the 70-μm-wide filament form of Spirogyra should have a cool temperature and high irradiance optimum for net photosynthesis. Measurements of net photosynthesis and respiration were marie at 58 combinations of tight and temperature in a controlled environment facility. Optimum conditions were 25°C and 1500 μmol photons m−2 s−1, at which net photosynthesis averaged 75.7 mg O2 gdm−1 h−1. Net photosynthesis was positive at temperatures from 5° to 35°C at most irradiances except at combinations of extremely low irradiances and high temperatures (7 and 23 μmol photons m−2 s−1 at 30°C and 7, 23, and 35 μmol photons m−2 s−1 at 35°C). Respiration rates increased with both temperature and prior irradiance. Light-enhanced respiration rates were significantly greater than dark respiration rates following irradiances of 750 μmol photons m−2 s−1 or greater. Polynomials were fitted to the data to generate response surfaces; such response surfaces can be used to represent net photosynthesis and respiration in ecological models. The data indicate that the alga can tolerate the cool water and high irradiances characteristic of early spring but cannot maintain positive net photosynthesis under conditions of high temperature and low light (e.g. when exposed to self-shading ).  相似文献   

Growth responses of Pithophora oedogonia (Mont.) Wittr. and Spirogyra sp. to nine combinations of temperature (15°, 25°, and 35°C) and photon flux rate (50, 100, and 500 μmol·m?2·s?1) were determined using a three-factorial design. Maximum growth rates were measured at 35°C and 500 pmol·m?2·s?1 for P. oedogonia (0.247 d?1) and 25°C and 500 μmol·m?2·s?1 for Spirogyra sp. (0.224 d?1). Growth rates of P. oedogonia were strongly inhibited at 15°C (average decrease= 89%of maximum rate), indicating that this species is warm stenothermal. Growth rates of Spirogyra sp. were only moderately inhibited at 15° and 35°C (average decrease = 36 and 30%, respectively), suggesting that this species is eurythermal over the temperature range employed. Photon flux rate had a greater influence on growth of Spirogyra sp. (31% reduction at 50 pmol·m?2·s?1 and 25°C) than it did on growth of P. oedogonia (16% reduction at 50 μmol·m?2·s?1 and 35°C). Spirogyra sp. also exhibited much greater adjustments to its content of chlorophyll a (0.22–3.34 μg·mg fwt?1) than did P. oedogonia (1.35–3.08 μg·mg fwt?1). The chlorophyll a content of Spirogyra sp. increased in response to both reductions in photon flux rate and high temperatures (35°C). Observed species differences are discussed with respect to in situ patterns of seasonal abundance in Surrey Lake, Indiana, the effect of algal mat anatomy on the internal light environment, and the process of acclimation to changes in temperature and irradiance conditions.  相似文献   

三江水绵图1 Spirogyra sanjingensis sp. nov. Celluis vegetativis 104-133μlatis, 142—295μlongis; dissepimentis planis; chromatophoris 9-10(11), anfractibus 1-1.5; conjugations scalari, tubo ex utroque cellula mascula et feminca emisso; cellulis fructiferis cylindricis, levi-  相似文献   

DNA sequence data were obtained for the gene encoding the large subunit of RUBISCO (rbcL) from 26 strains of Spirogyra and seven of Sirogonium, using as outgroups 10 genera in the Zygnematales and Desmidiales (Closterium, Cosmarium, Cylindrocystis, Gonatozygon, Mesotaenium, Netrium, Penium, Zygnema, Zygnemopsis, Zygogonium). Sequence data were analyzed using maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML), and Bayesian inference (BI), with bootstrap replication (MP, ML) and posterior probabilities (BI) as measures of support. MP, ML, and BI analyses of the rbcL data strongly support a single clade containing Spirogyra and Sirogonium. The Spirogyra taxa are monophyletic, with the exception of Spirogyra maxima (Hassall) Wittrock, which is nested within a clade with Sirogonium and shares with them the characters of loosely spiraled chloroplasts (<1 complete turn per cell) and anisogamy of gametangial cells; S. maxima differs from Sirogonium in displaying well‐defined conjugation tubes rather than a tubeless connection involving bending (genuflection) of filaments. The ML and BI analyses place this Sirogonium/Spirogyra maxima clade sister to the remaining Spirogyra. Morphological differences among strains of Spirogyra grouped together on the basis of rbcL data, including laboratory strains derived from clonal cultures (Spirogyra communis, S. pratensis), indicate that some characters (filament width, chloroplast number) used in the traditional taxonomy of this group are poor measures of species identity. However, some characters such as replicate end walls and loose spiraling of chloroplasts may be synapomorphies for Spirogyra clades.  相似文献   

Investigations were conducted to determine whether ploidal changes found in laboratory cultures of Spirogyra also occur in nature. In an earlier study filament types identifiable as three different species (Spirogyra singu-laris Nordstedt, S. communis (Hassall)Kütz., S. fragilis Jao) arose from an original clonal culture through vegetative growth and sexual reproduction. These three “species” or filament groups differed in filament width, chloroplast number, zygospore size, and chromosome number. The differences in chromosome number represented a polyploid series of diploid (S. communis), triploid (S. fragilis), and tetraploid (S. singularis) forms in which width increased with ploidal level. The three width groups constituted a “species complex.” Five years after isolation of the original strain in this species complex, filaments corresponding to two of the width groups (S. singularis and S. communis) were found at the original collection site in the Santa Catalina Mountains in southern Arizona. The two field-collected groups were indistinguishable from the laboratory species complex in morphology and chromosome number. Homothallic conjugation within the two field width groups yielded progeny similar to those from homothallic conjugation of groups in the laboratory species complex. Filament widths of progeny were generally within the width limits of respective parental groups. The four possible intergroup crosses between the two laboratory and two field width groups yielded progeny similar to the wider parent (S. singularis) or the parent of intermediate width (S. fragilis). Progeny characteristics were determined by the width groups of parents, regardless of whether parents came from the laboratory or field. The similarities in morphology, chromosome numbers, and reproductive behavior of laboratory and field width groups imply that the laboratory species complex of S. communis has a natural counterpart in the field.  相似文献   

Temperature and photon flux density (PFD) vary independently in estuaries, e.g. high PFD may occur at any temperature, so it is necessary to consider synergistic effects of these factors on algal growth. Because natural PFD is highly variable and daylength changes confound seasonal temperature cycles, it is easier to interpret factorial experiments in controlled laboratory conditions. Clonal Ulva rotundata Blid. (Chlorophyta) has been studied extensively in outdoor culture. In this study it was maintained indoors under square wave photoperiods at five PFDs and three temperatures. Growth rate, photqsynthetic light response (P-I) curves, and photosystem II chlorophyll fluorescence properties were measured at the growth temperature following acclimation. Interactions between PFD and growth temperature were strongly indicated in all physiological parameters measured. Greatest PFD response occurred at the highest temperature, and the largest temperature response occurred at the highest PFD. Light-saturated photosynthesis (Pm) dark respiration (Rd), and light-limited quantum yield (Φm) were sufficient to describe acclimation status. The light-saturation parameter (Ik) was redundant and potentially misleading. Although U. rotundata exhibits a great amplitude of photoacclimation, it apparently has little capacity for temperature acclimation compared to the kelp, Laminaria saccharina, for which published data indicate similar photosynthetic rates over a broad range of growth temperatures. Diurnal variation of Pm and Rd at a growth PFD of ~ 1700 ± 200 μmol photons · m?2· s?1 was similar to the pattern observed previously in outdoor culture, suggesting endogenous control of these parameters. Quantum yield and the ratio of variable to maximum chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm), which were depressed in midday sunlight exceeding ~ 1500 μmol photons · m?2· s?1, were relatively invariant through the day in indoor culture, indicating that these parameters are controlled primarily by instantaneous PFD. Growth and fluorescence data are also presented for some other macroalgae for comparative purposes.  相似文献   

The influence of growth irradiance on the non-steady-state relationship between photosynthesis and tissue carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools in Chaetomorpha linum (Muller) Kutzing in response to abrupt changes in external nitrogen (N) availability was determined in laboratory experiments. For a given thallus N content, algae acclimated to low irradiance consistently had a higher rate of light-saturated photosynthesis (Pmax normalized to dry weight) than algae acclimated to saturating irradiance; for both treatments, Pmax was correlated to thallus N. Both Pmax and the photosynthetic efficiency (αdw) were correlated in C. linum grown at either saturating or limiting irradiance over the range of experimental conditions, indicating that variations in electron transport were coupled to variations in C-fixation capacity despite the large range of tissue N content from 1.1% to 4.8%. Optimizing both α and Pmax and thereby acclimating to an intermediate light level may be a general characteristic of thin-structured opportunistic algae that confers a competitive advantage in estuarine environments in which both light and nutrient conditions are highly variable. Nitrogen-saturated algae had the same photosynthesis–irradiance relationship regardless of light level. When deprived of an external N supply, photosynthetic rates did not change in C. linum acclimated to low irradiance despite a two-fold decrease in tissue N content, suggesting that the active pools of chlorophyll and Rubisco remained constant. Both α and Pmax decreased immediately and continuously in algae acclimated to high irradiance on removal of the N supply even though tissue N content was relatively high during most of the N-starvation period, indicating a diversion of energy and reductant away from C fixation to support high growth rates. Carbon and nitrogen assimilation were equally balanced in algae in both light treatments throughout the N-saturation and -depletion phases, except when protein synthesis was limited by the depletion of internal N reserves in severely N-starved high-light algae and excess C accumulated as starch stores. This suggests that the ability for short-term adjustment of internal allocation to acquire N andC in almost constant proportions may be especially beneficial to macroalgae living in environments characterized by high variability in light levels and nutrient supply.  相似文献   

A blue light– (peak at 470 nm) induced photomovement was observed in the filamentous eukaryotic algae, Spirogyra spp. When Spirogyra filaments were scattered in a water chamber under a unilateral light source, they rapidly aligned toward the light source in 1 h and bound with neighboring filaments to form thicker parallel bundles of filaments. The filaments in the anterior of the bundles curved toward the light first and then those in the posterior began to roll up toward the light, forming an open‐hoop shape. The bundle of filaments then moved toward the light source by repeated rolling and stretching of filaments. When the moving bundle met other filaments, they joined and formed a bigger mat. The coordination of filaments was essential for the photomovement. The average speed of movement ranged between 7.8 and 13.2 μm·s?1. The movement was induced in irradiance level from 1 to 50 μmol photons·m?2·s?1. The filaments of Spirogyra showed random bending and stretching movement under red or far‐red light, but the bundles did not move toward the light source. There was no distinct diurnal rhythm in the photomovement of Spirogyra spp.  相似文献   

Using a factorial design, we investigated the effects of 150 different combinations of irradiance, daylength and temperature on zoosporogenesis in Coleochaete scutata. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that irradiance and daylength did not .significantly influence the response, out that temperature was highly significant. Exposure of thalli to 20°C for one to several days is sufficient to induce zoospore production in C. scutata and several other northern temperature species of Coleochaete. Results of the factorial experiment correlate well with field observations on the seasonal occurrence of asexual reproduction in several Coleochaete species. A technique based on results of this factorial study is described for using zoospores to obtain morphologically normal, unialgal cultures of Coleochaete .sp. It was concluded that the factorial approach to investigation of environmental control of zoosporogenesis can be a powerful tool for understanding natural algal population dynamics, as well as controlling growth and reproduction of algae in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Biomass, akinete numbers, net photosynthesis, and respiration of Pithophora oedogonia were monitored over two growing seasons in shallow Surrey Lake, Indiana. Low rates of photosynthesis occurred from late fall to early spring and increased to maximum levels in late spring to summer (29–39 mgO2·g?1 dry wt·h?1). Areal biomass increased following the rise in photosynthesis and peaked in autumn (163–206g dry wt·m?2). Photosynthetic rates were directly correlated with temperature, nitrogen, and phosphorus over the entire annual cycle and during the growing season. Differences in photosynthetic activity and biomass between the two growing seasons (1980 and 1981) were apparently related to higher, early spring temperatures and higher levels of NO3-N and PO4-P in 1981. Laboratory investigations of temperature and light effects on Pithophora photosynthesis and respiration indicated that these processes were severely inhibited below 15°C. The highest Pmax value occurred at 35°C (0.602 μmol O2·mg?1 chl a·min?1). Rates of dark respiration did not increase above 25°C thus contributing to a favorable balance of photosynthetic production to respiratory utilization at high temperatures. Light was most efficiently utilized at 15°C as indicated by minimum values of Ik(47 μE·m?2·s?1) and Ic (6 μE·m?2·s?1). Comparison of P. oedogonia and Cladophora glomerata indicated that the former was more tolerant of temperatures above 30°C. Pithophora's tolerance of high temperature and efficient use of low light intensity appear to be adaptive to conditions found within the dense, floating algal mats and the shallow littoral areas inhabited by this filamentous alga.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic rates of Trentepohlia odorata (L.) Martius growing on wall surfaces in Singapore changed throughout the day with a maximum in midmorning and decreasing thereafter during the day. Optimum temperature for photosynthesis was 25° C. Different levels of air humidity also affected photosynthetic rates with low relative humidity reducing the rates and efficiency of photosynthesis. Our results suggested that T. odorata was able to maximize its rate of photosynthesis before photoinhibitory light levels were reached and that its growth might be dependent on high levels of atmospheric relative humidity, which may serve as a source of water supply for the alga.  相似文献   

This study examined how light and temperature interact to influence growth rates, chl a, and photosynthetic efficiency of the oceanic pennate diatom Pseudo‐nitzschia granii Hasle, isolated from the northeast subarctic Pacific. Growth rates were modulated by both light and temperature, although for each irradiance tested, the growth rate was always the greatest at ~14°C. Chl a per cell was affected primarily by temperature, except at the maximum chl a per cell (at 10°C) where the effects of light were noticeable. At both ends of the temperature gradient, cells displayed evidence of chlorosis even at low light intensities. Chl fluorescence data suggested that cells at 8°C were significantly more efficient in their photosynthetic processes than cells at 20°C, despite having comparable concentrations of chl. Cells at low temperature showed photosynthetic characteristics similar to high‐irradiance‐adapted cells. The decline of growth rates beyond the optimum growth temperature coincided with the cell's inability to accumulate chl in response to increasing temperature. The decline in photosynthetic ability at 20°C was likely due to a combination of high‐temperature stress on cellular membranes and a decline in chl. Our results highlight the important interactions between light and temperature and the need to incorporate these interactions into the development of phytoplankton models for the subarctic Pacific.  相似文献   

Ulothrix zonata (Weber and Mohr) Kütz. is an unbranched filamentous green alga found in rocky littoral areas of many northern lakes. Field observations of its seasonal and spatial distribution indicated that it should have a low temperature and a high irradiance optimum for net photosynthesis, and at temperatures above 10°C it should show an increasingly unfavorable energy balance. Measurements of net photosynthesis and respiration were made at 56 combinations of light and temperature. Optimum conditions were 5°C and 1100 μE·m?2·s?1 at which net photosynthesis was 16.8 mg O2·g?1·h?1. As temperature increased above 5° C optimum irradiance decreased to 125 μE·m?2·s?1 at 30°C. Respiration rates increased with both temperature and prior irradiance. Light-enhanced respiration rates were significantly greater than dark respiration rates following irradiance exposures of 125 μE·m?2·s?1 or greater. Polynomials were fitted to the data to generate response surfaces. Polynomial equations represent statistical models which can accurately predict photosynthesis and respiration for inclusion in ecosystem models.  相似文献   

Spirogyra sp. Link was found to be parasitized by filamentous fungi tentatively identified as Saprolegnia asterophora de Bary and Pythium gracile Schenk, in field samples and when maintained in unaltered pond water in an 18 h fluorescent light–6 h dark regime at 18 ± 2°C. Collections were made periodically between March 1978, and November 1979, from a pond in Mill Seek Sanctuary near Oyster Bay, Nassau Co., Long Island, New York. Initially, less than 1% of the total field population of Spirogyra sp. was infected by either fungal parasite with Saprolegnia asterophora being the dominant parasite present generally alone in most samples or present in 80–95% of the total number of infected algal filaments when occurring concurrently with P. gracile. However, in the laboratory, approximately 100% of the Spirogyra sp. filaments in any given sample became infected by Saprolegnia asterophora and/or P. gracile within a 1—2 wk and 3–4 wk period, respectively, with vegetative hyphae involved in the spread of infection to neighboring algal filaments. Infection of algal filaments occurred at random points with cell to cell hyphal extension within the filament causing disruption of host cells. Development of S. asterophora, and possibly P. gracile, sexual reproductive structures was common in relation with the host with asexual sporangial production not observed. Saprolegnia asterophora and P. gracile were cultured on glucose, yeast extract, malt extract (GYM) medium from infected Spirogyra sp. filaments, with infection of healthy algal filaments using these cultures by Saprolegnia asterophora, but not by P. gracile, induced in the laboratory. Growth responses and tropic responses of the fungi to the algal host could not be demonstrated.  相似文献   

A vegetative clone of the chlorophyte macroalga Ulva rotundata Blid. was maintained in an outdoor continuous flow system and subjected to a large decrease in irradiance. Specific growth rates based on changes in fresh (μFW) and dry weight (μDW) and surface area (μSA) were determined using precut disks over the 24 h following a post-sunset transfer from full sunlight (100% I0) to 9% I0 All three measures of growth rate were approximately equivalent for untransferred control plants at either limiting (9%) or saturating (100%)I0. Transferred disks exhibited μFW and μSA which were slightly lower than 100%I0 controls and much higher than 9% I0 controls; μDW was nearly identical for transferred disks and 9% I0 controls. Cell size was unchanged following transfer, indicating that surface area changes reflected a proportional increase in cell number. Cell division therefore continued at a high rate for one day following transfer of U. rotundata to irradiances which are subsaturating for photosynthesis (indicated by μDw). Starch reserves were largely depleted, and the C/N ratio decreased during this period.  相似文献   

Temperature tolerances and relative growth rates were determined for different isolates of the tropical to warm temperate seaweed species Cladophoropsis membranacea (C. Agardh) Boergesen (Siphonodadales, Chlorophyta) and some related taxa. Most isolates of C membranacea survived undamaged at 18° C for at least 8 weeks. Lower temperatures (5°–15°C) were tolerated for shorter periods of time but caused damage to cells. All isolates survived temperatures up to 34° C, whereas isolates from the eastern Mediterranean and Red Sea survived higher temperatures up to 36°C. Growth occurred between 18° and 32° C, but an isolate from the Red Sea had an extended growth range, reaching its maximum at 35°C. Struvea anastomosans (Harvey) Piccone & Grunow, Cladophoropsis sundanensis Reinbold, and an isolate of C. membranacea from Hawaii were slightly less cold- tolerant, with damage occurring at 18°C. Upper survival temperatures were between 32° and 36° C in these taxa. Temperature response data were mapped onto a phylogenetic tree. Tolerance for low temperatures appears to be a derived character state that supports the hypothesis that C. membranacea originated from a strictly tropical ancestor. Isolates from the Canary Islands, which is near the northern limit of distribution, are ill adapted to local temperature regimes. Isolates from the eastern Mediterranean and Red Sea show some adaptation to local temperature stress. They are isolated from those in the eastern Atlantic by a thermal barrier at the entrance of the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Effects of light and temperature on growth of two freshwater photosynthetic cryptophytes of different cell size were studied in batch cultures. For the smaller Cryptomonas 979/67, Steele's model and equation of Platt et al. described the relationship between growth rate and photon flux density (PFD), whereas a hyperbolic tangent function gave a better fit for the larger Cryptomonas 979/62. Maximum growth rates given by the three models were consistent with each other, but the hyperbolic tangent function gave slightly lower estimates. Maximum growth rates in relation to temperature were well described for both species by the model of Logan et al. The optimum temperature for growth for Cryptomonas 979/67 was ca. 24.5° C and 19.0° C for Cryptomonas 979/62. The lethal temperatures were 30.4° C and 23.1° C for 979/67 and 979/62, respectively. The estimated maximum growth rates were 1.38 div.·day?1 for Cryptomonas 979/67 and 0.87 div.·day ?1 for Cryptomonas 979/62. There were interspecific differences in photoadaptation strategies, as Cryptomonas 979/67 required relatively high PFDs to show net growth, whereas Cryptomonas 979/62 grew at lower irradiances. Cryptomonas 979/67 showed photoinhibition soon after the saturation point, but Cryptomonas 979/62 tolerated a much wider range of irradiance. From their growth responses to light, Cryptomonas 979/ 67 appears to be a stenotopic and Cryptomonas 979/ 62 a eurytopic strain.  相似文献   

Four axenic strains of snow algae were examined for optimum pH under laboratory conditions using M-1 growth medium. Growth was measured using cell counts, cell measurements and absorbance readings at 440 nm. Strains C204 and C479A of Chloromonas sp. from the Adirondack Mountains, New York, grew optimally at pH 4.0 to 5.0. Strains C381F and C381G, Chloromonas polyptera (Fritsch) Hoh., Mull. & Roem. from the White Mountains, Arizona, grew optimally at pH 4.5 to 5.0. Growth was significantly higher at pH 4.0 in the northeastern species (Chloromonas sp.), but no significant difference was observed in final growth at pH 4.5, 5.0 and 5.5 between species. It is postulated that the more acidic precipitation in the northeastern United States may be selecting for strains of snow algae with greater tolerance to acidity than in strains from the southwestern United States or that the different pH optima reported are simply species differences. New York strain C204 was also grown in heavily buffered AM medium where it had an optimum pH of 5.0, but cells became irregularly shaped and tended to clump at pH 6.0 to 7.0. Growth of C204 in AM medium was significantly lower than in M-1 medium for snow algae. These findings justify the use of M-1 medium for this type of experimentation.  相似文献   

The growth characteristics of Haematococcus pluvialis Flotow were determined in batch culture. Optimal temperature for growth of the alga was between 25° and 28°C, at which the specific growth rate was 0.054 h?1. At higher temperatures, no cell division was observed, and cell diameter increased from 5 to 25 μm. The saturated irradiance for growth of the alga was 90 μmol quanta · m?2·s?1; under higher irradiances (e.g. 400 μmol quanta·m?2·s?1) astaxanthin accumulation was induced. Growth rate, cell cycle, and astaxanthin accumulation were significantly affected by growth conditions. Careful attention should be given to the use of optimal growth conditions when studying these processes.  相似文献   

Freshwater species of Cladophora (Chlorophyta) are globally distributed and occupy an unusually wide range of ecological habitats. Delineating species is difficult because most easily observed morphological traits are highly variable and because sexual reproduction has not been clearly documented. Synthesizing ecological data on freshwater Cladophora species is problematic because it is unclear whether freshwater Cladophora species comprise many genetically distinct species or a few ecologically and morphologically variable and/or plastic species. We determined nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear ribosomal cistron of freshwater Cladophora species from a wide range of habitats and geographic locations. We compared these sequences to those derived from culture collections of C. fracta and C. glomerata, the two most commonly reported freshwater Cladophora species. Cladophora fracta and C. glomerata had very similar ITS sequences (95.3%). All other sequences were identical to those from the C. fracta or C. glomerata culture collections with the exception of one California sample that was similar to both C. fracta (95.6%) and C. glomerata (92.4%). ITS genotypes did not correlate with morphology or geography. This analysis shows that common freshwater Cladophora species comprise very few (possibly one) ecologically and morphologically variable species.  相似文献   

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