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Six novel gemini cationic lipids based on aromatic backbone, bearing n-C14H 29 or n-C16H33 hydrocarbon chains, differing in the length of oxyethylene type spacers -CH2-(CH2-O-CH2)m-CH2- between each ammonium headgroups have been synthesized, where m varies from 1 to 3. Each of these lipids formed stable suspensions in aqueous media. Cationic liposomes were prepared from each of these lipids individually and as mixtures of each cationic lipid and DOPE. These were used as nonviral gene delivery agents. Transfection studies showed that among lipids bearing n-C14H29 chains, the transfection efficacies decreased with the increase in the length of the spacer, whereas in case of lipids bearing n-C 16H33 chains, the transfection efficacies increased with the increase in the length of the spacer. Lipid bearing n-C16H33 hydrocarbon chains with a [-(CH2-CH2-O-CH2-CH2-O-CH2-CH2-O-CH2-CH2)-] spacer was found to be a potent gene transfer agent and its transfection was highly serum compatible even in the presence of 50% serum conditions.  相似文献   

The new cholesterol-based cationic lipids B, C, and D with an ether linked spacer were synthesized by using aminopropyl chain extension with acrylonitrile. The cholesterol-based cationic lipid A with carbamoyl linkage were also synthesized in order to compare the difference in transfection efficiency of the two linkage types. To this end, GFP expression of these cationic lipids was confirmed respectively.  相似文献   

Gene therapy provides powerful new approaches to curing a large variety of diseases, which are being explored in ongoing worldwide clinical trials. To overcome the limitations of viral gene delivery systems, synthetic nonviral vectors such as cationic liposomes (CLs) are desirable. However, improvements of their efficiency at reduced toxicity and a better understanding of their mechanism of action are required. We present the efficient synthesis of a series of degradable multivalent cationic lipids (CMVLn, n=2 to 5) containing a disulfide bond spacer between headgroup and lipophilic tails. This spacer is designed to be cleaved in the reducing milieu of the cytoplasm and thus decrease lipid toxicity. Small angle X-ray scattering demonstrates that the initially formed lamellar phase of CMVLn-DNA complexes completely disappears when reducing agents such as DTT or the biologically relevant reducing peptide glutathione are added to mimic the intracellular milieu. The CMVLs (n=3 to 5) exhibit reduced cytotoxicity and transfect mammalian cells with efficiencies comparable to those of highly efficient non-degradable analogs and benchmark commercial reagents such as Lipofectamine 2000. Thus, our results demonstrate that degradable disulfide spacers may be used to reduce the cytotoxicity of synthetic nonviral gene delivery carriers without compromising their transfection efficiency.  相似文献   

Twenty-four asymmetric divalent head group cholesterol-based cationic lipids were designed and synthesized by parallel solid phase chemistry. These asymmetric head groups composed of amino functionality together with trimethylamino, di(2-hydroxyethyl)amino or guanidinyl groups. Spacers between cationic heads and linker were both equal and unequal in length. These lipids were subjected to evaluation for DNA binding affinities by gel retardation assay and were screened for their transfection efficiency on HEK293 cells. Cationic lipids with equal chain length exhibited high transfection efficiency when polar part contained asymmetric polar heads. In contrast, lipids with unequal chain length exhibited high transfection efficiency when polar part contained symmetric heads. According to the optimal formulation, seven lipids exhibited higher transfection efficiency than the commercially available transfection agents, Effectene?, DOTAP and DC-Chol, to deliver DNA into PC3 human prostate adenocarcinoma cells. 3β-[N-(N′-Guanidinyl)-2′-aminoethyl)-N-(2-aminoethyl)carbamoyl] cholesterol (5) bearing amino and guanidinyl polar heads exhibited highest transfection efficiency with minimal toxicity. The morphology of active liposomes was observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and size of liposomes were around 200–700 nm.  相似文献   

Eight cholesterol based cationic lipids differing in the headgroup have been synthesized based on the ether linkage between the cationic headgroup and the cholesterol backbone. All the lipids formed stable suspensions in water. Transfection efficacies were examined in the absence and presence of serum using their optimized liposomal (lipid:DOPE) formulations. Our results showed that the transfection activities depend on the nature of the headgroup. Lipid bearing 4-N,N′-dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP) as headgroup showed the maximum transfection efficacy in the presence of serum. Importantly, the optimized formulation for this cationic lipid does not require DOPE, which is being used by most commercially available formulations. Cytotoxicity studies showed that the introduction of the positive charge decreases the cell viability of the cationic lipid formulations. Gel electrophoresis and Ethidium bromide exclusion assay revealed the different DNA binding abilities of formulations depending upon the headgroup of the cholesteryl lipid.  相似文献   

Eight cholesterol based cationic lipids differing in the headgroup have been synthesized based on the ether linkage between the cationic headgroup and the cholesterol backbone. All the lipids formed stable suspensions in water. Transfection efficacies were examined in the absence and presence of serum using their optimized liposomal (lipid:DOPE) formulations. Our results showed that the transfection activities depend on the nature of the headgroup. Lipid bearing 4-N,N'-dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP) as headgroup showed the maximum transfection efficacy in the presence of serum. Importantly, the optimized formulation for this cationic lipid does not require DOPE, which is being used by most commercially available formulations. Cytotoxicity studies showed that the introduction of the positive charge decreases the cell viability of the cationic lipid formulations. Gel electrophoresis and Ethidium bromide exclusion assay revealed the different DNA binding abilities of formulations depending upon the headgroup of the cholesteryl lipid.  相似文献   

Based on their respective antitumor and thrombolytic activities, the superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin C2 (SEC2) and staphylokinase (Sak) were chosen for the construction of the novel chimeric proteins Sak-linker- SEC2 and SEC2-linker-Sak using a linker composed of nine Ala residues. Both chimeric proteins possessed nearly the same PBMC proliferation stimulating activity and antitumor activity as SEC2 and thrombolytic activity as Sak. Neither the SEC2 or Sak component of each chimeric protein affected the activity of the other component. The results presented in this study provide a possible strategy to prevent and cure tumor thrombus.  相似文献   

In this work, the tumor suppressor gene p16 was efficiently transferred into FR cells isolated from a patient with malignant mesothelioma using cationic liposomes prepared from trimethyl aminoethane carbamoyl cholesterol (TMAEC-Chol) and triethyl aminopropane carbamoyl cholesterol (TEAPC-Chol). This transfer was performed after preliminary assays were undertaken to find the optimal transfection conditions. Results showed that an efficient transfer of plasmids containing the reporter gene pCMV-beta galactosidase vectorized by TMAEC-Chol/DOPE and TEAPC-Chol/DOPE liposomes into mesothelioma FR cells was obtained as assessed by luminometric measurements of beta-galactosidase activity. Cytotoxicity studied by MTT test showed that at concentrations used for this study, the cationic liposomes have no effect on cell growth. Transfer into mesothelioma FR cells of a plasmid construct containing the tumor suppressor gene p16 was carried out with these liposomes. Western blotting and immunofluorescence showed the presence of p16 in treated cells. An inhibition of cell growth was observed, indicating that efficient tumor suppressor gene transfer can be performed by using cationic liposomes.  相似文献   

A novel gene delivery system, called PoSC, consisting of PEI, PSP, and HA is described. In contrast to the DNA/PEI/HA ternary system whose transfection efficiency decreases significantly with increasing serum concentration, PoSC exhibits a high transfection efficiency of about 51 and 87% for NIH3T3 and HCT116 cells, respectively, at 50% serum concentration. Furthermore, PoSC shows no cytotoxic effect at its working concentration. The overall results suggest that HA adsorption on cationic complexes enhances the transfection efficiency, while PSP is essential for high transfection efficiency at higher serum concentration.  相似文献   

Recently, we demonstrated that covalent grafting of an endosome-disrupting single histidine functionality in the headgroup region imparts high gene transfer properties to cationic amphiphiles (Kumar, V. V., et al. Gene Ther. 2003, 10, 1206-1215). However, whether covalent attachment of multiple histidine functionalities in the headgroup region are capable of further enhancing the gene transfer efficacies of cationic amphiphiles remains to be explored. To this end, herein, we report on the design, syntheses, physicochemical characterizations, in vitro gene transfer properties, and serum compatibilities of three novel nontoxic cationic transfection amphiphiles containing mono-, di-, and tri-histidine functionalities in their headgroup regions (lipids 1-3) in multiple cultured cells. Significantly, findings in both the reporter gene expression assay and the whole cell histochemical X-gal staining assay support the notion that there is no linear correlation between the in vitro transfection efficacies and the number of histidine functionalities in the polar headgroup regions for histidinylated cationic amphiphiles. The relative gene transfer efficiencies, as well as the serum compatibilities, of the present histidinylated cationic amphiphiles were found to be strikingly dependent on the medium of lipoplex formation. Most importantly, high serum compatibilities (up to 50% added serum) of the lipoplexes of lipids 1 and 3 make them promising nonviral transfection vectors for future systemic applications.  相似文献   

The synthesis, physical properties, and transfection potencies of two representives of a new class of divalent, tetraalkyl cationic lipids is described. These cationic lipids are dimers of N,N-Dioleyl-N,N-dimethylammonium chloride (DODAC) joined by a hydrocarbon tether three or six carbons in length (TODMAC3 and TODMAC6, respectively). It is shown that TODMAC6 can display improved transfection properties in comparison to DODAC when formulated into plasmid DNA-cationic lipid complexes. These improved transfection potencies are observed at cationic lipid to DNA charge ratios of two or higher. It is also shown that TODMAC6 exhibits equivalent or improved ability (as compared to DODAC) to induce nonbilayer structure in mixtures with anionic lipid. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the ability of cationic lipids to induce nonbilayer structures when mixed with anionic lipids is correlated to their transfection potency. Complexes containing TODMAC3 on the other hand exhibit lower transfection potencies than achieved with DODAC, behavior that is consistent with steric effects limiting the formation of ion pairs with anionic lipids. It is concluded that TODMAC6 exhibits potential as a transfection agent for in vitro and in vivo use and that the design of cationic lipids according to their ability to induce nonbilayer structure provides a useful guide for synthesis of new cationic lipids.  相似文献   

The Gram-negative periodontal pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis synthesizes several classes of novel phosphorylated complex lipids, including the recently characterized phosphorylated dihydroceramides. These sphingolipids promote the interleukin-1 (IL-1)-mediated secretion of inflammatory mediators from fibroblasts, including prostaglandin E2 and 6-keto prostaglandin F2alpha, and alter gingival fibroblast morphology in culture. This report demonstrates that one additional class of phosphorylated complex lipids of P. gingivalis promotes IL-1-mediated secretory responses and morphological changes in cultured fibroblasts. Structural characterization identified the new phospholipid class as 1,2-diacyl phosphatidylethanolamine, which substituted predominantly with isobranched C15:0 and C13:0 fatty acids. The isobranched fatty acids, rather than unbranched fatty acids, and the phosphoethanolamine head group were identified as the essential structural elements required for the promotion of IL-1-mediated secretory responses. These structural components are also observed in specific phosphorylated sphingolipids of P. gingivalis and likely contribute to the biological activity of these substances, in addition to the phosphatidylethanolamine lipids described in this report.  相似文献   

Three novel bromophenols 10–12 were synthesized. Acylation of veratrole (4) with 2,3-dimethoxy benzoic acid (5) gave a kown diarylmethanone 6. Bromination of 6 with different equivalents of molecular bromine afforded new di and tribrominated compounds 7–9 which were converted to their corresponding bromophenols 10–12 via O-demethylation with BBr3. Paraoxonase-1 (PON1) was purified from human serum with approximately 42% and 3584?U × mg?1 specific activity. The synthesized compounds 6–12 showed inhibitory effects on paraoxonase-1 (PON1) which is an organophosphate (OP) hydrolyser and an antioxidant bioscavenger enzyme. IC50 values were determined in the range of 0.123–1.212?mM.

Graphical abstract


Self-assembly of small molecules is a useful strategy for forming functional supramolecular structures. Three new series of methyl alpha-D-glucopyranoside derivatives, including esters and carbamates, have been synthesized and characterized. Several of these compounds are excellent hydrogelators and formed interesting self-assembled network structures, including birefringent fibers and tubules. The gelation properties depend on the acyl chain length and the headgroup structures. Small molecule sugar-based hydrogelators have potential applications in drug delivery and enzyme immobilization.  相似文献   

Series of lipids 1a-d and 2a,b, with carbamate linkages between hydrocarbon chains and ammonium or tertiary amine head, which were pH sensitive, were synthesized for liposome-mediated gene delivery. The variable length of carbon chains and quaternary ammonium or neutral tertiary amine heads allowed to find the structure-function relationship of how these factors affect cationic lipids on gene delivery performance.  相似文献   

Pyrimidinyl pyrazole derivatives 1-4, prepared as a new scaffold of an anti-tumor agent, showed antiproliferative activity against human lung cancer cell lines and inhibited tubulin polymerization. Furthermore, it was found that compound 2 bound at the colchicine site on tubulin, but the tubulin binding pattern was different from that of colchicine. Here, we describe the synthesis of the derivatives and the differences of the action mechanism on tubulin polymerization inhibition between compound 2 and colchicine.  相似文献   

A series of novel phenacylimidazolium derivatives, bearing an aryl or alkyl substituent at position-1 and a phenacyl substituent at position-3 of the imidazole ring, has been prepared and evaluated in vitro against a panel of human tumor cell lines. Phenacylimidazolium bromides bearing a highly sterically hindered aryl group at position-1 and an electron-rich phenacyl or naphthylacyl substituent at position-3 of imidazole ring proved to be more active than imidazolium bromides with other substituted groups. In particular, compound 5j was found to be the most potent compounds with IC50 values lower than 5.0 μM against 8 strains human tumor cell lines and more active than cisplatin (DDP).  相似文献   

A series of pyridazine derivatives was synthesized and some of them showed a growth stimulatory activity during preliminary screening. Their effects on germination, morphogenesis, peroxidase activity and lignan content were tested on common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants. 2-[4-(6-ethoxy-pyridazin-3-ylsulfanyl)-6-ethylamino-[1,3,5]triazin-2-ylsulfanyl]-acetamide (C8) accelerated flowering and fruit production. In these plants, total lignan amount in the leaves correlated with the corresponding peroxidase activities. This compound can be recommended against the lodging of crops. Like IAA, 2-(6-ethoxy-pyridazin-3-yl)-isothiourea hydrochloride (C3) stimulated adventitious root growth with necrotic transformation of the bottom stem node. It promoted growth of leaves, the early reproductive development and pod formation. Preparations C3 and C8 can be recommended for the shortening of the juvenile time. In plants treated with each of these compounds, the highest content of lignans was recorded possibly relating to type I “non-host”—like plants resistance. 2-(6-chloro-pyridazin-3-yl)-isothiourea hydrochloride (C2) exerted a stimulatory effect on the growth of vegetative organs.  相似文献   

In continuation of our program aimed at the development of new natural product-based pesticides, a series of novel pyrazolomatrine derivatives were prepared by structural modifications of matrine, isolated as a quinolizidine alkaloid from the roots of Sophora flave. Their structures were confirmed by 1H NMR, HRMS, etc. Moreover, the steric structures of three compounds were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Among all derivatives, 19-(naphthyl-2-oyl)pyrazolomatrine (5y) showed 3.13-fold more potent acaricidal activity than its precusor matrine against Tetranychus cinnabarinus; 19-(4-methylbenzoyl)pyrazolomatrine (5j) and 19-(3,5-dimethylbenzoyl)pyrazolomatrine (5k) displayed the promising aphicidal activity against Aphis citricola van der. Their structure-activity relationships were also observed.  相似文献   

Synthesis and antiviral activities of novel gossypol derivatives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, a series of novel gossypol derivatives were synthesized and screened in vitro for their anti-HIV-1 and anti-H(5)N(1) activities, respectively. Replacing the aldehyde groups of gossypol with some amino acids not only reduced the cytotoxicity but also enhanced the activities against HIV-1 and H(5)N(1). Compounds 13-17 showed more potent activities against HIV-1 and H(5)N(1) than the other gossypol derivatives. Meanwhile, these compounds also exhibited more potent activities against H(5)N(1) than 1-adamantylamine. The absence of the COONa group in gossypol derivatives resulted in a loss of anti-HIV-1 activity, suggesting that this group might play an important role in mediating the antiviral activity. Time-of-addition assays indicated that compounds 13-17 had the similar mechanism of anti-HIV-1 action with T20. Molecular modeling analysis demonstrated that compounds 13-17 could fit inside the gp41 hydrophobic pocket through hydrogen bonding network, hydrophobic contacts and strong electrostatic interactions.  相似文献   

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