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Edema toxin is a key virulence determinant in anthrax pathogenesis that causes augmentation of cAMP inside host cells. This exotoxin has been implicated in facilitating bacterial invasion by impairing host defenses. Here, we report for the first time that edema toxin plays an important role in suppression of platelet aggregation; an effect that could be of vital significance in anthrax afflicted subjects. It was found that edema toxin induces a dose dependent and time dependent increase in cAMP inside rabbit platelets. Elevation of cAMP led to suppression of platelet aggregation as demonstrated by in vitro aggregation assays. A 95% suppression of platelet aggregation in response to thrombin and a complete suppression in response to ADP, at toxin concentrations of 7 and 2.2 nM, respectively, were observed. Antibody neutralized wild type edema factor and non-toxic mutants of this binary toxin failed to show any alteration in the normal aggregation pattern. Edema toxin caused the activation of cAMP dependent protein kinase A inside platelets, a phenomenon that could be speculated to initiate the cascade of events responsible for suppressing platelet aggregation. Furthermore, in vivo bleeding time registered a sharp increase in response to edema toxin. These findings can explicate the systemic occurrence of hemorrhage, which is a prominent symptom of anthrax. This study exemplifies how Bacillus anthracis has evolved the ability to use host's physiological processes by mimicking the eukaryotic signal transduction machinery, thus inflicting persistent infection.  相似文献   

Neonatal lamb mortality represents both a welfare issue (due to the considerable suffering and distress) and an important production inefficiency. In lambs, approximately 80% of mortality can be attributed to the starvation-mismothering-exposure complex and occurs in the first 3 days after birth. It was the object of this review to determine the micronutrient(s) most likely to have a positive effect on neonatal lamb survival when included above the requirement for that micronutrient. Micronutrients discussed were Co, Cu, I, Fe, Mn, Se, Zn, vitamins A and E and n-3 fatty acids. For Co, Fe, Mn and Zn, there was no evidence of positive responses to supplementation. Cu and I had toxicity thresholds that were sufficiently close to requirement that supplementing above requirement presented a risk of inducing toxicity. In the case of vitamin A, while serum concentrations indicated that sub-optimal status did exist, long-term buffering from liver stores (from grazing) makes experimentation difficult and practical benefits to supplementation unlikely. Therefore, the most likely candidates for supplementation were Se, vitamin E and fatty acids. Fatty acid supplementation with fish oils or docosahexaenoic acid-containing algal biomass consistently improved lamb vigour but it is unlikely that supplementation will be economic. Positive responses to Se supplementation throughout gestation were recorded. However, in many studies the Se status of control ewes was marginal and there is a need for more studies where control ewes are clearly adequate in Se. Positive responses to vitamin E supplementation above requirement in the last-third of gestation were observed but the optimum dietary inclusion of vitamin E and period of feeding during pregnancy still require clarification.  相似文献   

微量元素如铁、锌、铜等对维持生物体代谢和健康至关重要,其含量失衡会造成代谢异常甚至死亡,因此生物体存在复杂机制维持这些微量元素的稳态代谢平衡(homeostasis)。近年来国际上一些实验室尝试用模式脊椎生物斑马鱼来开展该领域的研究,展示出斑马鱼的特有优势。特别是大规模正向遗传学筛选的成功开展,一系列微量元素代谢异常的突变体(如:weissherbst、chardonnay、chianti、shiraz、gavi、calamity和catastrophe)相继发现,为研究离子代谢调控机制和相关疾病的发病机理,提供了整体动态的活体模型。铁代谢相关基因加,2J和grx5都己在斑马鱼中成功定位克隆,斑马鱼铜载体基因atp7a突变体calamity的深入研究,进一步阐明了Menkes病的发病机理。利用斑马鱼的优势,结合小鼠模型和人群来研究微量元素的体内稳态代谢平衡将是微量元素代谢机制研究的新方向。  相似文献   

The increased risk of thromboembolism and higher incidence of cardiovascular disorders are among the most common causes of morbidity in patients suffering from autoimmune diseases. In this study we tested the hypothesis that IL-17A, a key pro-inflammatory cytokine involved in the development of autoimmune diseases, exerts pro-aggregant effects on both human and mouse platelets. Human or murine platelets were incubated with IL-17A for 2 min at 37 °C prior the addition of the stimuli. Aggregation was monitored in a light transmission aggregometer measuring changes in turbidity with continuous observation over a 5-min interval after the addition of the stimuli. IL-17RA, CD42b and CD62P expression as well as fibrinogen bindings were measured by FACS while Erk-2 phosphorylation was analyzed by western blot using phospho-specific antibodies. Pre-incubation with IL-17A increased ADP-, but not collagen-induced platelet aggregation and accelerated CD62P expression and exposure of fibrinogen binding sites. These effects were associated with a faster kinetic of ADP-induced Erk-2 phosphorylation and were lost in platelets deficient in the IL-17 receptor. Together these results unveil a novel aspect of the inflammatory nature of IL-17A suggesting, at the same time, that therapeutic strategies targeting this cytokine might provide further benefit for the treatment of autoimmune diseases by reducing the risk of cardiovascular-related pathologies.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) inhibits platelet aggregation primarily via a cyclic 3'5'-guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-dependent process. Sildenafil is a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor that potentiates NO action by reducing cGMP breakdown. We hypothesised that sildenafil would augment the inhibitory effects of NO on in vitro platelet aggregation. After incubation with sildenafil or the soluble guanylate cyclase inhibitor H-(1,2,4)oxadiazolo(4,3-a)quinoxallin-1-one (ODQ), collagen-mediated human platelet aggregation was assessed in the presence of two NO donors, the cGMP-dependent sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and the cGMP-independent diethylamine diazeniumdiolate (DEA/NO). SNP and DEA/NO caused a concentration-dependent inhibition of platelet aggregation. ODQ inhibited and sildenafil augmented the effect of SNP, and to a lesser extent the effect of DEA/NO. We conclude that sildenafil potentiates NO-mediated inhibition of platelet aggregation through blockade of cGMP metabolism and that PDE5 inhibitors may have important antiplatelet actions relevant to the prevention of cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

A tetrapeptide corresponding to a region of the N-terminal portion of lactotransferrin with hydrophobic alkyl groups at the terminal ends was synthesized and its physicochemical properties as well as its effect on thrombin-stimulated platelet aggregation were examined. The tetrapeptide derivative, in the aggregated state, produced inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation. The concentration dependent activity of the peptide was analyzed in the light of micelle formation, with the micellar aggregate comprising four tetrapeptide units. The unique action of this peptide derivative on the inhibition of platelet aggregation might be useful in the development of potent antithrombotic drugs.  相似文献   

Differential pulse voltammetry combined with electrochemically treated carbon fibre microelectrodes was used to monitor endogenous serotonin release occurring during platelet aggreagtion. After platelet stimulation by thrombin, an oxidation peak was recorded at +280 mV. HPLC analyses performed with fluorimetric detection have shwon that this released electroactive compound was essentially serotonin. Moreover, serotonin measurements in the same samples by the technique reported here and by fluorimetry were found to be very similar (1.15 ± 0.30 μM and 1.17 ± 0.15 μM (mean ± dS.D., n = 6), respectively). Extracellular serotonin concentrations could be estimated either directly during aggregation or in supernatants obtained from stimulated or lysed platelets. Maximal serotonin concentrations have been found to be 6.93 ± 0.37 and 3.28 ± 0.39 nmol/109 platelets from rat and human, respectively. Using the reported procedure, we have observed that no serotonin was released from thrombin-stimulated platelets prepared from rats treated with reserpine. Our new technique represents a selective and performant tool for rapid determination of endogenous serotonin platelet secretion.  相似文献   

Contamination in a trace element laboratory can come from a variety of sources, including laboratory gloves. Therefore, vinyl and latex gloves were obtained from as many manufacturers as would supply gloves. These gloves were either prepared for acid-washing and subsequent soaking in an acid solution, or immersed in an acid solution for a duration of either 1 min or 1 h. Incubation washes were analyzed for a variety of trace elements by flame atomic abosrption spectroscopy (AAS) or inductively coupled mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Results indicated that only three brands of vinyl gloves were acceptable for use in a trace element laboratory, whereas others had contamination of different elements. Latex gloves contained such high levels of biologically important elements that they were not considered suitable for routine trace element work. Vinyl gloves of choice should be routinely acid-washed before use in a trace element laboratory.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the impact of ischemia-reperfusion on antioxidant enzyme activities and trace element concentrations. For this purpose, ischemia was initiated by clamping superior mesenteric artery of Wistar (albino) rats for 30 min, followed by reperfusion for 20 min. Immediately after reperfusion, blood samples were taken and examined for red cell copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu-Zn-SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities spectrophotometrically and plasma zinc, copper, and magnesium concentrations by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. In the ischemiareperfusion group, red cell Cu-Zn-SOD activity and plasma zinc and copper concentrations were increased significantly (p<0.001) when compared to the control group; however, the increases in GPx activity and plasma magnesium concentration were not significant (p>0.05). We also found a significant (p<0.01) decrease in catalase activity. Free radicals released as a consequence of ischemia-reperfusion caused significant alterations in antioxidant enzymes and in the concentrations of trace elements. Presented at III International Congress of Pathophysiology 1998, Lahti, Finland.  相似文献   

Disintegrin is one of the functionally distinct domains in high molecular weight metalloproteases from various snake venoms and generally has an Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequence that is recognized by specific cell surface integrins. A cDNA encoding the disintegrin-like domain of a snake venom metalloprotease was cloned, expressed in Pichia pastoris, and molecular function of the recombinant protein was characterized. The cDNA sequence indicated that the disintegrin-like domain contains an Asp-Glu-Cys-Asp (DECD) sequence in place of the RGD motif. The expressed disintegrin-like protein was designated as halydin and it was able to inhibit human platelet aggregation in a dose-dependent manner. Unlike other typical RGD-disintegrins, the recombinant non-RGD disintegrin, halydin, inhibited platelet aggregation by suppressing platelet adhesion to collagen rather than by blocking fibrinogen binding to glycoprotein (GP) IIb-IIIa on the platelet surface. Experimental evidence suggests that halydin binds to integrin alpha2beta1 on the platelet surface.  相似文献   

A basic phospholipase A was isolated from Vipera russellii snake venom. It induced a biphasic effect on washed rabbit platelets suspended in Tyrode's solution. The first phase was a reversible aggregation which was dependent on stirring and extracellular calcium. The second phase was an inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation, occurring 5 min after the addition of the venom phospholipase A without stirring or after a recovery from the reversible aggregation. The aggregating phase could be inhibited by indomethacin, tetracaine, papaverine, creatine phosphate/creatine phosphokinase, mepacrine, verapamil, sodium nitroprusside, prostaglandin E1 or bovine serum albumin. The venom phospholipase A released free fatty acids from synthetic phosphatidylcholine and intact platelets. p-Bromophenacyl bromide-modified venom phospholipase A lost its phospholipase A enzymatic and platelet-aggregating activities, but protected platelets from the aggregation induced by the native enzyme. The second phase of the venom phospholipase A action showed a different degree of inhibition on platelet aggregation induced by some activators in following order: arachidonic acid >collagen >thrombin >ionophore A23187. The longer the incubation time or the higher the concentration of the venom phospholipase A, the more pronounced was the inhibitory effect. The venom phospholipase A did not affect the thrombin-induced release reaction which was caused by intracellular Ca2+ mobilization in the presence of EDTA, but inhibited collagen-induced release reaction which was caused by Ca2+ influx from extracellular medium. The inhibitory effect of the venom phospholipase A and also lysophosphatidylcholine or arachidonic acid could be antagonized or reversed by bovine serum albumin. It was concluded that the first stimulatory phase of the venom phospholipase A action might be due to arachidonate liberation from platelet membrane. The second phase of inhibition of platelet aggregation and the release of ATP might be due to the inhibitory action of the split products produced by this venom phospholipase A.  相似文献   

微量元素在寻找新活性物质中的应用研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对31种中草药的微量元素分析,应用现代生物学和现代医学的观点讨论了微量元素的种类、含量以及不同微量元素谱在生理生化、药理药效上的相关性,提出应用微量元素测定方法寻找新的活性物质和中草药深层开发的可能性。  相似文献   

Protein energy malnutrition has become a major health issue in developing countries. In the present study, the effect of protein deficiency on the small intestine and liver tissue content of macroelements and trace elements was investigated in weanling rats. Forty-five male weanling Wistar albino rats were divided into three groups. The control group (C) was fed a standard diet containing 25% casein, whereas the two experimental groups E1 and E2 consumed 12% and 3% casein, respectively, over a period of 45 d. The tissue samples were analyzed for zinc, copper, iron, manganese, calcium, and magnesium by atomic absorption spectroscopy. The protein-deficient groups showed increased levels of iron in both tissues and decreased manganese in small intestine tissue from the E1 group. No other differences were found for the other elements. These results suggest that protein deficiency might cause iron accumulation in the liver and intestine and decreases of manganese in the small intestine.  相似文献   

The aggregation of human blood platelets by thrombin, adenosine diphosphate, wheat germ agglutinin or ristocetin was inhibited by primary amines. In general, thrombin-induced platelet aggregation was strongly affected by the amines while the effect was weak on cell aggregation by ristocetin. Usually, the diamines were stronger inhibitors of aggregation than the monoamines with cadaverine as the strongest and ethylamine as the weakest inhibitor. At concentration where platelet aggregation was inhibited, the amines neither displaced serotonin from serotinin-loaded platelets nor caused lysis of human red cells. The lectin activity of wheat germ agglutinin on human red cells was not affected by the amines indicating that the amines probably acted on platelets and not on the agglutinin. The clotting activity of thrombin on fibrinogen was partially inhibited by the amines while its esterolytic activity remained unaltered. The inhibitory action of the amines on platelet aggregation could be overcome with small amounts of calcium while other divalent cations tested had little effect. It is suggested that the amines affect platelet aggregation by interfering with the actions of membrane-associated calcium.  相似文献   

During most infections the plasma levels of trace elements change, but it is not clear if this reflects changes in the infected tissues. Coxsackievirus B3 (CB3) infection may result in viral replication, subsequent inflammation and changed trace element levels in the myocardium. In the present study, the trace element levels in the plasma and heart of adult male A/J mice were determined during the pre-inflammatory stage (day 4) of CB3 myocarditis for the following trace elements: aluminium (Al), arsenic (As), calcium (Ca), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), selenium (Se), silver (Ag), vanadium (V) and zinc (Zn). The severity of the infection was assessed through clinical signs of disease and trace element levels were measured through inductively-coupled plasma mass-spectrometry (ICP-MS). In the heart, the levels decreased for V (59%; p<0.01), Co (38%; p<0.01), Al (81%; p< 0.01), As (66%; p<0.01) and Se (16%; p<0.01). Increased levels were detected for Mn (13%; p<0.05), Fe (48%; p<0.01), Cu (34%; p<0.01) and Ag (46%; p< 0.01). In the plasma, decreases were detected in the level of Zn (32%; p<0.05), whereas increases were seen in Mn (362%; p<0.05), Fe (272%; p<0.01), Co (71%; p<0.05), Cu (25%; n.s.) and Mg (43%; p<0.01) levels. A correlation was found between the levels in plasma and myocardium for Co (r s=–0.636; p<0.05), Fe (r s=0.764; p<0.05), Mn (r s=0.682; p<0.05) and Mg (r s=–0.791; p<0.05). Thus, determination of some of these trace elements in the plasma may be useful to indicate target tissue involvement in the early pre- inflammatory stage of an infectious disease. Some of these elements are important nutrients for the immune system, while others may be associated with the development of disease complications, such as cardiac arrhythmias.  相似文献   

The level and/or form of dietary iron, dietary nickel, and the interaction between them affected the trace element content of rat liver. Livers were from the offspring of dams fed diets containing 10–16 ng, or 20 μg, of nickel/g. Dietary iron was supplied as ferric chloride (30 μg/g) or ferric sulfate (30 μg, or 60 μg). In nickel-deprived rats fed 60 μg of iron/g of diet as ferric sulfate, at age 35 days, levels of iron and zinc were depressed in liver and the level of copper was elevated. At age 55 days, iron was still depressed, copper was still elevated, but zinc also was elevated. In rats fed 30 μg of iron/g of diet as ferric chloride, liver iron content was higher in nickel-deprived than in nickel-supplemented rats at 30, but not at 50, days of age. Also manganese and zinc were lower in nickel-deprived than in nickel-supplemented rats at age 35 days if their dams had been on experiment for an extended period of time (i.e., since age 21 days). Thus, the levels of copper, iron, manganese, and zinc in liver were affected by nickel deprivation, but the direction and extent of the affects depended upon the iron status of the rat.  相似文献   

Platelets cohere to one another to form platelet aggregates as part of the blood's clotting response. The ability of a platelet to participate in this process depends on its prior activation by chemicals released into the blood plasma by other activated platelets. We study the piecewise-linear system of reaction-diffusion equations which, in one spatial dimension, describe the chemically-mediated spread of platelet activation. We establish the existence of classical solutions to this system of equations, and show that these solutions do not blow up in finite time. We also explicitly construct travelling front solutions and discuss their stability. Finally, we present numerical evidence which suggests that for a broad range of initial data with the correct limiting values at ± , the solution to the initial value problem rapidly evolves into the travelling front solution provided the front is linearly stable.  相似文献   

Samples of suspended particulate matter (SPM) collected from the Humber Estuary had higher concentrations of particulate metals than SPM from Holderness coastal waters (U.K.). Characterised SPM from both sources was used in laboratory experiments involving the uptake of radiotracer109Cd,137Cs,54Mn and65Zn. Kinetic experiments, over five days, showed that the rate and extent of uptake was highly dependent on particle type, with109Cd,54Mn and65Zn being more reactive with Humber Estuary particles than those from Holderness and137Cs having the opposite trend. Adsorption experiments were also carried out on suspensions in which SPM from the Humber Estuary and Holderness coastal water were mixed in various proportions. These experiments revealed that Kd for65Zn increased linearly with the proportion of Humber SPM, Kd for137Cs decreased linearly with increase in Humber SPM and Kd for54Mn and109Cd displayed non-linear behaviour. The results of the study were used to develop an algorithm for predicting the partition coefficients in the Humber Plume based on the extent of particle mixing from the two source regions. The use of206/207Pb ratios in determining the extent of particle mixing is discussed, along with the application of the algorithm to the modelling of particulate trace metal behaviour in the Humber-Wash coastal zone.  相似文献   

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