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The Coquerel's sifakas were chosen for this study on hand preference because little is known about handedness in Indriidae. Fifteen Coquerel's sifakas were observed at the Duke University Primate Center as they fed on chopped fruit, vegetables, and primate chow. Analysis of age, sex, and hand preference indicated that the adult males both individually and as a group tended toward left-handedness. Adult females as a group did not show a trend in the direction of handedness. However, individual adult females showed consistent right- or left-hand preference. Younger sifakas tended toward ambipreference, suggesting that lateralization of hand preference is gradual, becoming more stable in adulthood. These findings suggest that sex and age may be strong indicators for lateralization of hand preference in Coquerel's sifakas. Duke University Primate Research Center Publication 292  相似文献   

Mink pseudodistemper, a recessive disease associated with high blood tyrosinelevels, is an animal analogue of the human inborn error of metabolism, tyrosinemia II. Affected mink and man have eye and skin lesions. Affected mink have no hepatic tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT) activity, as measured immunologically and biochemically. Hepatic mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase is increased to 188% of control. This new genetic animal model of TAT deficiency should allow new studies of tyrosine metabolism.Supported by NIH Grants AM-17253 (LAG), 5T32-AM-07093 (LAG), and RCDA AM-0008 (LAG), grants from the Wisconsin State Mink Advisory Board, and a BRSG grant for the Graduate School of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Publication No. 82 of the dermatology research laboratories of Duke University Medical Center.  相似文献   

The Battelle Primate Facility houses one of the largest collections of neotropical primates in the United States. The facility is a research resource for undergraduate and graduate students. Battelle staff, as well as staff and faculty from U.S. and international institutions. Researchers have access to the animals for a variety of studies encompassing several disciplines, a large collection of preserved tissues, and an extensive biomedical database. The facility is a World Health Organization Collaborative Center for Clinical Pathology of Neotropical Primates and is involved with the Peruvian Primatological Project in Iquitos, Peru, which provides opportunities for research in primatology and conservation.  相似文献   

On Tuesday, November 2, 2005 over 450 scientists representing 14 nations converged on the Washington Duke Inn, Durham, NC, USA to discuss, learn and exchange information on how environmental influences can exert impacts on health not only on the individual that has been exposed but also for up to four subsequent generations in some human and animal models tested. The meeting entitled “Environmental Epigenomics, Imprinting and Disease Susceptibility” was sponsored by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center. The meeting featured presentations from many of the leading authorities/experts in epigenomics in the world and approximately 70 poster presentations, of which twelve were selected for oral presentation. The meeting was organized into nine scientific sessions spread over two and a half days that addressed the fetal basis of disease, epigenetics and gene regulation, epigenetics and cancer, therapeutic and reproductive cloning, stem cell differentiation, epigenetics and chronic diseases and epigenetics and neurodevelopment. The opening session introduced the meeting co-organizers, Randy Jirtle of Duke University Medical Center and Frederick Tyson of NIEHS, to conference participants and included greetings from. Christopher Willett, Chair of Duke Radiation Oncology Department, and William Schlessinger, Dean of the Nicolas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences. David Schwartz, Director of the NIEHS, set the tone for the conference with an overview lecture that identified research priorities of the NIEHS and pointed out the intersections between the environmental genomics component of NIEHS priorities and the environmental epigenomics. He noted that NIEHS research priorities will emphasize and coordinate efforts aimed at the study of complex human diseases. The environmental genomics infrastructural resources developed by NIEHS including over 500 re-sequenced environmentally responsive genes, over 50 humanized mouse strains, and progress towards establishing gene expression standards are available for utilization in the integration of epigenomic studies and the analysis of complex human diseases. Just as epigenomics is becoming increasingly more important in Schwartz’s own asthma research, this conference identified additional opportunities for the integration of environmental epigenomics and complex human disease.   相似文献   

During an intertroop encounter, an infanticide was observed in a population of ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. The killer was a male that had not been previously observed to mate with any females in the infant's troop. This observation, combined with other observations of infanticidal behavior by males at Berenty Reserve and the Duke University Primate Center, is consistent with the hypothesis that infanticide is a reproductive tactic for some male ringtailed lemurs. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The dorsal root entry zone operation was introduced in 1976 to relieve the pain of brachial plexus avulsion. Since then it has been applied to pain treatment in paraplegia, postherpetic pain, phantom limb pain and other types of of deafferentation pain. Over 400 operations have been done at the Duke University Medical Center with overall good results in 60% of pain patients.  相似文献   

The Center for Conservation Medicine at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine (TuftsCCM), has helped to define the concept of conservation medicine as a new science that examines the interaction between human, animal, and environmental health. One the Center’s main objectives in pursuing this new science has been to incorporate conservation medicine and ecosystem health principles into the veterinary curriculum. Environmental influences on disease dynamics in animals has always had a place in veterinary medicine, but often has not been adequately explored. Many opportunities exist within a traditional veterinary curriculum to strengthen this perspective, and to bring depth and new meaning to the understanding of disease and the role of animals in ecosystem health. The Tufts program is designed to reach both the general veterinary student and the student interested in a career in conservation medicine through core teaching, elective opportunities, research opportunities, and extracurricular seminars and workshops. The core curriculum exposes every veterinary student to an ecosystem health perspective of veterinary medicine that helps them realize the impact that this approach can have on their professional lives, regardless of their chosen specialty. Committed conservation medicine students benefit from specialty courses, a wide range of experiential and field research opportunities and active mentoring. Future challenges call for development of more graduate opportunities, continued interdisciplinary collaboration with other educational institutions, and continued curricular integration of this new paradigm of health and disease into veterinary medical education.  相似文献   

Eighteen years of birth records for three species of Galago at the Duke University Primate Center were examined to determine the effect of gravidity status on neonatal mortality and litter size. Multiparous Galago senegalensis moholi and G crassicaudatus, but not G garnettii, had significantly higher infant survival rates. Gravidity status had no effect on the percentage of multiple births for any of the three species of Galago.  相似文献   

A lemur (Lemur fulvus collaris) in a semi-captive group of six animals at the Duke University Primate Center (DUPC) was observed eating an egg from the nest of a mourning dove (Zenaida macroura). The manner in which the animal had been foraging prior to this incident, and the fact that wild birds at the DUPC frequently direct antipredator behaviors, such as mobbing toward thisL. f. collaris group, suggest that nest predation is part of normal foraging behavior in these animals.  相似文献   

A group of brown lemurs, Lemur fulvus, and a group of black lemurs, Lemur macaco, at the Duke University Center for the Study of Primate Biology and History have been observed to capture and eat birds and lizards. Although vertebrate prey are not unusual for many carnivorous prosimians, folivorous prosimians never have been observed to take vertebrates in the wild and rarely even insects.  相似文献   

Recent evidence has suggested a possible relationship between the tendency to exhibit excessive cardiovascular reactions during psychological challenge and the risk of cardiovascular disease. Valid techniques for reliably assessing such reactions are, however, minimally available. A test battery for the assessment of cardiovascular reactivity to experimental challenge is currently being developed at the University of Pittsburgh in conjunction with the University of Miami and Duke University. An IBM-AT compatible microcomputer is being used for the concurrent collection of physiological data and presentation of the laboratory stressors. Digitized cardiovascular data being collected include EKG, Impedance Cardiogram (ICG), phonocardiogram, and a peripheral pulse wave measure. Blood pressure readings are also being collected and stored on disk. The computer presents three challenging video games, each designed to elicit cardiovascular reactions. Processing programs are being used and developed for the standardized scoring of the digitized signals. To assist in epidemiological research a mobile testing unit has been assembled for the easy administration of the test battery in varying geographical locations. The test battery being developed will increase the feasibility of epidemiological and clinical assessment of stress-induced cardiovascular responses which may substantiate a link between reactivity and cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

In 1975 Duke University Medical Center, a retrospective and prospective survey of respiratory cytopathologic specimens was undertaken for the ten-year period 1970 to 1979. The purpose of this study was to document the role of cytopathology in the diagnosis of lung cancer at this institution. This paper presents the results of the cytopathologic and histopathologic typing of cases of lung cancer seen at Duke University Medical Center from 1970 to 1974. During this period, 9,892 cytologic specimens from the lower respiratory tract were processed. Cytopathologic diagnoses of cancer with tissue confirmation were made on 483 specimens from 232 patients. Because original cytologic diagnoses, but not histopathologic diagnoses, had been made in conformity with a modified WHO classification of lung neoplasms, all histopathologic material was reviewed and reclassified when necessary. This was carried out by one of the authors (E.H.B.) as a blind review without benefit of knowledge of either preexisting cytopathologic or histopathologic diagnoses. Twenty-six patients were excluded from the current study because of lack of satisfactory histologic material. In 94 patients classified by histopathology as having squamous cell carcinoma, 76.4% of the positive cytologic specimens were also called squamous cell carcinoma; 18.6% were interpreted as large cell undifferentiated carcinoma. In 39 patients classified by tissue as having large cell undifferentiated carcinoma, the cytology agreed in 42.4% of the positive specimens. For the 29 patients thought histologically to have small cell undifferentiated carcinoma, the same diagnosis was rendered in 95.5% of the cytologically positive specimens from these patients. For the adenocarcinoma group of 43 patients, a cytopathologic diagnosis of adenocarcinoma was made in 67.8% of the positive specimens.  相似文献   

An understanding of prosimian movement is basic to many anatomical and paleontological studies in that these studies attempt to correlate movement with anatomy and therefore infer movement in fossil primates. Duke University has a large and diverse collection of prosimian primates, which are housed in cages and enclosures large enough for movement studies. Extant prosimians move in many different ways, and none are so specialized that only one mode of travel is used. The most general locomotor patterns are observed for the cheirogaleids, and thus theirs may best resemble the locomotor patterns of the ancestral euprimate.  相似文献   

Bipedalism is rare in primates and has evolved in two distantly related groups: hominoids and indrids. Although copious data are available on the mechanics of bipedal locomotion in hominoids and vertical clinging and leaping (VCL) in indrids, no research has addressed the unique mode of bipedal locomotion exhibited by select indrid primates. Propithecus verreauxi is a highly specialized indrid vertical clinger and leaper that uses a peculiar form of bipedalism on the ground. The objectives of this study were to describe the bipedal gait of Propithecus , to assess the influence of VCL specializations on the kinematic patterns and propulsion mechanisms used by Propithecus during bipedalism, and to compare Propithecus bipedalism with the bipedal gaits of other primates capable of using bipedalism. Video was collected of five adult P. verreauxi moving bipedally in a seminatural setting at the Duke University Primate Center. Duty factor, footfall patterns, joint angles and center of mass movement were quantified in the sagittal plane for 73 steps. Propithecus uses a bipedal gallop, a gait unique to Propithecus . The kinematic similarities (e.g. large hip and knee angular excursions and preparatory countermovements) between bipedal galloping and VCL lead us to suggest that Propithecus takes advantage of specializations for VCL to conserve energy during bipedal galloping. Propithecus also walks bipedally at slower speeds. When Propithecus walks, it utilizes a relatively compliant gait similar to that of other primate facultative bipeds ( Pan , Hylobates ). During bipedal walking, energy conservation may be sacrificed for increased balance and reduced joint loads.  相似文献   

Five years of reproductive data on Galago senegalensis moholi at the Duke University Primate Center were examined to determine the effect of lactation on interbirth interval and its component phases, postpartum anovulatory interval and interval from onset of estrous cycles to conception. Females whose infants died within 3 weeks of birth had significantly shorter interbirth intervals and postpartum anovulatory intervals than did females who raised their infants until weaning.  相似文献   

Prazosin and Autogenic Training had an additive effect in attenuating vasomotor tone during an ambient cold challenge in patients with Raynaud's phenomenon. The combination of these two treatments significantly elevated finger temperature during a 16 deg C ambient exposure, while neither treatment alone was found to produce this effect. This suggests that Autogenic Training and prazosin had an additive effect on reducing peripheral vasomotor activity.This research was supported by NIH grant R01 HL 25547 and NIMH Research Scientist Development Award K01 MH 00303 to Richard S. Surwit. Data were managed and analyzed using the CLINFO Data Analysis System of the Clinical Research Unit of Duke University Medical Center (G.C.R.C. RR-30) supported by Division of Research Resources of NIH. Partial support was provided by the Charles Pfizer Corporation.  相似文献   

A vocalization of the ringtailed lemur (Lemur catta) was examined for individual differences according to several temporal- and frequency-dependent variables. Vocalizations were tape recorded at the Duke University Primate Center (Durham, NC) and spectrographically analyzed. Significant differences were found in pair-wise comparisons of call structure among the study subjects, thus providing the physical basis for individual discrimination. A separate analysis comparing degree of kinship and vocal similarity revealed a positive but nonsignificant correlation between these two variables. This study represents an initial examination of vocal individuality in prosimian primates.  相似文献   

Summary Injections of serum from human patients with cystic fibrosis into adult rats caused pronounced structural modifications and increased mitotic rate in the parotid gland. Mitotic rate was increased from a low level of 0.02/1,000 acinar cells in parotid glands of adult rats to 6.5/1,000 acinar cells after 2 or 3 days of serum injection. At the light and electron microscopic levels, significant acinar cell atrophy and degranulation were observed. Cellular necrosis, and increases in quantity of lysosome-like dense bodies, mast cells, and macrophages were also detected. These changes are suggestive of tissue response to injurious foreign protein. Furthermore, the fact that normal sera pronounced the same kind of effects (but greatly reduced in extent) strengthens the view that these effects result from the immunologic response of the host organ to foreign antigen. Since, however, the responses of the rat parotid to cystic fibrosis serum were considerably more marked than those elicited by normal serum, the rat parotid may thus have potential usefulness in assaying for the presence of human cystic fibrosis factor.This work was supported in part by U.S.P.H.S. Grant DE 02110The authors wish to thank Dr. Alexander Spock, Cystic Fibrosis Center, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, and Dr. Ralph Tiller, Children's Hospital, University of Alabama Medical Center, for generously supplying blood from patients with cystic fibrosis. The authors also want to thank Dr. A. Siegel, Department of Pathology, University of Alabama Medical Center, and Mr. R. Siegel, for determinations of serum catecholamine levels  相似文献   

A loud call of the ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata) was analyzed for subspecific and gender differences according to four variables: pulse rate, median pulse duration, median high frequency, and median low frequency. These vocalizations of black-and-white and red ruffed lemurs and one hybrid ruffed lemur were recorded at the Duke University Primate Center (Durham, NC). Significant differences were found between subspecies but not between the sexes. Quantitative differences in this loud call of ruffed lemur subspecies indicate that these prosimians exhibit subspeciation trends similar to anthropoid primates for which comparable data exist. Preliminary data are presented that support the hypothesis that the vocalization functions as a terrestrial predator alarm call.  相似文献   

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