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We have recently reported on the design of a 20-residue peptide able to form a significant population of a three-stranded up-and-down antiparallel beta-sheet in aqueous solution. To improve our beta-sheet model in terms of the folded population, we have modified the sequences of the two 2-residue turns by introducing the segment DPro-Gly, a sequence shown to lead to more rigid type II' beta-turns. The analysis of several NMR parameters, NOE data, as well as Deltadelta(CalphaH), DeltadeltaC(beta), and Deltadelta(Cbeta) values, demonstrates that the new peptide forms a beta-sheet structure in aqueous solution more stable than the original one, whereas the substitution of the DPro residues by LPro leads to a random coil peptide. This agrees with previous results on beta-hairpin-forming peptides showing the essential role of the turn sequence for beta-hairpin folding. The well-defined beta-sheet motif calculated for the new designed peptide (pair-wise RMSD for backbone atoms is 0.5 +/- 0.1 A) displays a high degree of twist. This twist likely contributes to stability, as a more hydrophobic surface is buried in the twisted beta-sheet than in a flatter one. The twist observed in the up-and-down antiparallel beta-sheet motifs of most proteins is less pronounced than in our designed peptide, except for the WW domains. The additional hydrophobic surface burial provided by beta-sheet twisting relative to a "flat" beta-sheet is probably more important for structure stability in peptides and small proteins like the WW domains than in larger proteins for which there exists a significant contribution to stability arising from their extensive hydrophobic cores.  相似文献   

The beta-turn is a frequently found structural unit in the conformation of globular proteins. Although the circular dichroism (CD) spectra of the alpha-helix and beta-pleated sheet are well defined, there remains some ambiguity concerning the pure component CD spectra of the different types of beta-turns. Recently, it has been reported (Hollósi, M., Kövér, K.E., Holly, S., Radics, L., & Fasman, G.D., 1987, Biopolymers 26, 1527-1572; Perczel, A., Hollósi, M., Foxman, B.M., & Fasman, G.D., 1991a, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 113, 9772-9784) that some pseudohexapeptides (e.g., the cyclo[(delta)Ava-Gly-Pro-Aaa-Gly] where Aaa = Ser, Ser(OtBu), or Gly) in many solvents adopt a conformational mixture of type I and the type II beta-turns, although the X-ray-determined conformation was an ideal type I beta-turn. In addition to these pseudohexapeptides, conformational analysis was also carried out on three pseudotetrapeptides and three pseudooctapeptides. The target of the conformation analysis reported herein was to determine whether the ring stress of the above beta-turn models has an influence on their conformational properties. Quantitative nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) measurements yielded interproton distances. The conformational average distances so obtained were interpreted utilizing molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to yield the conformational percentages. These conformational ratios were correlated with the conformational weights obtained by quantitative CD analysis of the same compounds. The pure component CD curves of type I and type II beta-turns were also obtained, using a recently developed algorithm (Perczel, A., Tusnády, G., Hollósi, M., & Fasman, G.D., 1991b, Protein Eng. 4(6), 669-679). For the first time the results of a CD deconvolution, based on the CD spectra of 14 beta-turn models, were assigned by quantitative NOE results. The NOE experiments confirmed the ratios of the component curves found for the two major beta-turns by CD analysis. These results can now be used to enhance the conformational determination of globular proteins on the basis of their CD spectra.  相似文献   

The support vector machines (SVMs) method is proposed because it can reflect the sequence-coupling effect for a tetrapeptide in not only a beta-turn or non-beta-turn, but also in different types of beta-turn. The results of the model for 6022 tetrapeptides indicate that the rates of self-consistency for beta-turn types I, I', II, II', VI and VIII and non-beta-turns are 99.92%, 96.8%, 98.02%, 97.75%, 100%, 97.19% and 100%, respectively. Using these training data, the rate of correct prediction by the SVMs for a given protein: rubredoxin (54 residues. 51 tetrapeptides) which includes 12 beta-turn type I tetrapeptides, 1 beta-turn type II tetrapeptide and 38 non-beta-turns reached 82.4%. The high quality of prediction of the SVMs implies that the formation of different beta-turn types or non-beta-turns is considerably correlated with the sequence of a tetrapeptide. The SVMs can save CPU time and avoid the overfitting problem compared with the neural network method.  相似文献   

The energy landscape of a peptide [Ace-Lys-Gln-Cys-Arg-Glu-Arg-Ala-Nme] in explicit water was studied with a multicanonical molecular dynamics simulation, and the AMBER parm96 force field was used for the energy calculation. The peptide was taken from the recognition helix of the DNA-binding protein, c-MYB: A rugged energy landscape was obtained, in which the random-coil conformations were dominant at room temperature. The CD spectra of the synthesized peptide revealed that it is in the random state at room temperature. However, the 300 K canonical ensemble, Q(300K), contained alpha-helix, 3(10)-helix, beta-turn, and beta-hairpin structures with small but notable probabilities of existence. The complete alpha-helix, imperfect alpha-helix, and random-coil conformations were separated from one another in the conformational space. This means that the peptide must overcome energy barriers to form the alpha-helix. The overcoming process may correspond to the hydrogen-bond rearrangements from peptide-water to peptide-peptide interactions. The beta-turn, imperfect 3(10)-helix, and beta-hairpin structures, among which there are no energy barriers at 300 K, were embedded in the ensemble of the random-coil conformations. Two types of beta-hairpin with different beta-turn regions were observed in Q(300K). The two beta-hairpin structures may have different mechanisms for the beta-hairpin formation. The current study proposes a scheme that the random state of this peptide consists of both ordered and disordered conformations. In contrast, the energy landscape obtained from the parm94 force field was funnel like, in which the peptide formed the helical conformation at room temperature and random coil at high temperature.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction, infrared and electron microscope studies of avian and reptilian keratins, and of stretched wool and hair, have played a central role in the development of models for the β-conformation in proteins. Both α- and β-keratins contain sequences that are predicted to adopt a β-conformation and these are believed to play an important part in the assembly of the filaments and in determining their mechanical properties. Interactions between the small β-sheets in keratins provide a simple mechanism through which shape and chemical complementarity can mediate the assembly of molecules into highly specific structures. Interacting β-sheets in crystalline proteins are often related to one another by diad symmetry and the data available on feather keratin suggest that the filament is assembled from dimers in which the β-sheets are related by a perpendicular diad. The most detailed model currently available is for feather and reptilian keratin but the presence of related β-structural forms in mammalian keratins is also noted.  相似文献   

The processive beta-strands and turns of a polypeptide parallel beta-helix represent one of the topologically simplest beta-sheet folds. The three subunits of the tailspike adhesin of phage P22 each contain 13 rungs of a parallel beta-helix followed by an interdigitated section of triple-stranded beta-helix. Long stacks of hydrophobic residues dominate the elongated buried core of these two beta-helix domains and extend into the core of the contiguous triple beta-prism domain. To test whether these side-chain stacks represent essential residues for driving the chain into the correct fold, each of three stacked phenylalanine residues within the buried core were substituted with less bulky amino acids. The mutant chains with alanine in place of phenylalanine were defective in intracellular folding. The chains accumulated exclusively in the aggregated inclusion body state regardless of temperature of folding. These severe folding defects indicate that the stacked phenylalanine residues are essential for correct parallel beta-helix folding. Replacement of the same phenylalanine residues with valine or leucine also impaired folding in vivo, but with less severity. Mutants were also constructed in a second buried stack that extends into the intertwined triple-stranded beta-helix and contiguous beta-prism regions of the protein. These mutants exhibited severe defects in later stages of chain folding or assembly, accumulating as misfolded but soluble multimeric species. The results indicate that the formation of the buried hydrophobic stacks is critical for the correct folding of the parallel beta-helix, triple-stranded beta-helix, and beta-prism domains in the tailspike protein.  相似文献   

Subsequent to wounding, keratinocytes must quickly restore barrier function. In vitro wound models have served to elucidate mechanisms of epithelial closure and key roles for integrins alpha6beta4 and alpha3beta1. To extrapolate in vitro data to in vivo human tissues, we used ultrathin cryomicrotomy to simultaneously observe tissue ultrastructure and immunogold localization in unwounded skin and acute human cutaneous wounds. Localization of the beta4 integrin subunit in unwounded skin shows dominant hemidesmosomal association and minor basal keratinocyte lateral filopodic cell-cell expression. After wounding, beta4 dominantly localized to cytokeratin-rich regions (trailing edge hemidesmosomes) and minor association with lamellipodia (leading edge). beta4 colocalizes with alpha3 within filopodia juxtaposed to wound matrix, and increased concentrations of beta4 were found in cytoplasmic vesicles within basal keratinocytes of the migrating tongue. alpha3 integrin subunit dominantly localized to filopodia within basal keratinocyte lateral cell-cell interfaces in unwounded skin and both cell-cell and cell-matrix filopodic interactions in wounded skin. This study indicates that beta4 interacts with the extracellular environment through both stable and transient interactions and may be managed through a different endosomal trafficking pathway than alpha3. alpha3 integrin, despite its ability to respond to alternate ligands after wounding, does so through a single structure, the filopodia.  相似文献   

The genome of the diurnal cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. PCC 51142 has recently been sequenced and observed to contain 35 pentapeptide repeat proteins (PRPs). These proteins, while present throughout the prokaryotic and eukaryotic kingdoms, are most abundant in cyanobacteria. The sheer number of PRPs in cyanobacteria coupled with their predicted location in every cellular compartment argues for important, yet unknown, physiological and biochemical functions. To gain biochemical insights, the crystal structure for Rfr32, a 167-residue PRP with an N-terminal 29-residue signal peptide, was determined at 2.1 A resolution. The structure is dominated by 21 tandem pentapeptide repeats that fold into a right-handed quadrilateral beta-helix, or Rfr-fold, as observed for the tandem pentapeptide repeats in the only other PRP structure, the mycobacterial fluoroquinoline resistance protein MfpA from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Sitting on top of the Rfr-fold are two short, antiparallel alpha-helices, bridged with a disulfide bond, that perhaps prevent edge-to-edge aggregation at the C terminus. Analysis of the main-chain (Phi,Psi) dihedral orientations for the pentapeptide repeats in Rfr32 and MfpA makes it possible to recognize the structural details for the two distinct types of four-residue turns adopted by the pentapeptide repeats in the Rfr-fold. These turns, labeled type II and type IV beta-turns, may be universal motifs that shape the Rfr-fold in all PRPs.  相似文献   

The staphylococcal alpha-hemolysin (alphaHL) and leukocidin (Luk) polypeptides are members of a family of related beta-barrel pore-forming toxins. Upon binding to susceptible cells, alphaHL forms water-filled homoheptameric transmembrane pores. By contrast, Luk pores are formed by two classes of subunit, F and S, rendering a heptameric structure displeasing on symmetry grounds at least. Both the subunit stoichiometry and arrangement within the Luk pore have been contentious issues. Here we use chemical and genetic approaches to show that (1) the predominant, or perhaps the only, form of the Luk pore is an octamer; (2) the subunit stoichiometry is 1:1; and (3) the subunits are arranged in an alternating fashion about a central axis of symmetry, at least when a fused LukS-LukF construct is used. The experimental approaches we have used also open up new avenues for engineering the arrangement of the subunits of beta-barrel pore-forming toxins.  相似文献   

The role of hither-to-fore unrecognized long-range hydrogen bonds between main-chain amide hydrogens and polar side chains on the stability of a well-studied (betaalpha)8, TIM barrel protein, the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase (alphaTS), was probed by mutational analysis. The F19-D46 and I97-D124 hydrogen bonds link the N terminus of a beta-strand with the C terminus of the succeeding antiparallel alpha-helix, and the A103-D130 hydrogen bond links the N terminus of an alpha-helix with the C terminus of the succeeding antiparallel beta-strand, forming clamps for the respective betaalpha or alphabeta hairpins. The individual replacement of these aspartic acid side chains with alanine leads to what appear to be closely related partially folded structures with significantly reduced far-UV CD ellipticity and thermodynamic stability. Comparisons with the effects of eliminating another main-chain-side-chain hydrogen bond, G26-S33, and two electrostatic side-chain-side-chain hydrogen bonds, D38-H92 and D112-H146, all in the same N-terminal folding unit of alphaTS, demonstrated a unique role for the clamp interactions in stabilizing the native barrel conformation. Because neither the asparagine nor glutamic acid variant at position 46 can completely reproduce the spectroscopic, thermodynamic, or kinetic folding properties of aspartic acid, both size and charge are crucial to its unique role in the clamp hydrogen bond. Kinetic studies suggest that the three clamp hydrogen bonds act in concert to stabilize the transition state leading to the fully folded TIM barrel motif.  相似文献   

Esterases form a diverse class of enzymes of largely unknown physiological role. Because many drugs and pesticides carry ester functions, the hydrolysis of such compounds forms at least one potential biological function. Carboxylesterases catalyze the hydrolysis of short chain aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic ester compounds. Esterases, D-alanyl-D-alanine-peptidases (DD-peptidases) and beta-lactamases can be grouped into two distinct classes of hydrolases with different folds and topologically unrelated catalytic residues, the one class comprising of esterases, the other one of beta-lactamases and DD-peptidases. The chemical reactivities of esters and beta-lactams towards hydrolysis are quite similar, which raises the question of which factors prevent esterases from displaying beta-lactamase activity and vice versa. Here we describe the crystal structure of EstB, an esterase isolated from Burkholderia gladioli. It shows the protein to belong to a novel class of esterases with homology to Penicillin binding proteins, notably DD-peptidase and class C beta-lactamases. Site-directed mutagenesis and the crystal structure of the complex with diisopropyl-fluorophosphate suggest Ser75 within the "beta-lactamase" Ser-x-x-Lys motif to act as catalytic nucleophile. Despite its structural homology to beta-lactamases, EstB shows no beta-lactamase activity. Although the nature and arrangement of active-site residues is very similar between EstB and homologous beta-lactamases, there are considerable differences in the shape of the active site tunnel. Modeling studies suggest steric factors to account for the enzyme's selectivity for ester hydrolysis versus beta-lactam cleavage.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that a beta-hairpin peptide, termed BH(9-10), derived from a single-layer beta-sheet of Borrelia OspA protein, formed a native-like beta-turn in trifluoroethanol (TFE) solution, and it assembled into amyloid-like fibrils at higher TFE concentrations. This peptide is highly charged, and fibrillization of such a hydrophilic peptide is quite unusual. In this study, we designed a circularly permutated peptide of BH(9-10), termed BH(10-9). When folded into their respective beta-hairpin structures found in OspA, these peptides would have identical cross-strand interactions but different turns connecting the strands. NMR study revealed that BH(10-9) had little propensity to form a turn structure both in aqueous and TFE solutions. At higher TFE concentration, BH(10-9) precipitated with a concomitant alpha-to-beta conformational conversion, in a similar manner to the BH(9-10) fibrillization. However, the BH(10-9) precipitates were nonfibrillar aggregation. The precipitation kinetics of BH(10-9) was exponential, consistent with a first-order molecular assembly reaction, while the fibrillization of BH(9-10) showed sigmoidal kinetics, indicative of a two-step reaction consisting of nucleation and molecular assembly. The correlation between native-like turn formation and fibrillization of our peptide system strongly suggests that BH(9-10) adopts a native-like beta-hairpin conformation in the fibrils. Remarkably, seeding with the preformed BH(10-9) precipitates changed the two-step BH(9-10) fibrillization to a one-step molecular assembly reaction, and disrupted the BH(9-10) fibril structure, indicating interactions between the BH(10-9) aggregates and the BH(9-10) peptide. Our results suggest that, in these peptides, cross-strand interactions are the driving force for molecular assembly, and turn formation limits modes of peptide assembly.  相似文献   

滇西南四个自然保护区鱼类多样性及评价指标探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周伟  李明会  李有兰 《生物多样性》2016,24(3):313-1127
为了解滇西南怒江水系的南滚河自然保护区、南捧河自然保护区、永德大雪山自然保护区及澜沧江水系的澜沧江自然保护区鱼类多样性和变化趋势, 探讨其差异和变化的原因, 本文采用β多样性指数分析了4个保护区的鱼类多样性, 并比较了鱼类分类阶元的特有性、单型性和古老成分的有无等多项指标。结果显示, 4个自然保护区共有土著鱼类85种, 隶属于6目13科45属。在中国仅见于怒江水系的4个特有属有异鲴属(Aspidoparia)和新条鳅属(Neonoemacheilus)分布于这3个保护区中; 18种特有种中, 仅分布在这3个保护区的狭域特有种5种。在中国仅分布于澜沧江水系的属有31个, 但仅安巴沙鳅属(Ambastaia)分布于澜沧江保护区; 在澜沧江保护区分布着中国仅见于澜沧江水系的特有种20种, 其中狭域特有种3种。怒江水系的3个保护区分布有1个单型属, 即鳗鲡属(Anguilla), 但没有单型种; 澜沧江自然保护区无单型属与单型种分布。4个保护区中的鱼类均系晚第三纪和第四纪形成的种类或类群, 没有古老或孑遗种类。β多样性结果显示, 在4个保护区中澜沧江自然保护区的鱼类多样性最丰富, 而南滚河自然保护区的丰富程度最低, 但是怒江水系3个自然保护区鱼类多样性的代表性及保护地位比澜沧江自然保护区的要高。而特有阶元和单型性阶元的存在体现出怒江水系3个自然保护区的保护价值及保护意义比澜沧江保护区高。地理范围跨度大小、生境空间异质性高低、保护区面积大小及支流多少等是影响鱼类多样性的主要因素。因此, 规划和设计保护区时, 如果能在水系的上、中、下游分别规划1条一级支流作为保护区, 可使该水系的绝大多数鱼类得到保护。  相似文献   

An important goal in the de novo design of enzymes is the control of molecular geometry. To this end, an analog of the protease from human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1 protease) was prepared by total chemical synthesis, containing a constrained, nonpeptidic type II' beta-turn mimic of predetermined three-dimensional structure. The mimic beta-turn replaced residues Gly16,17 in each subunit of the homodimeric molecule. These residues constitute the central amino acids of two symmetry-related type I' beta-turns in the native, unliganded enzyme. The beta-turn mimic-containing enzyme analog was fully active, possessed the same substrate specificity as the Gly16,17-containing enzyme, and showed enhanced resistance to thermal inactivation. These results indicate that the precise geometry of the beta-turn at residues 15-18 in each subunit is not critical for activity, and that replacement of the native sequence with a rigid beta-turn mimic can lead to enhanced protein stability. Finally, the successful incorporation of a fixed element of secondary structure illustrates the potential of a "molecular kit set" approach to protein design and synthesis.  相似文献   

The Neuropeptide Head Activator (HA), pGlu-Pro-Pro-Gly-Gly-Ser-Lys-Val-Ile-Leu-Phe (pGlu is pyroglutamic acid), is involved in head-specific growth and differentiation processes in the freshwater coelenterate Hydra attenuata. Peptides of identical sequence have also been isolated from higher-organism tissues such as human and bovine hypothalamus. Early studies by molecular sieve chromatography suggested that HA dimerizes with high affinity (K(d) approximately 1 nM). This dimerization was proposed to occur via antiparallel beta-sheet formation between the Lys(7)-Phe(11) segments in each HA molecule. We conducted biophysical studies on synthetic HA in order to gain insight into its structure and aggregation tendencies. We found by analytical ultracentrifugation that HA is monomeric at low millimolar concentrations. Studies by (1)H-NMR revealed that HA did not adopt any significant secondary structure in solution. We found no NOEs that would support the proposed dimer structure. We probed the propensity of the Lys(7)-Phe(11) fragment to form antiparallel beta-sheet by designing peptides in which two such fragments are joined by a two-residue linker. These peptides were intended to form stable beta-hairpin structures with cross-strand interactions that mimic those of the proposed HA dimer interface. We found that the HA-derived fragments may be induced to form intramolecular beta-sheet, albeit only weakly, when linked by the highly beta-hairpin-promoting D-Pro-Gly turn, but not when linked by the more flexible Gly-Gly unit. These findings suggest that the postulated mode of HA dimerization and the proposed propensity of the molecule to form discrete aggregates with high affinity are incorrect.  相似文献   

Autonomously folding beta-hairpins (two-strand antiparallel beta-sheets) have become increasingly valuable tools for probing the forces that control peptide and protein conformational preferences. We examine the effects of variations in sequence and solvent on the stability of a previously designed 12-residue peptide (1). This peptide adopts a beta-hairpin conformation containing a two-residue loop (D-Pro-Gly) and a four-residue interstrand sidechain cluster that is observed in the natural protein GB1. We show that the conformational propensity of the loop segment plays an important role in beta-hairpin stability by comparing 1 with (D)P--> N mutant 2. In addition, we show that the sidechain cluster contributes both to conformational stability and to folding cooperativity by comparing 1 with mutant 3, in which two of the four cluster residues have been changed to serine. Thermodynamic analysis suggests that the high loop-forming propensity of the (D)PG segment decreases the entropic cost of beta-hairpin formation relative to the more flexible NG segment, but that the conformational rigidity of (D)PG may prevent optimal contacts between the sidechains of the GB1-derived cluster. The enthalpic favorability of folding in these designed beta-hairpins suggests that they are excellent scaffolds for studying the fundamental mechanisms by which amino acid sidechains interact with one another in folded proteins.  相似文献   

Penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) catalyze the final stages of bacterial cell wall biosynthesis. PBPs form stable covalent complexes with beta-lactam antibiotics, leading to PBP inactivation and ultimately cell death. To understand more clearly how PBPs recognize beta-lactam antibiotics, it is important to know their energies of interaction. Because beta-lactam antibiotics bind covalently to PBPs, these energies are difficult to measure through binding equilibria. However, the noncovalent interaction energies between beta-lactam antibiotics and a PBP can be determined through reversible denaturation of enzyme-antibiotic complexes. Escherichia coli PBP 5, a D-alanine carboxypeptidase, was reversibly denatured by temperature in an apparently two-state manner with a temperature of melting (T(m)) of 48.5 degrees C and a van't Hoff enthalpy of unfolding (H(VH)) of 193 kcal/mole. The binding of the beta-lactam antibiotics cefoxitin, cloxacillin, moxalactam, and imipenem all stabilized the enzyme significantly, with T(m) values as high as +4.6 degrees C (a noncovalent interaction energy of +2.7 kcal/mole). Interestingly, the noncovalent interaction energies of these ligands did not correlate with their second-order acylation rate constants (k(2)/K'). These rate constants indicate the potency of a covalent inhibitor, but they appear to have little to do with interactions within covalent complexes, which is the state of the enzyme often used for structure-based inhibitor design.  相似文献   

In response to environmental stress, the related RNA-binding proteins TIA-1 and TIAR colocalize with poly(A)(+) RNA at cytoplasmic foci that resemble the stress granules (SGs) that harbor untranslated mRNAs in heat shocked plant cells (Nover et al. 1989; Nover et al. 1983; Scharf et al. 1998). The accumulation of untranslated mRNA at SGs is reversible in cells that recover from a sublethal stress, but irreversible in cells subjected to a lethal stress. We have found that the assembly of TIA-1/R(+) SGs is initiated by the phosphorylation of eIF-2alpha. A phosphomimetic eIF-2alpha mutant (S51D) induces the assembly of SGs, whereas a nonphosphorylatable eIF-2alpha mutant (S51A) prevents the assembly of SGs. The ability of a TIA-1 mutant lacking its RNA-binding domains to function as a transdominant inhibitor of SG formation suggests that this RNA-binding protein acts downstream of the phosphorylation of eIF-2alpha to promote the sequestration of untranslated mRNAs at SGs. The assembly and disassembly of SGs could regulate the duration of stress- induced translational arrest in cells recovering from environmental stress.  相似文献   

Li L  Jia ZH  Chen C  Wei C  Han JK  Wu YL  Ren LM 《Purinergic signalling》2011,7(2):221-229
P2X1 receptors, the major subtype of P2X receptors in the vascular smooth muscle, are essential for α,β-methylene adenosine 5′-triphosphate (α,β-MeATP)-induced vasoconstriction. However, relative physiological significance of P2X1 receptor-regulated vasoconstriction in the different types of arteries in the rat is not clear as compared with α1-adrenoceptor-regulated vasoconstriction. In the present study, we found that vasoconstrictive responses to noncumulative administration of α,β-MeATP in the rat isolated mesenteric arteries were significantly smaller than those to single concentration administration of α,β-MeATP. Therefore, we firstly reported the characteristic of α,β-MeATP-regulated vasoconstrictions in rat tail, internal carotid, pulmonary, mesenteric arteries, and aorta using single concentration administration of α,β-MeATP. The rank order of maximal vasoconstrictions for α,β-MeATP (E max·α,β-MeATP) was the same as that of maximal vasoconstrictions for noradrenaline (E max·NA) in the internal carotid, pulmonary, mesenteric arteries, and aorta. Moreover, the value of (E max·α,β-MeATP/E max·KCl)/(E max·NA/E max·KCl) was 0.4 in each of the four arteries, but it was 0.8 in the tail artery. In conclusion, P2X1 receptor-mediated vasoconstrictions are equally important in rat internal carotid, pulmonary, mesenteric arteries, and aorta, but much greater in the tail artery, suggesting its special role in physiological function.  相似文献   

The designed peptide (denoted 20-mer, sequence VFITS(D)PGKTYTEV(D)PGOKILQ) has been shown to form a three-strand antiparallel beta-sheet. It is generally believed that the (D)Pro-Gly segment has the propensity to adopt a type II' beta-turn, thereby promoting the formation of this beta-sheet. Here, we replaced (D)Pro-Gly with Asp-Gly, which should favor a type I' turn, to examine the influence of different type of turns on the stability of the beta-sheet. Contrary to our expectation, the mutant peptide, denoted P6D, forms a five-residue type I turn plus a beta-bulge between the first two strands due to a one amino-acid frameshift in the hydrogen bonding network and side-chain inversion of the first beta-strand. In contrast, the same kind of substitution at (D)Pro-14 in the double mutant, denoted P6DP14D, does not yield the same effect. These observations suggest that the SDGK sequence disfavors the type I' conformation while the VDGO sequence favors a type I' turn, and that the frameshift in the first strand provides a way for the peptide to accommodate a disfavored turn sequence by protruding a bulge in the formation of the beta-hairpin. Thus, different types of turns can affect the stability of a beta-structure.  相似文献   

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