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Phycomyces blakesleeanus produced an abundance of sexual organs when two mating types met on solid medium, but only about 14.7% of the sexual organs developed to the final stages. On the sexual organs showing arrested development, vegetative hyphae or dwarf sporangiophores (microphores) often regenerated. This vegetative regeneration was accelerated when the paired and looped progametangia were isolated from mycelia, when the counterparts of the progametangial cells constructing the loop were surgically incised, and whenPhycomyces was mated at high temperature (25–27°C). A leaky-carotenogenic mutant, whose sexual reaction was imperfect and arrested at an intermediate stage even when mated with the wild type, also regenerated hyphae with a high frequency on these arrested intermediate organs. The vegetative regeneration seems to result from interruption of a cell-to-cell recognition system between cells of different mating type, which is believed to be essential for the mating process of this fungus in addition to the pheromonal actions.  相似文献   

The sporangiophores (spphs) of the fungusPhycomyces blakesleeanus bend upward in a negative gravitropic response when placed in a horizontal position in the dark. The spphs of a hypergravitropic mutant showed higher bending rate and shorter latency period than those of the wild type. In both strains, spphs of smaller diameter had higher bending rates. No significant differences were found between the wild type and the mutant and between the thin spphs and the spphs of standard diameter in respect to their elongation rates. Phototropic rate was also the same between the wild type and the mutant. Parameters influencing the gravitropic response such as diameter of the spph, absolute elongation rate, and ratio of differential growth between the upper and the lower sides of the extension zone of spph were investigated to elucidate the kinetics of bending in the mutant. The results demonstrate that the rapid gravitropic response in the mutant is due to its higher (about 5–6 times) differential-growth rate compared with the wild type.  相似文献   

The development of germinating Phycomyces spores was not inhibited by 5-fluorouracil (1 mM) until the emergence of the germination tube. Fluorouracil was incorporated into RNA as efficiently as uracil; it did not inhibit the synthesis of proteins and the increase in respiratory activity during early develpment. Cycloheximide inhibited development as well as the increase in respiration and protein synthesis. This suggested that protein synthesis or some other cycloheximide dependent process, but no mRNA synthesis, was needed for the first developmental stages. The activity of two enzymes involved in the synthesis of N-acetylglucosamine increased markedly during germination. This increase was inhibited by both 5-fluorouracil and cycloheximide; this suggested that those enzymes were synthesized on mRNA formed during germination.  相似文献   

Spores of the Phycomyces blakesleeanus strain S440 germinated only for some 4 to 7% when activated with a heat treatment or with ammonium acetate. Contrary to wild type spores, they showed no increase in trehalase activity during or after the activating treatment. This was not due to a variant trehalase or a defective protein kinase but rather to the absence of an increase in cellular cyclic AMP which normally occurs in the wild type. Phosphodiesterase activity in the mutant was comparable to wild type activity and in both strains phosphodiesterase was inactivated by a heat treatment. The phosphodiesterase inhibitor 1-isobutyl, 3-methyl xanthine caused germination and trehalase activation in the wild type but not in the mutant. The results corroborate the importance of cyclic AMP in the breaking of dormancy and the activation of trehalase in this fungus.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of chemical components and nitrogen sources on zygospore development, using 62 different ingredients based on Sutter's synthetic medium Sl, which has been widely used for studies of sexual physiology inPhycomyces. An increase of inorganic microelements such as ZnSO4, NaMoO4 and CaCl2 promoted an increase in the number of zygospores per unit area. Glutamate (Glu) contained in Sl as the sole nitrogen source was indispensable for sexual development, and replacement of Glu with NH4 + (Am) strongly inhibited it, mainly because of growth inhibition. However, zygospore production was enhanced 1.8-fold by equivalent amounts of both Glu and Am as compared with Glu alone. A newly developed medium, mSl+Am, enriched with Am and the above-mentioned effective microelements doubled the number of zygospores formed per unit area (density), compared with Sutter's original Sl, and increased both the density and the weight (volume) of zygospores, 1.6- and 2-fold, respectively, compared with potato-dextrose-agar medium enriched with yeast extract and casitone (PDAYC). Sexual stimulation by mSl+Am was also observed in the mating of a pair of β-carotene-deficient mutants. Methionine sulfoxime, an inhibitor of glutamine synthetase, strongly inhibited the progress of mating without significant growth inhibition. The first and the second authors contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The chitin synthetase of Phycomyces blakesleeanus mycelium is a particulate enzyme sedimenting mostly at 1000xg. The activity in crude extracts or cellular fractions can be increased more than tenfold by mild trypsin treatment. Plotting the reaction velocity versus UDP-N-acetylglucosamine concentration yields a sigmoidal curve. N-acetylglucosamine, which greatly stimulates the enzyme, changes the kinetics to an almost normal hyperbolic relationship.The enzyme is nearly absent in dormant spores and is synthesized de novo in germinating spores (from 4 h germination on). Trypsin treatment of extracts from germinating spores to assay the synthesis of the proenzyme did not reveal an earlier synthesis of the zymogen, which therefore might have some activity of its own.Abbreviations Used UDP-GlcNAc Uridinediphosphate-N-acetylglucosamine - GlcNAc N-acetylglucosamine - Chitin synthetase UDP-2-acetylamino-deoxyglucosyltransferase (EC  相似文献   

Summary Ten cultivars of tomato were screened for their ability to produce shoots and shoot primordia on media containing a range of 6-benzyladenine (BA) concentrations (0.0–4.0 mgl−1; 0.0–17.7 μM) in combination with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA; 0.0, 0.1, 0.2 mgl−1; 0.0, 0.57, 1.14 μM, respectively). Both genotypes and growth regulator levels showed significant differences at α=0.05. However, their interaction was not significantly different. A comparison of the mean number of shoots produced six cultivar classes, with UC82, UC97-3, Castlerock, Red Rock, and Peto86 producing the highest means. There were four cultiver frequency classes, the highest including cultivars Peto Rock (93.7%), Peto86 (92.3%), and Strain B (90.7%). Growth regulator mean comparisons produced eight classes, the highest included three different BA/IAA combinations, with media containing 2.0 mgl−1 (8.87 μM) BA and 0.2 mgl−1 (1.14. μM) IAA giving the highest mean and frequency (94.1%). The effect of carbon source was studied using glucose, fructose, maltose, and sucrose at 3.0% concentration. Three high regenerating genotypes and four media were used in combination with each sugar. Sugars were significantly different with maltose giving the highest number of shoots (31.6) followed by glucose (20.9). Growth regulator means, sugar-growth regulator interaction, and cultivar-sugar interaction were significant. A three-way interaction was nonsignificant. The effect of maltose and sucrose concentration (1.5–9.0%) showed the positive effect of maltose over sucrose in inducing shoots and in reducing loss rates of shoots on the regeneration media. Maltose at 1.5, 3.0, and 4.5% was the most effective. Six pH values (4.0–6.5) were used to test their effect on shoot induction in three cultivars (Peto86, UC97-3 and Castlerock). pH effects and cultivar-pH interaction were not significant.  相似文献   

Summary Complementation tests among Phycomyces auxotrophic strains revealed the existence of four genes with mutants requiring riboflavin, three genes with purine auxotrophs, two with nicotinic acid auxotrophs, and two with lysine auxotrophs. A total of 134 sexual crosses between strains carrying mutations affecting phototropism (madA-madE), carotenoid biosynthesis (carA), auxotrophy (ribA-ribD, purA-purC, lysA and lysB, nicA and nicB, and leuA) and resistance to 5-fluorouracil (furA and furB) were studied; mating type (sex) was also included as a marker. The results from random spore analysis, tetrad analysis, and gene-centromere distances shows that these markers are distributed into 11 linkage groups.  相似文献   

The production of two kinds of vegetative reproductive structures, microphores and macrophores, byPhycomyces blakesleeanus Bgff. depends on plating density, ventilation, asparagine supply, and illumination. Quantitative determinations of these variables lead us to propose a new experimental system for developmental photobiology: standard plastic Petri plates containing 25 ml minimal medium are inoculated with 105 viable, heat-activated spores and incubated, unpiled and unsealed, at 22° C. After 4 d microphores are counted and macrophores are weighed. Both microphorogenesis and macrophorogenesis are governed by light. Photosensitivity is a developmental phenomenon which occurs 32 to 68 h after inoculation, just before the beginning of vegetative reproduction in the dark controls. The maximum photosensitivity occurs 48 h after inoculation.  相似文献   

The growth zone of the sporangiophore of a piloboloid mutant,pil, ofPhycomyces expands radially at an increased rate until the growth zone becomes nearly spherical, in sharp contrast to that of the wild-type sporangiophore which exhibits longitudinal elongation only and is conical. The rotation of thepil sporangiophore reverses its direction from clockwise (CW) to counterclockwise (CCW) during the period of increased radial expansion, and the CCW rotation continues as long as does the radial expansion. The direction of rotation and the time of reversal are correlated with the relative rates of cell-wall expansion in the longitudinal and transverse directions. The CCW rotation of the sporangiophore of this mutant can be explained by the behavior of the microfibrils, as previously proposed to explain the rotation of the wild-type sporangiophore.Abbreviations CW clockwise - CCW counterclockwise — both as viewed from above  相似文献   

Dormant sporangiospores of Phycomyces blakesleeanus were activated by Cs-137 gamma rays. After a dose of about 300 krad, between 80 and 90% of the spores germinated normally. However, further development of the mycelium was inhibited. Even with dry spores a partial activation was obtained. Activation by gamma rays was not accompanied by an increase in trehalase activity.  相似文献   

温度、相对湿度和pH对蜜蜂球囊菌孢子萌发的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了温度、相对湿度和pH对蜜蜂球囊菌(Ascosphaeraapis)孢子萌发3个阶段(活化、膨大、产生萌发管)的影响.结果表明,孢子活化和膨大在15~40和(25~40)±0.5℃范围内受温度的影响不明显(P>0.05);萌发管仅发生在25~37±0.5℃,最适温度位于(31~35)±0.5℃.相对湿度越大,越有利于孢子萌发,而相对湿度低于80%对孢子萌发极为不利.孢子萌发的3个阶段在pH为5~7.8时几乎不受pH变化的影响,而在pH值较低影响很大.可见,A.apis是一种高度专一的蜜蜂幼虫病原体.  相似文献   

Koga  K.  Sato  T.  Ootaki  T. 《Planta》1984,162(2):97-103
The sporangiophore (spph) of a piloboloid mutant, genotype pil, of Phycomyces ceases elongation and expands radially in the growth zone shortly after reaching the developmental stage IV b. The pil spph is always negatively phototropic to unilateral visible light when its diameter exceeds 210 m. Photoinduction of spph initiation, light-growth response, threshold of light energy fluence rate for the negative phototropism, avoidance and gravitropism in the pil mutant are all normal. In liquid paraffin, the pil spph shows negative phototropism as does the wild-type spph. Genetic analyses indicate that the negative phototropism of the pil mutant is governed by the phenotypic characteristics of pil but not by specific gene(s) responsible for negative phototropism. These facts imply that the reverse phototropism of the pil mutant results from a loss of the convergent lens effect of the cell because of the increase in cell diameter.Abbreviations spph(s) sporangiophore(s) - wt(s) wild type(s)  相似文献   

The growth-temperature range of the actinomycete, Thermomonospora curvata, was influenced by the nature of the soluble carbon sources used, which were derived from cellulose, pectin, starch and xylan. This thermophile had the broadest (38 to 65°C) and narrowest (42 to 59°C) temperature range during growth on cellobiose (from cellulose) and 4-deoxy-Lxxx-threo-t-hexoseulose uronic acid (from pectin), respectively. This substrate-temperature interaction was accompanied by changes in cellular fatty acids: uronic-acid-grown cells had relatively low amounts of branched chain fatty acids (particularly iso-16:0) and high amounts of monounsaturated fatty acids (particularly cis-18:1) compared with cells grown on any other substrate. Moreover, uronic-acid-grown cells could not respond to increased growth temperature by altering the ratio of branched chain fatty acids to straight chain fatty acids.F.J. Stutzenberger is with the Department of Microbiology, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-1909, USA; T.C. Jenkins is with the Department of Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences at the same university.  相似文献   

Blue light regulates vegetative reproduction inPhycomyces blakesleeanus Bgff. by inhibiting the development of microphores and stimulating that of macrophores. Fluence-response curves were obtained at twelve different wavelengths. Each response exhibits a two-step (biphasic) dependence on fluence, as if it resulted from the addition of two separate components with different thresholds, midpoints, and amplitudes. The absolute threshold is close to 10 photons·m2. The threshold fluence of the low-intensity component is about 104 times smaller than that of the high-intensity component. The action spectra for each of the two components of the two responses share general similarities, but exhibit significant differences that might be taken to favour four separate photosystems. Additional complexity is indicated by the wavelength dependence of the saturation levels.  相似文献   

环境因子对蕨类植物孢子萌发的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张正修  戴绍军 《生态学报》2010,30(7):1882-1893
蕨类植物通过孢子萌发形成独立生活的配子体,配子体能够形成精子器和颈卵器,进而通过受精作用形成新的孢子体。孢子萌发是蕨类植物生活史过程中配子体世代向孢子体世代转变的关键步骤。同时,此过程不仅受到多种环境因子的影响,也是研究细胞核极性移动、细胞不对称分裂、假根极性生长等独特的细胞学事件的良好模型。迄今为止,人们已经研究发现多种环境因子对约200余种蕨类植物孢子萌发有影响。总结了环境因子对蕨类植物孢子萌发影响的规律如下:(1)孢子萌发除了受到光照强度影响外,主要受光质的影响,光质的影响主要表现为4种方式:①孢子萌发受红光刺激与远红光抑制像开关一样调控;②孢子萌发不受远红光抑制;③孢子萌发受蓝光抑制;④孢子只能在黑暗条件下萌发。(2)重力作用会影响孢子细胞核移动,进而影响孢子细胞发育的极性。(3)赤霉素(GA)能增加孢子萌发率或帮助孢子打破休眠。成精子囊素与GA作用相似,启动或促进孢子萌发。而脱落酸(ABA)、茉莉酸(JA)和乙烯等其它激素对孢子萌发的影响相对较小。(4)不同植物孢子有着各自最适的萌发培养基条件,如不同种类孢子对MS培养基中无机盐含量、蔗糖含量、pH值的要求不同。孢子外被中的Ca2+、Mn2+和Mg2+,培养基中的Cd2+和La3+,以及孢子接种密度、萌发空间CO2含量也会对孢子萌发造成影响。(5)多数蕨类植物孢子在15-30℃可以萌发,最适萌发温度为25℃。(6)4℃和液氮储藏可以延长孢子寿命并保持较高萌发率。  相似文献   

Evidence is obtained for the existence of two different localizations of trehalase (,-trehalose glucohydrolase, EC in Phycomyces spores: one inside the cell, and one in the periplasmic region. The latter enzyme is sensitive to 0.1 mol l-1 HCl treatment and its activity can be regulated by external pH changes. The periplasmic form of the enzyme is involved in the metabolism of added labelled trehalose. This sugar is hydrolyzed externally to glucose which is found mainly in the incubation medium and which is partly absorbed by the spores. During incubation trehalose leaks out from both dormant and activated spores and is subsequently hydrolyzed to glucose. The intracellular trehalase is probably involved in the breakdown of endogenous trehalose in spores. After heat activation the hydrolysis of endogenous trehalose is stimulated even without an important increase in activity of intracellular trehalase. Additional treatments which break dormancy of spores without a significant activation of trehalase are the following: heating of HCl-treated spores and treatment of spores with reducing substances (e.g. Na2S2O4 and NaHSO3).  相似文献   

The effect of different carbon sources on the growth of Frankia isolates for Casuarina sp. was studied. In addition, regulation of nitrogenase and uptake hydrogenase activity by carbon sources was investigated. For each of the three isolates, JCT287, KB5 and HFPCcI3, growth was greatest on the carbon sources pyruvate and propionate. In general the carbon sources which gave the greatest growth gave the highest levels of nitrogenase activity, but repressed the activity of uptake hydrogenase. The regulation of growth, uptake hydrogenase activity and nitrogenase activity is discussed.  相似文献   

Using in vitro culture of isolated small berries of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Sultana, it was possible to study the effect of different carbon sources and sucrose concentration on fruit growth, hexose accumulation and soluble invertase activity during the first stage of berry development by eliminating the source tissue. Berries cultured in vitro lack stage III of berry development which is characterised by massive accumulation of water and sugars, and thereby berries reached only 30% of the weight of those grown in the plant. Sucrose and glucose were both good carbon sources for berry growth, while fructose was not as good. Berry growth, hexose accumulation and invertase activity increased as sucrose concentration increased up to 15% in the medium. Furthermore, the onset of hexose accumulation in cultured berries depended on the concentration of sucrose in the medium, starting earlier at higher concentrations. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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