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Many double-stranded DNA viruses employ ATP-driven motors to translocate their genomes into small, preformed viral capsids against large forces resisting confinement. Here, we show via direct single-molecule measurements that a mutation T194M downstream of the Walker B motif in the phage λ gpA packaging motor causes an 8-fold reduction in translocation velocity without substantially changing processivity or force dependence, whereas the mutation G212S in the putative C (coupling) motif causes a 3-fold reduction in velocity and a 6-fold reduction in processivity. Meanwhile a T194M pseudorevertant (T194V) showed a near restoration of the wild-type dynamics. Structural comparisons and modeling show that these mutations are in a loop-helix-loop region that positions the key residues of the catalytic motifs, Walker B and C, in the ATPase center and is structurally homologous with analogous regions in chromosome transporters and SF2 RNA helicases. Together with recently published studies of SpoIIIE chromosome transporter and Ded1 RNA helicase mutants, these findings suggest the presence of a structurally conserved region that may be a part of the mechanism that determines motor velocity and processivity in several different types of nucleic acid translocases.  相似文献   

Maturation of dsDNA bacteriophages involves assembling the virus prohead from a limited set of structural components followed by rearrangements required for the stability that is necessary for infecting a host under challenging environmental conditions. Here, we determine the mature capsid structure of T7 at 1 nm resolution by cryo-electron microscopy and compare it with the prohead to reveal the molecular basis of T7 shell maturation. The mature capsid presents an expanded and thinner shell, with a drastic rearrangement of the major protein monomers that increases in their interacting surfaces, in turn resulting in a new bonding lattice. The rearrangements include tilting, in-plane rotation, and radial expansion of the subunits, as well as a relative bending of the A- and P-domains of each subunit. The unique features of this shell transformation, which does not employ the accessory proteins, inserted domains, or molecular interactions observed in other phages, suggest a simple capsid assembling strategy that may have appeared early in the evolution of these viruses.  相似文献   

Newly assembled dengue viruses (DENV) undergo maturation to become infectious particles. The maturation process involves major rearrangement of virus surface premembrane (prM) and envelope (E) proteins. The prM-E complexes on immature viruses are first assembled as trimeric spikes in the neutral pH environment of the endoplasmic reticulum. When the virus is transported to the low pH environment of the exosomes, these spikes rearrange into dimeric structures, which lie parallel to the virus lipid envelope. The proteins involved in driving this process are unknown. Previous cryoelectron microscopy studies of the mature DENV showed that the prM-stem region (residues 111–131) is membrane-associated and may interact with the E proteins. Here we investigated the prM-stem region in modulating the virus maturation process. The binding of the prM-stem region to the E protein was shown to increase significantly at low pH compared with neutral pH in ELISAs and surface plasmon resonance studies. In addition, the affinity of the prM-stem region for the liposome, as measured by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, was also increased when pH is lowered. These results suggest that the prM-stem region forms a tight association with the virus membrane and attracts the associated E protein in the low pH environment of exosomes. This will lead to the surface protein rearrangement observed during maturation.  相似文献   

RNA folding landscapes have been described alternately as simple and as complex. The limited diversity of RNA residues and the ability of RNA to form stable secondary structures prior to adoption of a tertiary structure would appear to simplify folding relative to proteins. Nevertheless, there is considerable evidence for long-lived misfolded RNA states, and these observations have suggested rugged energy landscapes. Recently, single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET) studies have exposed heterogeneity in many RNAs, consistent with deeply furrowed rugged landscapes. We turned to an RNA of intermediate complexity, the P4-P6 domain from the Tetrahymena group I intron, to address basic questions in RNA folding. P4-P6 exhibited long-lived heterogeneity in smFRET experiments, but the inability to observe exchange in the behavior of individual molecules led us to probe whether there was a non-conformational origin to this heterogeneity. We determined that routine protocols in RNA preparation and purification, including UV shadowing and heat annealing, cause covalent modifications that alter folding behavior. By taking measures to avoid these treatments and by purifying away damaged P4-P6 molecules, we obtained a population of P4-P6 that gave near-uniform behavior in single molecule studies. Thus, the folding landscape of P4-P6 lacks multiple deep furrows that would trap different P4-P6 molecules in different conformations and contrasts with the molecular heterogeneity that has been seen in many smFRET studies of structured RNAs. The simplicity of P4-P6 allowed us to reliably determine the thermodynamic and kinetic effects of metal ions on folding and to now begin to build more detailed models for RNA folding behavior.  相似文献   

During each catalytic cycle, DNA polymerases select deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) substrates complementary to a templating base with high fidelity from a pool that includes noncomplementary dNTPs and both complementary and noncomplementary ribonucleoside triphosphates (rNTPs). The Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I (KF) achieves this through a series of conformational transitions that precede the chemical step of phosphodiester bond formation. Kinetic evidence from fluorescence and FRET experiments indicates that discrimination of the base and sugar moieties of the incoming nucleotide occurs in distinct, sequential steps during the selection pathway. Here we show that KF-DNA complexes formed with complementary rNTPs or with noncomplementary nucleotides can be distinguished on the basis of their properties when captured in an electric field atop the α-hemolysin nanopore. The average nanopore dwell time of KF-DNA complexes increased as a function of complementary rNTP concentration. The increase was less than that promoted by complementary dNTP, indicating that the rNTP complexes are more stable than KF-DNA binary complexes but less stable than KF-DNA-dNTP ternary complexes. KF-DNA-rNTP complexes could also be distinguished from KF-DNA-dNTP complexes on the basis of ionic current amplitude. In contrast to complementary rNTPs, noncomplementary dNTPs and rNTPs diminished the average nanopore dwell time of KF-DNA complexes in a concentration-dependent manner, suggesting that binding of a noncomplementary nucleotide keeps the KF-DNA complex in a less stable state. These results imply that nucleotide selection proceeds through a series of complexes of increasing stability in which substrates with the correct moiety promote the forward transitions.  相似文献   

Protein secretion in bacteria is driven through the ubiquitous SecYEG complex by the ATPase SecA. The structure of SecYEG alone or as a complex with SecA in detergent reveal a monomeric heterotrimer enclosing a central protein channel, yet in membranes it is dimeric. We have addressed the functional significance of the oligomeric status of SecYEG in protein translocation using single molecule and ensemble methods. The results show that while monomers are sufficient for the SecA- and ATP-dependent association of SecYEG with pre-protein, active transport requires SecYEG dimers arranged in the back-to-back conformation. Molecular modeling of this dimeric structure, in conjunction with the new functional data, provides a rationale for the presence of both active and passive copies of SecYEG in the functional translocon.  相似文献   

F(1)-ATPase (F(1)) is an ATP-driven rotary motor wherein the γ subunit rotates against the surrounding α(3)β(3) stator ring. The 3 catalytic sites of F(1) reside on the interface of the α and β subunits of the α(3)β(3) ring. While the catalytic residues predominantly reside on the β subunit, the α subunit has 1 catalytically critical arginine, termed the arginine finger, with stereogeometric similarities with the arginine finger of G-protein-activating proteins. However, the principal role of the arginine finger of F(1) remains controversial. We studied the role of the arginine finger by analyzing the rotation of a mutant F(1) with a lysine substitution of the arginine finger. The mutant showed a 350-fold longer catalytic pause than the wild-type; this pause was further lengthened by the slowly hydrolyzed ATP analog ATPγS. On the other hand, the mutant F(1) showed highly unidirectional rotation with a coupling ratio of 3 ATPs/turn, the same as wild-type, suggesting that cooperative torque generation by the 3 β subunits was not impaired. The hybrid F(1) carrying a single copy of the α mutant revealed that the reaction step slowed by the mutation occurs at +200° from the binding angle of the mutant subunit. Thus, the principal role of the arginine finger is not to mediate cooperativity among the catalytic sites, but to enhance the rate of the ATP cleavage by stabilizing the transition state of ATP hydrolysis. Lysine substitution also caused frequent pauses because of severe ADP inhibition, and a slight decrease in ATP-binding rate.  相似文献   

APOBEC3G (A3G) is an antiviral protein that binds RNA and single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). The oligomerization state of A3G is likely to be influenced by these nucleic acid interactions. We applied the power of nanoimaging atomic force microscopy technology to characterize the role of ssDNA in A3G oligomerization. We used recombinant human A3G prepared from HEK-293 cells and specially designed DNA substrates that enable free A3G to be distinguished unambiguously from DNA-bound protein complexes. This DNA substrate can be likened to a molecular ruler because it consists of a 235-bp double-stranded DNA visual tag spliced to a 69-nucleotide ssDNA substrate. This hybrid substrate enabled us to use volume measurements to determine A3G stoichiometry in both free and ssDNA-bound states. We observed that free A3G is primarily monomeric, whereas ssDNA-complexed A3G is mostly dimeric. A3G stoichiometry increased slightly with the addition of Mg(2+), but dimers still predominated when Mg(2+) was depleted. A His-248/His-250 Zn(2+)-mediated intermolecular bridge was observed in a catalytic domain crystal structure (Protein Data Bank code 3IR2); however, atomic force microscopy analyses showed that the stoichiometry of the A3G-ssDNA complexes changed insignificantly when these residues were mutated to Ala. We conclude that A3G exchanges between oligomeric forms in solution with monomers predominating and that this equilibrium shifts toward dimerization upon binding ssDNA.  相似文献   

We characterized the effect of histone acetylation on the structure of a nucleosome and the interactions between two nucleosomes. In this study, nucleosomes reconstituted with the Selex "Widom 601" sequence were acetylated with the Piccolo NuA4 complex, which acetylates mainly H4 N-terminal tail lysine residues and some H2A/H3 N-terminal tail lysine residues. Upon the acetylation, we observed directional unwrapping of nucleosomal DNA that accompanies topology change of the DNA. Interactions between two nucleosomes in solution were also monitored to discover multiple transient dinucleosomal states that can be categorized to short-lived and long-lived (~1 s) states. The formation of dinucleosomes is strongly Mg(2+)-dependent, and unacetylated nucleosomes favor the formation of long-lived dinucleosomes 4-fold as much as the acetylated ones. These results suggest that the acetylation of histones by Piccolo NuA4 disturbs not only the structure of a nucleosome but also the interactions between two nucleosomes. Lastly, we suggest a structural model for a stable dinucleosomal state where the two nucleosomes are separated by ~2 nm face-to-face and rotated by 34° with respect to each other.  相似文献   

Human telomeres are composed of duplex TTAGGG repeats and a 3' single-stranded DNA tail. The telomeric DNA is protected and regulated by the shelterin proteins, including the protection of telomeres 1 (POT1) protein that binds telomeric single-stranded DNA. The single-stranded tail can fold into G-quadruplex (G4) DNA. Both POT1 and G4 DNA play important roles in regulating telomere length homeostasis. To date, most studies have focused on individual quadruplexes formed by four TTAGGG repeats. Telomeric tails in human cells have on average six times as many repeats, and no structural studies have examined POT1 binding in competition with G4 DNA folding. Using single molecule atomic force microscopy imaging, we observed that the majority of the telomeric tails of 16 repeats formed two quadruplexes even though four were possible. The result that physiological telomeric tails rarely form the maximum potential number of G4 units provides a structural basis for the coexistence of G4 and POT1 on the same DNA molecule, which is observed directly in the captured atomic force microscopy images. We further observed that POT1 is significantly more effective in disrupting quadruplex DNA on long telomeric tails than an antisense oligonucleotide, indicating a novel POT1 activity beyond simply preventing quadruplex folding.  相似文献   

An insight into the conformation and dynamics of unfolded and early intermediate states of a protein is essential to understand the mechanism of its aggregation and to design potent inhibitor molecules. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy has been used to study the effects of several model protein stabilizers on the conformation of the unfolded state and early folding dynamics of tetramethyl rhodamine-labeled cytochrome c from Saccharomyces cerevisiae at single molecular resolution. Special attention has been given to arginine, which is a widely used stabilizer for improving refolding yield of different proteins. The value of the hydrodynamic radius (rH) obtained by analyzing the intensity fluctuations of the diffusing molecules has been found to increase in a two-state manner as the protein is unfolded by urea. The results further show that the presence of arginine and other protein stabilizers favors a relatively structured conformation of the unfolded states (rH of 29 Å) over an extended one (rH of 40 Å), which forms in their absence. Also, the time constant of a kinetic component (τR) of about 30 μs has been observed by analyzing the correlation functions, which represents formation of a collapsed state. This time constant varies with urea concentration representing an inverted Chevron plot that shows a roll-over and behavior in the absence of arginine. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first applications of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to study direct folding kinetics of a protein.  相似文献   

NMDA receptors are ligand-gated ion channels with a regulatory intracellular C-terminal domain (CTD). In GluN2B, the CTD is the largest domain in the protein but is intrinsically disordered. The GluN2B subunit is the major tyrosine-phosphorylated protein in synapses. Src kinase phosphorylates the GluN2B CTD, but it is unknown how this affects channel activity. In disordered proteins, phosphorylation can tip the balance between order and disorder. Transitions can occur in both directions, so it is not currently possible to predict the effects of phosphorylation. We used single molecule fluorescence to characterize the effects of Src phosphorylation on GluN2B. Scanning fluorescent labeling sites throughout the domain showed no positional dependence of the energy transfer. Instead, efficiency only scaled with the separation between labeling sites suggestive of a relatively featureless conformational energy landscape. Src phosphorylation led to a general expansion of the polypeptide, which would result in greater exposure of known protein-binding sites and increase the physical separation between contiguous sites. Phosphorylation makes the CTD more like a random coil leaving open the question of how Src exerts its effects on the NMDA receptor.  相似文献   

d-tyrosyl-tRNATyr deacylase (DTD) is an editing enzyme that removes d-amino acids from mischarged tRNAs. We describe an in-depth analysis of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum DTD here. Our data provide structural insights into DTD complexes with adenosine and d-amino acids. Bound adenosine is proximal to the DTD catalysis site, and it represents the authentic terminal adenosine of charged tRNA. DTD-bound d-amino acids cluster at three different subsites within the overall active site pocket. These subsites, called transition, active, and exit subsites allow docking, re-orientation, chiral selection, catalysis, and exit of the free d-amino acid from DTD. Our studies reveal variable modes of d-amino acid recognition by DTDs, suggesting an inherent plasticity that can accommodate all d- amino acids. An in-depth analysis of native, ADP-bound, and d- amino acid-complexed DTD structures provide the first atomic snapshots of ligand recognition and subsequent catalysis by this enzyme family. We have mapped sites for the deacylation reaction and mark possible routes for entry and egress of all substrates and products. We have also performed structure-based inhibitor discovery and tested lead compounds against the malaria parasite P. falciparum using growth inhibition assays. Our studies provide a comprehensive structural basis for the catalytic mechanism of DTD enzymes and have implications for inhibition of this enzyme in P. falciparum as a route to inhibiting the parasite.  相似文献   

Gyrase is a type II DNA topoisomerase that introduces negative supercoils into DNA in an ATP-dependent reaction. It consists of a topoisomerase core, formed by the N-terminal domains of the two GyrA subunits and by the two GyrB subunits, that catalyzes double-stranded DNA cleavage and passage of a second double-stranded DNA through the gap in the first. The C-terminal domains (CTDs) of the GyrA subunits form a β-pinwheel and bind DNA around their positively charged perimeter. As a result, DNA is bound as a positive supercoil that is converted into a negative supercoil by strand passage. The CTDs contain a conserved 7-amino acid motif that connects blades 1 and 6 of the β-pinwheel and is a hallmark feature of gyrases. Deletion of this so-called GyrA-box abrogates DNA bending by the CTDs and DNA-induced narrowing of the N-gate, affects T-segment presentation, reduces the coupling of DNA binding to ATP hydrolysis, and leads to supercoiling deficiency. Recently, a severe loss of supercoiling activity of Escherichia coli gyrase upon deletion of the non-conserved acidic C-terminal tail (C-tail) of the CTDs has been reported. We show here that, in contrast to E. coli gyrase, the C-tail is a very moderate negative regulator of Bacillus subtilis gyrase activity. The C-tail reduces the degree of DNA bending by the CTDs but has no effect on DNA-induced conformational changes of gyrase that precede strand passage and reduces DNA-stimulated ATPase and DNA supercoiling activities only 2-fold. Our results are in agreement with species-specific, differential regulatory effects of the C-tail in gyrases from different organisms.  相似文献   

Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) has two late domain (LD) motifs, PPPY and PTAP, which are important for viral budding. Mutations in the PPPY motif are more deleterious for viral release than changes in the PTAP motif. Several reports have shown that the interaction of PPPY with the WW domains of a Nedd4 (neuronal precursor cell-expressed developmentally down-regulated-4) family ubiquitin ligase (UL) is a critical event in virus release. We tested nine members of the Nedd4 family ULs and found that ITCH is the main contributor to HTLV-1 budding. ITCH overexpression strongly inhibited release and infectivity of wild-type (wt) HTLV-1, but rescued the release of infectious virions with certain mutations in the PPPY motif. Electron microscopy showed either fewer or misshapen virus particles when wt HTLV-1 was produced in the presence of overexpressed ITCH, whereas mutants with changes in the PPPY motif yielded normal looking particles at wt level. The other ULs had significantly weaker or no effects on HTLV-1 release and infectivity except for SMURF-1, which caused enhanced release of wt and all PPPY(-) mutant particles. These particles were poorly infectious and showed abnormal morphology by electron microscopy. Budding and infectivity defects due to overexpression of ITCH and SMURF-1 were correlated with higher than normal ubiquitination of Gag. Only silencing of ITCH, but not of WWP1, WWP2, and Nedd4, resulted in a reduction of HTLV-1 budding from 293T cells. The binding efficiencies between the HTLV-1 LD and WW domains of different ULs as measured by mammalian two-hybrid interaction did not correlate with the strength of their effect on HTLV-1 budding.  相似文献   

Understanding the component stoichiometry of the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) triggering apparatus is essential for building realistic models of signal initiation. Recent studies suggesting that the TCR and other signaling-associated proteins are preclustered on resting T cells relied on measurements of the behavior of membrane proteins at interfaces with functionalized glass surfaces. Using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, we show that, compared with the apical surface, the mobility of TCRs is significantly reduced at Jurkat T cell/glass interfaces, in a signaling-sensitive manner. Using two biophysical approaches that mitigate these effects, bioluminescence resonance energy transfer and two-color coincidence detection microscopy, we show that, within the uncertainty of the methods, the membrane components of the TCR triggering apparatus, i.e. the TCR complex, MHC molecules, CD4/Lck and CD45, are exclusively monovalent or monomeric in human T cell lines, implying that TCR triggering depends only on the kinetics of TCR/pMHC interactions. These analyses also showed that constraining proteins to two dimensions at the cell surface greatly enhances random interactions versus those between the membrane and the cytoplasm. Simulations of TCR-pMHC complex formation based on these findings suggest how unclustered TCR triggering-associated proteins might nevertheless be capable of generating complex signaling outputs via the differential recruitment of cytosolic effectors to the cell membrane.  相似文献   

The SPP1 siphophage uses its long non-contractile tail and tail tip to recognize and infect the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis. The tail-end cap and its attached tip are the critical components for host recognition and opening of the tail tube for genome exit. In the present work, we determined the cryo-electron microscopic (cryo-EM) structure of a complex formed by the cap protein gp19.1 (Dit) and the N terminus of the downstream protein of gp19.1 in the SPP1 genome, gp21(1-552) (Tal). This complex assembles two back-to-back stacked gp19.1 ring hexamers, interacting loosely, and two gp21(1-552) trimers interacting with gp19.1 at both ends of the stack. Remarkably, one gp21(1-552) trimer displays a "closed" conformation, whereas the second is "open" delineating a central channel. The two conformational states dock nicely into the EM map of the SPP1 cap domain, respectively, before and after DNA release. Moreover, the open/closed conformations of gp19.1-gp21(1-552) are consistent with the structures of the corresponding proteins in the siphophage p2 baseplate, where the Tal protein (ORF16) attached to the ring of Dit (ORF15) was also found to adopt these two conformations. Therefore, the present contribution allowed us to revisit the SPP1 tail distal-end architectural organization. Considering the sequence conservation among Dit and the N-terminal region of Tal-like proteins in Gram-positive-infecting Siphoviridae, it also reveals the Tal opening mechanism as a hallmark of siphophages probably involved in the generation of the firing signal initiating the cascade of events that lead to phage DNA release in vivo.  相似文献   



The CIA2A protein, in complex with CIAO1, has been proposed to be exclusively implicated in the maturation of cytosolic aconitase. However, how the CIA2A-CIAO1 complex generates active aconitase is still unknown and the available structural information has not provided any crucial insights into the molecular function of CIA2A.


In this work we have characterized the Fe/S cluster binding properties of CIA2A and of the CIA2A-CIAO1 complex via NMR, UV???vis absorption and EPR spectroscopies and we have investigated how the Fe/S cluster is transferred to inactive aconitase/IRP1 protein.


We found that an heterotrimeric species formed by two molecules of CIA2A and one of CIAO1 can bind one [4Fe-4S] cluster and that residue Cys90 of CIA2A is one of the cluster ligand. The holo trimeric complex is able to transfer the [4Fe-4S] cluster to apo-IRP1 thus generating the active form of aconitase.

Conclusions and general significance

These findings, which highlight a functional role for CIA2A-CIAO1 complex in aconitase maturation, raises a broad interest and can have a high impact on the community studying metal trafficking and iron?sulfur protein biogenesis. The present study can provide solid bases for further investigation of the molecular mechanisms involving also other CIA machinery proteins.  相似文献   

The C-type lectin DC-SIGN expressed on dendritic cells (DCs) facilitates capture and internalization of a plethora of different pathogens. Although it is known that DC-SIGN organizes in nanoclusters at the surface of DCs, the molecular mechanisms responsible for this well defined nanopatterning and role in viral binding remain enigmatic. By combining biochemical and advanced biophysical techniques, including optical superresolution and single particle tracking, we demonstrate that DC-SIGN intrinsic nanoclustering strictly depends on its molecular structure. DC-SIGN nanoclusters exhibited free, Brownian diffusion on the cell membrane. Truncation of the extracellular neck region, known to abrogate tetramerization, significantly reduced nanoclustering and concomitantly increased lateral diffusion. Importantly, DC-SIGN nanocluster dissolution exclusively compromised binding to nanoscale size pathogens. Monte Carlo simulations revealed that heterogeneity on nanocluster density and spatial distribution confers broader binding capabilities to DC-SIGN. As such, our results underscore a direct relationship between spatial nanopatterning, driven by intermolecular interactions between the neck regions, and receptor diffusion to provide DC-SIGN with the exquisite ability to dock pathogens at the virus length scale. Insight into how virus receptors are organized prior to virus binding and how they assemble into functional platforms for virus docking is helpful to develop novel strategies to prevent virus entry and infection.  相似文献   

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