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The effects of different degrees of stem tunneling caused by different levels of artificial infestation by the larvae of Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) on growth and yield of 4 maize cultivars were studied. The susceptible Inbred A suffered much more tunneling than ICZ1-CM, ICZ2-CM and Katumani Composite B. This tunneling influenced significantly the plant growth of all the four cultivars. There was a significant negative correlation between tunneling and yield for the cultivars Inbred A and Katumani Composite B, but such a relationship was not significant for ICZ1-CM and ICZ2-CM. Such differences in the relationships between tunneling and yield among the 4 cultivars are due to different degrees of tunneling caused by C. partellus larvae to the plants of these cultivars.
Résumé L'étude a porté sur la croissance et la production avec différents niveaux de minage des tiges de 4 cultivars de maïs, lors de divers degrés de contamination artificielle par des chenilles de C. partellus. Le cultivar sensible Inbred A souffre plus des mines de C. partellus que ICZ1-CM, ICZ2-CM et Katumani composite B. Les mines influent significativement sur la croissance des 4 cultivars. Il y a une corrélation négative significative entre le minage des tiges et la production pour les cultivars Inbred A et Katumani composite B, mais la relation n'est pas significative pour ICZ1-CM et ICZ2-CM. Les différences entre le minage des tiges et la récolte des 4 cultivars sont dues aux différents degrés de minage des tiges de ces cultivars par C. partellus.

Management of spotted stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) by the use of resistant cultivars is being developed at ICRISAT. Different cultivars show resistance based on several mechanisms, one of which affects the establishment of first instar larvae in the plant whorl. However, it has been found that low establishment is a factor associated with resistance only in some cultivars and not in others. A number of physical and chemical plant factors are associated with preferential establishment of the young larvae in the leaf whorl. Among the physical characteristics, erect leaves and curled leaf bases are involved in larval establishment. Detailed chemical analysis of surface extracts showed that the concentration of one compound in the wax is related to resistance at this stage and assessment of physical and chemical plant characters has been used to predict resistance.
Résumé L'Institut International de Recherches sur les Cultures en Régions Semi-Arides (ICRISAT) étudie la protection contre C. partellus Swinhoe par l'utilisation de cultivars résistants. Différents cultivars présentent une résistance à différents stades de croissance de la plante, et à différents stades de l'insecte. La résistance du sorgho à C. partellus dépend de plusieurs mécanismes, l'un d'eux conditionnant l'installation des chenilles du premier stade dans le verticille de la plante. Cependant, la lenteur de l'installation d'est un facteur lié à la résistance que chez quelques cultivars. Plusiers facteurs physiques et chimiques sont associés à l'installation préférentielle des jeunes chenilles dans le verticille foliare. Parmi les caractères physiques, le port érigé des feuilles, la présence de poches à leur base et les cires superficielles sont impliqués dans l'installation des chenilles. Une analyse chimique détaillée d'extraits des structures superficielles a montré que la concentration d'une substance, le C32 marqueur de la lignée résistante IS 2205, était 2 fois plus faible que dans les lignées sensibles IS 1151 et CSH 1.

The Kenyan maize varieties, Hybrid 511, Hybrid 622, Pwani hybrid, Katumani Composite B, and local populations were evaluated along with the varieties of Multiple Insect-Resistant Tropical (MIRT) pool and experimental varieties from The Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT), Mexico for resistance to the stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe). The artificial infestation by first-generation C. partellus on maize during the early whorl stage revealed that the leaf feeding damage, the dead heart formation, and the stem damage on the Kenyan hybrids and populations were significantly greater than on the MIRT varieties. The experimental varieties of CIMMYT were also susceptible to C. partellus. When the maize was infested at anthesis, the Kenyan varieties displayed a moderate level of resistance in terms of stem tunnelling and grain damage by C. partellus. The varieties of Multiple Insect Resistance Tropical pool can be effectively used by the breeders to enhance the resistance of agronomically good, but susceptible, varieties of Kenya.  相似文献   

The duration of diapause in the stem borers Busseola fusca (Fuller) and Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) was studied in South Africa by collecting diapausing larvae from the field throughout winter (April–August). B. fusca larvae emerged as moth around the middle of October regardless of the date of collection and the length of time they were kept in the laboratory under constant 21 °C. C. partellus larvae collected in April–June emerged in November, those collected in July emerged in October, and those collected in August emerged in September. Regardless of the collection date C. partellus started to emerge from diapause earlier and moth emergence lasted up to twice as long as in B. fusca. Under laboratory conditions at 60% RH both borer larvae lost about 50% of their body mass during diapause. When provided with water B. fusca larvae lost about 30% of their body mass and adults emerged 20 days earlier than when kept dry. C. partellus, on the other hand, lost only 13% of their body weight and emerged 34 days earlier. The differences between the two species are discussed in light of different types of diapause; i.e., obligatory diapause in B. fusca and facultative diapause in C. partellus.  相似文献   

Transgenic corn (MON 810), expressing the Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) protein, Cry1Ab, was evaluated under greenhouse conditions for its tolerance to the maize stem borer, Chilo partellus. Bt corn (MON 810) provided effective protection against the stem borer even under a high level of larval infestation in the greenhouse. The observed tolerance is examined and discussed in the light of the susceptibility of C. partellus to the Cry1Ab protein in laboratory bioassays. The implications of the tissue concentrations of Cry1Ab in MON 810, and baseline susceptibility recorded in the current study, for insect-resistance management are discussed.  相似文献   

The lepidopteran stalk borers, the indigenous Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Noctuidae), and the exotic Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Pyralidae), were studied in grain sorghum fields, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench (cultivar SSK-52), in the dry season of 1986 (April–October) at Delmas and Brits, Transvaal, South Africa. More than 90% of plants at both sites were infested, but as winter progressed, the proportion of plants infested and the level of infestation dropped gradually. The borer larvae hibernated inside the dry stalks, but the location differed: 65% of B. fusca were in the lower third and 30% in the middle third, whereas for C. partellus it was 45 and 50% respectively. Both borers overwintered as larvae in either of the last three instars, but the proportions of larval instars were different. About 82% of B. fusca hibernated as 6th and 16% as 5th larval instars whereas with C. partellus it was 40 and 45% respectively. C. partellus started to emerge from diapause in the second part of August and it lasted until the first week of November, a period of 12 weeks, but with B. fusca on the other hand pupation lasted only 3 weeks during October–November. Parasitism was low on both species, but higher on B. fusca. Three parasites, Chelonus curvinaculatus Cameron, Chelonus sp. and Pristomerus sp. hibernated in the borers, one parasite Iphiaulax sp., hibernated in its cocoon inside the stalks, and two parasites Apanteles sesamiae Cameron and Bracon sp. were active in winter. Two ants, Pheidole megacephala Febricius, and Dorylus helvolus (L.), preyed on the borer larvae in winter.
Hibernation des chenilles de deux espèces de mineuses, Busseola fusca et Chilo partellu dans les tiges de Sorghum bicolor
Résumé Deux chenilles mineuses de tiges, B. fusca, Noctuidae indigène, et C. partellus, Pyralidae exotique, ont été étudiées dans des champs de S. bicolor (cultivar SSK-52), pendant la saison sèche de 1986 (Avril–Octobre) à Delmas et Brits, au Transvaal en Afrique du Sud. Plus de 90% des pieds des deux stations étaient infestés, mais plus l'hiver avançait, plus la proportion de plantes in festées et le taux d'infestation diminuaient. Les chenilles ont hiverné dans les tiges sèches, mais leurs positions étaient différentes: 65% des B. fusca étaient dans le tiers inférieur et 30% dans le tiers médian, tandis que pour C. partellus, il s'agissait respectivement de 45 et 50%. Les duex chenilles hivernaient à l'un des 3 derniers stades larvaires, mais les proportions étaient différentes. Pour B. fusca environ 82% hivernaient au 6ème stade et 16% au 5ème stade, tandis que pour C. partellus c'étaient 40 et 45% respectivement. C. partellus a commencé à sortir de diapause pendant la seconde moitié d'Août et a continué jusqu'à la première semaine de Novembre, soit durant une période de 12 semaines, mais avec B. fusca la nymphose a duré seulement 3 semaines en Octobre–Novembre. Le parasitisme des deux espèces a été faible, mais plus important chez B. fusca. Trois parasites, Chelonus curvimaculatus Cameron, Chelonus sp. et Pristomerus sp. ont hiverné dans leurs cocons à l'intérieur des tiges, et deux parasites, Apanteles sesamiae Cameron et Bracon sp. étaient actifs en hiver. Deux fourmis, Pheidole megacephala Fabricius et Dorylus helvolus L. capturaient des chenilles de ces mineuses pendant l'hiver.

Foliar, stalk and dead heart damage caused by Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) to several maize genotypes (Inbred A, MBR 8637, Poza Rica 7832, ER-29SVR, Across 7844, Bulk CG 4141, MMV 600 and ICZ2-CM) subjected to water stress were significantly lower than those observed when plants were grown in the absence of water stress. Resistance of maize genotypes to C. partellus was distinguished clearly when there was no water stress to the plants. Resistance/susceptibility of maize genotypes Inbred A, MMV 400, MBR 8637 and Poza Rica 7832 to C. partellus was the same at 0, 60, 90 and 120 kg of N per hectare. At each nitrogen level, the genotypes MMV 400, MBR 8637 and Poza Rica 7832 suffered significantly lower damage than the susceptible Inbred A. The humidity stimuli from maize plants and the olfactory/hygro stimuli from the plants infested with larvae were the most important factors affecting host plant selection by ovipositing C. partellus females.  相似文献   

Transgenic sorghum plants expressing a synthetic cry1Ac gene from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) under the control of a wound-inducible promoter from the maize protease inhibitor gene (mpiC1) were produced via particle bombardment of shoot apices. Plants were regenerated from the transformed shoot apices via direct somatic embryogenesis with an intermittent three-step selection strategy using the herbicide Basta. Molecular characterisation based on polymerase chain reaction and Southern blot analysis revealed multiple insertions of the cry1Ac gene in five plants from three independent transformation events. Inheritance and expression of the Bt gene was confirmed in T1 plants. Enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay indicated that Cry1Ac protein accumulated at levels of 1–8 ng per gram of fresh tissue in leaves that were mechanically wounded. Transgenic sorghum plants were evaluated for resistance against the spotted stem borer (Chilo partellus Swinhoe) in insect bioassays, which indicated partial resistance to damage by the neonate larvae of the spotted stem borer. Reduction in leaf damage 5 days after infestation was up to 60%; larval mortality was 40%, with the surviving larvae showing a 36% reduction in weight over those fed on control plants. Despite the low levels of expression of Bt -endotoxin under the control of the wound-inducible promoter, the transgenic plants showed partial tolerance against first instar larvae of the spotted stem borer.  相似文献   

Rami Kfir 《BioControl》1990,35(3):403-410
One egg parasite, 7 larval parasites, 2 pupal parasites and 3 larval hyperparasites were recorded parasitizing the spotted stalk borer,Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) on maize and grain sorghum in South Africa.Trichogrammatoidea lutea Girault [Trichogrammatidae] parasitized eggs ofC. partellus mainly in mid-summer. The larval parasites were active throughout the season with occasional peaks of up to 75% parasitism.Apanteles sesamiae Cameron [Braconidae], proved to be the most abundant larval parasite. It was recorded fromca. 93% of parasitized larvae but its efficiency was reduced by the hyperparasite,Aphanogmus fijiensis (Ferriére) [Ceraphronidae], which reached sometimes up to 100% parasitism on cocoons ofA. sesamiae. The efficiency ofIphiaulax sp. [Braconidae], the 2nd most abundant larval parasite, was also hindered by the hyperparasite,Eurytoma sp. [Eurytomidae] Pupal parasites were sometimes very abundant reaching up to 100% parasitism without any interference by hyperparasites. The most abundant pupal parasites wereDentichasmias busseolae Heinrich [Ichneumonidae] andPediobius furvus (Gahan) [Eulophidae].   相似文献   

Summary A diallel cross of eight maize, Zea mays L., inbred lines was analyzed for reaction to two species of root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne arenaria (Neal) Chitwood and M. javanica (Treub) Chitwood. Egg production following inoculation of F1 hybrid seedlings with nematode eggs was determined in a greenhouse experiment. Data were analyzed using Griffing's Method 4, Model I. General combining ability was a significant source of variation in egg production of both M. arenaria and M. javanica; specific combining ability was not a significant source of variation for either. The correlation between egg production of the two nematode species on the 28 F1 hybrids was highly significant. Hybrids with Mp313 or SC213 as one parent were the most resistant to both species. This indicates that germ plasm is available for developing inbred lines and hybrids with resistance to both M. arenaria race 2 and M. javanica.This article is a contribution of the Crop Science Research Laboratory, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, in cooperation with the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, Journal No. J-7481.  相似文献   

Zinc deficiency decreased pollen viability in maize (Zea mays L. cv. G2) grown in sand culture. On restoring normal zinc supply to zinc-deficient plants before the pollen mother cell stage of anther development, the vegetative yield of plants and pollen fertility could be recovered to a large extent, but the recovery treatment was not effective when given after the release of microspores from the tetrads. If zinc deficiency was induced prior to microsporogenesis it did not significantly affect vegetative yield and ovule fertility, but decreased the fertility of pollen grains, even of those which visibly appeared normal. If the deficiency was induced after the release of microspores from the tetrads, not only vegetative yield and ovule fertility but pollen fertility also remained unaffected.  相似文献   

Sodium exclusion mechanisms at the root surface of two maize cultivars   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Sodium exclusion at the root surface of intact plants was investigated in two maize cultivars (Zea mays L. cv. Pioneer 3906 and cv. DeKalb XL75). The strong sodium exclusion by Pioneer 3906 relative to DeKalb XL75 was not caused by larger efflux rates. In contrast, this cultivar showed reduced influx rates resulting in about half the net uptake in comparison with DeKalb XL75. It is concluded that the cultivar difference in sodium exclusion at the root surface is based on a relatively low passive sodium permeability of the epidermal and cortex plasmalemma of Pioneer 3906. For both cultivars, the flux ratio equation indicated an active component of sodium efflux.  相似文献   

Summary Two maize (Zea mays L.) populations, AS1(S) and ECR-A, were evaluated for allozyme frequency changes associated with selection for improved seedling emergence, early season vigor and early maturity. Eleven marker loci were examined and four loci were used for indirect selection in an attempt to modify cold tolerance and maturity. Allozyme-selected divergent subpopulations were produced by compositing selected S1 progeny from cycle one (C1) of AS1(S) and from C2 of ECR-A. These subpopulations and S1 generations from all cycles resulting from phenotypic selection, ECR-A C1 through C7 and AS1(S) CO through C6, were tested in cold tolerance and agronomic performance trials over five environments in 1986. Seedling emergence and seedling dry weight did not improve with phenotypic selection in ECR-A, while plant height, ear height, grain yield, grain moisture, days to mid-silk and days to mid-pollen were reduced significantly. Contrasts between divergent allozyme-selected subpopulations from ECR-A were significant for grain moisture and mid-pollen date. For AS1(S), seeding emergence increased, while plant and ear height decreased with phenotypic selection. Contrasts between allozyme-selected subpopulations were significant for plant and ear height. Changes associated with marker-based selection for AS1(S) were not in the same direction as with phenotypic selection. Selection for favorable allozyme genotypes may be effective in changing certain traits in populations that have been modified by direct selection, however results may not be predictable.Contribution from the Department of Agronomy, Wisconsin Agric. Exp. Stn., Madison, WI. Part of a thesis submitted by the senior author in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Ph. D. received June, 1987. Research supported by the College of Agric. and Life Sci., University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dekalb-Pfizer Genetics, Garst Seed Company, and Pioneer Hi-Bred.  相似文献   

Eight essential oil compounds were evaluated against the maize borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), to determine their influence on oviposition and feeding behavior. Thymol was the most active compound against C. partellus when evaluated as an oviposition deterrent (ODI50 = 1.36 mg ml?1), an ovicide (LC50 = 2.06 mg ml?1), or a feeding deterrent (FI50 = 141.8 μg cm?2) in laboratory experiments. The results corroborated with greenhouse experiments, in which egg laying on maize plants was inhibited significantly when the treatment was 15 times the concentration used in the laboratory experiments. However, there was neither any correlation between oviposition deterrence and feeding inhibition, nor between oviposition deterrence and ovicidal action. Apparently, toxicity per se or ovicidal action does not play any role in choice of oviposition in C. partellus. This was more obvious when the efficacy of compounds was compared in greenhouse experiments where ODI values and number of eggs laid on the treated leaves did not differ significantly in choice and no‐choice situations. Apparently, toxicity plays an important role in predicting host plant choice, but behavioral response in terms of oviposition preference is independent of toxic action, particularly for non‐host toxins. Thus, the same compounds affecting oviposition behavior on the one hand and having ovicidal or feeding deterrent properties on the other could be useful in field situations in any area‐wide integrated pest management model.  相似文献   

Summary When roots of five day-old maize seedlings were exposed to15N-nitrate, a constant (25–29%) proportion of the reduced15N derived from the entering15N-nitrate accumulated as insoluble15N nitrogen. Constancy was established by two hours and lasted through 12 hours at ambient15N-nitrate concentrations of 0.05 mM to 20.0 mM. Even when little15N nitrate had been reduced (<2 moles), there was a linear relationship between accumulation of insoluble15N (but not accumulation or translocation of soluble reduced15N) and total reduced15N. It is proposed that protein synthesis from the entering nitrate occurs in close association with nitrate reduction.Paper No. 9764 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC, 27695-7619, USA. This research was supported by Grant No. PCM-8118661 from the National Science Foundation.Use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service of the product's name or criticisms of similar ones not mentioned.  相似文献   

Beauveria bassiana has long been used as a mycopesticide. It has a wide host range; isolates have been reported to differ in host range and virulence to a given insect species. Identification of a molecular marker linked to a virulent phenotype to a target pest would be useful in screening for isolates effective against it. Twenty B. bassiana isolates were tested for their virulence to the second instar larvae of Chilo partellus Swinhoe in laboratory bioassays and their DNA fingerprints were generated by RAPD-PCR. Three arbitrary categories of aggressiveness were chosen; isolates that caused >70%, between 70 and 40% and <40% larval mortality were grouped as highly, medium and less aggressive types, respectively. In the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis a 30% variability was observed among the isolates; which clustered into three major groups. The groups based on virulence rating did not match with the RAPD clusters. One of the highly aggressive isolates clustered with less aggressive isolates in one cluster and the other grouped along with the medium aggressive isolates in a different cluster. The B. bassiana isolates were classified phenotypically based on the taxonomic order of the original insect host and the climatic zone (tropical/temperate) from which they were isolated. No correlation between the aggressiveness of the isolate and the relatedness of the original insect host to the tested insect was observed; both the highly aggressive isolates were from coleopteran insects. A correlation was found between the RAPD grouping and the phenotypic classification of the isolates. All the lepidopteran isolates grouped into one major cluster, most sub clusters were constituted by isolates from the same climatic zone.  相似文献   

In order to assess the efficiency of male gametophytic selection (MGS) for crop improvement, pollen selection for tolerance to herbicide was applied in maize. The experiment was designed to test the parallel reactivity to Alachlor of pollen and plants grown in controlled conditions or in the field, the response to pollen selection in the sporophytic progeny, the response to a second cycle of MGS, and the transmission of the selected trait to the following generations. The results demonstrated that pollen assay can be used to predict Alachlor tolerance under field conditions and to monitor the response to selection. A positive response to selection applied to pollen in the sporophytic progeny was obtained in diverse genetic backgrounds, indicating that the technique can be generally included in standard breeding programs; the analysis of the data produced in a second selection cycle indicated that the selected trait is maintained in the next generation.  相似文献   

Summary Tassel branch numbers of six crosses of maize (Zea mays L.) were analyzed to determine inheritance of this trait. Generation mean analyses were used to estimate genetic effects, and additive and nonadditive components of variance were calculated and evaluated for bias due to linkage. Both narrow-sense and broad-sense heritabilities were estimated. Additive genetic variance estimates were significant in five of the six crosses, whereas estimates of variance due to nonadditive components were significant in only three crosses. Additionally, estimates of additive variance components usually were larger than corresponding nonadditive components. There was no evidence for linkage bias in these estimates. Estimates of additive genetic effects were significant in four of six crosses, but significant dominance, additive × additive and additive × dominance effects also were detected. Additive, dominance, and epistatic gene action, therefore, all influenced the inheritance of tassel branch number, but additive gene action was most important. Both narrow-sense and broadsense heritability estimates were larger than those reported for other physiological traits of maize and corroborated conclusions concerning the importance of additive gene action inferred from analyses of genetic effects and variances. We concluded that selection for smalltasseled inbreds could be accomplished most easily through a mass-selection and/or pedigree-selection system. Production of a small-tasseled hybrid would require crossing of two small-tasseled inbreds. We proposed two genetic models to explain unexpected results obtained for two crosses. One model involved five interacting loci and the other employed two loci displaying only additive and additive × additive gene action.Journal Paper No. J-9231 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa 50011. Project No. 2152  相似文献   

Sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis reveals that zein prepared from normal maize inbred (Zea mays L.) contains six separable components. Z1 and Z2 are the predominant species, with molecular weights of 21,800 and 19,000 daltons. Amino acid analysis of these two components shows that both are rich in glutamic acid, leucine, and proline, but low in lysine. Of the four minor bands, Z3, Z4, Z5, and Z6, the latter two exist only in trace amounts. A mutation at the opaque-2 locus severely suppresses the synthesis of Z1. The nonallelic mutant, opaque-7, strongly suppresses the synthesis of Z3 and Z4, while slightly reducing Z2. On the other hand, the floury-2 mutant appears to reduce the synthesis of these six proteins in the same relative proportion. In the double mutant combinations, opaque-2 apparently is epistatic to opaque-7 and floury-2 in the synthesis of zein components. The glutelin fraction shows a more complex banding pattern; however, qualitative differences are not apparent among the mutant lines examined.This research was supported in part by a grant from the Lilly Endowment.Journal Paper No. 6100 of the Purdue University Agricultural Experimental Station.  相似文献   

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