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桫椤科三种植物配子体发育的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
用土壤培养桫椤Alsophila spinulosa(Wall.exHook.)R.M.Tryon、中华桫椤A.costularis Baker和白桫椤Sphaeropteris brunoniana(Hook.)R.M.Tryon的孢子,利用光学显微镜对其配子体发育的各个阶段进行了观察,包括孢子形态及其萌发、原丝体发育特点、片状体和生长点的形成及分化、假根特征、精子器和颈卵器的分化及发育,以及原叶体感染真菌后的显微特征。初步讨论了桫椤科不同属(种)间的配子体发育的系统学意义和有性世代的濒危原因。  相似文献   

中国桫椤科植物新分类群   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桫椤科FamilyCyatheaceaeKaulfuss .桫椤属木桫椤属Gen .AlsophilaR .Brown桫椤组Sect.Alsophilaic .微刺桫椤新种Alsophilaverruculo -spinulaY .K .YangY .Z .YuetY .H .Lisp .nov .SpeciessimilisAlsophilacostulariBak .Aquadiffertstipiteverruculo -spiculatispraeditihaudspinis(inermibus) ,pneumatoph…  相似文献   

根据来自叶绿体trnL内含子和DNAtrnL F间隔区序列等的证据 ,滇南桫椤Al sophilaaustro yunnanensisS .G .Lu将组合到黑桫椤属Gymnosphaera之下更趋合理。因此 ,本文报道中国黑桫椤属植物一新组合种 :滇南黑桫椤Gymnosphaeraaustro yunnanensis (S .G .Lu)S .G .LuetC .X .Li。  相似文献   

涪陵磨盘沟桫椤种群格局的分形特征-信息维数   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
应用分形理论中的信息维数探讨了涪陵磨盘沟桫椤种群分布格局的分形特征.结果表明桫椤种群的分布格局具有分形特征,信息维数适用于涪陵磨盘沟桫椤种群分布格局分形特征的定量描述.6个不同植物群落中桫椤种群的信息维数大小依次为桫椤+毛叶木姜子(1.584)>桫椤+血桐-火炭木(0.947)>桫椤+盐肤木-腹水草(0.828)>桫椤+黄牛奶树(0.779)>桫椤+黄杞-南川楼梯草(0.635)>桫椤+白栎+异叶榕(0.535),这种差异反映了桫椤在各群落中更新状况的差异.集群型的信息维数比随机型的高,信息维数揭示了桫椤种群格局强度的尺度变化程度和表征了种群个体分布的非均匀性.  相似文献   

湖南省首次发现桫椤及其区系意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桫椤是湖南省目前发现的唯一乔木状蕨类(在我国蕨类形成高大乔木状者唯桫椤科的桫椤属和白桫椤属Sphaeropteris的部分种)。桫椤孢子体呈树状,主干一般高达1—3米(在热带或南半球有高达20米的)。叶顶生如伞状;叶柄和叶轴粗壮,深棕色,有密刺;叶片矩圆形,长  相似文献   

运用对PCR产物直接测序和克隆后测序的方法测定了蚌壳蕨科1种和桫椤科11种(其中桫椤分别测定19株:小羽桫椤测定2株)植物的叶绿体trnL基因内含子和trnL-trnF基因间隔区序列。12种植物相应的长度介亍l004-l082之间,A T平均含量60.9%,G C平均含量39.1%。计算了不同种间以及种内不同个体间序列的碱基差别(转换值/颠换值)和Kimura遗传距离。序列数据经排列后分别进行最简约法、最大似然法和邻接法分析,结果显示:(1)白桫椤、海南白桫椤和大羽桫椤构成的分支最早和该科内其余植物组成的另一分支分歧,而后者又进一步分为刃个亚分支,分别和桫椤亚属、黑桫椤亚属对应,支持夏群的分类处理:(2)大桫椤~狭羽桫椤~毛轴桫椤~篦齿桫椤、多羽桫椤一白桫椤~海南白桫椤以及小羽桫椤一桫椤各自构成独立、自然的末端分支,再参照分支内植物间的遗传距蔼取值,建议将此3个末端分支依次归并为3种:大桫椤、白桫椤和桫椤;(3)白桫椤属在科内处于基部位置,桫椤属奇桫椤亚属和黑桫椤亚属为衍生分支,赞同Tryon关于桫椤科进化和囊群盖起源的假说。  相似文献   

贵州桫椤群落的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
桫椤(Alsophila spinulosa)是国家一级保护植物,在贵州分布较多,局部地段形成以桫椤为主的植物群落。本文就贵州赤水县金沙沟桫椤群落的区系组成、群落外貌、结构等特征进行了初步研究。通过分析表明赤水桫椤群落是保存完好、结构典型、类型多样的珍贵群落,应注意很好保护。  相似文献   

桫椤濒危原因的探讨   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
本文观察了西双版纳生境下桫椤(Alsophila spinulosa (Hook.) Tryon)生物学特性。桫椤濒危的可能原因是:1.桫椤孢子寿命短,难萌发。2.孢子—原叶体—孢子体的生活周期长,并且在丝状体、原叶体和幼孢子体阶段,无特殊结构去抵抗和忍耐一切不利环境因子的影响。3.孢子萌发、形成配子和胚胎建成等过程对生境条件的要求严格,因此桫椤的分布受到很大的限制。在现代气候条件下,桫椤只能在温暖、湿润的热带、亚热带林地生存下来。一旦桫椤生栖的森林遭到破坏,桫椤随之死亡。4.桫椤是木本植物,生殖周期很长,不利于生存发展。5.桫椤根很不发达,树干内部的输导系统也较原始,只能适应空气和土壤湿润的生境。6.桫椤被人为的掠夺式的砍伐。针对以上情况,提出了保护这一种质资源的措施。  相似文献   

最近,在广西河池市大山塘林场发现有大片的桫椤植物群落,多生于杉木人工林下,特别是在杉木林缘形成大面积桫椤群落,生长茂密(见右图)。据林场职工反映:该场建于1957年9月,当时营造杉木林时,林地都经过全垦整地,造林后又于1978年进行人工间伐,那时没有发现桫椤生长,但在间伐后;林地内有充分的光照,透光度达20%,气温暖和,湿度适中,为桫椤孢子传播、萌发及生长发育创造了有利条件,因而形成了杉木林下及林缘的桫椤植物群落。  相似文献   

桫椤是极为珍贵的孑遗木本蕨类植物.本研究利用Maxent生态位模型研究其全球潜在适生区及其变化,并运用受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)验证了精度,以为其资源的保护、搜寻和引种栽培提供参考.结果表明:桫椤的潜在适生区主要位于亚洲,少量分布于北美洲、中美洲和香草四岛、新西兰、新喀里多尼亚、斐济.当前气候条件下,桫椤的全球适生区...  相似文献   

Recently, withering of farmed juvenile sporophytes of the kelp Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar has led to reduced production of this species in northern Japan, possibly because of the high water temperature and low nutrient concentration in cultivation areas. This problem may be solved by introducing parental plants with greater tolerance to high temperature and low nutrient conditions. We examined the combined effects of various temperatures (15, 20, 24, and 27 °C) and nutrient availabilities (seawater enriched with 25 % PESI medium and non-enriched seawater) on the growth and survival of cultivated juvenile sporophytes (1–2 cm) collected from Matsushima Bay, Miyagi Prefecture in northern Japan and Naruto, Tokushima Prefecture in southern Japan. The relative growth rates of juvenile sporophytes from both locations were significantly greater at 15 and 20 °C than at 24 and 27 °C. The juvenile sporophytes cultured in enriched medium had significantly higher relative growth rates than those cultivated in non-enriched seawater. Dead juveniles were observed in non-enriched seawater at all temperatures and the survival percentage decreased with increasing seawater temperatures. Compared to the juvenile sporophytes from Matsushima Bay, those from Naruto showed greater tolerance to high temperature even under the low nutrient condition. These results suggest that the withering of juvenile sporophytes is caused by the combined effects of low nutrient availability and high temperature. A potential solution to this problem is to introduce ecotypes with greater tolerance to high temperature and low nutrient conditions from a warmer region of Japan.  相似文献   

The understorey beneath a canopy of the kelp Ecklonia radiata often contains juvenile sporophytes of the same species. When canopy disturbance occurs, these juvenile sporophytes are exposed to new environmental conditions. If these juvenile sporophytes survive these new conditions, then they become a ready source of kelps to rapidly form a new canopy. This study investigated the potential of pre-existing juvenile sporophytes of E. radiata to survive post-disturbance conditions and contribute to the rapid formation of a new canopy. The potential of canopy recovery by recruitment of kelp from zoospores was also investigated. These processes were studied at different times during the summer and on reefs ranging in topographic complexity from simple, flat reefs to highly complex, rugose reefs. By tagging juvenile sporophytes after the adult kelp canopy was removed and monitoring them through time, it was demonstrated that most juveniles (> 50%) survived the change in conditions after canopy loss, with some juveniles going on to become members of a new canopy. Approximately 6-47% of tagged sporophytes died within 3-4 days after canopy removal possibly due to excessive photoinhibition and photostress as demonstrated by changes in photosynthetic performance (decreased alpha values) of juveniles. The potential contribution of juvenile sporophytes to the rapid formation of a new canopy appears to be dependent on the timing of canopy removal with late summer-autumn canopy loss favouring faster recovery. Topographically complex reefs had less short-term (7 days) survival of juvenile sporophytes than topographically simple reefs; however this difference was not carried through to the long-term (6 months) abundance of adult kelp in experimental clearings, which was greater on topographically complex reefs. Clearly, juvenile sporophytes in arrested development under existing canopies of the small kelp E. radiata are important for the rapid recovery of the kelp canopy once adults are lost through physical disturbance.  相似文献   

This study was designed to understand better if and how juvenile sporophytes of Macrocystis pyrifera can photoacclimate to high-light conditions when transplanted from 10 to 3 meters over 7 d. Acclimation of adult sporophytes to light regimes in the bathymetric gradient has been extensively documented. It primarily depends on photoacclimation and translocation of resources among blades. Among other physiological differences, juvenile sporophytes of M. pyrifera lack the structural complexity shown by adults. As such, juveniles may primarily depend on their photoacclimation capacities to maintain productivity and even avoid mortality under changing light regimes. However, little is known about how these mechanisms operate in young individuals. The capacity of sporophytes to photoacclimate was assessed by examining changes in their photosynthetic performance, pigment content, and bio-optical properties of the blade. Sporophytes nutritional status and oxidative damage were also determined. Results showed that juvenile sporophytes transplanted to shallow water were able to regulate light harvesting by reducing pigment concentration, and thus, absorptance and photosynthetic efficiency. Also, shallow-water sporophytes notably enhanced the dissipation of light energy as heat (NPQ) as a photoprotective mechanism. Generally, these adjustments allowed sporophytes to manage the absorption and utilization of light energy, hence reducing the potential for photo-oxidative damage. Furthermore, no substantial changes were found in the internal reserves (i.e., soluble carbohydrates and nitrogen) of these sporophytes. To our knowledge, these results are the first to provide robust evidence of photoprotective and photoacclimation strategies in juveniles of M. pyrifera, allowing them to restrict or avoid photodamage during shallow-water cultivation.  相似文献   

Stipe lengths of sporophytes of Ecklonia cava Kjellman have been reported to be longer along the southeast than southwest coast of the Izu Peninsula, central Japan. Two bays in this region that have natural populations of E. cava, but with different stipe lengths, were chosen for transplant experiments to examine if stipe length was an environmentally controlled trait. Transplant experiments were carried out in order to determine whether large-type sporophytes of E. cava with long stipes growing in Nabeta Bay (southeast Izu Peninsula, Japan) would turn into small-type sporophytes with short stipes when transplanted to Nakagi Bay (southwest Izu Peninsula). Ten juvenile sporophytes of E. cava (stipe length < 5 cm) were collected from Nabeta Bay (large-type habitat) and transplanted to Nakagi Bay (short-type habitat) in December 1995. As a transplant control, ten juvenile sporophytes of E. cava growing in Nakagi Bay were also transplanted to the same artificial reefs. Growth and survival rates of the sporophytes were monitored monthly for 3 y until December 1998. The transplanted sporophytes showed an increase in their stipe length and diameter from winter to spring, whereas almost no increase was observed from summer to autumn. However, the elongation was greater in Nabeta sporophytes than in Nakagi sporophytes. The primary blade length increased mainly from winter to early spring and decreased largely in autumn. Average primary blade lengths were similar in both Nabeta and Nakagi sporophytes from the end of the first year of transplanting. Although ca. 70% of both Nabeta and Nakagi sporophytes survived during the first 2 y after transplantation, no Nakagi sporophytes and only two Nabeta sporophytes survived to the end of the 3 y study period. Despite transplantation to Nakagi Bay, where short sitpes are naturally present, the sporophytes from Nabeta Bay persisted in having longer stipes, which suggests that stipe length is genetically, rather than environmentally, controlled.  相似文献   

In previous studies, Laminaria saccharina L. (Lamour.) sporophytes were found to exhibit two major peaks of sporogenesis and an annual life cycle in Long Island Sound, New York. Young sporophytes were observed shortly after the sporogenesis peaks in early autumn and spring, but most of the mature sporophytes decayed during summer. A new study was conducted to determine if the spring sporogenesis activity contributed to the recruitment observed in autumn through oversummering of gametophytic and juvenile sporophytic stages, as previously suggested. Reproduction and growth in gametophytes and growth in juvenile sporophytes were studied under crossed gradients of light and temperature. Periodic outplantings of substrata seeded with gametophytic and sporophytic stages to the field were conducted to assess actual survival. The optimum temperature and light conditions for gametophyte development, growth and reproduction varied with the time of year meiospores were obtained. Most of this variation was attributable to temperature. A seasonal adaptation to temperature in most developmental stages was observed. Higher temperatures resulted in greater numbers of male gametophytes. Gametophytic stages could develop at all times, suggesting that oversummering in this stage was possible. Juvenile sporophytes had a narrower optimum temperature range and again photon fluence rate contributed little to observed variances. Out planting of sporophytic stages at various times during the year indicated only sporophytes prepared from autumn and winter could survive summer conditions. The thalli of these plants grew rapidly in spring and eroded back to the meristematic region in summer. Most of these plants then quickly became reproductive, resulting in another autumn sporogenesis peak. Gametophytic and sporophytic outplantings prepared from spring meiospores did not survive the summer. Thus, the recruitment observed in autumn can only be the result of the previous autumn's sporogenesis activity. The sporogenous activities of spring and early summer appear to be unimportant, despite the fact that all reproductive indices are superior at those times.  相似文献   

The kelp Undaria pinnatifida has a widespread latitudinal range in Japan, with populations exposed to very different temperature regimes. To test the hypothesis that U. pinnatifida exhibits genetic differentiation in its temperature response, juvenile sporophytes from a warmer location (Naruto, southern Japan) and two colder locations (Okirai Bay and Matsushima Bay, northern Japan) were collected and transplanted to long lines, cultivated under the environmental conditions in Matsushima Bay. These plants were bred using successive self-crossing methods for three generations and the characteristics of photosynthesis, growth, survival, and nitrogen contents of the third-generation juvenile sporophytes (2–3 cm) then were measured and compared. The plants from Naruto showed significantly higher photosynthetic activities and respiration than those from the northern populations at warmer temperatures of 20–35°C. The juvenile sporophytes from all three locations had similar growth rates below 18°C, but significant differences were observed at 18–24°C. The optimum temperatures for growth were 14–16°C in plants that originated from Okirai Bay and Matsushima Bay and 18°C in plants that originated from Naruto. These results reflected the differences in latitude. Dead plants were observed at high temperatures of 22 and 24°C in the northern population plants, whereas no plants from Naruto died. Juvenile sporophytes from Naruto exhibited the greatest capacity to accumulate high nitrogen reserves. These results suggest that the differences in high-temperature tolerance in juvenile U. pinnatifida sporophytes from geographically separated populations are due to genetic differentiation rather than phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

The kelp, Laminaria saccharina, is an economically and biologically valuable seaweed used in integrated multi-trophic aquaculture. The development of the initial microscopic phase of the life cycle of this species is carried out in the laboratory. A treatment of germanium dioxide (GeO2) can be applied to algal laboratory cultures to inhibit the growth of contaminating diatoms. Previous studies reported inhibitory effects also affecting the macroscopic stage of the life cycle of L. saccharina, the sporophyte, but the effects on the microscopic gametophytic life stage are unknown. To determine the effects, cultures of L. saccharina were treated with varying concentrations of GeO2 and the resulting lengths and surface area of the juvenile sporophytes produced were measured. It was determined that GeO2 follows a typical dose-effect pattern, increasing the growth rate of juvenile sporophytes until a critical point at which an inhibitory effect was observed. To obtain juvenile sporophytes ready for deployment to aquaculture sites in the shortest time and to successfully reduce diatom contamination, it was determined that a concentration between 0.10 and 0.50mL of GeO2 per litre of seawater, applied at day 8, was the most efficient.  相似文献   

Lessonia berteroana is the subject of 85 % of the total harvest of Chilean brown seaweeds, representing close to 10 % of total kelp biomass worldwide harvested for alginic acid extraction. Frequent incidence of coalescent holdfasts was detected in natural populations, and this process gives rise to fused sporophytes. This study presents the coalescence events in natural populations in northern Chile. During 2011, in natural intertidal populations, 435 target sporophytes of different sizes were observed weekly and 63.90 % (278) showed physical signs of coalescent disks. We were able to distinguish five fusion modes depending on the number and size of each of the participant sporophytes and their spatial distribution. There was a progressive decrease of density and an increase in the number of stipes of each sporophyte over time. Two processes were recognized: active fusion of juvenile sporophytes and passive fusion of adult and senescent sporophytes. However, most of the coalescence processes were detected in juvenile sporophytes with a holdfast diameter of 0.5 to 2 cm. The minimum distance between pairs of coalescing sporophytes was 0.5 cm, and the maximum distance was 13 cm. For good harvesting practices, it is recommended that plants with over 20 cm holdfast diameter are harvested from natural populations because over this size, all of the plants have reproduced. Coalescence events would produce plants with legal size requirement; however, these plant units would not be reproductive, affecting the sustainability of this important coastal resource.  相似文献   

Transplanting experiments were carried out to determine whether the small type sporophytes with short stipe of Ecklonia cava Kjellman (Laminariales, Phaeophyta) growing in a locality with warm temperatures, change into larger type with a long stipe when transplanted to a locality with cooler temperatures. Juvenile E. cava sporophytes, having a stipe shorter than 5 cm long were collected from Tei in Tosa Bay (southern Japan) (seawater temperature 15–29°C) and transplanted to Nabeta Bay (central Japan) (seawater temperature 13–25°C), where larger type E. cava sporophytes characterized by long stipe (ca 1 m) grow. They were attached to artificial reefs at the sea bottom (9 m depth) in Nabeta Bay to monitor their growth. For comparison, juvenile E. cava sporophytes of almost similar size growing in Nabeta Bay were also transplanted in the same way to the same experimental site. Observations of growth of sporophytes from Tei and Nabeta were carried out monthly for 2 years from November 1995 to October 1997. The transplanted Tei and Nabeta sporophytes showed an increase in stipe length and diameter from winter to spring, whereas almost no increase was observed during summer and autumn. At the end of the study period, the stipe of Nabeta sporophytes reached 25.6 cm in length and 17.0 mm in diameter, whereas that of Tei sporophytes reached 11.1 cm in length and 11.2 mm in diameter. The primary blade length was 16.0 cm in Nabeta sporophytes, whereas it was 5.5 cm in Tei sporophytes. Thus, Tei sporophytes still remained smaller than Nabeta sporophytes even under the same environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Yarish  C.  Penniman  C. A.  Egan  B. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,204(1):505-511
A series of comparative culture experiments were conducted in order to determine responses of Laminaria longicruris male and female gametophytes and juvenile sporophytes to several temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20 °C), light levels (10, 35, 75 µmol m–2 s–1) and media nitrogen concentrations (0, 20, 100 µM ammonium-nitrogen). Responses were measured as numbers of male and female gametophytes producing gametangia and number of sporophytes produced following fertilization. Both male and female gametogenesis was reduced at 5 and 20 °C versus 10 and 15 °C. At 20 °C gametogenesis inhibition was greater with higher levels of ammonium-nitrogen concentration (100 µM). Sporophyte production was more sensitive to light, temperature and nitrogen concentration than gametogenesis. Production of sporophytes was inhibited completely at 20 °C. At lower temperatures, increasingly higher nutrient concentrations produced greater inhibition of production of sporophytes.  相似文献   

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