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Peripheral circadian oscillators require CLOCK   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

In mammals, circadian rhythms are controlled by the neurons located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus. Each neuron in the SCN contains an autonomous molecular clock. The fundamental question is how the individual cellular oscillators, expressing a wide range of periods, interact and assemble to achieve phase synchronization. Most of the studies carried out so far emphasize the crucial role of the periodicity imposed by the light-dark cycle in neuronal synchronization. However, in natural conditions, the interaction between the SCN neurons is non-negligible and coupling between cells in the SCN is achieved partly by neurotransmitters. In this paper, we use a model of nonidentical, globally coupled cellular clocks considered as Goodwin oscillators. We mainly study the synchronization induced by coupling from an analytical way. Our results show that the role of the coupling is to enhance the synchronization to the external forcing. The conclusion of this paper can help us better understand the mechanism of circadian rhythm.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in mammals are regulated by a system of endogenous circadian oscillators (clock cells) in the brain and in most peripheral organs and tissues. One group of clock cells in the hypothalamic SCN (suprachiasmatic nuclei) functions as a pacemaker for co-ordinating the timing of oscillators elsewhere in the brain and body. This master clock can be reset and entrained by daily LD (light-dark) cycles and thereby also serves to interface internal with external time, ensuring an appropriate alignment of behavioural and physiological rhythms with the solar day. Two features of the mammalian circadian system provide flexibility in circadian programming to exploit temporal regularities of social stimuli or food availability. One feature is the sensitivity of the SCN pacemaker to behavioural arousal stimulated during the usual sleep period, which can reset its phase and modulate its response to LD stimuli. Neural pathways from the brainstem and thalamus mediate these effects by releasing neurochemicals that inhibit retinal inputs to the SCN clock or that alter clock-gene expression in SCN clock cells. A second feature is the sensitivity of circadian oscillators outside of the SCN to stimuli associated with food intake, which enables animals to uncouple rhythms of behaviour and physiology from LD cycles and align these with predictable daily mealtimes. The location of oscillators necessary for food-entrained behavioural rhythms is not yet certain. Persistence of these rhythms in mice with clock-gene mutations that disable the SCN pacemaker suggests diversity in the molecular basis of light- and food-entrainable clocks.  相似文献   

Daily rhythms of physiology and behaviour are governed by an endogenous timekeeping mechanism (a circadian ‘clock’). The alternation of environmental light and darkness synchronizes (entrains) these rhythms to the natural day–night cycle, and underlying mechanisms have been investigated using singly housed animals in the laboratory. But, most species ordinarily would not live out their lives in such seclusion; in their natural habitats, they interact with other individuals, and some live in colonies with highly developed social structures requiring temporal synchronization. Social cues may thus be critical to the adaptive function of the circadian system, but elucidating their role and the responsible mechanisms has proven elusive. Here, we highlight three model systems that are now being applied to understanding the biology of socially synchronized circadian oscillators: the fruitfly, with its powerful array of molecular genetic tools; the honeybee, with its complex natural society and clear division of labour; and, at a different level of biological organization, the rodent suprachiasmatic nucleus, site of the brain''s circadian clock, with its network of mutually coupled single-cell oscillators. Analyses at the ‘group’ level of circadian organization will likely generate a more complex, but ultimately more comprehensive, view of clocks and rhythms and their contribution to fitness in nature.  相似文献   

Populations of interacting oscillators and circadian rhythms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The common belief is that all biological oscillations are of limit cycle type. It is shown in this article that the phase response curves simulated on a two-species Lotka-Volterra linear (i.e. non-limit cycle type) oscillator, do look similar to those obtained by experimental methods by different workers. The form of the phase response curves, the existence of singularities and the mirror-image symmetry of opposite perturbations are modelled on the Lotka-Volterra system. The study, which is strongly indicative of the possibility that the underlying oscillator (or oscillators) is (are) not structurally stable, also indicates the necessity of designing critical experiments, capable of distinguishing between limit cycle and non-limit cycle oscillators, since the single-pulse phase resetting does nothing to distinguish between them.  相似文献   

Spontaneous synchronization of coupled circadian oscillators   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
In mammals, the circadian pacemaker, which controls daily rhythms, is located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Circadian oscillations are generated in individual SCN neurons by a molecular regulatory network. Cells oscillate with periods ranging from 20 to 28 h, but at the tissue level, SCN neurons display significant synchrony, suggesting a robust intercellular coupling in which neurotransmitters are assumed to play a crucial role. We present a dynamical model for the coupling of a population of circadian oscillators in the SCN. The cellular oscillator, a three-variable model, describes the core negative feedback loop of the circadian clock. The coupling mechanism is incorporated through the global level of neurotransmitter concentration. Global coupling is efficient to synchronize a population of 10,000 cells. Synchronized cells can be entrained by a 24-h light-dark cycle. Simulations of the interaction between two populations representing two regions of the SCN show that the driven population can be phase-leading. Experimentally testable predictions are: 1), phases of individual cells are governed by their intrinsic periods; and 2), efficient synchronization is achieved when the average neurotransmitter concentration would dampen individual oscillators. However, due to the global neurotransmitter oscillation, cells are effectively synchronized.  相似文献   

哺乳动物昼夜节律生物钟研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐祖元 《生命科学》2004,16(2):104-108
昼夜节律生物钟是一种以近似24小时为周期的自主维持的振荡器,在分子水平上,该振荡器是一个由9个基因组成的转录翻译反馈环路系统。它能受外界环境影响重新设置节律,使自身机体活动处于最佳状态。除了进行自我调节外,生物钟基因还能通过调节代谢途径中特定基因表达而影响机体生理生化过程。在过去的几年里,借用遗传学和分子生物学工具,我们对哺乳动物昼夜节律生物钟的分子基础有了新的认识,本文综述了这一进展,并展望了它们在研究人的昼夜节律行为异常领域的前景。  相似文献   

The circadian clock arose early in the evolution of life to enable organisms to adapt to the cycle of day and night. Recently, the extent and importance of circadian regulation of behaviour and physiology has come to be more fully realized. Core molecular cogs of circadian oscillators appear to have been largely conserved between such diverse organisms as Drosophila melanogaster and mammals. However, gene duplication events have produced multiple copies of many clock genes in mammals. Recent studies suggest that genome duplication has lead to increased circadian complexity and local tissue regulation. This has important implications for temporal regulation of behaviour via multiple clocks in the central nervous system, and also extends to the local physiology of major body organs and tissues.  相似文献   

The neurons of the mammalian suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) control circadian rhythms in molecular, physiological, endocrine, and behavioral functions. In the SCN, circadian rhythms are generated at the level of individual neurons. The last decade has provided a wealth of information on the genetic basis for circadian rhythm generation. In comparison, a modest but growing number of studies have investigated how the molecular rhythm is translated into neuronal function. Neuronal attributes have been measured at the cellular and tissue level with a variety of electrophysiological techniques. We have summarized electrophysiological research on neurons that constitute the SCN in an attempt to provide a comprehensive view on the current state of the art.  相似文献   

Various types of populations of interacting oscillators were analyzed and their synchronization states were determined. One of the systems involving biochemical oscillators was simulated on the computer and the occurence of rhythm splitting was observed. A comparison of its attributes with experimental results on circadian ryhythms showed good agreement. This allows us to distinguish between types of mechanisms held responsible for the splitting phenomenon in the past. The present model also offers a new explanation about the differences of light action on diurnal and nocturnal organisms.  相似文献   

B D Goldman 《Steroids》1999,64(9):679-685
Circadian systems in a wide variety of organisms all appear to include three basic components: 1) biological oscillators that maintain a self-sustained circadian periodicity in the absence of environmental time cues; 2) input pathways that convey environmental information, especially light cues, that can entrain the circadian oscillations to local time; and 3) output pathways that drive overt circadian rhythms, such as the rhythms of locomotor activity and a variety of endocrine rhythms. In mammals, the circadian system is employed in the regulation of reproductive physiology and behavior in two very important ways. 1) In some species, there is a strong circadian component in the timing of ovulation and reproductive behavior, ensuring that these events will occur at a time when the animal is most likely to encounter a potential mate. 2) Many mammals exhibit seasonal reproductive rhythms that are largely under photoperiod regulation; in these species, the circadian system and the pineal gland are crucial components of the mechanism that is used to measure day length. The rhythm of pineal melatonin secretion is driven by a neural pathway that includes the circadian oscillator(s) in the suprachiasmatic nuclei. Melatonin is secreted at night in all mammals, and the duration of each nocturnal episode of melatonin secretion is inversely related to day length. The pineal melatonin rhythm appears to serve as an internal signal that represents day length and that is capable of regulating a variety of seasonal variations in physiology and behavior.  相似文献   

Recent studies have identified ancient virus genomes preserved as fossils within diverse animal genomes. These fossils have led to the revelation that a broad range of mammalian virus families are older and more ubiquitous than previously appreciated. Long-term interactions between viruses and their hosts often develop into genetic arms races where both parties continually jockey for evolutionary dominance. It is difficult to imagine how mammalian hosts have kept pace in the evolutionary race against rapidly evolving viruses over large expanses of time, given their much slower evolutionary rates. However, recent data has begun to reveal the evolutionary strategy of slowly-evolving hosts. We review these data and suggest a modified arms race model where the evolutionary possibilities of viruses are relatively constrained. Such a model could allow more accurate forecasting of virus evolution.  相似文献   

The circadian clock in multicellular organisms consists of multiple autonomous single-cell oscillators. These individual oscillator cells produce coherent oscillations even in the presence of internal noise associated with rhythm-generating reaction rates and in the absence of external time cues such as light and temperature. Thus, an intercellular coupling mechanism must synchronize the cells to induce coherent circadian oscillations. We propose the roles of a synchronizing factor that is secreted from individual cells during subjective day to induce light-pulse-type phase shifts in the neighboring cells or, alternatively, a factor that is secreted during subjective night to induce dark-pulse-type phase shifts. Here, we present our multicellular stochastic model of Drosophila circadian rhythms that emulates the intercellular coupling mechanism and suggest that the mechanism facilitates the constancy of the circadian rhythm with possible functional redundancy among different synchronizing factors.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in stomatal opening and photosynthesis had shorter free-running periods than circadian rhythms in leaflet movement in bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) transferred from 12-hr photoperiods to constant conditions. The rhythm in leaflet movement had a period close to 27 hr, whereas the rhythm in stomatal opening, measured as conductance to water vapor, had a period close to 24 hr. Photosynthesis, measured as net assimilation of CO2, also oscillated with a period close to 24 hr. The periods of these rhythms did not vary with increasing temperature, demonstrating temperature compensation of the controlling oscillators. The difference in free-running periods displayed by these rhythms is evidence that multiple oscillators with different intrinsic frequencies operate in bean plants.  相似文献   

The suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) host a robust, self-sustained circadian pacemaker that coordinates physiological rhythms with the daily changes in the environment. Neuronal clocks within the SCN form a heterogeneous network that must synchronize to maintain timekeeping activity. Coherent circadian output of the SCN tissue is established by intercellular signaling factors, such as vasointestinal polypeptide. It was recently shown that besides coordinating cells, the synchronization factors play a crucial role in the sustenance of intrinsic cellular rhythmicity. Disruption of intercellular signaling abolishes sustained rhythmicity in a majority of neurons and desynchronizes the remaining rhythmic neurons. Based on these observations, the authors propose a model for the synchronization of circadian oscillators that combines intracellular and intercellular dynamics at the single-cell level. The model is a heterogeneous network of circadian neuronal oscillators where individual oscillators are damped rather than self-sustained. The authors simulated different experimental conditions and found that: (1) in normal, constant conditions, coupled circadian oscillators quickly synchronize and produce a coherent output; (2) in large populations, such oscillators either synchronize or gradually lose rhythmicity, but do not run out of phase, demonstrating that rhythmicity and synchrony are codependent; (3) the number of oscillators and connectivity are important for these synchronization properties; (4) slow oscillators have a higher impact on the period in mixed populations; and (5) coupled circadian oscillators can be efficiently entrained by light–dark cycles. Based on these results, it is predicted that: (1) a majority of SCN neurons needs periodic synchronization signal to be rhythmic; (2) a small number of neurons or a low connectivity results in desynchrony; and (3) amplitudes and phases of neurons are negatively correlated. The authors conclude that to understand the orchestration of timekeeping in the SCN, intracellular circadian clocks cannot be isolated from their intercellular communication components.  相似文献   

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