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Human T lymphocyte clones (TLC) specific for type A (A/Texas/1/77) influenza virus and maintained in continuous culture with T cell growth factor, were analyzed to define the cellular specificity pattern of virus recognition. A panel of TLC were stimulated with strains of serologically characterized type A influenza subtypes. Five TLC recognized all the viral subtypes; the remaining clones recognized only subtypes that shared serologically defined determinants with the immunizing subtype. In addition, the 11 TLC were analyzed for their fine antigenic specificity by using the purified viral components hemagglutinin (HA), neuraminidase (NA), matrix protein (MP), and nucleoprotein (NP). Five TLC proliferated in response to NA, four to MP, one to HA, and one to NP. None of the clones responded to the unrelated B strain influenza virus, B/Singapore. Furthermore, the fine specificity of an MP-reactive TLC was confirmed by subcloning.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood lymphocytes from an HLA-Dw1,3 individual were primed in vitro with influenza A virus (A/Texas/1-77/x-49) and subsequently cloned by limiting dilution in TCGF. Of the 96 TLCs originally obtained, nine were characterized in detail. TLCs were antigen specific, responding to influenza A virus, not to influenza B, TGAL, GAT, tetanus toxoid, or KLH, and only when antigen was presented by cells unable to form rosettes with AET-treated SRBC. Presentation of antigen by unseparated PBL often resulted in significant "back stimulation," probably via production of growth factors. The MHC requirements for the induction of TLC proliferation were analyzed. Of four representative clones analyzed, three required Dw1;DR1 compatibility for successful presentation of viral antigens by a panel of antigen-presenting cells. In contrast, one TLC showed an unusual pattern of response that could not be correlated to a particular HLA haplotype. Monoclonal anti-T cell antibody analysis of the surface phenotype of two TLCs maintained in continuous culture for 5 mo indicated that they were OKT3+, 4+, and 8-, consistent with an inducer/helper phenotype. To confirm the clonal nature of TLCs, data on the functional properties of TLC subclones are also presented.  相似文献   

To study immunity to hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) at the cellular level, lymphocytes were obtained from the peripheral blood of hepatitis B vaccine recipients and were examined for various immune responses to HBsAg in vitro. The peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBM) from most of the vaccinees did not proliferate to a great extent to HBsAg in vitro. However, HBsAg-reactive lymphocyte lines and clones were obtained from some of these individuals if the PBM were stimulated in vitro with HBsAg and were maintained in the presence of T cell growth supplement. Most of the HBsAg-reactive T cell clones obtained were found to be antigen-specific and some of them provided help in the production of anti-HBsAg antibodies by a cell population enriched for HBsAg-binding cells. These results indicate that HBsAg-specific T and B cells exist in the circulation of hepatitis B vaccine recipients, although they are at limiting concentrations for the in vitro cell proliferation and antibody production assays.  相似文献   

We have studied the association of Ly phenotype with function and specificity for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) products by examining the properties of 21 T-cell clones derived from B10 anti-B 10.D2 and B10.A anti-B10.D2 mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC). T cells were selected after MLC solely on the basis of Ly phenotype, cloned by limiting dilution, and tested for stability of Ly phenotype, function and specificity for class I or class II MHC products. Sixteen Ly-1+2 and five Ly-12+ T-cell clones were tested. The clones selected for the Ly-1 +2 phenotype maintained this phenotype, expressed helper but not lytic function, and recognized class II MHC products (I-Ad or I-Ed). All Ly-12 clones maintained this phenotype, possessed cytolytic but not helper activity, and recognized class I MHC products (Dd and Ld). Our data therefore confirm at the clonal level the original observations of a remarkably consistent correlation between Ly markers, MHC specificity, and. function. They suggest that the expression of Ly antigens on T-cell clones forms part of a genetic program for each of these specialized cells that also determines their function and MHC specificity.Abbreviations used in this paper MHC major histocompatibility complex - MLC mixed lymphocyte culture - TCGF T cell growth factor (Interleukin-2) - Con A Concanavalin A - DME Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium - PHA phytohaemagglutinin - LPS lipopolysaccharide - TRF-C T cell replacing factor required for induction of cytolytic cells from thymocytes - PBS phosphate-buffered saline (pH 7.4)  相似文献   

Measles virus (MV)-specific murine helper T cell clones (Thy-1.2+, CD4+, CD8-) were generated from mice immunized with MV-infected mouse brain homogenate by limiting dilution and in vitro stimulation of spleen cells with UV-inactivated MV Ag. The protein specificity of 7 out of 37 stable T cell clones, which displayed MHC-restricted MV Ag recognition, could be assessed by using purified MV proteins. Two fusion (F) protein-specific, two hemagglutinin-specific, and three nucleoprotein- or matrix protein-specific clones were shown to be established. The F protein-specific T cell clones together with a panel of previously generated F protein-specific T cell clones were characterized for their fine specificity by using beta-galactosidase fusion products, which contained different parts of the F protein. It was shown that at least two epitopes on the major part of the F protein (amino acid 2-513) can be recognized by mouse T cells. Functional characterization of three T cell clones showed that they were able to assist MV-specific B cells and bystander B cells for antibody production. Furthermore, they were shown to produce the lymphokines IL-2 and IFN-gamma. It was also shown that these T cell clones induced a MV-specific delayed type hypersensitivity response. These observations suggest that all of the T cell clones characterized belong to the TH1 helper subset.  相似文献   

Influenza virus stimulates a vigorous cytolytic T lymphocyte (CTL) response in the mouse that is directed to several virion polypeptides. This report examines the fine specificity of a panel of murine influenza-specific CTL clones restricted by MHC class I products of the H-2d haplotype. Ten of 22 A/JAPAN/305/57-specific CTL clones analyzed were directed to the A/JAPAN/305/57 hemagglutinin protein as detected by using target cells infected with a recombinant vaccinia virus containing hemagglutinin gene. Based on their fine specificity of hemagglutinin recognition, these clones defined four functional epitopes on the hemagglutinin. The remaining 12 cytolytic clones exhibited cross-reactivity for type A influenza viruses of the major human subtypes, and approximately 60% of these clones were directed to the nucleocapsid protein. KJ16-133 monoclonal antibody analysis of the utilization of the T cell receptor V beta 8 gene segment subfamily revealed that members of this V beta gene subfamily are expressed by both hemagglutinin- and nucleocapsid-specific MHC class I-restricted CTL (and by influenza-specific MHC class II-restricted T lymphocytes as well). These results suggest that CTL detect several distinct antigenic sites on the hemagglutinin. In addition, these results reveal no direct correlation between viral antigenic specificity and V beta gene expression by these virus-specific CLT clones.  相似文献   

Characteristics of human NK clones: target specificity and phenotype   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Clones derived from purified human large granular lymphocytes (LGL) of three different donors were expanded in culture medium supplemented with interleukin 2 (IL 2). Their cytotoxic activity was tested in a 51Cr-release cytotoxicity assay against a panel of three to five NK-susceptible tumor cell lines. Of 196 LGL clones tested, only 44 (22.4%) displayed significant cytotoxic activity. A heterogeneous pattern of reactivity was seen; 26 clones (59%) killed all the targets within the panel tested, whereas 18 clones (41%) had a more restricted specificity. Among these 18 clones, 12 lysed only one target (K562, six clones; ADCC, three clones; Daudi, two clones; MOLT-4, one clone), whereas the other six killed two different targets (ADCC and A1ab, one clone; K562 and MOLT-4, five clones). Clones derived from LGL preselected for positive reactivity with the monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) alpha OKM1, alpha OKT10 and alpha B73.1 also demonstrated either broad or restricted patterns of cytotoxicity. The LGL reactive with MoAb alpha B73.1 gave a high percentage of cytotoxic clones. Phenotype analysis showed that clones could express both antigens associated with T cells (i.e., OKT3, OKT4, and OKT8) and antigens shared by LGL (i.e., OKM1, OKT10, and B73.1). The pattern of surface markers varied considerably among the clones; however, no clear correlation between the pattern of antigenic phenotype and cytotoxic activity was seen. These data show that clones derives from purified preparations of LGL present different functional and antigenic characteristics, and support the hypothesis that the heterogeneity of the entire NK population is attributable, at least in part, to a mixture of clones that vary substantially in their target specificities and phenotypes.  相似文献   

Abnormal migration of T lymphocyte clones   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Several in vitro T cell clones were markedly deficient in their ability to home to peripheral lymphoid tissue. This was found for an alloreactive noncytolytic clone, a soluble antigen- (KLH)specific line, and cytotoxic clones specific for allogeneic cells and for Abelson virus-induced lymphoma cells. This abnormal circulation pattern was probably caused by the lack of the receptors of the lymphocytes for high endothelial venules (HEV), as implied by the lack of binding of these T cells to HEV in frozen sections of mouse lymph node and Peyer's patches. The loss of surface receptors that are necessary for normal lymphocyte migration may thereby alter the in vivo function of adoptively transferred T cells.  相似文献   

Guinea pig lymph node lymphocytes were separated into T and B cell fractions on immunoabsorbent columns. Separated cells were functionally distinct: T cells proliferated in response to ConA, PHA, soluble and alloantigen, whereas anti-Ig reagents only stimulated B cells. The in vitro proliferative response of guinea pig lymph node T lymphocytes was then shown to be highly discriminating when elicited by a series of structurally similar synthetic DNP-oligolysine antigens. Proliferation was always most extensive in response to the homologous, immunizing antigen, and less intense to cross-reacting DNP-oligolysines. Specificity of proliferation was maintained in the absence of both B lymphocytes and antibody secreting cells, suggesting that T cell recognition is not "acquired" from B cells or secreted antibody, but is a property inherent to the T cell.  相似文献   

T lymphocyte clones reacting specifically with the antigenic components of Eimeria tenella were generated from splenic lymphocytes of immunized chickens and were maintained for 12 to 14 wk in vitro. These T cell growth factor-dependent T lymphocyte clones from bursectomized and normal chickens proliferated in vitro when stimulated with antigens from different developmental stages of homologous but not heterologous species of the parasite. Specific proliferative responses of the cloned T cells showed an absolute requirement for antigen presentation by histocompatible antigen-presenting cells. Some of the T cell clones exhibited functionally discrete interactions with syngeneic primed B cells; 25% of the T cell clones from immunized normal chickens and 7% of those obtained from immunized bursectomized chickens showed antigen-dependent helper activity and induced specific antibody production by syngeneic primed B cells. Of the T cell clones from immunized normal chickens, 19% showed suppression of in vitro antibody production in comparison to 7% of those isolated from immunized bursectomized chickens. The frequency of cloned T cells with ability to induce cytotoxic activity in macrophages against the sporozoites of E. tenella was much higher in those isolated from bursectomized chickens (80%) than in those isolated from normal chickens. Because both bursectomized and normal chickens can be immunized by repeated infections, differences in the distribution among cloned T cells suggest different effector mechanisms of immunity against coccidiosis in these chickens. Lack of B cells seem to affect the development of T cell immunity as reflected by slower development of immunity and enhanced activation of cytotoxic T cell function.  相似文献   

Nonspecific cytotoxicity developed reproducibly and with high frequency in limit dilution cultures consisting of low numbers of murine cells stimulated with concanavalin A in the presence of growth factors and irradiated filler cells. The individual clones in cultures showing nonspecific killing were all derived from single, Thy-1+, Ly-2+ cells. At early times of culture (day 5 or 6), clones appeared to be specific in their lytic activity, as expected of cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL). On continued culture (day 8 or 9), most of the originally specific CTL clones became nonspecific, killing a range of murine target cells, both syngeneic and allogeneic. The lack of specificity was observed at all effector cell doses. The effector cells responsible for the nonspecific cytolysis were Thy-1+ and Ly-2+, as were most cells in the cultures. The effector cells had the normal DNA content for a dividing T cell population, and most cells in the cultures had a normal chromosome complement. In mixed cultures in which the responder cells and the irradiated filler cells were from different mouse strains, the nonspecific killers displayed the Thy-1 and H-2 allotypes of the responder, and not of the filler cells. The development of a broad cytotoxic potential appears to be a normal and rapid event when Ly-2+ T cell-derived CTL-clones are grown under these conditions; this is a caveat for the use of limit dilution cultures to determine the T cell specificity repertoire. The relationship between these nonspecific CTL, activated lymphocyte killers, and natural killer cells is discussed.  相似文献   

CTL/HTL hybrid clones provide a unique system that allows detailed analysis of the role of Lyt-2, L3T4, and other structures involved in T cell functions. We have demonstrated previously that the fusion of cloned murine CTL and helper T lymphocytes with defined specificity generated hybrid cells that expressed both Lyt-2 and L3T4 as well as two TCR. Data obtained with these hybrid clones demonstrated that cytolysis is closely linked to the CTL TCR. We have analyzed the effects of anti-Lyt-2 and anti-L3T4 as well as anti-TCR mAb on cytolysis, proliferation, and lymphokine release by a number of hybrid clones. We found that anti-Lyt-2 and anti-L3T4 mAb were able to inhibit both proliferation and lymphokine release by the hybrid clones in response to stimulation of either the CTL or helper T lymphocyte parent TCR. In contrast, only anti-Lyt-2 and anti-CTL TCR mAb were able to block cytolysis of target cells bearing the Ag recognized by the CTL TCR. These results provide further evidence that cytolysis is closely linked to the CTL TCR and that Lyt-2 and L3T4 have more than a passive role as accessory molecules on the surface of T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

EBV infection in humans induces CD8+ T cell memory to viral epitopes derived from both lytic and latent cycle Ags. We have analyzed the relationship between the phenotype and function of the memory pool of T cells specific for these Ags. Lytic epitope-specific populations were heterogeneous in terms of CD45RO/RA and CD28 expression, whereas latent epitope-specific populations were uniformly CD45RO+ and CD28+, consistent with the higher antigenic challenge from lytic epitopes driving some memory cells toward a CD45RA+, CD28- phenotype. However, both types of memory population showed immediate epitope-specific cytotoxicity and type 1 cytokine production in ex vivo assays. Cytotoxic function was not associated with preactivated T cells, as EBV-specific populations were negative for activation markers such as CD69 or CD38, nor could cytotoxic function be ascribed to CD27- or CD56+ subsets, as such cells were not detected in EBV-specific memory. Furthermore, cytotoxicity was not limited to CD45RA+ and/or CD28- fractions, but also was observed in CD45RO+, CD28+ populations in lytic and latent epitope-specific memory. Cytokine (IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha) responses, measured by intracytoplasmic staining after peptide stimulation, also were detectable in CD45RO+ and RA+ subsets as well as CD28+ and CD28- subsets. Of other markers that were heterogeneous in both lytic and latent epitope populations, CCR7 gave the best discrimination of functionality; thus, CCR7+ cells consistently failed to give an IFN-gamma or TNF-alpha response, whereas many CCR7- cells were responsive. Our data are consistent with effector functions having a broad distribution among phenotypically distinct subsets of "effector memory" cells that have lost the CCR7 marker.  相似文献   

Human T cell clones cytotoxic for autologous sarcoma cell lines have been developed from patient JM with an osteogenic sarcoma, and from patients EG and RM with malignant fibrohistiocytoma. These clones were derived from the cocultivation of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) with the respective patient's autologous irradiated established tumor cell lines (AIT). After two cycles of stimulation for 5 days in bulk culture, these "educated" lymphocytes were seeded at a density of 1 X 10(6) cells/well in 24-well plates and were cultured in the presence of highly purified natural IL 2 and AIT, the latter serving as a feeder layer. Cell numbers were reduced from the initial seeding density by one log each week until reaching a density of 10(2) cells. These cells were found to be stable in viability and cytotoxic activity, after which limiting dilution was then performed. Within 4 to 6 wk, clones were isolated with unique specificities. These clones were capable of proliferating to a total density of 10(9) cells/ml and maintained their specific cytotoxicity for more than 6 mo. Testing with a panel of target cells of various histotypes, cold-target inhibition assays, and blocking of cytotoxicity with anti-HLA monoclonal antibodies showed that the T cell clones recognize a common sarcoma-associated antigen and that the lysis is HLA restricted. Phenotypically, cytotoxic clones derived from JM were Leu-1+, Leu-2+, and Leu-3-, whereas those derived from EG exhibited either Leu-24 or Leu-3+ markers, the latter phenotype lacking cytotoxicity. RM exhibited mainly Leu-3+ clones with strong cytotoxicity. All were HNK-1- and HLA class II+, with less than 1% of cells of each clone stained by anti-TAC monoclonal antibody. The clones from each patient did not lyse autologous or allogeneic PBL, mitogen-induced T lymphoblasts, normal fibroblasts, cells isolated from benign neoplasms, carcinoma cells, Daudi B lymphoid cells, or K562 cells. With the exception of EG, all clones produced immune interferon in a range from 12 to 50 U/ml. The generation of long-term specific T cell clones can be used to further dissect the cellular immune response to sarcomas. Cytotoxic T cell clones have potential application for tumor immunotherapy.  相似文献   

In an attempt to see if the nucleolytic and membranolytic activities of cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) were totally independent and could be expressed independently, we cloned CTL and determined their membranolytic and nucleolytic activities. If the two lytic mechanisms were completely independent and could be independently expressed by individual CTL, we anticipated that we would find CTL clones exhibiting only one or the other activity. Initial examination of membranolytic and nucleolytic activities in 99 newly established CTL clones revealed a poor correlation (r = 0.4) between the two activities. In addition, some clones expressed membenolytic activity without nucleolytic activity, and others, nucleolytic activity without membenolytic activity. The results suggest that CTL have 2 or more separate and independent mechanisms that lead either to the membranolytic or to the nucleolytic lesions in target cells.  相似文献   

Three long-term clonally derived cytotoxic lines have been established from isolates of murine intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL). All three lines were selected for with antigen and represent two allospecific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clones and a major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted clone specific for a murine minor histocompatibility antigen. On long-term in vitro culture, IEL clones gradually lost antigen-specific lytic activity and simultaneously acquired the capacity to lyse natural killer (NK)-sensitive target cells which, in some cases, required high-level lymphokine activation. Of interest was the finding that, despite changes in lytic specificity, IEL clones remained strictly antigen-dependent for proliferation. A murine CTL clone of splenic origin, which was propagated under culture conditions identical to those used for IEL, did not exhibit changes in lytic specificity, suggesting that acquired changes in IEL function cannot be attributed solely to the influence of in vitro culture. Phenotypic analyses of IEL clones with altered lytic specificity revealed that all lines remained Thy-1+, Lyt-2+, L3T4-, with or without lytic activation by lymphokines. The expression of CT-1, a murine CTL activation antigen, and asialo GM1, a murine NK cell marker, were variable on IEL clones, and their presence did not correlate with the changes in lytic behavior. Collectively, these findings provide evidence, at the clonal level, that at least some NK activity present in isolates of murine IEL may originate from antigen-specific CTL. The data also indicate that, on binding antigen, different signals are conveyed to T cells, resulting in proliferation or target cell lysis.  相似文献   

The HLA-D region encodes for several serologically defined systems, including DR, MB, and MT. The antigens of MB and MT are strongly associated with two or more DR specificities. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of MB and MT antigens in lymphocyte alloactivation. A soft agar colony assay was used to generate alloreactive lymphocyte clones primed in mixed leukocyte culture against a stimulator who typed as HLA-DR4,-;MB3,-; MT3,-. In secondary primed lymphocyte typing (PLT) assays, several clones were identified with PLT specificities strongly associated with DR4, MB3, or MT3. The data suggest that HLA-D controls different lymphocyte-activating determinants associated with the serologically defined DR, MB, or MT antigens.  相似文献   

T lymphocyte clones were derived by stimulation of positively selected Lyt-2+ and Lyt-2- lymphocytes with Con A in an Interleukin 2 (IL 2)-enriched medium under conditions of limiting dilution. Forty clones were expanded and tested, after activation by Con A, for the production of IL 2, IL 3, and interferon (IFN). Thirteen Lyt-2- clones were all co-producers of IL 2 and IL 3, and 10/13 were also producers of IFN. Twenty-seven Lyt-2+ clones were much more heterogeneous, 13 being IL 2 and IL 3 nonproducers, whereas 14 produced variable and poorly correlated amounts of IL 2 and IL 3. Three Lyt-2+ clones were observed to produce IL 2 or IL 3 alone. The majority of the Lyt-2- (10/13) and of the Lyt 2+ (21/27) clones were also producers of IFN. Exogenous IL 2 added during the activation of the Lyt-2+ by Con A did not enhance IL 3 production, whereas it did enhance IFN production by some but not all Lyt-2+ clones. Thus, among the T lymphocytes of the Lyt-2+ and -2- phenotypes there are cells capable of releasing IL 2, IL 3, and IFN. This supports the concept that these phenotypes are associated with antigen recognition rather than with cell functions, but it is apparent that the functional capacities of individual T cells, if accurately represented by their clonal progeny, are far from uniform.  相似文献   

We established and analyzed human T lymphocyte clones induced by crude Plasmodium falciparum antigens of schizont-enriched asexual blood stages. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were stimulated for 6 days with antigen, and the T cell blasts were separated and were transferred to limiting dilution cultures with antigen, irradiated PBMC, and recombinant interleukin 2. The following observations were made. Malaria antigen (M.Ag) induced similar proportions of T blasts in PBMC from infected individuals and noninfected controls, and the M.Ag-dependent clone frequencies (1/79 to 1/216) obtained with the blasts were similar. The majority of established clones derived from infected and noninfected subjects specifically recognized M.Ag and would not proliferate in response to red blood cells or autologous PBMC alone. They also required HLA class II determinant-compatible antigen-presenting (E-) cells. With three clones from one malaria patient, DR 1 or DR 5 specificities correlated with antigen presentation. Although T4+ and T8+ blasts were induced by M.Ag in PBMC, only T4 (Leu-3+) clones were obtained in our culture system. These clones secreted IL 2 in response to M.Ag. 4) Differential patterns of reactivity to native M.Ag, heat-stable antigens, and heat-precipitated antigens were exhibited by T cell clones, and the tested clones did not recognize Plasmodium berghei antigen. In conclusion, it is important with regard to previous observations on apparently nonspecific, mitogen-like effects of M.Ag in bulk T cell cultures that our results demonstrate specific recognition of P. falciparum by human T cells. The T cell clones obtained will be an important tool in the quest for a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in resistance to malaria infection.  相似文献   

Acute and chronic graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) due to non-MHC histocompatibility differences differ histopathologically. Acute GVHD is characterized by the cytotoxic destruction of recipient tissues, whereas chronic GVHD is characterized by increased collagen deposition. In an attempt to determine if acute and chronic GVHD represent two phases of the same pathophysiologic process or two distinct processes, the T lymphocytes from the C57BL/6 (B6) recipients of LP spleen cells (non-H-2 GVHD) have been cloned and compared to clones from immune mice (LP anti-B6). Acute GVHD (G) clones were established on day 10-14 posttransplant and chronic GVHD (CG) clones on day 50 from animals with clinical chronic GVHD. Immune (I) clones were established 10 to 14 days after immunization. All I clones exhibited B6-specific blastogenesis and cytotoxicity and had a Thy-1.2+, Lyt-2.2+, L3T4- phenotype. All CG clones were noncytotoxic, had I-Ab-specific blastogenesis, and had a Thy-1.2+, Lyt-2.2-, L3T4+ phenotype. The acute GVHD (G) clones were heterogeneous. Fourteen of 23 clones exhibited B6-specific blastogenesis and had a Lyt-2.2+, L3T4- phenotype (B6-G clones). Seven of 9 B6-G clones were cytotoxic for B6 targets. Nine of 23 G clones exhibited I-Ab-specific blastogenesis, and all but one clone had a Lyt-2.2-, L3T4+ phenotype as the did CG clones. Thus, the principal clonogenic T lymphocytes from mice with acute and chronic GVHD differ in terms of 1) their antigenic specificity, 2) their cytotoxic capacity, and 3) their surface phenotype. The presence of I-Ab-specific T lymphocytes with a phenotype identical to CG clones early after transplantation suggests that the immunologic events that result in chronic GVHD begin soon after transplantation. These results indicate that acute GVHD is due primarily to recipient-specific cytotoxic donor T lymphocytes, whereas chronic GVHD is due to autoreactive helper T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

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