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For a long time, the central issue of evolutionary genomics was to find out the adaptive strategy of nucleic acid molecules of various microorganisms having different optimal growth temperatures (Topt). Long-standing controversies exist regarding the correlations between genomic G+C content and Topt, and this debate has not been yet settled. We address this problem by considering the fact that adaptation to growth at high temperature requires a coordinated set of evolutionary changes affecting: (i) nucleic acid thermostability and (ii) stability of codon-anticodon interactions. In the present study, we analyzed 16 prokaryotic genomes having intermediate G+C content and widely varying optimal growth temperatures. Results show that elevated growth temperature imposes selective constraints not only on nucleic acid level but also affects the stability of codon-anticodon interaction. We observed a decrease in the frequency of SSC and SSG codons with the increase in Topt to avoid the formation of side-by-side GC base pairs in the codon-anticodon interaction, thereby making it impossible for a genome to increase GC composition uniformly through the whole coding sequence. Thus, we suggest that any attempt to obtain a generalized relation between genomic GC composition and optimal growth temperature would hardly evolve any satisfactory result.  相似文献   

Here we investigate how thermodynamic properties of orthologous proteins are influenced by the genomic environment in which they evolve. We performed a comparative computational study of 21 protein families in 73 prokaryotic species and obtained the following main results. (i) Protein stability with respect to the unfolded state and with respect to misfolding are anticorrelated. There appears to be a trade-off between these two properties, which cannot be optimized simultaneously. (ii) Folding thermodynamic parameters are strongly correlated with two genomic features, genome size and G+C composition. In particular, the normalized energy gap, an indicator of folding efficiency in statistical mechanical models of protein folding, is smaller in proteins of organisms with a small genome size and a compositional bias towards A+T. Such genomic features are characteristic for bacteria with an intracellular lifestyle. We interpret these correlations in light of mutation pressure and natural selection. A mutational bias toward A+T at the DNA level translates into a mutational bias toward more hydrophobic (and in general more interactive) proteins, a consequence of the structure of the genetic code. Increased hydrophobicity renders proteins more stable against unfolding but less stable against misfolding. Proteins with high hydrophobicity and low stability against misfolding occur in organisms with reduced genomes, like obligate intracellular bacteria. We argue that they are fixed because these organisms experience weaker purifying selection due to their small effective population sizes. This interpretation is supported by the observation of a high expression level of chaperones in these bacteria. Our results indicate that the mutational spectrum of a genome and the strength of selection significantly influence protein folding thermodynamics.  相似文献   

Heat is a major environmental stress factor that confines growth, productivity, and metabolism of plants. Plants respond to such unfavorable conditions through changes in their physiological, biochemical and developmental processes. Withania somnifera, an important medicinal plant, grows in hot and dry conditions, however, molecular mechanisms related to such adaptive properties are not known. Here, we elucidated that members of the sterol glycosyltransferases (SGT) gene family play important roles in the survival of W. somnifera under adverse conditions through maintaining the integrity of the membrane. SGTs are enzymes involved in sterol modifications and participate in metabolic flexibility during stress. Silencing of WsSGT members, for instance WsSGTL1, WsSGTL2 and WsSGTL4, was inimical for important physiological parameters, such as electron transport rate, photochemical quantum yield, acceptor side limitation, non‐photochemical quenching (NPQ), Fv/Fm and net photosynthetic rate, whereas stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and dark respiration rates (Rds) were increased. Decreased NPQ and increased Rds helped to generate significant amount of ROS in the Wsamisgt lines. After heat stress, H2O2, lipid peroxidation and nitric oxide production increased in the Wsamisgt lines due to high ROS generation. The expression of HSPs in Wsamisgt lines might be involved in regulation of physiological processes during stress. We have also observed increased proline accumulation which might be involved in restricting water loss in the Wsamisgt lines. Taken together, our observations revealed that SGTL enzyme activity is required to maintain the internal damages of the cell against high temperature by maintaining the sterol vs sterol glycosides ratio in the membranes of W. somnifera.  相似文献   

Cold adaptation in marine organisms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Animals from polar seas exhibit numerous so called resistance adaptations that serve to maintain homeostasis at low temperature and prevent lethal freezing injury. Specialization to temperatures at or below 0 degrees C is associated with an inability to survive at temperatures above 3-8 degrees C. Polar fish synthesize various types of glycoproteins or peptides to lower the freezing point of most extracellular fluid compartments in a non-colligative manner. Antifreeze production is seasonal in boreal species and is often initiated by environmental cues other than low temperature, particularly short day lengths. Most of the adaptations that enable intertidal invertebrates to survive freezing are associated with their ability to withstand ariel exposure. Unique adaptations for freezing avoidance include the synthesis of low molecular mass ice-nucleating proteins that control and induce extracellular ice-formation. Marine poikilotherms also exhibit a range of capacity adaptations that increase the rate of some physiological processes so as to partially compensate for the effects of low temperature. However, the rate of embryonic development in a diverse range of marine organisms shows no evidence of temperature compensation. This results in a significant lengthening of the time from fertilization to hatching in polar, relative to temperate, species. Some aspects of the physiology of polar marine species, such as low metabolic and slow growth rates, probably result from a combination of low temperature and other factors such as the highly seasonal nature of food supplies. Although neuromuscular function shows a partial capacity adaptation in Antarctic fish, maximum swimming speeds are lower than for temperate and tropical species, particularly for early stages in the life history.  相似文献   

Glucanase gene diversity in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A number of bacteria and eukaryotes produce extracellular enzymes that degrade various types of polysaccharides including the glucans starch, cellulose and hemicellulose (xylan). The similarities in the modes of expression and specificity of enzyme classes, such as amylase, cellulose and xylanase, suggest common genetic origins for particular activities. Our determination of the extent of similarity between these glucanases suggests that such data may be of very limited use in describing the early evolution of these proteins. The great diversity of these proteins does allow identification of their most highly conserved (and presumably functionally important) regions.  相似文献   

We have done a comparative study of tRNA diversity and total tRNA genes among different strains of bacteria with respect to the optimum growth temperature of the cells. Our observation suggests that higher tRNA diversity usually occurs in thermophiles in comparison to non-thermophiles. Among psychrophiles total tRNA was observed to be more than two-fold higher than in the non-psychrophiles. Though tRNA diversity and total tRNA have recently been shown to be affected by an organism's genomic GC% and growth rate, this work is the first report on growth temperature affecting these features in bacteria. This work extends the list of molecular features undergoing adaptation due to growth temperature and supports the view that growth temperature acts as a selecting factor at the molecular level during evolution.  相似文献   

BackgroundIndigenous Sudanese cattle are mainly indicine/zebu (humped) type. They thrive in the harshest dryland environments characterised by high temperatures, long seasonal dry periods, nutritional shortages, and vector disease challenges. Here, we sequenced 60 indigenous Sudanese cattle from six indigenous breeds and analysed the data using three genomic scan approaches to unravel cattle adaptation to the African dryland region.ResultsWe identified a set of gene-rich selective sweep regions, detected mostly on chromosomes 5, 7 and 19, shared across African and Gir zebu. These include genes involved in immune response, body size and conformation, and heat stress response. We also identified selective sweep regions unique to Sudanese zebu. Of these, a 250 kb selective sweep on chromosome 16 spans seven genes, including PLCH2, PEX10, PRKCZ, and SKI, which are involved in alternative adaptive metabolic strategies of insulin signalling, glucose homeostasis, and fat metabolism.ConclusionsOur results suggest that environmental adaptation may involve recent and ancient selection at gene-rich regions, which might be under a common regulatory genetic control, in zebu cattle.  相似文献   

Ribosomal proteins from the prokaryotic bacteria. Streptococcus mutans and Escherichia coli, were separated by two dimensional gel electrophoresis as described by O'Farrell. The resulting protein spot patterns in the two types of gels are discussed in comparison with one another and with ribosomal proteins from eukaryotic organisms. More acidic proteins were found in ribosomal preparations from E. coli than from S. mutans, although this was probably a result of contamination of the former preparation with cellular components. Six ribosomal proteins from these organisms traversed to similar positions on the gels and this suggested that they were identical with respect to molecular weight and electrostatic charge. The data indicate that the six proteins were conserved through the evolution of these two prokaryotic organisms.  相似文献   

A Gardner 《Heredity》2014,113(2):104-111
Two guiding principles identify which biological entities are able to evolve adaptations. Williams'' principle holds that, in order for an entity to evolve adaptations, there must be selection between such entities. Maynard Smith''s principle holds that, in order for an entity to evolve adaptations, selection within such entities must be absent or negligible. However, although the kinship theory of genomic imprinting suggests that parent-of-origin-specific gene expression evolves as a consequence of natural selection acting between—rather than within—individuals, it evades adaptive interpretation at the individual level and is instead viewed as an outcome of an intragenomic conflict of interest between an individual''s genes. Here, I formalize the idea that natural selection drives intragenomic conflicts of interest between genes originating from different parents. Specifically, I establish mathematical links between the dynamics of natural selection and the idea of the gene as an intentional, inclusive-fitness-maximizing agent, and I clarify the role that information about parent of origin plays in mediating conflicts of interest between genes residing in the same genome. These results highlight that the suppression of divisive information may be as important as the suppression of lower levels of selection in maintaining the integrity of units of adaptation.  相似文献   

The metabolism of microbial organisms and its diversity are partly the result of an adaptation process to the characteristics of the environments that they inhabit. In this work, we analyze the influence of lifestyle on the content of promiscuous enzymes in 761 nonredundant bacterial and archaeal genomes. Promiscuous enzymes were defined as those proteins whose catalytic activities are defined by two or more different Enzyme Commission (E.C.) numbers. The genomes analyzed were categorized into four lifestyles for their exhaustive comparisons: free‐living, extremophiles, pathogens, and intracellular. From these analyses we found that free‐living organisms have larger genomes and an enrichment of promiscuous enzymes. In contrast, intracellular organisms showed smaller genomes and the lesser proportion of promiscuous enzymes. On the basis of our data, we show that the proportion of promiscuous enzymes in an organism is mainly influenced by the lifestyle, where fluctuating environments promote its emergence. Finally, we evidenced that duplication processes occur preferentially in metabolism of free‐living and extremophiles species. Proteins 2015; 83:1625–1631. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The aporphine alkaloid boldine, present in Peumus boldus (boldo-do-Chile) widely used all over the world, was tested for the presence of genotoxic, mutagenic and recombinogenic activities in microorganisms. This alkaloid did not show genotoxic activity with or without metabolic activation in the SOS chromotest and Ames tester strains TA100, TA98 and TA102. It was not able to induce point and frameshift mutations in haploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. However, mitotic recombinational events such as crossing-over and gene conversion were weakly induced in diploid yeast cells by this alkaloid. Also, boldine was able to induce weakly cytoplasmic 'petite' mutation in haploid yeast cells.  相似文献   


DNA ligases operating at low temperatures have potential advantages for use in biotechnological applications. For this reason, we have characterized the temperature optima and thermal stabilities of three minimal Lig E-type ATP-dependent DNA ligase originating from Gram-negative obligate psychrophilic bacteria. The three ligases, denoted Vib-Lig, Psy-Lig, and Par-Lig, show a remarkable range of thermal stabilities and optima, with the first bearing all the hallmarks of a genuinely cold-adapted enzyme, while the latter two have activity and stability profiles more typical of mesophilic proteins. A comparative approach based on sequence comparison and homology modeling indicates that the cold-adapted features of Vib-Lig may be ascribed to differences in surface charge rather than increased local or global flexibility which is consistent with the contemporary emerging paradigm of the physical basis of cold adaptation of enzymes.


Among the well-known ultrasaline terrestrial habitats, the Dead Sea in the Jordan Rift Valley and Don Juan Pond in the Upper Wright Valley represent two of the most extreme. The former is a saturated sodium chloride-magnesium sulfate brine in a hot desert, the latter a saturated calcium chloride brine in an Antarctic desert. Both Dead Sea and Don Juan water bodies themselves are limited in microflora, but the saline Don Juan algal mat and muds contain abundant nutrients and a rich and varied microbiota, includingOscillatoria,Gleocapsa,Chlorella, diatoms,Penicillium and bacteria.In such environments, the existence of an array of specific adaptations is a common, and highly reasonable, presumption, at least with respect to habitat-obligate forms. Nevertheless, many years of ongoing study in our laboratory have demonstrated that lichens (e.g.Cladonia), algae (e.g.Nostoc) and fungi (e.g.Penicillium,Aspergillus) from the humid tropics can sustain metabolism down to –40°C and growth down to –10°C in simulated Dead Sea or Don Juan (or similar) media without benefit of selection or gradual acclimation. Non-selection is suggested in fungi by higher growth rates from vegetative inocula than spores. The importance of nutrient parameters was also evident in responses to potassium and reduced nitrogen compounds.In view of the saline performance of tropicalNostoc, and its presence in the Antarctic dry valley soils, its complete absence in our Don Juan mat samples was and remains a puzzle.We suggest that adaptive capability is already resident in many terrestrial life forms not currently in extreme habitats, a possible reflection of evolutionary selection for wide spectrum environmental adaptability.  相似文献   

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