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Mechanism of water stress-induced xylem embolism   总被引:40,自引:4,他引:36       下载免费PDF全文
We investigated the hypothesis that water stress-induced xylem embolism is caused by air aspirated into functional vessels from neighboring embolized ones (e.g. embolized by physical damage) via pores in intervessel pit membranes. The following experiments with sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) support the hypothesis. (a) Most vessels in dehydrating stem segments embolized at xylem pressures < −3 megapascals; at this point the pressure difference across intervessel pits between air-filled vessels at the segment's ends and internal water-filled vessels was >3 megapascals. This same pressure difference was found to be sufficient to force air across intervessel pits from air injection experiments of hydrated stem segments. This suggests air entry at pits is causing embolism in dehydrating stems. (b) Treatments that increased the permeability of intervessel pits to air injection also caused xylem to embolize at less negative xylem pressures. Permeability was increased either by perfusing stems with solutions of surface tension below that of water or by perfusion with a solution of oxalic acid and calcium. The mechanism of oxalic-calcium action on permeability is unknown, but may relate to the ability of oxalate to chelate calcium from the pectate fraction of the pit membrane. (c) Diameter of pores in pit membranes measured with the scanning electron microscope were within the range predicted by hypothesis (≤0.4 micrometer).  相似文献   

? The rare pit hypothesis predicts that the extensive inter-vessel pitting in large early-wood vessels of ring-porous trees should render many of these vessels extremely vulnerable to cavitation by air-seeding. This prediction was tested in Quercus gambelii. ? Cavitation was assessed from native hydraulic conductivity at field sap tension and in dehydrated branches. Single-vessel air injections gave air-seeding pressures through vessel files; these data were used to estimate air-seeding pressures for inter-vessel walls and pits. ? Extensive cavitation occurred at xylem sap tensions below 1 MPa. Refilling occurred below 0.5 MPa and was inhibited by phloem girdling. Remaining vessels cavitated over a wide range to above 4 MPa. Similarly, 40% of injected vessel files air-seeded below 1.0 MPa, whereas the remainder seeded over a wide range exceeding 5 MPa. Inter-vessel walls averaged 1.02 MPa air-seeding pressure, similar and opposite to the mean cavitation tension of 1.22 MPa. Consistent with the rare pit hypothesis, only 7% of inter-vessel pits were estimated to air-seed by 1.22 MPa. ? The results confirm the rare pit prediction that a significant fraction of large vessels in Q. gambelii experience high probability of failure by air-seeding.  相似文献   

Vulnerability of xylem conduits to cavitation and embolism was compared in two species of Rhizophoraceae, the mangrove Rhizophora mangle L. and the tropical moist-forest Cassipourea elliptica (Sw.) Poir. Cavitation (water column breakage preceeding embolism) was monitored by ultrasonic detection; embolism was quantified by its reduction of xylem hydraulic conductivity. Acoustic data were not predictive of loss in hydraulic conductivity, probably because signals from cavitating vessels were swamped by more numerous ones from cavitating fibers. Rhizophora mangle was the less vulnerable to embolism of the two species, losing 80% of its hydraulic conductivity between – 6.0 and – 7.0 MPa. Cassipourea elliptica lost conductivity in linear proportion to decreasing xylem pressure from – 0.5 to – 7.0 MPa. Species vulnerability correlated closely with physiological demands of habitat; the mangrove Rhizophora mangle had field xylem pressures between – 2.5 and – 4.0 MPa. whereas the minimum for Cassipourea elliptica was – 1.6 MPa. Differences in vulnerability between species could be accounted for by differences in the measured air permeability of intervessel pit membranes. According to this explanation, embolism occurs when air enters a water-filled vessel from a neighboring air-filled one via pores in shared pit membranes.  相似文献   

Xylem networks are vulnerable to the formation and spread of gas embolisms that reduce water transport. Embolisms spread through interconduit pits, but the three-dimensional (3D) complexity and scale of xylem networks means that the functional implications of intervessel connections are not well understood. Here, xylem networks of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) were reconstructed from 3D high-resolution X-ray micro-computed tomography (microCT) images. Xylem network performance was then modeled to simulate loss of hydraulic conductivity under increasingly negative xylem sap pressure simulating drought stress conditions. We also considered the sensitivity of xylem network performance to changes in key network parameters. We found that the mean pit area per intervessel connection was constant across 10 networks from three, 1.5-m stem segments, but short (0.5 cm) segments fail to capture complete network connectivity. Simulations showed that network organization imparted additional resistance to embolism spread beyond the air-seeding threshold of pit membranes. Xylem network vulnerability to embolism spread was most sensitive to variation in the number and location of vessels that were initially embolized and pit membrane vulnerability. Our results show that xylem network organization can increase stem resistance to embolism spread by 40% (0.66 MPa) and challenge the notion that a single embolism can spread rapidly throughout an entire xylem network.

A complete digital reconstruction of a grapevine xylem network reveals that network connectivity imparts greater resistance to drought-induced embolism spread than pit membrane properties suggest.  相似文献   

Vulnerability to xylem embolism by freeze-thaw cycles and water stress was quantified in ring-porous (Quercus gambelii Nutt.), diffuse-porous (Populus tremuloides Michx., Betula occidentalis Hook.), and conifer species (Abies lasiocarpa Nutt., Juniperus scopulorum Sarg.). Embolism was measured by its reduction of xylem hydraulic conductivity; it was induced by xylem tension (water-stress response) and by a tension plus a freeze-thaw cycle (freeze response). Conifers showed little (Juniperus) or no (Abies) freeze response even to repeated cycles. In contrast, Quercus embolized more than 90% by freezing at tensions below 0.2 MPa, whereas similar embolism without freezing required tensions above 4.5 MPa. Diffuse-porous trees (Betula, Populus) showed an intermediate freeze response. The magnitude of the freeze response was correlated with conduit volume but occurred at higher tensions than predicted from theory. Large early-wood vessels (2.8 × 10−9 m3) in oak were most vulnerable to embolism by freezing, small vessels in Populus and Betula were intermediate (approximately 7 × 10−11 m3), and tracheids in conifers (about 3 × 10−13 m3) were most resistant. The same trend was found within a stem: embolism by freeze-thawing occurred preferentially in wider conduits. The water-stress response was not correlated with conduit volume; previous work indicates it is a function of interconduit pit membrane structure. Native embolism levels during winter corroborated laboratory results on freezing: Quercus embolized 95% with the first fall freeze, Populus and Betula showed gradual increases to more than 90% embolism by winter's end, and Abies remained below 30%.  相似文献   

The mechanism of water-stress-induced embolism of xylem was investigated in Malosma laurina and Heteromeles arbutifolia, two chaparral shrub species of southern California. We tested the hypothesis that the primary cause of xylem dysfunction in these species during dehydration was the pulling of air through the pores in the cell walls of vessels (pores in pit membranes) as a result of high tensions on xylem water. First, we constructed vulnerability-to-embolism curves for (i) excised branches that were increasingly dehydrated in the laboratory and (ii) hydrated branches exposed to increasing levels of external air pressure. Branches of M. laurina that were dehydrated became 50% embolized at a xylem pressure potential of -1.6 MPa, which is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to the +1.6 MPa of external air pressure that caused 50% embolism in hydrated stems. Dehydrated and pressurized branches of H. arbutifolia reached a 50% level of embolism at -6.0 and +6.4 MPa, respectively. Secondly, polystyrene spheres ranging in diameter from 20 to 149 nm were perfused through hydrated stem segments to estimate the pore size in the vessel cell walls (pit membranes) of the two species. A 50% or greater reduction in hydraulic conductivity occurred in M. laurina at perfusions of 30, 42, 64 and 82 nm spheres and in H. arbutifolia at perfusions of 20 and 30 nm spheres. Application of the capillary equation to these pore diameters predicted 50% embolism at xylem tensions of -2.2 MPa for M. laurina and -6.7 MPa for H. arbutifolia, which are within 0.7 MPa of the actual values. Our results suggest that the size of pores in pit membranes may be a factor in determining both xylem efficiency and vulnerability to embolism in some chaparral species. H. arbutifolia, with smaller pores and narrower vessels, withstands lower water potentials but has lower transport efficiency. M. laurina, with wider pores and wider vessels, has a greater transport efficiency but requires a deeper root system to help avoid catastro-phically low water potentials.  相似文献   

Water-stress-induced xylem embolism in three species of conifers   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:13  
Abstract. The mechanism of water-stress-induced xylem embolism was studied in three species of conifers: Abies balsamea (L.) Mill., Picca rubens Sarg, and Juniperus virginiana L. Each species showed a characteristic relationship between xylem tension and the loss of hydraulic conductivity by air embolism. Abics balsamea and Picca rubens began to embolize at tensions between 2 and 3 MPa and were completely non-conducting between 3 and 4 MPa. Juniperus virginiana was least vulnerable, beginning to embolize at 4 and still retaining approximately 10% conductivity at 10 MPa. As with a previous study of the vessel-bearing Accr saccharum Marsh., a brief perfusion of branch segments with an oxalic acid and calcium solution (10 and 0.1 mol m−3. respectively) increased the vulnerability of the xylem to embolism; this was especially pronounced in Abies balsamea . In order to test whether embolism was caused by aspiration of air into functional tracheids from neighbouring embolized, ones (the 'air-seeding'hypothesis), hydrated branch segments were injected with air at various pressures and measured for embolism. Results supported the air-seeding hypothesis because the relationship between injection pressure and embolism for both native and oxalic-calcium-treated segments was essentially the same as for embolism induced by xylem tension. Structural and experimental evidence suggested the air seeding occurred through inter-tracheid pit membranes when the thickened torus region of the membrane became displaced from its normal sealing position over the pit aperture. Thus, the embolism-inducing tension may be a function of pit membrane flexibility. This tension is of ecological significance because it reflects to some extent the range of xylem tensions to which a species is adapted.  相似文献   

The relation between xylem vessel age and vulnerability to cavitation of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) was quantified by measuring the pressure required to force air across bordered pit membranes separating individual xylem vessels. We found that the bordered pit membranes of vessels located in current year xylem could withstand greater applied gas pressures (3.8 MPa) compared with bordered pit membranes in vessels located in older annular rings (2.0 MPa). A longitudinal transect along 6-year-old branches indicated that the pressure required to push gas across bordered pit membranes of current year xylem did not vary with distance from the growing tip. To understand the contribution of age-related changes in vulnerability to the overall resistance to cavitation, we combined data on the pressure thresholds of individual xylem vessels with measurements of the relative flow rate through each annual ring. The annual ring of the current year contributed only 16% of the total flow measured on 10-cm-long segments cut from 6-year-old branches, but it contributed more than 70% of the total flow when measured through 6-year-old branches to the point of leaf attachment. The vulnerability curve calculated using relative flow rates measured on branch segments were similar to vulnerability curves measured on 6-year-old branches (pressure that reduces hydraulic conductance by 50% = 1.6-2.4 MPa), whereas the vulnerability curve calculated using relative flow rates measured on 6-year-old branches were similar to ones measured on the extension growth of the current year (pressure that reduces hydraulic conductance by 50% = 3.8 MPa). These data suggest that, in sugar maple, the xylem of the current year can withstand larger xylem tensions than older wood and dominates water delivery to leaves.  相似文献   

Bordered pits are cavities in the lignified cell walls of xylem conduits (vessels and tracheids) that are essential components in the water-transport system of higher plants. The pit membrane, which lies in the center of each pit, allows water to pass between xylem conduits but limits the spread of embolism and vascular pathogens in the xylem. Averaged across a wide range of species, pits account for > 50% of total xylem hydraulic resistance, indicating that they are an important factor in the overall hydraulic efficiency of plants. The structure of pits varies dramatically across species, with large differences evident in the porosity and thickness of pit membranes. Because greater porosity reduces hydraulic resistance but increases vulnerability to embolism, differences in pit structure are expected to correlate with trade-offs between efficiency and safety of water transport. However, trade-offs in hydraulic function are influenced both by pit-level differences in structure (e.g. average porosity of pit membranes) and by tissue-level changes in conduit allometry (average length, diameter) and the total surface area of pit membranes that connects vessels. In this review we address the impact of variation in pit structure on water transport in plants from the level of individual pits to the whole plant.  相似文献   

The vulnerability of xylem vessels to water stress-induced cavitationwas studied by measuring hydraulic conductivity and ultrasoundacoustic emissions (AEs) in Fagus sylvatica L. f. purpurea (Ait.)Schneid. and Populus balsamifera L. The occurrence of xylemembolism in summer was investigated in relation to leaf waterpotential and stomatal conductance. Populus was extremely vulnerableto cavitation, losing functional vessels due to embolism atwater potentials lower than –0.7 MPa. Fagus experiencedembolism when water potential fell below –1.9 MPa. Middaywater potentials often approached these threshold values. Whenevaporative demand increased rapidly on sunny days, water lossbecame limited by low stomatal conductance. Thus water potentialsfell only slightly below the threshold values inducing cavitation.Despite the differences in vulnerability, both species tolerateda similar embolism rate of about 10% in the summer. There wasno embolism reversal during prolonged periods of rain. AEs werepredictive of loss in hydraulic conductivity, indicating thatAEs were mainly confined to vessels. Finally, vessel lengthdistribution, vessel diameter (tangential axis), vessel density,and vessel wall thickness had been determined for both speciesinvestigated. Populus had longer and wider vessels than Fagus,whereas vessel wall thickness was similar in both species. Key words: Acoustic emissions, Fagus, Populus, stomatal closure, xylem embolism  相似文献   

The occurrence of root pressure, the vulnerability of xylemvessels to drought-induced cavitation, and the seasonal changesin hydraulic conductivity due to embolism were studied in theculms of Rhipidocladum racemiflorum (Steud.) McClure, a tropicalvine-like bamboo from central Panama. Positive hydrostatic potentialsup to 120 kPa occurred only during the wet season when the transpirationrate of the plant was low, i.e. at night or during rain events.Although the xylem vessels were large and efficient for conductingwater, they were highly resistant to cavitation. Xylem waterpotentials lower than –4.5 MPa were required to induce50% loss of hydraulic conductivity in culms. The minimum waterpotential reached –3.75 MPa at the end of the 1993 dryseason, so loss of hydraulic conductivity due to embolism remained<10%. The species is adapted to drier habitats both by wayof a low vulnerability to xylem cavitation and by root pressuresin the wet season that could refill vessels that became embolizedduring a severe dry season. Key words: Rhipidocladum racemiflorum, root pressure, cavitation, embolism, water relations  相似文献   

Variation in resistance of xylem to embolism among flowers, leaves, and stems strongly influences the survival and reproduction of plants. However, little is known about the vulnerability to xylem embolism under drought stress and their relationships to the anatomical traits of pits among reproductive and vegetative organs. In this study, we investigated the variation in xylem vulnerability to embolism in peduncles, petioles, and stems in a woody plant, Magnolia grandiflora. We analyzed the relationships between water potentials that induced 50% embolism (P50) in peduncles, petioles, and stems and the conduit pit traits hypothesized to influence cavitation resistance. We found that peduncles were more vulnerable to cavitation than petioles and stems, supporting the hypothesis of hydraulic vulnerability segmentation that leaves and stems are prioritized over flowers during drought stress. Moreover, P50 was significantly correlated with variation in the dimensions of inter-vessel pit apertures among peduncles, petioles and stems. These findings highlight that measuring xylem vulnerability to embolism in reproductive organs is essential for understanding the effect of drought on plant reproductive success and mortality under drought stress.  相似文献   

Spring filling of xylem vessels in wild grapevine   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
Xylem vessels in grapevines Vitis labrusca L. and Vitis riparia Michx. growing in New England contained air over winter and yet filled with xylem sap and recovered their maximum hydraulic conductance during the month before leaf expansion in late May. During this period root pressures between 10 and 100 kilopascals were measured. Although some air in vessels apparently dissolved in ascending xylem sap, results indicated that some is pushed out of vessels and then out of the vine. Air in the vessel network distal to advancing xylem sap was compressed at about 3 kilopascals; independent measurements indicated this was sufficient to push air across vessel ends, and from vessels to the exterior through dead vine tips, inflorescence scars, and points on the bark. Once wetted, vessel ends previously air-permeable at 3 kilopascals remained sealed against air at pressures up to 2 and 3 megapascals. Permeability at 3 kilopascals was restored by dehydrating vines below −2.4 megapascals. We suggest that the decrease in permeability with hydration is due to formation of water films across pores in intervascular pit membranes; this water seal can maintain a pressure difference of roughly 2 megapascals, and prevents cavitation by aspirated air at xylem pressures less negative than −2.4 megapascals.  相似文献   

Embolism reversal in rice plants was studied by testing the plant's ability to refill embolized conduits while xylem pressures were substantially negative. Intact, potted plants were water-stressed to a xylem pressure of -1.88 ± 0.1 MPa and a 66.3 ± 3.8% loss of xylem conductivity (PLC) by cavitation. Stressed plants were carefully rewatered, allowing xylem pressure to rise, but not above the theoretical threshold of c. -0.15 MPa for embolism collapse. Despite xylem pressures being more negative than this threshold, the PLC fell significantly (28.5 ± 5.6%), indicating the refilling of vessels. Above c. -1.0 MPa, almost all plants regained their maximum hydraulic conductivity. Dye uptake experiments showed the same pattern of embolism refilling despite negative pressure. Refilling was prevented in plants that were light-starved for 5 d, suggesting the unknown mechanism is dependent on metabolic energy. Results are among the first showing that herbaceous plants can reverse embolism without bulk xylem pressures rising near or above atmospheric.  相似文献   

U. Hacke  J. J. Sauter 《Oecologia》1996,105(4):435-439
Xylem embolism in winter and spring as well as the occurrence of positive xylem pressure were monitored in several diffuse-porous and one ring-porous tree species (Fraxinus excelsior). In Acer pseudoplatanus and Betula pendula embolism reversal was associated with positive (above-atmospheric) xylem pressures that frequently occurred during a 2-month period prior to leaf expansion. In Acer high stem pressures were occasionally triggered on sunny days after a night frost. The other species investigated showed no positive xylem pressure during the monitoring period in 1995. Populus balsamifera exhibited a complete embolism reversal in 1994, but, like Fagus sylvatica, recovery was slow and incomplete in 1995. Fraxinus did not refill embolized vessels, but relied entirely on the production of new earlywood conduits in May. Populus × canadensis Moench robusta did not recover from embolism during the monitoring period. Under a simulated root pressure of 20 kPa however, excised branches of Populus × canadensis restored maximum hydraulic conductance within 2 days, illustrating the great influence of even small positive pressures on cnductivity recovery in spring. In the absence of positive pressure there was no substantial refilling of embolized vessels within a rehydration period of 9 days.  相似文献   

In earlier work tobacco leaves were placed in a Scholander-Hammel pressure bomb and the end of the petiole sealed with a pressure transducer in order to measure pressure transmission from the compressed gas (Pg) in the bomb to the xylem fluid (Px). Pressure bomb theory would predict a 1:1 relationship for Pg:Px when tobacco leaves start at a balance pressure of zero. Failure to observe the expected 1:1 relationship has cast doubt on the pressure-bomb technique in the measurement of the xylem pressure of plants. The experimental and theoretical relationship between Px and Pg was investigated in Tsuga canadensis (L) branches and Nicotiana rustica (L) leaves in this paper. It is concluded that the non 1:1 outcome was due to the compression of air bubbles in embolized xylem vessels, evaporation of water from the tissue, and the expansion of the sealed stem segment (or petiole) protruding beyond the seal of the pressure bomb. The expected 1:1 relationship could be obtained when xylem embolism was eliminated and stem expansion prevented. It is argued that the non 1:1 relationship in the positive pressure range does not invalidate the Scholander pressure bomb method of measuring xylem pressure in plants because Px never reaches positive values during the determination of the balance pressure.  相似文献   

The ‘hydraulic vulnerability segmentation’ hypothesis predicts that expendable distal organs are more susceptible to water stress‐induced embolism than the main stem of the plant. In the current work, we present the first in vivo visualization of this phenomenon. In two separate experiments, using magnetic resonance imaging or synchrotron‐based microcomputed tomography, grapevines (Vitis vinifera) were dehydrated while simultaneously scanning the main stems and petioles for the occurrence of emboli at different xylem pressures (Ψx). Magnetic resonance imaging revealed that 50% of the conductive xylem area of the petioles was embolized at a Ψx of ?1.54 MPa, whereas the stems did not reach similar losses until ?1.9 MPa. Microcomputed tomography confirmed these findings, showing that approximately half the vessels in the petioles were embolized at a Ψx of ?1.6 MPa, whereas only few were embolized in the stems. Petioles were shown to be more resistant to water stress‐induced embolism than previously measured with invasive hydraulic methods. The results provide the first direct evidence for the hydraulic vulnerability segmentation hypothesis and highlight its importance in grapevine responses to severe water stress. Additionally, these data suggest that air entry through the petiole into the stem is unlikely in grapevines during drought.  相似文献   

When they are hydraulically isolated, embolized xylem vessels can be refilled, while adjacent vessels remain under tension. This implies that the pressure of water in the refilling vessel must be equal to the bubble gas pressure, which sets physical constraints for recovery. A model of water exudation into the cylindrical vessel and of bubble dissolution based on the assumption of hydraulic isolation is developed. Refilling is made possible by the turgor of the living cells adjacent to the refilling vessel, and by a reflection coefficient below 1 for the exchange of solutes across the interface between the vessel and the adjacent cells. No active transport of solutes is assumed. Living cells are also capable of importing water from the water-conducting vessels. The most limiting factors were found to be the osmotic potential of living cells and the ratio of the volume of the adjacent living cells to that of the embolized vessel. With values for these of 1.5 MPa and 1, respectively, refilling times were in the order of hours for a broad range of possible values of water conductivity coefficients and effective diffusion distances for dissolved air, when the xylem water tension was below 0.6 MPa and constant. Inclusion of the daily pattern for xylem tension improved the simulations. The simulated gas pressure within the refilling vessel was in accordance with recent experimental results. The study shows that the refilling process is physically possible under hydraulic isolation, while water in surrounding vessels is under negative pressure. However, the osmotic potentials in the refilling vessel tend to be large (in the order of 1 MPa). Only if the xylem water tension is, at most, twice atmospheric pressure, the reflection coefficient remains close to 1 (0.95) and the ratio of the volume of the adjacent living cells to that of the embolized vessel is about 2, does the osmotic potential stay below 0.4 MPa.  相似文献   

Background and Aims The efficiency and safety functions of xylem hydraulics are strongly dependent on the pits that connect the xylem vessels. However, little is known about their biochemical composition and thus about their hydraulic properties. In this study, the distribution of the epitopes of different wall components (cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectins and lignins) was analysed in intervessel pits of hybrid poplar (Populus tremula × alba).Methods Immunogold labelling with transmission electron microscopy was carried out with a set of antibodies raised against different epitopes for each wall polysaccharide type and for lignins. Analyses were performed on both immature and mature vessels. The effect of sap ionic strength on xylem conductance was also tested.Key Results In mature vessels, the pit membrane (PM) was composed of crystalline cellulose and lignins. None of the hemicellulose epitopes were found in the PM. Pectin epitopes in mature vessels were highly concentrated in the annulus, a restricted area of the PM, whereas they were initially found in the whole PM in immature vessels. The pit border also showed a specific labelling pattern, with higher cellulose labelling compared with the secondary wall of the vessel. Ion-mediated variation of 24 % was found for hydraulic conductance.Conclusions Cellulose microfibrils, lignins and annulus-restricted pectins have different physicochemical properties (rigidity, hydrophobicity, porosity) that have different effects on the hydraulic functions of the PM, and these influence both the hydraulic efficiency and vulnerability to cavitation of the pits, including ion-mediated control of hydraulic conductance. Impregnation of the cellulose microfibrils of the PM with lignins, which have low wettability, may result in lower cavitation pressure for a given pore size and thus help to explain the vulnerability of this species to cavitation.  相似文献   

Pressure probe measurements have been interpreted as showing that xylem pressures below c. –0.4 MPa do not exist and that pressure chamber measurements of lower negative pressures are invalid. We present new evidence supporting the pressure chamber technique and the existence of xylem pressures well below –0.4 MPa. We deduced xylem pressures in water-stressed stem xylem from the following experiment: (1) loss of hydraulic conductivity in hydrated stem xylem (xylem pressure = atmospheric pressure) was induced by forcing compressed air into intact xylem conduits; (2) loss of hydraulic conductivity from cavitation and embolism in dehydrating stems was measured, and (3) the xylem pressure in dehydrated stems was deduced as being equal and opposite to the air pressure causing the same loss of hydraulic conductivity in hydrated stems. Pressures determined in this way are only valid if cavitation was caused by air entering the xylem conduits (air-seeding). Deduced xylem pressure showed a one-to-one correspondence with pressure chamber measurements for 12 species (woody angiosperms and gymnosperms); data extended to c. –10 MPa. The same correspondence was obtained under field conditions in Betula occidentalis Hook., where pressure differences between air- and water-filled conduits were induced by a combination of in situ xylem water pressure and applied positive air pressure. It is difficult to explain these results if xylem pressures were above –0.4 MPa, if the pressure chamber was inaccurate, and if cavitation occurred by some mechanism other than air-seeding. A probable reason why the pressure probe does not register large negative pressures is that, just as cavitation within the probe limits its calibration to pressures above c. –0.5 MPa, cavitation limits its measurement range in situ.  相似文献   

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