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Protein Bodies of Developing Seeds of Vicia faba   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Changes in fine structure and starch, nitrogen, and solublesugar content were followed through to maturation in developingcotyledons of Vicia faba. Various ultrastructural changes wereobserved in the developing cotyledons, notably an increase inthe number of membrane-bound ribosomes which corresponded withthe onset of storage protein deposition. The build-up of storageprotein was shown to occur in the cytoplasm within membrane-boundvacuoles which subsequently became the protein bodies of themature seed, retaining the original tonoplast as the boundingmembrane of the protein body. Nuclei became lobed during thelater phases of maturation; phytoferritin was observed in plastidsof mature seeds. The deposition of reserves in the cotyledonswas complete by 85–90 days after flowering, followingwhich water was lost until the seed became hard and ‘ripe’by no days after flowering.  相似文献   

Rogers CA 《Plant physiology》1979,63(2):388-391
Epidermal strips of Vicia faba were floated on 10 millimolar KCl at various temperatures and for several time periods. The diameter of the stomatal aperture was determined microscopically and K+ content was estimated and expressed as the per cent of the guard cell stained. Stomatal opening was associated with increased K+ in guard cells, but the quantitative association was modified both by time and temperature. At low temperatures (0-20 C) there was a prolonged Spannungsphase while at higher temperatures (30-45 C) motorphase was exhibited. During the motorphase there was a rapid opening of the stomates which was highly correlated with K+ influx. At treatment periods of 360 minutes and temperatures higher than 25 C there appeared to be a maintenance phase during which K+ concentration of the guard cells decreased without an equivalent decrease in aperture.  相似文献   

The growth in area of the sixth leaf of field bean plants wasinvestigated in growth room experiments. Temperatures were variedduring the periods from appearance to unfolding and from unfoldingto full expansion. The effects on the duration of growth weregreater than those on absolute growth rates. Counts of epidermalcell number showed that the changes in final leaf area couldbe explained by changes in epidermal cell size for these temperaturesand these times of treatment. Epidermal cell number was notaffected by the treatments. Vicia faba, leaf expansion, temperature, growth, cell division  相似文献   

Nucleic Acids of Developing Seeds of Vicia faba L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Changes have been followed in the base composition of RNA andthe amounts of RNA and DNA during the development of Vicia fabaseeds. Both acids were synthesized most rapidly during days36–46 of the 72-day developmental period. Changes foundwere related to the development of the embryo and to the synthesisof storage protein.  相似文献   

Plants of Vicia faba cv. Maris Bead were germinated under uniformconditions; some were then transferred to conditions of waterexcess or stress for the vegetative growth phase. Those on theexcess water regime grew best, produced most root nodules, andfixed most nitrogen. Microscopic examination showed that controland water-stressed plants did not develop all those noduleswhich had previously been initiated. Average nodule weight andspecific activity were unaffected, but nodules showed a progressiveincrease in size and a more open structure as water supply wasincreased. Transfer between treatments resulted in adaptationto the new environment within a few days. It is concluded that established plants of V. faba are far morelikely to be adversely affected by water stress than by excesswater.  相似文献   

马铃薯生育期和干物质积累的动态模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
根据三年的田间试验数据和有关气象资料,提出了马铃薯生育期和干物质积累的模拟模型、用高斯方程计算每天的温度条件对马铃薯生育期和干物质积累的生理效应,改进了前人的生育期模型和温度条件对干物质积累影响系数的计算方法.以每天的单位叶面积变化、群体上方的有效辐射和温度变化模拟群体的干物质积累、结果表明,本研究的模型有明确的机理性和较高的精度.用Visual Basic 6.0界面表达每日生态条件变化对群体光合生产和干物质积累的影响,模拟结果具有直观的机理性,从而克服了同类研究中的缺陷。  相似文献   

Enzyme preparations from germinating broad-bean seeds can produceUDPG from sucrose or raffinose when incubated with UDP; in thelatter case D-galactose is also formed. This observation suggeststhat raffinose can be metabolized in two stages: (1) the hydrolyticcleavage of the trisaccharide by a-galactosidase with the releaseof galactose and sucrose; (2) a sucrose: UDP glucosyltransferase(reversed sucrose synthetase)-catalysed transfer of D-glucosefrom sucrose to UDP. The galactose liberated in stage (I) inVicia faba seeds can probably be converted to a-D-galactose-1-phosphateby galactokinase. The levels of the glucosyltransferase at variousstages of germination have been measured, the enzyme has beenpartially purified, and an estimate has been made of its apparentmolecular weight. The glucosyltransferase is specifically inhibitedby D-glucose and D-fructose and the role of this enzyme in catabolicprocesses is discussed in general terms.  相似文献   

The generalized logistic curve was used to describe the growthof individual leaves in crops of Vicia faba L. Durations of.expansionand mean absolute growth rates were derived from these curves.The duration of expansion was inversely related to temperatureaveraged over four days from unfolding. This relationship wasindependent of leaf position except for the lowest leaves. Theduration of expansion of a leaf was related to the rate of productionof new leaves, the number of expanding leaves remaining relativelyconstant. Absolute growth rates varied with leaf position upto leaf 10. At higher leaves, in the absence of water stress,absolute growth rate was a function of temperature and radiation. Vicia faba L., field bean, leaf growth, temperature  相似文献   

Stomatal apertures in darkness and subsequent average opening rates in light were measured in Vicia faba leaf discs throughout the nyctoperiods for plants grown on three light:dark cycles (8:16, 12:12, and 16:8). The time course of opening in darkness depended on the specific light:dark cycle with the maximum aperture always occurring at the time the lights normally went on. The light-induced opening rate was also maximum at the end of the nyctoperiod.  相似文献   

The effects of extended anaerobic treatments on Vicia faba lateral root-tip chromosomes were determined. It was observed that aberrations resulted from these treatments, and that the frequency varied from root to root as well as from experiment to experiment. It was suggested that the inconsistency observed might be due to variation in the abilities of different roots to produce energy via fermentation routes. If this were true, an inhibition of fermentation would result in a more consistent aberration frequency. A fermentation inhibitor, NaF, was used in combination with extended anaerobic treatments. The observed frequency of aberrations after the combined treatments was generally higher and considerably less variable. Although other hypotheses might account for the NaF effect, the hypothesis most compatible with the evidence is that the effect is due to energy deprivation. The experimental results are discussed in terms of the aforementioned effect and in terms of three alternative hypotheses for the production of chromosomal aberrations as a consequence of a lack of energy. It is concluded that damage might result from a build-up of normal cellular compounds to abnormally high concentrations which would act directly or indirectly on the chromosomes, from the breakdown of DNA as an energy source, or simply as a result of the fact that the chromosome needs energy to remain intact.  相似文献   

Accumulation of malate in guard cells of Vicia faba during stomatal opening   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
W. G. Allaway 《Planta》1973,110(1):63-70
Summary The level of malate in the epidermis from illuminated leaves of Vicia faba was greater than in that from dark-treated leaves. A difference in the malate level was still detected after the epidermis had been treated by rolling so that only the guard cells remained alive. The results suggest that malate may accumulate in guard cells on illumination. In subsequent experiments, stomatal apertures were measured, and potassium as well as malate was analysed in extracts of epidermis. In illuminated leaves, the potassium content of rolled epidermis increased from about 90 to about 335 picoequivalents mm-2 of epidermis whele malate increased from about zero to about 71 pmoles mm-2 and the stomata opened; in dark-treated leaves, the potassium content of rolled epidermis decreased slightly, the malate level remained about zero, and the stomata showed very slight further closure. The measured increase in potassium is likely to represent an increase in potassium concentration in the guard cells of about 0.4 Eq l-1 with stomatal opening; the increase in malate could correspond to 0.23 Eq l-1 (with respect to potassium) in the guard cells. Thus, malate accumulating in guard cells could balance about half of the potassium taken up by guard cells when stomata open in the light.  相似文献   

The growth in area of the first eight leaves of broad bean plantswas investigated in growth room experiments. Plants were grownat either 20 or 14 °C or transferred from 20 to 14 °C.Rates of leaf appearance and unfolding increased with temperature.The duration of growth of a leaf increased with leaf numberfor the first five leaves and then remained constant The meangrowth rate declined or remained constant with increasing leafnumber Durations of growth were shorter and growth rates largerat 20 °C than at 14 °C Plants responded immediatelyto the change in temperature Final areas of leaves which expandedafter transfer from 20 to 14 °C were larger than those grownat 20 °C Vicla faba L., broad bean, leaf expansion, temperature responses  相似文献   

Differential and sucrose density gradient centrifugation established that about 80% of the total arginase activity (EC in cotyledons of germinating broad bean seeds (Vicia faba L.) was present in the mitochondrial fraction. The mitochondrial arginase activity was enhanced considerably by exposure to osmotic shock, by freezing and thawing, or by Triton X-100 treatment. About 10% of the total arginase activity was recovered from the 40,000g supernatant fraction. During seed maturation, arginase activity in the cotyledons decreased to about one-third of its maximal activity, while increasing over 10-fold during subsequent germination. The time courses of mitochondrial arginase, succinate oxidase, and succinate dehydrogenase activities differed considerably during germination.  相似文献   

数种农药对蚕豆根腐病的田间防效   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在实验室内探讨了三唑酮,甲基硫菌灵,福美双,恶霜灵和甲霜灵等5种杀菌剂单用或混用对蚕豆种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响,据此,在田间开展了杀菌剂拦种和杀菌剂与杀虫剂混用防治蚕豆根腐病的研究,第1年的结果表明,在11个处理中,三唑酮单独拌和效果最为显著,与对照相比,在0.01ga.i.kg^_1种子的剂量下,使6周龄植株的根腐病指数降低51.5%,成株累计死亡率减少36%,单株种子产量提高21%,每公顷种子产量增加97.6%,其他处理未取得显著防效,第2年开展的三唑酮拌种是防治蚕豆根腐病的有效措施之一。但杀菌拌种应与其他防治措施综合应用,方可取得更好的防治效果。  相似文献   

The effects of the herbicide methabenzthiazuron (175 and 220 g ha-1) on vegetative and reproductive growth, nodulation and nitrogenase activity of Vicia faba were studied in the field under Mediterranean conditions. Nitrogenase activity of excised nodules was estimated using the acetylene reduction assay four times during the developmental period. Leaf area index, dry weight and nitrogen content of the different parts of the plants were measured. Methabenzthiazuron-treated plants showed an increase in nodulation, nitrogenase activity and vegetative growth at early pod fill. Methabenzthiazuron also caused an increase in leaf N content and fruits. These were transient effects found during early and mid pot fill. Nevertheless, plants treated with these sublethal doses of herbicide improved seed production and nitrogen content of seeds at harvest time. The stimulatory effect of methabenzthiazuron on N2 fixation and vegetative growth seems not be related with the transient stimulatory effect on photosynthetic capacity, also caused by the herbicide, since the stimulatory effect on N2 fixation was apparent during pod fill, when photosynthetic capacity declined and was not modified by methabenzthiazuron.  相似文献   

硫酸铜对蚕豆根尖细胞有丝分裂的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
以蚕豆根尖为材料,研究硫酸铜对蚕豆根尖细胞的遗传毒性效应。采用蚕豆根尖细胞的微核试验方法和染色体畸变试验方法,以不同浓度的硫酸铜为诱变剂,测定蚕豆根尖细胞的有丝分裂指数、微核率和染色体畸变率。结果表明:不同浓度的硫酸铜均能使蚕豆根尖细胞有丝分裂指数明显增加,即5个实验组的分裂指数均明显高于对照组(P<0.01或P<0.001);不同浓度的硫酸铜对蚕豆根尖细胞有丝分裂各期百分数的影响有异;能诱发较高频率的微核率,即在一定浓度范围内,其微核率随硫酸铜处理浓度的升高而增加,但随着硫酸铜浓度的进一步升高而呈下降趋势;硫酸铜还能诱导染色体产生多种类型的畸变,染色体畸变率随硫酸铜处理浓度的升高而增加,随着硫酸铜浓度的进一步升高而呈下降趋势,但均明显高于对照组(P<0.001)。结论是硫酸铜对蚕豆根尖细胞具有明显的遗传毒性效应。  相似文献   

Summary The frequency of aberrations induced by DEB depends on the temperature and concentration of the agent. The effect of DEB is delayed. Pretreatment with EDTA increased the frequency of aberrations. The frequency of aberrations was also increased after simultaneous treatment with DEB and chloramphenicol or streptomycin. Pre- and posttreatment with protein synthesis inhibitors had a reverse effect, the frequency of aberrations was decreased.  相似文献   

A study was made of the changes during development in the totalamino acid and 3, 4 dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) content ofbean pod phloem sap, employing EDTA to aid phloem exudation.Two field bean lines, Dacre B and D, selected for their lowand high seed protein content respectively, were compared. Throughoutdevelopment, the sap samples of Dacre D had a greater aminoacid concentration than those from Dacre B. The sap of DacreB contained a higher proportion of DOPA than that of Dacre D.These two lines of Dacre were also studied with respect to accumulationof protein and uncombined amino acid in cotyledons grown bothin vitro and in vivo. Dacre D accumulated more total proteinthan Dacre B but contained a similar amount of uncombined aminoacids when grown in vivo. However, the amount of total proteinaccumulated was similar when the cotyledons were grown in vitro.The data suggest that the supply of nutrients to the pod maybe the basis of the different protein concentrations in themature seed of these lines. Vicia faba L., field bean, phloem sap, cotyledon culture, amino acids, DOPA, protein  相似文献   

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