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We have isolated cDNAs encoding PDE4A8 (phosphodiesterase 4 isoform A8), a new human cAMP-specific PDE4 isoform encoded by the PDE4A gene. PDE4A8 has a novel N-terminal region of 85 amino acids that differs from those of the related 'long' PDE4A4, PDE4A10 and PDE4A11 isoforms. The human PDE4A8 N-terminal region has diverged substantially from the corresponding isoforms in the rat and other mammals, consistent with rapid evolutionary change in this region of the protein. When expressed in COS-7 cells, PDE4A8 localized predominantly in the cytosol, but approx. 20% of the enzyme was associated with membrane fractions. Cytosolic PDE4A8 was exquisitely sensitive to inhibition by the prototypical PDE4 inhibitor rolipram (IC(50) of 11+/-1 nM compared with 1600 nM for PDE4A4), but was less sensitive to inhibition by cilomilast (IC(50) of 101+/-7 nM compared with 61 nM for PDE4A4). PDE4A8 mRNA was found to be expressed predominantly in skeletal muscle and brain, a pattern that differs from the tissue expression of other human PDE4 isoforms and also from that of rat PDE4A8. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that PDE4A8 could be detected in discrete regions of human brain, including the cerebellum, spinal cord and cerebral cortex. The unique tissue distribution of PDE4A8, combined with the evolutionary divergence of its N-terminus, suggest that this isoform may have a specific function in regulating cAMP levels in human skeletal muscle and brain.  相似文献   

Of the five PDE4D isoenzymes, only the PDE4D4 cAMP specific phosphodiesterase was able to bind to SH3 domains. Only PDE4D4 and PDE4A5, but not any other PDE4A, B, C and D isoforms expressed in rat brain, bound to src, lyn and fyn kinase SH3 domains. Purified PDE4D4 could bind to purified lyn SH3. PDE4D4 and PDE4A5 both exhibited selectivity for binding the SH3 domains of certain proteins. PDE4D4 did not bind to WW domains. We suggest that an important function of the unique N-terminal region of PDE4D4 may be to allow for association with certain SH3 domain-containing proteins.  相似文献   

The N-terminal regulatory region of the high affinity cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase, PDE7A1, contains two copies of the cAMP-dependent kinase (PKA) pseudosubstrate site RRGAI. In betaTC3 insulinoma cells, PDE7A1 co-localizes with PKA II in the Golgi-centrosome region. The roles PDE7A1 and its regulatory region play in cAMP signaling were examined by studying interactions with PKA subunits. PDE7A1 associates with the dissociated C subunit of PKA (C), but does not bind tetrameric PKA holoenzyme. High affinity binding of C by PDE7A1 inhibits kinase activity in vitro (IC50 = 0.5 nm). The domain containing PKA pseudosubstrate sites at the N terminus of PDE7A1 mediates complex formation with C. The PDE7A1 N-terminal repeat region inhibits C activity in CHO-K1 cells and also suppresses C dependent, cAMP-independent, physiological responses in yeast. Thus, PDE7A1 possesses a non-catalytic activity that can contribute to the termination of cAMP signals via direct inhibition of C. This study identifies a novel inhibitor of PKA and a non-catalytic affect of a cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase.  相似文献   

The unique 88 amino acid N-terminal region of cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase-4D5 (PDE4D5) contains overlapping binding sites conferring interaction with the signaling scaffold proteins, betaarrestin and RACK1. A 38-mer peptide, whose sequence reflected residues 12 through 49 of PDE4D5, encompasses the entire N-terminal RACK1 Interaction Domain (RAID1) together with a portion of the beta-arrestin binding site. (1)H NMR and CD analyses indicate that this region has propensity to form a helical structure. The leucine-rich hydrophobic grouping essential for RACK1 interaction forms a discrete hydrophobic ridge located along a single face of an amphipathic alpha-helix with Arg34 and Asn36, which also play important roles in RACK1 binding. The Asn22/Pro23/Trp24/Asn26 grouping, essential for RACK1 interaction, was located at the N-terminal head of the amphipathic helix that contained the hydrophobic ridge. RAID1 is thus provided by a distinct amphipathic helical structure. We suggest that the binding of PDE4D5 to the WD-repeat protein, RACK1, may occur in a manner akin to the helix-helix interaction shown for G(gamma) binding to the WD-repeat protein, G(beta). A more extensive section of the PDE4D5 N-terminal sequence (Thr11-Ala85) is involved in beta-arrestin binding. Several residues within the RAID1 helix contribute to this interaction however. We show here that these residues form a focused band around the centre of the RAID1 helix, generating a hydrophobic patch (from Leu29, Val30 and Leu33) flanked by polar/charged residues (Asn26, Glu27, Asp28, Arg34). The interaction with beta-arrestin exploits a greater circumference on the RAID1 helix, and involves two residues (Glu27, Asp28) that do not contribute to RACK1 binding. In contrast, the interaction of RACK1 with RAID1 is extended over a greater length of the helix and includes Leu37/Leu38, which do not contribute to beta-arrestin binding. A membrane-permeable, stearoylated Val12-Ser49 38-mer peptide disrupted the interaction of both beta-arrestin and RACK1 with endogenous PDE4D5 in HEKB2 cells, whilst a cognate peptide with a Glu27Ala substitution selectively failed to disrupt PDE4D5/RACK1 interaction. The stearoylated Val12-Ser49 38-mer peptide enhanced the isoprenaline-stimulated PKA phosphorylation of the beta(2)-adrenergic receptors (beta(2)AR) and its activation of ERK, whilst the Glu27Ala peptide was ineffective in both these regards.  相似文献   

Isoproterenol challenge of Hek-B2 cells causes a transient recruitment of the endogenous PDE4D isoforms found in these cells, namely PDE4D3 and PDE4D5, to the membrane fraction. PDE4D5 provides around 80% of the total PDE4D protein so recruited, although it only comprises about 40% of the total PDE4D protein in Hek-B2 cells. PDE4D5 provides about 80% of the total PDE4D protein found associated with beta-arrestins immunopurified from Hek-B2, COS1, and A549 cells as well as cardiac myocytes, whereas its overall level in these cells is between 15 and 50% of the total PDE4D protein. Truncation analyses indicate that two sites in PDE4D5 are involved in mediating its interaction with beta-arrestins, one associated with the common PDE4 catalytic region and the other located within its unique amino-terminal region. Truncation analyses indicate that two sites in beta-arrestin 2 are involved in mediating its interaction with PDE4D5, one associated with its extreme amino-terminal region and the other located within the carboxyl-terminal domain of the protein. We suggest that the unique amino-terminal region of PDE4D5 allows it to preferentially interact with beta-arrestins. This specificity appears likely to account for the preferential recruitment of PDE4D5, compared with PDE4D3, to membranes of Hek-B2 cells and cardiac myocytes upon challenge with isoproterenol.  相似文献   

A strategy of mutagenesis followed by yeast two-hybrid assay was used to determine the sites on the WD-repeat protein Receptor for Activated C Kinase 1 (RACK1) necessary for it to interact with the cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase isoform PDE4D5. Analysis of deletion mutations demonstrated that WD-repeats 5-7, inclusively, of RACK1 contained the major site for interaction with PDE4D5. A reverse two-hybrid screen focusing on WD-repeats 5-7 of RACK1 isolated 11 single amino acid mutations from within this region that blocked the interaction. The ability of these mutations to block the interaction was confirmed by "pull-down" assays using bacterially expressed glutathione-S-transferase (GST)-RACK1 and mammalian cell-expressed PDE4D5. A model of RACK1 structure, based on the structural similarity of RACK1 to other beta-propeller WD-repeat proteins, indicated that the majority of the amino acids identified by mutagenesis are clustered in a discrete surface of RACK1. We propose that this surface of RACK1 is the major site for its interaction with the unique amino-terminal region of PDE4D5.  相似文献   

The long cyclic AMP (cAMP)-specific phosphodiesterase isoform, PDE4A5 (PDE4A subfamily isoform variant 5), when transiently expressed in COS-7 cells, was shown in subcellular fractionation studies to be associated with both membrane and cytosol fractions, with immunofluorescence analyses identifying PDE4A5 as associated both with ruffles at the cell margin and also at a distinct perinuclear localisation. Deletion of the first nine amino acids of PDE4A5 (1) ablated its ability to interact with the SH3 domain of the tyrosyl kinase, LYN; (2) reduced, but did not ablate, membrane association; and (3) disrupted the focus of PDE4A5 localisation within ruffles at the cell margin. This deleted region contained a Class I SH3 binding motif of similar sequence to those identified by screening a phage display library with the LYN-SH3 domain. Truncation to remove the PDE4A5 isoform-specific N-terminal region caused a further reduction in membrane association and ablated localisation at the cell margin. Progressive truncation to delete the PDE4A long isoform common region and then the long isoform-specific UCR1 did not cause any further change in membrane association or intracellular distribution. However, deletion up to the super-short form splice junction generated an entirely soluble 'core' PDE4A species. We propose that multiple sites in the N-terminal noncatalytic portion of PDE4A5 have the potential to associate with intracellular structures and thus define its intracellular localisation. At least two such sites lie within the PDE4A5 isoform-specific N-terminal region and these appear to be primarily responsible for targeting PDE4A5 to, and organising it within, the cell margin; one is an SH3 binding motif able to interact with LYN kinase and the other lies within the C-terminal portion of the PDE4A5 unique region. A third membrane association region is located within the N-terminal portion of UCR2 and appears to be primarily responsible for targeting to the perinuclear region. Progressive N-terminal truncation, to delete defined regions of PDE4A5, identified activity changes occurring upon deletion of the SH3 binding site region and then upon deletion of the membrane association site region located within UCR2. This suggests that certain of these anchor sites may not only determine intracellular targeting but may also transduce regulatory effects on PDE4A5 activity.  相似文献   

Cheng NH  Liu JZ  Nelson RS  Hirschi KD 《FEBS letters》2004,559(1-3):99-106
Precise regulation of calcium transporters is essential for modulating the Ca2+ signaling network that is involved in the growth and adaptation of all organisms. The Arabidopsis H+/Ca2+ antiporter, CAX1, is a high capacity and low affinity Ca2+ transporter and several CAX1-like transporters are found in Arabidopsis. When heterologously expressed in yeast, CAX1 is unable to suppress the Ca2+ hypersensitivity of yeast vacuolar Ca2+ transporter mutants due to an N-terminal autoinhibition mechanism that prevents Ca2+ transport. Using a yeast screen, we have identified CAX nteracting Protein 4 (CXIP4) that activated full-length CAX1, but not full-length CAX2, CAX3 or CAX4. CXIP4 encodes a novel plant protein with no bacterial, fungal, animal, or mammalian homologs. Expression of a GFP-CXIP4 fusion in yeast and plant cells suggests that CXIP4 is targeted predominantly to the nucleus. Using a yeast growth assay, CXIP4 activated a chimeric CAX construct that contained specific portions of the N-terminus of CAX1. Together with other recent studies, these results suggest that CAX1 is regulated by several signaling molecules that converge on the N-terminus of CAX1 to regulate H+/Ca2+ antiport.  相似文献   

A novel insulin analog, PIns, with N-terminal Arg-4, Pro-3, Lys-2, Pro-1extension at human regular insulin B-chain was acquired through gene engineering. Preproinsulin for PIns was cloned and expressed using a bacterial expression system at a high level (72.1%) as fusion protein carrying a modified thioredoxin N-terminal region (1–21) linked to N-terminus of proinsulin by a lysine residue. Purified fusion protein was refolded and converted into PIns by a single enzymatic reaction. After PIns was purified, the homogeneity of it was characterized by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, isoelectronic focusing electrophoresis, amino acid composition analysis and mass spectrometry methods. A decreased tendency of self-association of PIns as compared with regular insulin was demonstrated by the size exclusion HPLC analysis. When subcutaneously administrated into normal rats, the PIns showed a faster rate of onset of action and a shorter duration of action compared with regular insulin, similar to the pharmacokinetic characteristics of insulin Lispro. These results showed that PIns is a rapid insulin analog. Furthermore, the N-terminal Arg-4, Pro-3, Lys-2, Pro-1extension at insulin B-chain can be excised by DPPIV and recombinant peptidase with DPPIV-like activities. It is suggested that PIns serves as an artificial insulin precursor and can be transformed to regular insulin in vivo due to the truncation of N-terminal sequence of PIns B-chain by DPPIV.  相似文献   

Overexpression of frequenin and its orthologue neuronal Ca(2+) sensor 1 (NCS-1) has been shown to increase evoked exocytosis in neurons and neuroendocrine cells. The site of action of NCS-1 and its biochemical targets that affect exocytosis are unknown. To allow further investigation of NCS-1 function, we have demonstrated that NCS-1 is a substrate for N-myristoyltransferase and generated recombinant myristoylated NCS-1. The bacterially expressed NCS-1 shows Ca(2+)-induced conformational changes. The possibility that NCS-1 directly interacts with the exocytotic machinery to enhance exocytosis was tested using digitonin-permeabilized chromaffin cells. Exogenous NCS-1 was retained in permeabilized cells but had no effect on Ca(2+)-dependent release of catecholamine. In addition, exogenous NCS-1 did not regulate cyclic nucleotide levels in this system. These data suggest that the effects of NCS-1 seen in intact cells are likely to be due to an action on the early steps of stimulus-secretion coupling or on Ca(2+) homeostasis. Myristoylated NCS-1 bound to membranes in the absence of Ca(2+) and endogenous NCS-1 was tightly membrane-associated. Using biotinylated NCS-1, a series of specific binding proteins were detected in cytosol, chromaffin granule membrane, and microsome fractions of adrenal medulla. These included proteins distinct from those detected by biotinylated calmodulin, demonstrating the presence of multiple specific Ca(2+)-independent and Ca(2+)-dependent binding proteins as putative targets for NCS-1 action. A model for NCS-1 function, from these data, indicates a constitutive membrane association independent of Ca(2+). This differs from the Ca(2+) myristoyl switch model for the closely related recoverin and suggests a possible action in rapid Ca(2+) signal transduction in response to local Ca(2+) signals.  相似文献   

We employ a novel, dominant negative approach to identify a key role for certain tethered cyclic AMP specific phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE4) isoforms in regulating cyclic AMP dependent protein kinase A (PKA) sub-populations in resting COS1 cells. A fraction of PKA is clearly active in resting COS1 cells and this activity increases when cells are treated with the selective PDE4 inhibitor, rolipram. Point mutation of a critical, conserved aspartate residue in the catalytic site of long PDE4A4, PDE4B1, PDE4C2 and PDE4D3 isoforms renders them catalytically inactive. Overexpressed in resting COS1 cells, catalytically inactive forms of PDE4C2 and PDE4D3, but not PDE4A4 and PDE4B1, are constitutively PKA phosphorylated while overexpressed active versions of all these isoforms are not. Inactive and active versions of all these isoforms are PKA phosphorylated in cells where protein kinase A is maximally activated with forskolin and IBMX. By contrast, rolipram challenge of COS1 cells selectively triggers the PKA phosphorylation of recombinant, active PDE4D3 and PDE4C2 but not recombinant, active PDE4A4 and PDE4B1. Purified, recombinant PDE4D3 and PDE4A4 show a similar dose-dependency for in vitro phosphorylation by PKA. Disruption of the tethering of PKA type-II to PKA anchor proteins (AKAPs), achieved using the peptide Ht31, prevents inactive forms of PDE4C2 and PDE4D3 being constitutively PKA phosphorylated in resting cells as does siRNA-mediated knockdown of PKA-RII, but not PKA-RI. PDE4C2 and PDE4D3 co-immunoprecipitate from COS1 cell lysates with 250 kDa and 450 kDa AKAPs that tether PKA type-II and not PKA type-I. PKA type-II co-localises with AKAP450 in the centrosomal region of COS1 cells. The perinuclear distribution of recombinant, inactive PDE4D3, but not inactive PDE4A4, overlaps with AKAP450 and PKA type-II. The distribution of PKA phosphorylated inactive PDE4D3 also overlaps with that of AKAP450 in the centrosomal region of COS1 cells. We propose that a novel role for PDE4D3 and PDE4C2 is to gate the activation of AKAP450-tethered PKA type-II localised in the perinuclear region under conditions of basal cAMP generation in resting cells.  相似文献   

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