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报告坏疽性脓皮病伴念珠菌性肉芽肿1例。患者男性,59岁。双下肢反复发作溃疡增生性皮疹19个月。组织病理示坏疽性脓皮病,糖皮质激素治疗后皮损好转。病程中右侧小腿皮损再次溃疡增生,取组织进行真菌培养,鉴定为白念珠菌。口服氟康唑抗真菌,同时服用泼尼松片控制坏疽性脓皮病。治疗2个月,患者右小腿溃疡愈合,增生物消退。  相似文献   

Cutaneous cryptococcosis caused by C. gattii, in immunocompent patients is a rare manifestation of disease, and may be one of the first manifestations of disseminated cryptococcosis. We report a case of disseminated cryptococcosis caused by Cryptococcus gattii presenting as cutaneous lesions in an immunocompetent patient. Previously to our report, only five cases of cutaneous involvement by Cryptococcus gattii in immunocompetent patients have been reported in the literature. Risk factors for C. gattii infection included exposure to the eucalypt reservoirs in tropical and subtropical areas. Skin involvement corresponded to the disseminated form of cryptococcosis in the majority of patients, and commonly affected the face and neck with different morphologies including papules, pustules, plaques, ulcers, subcutaneous masses, cellulitis or acneiform lesions. Due to the severity of this infection and the life threatening condition that it represents, clinicians must be aware that cutaneous involvement may be one of the first manifestations of disseminated cryptococcosis caused by C. gattii especially in patients living and coming from endemic areas.  相似文献   

Since the first human infection by Saksenaea vasiformis in 1976 another 26 cases have been reported. Here is a report of a new case which involved an Ecuadorian adolescent who suffered serious burns after a car accident. It developed as a localized cutaneous infection which was successfully treated with surgical debridement and amphotericin B. This is the second report of this infection from South America and the third involving a burn patient. The previously reported 27 cases are reviewed.  相似文献   

We present the case of an elderly man who, while being treated with corticosteroids for a myelodysplastic syndrome, developed myositis of the calf due to Aspergillus fumigatus. Despite therapy with amphotericin B the myositis failed to resolve and he died. At autopsy, a localized necrotizing myositis of the right calf was found with no evidence of disseminated Aspergillus infection. Myositis in the setting of disseminated candidiasis or cryptococcosis has been previously reported. This case is unique in that it is the first reported case of localized fungal myositis and of myositis caused by Aspergillus.  相似文献   

首次报道了小叶铃子香分布于华中地区(湖北省),小叶铃子香植物以往仅在中国西部(陕西和甘肃省)有分布,这也是铃子香属在华中地区的首次分布记录。此发现为进一步阐明该属的生物地理起源和进化提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

Aims: To determine the prevalence of carriage of methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) among dogs with pyoderma from two small animal hospitals in North China during a 21‐month period and to characterize these isolates. Methods and Results: Swabs were taken from 260 dogs with pyoderma, and the staphylococcal species isolated and methicillin resistance were confirmed phenotypically and genotypically. The identified MRSP isolates were characterized by multilocus sequence typing (MLST), spa typing, staphylococcal cassette chromosome (SCC) mec typing, testing for susceptibility to nine antimicrobial agents and SmaI‐digested pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis. Thirty‐three (12·7%) dogs were positive for MRSP. The most prevalent genotypes detected among MRSP were ST71(MLST)‐t06(spa)‐II‐III(SCCmec) (n = 22, 66·7%), followed by ST5‐t19 (n = 8, 24·2%), ST126‐III(n = 2, 6·1%) and ST6‐t02‐V (3·0%). All MRSP isolates showed extended resistance to tested antimicrobial agents. Eight different SmaI patterns were observed in 21 typeable MRSP isolates. Conclusions: Clinical isolates of MSRP isolated from dogs in North China belonged to two major clonal lineages ST71 and ST5. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study is the first report on MRSP from canine pyoderma in China. Further surveillance study is needed to gain more detailed data concerning this major clinical challenge in veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

A case of subcutaneous cystic granuloma caused byPhialophora verrucosa was reported. The patient was 21-year-old Japanese female with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) who had received prolonged steroid therapy. P. verrucosa has occasionally been isolated from patients as one of etiological agents of chromomycosis. There have been, however, no paper published to report an isolation of this fungus from subcutaneous cyst or abscess of a patient. This case is the first report of subcutaneous cystic granuloma induced clinically byP. verrucosa.  相似文献   

报道了珍稀濒危植物双蕊兰(Diplandrorchis sinica S.C.Chen)在黄土高原的新分布,也是该物种首次在其模式产地辽宁省之外被发现。  相似文献   

报道了云南省凤仙花科(Balsaminaceae)凤仙花属(Impatiens L.)植物2新记录,即睫毛萼凤仙花(I.blepharosepala Pritz.ex Diels)和红雉凤仙花(I.oxyanthera Hook.f.),并提供了形态描述及其图片,凭证标本保存于重庆三峡学院生命科学与工程学院植物标本馆。该报道的睫毛萼凤仙花花色为白色,红雉凤仙花植株茎、叶皆被微柔毛,茎有分枝,小枝细,丰富了2个物种的形态描述。  相似文献   

赵娜  苏庆军  任强 《西北植物学报》2013,33(8):1700-1702
在对壳状地衣进行研究时,发现3个中国新记录种——颗粒类褐边衣(Trapeliopsis granulosa)、小疣巨孢衣易变变种(Megaspora verrucosa var.mutabilis)和黑墨衣(Placynthium nigrum),其中墨衣属(Placynthium)为中国新记录属。该文对这3个种的分类学特征进行了详细描述,并提供了它们的相关照片。  相似文献   

郑濡永  陈桂清 《菌物学报》1991,10(Z1):45-58
由石家庄中国人民解放军白求恩国际和平医院皮肤科李成龙大夫提供的一株人体皮肤病菌经我们研究鉴定为毛霉目(Mucorales)毛霉科(Mucoraceae)根毛霉属(Rhizomucor)的一个种,并定名为多变根毛霉新种(Rhizomucor variabilis Zheng & G.-q.Chen sp. nov.)。据李大夫介绍,这株菌是从一名居住在江苏农村到该医院看病的女病人的手上病部分离的。这个病人没有一般真菌病病人所患有的其他疾病如糖尿病、白血病等等。她也没有患有其他毛霉病,因此她的皮肤毛霉病是原发性的而不是继发性的。我们查阅文献结果,国内由根毛霉属真菌引致的毛霉病过去仅有过一次肺部感染的报道;国外则有过较多次数的由根毛霉引致的人体毛霉病,主要为肺部疾病并可引致继发性的皮肤病,尚未见有由根毛霉属引起的原发性皮肤毛霉病的报道。无论国内、外引起人体毛霉病的根毛霉均为微小根毛霉[Rhizomucor pusillus(Lindt) Schipper,包括Mucor pusillus Lindt,Mucor parasiticus Lucet & Costanin等异名]一种。因此,本病例为我国第二例由根毛霉弓l起的人体毛霉病及第一例由根毛霉引起的人体皮肤毛霉病,同时又是全世界第一例由根毛霉属除微小根毛霉以外的另外一个种引起的人体毛霉病,很可能还是全世界第一例由根毛霉引起的人体原发性皮肤毛霉病。多变根毛霉与根毛霉属内所有过去已报道过的种都有显著差异。它的最适生长温度为24-30℃,最低9℃,最高38℃;其他种均为高温真菌,它们的最高生长温度可达55℃或更高。形态方面,多变根毛霉也与属内其他已知种明显不同。它的菌落高达4-8 mm并呈鲜明的浅黄色;其他已知种菌落低矮,除奈尼塔尔根毛霉(Rhizomucor nainitalensis Joshi)外全部为深暗灰色,奈尼塔尔根毛霉菌落色泽虽然较浅,但为浅灰或灰黄色,与多变根毛霉的鲜明黄色不同。它的假根异常发达并可从菌体的各个部位如菌丝、匍匐丝、孢子枝、孢子囊、囊轴上长出;其他已知种的假根一般都不发达且从未见有从孢子枝、孢子囊、囊轴等处长出的描述。它的孢子枝的分枝常常长于主枝;其他已知种则分枝长度一般不超过主枝。它的囊轴形状多变:球形、近球形、扁球形、卵形、椭圆形、梨形等等,两边对称或不对称,溢缩或不绕缩,纵向深裂或不作纵向深裂;其他已知种的囊轴形状通常为倒卵形至梨形的规则形状。它的囊领明显;其他已知种的囊领均很不明显至缺如。它的孢囊孢子形状和大小变化都较大,卵形、椭圆形、矩圆形、近球形、近三角形或其他各种不规则形状,长度范围2.5-16.5 μm;其他已知种除上面已经提到过的奈尼塔尔根毛霉外,它们的孢囊孢子形状仅限于卵形、椭圆形、近球形等较规则的形状,长度范围总是在3-6 μm范围内,奈尼塔尔根毛霉的孢囊孢子形状虽然多变,但其决度亦在3-6 μm的范围内。此外,多变根毛霉的孢子囊、囊轴、孢囊孢子等各种构造均较大;其他已知种则较小,其中肿梗根毛霉[Rhizomucor tauricus (Milko & Schkurenko) Schipper]虽亦较大,但除此之外与多变根毛霉迥异。多变根毛霉未见有接合孢子,将我们保存的全部微小根毛霉菌株与它分别配对时,或将我们的几对别的属的(+)(-)测试菌株与它分别配对时,均未见形成接合孢子或有任何反应。  相似文献   

庄剑云  魏淑霞 《菌物学报》1992,11(Z1):131-133
裸堆串孢锈菌属以冬孢子单孢串生为主要特征,孢子堆裸露缺包被,外观酷似柄锈属的孢子堆。此属已知7种。寄生于菊科,大戟科和荨麻科植物,6种分布美洲,1种分布东亚.本文报告亚洲仅知的一种,即寄生于宽叶孢麻Urtica laetevirens Maxim.的川息尔堆串孢锈菌Baeodromus tranzschelii Azbukina,标本采自四川九寨沟(岷山).  相似文献   

多形小克银汉霉(Cunninghamella polymorpha Pisnek)、暗孢小克银汉霉(Cunninghamella phaeospora Boedijn)和褐孢小克银汉霉(Cunninghamella brunnea J.N. Rai,S.C. Agarwal & J.P. Tewari)自分别在1929, 1958, 1968年发表以来,一直存在着不同意见上的争论,或承认或不承认,或合并到这个种或合并到那个种等等.我们在研究中国的小克银汉霉属的过程中,分离得到了九株多形小克银汉霉的菌株。为了确定这个种的分类地位以及澄清它与其他一些相关种的关系,我们将这些菌株与从国外交换获得的一些相关种的模式后代作了比较研究,所得结果表明多形小克银汉霉、暗孢小克银汉霉及褐孢小克银汉霉三种既不能相互合并亦不能合并到其他任何一种中去,而应作为独立的种被人们所接受。在我们的工作之前,这三个种的有性型均未有报道。我们在国内尚未发现暗孢小克银汉霉和褐孢小克银汉霉,只找到了多形小克银汉霉,但同时也找到了它的有性型.因此,多形小克银汉霉为我国的新记录种,其有性型的发现则为全世界的首次报道。多形小克银汉霉的主要区别性特征为孢囊梗主枝形成顶生泡囊或不形成而在顶部叉分为二至数个分枝,同一孢囊梗上的分枝长短不齐,接合孢子囊不正球形,配囊柄细长可达80微米等等.暗孢小克银汉霉的主要区别性特征为孢囊梗分枝很少或不分枝,在同一孢囊梗上分枝相距很远且都很短,泡囊形状多不规则且略呈多角形。褐孢小克银汉霉更易与其他种相区别,它的孢囊梗分枝很多,分枝成堆且指向不同的方向,泡囊典型地呈多角形,内外璧不重合。这三个种首次发表时以及后来经过不同作者重新研究后发表的描述及绘图均过于简单而未能充分显示出它们的区别性特征,因此我们在本文中再次作了描述并再次提供了详尽的线条图和显微照相。  相似文献   

Do Van Truong 《广西植物》2016,36(4):503-506
凹脉马兜铃(Aristolochia impressinervis C.F.Liang)曾被认为是中国广西的特有种.该文首次报道了越南植物区系中凹脉马兜铃的分布新纪录,并讨论了凹脉马兜铃的分类及其与A.pierrei L.的区别特征.  相似文献   

An autochthonous case of epididymal histoplasmosis masquerading as tuberculosis in a 55-year-old male patient is reported from India. It was diagnosed by culture ofHistoplasma capsulatum from semen and by demonstration of the fungus upon re-examination of epididymal biopsy sections previously misinterpreted as tuberculous granuloma. The patient's main complaints were painful epididymal swelling, occasional fever and cough. He was treated successfully by excision of epididymis and vas deferens combined with amphotericin B therapy. This is believed to be the first case of epididymal histoplasmosis to be reported outside the American continent and the fourth of its type reported in the English literature. The case is also noteworthy in thatH. capsulatum was isolated for the first time from semen, and it underlines the importance of mycological culture of semen specimens for diagnosis of genitourinary infections of obscure etiology.Presented at the XII Congress of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology, Adelaide, Australia, March 13–18, 1994.  相似文献   

蒋露  张艳武  郭强  刘莹  李春妹 《广西植物》2018,38(3):324-331
该文研究了我国原生植物假泽兰(Mikania cordata)台湾花莲居群、苗栗居群、宜兰居群以及台北居群的染色体数目和染色体形态。结果表明:所有居群的染色体数目为2n=36,第一对染色体为近中部着丝粒染色体,其长臂中部具有次缢痕,显著大于其余染色体。各居群的核型公式皆为2n=18m+18sm,核型均为2B型,染色体内不对称性指数(A_1)的变化范围为0.38~0.39,染色体之间不对称性指数(A_2)的变化范围为0.30~0.32。此为我国假泽兰居群染色体数目的唯一报道,也是对该种核型的首次报道。结合前人对假泽兰染色体数目的研究结果,认为假泽兰存在种内非整倍性现象,但在中国台湾的居群中目前仅发现基于x=18的二倍体(2n=36)。假泽兰的第一对染色体的长臂中部具次缢痕,与假泽兰属已报道的核型相似,这一次缢痕可作为假泽兰属的细胞学标记。核型资料、野外观察以及ISSR数据显示薇甘菊(M.micrantha)在我国的成功入侵与入侵种和本土种之间的杂交渐渗无关。根据标本记录和野外考察结果,我国假泽兰现在的分布区与过去相比有了很大的缩减,推测生境的破坏和薇甘菊的侵入可能是导致假泽兰在中国台湾地区逐渐消失的主要原因。  相似文献   

Hyalohyphomycosis is an unusual opportunistic mycotic infection where the tissue morphology of the causative organism is mycelial. Etiological agents, which are not responsible for the otherwise-named infections like aspergillosis, are the species of non-dematiaceous hyaline hyphomycetes including Penicillium, Paecilomyces, Acremonium (formerly known Cephalosporium), Beauveria, Fusarium, and Scopulariopsis. Several cases of Acremonium infection have been described in immunocompromised patients; however it can cause invasive disease in an immunocompetent person very rarely. Optimum therapy of Acremonium infection is unclear because of the limited number of reported cases and conflicting results of therapies. Imiquimod, an imidazoquinoline with potent antiviral, antitumor and immunoregulatory properties, is currently approved for the topical treatment of external anogenital warts and actinic keratosis. Imiquimod has also been found to be effective for other virus-associated dermatologic lesions, including common and flat warts, molluscum contagiosum, and herpes simplex virus type-2 as well as for some cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis. We report herein, for the first time, a case of unusually recalcitrant hyalohyphomycosis of the face due to Acremonium strictum successfully treated with topical 5% imiquimod in an immunocompetent patient, who had failed to respond to various antifungals, including itraconazole, and cryotherapy.  相似文献   

Zhang KM  Ho HH  Lu JY 《Mycopathologia》1995,129(2):87-90
Phytophthora heveae was isolated from soil in Hainan Island. This is the first report of its occurrence in mainland China. The world literature onP. heveae is also reviewed.  相似文献   

Two endophytic fungi isolated from the phloem of the Chilean gymnosperm Prumnopitys andinawere cultured in liquid potato-dextrose medium. The secondary metabolites were isolated and identified by spectroscopic methods. The fungus E-3 which could not be identified yielded 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)phenol, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde and the isochromanone mellein. The second fungus, identified as Penicillium janczewskii K.M. Zalessky yielded peniprequinolone and gliovictin, reported for the first time for this species. This is the first report on secondary metabolites produced by endophytic fungi from Chilean gymnosperms.  相似文献   

该文报道了兰科(Orchidaceae)鸢尾兰属(Oberonia Lindl.)2个中国新记录种,即心唇鸢尾兰(O. orbicularis Hooker f.)和凭祥鸢尾兰(O. delacourii Gagnep.)。其中,心唇鸢尾兰(O. orbicularis)与国内分布的全唇鸢尾兰(O. integerrima)和扁葶鸢尾兰(O. pachyrachis)均较为相似,但该种花葶中下部两侧具狭翅,不与叶合生,唇瓣边缘具明显的啮蚀状齿或细流苏状,先端中部具明显凹缺,可明显区别。心唇鸢尾兰(O. orbicularis)于2013年首次发现于云南省勐腊县,为中国新记录种。凭祥鸢尾兰(O. delacourii)与剑叶鸢尾兰(O. ensiformis)最为相近,但前者唇瓣中裂片先端小裂片近方形,小裂片先端边缘具流苏状齿,可明显区别于后者。凭祥鸢尾兰自1929年发表以来,除模式产地老挝外,至今未见新分布点的报道,为中国新记录种。文中提供了两个新记录种的形态特征描述,凭证标本存放于中国科学院华南植物园标本馆(IBSC)。  相似文献   

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