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In eukaryotes, the evolutionarily conserved RAD6/RAD18 pathway of DNA damage tolerance overcomes unrepaired DNA lesions that interfere with the progression of replication forks, helping to ensure the completion of chromosome replication and the maintenance of genome stability in every cell cycle. This pathway uses two different strategies for damage bypass: translesion DNA synthesis, which is carried out by specialized polymerases that can replicate across the lesions, and DNA damage avoidance, a process that relies on a switch to an undamaged-DNA template for synthesis past the lesion. In this review, we summarise the current knowledge on DNA damage tolerance mechanisms mediated by RAD6/RAD18 that are used by eukaryotic cells to cope with DNA lesions during chromosome replication.  相似文献   

DNA replication is a highly conserved and controlled process. To maintain genome integrity, the DNA must be faithfully duplicated once before chromosomes are segregated to daughter cells. Experimental insults to cells during DNA replication trigger an array of responses to help cells cope with DNA damage and replication stress. This has been coined the DNA damage response. During an unperturbed S-phase, DNA lesions and aberrant DNA structures arise as a consequence of normal DNA replication. Recent data suggest that the same pathways regulating the response to acute DNA damage also operate during normal S-phase to maintain genome integrity in the face of low levels of damage. This review will focus on the role of key proteins and signaling pathways, originally identified by their requirement to maintain genome stability during DNA replication following experimental insults, in the regulation of progression through normal S-phase.  相似文献   

Replication origins in eukaryotic cells never fire more than once in a given S phase. Here, we summarize the role of cyclin-dependent kinases in limiting DNA replication origin usage to once per cell cycle in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have examined the role of different cyclins in the phosphorylation and regulation of several replication/regulatory factors including Cdc6, Sic1, ORC and DNA polymerase alpha-primase. In addition to being regulated by the cell cycle machinery, replication origins are also regulated by the genome integrity checkpoint kinases, Mec1 and Rad53. In response to DNA damage or drugs which interfere with the progression of replication forks, the activation of late-firing replication origins is inhibited. There is evidence indicating that the temporal programme of origin firing depends upon the local histone acetylation state. We have attempted to test the possibility that checkpoint regulation of late-origin firing operates through the regulation of the acetylation state. We found that overexpression of the essential histone acetylase, Esal, cannot override checkpoint regulation of origin firing. We have also constructed a temperature-sensitive esa1 mutant. This mutant is unable to resume cell cycle progression after alpha-factor arrest. This can be overcome by overexpression of the G1 cyclin, Cln2, revealing a novel role for Esal in regulating Start.  相似文献   

DNA damage has been shown to regulate DNA replication both by inhibition of origin utilization, and by slowing of replication progression. We have recently reported another mechanism by which DNA damage affects replication, in which the presence of damaged DNA inhibits, in trans, the initiation of chromosomal replication. This inhibition occurs by blocking the association of the processivity clamp PCNA with undamaged chromatin. This inhibitory activity is not due to sequestration of replication factors by the damaged DNA, rather, it acts through generation of a diffusible inhibitor of PCNA loading. The activation of this pathway is independent of canonical checkpoint signaling, and, in fact, results in activation of the checkpoint. This novel pathway may therefore represent an amplification step to stop cell cycle progression in response to lower levels of DNA damage.  相似文献   

The temperature-sensitive yeast DNA primase mutant pri1-M4 fails to execute an early step of DNA replication and exhibits a dominant, allele-specific sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents. pri1-M4 is defective in slowing down the rate of S phase progression and partially delaying the G1-S transition in response to DNA damage. Conversely, the G2 DNA damage response and the S-M checkpoint coupling completion of DNA replication to mitosis are unaffected. The signal transduction pathway leading to Rad53p phosphorylation induced by DNA damage is proficient in pri1-M4, and cell cycle delay caused by Rad53p overexpression is counteracted by the pri1-M4 mutation. Altogether, our results suggest that DNA primase plays an essential role in a subset of the Rad53p-dependent checkpoint pathways controlling cell cycle progression in response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

The cyclopropylpyrroloindole anti-cancer drug, adozelesin, binds to and alkylates DNA. Treatment of human cells with low levels of adozelesin results in potent inhibition of both cellular and simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA replication. Extracts were prepared from adozelesin-treated cells and shown to be deficient in their ability to support SV40 DNA replication in vitro. This effect on in vitro DNA replication was dependent on both the concentration of adozelesin used and the time of treatment but was not due to the presence of adozelesin in the in vitro assay. Adozelesin treatment of cells was shown to result in the following: induction of p53 protein levels, hyperphosphorylation of replication protein A (RPA), and disruption of the p53-RPA complex (but not disruption of the RPA-cdc2 complex), indicating that adozelesin treatment triggers cellular DNA damage response pathways. Interestingly, in vitro DNA replication could be rescued in extracts from adozelesin-treated cells by the addition of exogenous RPA. Therefore, whereas adozelesin and other anti-cancer therapeutics trigger common DNA damage response markers, adozelesin causes DNA replication arrest through a unique mechanism. The S phase checkpoint response triggered by adozelesin acts by inactivating RPA in some function essential for SV40 DNA replication.  相似文献   

Because low levels of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) appear not to activate the ATM-mediated prophase I checkpoint in full-grown oocytes, there may exist mechanisms to protect chromosome integrity during meiotic maturation. Using live imaging we demonstrate that low levels of DSBs induced by the radiomimetic drug Neocarzinostatin (NCS) increase the incidence of chromosome fragments and lagging chromosomes but do not lead to APC/C activation and anaphase onset delay. The number of DSBs, represented by γH2AX foci, significantly decreases between prophase I and metaphase II in both control and NCS-treated oocytes. Transient treatment with NCS increases >2-fold the number of DSBs in prophase I oocytes, but less than 30% of these oocytes enter anaphase with segregation errors. MRE11, but not ATM, is essential to detect DSBs in prophase I and is involved in H2AX phosphorylation during metaphase I. Inhibiting MRE11 by mirin during meiotic maturation results in anaphase bridges and also increases the number of γH2AX foci in metaphase II. Compromised DNA integrity in mirin-treated oocytes indicates a role for MRE11 in chromosome integrity during meiotic maturation.  相似文献   

Proper activation of DNA repair pathways in response to DNA replication stress is critical for maintaining genomic integrity. Due to the complex nature of the replication fork (RF), problems at the RF require multiple proteins, some of which remain unidentified, for resolution. In this study, we identified the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor synaptonuclear signaling and neuronal migration factor (NSMF) as a key replication stress response factor that is important for ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein (ATR) activation. NSMF localizes rapidly to stalled RFs and acts as a scaffold to modulate replication protein A (RPA) complex formation with cell division cycle 5-like (CDC5L) and ATR/ATR-interacting protein (ATRIP). Depletion of NSMF compromised phosphorylation and ubiquitination of RPA2 and the ATR signaling cascade, resulting in genomic instability at RFs under DNA replication stress. Consistently, NSMF knockout mice exhibited increased genomic instability and hypersensitivity to genotoxic stress. NSMF deficiency in human and mouse cells also caused increased chromosomal instability. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that NSMF regulates the ATR pathway and the replication stress response network for genome maintenance and cell survival.  相似文献   

In budding (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and fission (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) yeast and other unicellular organisms, DNA damage and other stimuli can induce cell death resembling apoptosis in metazoans, including the activation of a recently discovered caspase-like molecule in budding yeast. Induction of apoptotic-like cell death in yeasts requires homologues of cell cycle checkpoint proteins that are often required for apoptosis in metazoan cells. Here, we summarize these findings and our unpublished results which show that an important component of metazoan apoptosis recently detected in budding yeast-reactive oxygen species (ROS)-can also be detected in fission yeast undergoing an apoptotic-like cell death. ROS were detected in fission and budding yeast cells bearing conditional mutations in genes encoding DNA replication initiation proteins and in fission yeast cells with mutations that deregulate cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). These mutations may cause DNA damage by permitting entry of cells into S phase with a reduced number of replication forks and/or passage through mitosis with incompletely replicated chromosomes. This may be relevant to the frequent requirement for elevated CDK activity in mammalian apoptosis, and to the recent discovery that the initiation protein Cdc6 is destroyed during apoptosis in mammals and in budding yeast cells exposed to lethal levels of DNA damage. Our data indicate that connections between apoptosis-like cell death and DNA replication or CDK activity are complex. Some apoptosis-like pathways require checkpoint proteins, others are inhibited by them, and others are independent of them. This complexity resembles that of apoptotic pathways in mammalian cells, which are frequently deregulated in cancer. The greater genetic tractability of yeasts should help to delineate these complex pathways and their relationships to cancer and to the effects of apoptosis-inducing drugs that inhibit DNA replication.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase IIbeta-binding protein (TopBP1), a human protein with eight BRCT domains, is similar to Saccharomyces cerevisiae Dpb11 and Schizosaccharomyces pombe Cut5 checkpoint proteins and closely related to Drosophila Mus101. We show that human TopBP1 is required for DNA replication and that it interacts with DNA polymerase epsilon. In S phase TopBP1 colocalizes with Brca1 to foci that do not represent sites of ongoing DNA replication. Inhibition of DNA synthesis leads to relocalization of TopBP1 together with Brca1 to replication forks, suggesting a role in rescue of stalled forks. DNA damage induces formation of distinct TopBP1 foci that colocalize with Brca1 in S phase, but not in G(1) phase. We also show that TopBP1 interacts with the checkpoint protein hRad9. Thus, these results implicate TopBP1 in replication and checkpoint functions.  相似文献   

DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) are highly toxic to the cells and accumulation of DSBs results in several detrimental effects in various cellular processes which can lead to neurological, immunological and developmental disorders. Failure of the repair of DSBs spurs mutagenesis and is a driver of tumorigenesis, thus underscoring the importance of the accurate repair of DSBs. Two major canonical DSB repair pathways are the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) and homologous recombination (HR) pathways. 53BP1 and BRCA1 are the key mediator proteins which coordinate with other components of the DNA repair machinery in the NHEJ and HR pathways respectively, and their exclusive recruitment to DNA breaks/ends potentially decides the choice of repair by either NHEJ or HR. Recently, Rap1 interacting factor 1 has been identified as an important component of the DNA repair pathway which acts downstream of the ATM/53BP1 to inhibit the 5′–3′ end resection of broken DNA ends, in-turn facilitating NHEJ repair and inhibiting homology directed repair. Rif1 is conserved from yeast to humans but its function has evolved from telomere length regulation in yeast to the maintenance of genome integrity in mammalian cells. Recently its role in the maintenance of genomic integrity has been expanded to include the regulation of chromatin structure, replication timing and intra-S phase checkpoint. We present a summary of these important findings highlighting the various aspects of Rif1 functions and discuss the key implications for genomic integrity.  相似文献   

The SOS response is a DNA damage response pathway that serves as a general safeguard of genome integrity in bacteria. Extensive studies of the SOS response in Escherichia coli have contributed to establishing the key concepts of cellular responses to DNA damage. However, how the SOS response impacts on the dynamics of DNA replication fork movement remains unknown. We found that inducing the SOS response decreases the mean speed of individual replication forks by 30–50% in E. coli cells, leading to a 20–30% reduction in overall DNA synthesis. dinB and recA belong to a group of genes that are upregulated during the SOS response, and encode the highly conserved proteins DinB (also known as DNA polymerase IV) and RecA, which, respectively, specializes in translesion DNA synthesis and functions as the central recombination protein. Both genes were independently responsible for the SOS-dependent slowdown of replication fork progression. Furthermore, fork speed was reduced when each gene was ectopically expressed in SOS-uninduced cells to the levels at which they are expressed in SOS-induced cells. These results clearly indicate that the increased expression of dinB and recA performs a novel role in restraining the progression of an unperturbed replication fork during the SOS response.  相似文献   

Recent work has achieved the feat of activating the DNA damage checkpoint in the absence of DNA damage, revealing the importance of protein-chromatin associations for the activation, amplification and maintenance of the DNA damage response.  相似文献   

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