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S P Rosser  D S Bruce 《Cryobiology》1978,15(1):113-116
The induction of summer hibernation in the 13-lined ground squirrel (Citellus tridecemlineatus) by intravenous injection of plasma obtained from winter hibernating ground squirrels was confirmed. Hibernation was also induced by injection of urine from arousing winter ground squirrels. Results support the “trigger” theory of hibernation proposed by Dawe and Spurrier (3) and also suggest that tissues are set free from “trigger” influence during winter arousal by the excretion of “trigger.”  相似文献   

Surface temperatures (Ts) of eight 13-lined ground squirrels and seven yellow-bellied marmots were measured during arousal from hibernation using infrared thermography (IRT) and recorded on videotape. Animals aroused normally in 5 degrees C cold rooms. Body temperatures were recorded during arousal using both cheek pouch and interscapular temperature probes. Warming rate in arousal was exponential. Mean mass specific warming rates show the squirrels warm faster (69.76 degrees C/h/kg) than the marmots (4.49 degrees C/h/kg). Surface temperatures (Ts) for 11 regions were measured every few minutes during arousal. The smaller ground squirrel shows the ability to perfuse distal regions without compromising rise in deep body temperature (Tb). All squirrel Ts's remained low as Tb rose to 18 degrees C, at which point, eyes opened, squirrels became more active and all Ts's rose parallel to Tb. Marmot Ts remained low as Tb rose initially. Each marmot showed a plateau phase where Tb remained constant (mean Tb 20.3+/-1.0 degrees C, duration 9.4+/-4.1 min) during which time all Ts's rose, and then remained relatively constant as Tb again began to rise. An anterior to posterior Ts gradient was evident in the ground squirrel, both body and feet. This gradient was only evident in the feet of the marmots.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Metabolic rates and adenine nucleotide content of liver and kidney from hibernating ground squirrels were measured and compared to rats to study the biochemical adaptation to hibernation.
  • 2.2. High rates of renal and hepatic gluconeogenesis were observed in squirrels, particularly from propionate and glycerol compared to rat.
  • 3.3. During hibernation and starvation soluble phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity was increased in both liver and kidney.
  • 4.4. Although metabolic rates are decreased during hibernation the results suggest that the enzymic complement is maintained at high activity even during torpor.

M Steiner  G E Folk 《Cryobiology》1978,15(4):488-491
Among several mammalian hibernators, an endogenous circannual sequence of physiological events is believed to mediate the timing of torpor. Dawe and Spurrier (3) reported that a bloodborne substance (hibernation induction trigger) is important in initiating the torpor phase of those events in the 13-lined ground squirrel. We have reported the induction of summer hibernation among 13-lined ground squirrels using dialysates of serum from hibernating golden hamsters (a nonseasonal hibernator). While those animals receiving saline injections hibernated in 36.3 ± 2.9 days, an earlier induction (22 ± 8.8 days) occurred among those receiving the hibernation serum dialysate (P = 0.05). It was also observed that naive animals departed from a strict circannual rhythm and displayed a high incidence of hibernation, although not significant when compared to the experimental saline controls. The spontaneity of torpor in summer among the naive sample may in part be a characteristic of wild-caught animals employed in the bioassay. Nevertheless, the induction of hibernation among those animals receiving the hibernation serum preparations is supportive of the studies of Dawe and Spurrier (2, 3). That a “trigger” material apparently is present in the hamster, a phylogenetically distinct nonseasonal hibernator, suggests that a characteristic of rodent hibernators is the presence of a material which is associated with the initiation of torpor.  相似文献   


1. 1.|Pineal gland removal (PX) performed on Wyoming ground squirrels (Spermophilus elegans) during the summer significantly lowered their non-shivering thermogenic (NST) response and impaired their ability to hibernate the subsequent winter.

2. 2.|This impairment was not observed in previous studies on squirrels PX'd later in the season. A period of responsiveness for involvement of the pineal gland in NST and hibernation is, therefore, presented.

3. 3.|Environmental signals translated by the pineal gland which influence the NST response do not appear to be thermal cues but are more than likely photic information.

4. 4.|Reduced impairment of the NST response was observed in squirrels PX'd for 3 yr compared to the 1st PX'd group. However, this may simply be a result of the 3-yr PX'd group being tested later in the hibernation cycle.

Author Keywords: Brown adipose tissue; hibernation; pineal; melatonin; non-shivering thermogenesis; photoperiod; Spermophilus elegans  相似文献   

Spontaneous diabetes mellitus was diagnosed in six of 126, 13-lined ground squirrels, Citellus tridecemlineatus. Serum glucose values were significantly higher in the diabetic ground squirrels than in the non-diabetic ground squirrels, while serum insulin values of fasted diabetic squirrels were significantly lower than fasted nondiabetic ground squirrels. In addition, the classic diabetic signs of poly-dipsia, polyuria, glycosuria, ketonuria, polyphasia, and weight loss were present. The proportion of islet tissue to total pancreatic area in diabetic ground squirrels was less than 25% of that in the nondiabetic ground squirrels. Both the number and size of the islets of Langerhans in diabetic ground squirrels were less than those in nondiabetic ground squirrels.  相似文献   

Even though the existence of the blood-borne "hibernation induction trigger" has been reported in the 13-lined ground squirrel, transfusion of plasma from hibernating rodents with other hibernating species as the recipients failed to induce the occurrence of summer hibernation. In order to verify whether the response to the "trigger" substance is species specific, the present study was carried out to compare the effect of plasma from hibernating Richardson's ground squirrels on the incidence of summer hibernation in both juvenile Richardson's and adult 13-lined ground squirrels. In two series of experiments, 13-lined ground squirrels entered hibernation quite readily independent of the treatment. The rate of occurrence of hibernation ranged from 78% after sham injection to 86% after warm saline, fresh summer active plasma, and fresh hibernating plasma, respectively. There were no differences in the number of hibernation bouts and the number of days in hibernation after each treatment. In contrast, none of the juvenile Richardson's ground squirrels entered hibernation after any of the treatments up to the end of the 8-week observation period. These results not only argue against the existence of blood-borne "trigger" substance, at least in the Richardson's ground squirrel, but also caution against the use of the 13-lined ground squirrel as a standard test animal for the bioassay of the "trigger" substance.  相似文献   

Hibernating mammals exhibit oxidative stress resistance in brain, liver and other tissues. In many animals, cellular oxidative stress resistance is associated with enhanced expression of intracellular antioxidant enzymes. Intracellular antioxidant capacity may be upregulated during hibernation to protect against oxidative damage associated with the ischemia-reperfusion that occurs during transitions between torpor and arousal. We tested the hypothesis that the 13-lined ground squirrel (Spermophilus tridecemlineatus), upregulates intracellular antioxidant enzymes in major oxidative tissues during hibernation. The two major intracellular isoforms of superoxide dismutase (MnSOD and CuZnSOD), which catalyze the first step in superoxide detoxification, were quantified in heart, brain and liver tissue using immunodetection and an in-gel activity assay. However, no differences in SOD protein expression or activity were found between active and hibernating squirrels. Measurements of glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase, which catalyze hydrogen peroxide removal, were not broadly upregulated during hibernation. The activity of catalase, which catalyzes an alternative hydrogen peroxide detoxification pathway, was higher in heart and brain of torpid squirrels, but lower in liver. Taken together, these data do not support the hypothesis that hibernation is associated with enhanced oxidative stress resistance due to an upregulation of intracellular antioxidant enzymes in the major oxidative tissues.  相似文献   

A “trigger” substance was again indicated to be present in sera of hibernating animals. Sera from the hibernating 13-lined ground squirrel, hibernating woodchuck, hibernating Arctic ground squirrel, and hibernating Arctic marmot were all capable of inducing the 13-lined ground squirrel to hibernate in the summer, a season when that species would normally be active. The hibernation trigger is thus not species specific. It is effective whether drawn from these two Arctic species of hibernators or drawn from these two species of hibernators from the midwestern states. The normothermic Arctic marmot appears to have an “anti-trigger” substance in its serum in the summer, which impedes fall hibernation in the transfused 13-lined ground squirrel. This is similar to the anti-trigger observed in the summer serum of active 13-lined ground squirrels and active woodchucks. With respect to hypothermia, it was induced in Artic marmots and in Arctic foxes at Point Barrow, Alaska, in summer. Though in such cases body temperatures fell significantly (as in hibernation), no trigger was recovered from their hypothermic sera that could be shown to be capable of inducing summer hibernation in the ground squirrel. Neither was anti-trigger found in the serum of hypothermic experimentals. These latter experiments thus suggest that the release of trigger into the blood during hibernation is dependent on a mechanism more complex than simply lowering body temperature.  相似文献   


1. 1.Effects of centrally injected noradrenaline (NA) into new-born (12–300 h. post-partum) Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus) were studied to provide comparative data on ontogeny of the thermoregulatory pathways in a hibernating species.

2. 2.At warm ambient temperatures (32–34°C, similar to nest temperature), NA increased heat production (47–92%). rectal temperature (0.27–1.73°C), and axillary temperature (0.59–1.92°C). Peak magnitudes of heat production increased with increasing age on a per unit weight basis.

3. 3.At lower temperatures (28–31°C), NA had no effect on heat production.

4. 4.The data indicate that metabolic and thermal responses to NA in neonates of hibernating species are comparable (e.g. rabbit. guinea pig) or different (e.g. lamb) from those observed in neonates of non-hibernating species.

Author Keywords: Ontogeny of thermoregulation; central regulation of body temperature; neonatal thermoregulation; heat production; biogenic amine  相似文献   

Male 13-lined ground squirrels induced to emerge from hibernation resumed feeding and gained weight. The weight gain was supported by increases in the levels of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, L-alanine aminotransferase and carnitine acetyltransferase in the liver. Maturation of the testis occurred in a period of about 16 days spanning the time of induced arousal. The testes of hibernating males were characterized by higher levels of L-alanine aminotransferase, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase than the testes of aroused males. Hexokinase, carnitine acetyltransferase and citrate synthase levels were similar in the testes of hibernating and aroused males. 3-Hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase was more active and L-alanine aminotransferase less active in ground squirrel sperm than in rat sperm.  相似文献   


1. 1.|Pinealectomy did not significantly alter the length of the mean durations of individual hibernation bouts in adult Spermophilus tridecemlineatus.

2. 2.|Similarly, no statistically-significant differences in mean durations of individual hibernation bouts between pinealectomized and sham-pinealectomized group squirrels were observed for young-of-the year S. tridecemlineatus

3. 3.|Some apparent differences of pinealectomy are suggested as they relate to age, stage of hibernation cycle and time of year during which pinealectomies are performed.

4. 4.|Daily s.c. injections of 50 μg of melatonin late in the subjective photophase induced no statistically-significant differences in mean durations of individual hibernation bouts between either adult, female pinealectomized or intact S. tridecemlineatus and their respective controls.

5. 5.|Adult, female S. tridecemlineautus with reduced titres of endogenous melatonin displayed on statistically-significant difference in the mean duration of initial hibernation bouts compared with controls.

6. 6.|It is possible that melatonin per se or that pinealectomy or melatonin titre alterations are generally failing to induce any significant changes in the torpor/arousal cycles of seasonal hibernators; or that a parameter other than the duration of torpor/arousal cycles is being modulated by the pineal complex.

Author Keywords: Pineal gland; pinealectomy; melatonin; melatonin antibody; hibernation; Spermophilus tridecemlineatus  相似文献   

In an endeavor to more clearly define the physiological action of hibernation trigger (previously identified by the authors) an experiment was devised using infant ground squirrels. In one case, pregnant ground squirrel mothers were transfused intravenously with cold dialysate of serum of hibernating woodchuck, and in another case, infant (1 week to 3 week) squirrels were transfused intraperitoneally with the same material. When isolated and placed in a cold room (15 °C) at 6 weeks post partum, both the infant born of the transfused mothers, as well as the infant which has been transfused directly, hibernated in the summer. This was in contrast to controls of several kind, i.e., animals not injected, or receiving active or arousing woodchuck serum or heat-treated hibernation serum. Some details for a theory, which had been advanced in a previous article (4), were essentially substantiated by this experiment. It is our belief that this represents the first time mammalian hibernation has been observed in infant hibernators.  相似文献   

1. Characterization of fetal, winter-hibernating, winter-active, summer-active and summer-induced hibernating hemoglobins of 13-lined ground squirrels (Citellus tridecemlineatus) by isoelectric focusing (IEF) pH 7.0-9.0 indicated that this molecule is extremely responsive to the various activity states of this hibernator. 2. Major alterations of ground squirrel hemoglobin occur with the varying activity states as evidenced by the distinctive changes in the isoelectric points (pIs) of these protein components. 3. Hemoglobin from winter-hibernating or summer-induced hibernating ground squirrels does not revert to a fetal type of hemoglobin. 4. The presence of an additional hemoglobin peak pI 6.55 in the summer-induced hibernator may serve as a possible assay for hibernation inducing trigger(s) (HIT) molecules under study in our laboratory.  相似文献   

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