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The augmenting effect of vaccinia virus infection of tumor cells on induction of tumor-specific resistance was examined in mice. C3H/HeN mice were primed intraperitoneally (ip) with live vaccinia virus after whole-body irradiation with 250 rad of X-rays. Three weeks later the mice were immunized ip 3 times at weekly intervals with syngeneic murine hepatoma MH134 or spontaneous myeloma X5563 which had been infected in vitro with vaccinia virus and subsequently irradiated with 7000 rad of X-rays. One week after the third immunization, the mice were challenged with 1 X 10(5) viable cells of MH134 or X5563 ip or 1 X 10(6) tumor cells intradermally (id). On ip challenge with viable MH134 cells all mice that had not been pretreated died within 3 weeks due to ascites tumor out-growth, whereas all mice that had been vaccinia virus-primed and immunized with vaccinia virus-infected MH134 cells survived. On ip challenge with X5563 cells, the percentage survival of vaccinia virus-primed and vaccinia virus-modified tumor-immunized mice was 80%. On id challenge with MH134 and X5563 tumor cells, in un-treated mice tumors grew to more than 5 mm in diameter within 3 weeks, whereas 90% and 60%, respectively, of the mice that had been vaccinia virus-primed and immunized with vaccinia virus-infected tumor cells showed no tumor out-growth. Pretreatment by only immunization with vaccinia virus-infected cells or vaccinia virus-priming and immunization with virus non-infected tumor cells were not effective for preventing induction of tumor-resistance to either ip or id challenge with MH134 or X5563 tumor cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The present study investigates the role of APC in inducing tumor-specific in vivo protective immunity. Thy-1+ cell-depleted, Mac-1+ cell-enriched fraction of normal BALB/c spleen cells were used as a source of APC. These APC were cultured in vitro with the membrane fraction isolated from CSA1M fibrosarcoma derived from BALB/c strain. The administration of such APC into naive BALB/c mice generated the capacity of these animals to reject the subsequently challenged viable CSA1M tumor cells. Although the induction of anti-CSA1M in vivo protective immunity required three consecutive immunizations with more than 10(5) APC which had been pulsed in vitro with 200 to 300 micrograms protein of CSA1M membrane fraction, the immunity was induced irrespective of whether APC were administered via s.c., i.v., or i.p. route. This immunity was tumor-specific, inasmuch as the inoculation of CSA1M or Meth A fibrosarcoma membrane component-pulsed APC resulted in the selective immunity against the challenge with homologous types of tumor cells. The CSA1M-specific in vivo protective immunity was also induced by injecting APC pulsed with solubilized CSA1M membrane components. Moreover, it was demonstrated that the efficiency for inducing anti-CSA1M immunity was much higher in the utilization of tumor Ag-pulsed APC than in the immunization with tumor Ag emulsified in CFA. These results indicate the critical role of APC in generating tumor rejection immunity in vivo and this model presents a novel approach to induce tumor-specific immunity without using tumor cells themselves.  相似文献   

Inhibition of macrophage priming by sulfatide from Mycobacterium tuberculosis   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Sulfatide from the outer surface of Mycobacterium tuberculosis blocked priming in cultured human monocytes. Monocytes were primed in vitro with either lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or interferon-gamma. Primed monocytes released increased amounts of superoxide anion (O2-) when stimulated with formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine or with phorbol myristate acetate. Primed monocytes also showed increased phagocytosis of sheep erythrocytes and increased release of interleukin 1. When primed monocytes were treated with 10 micrograms/ml of sulfatide, these enhanced functions, characteristic of primed monocytes, returned to levels found in unprimed monocytes. (With respect to these functions and others, monocytes or macrophages primed in vitro by exposure to LPS or interferon-gamma resemble macrophages activated in vivo by infection. In vivo, activated macrophages provide non-specific resistance to infection). Inhibition of priming by sulfatide could be detected within 10 min, but maximum effect of sulfatide required 3 to 5 hr. Sulfatide had no effect on O2- release, if it was added after the cells had been stimulated by PMA, suggesting that sulfatide did not inhibit enzymes involved in formation of O2-, but rather that sulfatide inhibited priming. Increasing the amounts of LPS or interferon-gamma did not counteract the effects of sulfatide. Sulfatide did cause monocytes to release some prostaglandin E2 (less than 1 nM), but the amount was not sufficient to inhibit monocyte functions. The effect of sulfatide was not blocked by indomethacin. Other sulfated compounds and other products of mycobacteria did not produce the sulfatide effect. We conclude that M. tuberculosis has on its outer surface a chemical that directly interferes with monocyte priming. In vivo, M. tuberculosis might use sulfatide to block macrophage activation and thereby resist being killed by macrophages.  相似文献   

Suppressor cells, which specifically suppress the in vitro response of syngeneic spleen cells to the DBA/2 mastocytoma, P815, were identified in the spleens of DBA/2 mice injected intraperitoneally with membrane extracts of the P815 tumor. The Lyt phenotypes of various effector cells were determined. DBA/2 allogeneic killer cells were identified as Lyt-12+, whereas the syngeneic effector cells were found to be predominantly Lyt-2+. The suppressor cell population lost its ability to suppress the in vitro cytotoxic anti-P815 response after treatment with anti-Lyt-1 serum plus complement but not after treatment with anti-Lyt-2 serum, indicating that an Lyt-1+ cell is essential in this suppression.  相似文献   

We immunized mice with antigenic peptide P815E, which is presented by H-2K(d) and recognized by tumor-specific CTL raised against P815 tumor cells. This peptide is encoded by the ubiquitously expressed gene MsrA and carries a mutated residue conferring tumor specificity. Unexpectedly, we observed a severe toxicity occurring in the early hours after the third injection, resulting in the death of most mice within 24 h. The toxic syndrome was reminiscent of TNF-induced shock, and the sera of ill mice contained high levels of TNF. Toxicity was prevented by injection of neutralizing anti-TNF Abs, confirming the involvement of TNF. Depletion of CD8+ T cells could also prevent toxicity, and ex vivo experiments confirmed that CD8+ lymphocytes were the major cellular source of TNF in immunized mice. Tetramer analysis of the lymphocytes of immunized mice indicated a massive expansion of P815E-specific T cells, up to >60% of circulating CD8+ lymphocytes. A similar toxicity was observed after massive expansion of specific CD8+ T cells following immunization with another P815 peptide, which is encoded by gene P1A and was injected in a form covalently linked to an immunostimulatory peptide derived from IL-1. We conclude that the toxicity is caused by specific CD8+ lymphocytes, which are extensively amplified by peptide immunization in a QS21-based adjuvant and produce toxic levels of TNF upon further stimulation with the peptide. Our results suggest that immunotherapy trials involving new peptides should be pursued with caution and should include a careful monitoring of the T cell response.  相似文献   

The possibility of the presence of leukemia-associated antigens on pluripotent hemopoietic cells was studied with the aid of immune lymphocytes, cytotoxic against mouse syngeneic lymphoma cells. Cytotoxic lymphocytes were obtained during immunization in vitro of C57BL/6 mouse splenocytes by syngeneic T lymphoma EL-4 cells in the presence of interleukin-2. Specific cytotoxic activity of immune lymphocytes as regards EL-4 cells was not blocked by addition of normal bone marrow cells. Incubation of the bone marrow with immune killers did not lead to a decrease in the number of colony-forming units in the spleen. It was shown that using cytotoxic lymphocytes the total killing of lymphoma cells might be achieved in a mixture of bone marrow and lymphoma cells, whereas pluripotent precursor cells might be retained.  相似文献   

The Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) shows different virulence and host infection range from other members of the M. tuberculosis complex (MTBC). Differential identification of MTB from MTBC is thus important in certain occasions. The currently commercially available molecular assays which use either IS6110 or 16S rDNA fragment as identification targets are mainly designed for identifying MTBC but not for MTB. Comparative genomic DNA analysis has provided valuable information on regions of difference (RD) present in MTB but not in other members of the MTBC. RD9 region is further suggested to be a potential target for differential identification of MTB from MTBC. In this study, using IS6110 and Rv3618 (belong to RD9) as the specific identification targets for MTBC and MTB, respectively, we developed and tested a multiplex nested PCR-ICT (immuno-chromatography test) assay for simultaneously and directly detecting not only MTBC but also MTB from 1500 clinical sputum specimens. The results were compared with traditional culture and biochemical identification results together with patients' clinical assessments. This assay showed a 95.5% sensitivity, 97.9% specificity, 2.1% false positive rate and 4.5% false negative rate towards detection of MTBC, and a 93.0% sensitivity, 99.8% specificity, 0.2% false positive rate and 7.0% false negative rate for detection of MTB. This detection system shows great potential in clinical application.  相似文献   

Summary The present study was designed to examine whether cyclophosphamide augmented induction of antitumor cells and antitumor resistance in C57BL/6 mice pretreated with mitomycin-C-treated EL4 cells (EL4MMC) plus OK-432, a streptococcal preparation. C57BL/6 mice were pretreated with EL4MMC (107) plus OK-432 (2.5 KE) i.p. twice at 1-week intervals. When the mice received an i.p. injection of cyclophosphamide at 200 mg/kg 2 days before the last treatment, the antitumor activity of their spleen cells and peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) was effectively augmented 7–8 days after the last treatment. Splenic antitumor activity disappeared 15 days after the last treatment whereas augmented antitumor activity of the PEC was detected even 28 days after the last treatment. This cyclophosphamide effect was dose-dependent and 200 mg/kg was the most effective among the doses tested. If the EL4MMC plus OK-432 treatment was injected at a s.c. site, it was also effective in combination with cyclophosphamide. The antitumor activity of the PEC from s.c.-pretreated mice, however, was lower than that from i.p.-pretreated mice. Despite the fact that cyclophosphamide effectively augmented induction of antitumor cells in C57BL/6 mice pretreated with EL4MMC plus OK-432, it diminished rather than augmented, under all conditions tested, the ability of the mice to resist a challenge of live EL4 cells. Reduction of antitumor resistance by cyclophosphamide was also observed in an experimental system of a semi-syngeneic host (BDF1) tumor (EL4). These results indicate that augmentation of in vivo induction of certain kinds of antitumor cells does not necessarily result in a beneficial augmentation of the host's ability to resist tumor growth.  相似文献   

Summary We tested anti-tumor activities of macrophages treated with a neutral polysaccharide, schizophyllan (SPG), against syngeneic and allogeneic tumor cell lines. SPG was a macrophage stimulant which was not mitogenic to lymphocytes. That made a sharp contrast with the data that Corynebacterium parvum, BCG, and muramyl dipeptide (MDF) were macrophage stimulants which had lymphocyte-activating properties. Treatment of SPG-treated PEC with Thy12 monoclonal antibody and guinea pig complement did not affect the capabilities of tumor-cell-growth suppression by the treated PEC. Thus, the effector cells were peritoneal adherent cells (macrophages morphologically) and effector-to-target contact seemed to be necessary for effective tumor-cell-growth inhibition, although contradictory data exist for this. Murine peritoneal adherent cells harvested 4 days after a single IP injection of SPG at a dose of 100 mg/kg body weight of mouse showed the most prominent cytostatic and cytotoxic activities against syngeneic and allogeneic tumor cells. The distribution of anti-tumor activity in macrophages of various sizes followed the same pattern as macrophages treated with C. Parvum, i.e., larger macrophages showed more remarkable anti-tumor activity. Crude nonadherent peritoneal cells incubated with SPG at a concentration of 10 g/ml, 100 g/ml, or 1 mg/ml did not secrete lymphokine that rendered macrophages cytotoxic, while ConA-treated nonadherent cells did so. Furthermore, spleen cells treated with SPG in vivo did not secrete macrophage-activating lymphokine in the presence of SPG. On the other hand, addition of 1 mg/ml of SPG-treated peritoneal adherent cells and bone-marrow-derived macrophages in vitro rendered them cytotoxic to a moderate degree. This implies that SPG may activate macrophages directly, allowing them to become cytotoxic in the peritoneal cavity. Lastly, SPG could induce production of II-1-like factor to a moderate degree. SPG, whose molecular structure is well elucidated, will provide us with a strong tool to analyze the mechanism of macrophage activation both in vitro and in vivo.Abbreviations PEC peritoneal exudate cells - SPG schizophyllan - LPS lipopolysaccharide - Con A concanavalin A - CGN carrageenan - B. M. bone marrow - FCS fetal calf serum - BCG bacille Calmétte Guérin - Il-1 interleukin 1 - PPD pure protein derivatives - MDP muramyl dipeptide - C. parvum Corynebacerium parvum Dr. Sugawara is a Research Fellow of the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical ResearchDr. Lee is a Research Associate of the National Cancer Institute of Canada  相似文献   

We tested anti-tumor activities of macrophages treated with a neutral polysaccharide, schizophyllan (SPG), against syngeneic and allogeneic tumor cell lines. SPG was a macrophage stimulant which was not mitogenic to lymphocytes. That made a sharp contrast with the data that Corynebacterium parvum, BCG, and muramyl dipeptide (MDF) were macrophage stimulants which had lymphocyte-activating properties. Treatment of SPG-treated PEC with Thy12 monoclonal antibody and guinea pig complement did not affect the capabilities of tumor-cell-growth suppression by the treated PEC. Thus, the effector cells were peritoneal adherent cells (macrophages morphologically) and effector-to-target contact seemed to be necessary for effective tumor-cell-growth inhibition, although contradictory data exist for this. Murine peritoneal adherent cells harvested 4 days after a single IP injection of SPG at a dose of 100 mg/kg body weight of mouse showed the most prominent cytostatic and cytotoxic activities against syngeneic and allogeneic tumor cells. The distribution of anti-tumor activity in macrophages of various sizes followed the same pattern as macrophages treated with C. Parvum, i.e., larger macrophages showed more remarkable anti-tumor activity. Crude nonadherent peritoneal cells incubated with SPG at a concentration of 10 micrograms/ml, 100 micrograms/ml, or 1 mg/ml did not secrete lymphokine that rendered macrophages cytotoxic, while ConA-treated nonadherent cells did so. Furthermore, spleen cells treated with SPG in vivo did not secrete macrophage-activating lymphokine in the presence of SPG. On the other hand, addition of 1 mg/ml of SPG-treated peritoneal adherent cells and bone-marrow-derived macrophages in vitro rendered them cytotoxic to a moderate degree. This implies that SPG may activate macrophages directly, allowing them to become cytotoxic in the peritoneal cavity. Lastly, SPG could induce production of II-1-like factor to a moderate degree. SPG, whose molecular structure is well elucidated, will provide us with a strong tool to analyze the mechanism of macrophage activation both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

I M Orme 《Cellular immunology》1989,118(1):229-233
This study shows that memory immune T lymphocytes, harvested from young (3-month-old) mice infected intravenously with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and then exposed to protracted chemotherapy with isoniazid, are capable of adoptively protecting old (24 month) mice from a subsequent fatal challenge infection. Survival of such adoptively protected animals was prolonged, but did not extend beyond the mean survival time of uninfected old control mice. During this time the passively transferred memory T cell population retained their functional capacity to protect against subsequent tuberculosis infection. These data indicate, therefore, that reconstitution of decayed cell-mediated antimicrobial immunity in old mice in vivo with memory T cells is technically feasible, although the life span of the animal is not extended over that of control animals. They indicate, moreover, that the memory T cells remain functional in what some reports have considered a suppressive environment and show further that the macrophages with which the infused T cells interact in the aged host remain functionally able to express acquired resistance.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in dendritic cell (DC) differentiation by 10-kDa Mycobacterium tuberculosis secretory Ag (MTSA) and survival of mycobacteria therein. Compared with GM-CSF, MTSA induced lower ROS production during DC differentiation from precursors. This result correlated with higher superoxide dismutase 1 expression in MTSA stimulated precursors as compared with GM-CSF stimulation. Furthermore, a negative regulation of protein kinase C (PKC) activation by ROS was observed during DC differentiation. ROS inhibited the rapid and increased phosphorylation of PKCalpha observed during DC differentiation by MTSA. In contrast, ROS inhibition increased the weak and delayed PKCalpha phosphorylation by GM-CSF. Similar to DC differentiation, upon activation with either M. tuberculosis cell extract (CE) or live Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG), DCs differentiated with MTSA (MTSA-DCs) generated lower ROS levels when compared with DCs differentiated with GM-CSF (GM-CSF-DCs). Likewise, a negative regulation of PKCalpha phosphorylation by ROS was once again observed in DCs activated with either M. tuberculosis CE or live M. bovis BCG. However, a reciprocal positive regulation between ROS and calcium was observed. Compared with MTSA-DCs, stimulation of GM-CSF-DCs with M. tuberculosis CE induced a 2-fold higher ROS-dependent calcium influx. However, pretreatment of MTSA-DCs with H(2)O(2) increased calcium mobilization. Finally, lower ROS levels in MTSA-DCs correlated with increased intracellular survival of M. bovis BCG when compared with survival in GM-CSF-DCs. Although inhibiting ROS in GM-CSF-DCs increased M. bovis BCG survival, H(2)O(2) treatment of MTSA-DCs decreased survival of M. bovis BCG. Overall our results suggest that DCs differentiated with Ags such as MTSA may provide a niche for survival and/or growth of mycobacteria following sequestration of ROS.  相似文献   

Syngeneic tumor cell lines free of endogenous type C virus or viral antigen antigen expression were derived from spontaneously occurring tumors of the BALB/cCr mouse. Two cell lines free of endogenous type C virus were examined and found to be highly tumorigenic in tumor growth kinetic studies. In vitro inoculation of these cell lines with Rauscher-murine leukemia virus (R-MuLV) resulted in their chronic infection in which 95 to 100% of the cells were scored as virus positive. These infected lines showed a highly significant increase in their immunogenicity as compared to their uninfected controls. Animals in which these virus-positive tumors regressed were then shown to be highly resistant to challenge with the uninfected tumor cell lines as well as to live R-MuLV. This observed resistance to uninfected tumor cell lines could not be induced by immunization of the mouse with uninfected tumor cells and R-MuLV simultaneously at the same injection site, nor could it be induced with lethally irradiated virus-infected tumor cells, subtumorigenic doses of uninfected cells, or inactivated R-MuLV or Gross leukemia virus (G-MuLV). Cell-mediated cytotoxicity studies revealed that spleen cells obtained from animals whose virus-infected tumors regressed were cytotoxic to homologous infected and uninfected tumor cells as well as to other uninfected tumor cell lines syngeneic to the BALB/c mouse. Correlation of in vitro cytotoxicity with in vivo immunity was provided by the Winn assay, by inoculation into susceptible mice of immune and nonimmune spleen cells premixed with uninfected tumor cells. The immune cells were highly effective in preventing this tumor cell transplantation. It was concluded that type-C virus infection of these syngeneic tumor cells resulted in their acquiring strong transplantation antigens that were in part due to the virion, but were at least in part due to alterations of antigens or haptens that are present in a less immunogenic form on the uninfected tumor cell.  相似文献   

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