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An increasing number of studies show that platelet‐rich plasma (PRP) is effective for androgenic alopecia (AGA). However, the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms along with its effect on hair follicle stem cells are poorly understood. In this study, we designed to induce platelets in PRP to release factors by calcium chloride (PC) or by sonication where platelet lysates (PS) or the supernatants of platelet lysate (PSS) were used to evaluate their effect on the hair follicle activation and regeneration. We found that PSS and PS exhibited a superior effect in activating telogen hair follicles than PC. In addition, PSS injection into the skin activated quiescent hair follicles and induced K15+ hair follicle stem cell proliferation in K14‐H2B‐GFP mice. Moreover, PSS promoted skin‐derived precursor (SKP) survival in vitro and enhanced hair follicle formation in vivo. In consistence, protein array analysis of different PRP preparations revealed that PSS contained higher levels of 16 growth factors (out of 41 factors analysed) than PC, many of them have been known to promote hair follicle regeneration. Thus, our data indicate that sonicated PRP promotes hair follicle stem cell activation and de novo hair follicle regeneration.  相似文献   

Woo WM  Oro AE 《Cell》2011,146(2):334-334

A new technique has been used for culturing human keratinocytes. The cells grow on the basement membrane-like capsules of bovine lenses. Lens cells were removed from the capsules by rigid trypsinization. In order to exclude any contamination with remaining living cells the isolated capsules were irradiated with X-rays at a dose of 10,000 rad. In this way human epithelial cells can be brought in culture from individual hair follicles. Since feeder cells are not used in this culture technique, the biosynthesis of keratinocyte proteins can be studied in these cultures. The newly synthesized proteins can be separated into a water-soluble, a urea-soluble, and a urea-insoluble fraction. Product analysis has been performed on the first two fractions revealing protein patterns identical to those of intact hair follicles. Product analysis of the urea-soluble fractions of microdissected hair follicles shows that the protein pattern of the cultured keratinocytes resembles the protein pattern of the hair follicle sheath. Studies on the metabolism of benzo(a)pyrene revealed that the enzyme aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) is present in cultured hair follicle cells. A possible use of our culture system for eventual detection of inherited predisposition for smoking-dependent lung cancer is discussed.  相似文献   

The enzyme aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase is present in murine and human cultures of keratinocytes. While the activity of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase in murine cultures was found to be inducible after exposure to benz(a)anthracene, human keratinocytes originating from the hair follicle did not respond to this treatment. Hence, cultured human keratinocytes are not suitable for studying the molecular events that mediate the proces of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase induction.  相似文献   

Capturing and profiling adult hair follicle stem cells   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
The hair follicle bulge possesses putative epithelial stem cells. Characterization of these cells has been hampered by the inability to target bulge cells genetically. Here, we use a Keratin1-15 (Krt1-15, also known as K15) promoter to target mouse bulge cells with an inducible Cre recombinase construct or with the gene encoding enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), which allow for lineage analysis and for isolation of the cells. We show that bulge cells in adult mice generate all epithelial cell types within the intact follicle and hair during normal hair follicle cycling. After isolation, adult Krt1-15-EGFP-positive cells reconstituted all components of the cutaneous epithelium and had a higher proliferative potential than Krt1-15-EGFP-negative cells. Genetic profiling of hair follicle stem cells revealed several known and unknown receptors and signaling pathways important for maintaining the stem cell phenotype. Ultimately, these findings provide potential targets for the treatment of hair loss and other disorders of skin and hair.  相似文献   

Hair follicles in the skin undergo cyclic rounds of regeneration, degeneration, and rest throughout life. Stem cells residing in hair follicles play a pivotal role in maintaining tissue homeostasis and hair growth cycles. Research on hair follicle aging and age-related hair loss has demonstrated that a decline in hair follicle stem cell (HFSC) activity with aging can decrease the regeneration capacity of hair follicles. This review summarizes our understanding of how age-associated HFSC intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms can induce HFSC aging and hair loss. In addition, we discuss approaches developed to attenuate age-associated changes in HFSCs and their niches, thereby promoting hair regrowth.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to establish methods for isolation, culture, expansion, and characterization of rat hair follicle stem cells (rHFSCs). Hair follicles were harvested from 1-week-old Sprague–Dawley rats and digested with dispase and collagenase IV. The bulge of the hair follicle was dissected under a microscope and cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium/F12 supplemented with KnockOut? Serum Replacement serum substitute, penicillin–streptomycin, l-glutamine, non-essential amino acids, epidermal growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor, polyhydric alcohol, and hydrocortisone. The rHFSCs were purified using adhesion to collagen IV. Cells were characterized by detecting marker genes with immunofluorescent staining and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The proliferation and vitality of rHFSCs at different passages were evaluated. The cultured rHFSCs showed typical cobblestone morphology with good adhesion and colony-forming ability. Expression of keratin 15, integrin α6, and integrin β1 were shown by immunocytochemistry staining. On day 1–2, the cells were in the latent phase. On day 5–6, the cells were in the logarithmic phase. Cell vitality gradually decreased from the 7th passage. Real-time PCR showed that the purified rHFSCs had good vitality and proliferative capacity and contained no keratinocytes. Highly purified rHFSCs can be obtained using tissue culture and adhesion to collagen IV. The cultured cells had good proliferative capacity and could therefore be a useful cell source for tissue-engineered hair follicles, vessels, and skin.  相似文献   

Objectives: Multipotential human hair follicle stem cells can differentiate into various cell lineages and thus are investigated here as potential autologous sources for regenerative medicine. Towards this end, we have attempted to expand these cells, directly isolated from minimal amounts of hair follicle explants, to numbers more suitable for stem‐cell therapy. Materials and methods: Two types of human follicle stem cells, commercially available and directly isolated, were cultured using an in‐house developed medium. The latter was obtained from bulge areas of hair follicles by mechanical and enzymatic dissociation, and was magnetically enriched for its CD200+ fraction. Isolated cells were cultured for up to 4 weeks, on different supports: blank polystyrene, laminin‐ and MatrigelTM‐coated surfaces. Results: Two‐fold expansion was found, highlighting the slow‐cycling nature of these cells. Flow cytometry characterization revealed: magnetic enrichment increased the proportion of CD200+ cells from initially 43.3% (CD200+, CD34: 25.8%; CD200+, CD34+: 17.5%) to 78.2% (CD200+, CD34: 41.5%; CD200+, CD34+: 36.7%). Enriched cells seemed to have retained and passed on their morphological and molecular phenotypes to their progeny, as isolated CD200+ presenting cells expanded in our medium to a population with 80% of cells being CD200+: 51.5% (CD200+, CD34?) and 29.6% (CD200+, CD34+). Conclusions: This study demonstrates the possibility of culturing human hair follicle stem cells without causing any significant changes to phenotypes of the cells.  相似文献   

The biology of hair follicle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The human hair follicle is a unique appendage which results from epithelio-mesenchymal interactions initiated around the 3rd month of development. This appendage has a very complex structure, with more than 20 different cell types distributed into 6 main compartments, namely the connective tissue sheath, the dermal papilla, the outer root sheath, the inner root sheath, the shaft and the sebaceous gland. The pigmentation unit, responsible for hair color, is made of fully active melanocytes located on top of the dermal papilla. This complex appendage has a unique behavior in mammals since, after a hair production phase, it involutes in situ before entering a resting phase after which it renews in a cyclical but stochastic fashion, out of a double reservoir of pluripotent stem cells also to able regenerate epidermis. The pigmentation unit also renews in a cyclical fashion, out of a melanocyte progenitor reservoir which progressively declines with time, provoking the hair whitening process. Finally, the shape of the hair shaft is programmed from the bulb. The hair follicle thus behaves as a fully autonomous skin appendage with its own hormonal control, its own autocrine and paracrine network, its own cycle, appearing as an incredibly complex and stable structure which summarizes the main rules of tissue homeostasis.  相似文献   

The reconstitution of a fully organized and functional hair follicle from dissociated cells propagated under defined tissue culture conditions is a challenge still pending in tissue engineering. The loss of hair follicles caused by injuries or pathologies such as alopecia not only affects the patients’ psychological well-being, but also endangers certain inherent functions of the skin. It is then of great interest to find different strategies aiming to regenerate or neogenerate the hair follicle under conditions proper of an adult individual. Based upon current knowledge on the epithelial and dermal cells and their interactions during the embryonic hair generation and adult hair cycling, many researchers have tried to obtain mature hair follicles using different strategies and approaches depending on the causes of hair loss. This review summarizes current advances in the different experimental strategies to regenerate or neogenerate hair follicles, with emphasis on those involving neogenesis of hair follicles in adult individuals using isolated cells and tissue engineering. Most of these experiments were performed using rodent cells, particularly from embryonic or newborn origin. However, no successful strategy to generate human hair follicles from adult cells has yet been reported. This review identifies several issues that should be considered to achieve this objective. Perhaps the most important challenge is to provide three-dimensional culture conditions mimicking the structure of living tissue. Improving culture conditions that allow the expansion of specific cells while protecting their inductive properties, as well as methods for selecting populations of epithelial stem cells, should give us the necessary tools to overcome the difficulties that constrain human hair follicle neogenesis. An analysis of patent trends shows that the number of patent applications aimed at hair follicle regeneration and neogenesis has been increasing during the last decade. This field is attractive not only to academic researchers but also to the companies that own almost half of the patents in this field.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that in psoriasis there is an alteration of epidermal cell proliferation. It has been reported that an increased rate of thymidine incorporation into keratinocytes is found in the upper part of the hair follicle in involved skin, but this is not the case in the lower part. Here we show that cells from psoriatic hair follicles could be brought in culture under the same conditions as those of normal hair follicles. Cells, whether originating from the upper or lower part of the hair follicle sheath either from involved or uninvolved psoriatic skin, show a faster rate of outgrowth in the first days of culture. Moreover, a large number of psoriatic cells have an increased motility in the early stages of culture, as compared to control cells. These properties can no longer be observed after several days in culture. The activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase known to be increased in psoriatic plaques is normal in hair follicles isolated from these plaques. Protein gel electrophoretic investigations showed that there is no difference in gel patterns between normal and psoriatic hair follicles.In conclusion, the isolation of human hair follicles represents a simple method that allows psoriatic keratinocytes to be brought in culture and permits the study of certain aspects of the disease.  相似文献   

Yoon SY  Kim KT  Jo SJ  Cho AR  Jeon SI  Choi HD  Kim KH  Park GS  Pack JK  Kwon OS  Park WY 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e28474
Radiofrequency (RF) radiation does not transfer high energy to break the covalent bonds of macromolecules, but these low energy stimuli might be sufficient to induce molecular responses in a specific manner. We monitored the effect of 1,763 MHz RF radiation on cultured human dermal papilla cells (hDPCs) by evaluating changes in the expression of cytokines related to hair growth. The expression of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) mRNA in hDPCs was significantly induced upon RF radiation at the specific absorption rate of 10 W/kg, which resulted in increased expression of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia/lymphoma 2 (BCL-2) and cyclin D1 (CCND1) proteins and increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein. Exposure to 10 W/kg RF radiation 1 h per day for 7 days significantly enhanced hair shaft elongation in ex vivo hair organ cultures. In RF-exposed follicular matrix keratinocytes in the hair bulb, the expression of Ki-67 was increased, while the signal for terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling was reduced. From these results, we suggest that 1,763 MHz RF exposure stimulates hair growth in vitro through the induction of IGF-1 in hDPCs.  相似文献   



Skin stem cells contribute to all three major lineages of epidermal appendages, i.e., the epidermis, the hair follicle, and the sebaceous gland. In hair follicles, highly proliferative committed progenitor cells, called matrix cells, are located at the base of the follicle in the hair bulb. The differentiation of these early progenitor cells leads to specification of a central hair shaft surrounded by an inner root sheath (IRS) and a companion layer. Multiple signaling molecules, including bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), have been implicated in this process.  相似文献   

<正>Adult stem cells have been identified in a variety of mammalian organs including skin,hair follicles,pancreas,and bone marrow(Kruse et al.,2004).These stem cells reside in a specific cellular environment where they remain in an undifferentiated state(Theise,2006).In addition,they are generally considered to be multipotent,possessing the capacity to generate multiple cell types  相似文献   

A method is described for the subcultivation of human hair follicle keratinocytes. Primary cultures of these cells were grown on bovine eye lens capsules. Fragments of the colonies could successfully be transplanted onto new capsules. After two subcultivation steps, the keratinocytes remain diploid and still exhibit the same pattern of protein biosynthesis as primary cultures. The cultured hair follicle cells may be useful in investigations on genetically determined sensitivity towards carcinogens.  相似文献   

Regulation of stem cell (SC) proliferation is central to tissue homoeostasis, injury repair, and cancer development. Accumulation of replication errors in SCs is limited by either infrequent division and/or by chromosome sorting to retain preferentially the oldest 'immortal' DNA strand. The frequency of SC divisions and the chromosome-sorting phenomenon are difficult to examine accurately with existing methods. To address this question, we developed a strategy to count divisions of hair follicle (HF) SCs over time, and provide the first quantitative proliferation history of a tissue SC during its normal homoeostasis. We uncovered an unexpectedly high cellular turnover in the SC compartment in one round of activation. Our study provides quantitative data in support of the long-standing infrequent SC division model, and shows that HF SCs do not retain the older DNA strands or sort their chromosome. This new ability to count divisions in vivo has relevance for obtaining basic knowledge of tissue kinetics.  相似文献   

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