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Proliferation in vitro of peripheral blood lymphocytes both from horses infected with Strongylus vulgaris and from helminth-free ponies was observed in the presence of extracts of the fourth and fifth stage larvae and adults of S. vulgaris. In addition, S. vulgaris extracts induced transformation in cultures of peripheral blood lymphocytes from sheep and dogs and in mouse spleen cell cultures. Nylon wool non-adherent, T cell enriched fractions of lymphocytes from both mice and horses were stimulated by the S. vulgaris larval mitogen while no proliferation was observed in cultures containing nylon wool adherent, B cell enriched fractions. Macrophage co-operation appeared not to be necessary for S. vulgaris mitogen-induced transformation of spleen cells. The S. vulgaris mitogen stimulated a subpopulation of mouse spleen cells different from those responsive to PHA, Con A and LPS. These cells might be T helper cells since B cells were stimulated to proliferate in the presence of both T cells and S. vulgaris larval mitogen. In addition, the supernatant of in vitro cultured larvae of S. vulgaris induced slight, but significant transformation of equine peripheral blood lymphocytes. Therefore, it is possible that the S. vulgaris mitogen released by both viable parasites and degenerating larvae might induce T cell dependent production of immunoglobulin in vivo and account for the beta-globulinaemia, of which IgG(T) is a major component, in S vulgaris infected horses.  相似文献   

The mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) is an established clinical method for bone marrow transplantation, as it serves as an in vitro model for allogenic reaction and transplantation. We previously showed that cytokine release into the supernatant is a more specific and sensitive parameter for cross-reactivity in the MLC than the common measurement of cell proliferation. Therefore we tried to find an inhibitor of the MLC in vitro with the least side effects in vivo, measuring interferon (IFN)-γ as one of the most important cytokines in posttransplant medicine. Earlier studies showed that zinc is an important trace element for immune function with both stimulatory and inhibitory effects on immune cells. We found that slightly elevated zinc concentrations (three to four times the physiological level), which do not decrease T-cell proliferation in vitro nor produce immunosuppressive effects in vivo, suppress alloreactivity in the mixed lymphocyte culture. In this report we analyzed the mechanism whereby zinc influences the MLC to possibly find a nontoxic way of immunosuppression.  相似文献   

It has previously been demonstrated that glucocorticoid suppression of mitogen-induced lymphocyte activation is a function of mitogen dose. Glucocorticoids suppress lymphocyte activation more at low doses, which induce suboptimal lymphocyte activation, than at higher doses which are optimal for lymphocyte activation. This observation suggests that glucocorticoid suppression of lymphocyte activation might be greater than normal in disease states which are associated with depressed mitogen-induced lymphocyte activation. To test this hypothesis, lymphocytes from normal individuals and patients with cystic fibrosis were activated by a full range of concentrations of concanavalin A (Con A) in the presence or absence of dexamethasone. Con A activation of cystic fibrosis lymphocytes was markedly depressed compared to the activation of normal lymphocytes at all doses of Con A, but the suppressive effect of dexamethasone on the activation of normal and cystic fibrosis lymphocytes was the same. We conclude that glucocorticoid suppression of lymphocyte activation is more a function of mitogen dose than of the level of lymphocyte activation and is not necessarily greater than normal in disease states which are associated with depressed mitogen-induced lymphocyte activation.  相似文献   

In a previous study it was shown that at least one round of DNA synthesis is required for initial expression of cytotoxic function in mouse lymphocytes responding to alloantigen in vitro. In the experiments reported here we ask whether subsequent rounds of cell division are required simply for clonal expansion of this initial level of cytotoxic function within the population, or whether the amount of cytotoxicity per cytotoxic cell is altered during subsequent rounds of cell division. The amount of cytotoxicity per unit number of cells at various stages of culture was compared with the frequency of cytotoxic cells as estimated principally by effector-target cell conjugates. Our results strongly suggest that the amount of cytotoxicity per cell (cytotoxic potential) is not a static property of cytotoxic cells, but can be modulated up or down during the course of a reaction.  相似文献   

We have studied the ability of purified B lymphocytes to generate cytotoxic T lymphocytes in autologous mixed leukocyte cultures (MLC). Cytotoxic lymphocytes were produced but only autologous mononuclear cells stimulated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were susceptible target cells. Unstimulated mononuclear cells and purified B cells were not susceptible to killing by cytotoxic cells generated in the autologous MLC. This suggests that the target antigen may be expressed on stimulated or dividing B lymphocytes in a way that renders the cells more susceptible to cytolysis. Autologously stimulated cytotoxic effector cells were found to exhibit specificity. Cy totoxicity for autologous LPS-stimulated target cells occurred but not for an allogeneic, B cell, histiocytic lymphoma cell line. It is postulated that cytotoxic T cells generated in the autologous MLC may play a role in immune surveillance or in regulation of the immune system.  相似文献   

Optimal conditions for the rhesus monkey micro mixed lymphocyte system with multiple automated harvesting of samples were evaluated. Parameters studied were cell concentration, length of culture period, methods of inactivation of cell populations, supplementation of media, type of culture plates, and changes in the reactivity of cells from individual animals over an extended time period. This work was supported in part by Portland Veterans Administration Hospital, Portland, Oregon, and the General Research Support Branch of the U.S. Public Health Service Grant RR00163, the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Department, Work Unit No. M4318. 01.007ABG2. The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private ones of the authors and are not to be construed as official or reflecting the views of the U.S. Navy Department or the Naval service at large. The animals used in this study were handled in accordance with the provisions of Public Law 89–54 as amended by Public Law 91–579, “Animal Welfare Act of 1970,” and the principles outlined in the “Guide for the Care of Laboratory Animals,” U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Publication No. (NIH) 73-23.  相似文献   

Inhibition of mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC) by macrophages and by supernatants of short term cultured macrophages was assessed by incorporation of 3H-thymidine (TdRH3) and also by blast cell counts and by determination of cellmediated lympholysis. Peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) induced by thioglycollate, at concentrations >10%, inhibited all three parameters of MLC. Lower concentrations of PEC, and supernatants from cultured PEC, inhibited TdRH3 incorporation, but had no significant effect on blast cell counts or on generation of cytotoxic effector cells. Inhibition by the supernatants could be reversed by dialysis or by use of low specific activity TdRH3. These data indicate that macrophages can inhibit proliferative responses in MLC, but that this must be carefully distinguished from selective inhibition of TdRH3 incorporation.  相似文献   

Summary Lymphocytes from cancer patients were stimulated in mixed culture with autologous tumour (MLTC) or pooled allogeneic lymphocytes (MLC). Both protocols induced increased uptake of 3H-thymidine at 5 days and the appearance of lymphoblasts. Blasts were isolated on discontinuous Percoll gradients and either expanded as bulk cultures or cloned directly under limiting dilution conditions in the presence of conditioned medium containing IL-2. Results with MLTC-blast-CTC have been reported elsewhere. MLC-activated cultures lysed autologous tumour but not autologous lymphoblasts. Lysis of some allogeneic tumours, lymphoblasts from members of the inducing pool, and K562 was also apparent. MLC activated cultures did not undergo restimulation in response to autologous tumour or lymphocytes but were restimulated by leukocytes from pool members.MLTC clones showed autologous tumour-specific cytotoxic activity or cross-reactive proliferative responses with tumours of the same site and histology. The majority of MLC clones cytotoxic for autologous tumour were also specific and did not lyse allogeneic tumour, K562, or lymphoblasts from the inducing pool. Two clones lysed autologous tumour and pool members. None of the clones tested proliferated in response to autologous tumour following MLC activation but some were responsive to pool members and one clone was restimulated by autologous monocytes. No association was found between clone phenotype and function. The implication of these data is that the effector cells with activity against autologous tumour induced in MLC arose largely by transstimulation of in vivo-activated tumour reactive lymphocytes by IL-2 release rather than expansion of NK-like effectors or sharing of antigenic specificities between tumour and allogeneic lymphocytes. Since MLC activation of cancer patients lymphocytes does not induce proliferative responses to autologous tumour it is unlikely to be a useful procedure in preparing cells for immunotherapy protocols. Abbreviations used in this paper: PBL, peripheral blood lymphocytes; TIL, tumour infiltrating lymphocytes; MLTC, mixed lymphocyte tumour culture; IL-2, interleukin-2; MLC, mixed lymphocyte culture; LSM, lymphocyte separation medium; BSS, balanced salt solution; HuSe, human serum; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; CTC, cultured T cells; PHA, phytohaemagglutinin; CM, cultured medium; NK, natural killer; FcR, receptor for the Fc portion of IgG  相似文献   

A flow-cytofluorometric method, based on the differential stability of deoxyribonucleic acid versus ribonucleic acid with the metachromatic dye, acridine orange, simultaneously measures the following parameters of stimulation in mixed lymphocyte cultures: (a) number of nonstimulated cells; (b) total number of stimulated lymphocytes; (c) number of stimulated lymphocytes in G1, S and G2 + M phases of the cell cycle; (d) number of macrophages; (e) number of dead cells. The progress of lymphocyte stimulation may also be measured by a parameter representing ribonucleic acid accumulation per cell. The method is rapid, avoids cell rinsing, fixation and centrifugation and is applicable to microcultures. Multiparameter analysis of cell stimulation which provides simultaneous measurements of lymphocyte proliferation and accumulation of ribonucleic acid per cell may prove to be a more sensitive assay of histocompatibility than tests based only on cell proliferation (tritiated thymidine incorporation).  相似文献   

Activation of suppressor T cells in human autologous mixed lymphocyte culture.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Co-culture of autologous T and mitomycin-C treated B cells results in increased DNA synthesis in the responding T cells. T cells thus activated in AMLC exerted suppressive effects on both the proliferative and cytotoxic responses of fresh unstimulated T cells to allogeneic cells in MLC. The suppressor cells generated are sensitive to treatment with mitomycin-C. AMLC-activated cells treated with mitomycin-C failed to suppress both cytotoxicity and proliferation in fresh primary MLC. It appears that the AMLC reaction reflects an immunologic homeostatic mechanism. Since this reaction is defective in patients with CLL and SLE and the homologous mouse syngeneic MLC is defective in NZB mice, the failure of this T-B interaction may be related to the pathogenesis of certain lymphoproliferative and autoimmune disorders.  相似文献   

Guinea pigs are believed to be immunologically mature at birth. There is, however, little data available to support this concept. In this study, the postnatal development of the lymphocyte responsiveness to Tand B-cell mitogens in the guinea pig was investigated. The results show that guinea pigs are not immunologically mature at birth as to the mitogenic responses of blood lymphocytes. The constant level of PHA response in the blood is achieved from the age of 1 to 2 months and that of Con A at the age of 3–6 months. Furthermore, the results support the concept that the emigration of thymocytes occurs also during postnatal life. The emigration of PHA-responsive thymic cells seems to precede and be greater than that of Con A-responsive cells. These findings provide important clues for studies on the ontogenetic development of cell-mediated immunity.  相似文献   

The nature of the lymphocyte mitogen   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A G Taylor 《Life sciences》1969,8(24):1281-1297

Summary High levels of cytotoxic activity against the natural killer (NK) cell-sensitive target K562 and the NK-resistant target UCLA-SO-M14 (M14) can be generated in vitro either by mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) or by culture of lymphocytes in interleukin 2 (IL2) (lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cells). The purpose of this study was to identify similarities and differences between MLC-LAK and IL2-LAK cells and allospecific cytotoxic T cells. Induction of cytotoxicity against K562 and M14 in both culture systems was inhibited by antibodies specific either for IL2 or the Tac IL2 receptor. Like NK effector cells, the precursors for the MLC-LAK cells were low density large lymphocytes. However these precursors differed from the large granular lymphocytes that mediated NK cytolysis in sensitivity to the toxic lysosomotropic agent L-leucine methyl ester (LME). The resistance of the MLC-LAK precursors to LME indicated that the precursors included large agranular lymphocytes. Although interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) is produced in MLC and in IL2 containing cultures, it is not required for induction of either type of cytotoxic activity. Neutralization of IFN-gamma in MLC-and IL2-containing cultures with specific antibodies had no effect on the induction of cytotoxic activities. Both allospecific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) and LAK activities were enhanced by IL2 and IFN-gamma at the effector cell stage. However, the mechanism of cytolysis was different in the two systems. NK- and MLC-induced LAK activities were independent of CD3-T cell receptor complex while CTL activity was blocked by monoclonal antibodies specific for the CD3 antigen. These results suggest that NK and the in vitro induced LAK cytotoxicities are a family of related functions that differ from CTL. Furthermore, MLC-induced and IL2-induced cytotoxicities against K562 and M14 appear to be identical.This work was supported by NIH grant CA34442  相似文献   

The role of the macrophage in the guinea pig mixed leukocyte culture was investigated. Macrophages obtained from oil-induced peritoneal exudates, peritoneal wash-out cells, spleen, and alveolar washings were found to be effective stimulators of allogeneic lymph node and splenic lymphocyte DNA synthesis. The stimulatory properties of macrophages proved radioresistant but viability dependent. Unfractionated lymph node cells or adherence column purified lymph node lymphocytes and thymocytes were only minimally active as stimulators, even in the presence of macrophages syngeneic to the responder lymphocytes. Allogeneic fibroblasts, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, L2C leukemia cells, and xenogeneic (murine) macrophages failed to simulate. These data provide evidence that the macrophage is the predominant stimulator of the mixed leukocyte culture in the guinea pig.  相似文献   

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