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Molecular dynamics simulation was carried out on xyloglucan with explicit water molecules to investigate the folding mechanism of side chains onto a main chain in aqueous solution. The model xyloglucan was composed of 12 beta-D-glucopyranoses as a main chain substituted with six galactoses and three xyloses as side chains. Two conditions were set for the ribbon-like main chain; one is restricted to be 'flat' and the other is without restriction. The free main chain of xyloglucan has a 'twisted' conformation as the major one. Conformational folding of side chains onto the main chain was analyzed with dihedral angles at each glycosidic linkage. In a 5-ns calculation, the xyloglucan has a tendency to contract in both the restricted and the free systems, but the mode of contraction is different. Side chains tend to stick onto the flat surface of the main chain in the restricted system, while they do not tightly do so in the free one; instead the main chain takes a twisted and sometimes embowed conformation. This result indicates that the main chain has greater attractive forces to bind side chains when it is flat, while it loses the ability as it is twisted.  相似文献   

Recently some heat-shock proteins have been linked to functions of 'chaperoning' protein folding in vivo. Here current experimental evidence is reviewed and possible requirements for such an activity are discussed. It is proposed that one mode of chaperone action is to actively unfold misfolded or badly aggregated proteins to a conformation from which they could refold spontaneously; that improperly folded proteins are recognized by excessive stretches of solvent-exposed backbone, rather than by exposed hydrophobic patches; and that the molecular mechanism for unfolding is either repeated binding and dissociation ('plucking') or translocation of the protein backbone through a binding cleft ('threading'), allowing the threaded chain to refold spontaneously. The observed hydrolysis of ATP would provide the energy for active unfolding. These hypotheses can be applied to both monomeric folding and oligomeric assembly and are sufficiently detailed to be open to directed experimental verification.  相似文献   

Recent papers have brought evidence against the hypothesis that the fucosyl branching of primary wall xyloglucans (Xg) are responsible for their higher capacity of binding to cellulose. Reinforcement of this questioning has been obtained in this work where we show that the binding capacity was improved when the molecular weight (MW) of the Xg polymers is decreased by enzymatic hydrolysis. Moreover, the enthalpy changes associated with the adsorption process between Xg and cellulose is similar for Xgs with similar MW (but differing in the fine structure such as the presence/absence of fucose). On the basis of these results, we suggest that the fine structure and MW of Xg determines the energy and amount of binding to cellulose, respectively. Thus, the occurrence of different fine structural domains of Xg (e.g. the presence of fucose and the distribution of galactoses) might have several different functions in the wall. Besides the structural function in primary wall, these results might have impact on the packing features of storage Xg in seed cotyledons, since the MW and absence of fucose could also be associated with the self-association capacity.  相似文献   

A free energy function, combining molecular mechanics energy with empirical solvation and entropic terms, is used for ranking near-native conformations that occur in the conformational search steps of homology modeling, i.e., side-chain search and loop closure calculations. Correlations between the free energy and RMS deviation from the X-ray structure are established. It is shown that generally both molecular mechanics and solvation/entropic terms should be included in the potential. The identification of near-native backbone conformations is accomplished primarily by the molecular mechanics term that becomes the dominant contribution to the free energy if the backbone is even slightly strained, as frequently occurs in loop closure calculations. Both terms become equally important if a sufficiently accurate backbone conformation is found. Finally, the selection of the best side-chain positions for a fixed backbone is almost completely governed by the solvation term. The discriminatory power of the combined potential is demonstrated by evaluating the free energies of protein models submitted to the first meeting on Critical Assessment of techniques for protein Structure Prediction (CASP1), and comparing them to the free energies of the native conformations.  相似文献   

Changes in the temperature, pH, ionic strength, or denaturant concentration of aqueous solutions of the monomeric non-alpha-helical peptide acetylYEAAAKEAPAKEAAAKAamide generate changes in its dichroic spectrum characteristic for a conformational transition. This transition has the characteristic features of a residue PII/unstructured conformational equilibrium in which PII denotes an extended left-handed helical conformation and unstructured denotes all the remaining conformations in a random coil ensemble. Replacement of the proline residue facilitates population of residues in an alpha-helical conformation. However, the ellipticity values for these non-proline peptides merge with the ellipticity of the proline peptide as the population of residues in the alpha-helix conformation is diminished. This convergence suggests that all residues in a host/guest peptide series of the same length share a common PII/unstructured conformational equilibrium in a given solvent. We propose that the fractional helix content of peptides within such a series may be estimated by using a two-state calculation in which the ellipticity for the non-alpha-helix conformations is provided by a peptide having a central proline guest residue.  相似文献   

A high-dimensional potential representing distance constraints for stereospecifically assignable diastereotopic proton or methyl pairs was incorporated into the dynamical simulated annealing protocol to calculate structure with stereospecifically determined sidechain conformations. The protocol is tested on nuclear magnetic resonance cross-relaxation data of a trypsin inhibitor from squash seeds, CMTI-I, and compared with two other methods of stereospecific assignment, the floating chirality and coupling constant methods. There is good agreement between the three methods in predicting the same stereospecific assignments. Because the high-dimensional potential uses more relaxed absolute distance constraints and also takes into account the relative distance constraint patterns, it avoids possible overinterpretation of the NOE data.  相似文献   

Procollagen assembly occurs within the endoplasmic reticulum, where the C-propeptide domains of three polypeptide alpha-chains fold individually, and then interact and trimerise to initiate folding of the triple helical region. This highly complex folding and assembly pathway requires the co-ordinated action of a large number of endoplasmic reticulum-resident enzymes and molecular chaperones. Disease-causing mutations in the procollagens disturb folding and assembly and lead to prolonged interactions with molecular chaperones, retention in the endoplasmic reticulum, and intracellular degradation. This review focuses predominantly on prolyl 1-hydroxylase, an essential collagen modifying enzyme, and HSP47, a collagen-specific binding protein, and their proposed roles as molecular chaperones involved in fibrillar procollagen folding and assembly, quality control, and secretion.  相似文献   

Ascorbate was linked to protein folding a long time ago. At the first level of this connection, it had been shown that ascorbate functions as an essential cofactor in the hydroxylation enzymes involved in collagen synthesis. Although the hydroxylation reactions catalyzed by the members of the prolyl 4-hydroxylase family are considered to be ascorbate dependent, the hydroxylation of proline alone does not need ascorbate. Prolyl 4-hydroxylases participate in two catalytic reactions: one in which proline residues are hydroxylated, while 2-oxoglutarate is decarboxylated and molecular oxygen is consumed. This reaction is ascorbate independent. However, in another reaction, prolyl 4-hydroxylases catalyze the decarboxylation of 2-oxoglutarate uncoupled from proline hydroxylation but still needing molecular oxygen. At this time, ferrous iron is oxidized and the protein is rendered catalytically inactive until reduced by ascorbate. At the second level of the connection, the oxidation and the oxidized form of ascorbate, dehydroascorbate, is involved in the formation of disulfide bonds of secretory proteins. The significance of the dehydroascorbate reductase activity of protein disulfide isomerase was debated because protein disulfide isomerase as a dehydroascorbate reductase was found to be too slow to be the major route for the reduction of dehydroascorbate (and formation of disulfides) in the endoplasmic reticulum lumen. However, very recently, low tissue ascorbate levels and a noncanonical scurvy were observed in endoplasmic reticulum thiol oxidase- and peroxiredoxin 4-compromised mice. This novel observation implies that ascorbate may be involved in oxidative protein folding and creates a link between the disulfide bond formation (oxidative protein folding) and hydroxylation.  相似文献   

Porcine vasoactive intestinal peptide stimulated adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) production in rat intestinal epithelial cells. The stimulation was dependent on time and temperature and was potentiated by the phosphodiesterase inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine. Under optimal conditions (at 15 degrees C, with 0.2 mM 3-isobutyl-1-methylaxanthine, at a cell concentration up to 18 microgram DNA/ml), the cyclic AMP production produced by vasoactive intestinal peptide was constant for 10 min and stopped after 15 min incubation, at either low (1 nM) or high (30 nM) concentration of the peptide. This plateau effect was demonstrated not to be due to an inactivation of vasoactive intestinal peptide in the medium nor to an alteration of receptors for the peptide. Cyclic AMP production was sensitive to a concentration as low as 0.1 nM vasoactive intestinal peptide. Maximal stimulation of cyclic AMP levels by vasoactive intestinal peptide was observed with 30 nM vasoactive intestinal peptide and represented an 11-fold increased above basal. The dorse-response curve was monophasic with a Km of 2.3 x 10(-9) M. No cooperative effects were detected by Hill analysis. The positive non-linear relationship observed between stimulation of cyclic AMP production and occupancy of binding site was not time-dependent as indicated by experiments performed after 15, 45 and 120 min incubation. Maximal and half-maximal responses were obtained at about 70% and 7% occupation of binding sites, respectively. Chicken vasoactive intestinal peptide and porcine secretin were agonists of porcine vasoactive intestinal peptide with a 6-times and a 120-times lower potency, respectively. Among secretin analogs that were found to have low affinity for vasoactive intestinal peptide binding sites, [4-alanine, 5-valine]secretin, that resembles vasoactive intestinal peptide at the first seven amino acids at the N-terminal end, was a partial agonist of vasoactive peptide at the first seven amino acids at the N-terminal end, was a partial agonist of vasoactive intestinal peptide and others failed to stimulate cyclic AMP production. Glucagon (10microM), gastric inhibitory peptide (0.1 microM), substance, P, neurotensin, octapeptide of cholecystokinin, bovine pancreatic polypeptide, human gastrin I with leucine at residue 15, Leu-enkephalinand somatostatin (1 microM) did not alter cyclicAMP levels. Non-peptide mediators such as dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine and histamine, tested at 10 microM, were also ineffective. Prostaglandins E2, E1 and isoproterenol, tested at 10 microM, induced an increase of cyclic AMP levels above basal but were 9.5, 13.7 and 17.5 times less efficient than vasoactive intestinal peptide, respectively. Thus vasoactive intestinal peptide is a unique stimulus of cyclic AMP production in rat intestinal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Theoretical studies of ion channels address several important questions. The mechanism of ion transport, the role of water structure, the fluctuations of the protein channel itself, and the influence of structural changes are accessible from these studies. In this paper, we have carried out a 70-ps molecular dynamics simulation on a model structure of gramicidin A with channel waters. The backbone of the protein has been analyzed with respect to the orientation of the carbonyl and the amide groups. The results are in conformity with the experimental NMR data. The structure of water and the hydrogen bonding network are also investigated. It is found that the water molecules inside the channel act as a collective chain; whereas the conformation in which all the waters are oriented with the dipoles pointing along the axis of the channel is a preferred one, others are also accessed during the dynamics simulation. A collective coordinate involving the channel waters and some of the hydrogen bonding peptide partners is required to describe the transition of waters from one configuration to the other.  相似文献   

目的探讨岩藻糖基化人乳低聚糖在新生儿无乳链球菌肺炎中的治疗作用。方法收集本院2015年7月至2017年2月痰培养阳性新生儿无乳链球菌、大肠埃希菌和肺炎克雷伯菌感染性肺炎病例,分析不同喂养方式、不同病原类别肺炎在住院时间、炎症、并发症等指标差异,探讨岩藻糖基化人乳低聚糖对无乳链球菌感染的独特治疗作用;使用含有不同浓度岩藻糖基化人乳低聚糖的培养基对无乳链球菌进行培养,研究岩藻糖基化人乳低聚糖抑制无乳链球菌的最佳浓度;分别使用岩藻糖基化人乳低聚糖或酸性人乳低聚糖加入培养基中对无乳链球菌、大肠埃希菌、肺炎克雷伯菌进行培养,进一步探讨岩藻糖基化人乳低聚糖对无乳链球菌的独特抑制作用。结果无乳链球菌肺炎患儿,母乳喂养组的住院时间较人工喂养组住院时间减少[(8.35±0.77)d vs(10.91±0.54)d,t=1.557 676,P<0.05)],PCT值较人工喂养组低[(2.38±0.63)ng/mL vs(8.69±2.23)ng/mL,t=1.419 964,P<0.05],白细胞计数较人工喂养组低[(13.28±1.08)×10^9/L vs(16.16±0.98)×10^9/L,t=1.878 447,P<0.05],脑膜炎发生率较人工喂养组低(5%vs 35%,χ^2=5.601 353,P<0.05),呼吸机使用率较人工喂养组低(10.0%vs 36.4%,χ^2=4.005 042,P<0.05);大肠埃希菌肺炎患儿、肺炎克雷伯菌肺炎患儿,母乳喂养组与人工喂养组比较,住院时间稍减少,PCT值、白细胞计数、脑膜炎发生率和呼吸机使用率均有所降低,差异无统计学意义;细菌培养实验发现岩藻糖基化人乳低聚糖在2.5 mg/L浓度的时候可以明显抑制无乳链球菌的生长,对大肠埃希菌和肺炎克雷伯菌无明显抑制作用,酸性人乳低聚糖对3种细菌均无抑制作用。结论岩藻糖基化人乳低聚糖可以明显抑制无乳链球菌的生长,可能成为未来无乳链球菌感染性肺炎治疗中新的靶点,值得深入研究。  相似文献   

The dynamic equilibrium of folding and unfolding of nuclease-T   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

In vivo, many proteases are synthesized as larger precursors. During the maturation process, the catalytically active protease domain is released from the larger polypeptide or pro-enzyme by one or more proteolytic processing steps. In several well studied cases, amino-terminal pro regions have been shown to play a fundamental role in the folding of the associated protease domains. The mechanism by which pro regions facilitate folding appears to be significantly different from that used by the molecular chaperones. Recent results suggest that the pro region assisted folding mechanism may be used by a wide variety of proteases, and perhaps even by non-proteases.  相似文献   

Protein folding is directed by the sequence of sidechains along the polypeptide backbone, but despite this the developement of sidechain interactions during folding is not well understood. Here, the thiol-active reagent, dithio-nitrobenzoic acid (DTNB), is used to probe the exposure of the cysteine sidechain thiols in the kinetic folding intermediates of the N-terminal domain of phosphoglycerate kinase (N-PGK) and a number of conservative (I-, L-, or V-to-C) single cysteine variants. Rapid dilution of chemically denatured protein into folding conditions in the presence of DTNB allowed the degree of sidechain protection in any rapidly formed intermediate to be determined through the analysis of the kinetics of labelling. The protection factors derived for the intermediate(s) were generally small (<25), indicating only partial burial of the sidechains. The distribution of protection parallels the previously reported backbone amide protection for the folding intermediate of N-PGK. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that such intermediates resemble molten globule states; i.e. with native-like backbone hydrogen bonding and overall tertiary structure, but with the sidechains that make up the hydrophobic protein core dynamic and intermittently solvent exposed. The success of the competition technique in characterizing this kinetic intermediate invites application to other model systems.  相似文献   

There are numerous diseases associated with abnormal hormonal regulation and these include cancers of the breast and prostate. There is substantial evidence that early hormonal perturbations (in utero or during early development) are associated with increased disease susceptibility later in life. These perturbations may arise from exposure to environmental agents or endocrine disruptors which mimic hormones and disrupt normal hormonal signaling. Epigenetic alterations have often been proposed as the underlying mechanism by which early hormonal perturbations may give rise to disease in adulthood. Currently, there is minimal evidence to support a direct link between early hormonal perturbations and epigenetic modifications; or between epigenetic alterations and subsequent onset of cancer. Given that epigenetic modifications may play an important role in hormone-dependent cancers, it is essential to better understand the relationship between the hormonal environment and epigenetic modifications in both normal and disease states. In this review, we highlight several important studies which support the hypothesis that: hormonal perturbations early in life may result in epigenetic changes that may modify hormone receptor function, thereby contributing to an increased risk of developing hormone-related cancers.  相似文献   

Petrella RJ  Karplus M 《Proteins》2004,54(4):716-726
Although most side-chain torsion angles correspond to low-energy rotameric positions, deviations occur with significant frequency. One striking example arises in Trp residues, which have an important role in stabilizing protein structures because of their size and mixed hydrophobic/hydrophilic character. Ten percent of Trp side-chains have unexplained conformations with chi(2) near 0 degrees instead of the expected 90 degrees. The current work is a structural and energetic analysis of these conformations. It is shown that many Trp residues with these orientations are stabilized by three-center carbon-donor hydrogen bonds of the form C-H...X...H-C, where X is a polar hydrogen-bond acceptor in the environment of the side-chain. The bridging hydrogen bonds occur both within the Trp side-chain and between the side-chain and the local protein backbone. Free energy maps of an isolated Trp residue in an explicit water environment show a minimum corresponding to the off-rotamer peak observed in the crystallographic data. Bridging carbon-donor hydrogen bonds are also shown to stabilize on-rotamer Trp conformations, and similar bridging hydrogen bonds also stabilize some off-rotamer Asp conformations. The present results suggest a previously unrecognized role for three-center carbon-donor hydrogen bonds in protein structures and support the view that the off-rotamer Trp side-chain orientations are real rather than artifacts of crystallographic refinements. Certain of the off-rotamer Trp conformations appear to have a functional role.  相似文献   

A detailed structure for the tetragonal form (a = b = 0.989 nm, c, fibre axis, = 3.394 nm) of sodium hyaluronate has been obtained by analysing X-ray fibre diffraction data using new molecular modelling techniques. Two polysaccharide chains pass through each unit cell, one at the corner and one at the centre. The chains are anti-parallel to one another. Each chain is a left-handed, 4-fold helix of disaccharide units. There are intramolecular hydrogen bonds stabilising each glycosidic linkage. Octahedrally co-ordinated sodium ions link, by O … Na+ … O bridges, neighbouring polysaccharide chains that are further linked by hydrogen bonds. No double-helix model (as originally proposed for this structure) has been found to be free of unacceptable non-bonded contacts or to fit the diffraction intensities as closely.The tetragonal form, which is stable at zero relative humidity, contains no detectable water molecules. At higher relative humidities a related orthorhombic form is observed in which only the a dimension of the lattice is different (a = 1.153 nm, b = 0.989 nm, c = 3.386 nm). In this form the hyaluronate helix is 2-fold with tetrasaccharide units conformationally similar to the 4-fold helix of the tetragonal form. The Na+ … O binding and hydrogen bonds lost on expansion of the tetragonal lattice are all replaced in the orthorhombic structure by bridges through water molecules, four of which associated with each tetrasaccharide.  相似文献   

Stochastic simulations of coarse-grained protein models are used to investigate the propensity to form knots in early stages of protein folding. The study is carried out comparatively for two homologous carbamoyltransferases, a natively-knotted N-acetylornithine carbamoyltransferase (AOTCase) and an unknotted ornithine carbamoyltransferase (OTCase). In addition, two different sets of pairwise amino acid interactions are considered: one promoting exclusively native interactions, and the other additionally including non-native quasi-chemical and electrostatic interactions. With the former model neither protein shows a propensity to form knots. With the additional non-native interactions, knotting propensity remains negligible for the natively-unknotted OTCase while for AOTCase it is much enhanced. Analysis of the trajectories suggests that the different entanglement of the two transcarbamylases follows from the tendency of the C-terminal to point away from (for OTCase) or approach and eventually thread (for AOTCase) other regions of partly-folded protein. The analysis of the OTCase/AOTCase pair clarifies that natively-knotted proteins can spontaneously knot during early folding stages and that non-native sequence-dependent interactions are important for promoting and disfavouring early knotting events.  相似文献   

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