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During meiotic reinitiation of the mouse oocyte, entry into M-phase is regulated by changes of protein phosphorylation and by the stimulation of selective mRNA translation following the nuclear membrane dissolution. Our results reveal that M-phase kinases (MAP kinase and histone H1 kinase) are being activated together with S6 kinase and with the phosphorylation of eIF4E, the cap-binding subunit of the initiation factor eIF-4F. In order to test which signaling pathway(s) is(are) involved, okadaic acid and cycloheximide have been used as tools for differentially modulating MAP and histone H1 kinase activities. A role for MAP kinases in the phosphorylation of eIF4E and the activation of S6 kinase is suggested. The possible implication of p90rsk and/or of p70s6k in the overall increase in S6 kinase activity has been examined. p70s6k does not appear to be involved since phosphorylated forms are found in prophase and maturing oocytes. In contrast, p90rsk is phosphorylated and activated in maturing oocytes. p90rsk phosphorylation correlates with the activation of S6 kinase. These results suggest that the overall increase of S6 kinase activity is mostly due to p90rsk activation. The roles of eIF4E phosphorylation and S6 kinase activation in the physiological induction of M-phase and in the okadaic acid-induced premature mitotic events are discussed. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 46:383–391, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the activation of p90rsk during meiotic maturation and the inactivation of p90rsk after electrical parthenogenetic activation of rat oocytes. In addition, the correlation between p90rsk and MAP kinases after different treatments was studied. We assessed p90rsk activity by examining its electrophoretic mobility shift on SDS-PAGE and evaluated ERK1+2 activity by both mobility shift and a specific antibody against phospho-MAP kinase. The phosphorylation of p90rsk during rat oocyte maturation was a sequential process that may be divided into two stages: the first stage was partial phosphorylation, which was irrelevant with MAP kinases because p90rsk phosphorylation took place prior to activation of MAP kinases. The second stage inferred full activation occurred at the time when MAP kinases began to be activated (3 h after germinal visicle breakdown). Evidence for the involvement of MAP kinases in the p90rsk phosphorylation was further obtained by the following approaches: (1) okadaic acid (OA) accelerated the phosphorylation of both MAP kinases and p90rsk; (2) OA induced phosphorylation of both MAP kinases and p90rsk in the presence of IBMX; (3) when activation of MAP kinases was inhibited by cycloheximide, p90rsk phosphorylation was also abolished; (4) dephosphorylation of p90rsk began to take place at 3 h post-activation, temporally correlated with the completion of MAP kinase inactivation; (5) phosphorylation of both kinases was maintained in oocytes that failed to form pronuclei after stimulation; (6) OA abolished the dephosphorylation of both kinases after parthenogenetic activation. Our data suggest that MAP kinases are not required for early partial activation of p90rsk but are required for full activation of p90rsk during rat oocyte maturation, and that p90rsk dephosphorylation occurs following MAP kinase inactivation after parthenogenetic activation of rat oocytes.  相似文献   

Human platelets provide an excellent model system for the study of phosphorylation events during signal transduction and cell adhesion. Platelets are terminally differentiated cells that exhibit rapid phosphorylation of many proteins upon agonist-induced activation and aggregation. We have sought to identify the kinases as well as the phosphorylated substrates that participate in thrombin-induced signal transduction and platelet aggregation. In this study, we have identified two forms of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), p42mapk and p44mapk, in platelets. The data demonstrate that p42mapk but not p44mapk becomes phosphorylated on serine, threonine, and tyrosine during platelet activation. Immune complex kinase assays, gel renaturation assays, and a direct assay for MAPK activity in platelet extracts all support the conclusion that p42mapk but not p44mapk shows increased kinase activity during platelet activation. The activation of p42mapk, independently of p44mapk, in platelets is unique since in other systems, both kinases are coactivated by a variety of stimuli. We also show that platelets express p90rsk, a ribosomal S6 kinase that has previously been characterized as a substrate for MAPK. p90rsk is phosphorylated on serine in resting platelets, and this phosphorylation is enhanced upon thrombin-induced platelet activation. Immune complex kinase assays demonstrate that the activity of p90rsk is markedly increased during platelet activation. Another ribosomal S6 protein kinase, p70S6K, is expressed by platelets but shows no change in kinase activity upon platelet activation with thrombin. Finally, we show that the increased phosphorylation and activity of both p42mapk and p90rsk does not require integrin-mediated platelet aggregation. Since platelets are nonproliferative cells, the signal transduction pathways that include p42mapk and p90rsk cannot lead to a mitogenic signal and instead may regulate cytoskeletal or secretory changes during platelet activation.  相似文献   

Several protein kinases are involved in the meiotic maturation of frog oocytes in order to activate the maturation-promoting factor (MPF). Among these kinases, the 90 kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase (p90Rsk or Rsk) is directly phosphorylated and activated by the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). During Xenopus oocyte maturation, the activation of Rsk closely parallels that of MAPK. Both enzymes are dephosphorylated when the cytostatic factor (CSF) disappears after fertilization. Therefore, Rsk seems to play an essential role in the activation of MPF. To evaluate it in other frog oocytes, we cloned and characterized Rsk cDNA in Rana dybowskii oocytes. The cloned Rana Rsk cDNA had 2,961 bp of nucleotides, which contained a complete single open-reading frame with ATG codon and polyadenylation signal. The deduced amino acid sequence of Rana Rsk is 733 amino acids with 83 kDa. Rana Rsk shows a high homology (about 88%) with Xenopus Rsk. It also had two well-conserved kinase domains with specific phosphorylation sites, which are known to be essential for the activation of Rsk. A Northern analysis showed that Rana Rsk mRNA was strongly expressed in ovary tissue, but weakly in other tissue. Rana Rsk protein is expressed with the pTYB1 vector and purified with the IMPACT-CN system. The purified Rana Rsk cross-reacted with Xenopus, a p90Rsk2 antiserum. Therefore, we examined the phosphorylation of Rana Rsk during Rana oocyte maturation. In P4-treated oocytes, Rana Rsk was phosphorylated about 6-9 h, which correlated well with the germinal vesicle breakdown of Rana oocytes. Therefore, it is likely that Rana Rsk plays an important role in the meiotic maturation of seasonal breeding animals.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have demonstrated that activation of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase is involved in the maturation of oocytes. In this study, the expression and phosphorylation of MAP kinase and p90rsk, one of the substrates of MAP kinase, during rabbit oocyte maturation were studied. The results showed that MAP kinase phosphorylation began to occur after germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) and the active form was maintained until metaphase II. p90rsk was also activated after GVBD following MAP kinase activation. Immunofluorescent analysis showed that p90rsk was enriched in the nuclear area after GVBD and was gradually localised to the spindle. When GVBD was inhibited by increased cAMP or decreased protein kinase C activity, the phosphorylation of both MAP kinase and p9rsk was blocked. Our data suggest that (1) MAP kinase/p90rsk activation is not necessary for GVBD, but plays an important role in the post-GVBD events including spindle assembly in rabbit oocytes; and (2) MAP kinase/p9rsk activation is down-regulated by cAMP and up-regulated byprotein kinase C in cumulus-enclosed rabbit oocytes.  相似文献   

Changes in protein kinase C (PKC) activity influence the progression of meiosis; however, the specific function of the various PKC isoforms in female gametes is not known. In the current study, the protein expression and subcellular distribution profile of PKC-delta (PKC-delta), a novel isoform of the PKC family, was determined in mouse oocytes undergoing meiotic maturation and following egg activation. The full-length protein was observed as a doublet (76 and 78 kDa) on Western blot analysis. A smaller (47 kDa) carboxyl-terminal fragment, presumably the truncated catalytic domain of PKC-delta, was also strongly expressed. Both the full-length protein and the catalytic fragment became phosphorylated coincident with the resumption of meiosis and remained phosphorylated throughout metaphase II (MII) arrest. Immunofluorescence staining showed PKC-delta distributed diffusely throughout the cytoplasm of oocytes during maturation and associated with the spindle apparatus during the first meiotic division. Discrete foci of the protein also localized with the chromosomes in some mature eggs. Following the completion of meiosis, PKC-delta became dephosphorylated within 2 h of in vitro fertilization or parthenogenetic activation. The protein also accumulated in the nuclei of early embryos and was phosphorylated during M-phase of the initial mitotic cleavage division. By the two-cell stage, expression of the truncated catalytic fragment was minimal. These data demonstrate that the subcellular distribution and posttranslational modification of PKC-delta is cell cycle dependent, suggesting that its activity and/or function likely vary with the progression of meiosis and egg activation.  相似文献   

The carboxyl-terminal domain (CTD) of the p90 ribosomal S6 kinases (RSKs) is an important regulatory domain in RSK and a model for kinase regulation of FXXFXF(Y) motifs in AGC kinases. Its properties had not been studied. We reconstituted activation of the CTD in Escherichia coli by co-expression with active ERK2 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). GST-RSK2-(aa373-740) was phosphorylated in the P-loop (Thr(577)) by MAPK, accompanied by increased phosphorylation on the hydrophobic motif site, Ser(386). Activated GST-RSK2-(aa373-740) phosphorylates synthetic peptides based on Ser(386). The peptide RRQLFRGFSFVAK, which was termed CTDtide, was phosphorylated with K(m) and V(max) values of approximately 140 microm and approximately 1 micromol/min/mg, respectively. Residues Leu at p -5 and Arg at p -3 are important for substrate recognition, but a hydrophobic residue at p +4 is not. RSK2 CTD is a much more selective peptide kinase than MAPK-activated protein kinase 2. CTDtide was used to probe regulation of hemagglutinin-tagged RSK proteins immunopurified from epidermal growth factor-stimulated BHK-21 cells. K100A but not K451A RSK2 phosphorylates CTDtide, indicating a requirement for the CTD. RSK2-(aa1-389) phosphorylates the S6 peptide, and this activity is inactivated by S386A mutation, but RSK2-(aa1-389) does not phosphorylate CTDtide. In contrast, RSK2-(aa373-740) containing only the CTD phosphorylates CTDtide robustly. Thus, CTDtide is phosphorylated by the CTD but not the NH(2)-terminal domain (NTD). Epidermal growth factor activates the CTD and NTD in parallel. Activity of the CTD for peptide phosphorylation correlates with Thr(577) phosphorylation. CTDtide activity is constrained in full-length RSK2. Interestingly, mutation of the conserved lysine in the ATP-binding site of the NTD completely eliminates S6 kinase activity, but a similar mutation of the CTD does not completely ablate kinase activity for intramolecular phosphorylation of Ser(386), even though it greatly reduces CTDtide activity. The standard lysine mutation used routinely to study kinase functions in vivo may be unsatisfactory when the substrate is intramolecular or in a tight complex.  相似文献   

Calcium (Ca(2+))/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase (CaMKK) is a novel member of Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaMK) family, whose physiological roles in regulating meiotic cell cycle needs to be determined. We showed by Western blot that CaMKK was expressed in pig oocytes at various maturation stages. Confocal microscopy was employed to observe CaMKK distribution. In oocytes at the germinal vesicle (GV) or prometaphase I (pro-MI) stage, CaMKK was distributed in the nucleus, around the condensed chromatin and the cortex of the cell. At metaphase I (MI) stage, CaMKK was concentrated in the cortex of the cell. After transition to anaphase I or telophase I stage, CaMKK was detected around the separating chromosomes and in the cortex of the cell. At metaphase II (MII) stage, CaMKK was localized to the cortex of the cell, with a thicker area near the first polar body (PB1). Treatment of pig cumulus-enclosed oocytes with STO-609, a membrane-permeable CaMKK inhibitor, resulted in the delay/inhibition of the meiotic resumption and the inhibition of first polar body emission. The correlation between CaMKK and microfilaments during meiotic maturation of pig oocytes was then studied. CaMKK and microfilaments were colocalized from MI to MII during porcine oocyte maturation. After oocytes were treated with STO-609, microfilaments were depolymerized, while in oocytes exposed to cytochalasin B (CB), a microfilament polymerization inhibitor, CaMKK became diffused evenly throughout the cell. These data suggest that CaMKK is involved in regulating the meiotic cell cycle probably by interacting with microfilaments in pig oocytes.  相似文献   

During meiotic maturation of Xenopus laevis stage 6 oocytes into unfertilized eggs, 40S ribosomal protein S6 undergoes multiple phosphorylation. Extracts prepared from unfertilized eggs are up to 10-fold more efficient in phosphorylating S6 than those prepared from immature oocytes. When analyzed by DEAE chromatography the S6 kinase activity elutes as a single peak. If extracts from unfertilized eggs are prepared in the absence of beta-glycerol phosphate, a putative phosphatase inhibitor, there is a severe reduction in recovered S6 kinase activity. Under optimal conditions, incubation of unfertilized egg extracts with 40S ribosomes in the presence of ATP leads to the average incorporation of 3.5 mol of phosphate/mol of S6. Prior incubation of these extracts with the cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor does not inhibit S6 phosphorylation indicating that another kinase is responsible. Analysis of the in vitro phosphorylated peptides demonstrates that they migrate to the equivalent position of those observed previously in vivo and in vitro. More strikingly, if each of the increasingly phosphorylated derivatives of S6 is analyzed independently, it is found that the phosphopeptides appear in a specific order.  相似文献   

p90 ribosomal S6 kinases (RSKs), containing two distinct kinase catalytic domains, are phosphorylated and activated by extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK). The amino-terminal kinase domain (NTD) of RSK phosphorylates exogenous substrates, whereas the carboxyl-terminal kinase domain (CTD) autophosphorylates Ser-386. A conserved putative autoinhibitory alpha helix is present in the carboxyl-terminal tail of the RSK isozymes ((697)HLVKGAMAATYSALNR(712) of RSK2). Here, we demonstrate that truncation (Delta alpha) or mutation (Y707A) of this helix in RSK2 resulted in constitutive activation of the CTD. In vivo, both mutants enhanced basal Ser-386 autophosphorylation by the CTD above that of wild type (WT). The enhanced Ser-386 autophosphorylation was attributed to disinhibition of the CTD because a CTD dead mutation (K451A) eliminated Ser-386 autophosphorylation even in conjunction with Delta alpha and Y707A. Constitutive activity of the CTD appears to enhance NTD activity even in the absence of ERK phosphorylation because basal phosphorylation of S6 peptide by Delta alpha and Y707A was approximately 4-fold above that of WT. A RSK phosphorylation motif antibody detected a 140-kDa protein (pp140) that was phosphorylated upon epidermal growth factor or insulin treatment. Ectopic expression of Delta alpha or Y707A resulted in increased basal phosphorylation of pp140 compared with that of WT, presenting the possibility that pp140 is a novel RSK substrate. Thus, it is clear that the CTD regulates NTD activity in vivo as well as in vitro.  相似文献   

Calcium signal is important for the regulation of meiotic cell cycle in oocytes, but its downstream mechanism is not well known. The functional roles of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) in meiotic maturation and activation of pig oocytes were studied by drug treatment, Western blot analysis, kinase activity assay, indirect immunostaining, and confocal microscopy. The results indicated that meiotic resumption of both cumulus-enclosed and denuded oocytes was prevented by CaMKII inhibitor KN-93, Ant-AIP-II, or CaM antagonist W7 in a dose-dependent manner, but only germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) of denuded oocytes was inhibited by membrane permeable Ca2+ chelator BAPTA-AM. When the oocytes were treated with KN-93, W7, or BAPTA-AM after GVBD, the first polar body emission was inhibited. A quick elevation of CaMKII activity was detected after electrical activation of mature pig oocytes, which could be prevented by the pretreatment of CaMKII inhibitors. Treatment of oocytes with KN-93 or W7 resulted in the inhibition of pronuclear formation. The possible regulation of CaMKII on maturation promoting factor (MPF), mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), and ribosome S6 protein kinase (p90rsk) during meiotic cell cycles of pig oocytes was also studied. KN-93 and W7 prevented the accumulation of cyclin B and the full phosphorylation of MAPK and p90rsk during meiotic maturation. When CaMKII activity was inhibited during parthenogenetic activation, cyclin B, the regulatory subunit of MPF, failed to be degraded, but MAPK and p90rsk were quickly dephosphorylated and degraded. Confocal microscopy revealed that CaM and CaMKII were localized to the nucleus and the periphery of the GV stage oocytes. Both proteins were concentrated to the condensed chromosomes after GVBD. In oocytes at the meiotic metaphase MI or MII stage, CaM distributed on the whole spindle, but CaMKII was localized only on the spindle poles. After transition into anaphase, both proteins were translocated to the area between separating chromosomes. All these results suggest that CaMKII is a multifunctional regulator of meiotic cell cycle and spindle assembly and that it may exert its effect via regulation of MPF and MAPK/p90rsk activity during the meiotic maturation and activation of pig oocytes.  相似文献   

The overall objective was to elucidate the phosphorylation pattern and activity of the kinase p90rsk, a substrate of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), during in vitro and in vivo maturation of pig oocytes. Cumulus-oocyte complexes were collected from slaughtered pigs and matured in vitro (0, 22, 26, 30, 34, 46 h) with and without the MEK inhibitor U0126. For in vivo maturation, gilts were stimulated with equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG) (600-800 IU). Maturation was induced 72 h later with hCG (500 IU). Oocytes were obtained surgically (0, 22, 30 h). The samples were submitted to electrophoresis and protein blotting analysis. Enhanced chemiluminescence was used for visualization. In vitro matured oocytes were further submitted to a commercially available radioactive kinase assay to determine kinase activity. It was shown that oocytes, as well as cumulus cells, already possess a partially phosphorylated p90rsk at the time of removal from follicles, with a further phosphorylation of the molecule occurring between 22-24 h after the initiation of culture, and in vivo maturation. The phosphorylation of p90rsk coincides with the phosphorylation of MAPK and can be prevented by U0126, indicating a MAPK-dependent phosphorylation of p90rsk. Phosphorylation of the in vivo matured oocytes occurred shown as a band of less than 200 kDa. This is presumably a molecule complex, with MAPK not being a component. Therefore, the p90rsk molecule in vivo exists as a dimer. Determination of kinase activity demonstrated decreasing enzyme activities. This led to the conclusion that the assay is not specific for p90rsk, instead measuring p70S6 kinase activities.  相似文献   

Antiserum raised against recombinant Xenopus ribosomal protein S6 kinase (rsk) was used to identify a 90,000-Mr ribosomal S6 kinase, pp90rsk, in chicken embryo fibroblasts. Adding serum to cells stimulated the phosphorylation of pp90rsk on serine and threonine residues and increased the activity of S6 kinase measured in immune complex assays. Xenopus S6 kinase II and chicken embryo fibroblast pp90rsk had nearly identical phosphopeptide maps.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) is a family of Ser/Thr protein kinases that are widely distributed in eukaryotic cells. Studies in the last decade revealed that MAPK cascade plays pivotal roles in regulating the meiotic cell cycle progression of oocytes. In mammalian species, activation of MAPK in cumulus cells is necessary for gonadotropin-induced meiotic resumption of oocytes, while MAPK activation is not required for spontaneous meiotic resumption. After germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), MAPK is involved in the regulation of microtubule organization and meiotic spindle assembly. The activation of this kinase is essential for the maintenance of metaphase II arrest, while its inactivation is a prerequisite for pronuclear formation after fertilization or parthenogenetic activation. MAPK cascade interacts extensively with other protein kinases such as maturation-promoting factor, protein kinase A, protein kinase C, and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, as well as with protein phosphatases in oocyte meiotic cell cycle regulation. The cross talk between MAPK cascade and other protein kinases is discussed. The review also addresses unsolved problems and discusses future directions.  相似文献   

M-Phase specific protein kinase or cdc2 protein kinase is a component of MPF (M-Phase promoting factor). During meiotic maturation of Xenopus oocytes, cdc2 protein kinase is activated in correlation with MPF activity. A protein phosphorylation cascade takes place involving several protein kinases, among which casein kinase II, and different changes associated with meiosis occur such as germinal vesicle breakdown, chromosome condensation, cytoskeletal reorganization and increase in protein synthesis. Our results provide a biochemical link between cdc2 protein kinase and protein synthesis since they show that the kinase phosphorylates in vitro a p47 protein identified as elongation factor EF1 (gamma subunit) and that the in vitro site of p47 corresponds to the site phosphorylated in vivo. Immunofluorescence showed that the elongation factor (EF1-beta gamma) is localized in the oocyte cortex. Furthermore, they show that cdc2 kinase phosphorylates and activates casein kinase II in vitro, strongly supporting the view that casein kinase II is involved in the phosphorylation cascade originated by cdc2 kinase.  相似文献   

After a 60 min heat-shock at 36 degrees C, Xenopus oocytes are still able to accomplish a complete meiotic maturation in response to a progesterone treatment. The 36 degrees C heat-shock applied to maturing oocytes strongly enhances the synthesis of a single heat-shock protein of approx. 70 000 molecular weight (hsp70); after activation with the Ca2+-ionophore A 23187, matured oocytes still display the ability to synthesize hsp70 and to survive a heat-shock. A cycloheximide treatment combined with a heat-shock induces, during the recovery period, the synthesis of two heat-shock proteins, of approx. 70 000 and 83 000 molecular weight.  相似文献   

We have identified human, mouse, and chicken homologs to Xenopus S6 protein kinase II (S6KII). In quiescent cells, the apparent molecular mass of the Xenopus homologs (referred to as pp90rsk) increased from a range of 81 to 91 to a range of 85 to 92 kilodaltons following serum addition, which is consistent with an increase in protein phosphorylation. Indeed, serum growth factors stimulated pp90rsk phosphorylation at multiple serine and threonine residues. Furthermore, pp90rsk activity was stimulated within seconds of serum addition. Distinct molecular sizes, chromatographic properties, phosphopeptide maps, and kinetics of activation, the lack of immunological cross-reactivity, and analysis of S6 kinase activities in cells that overexpressed pp90rsk suggest that pp90rsk and pp70-S6 protein kinase, a previously identified mitogen- and oncogene-regulated S6 kinase in cultured cells, are distinct and differentially regulated. The notion that both enzymes are regulated by protein phosphorylation was supported by the ability to inactivate their S6 phosphotransferase activities with potato acid phosphatase. These data demonstrate that homologs to the Xenopus S6 protein kinases are produced and regulated by protein phosphorylation in somatic cells and that, in addition to a proposed role in Xenopus oocyte maturation, these homologs may participate in the initiation of animal cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Uptake of radioactive amino acids and their incorporation into protein were examined during 1-methyladenine-induced maturation and subsequent fertilization of oocytes of the starfish Patiria miniata. The initial response to the hormone was a nearly immediate decrease in permeability to amino acids, indicating that the site of action of the hormone is on the cell surface. Protein synthesis began to increase starting about 12 min after 1-methyladenine stimulation and prior to germinal vesicle breakdown. It continued to rise throughout the first meiotic division. This protein synthesis was not required for assembly or initial functioning of the meiotic apparatus, although it was necessary for the completion of meiosis. Fertilization had no effect on the rate of protein synthesis.Oocytes of P. miniata provide an example of hormonal stimulation of protein synthesis in an invertebrate system.  相似文献   

The hypoxic and acidic microenvironments in tumors are strongly associated with malignant progression and metastasis, and have thus become a central issue in tumor physiology and cancer treatment. Despite this, the molecular links between acidic pH- and hypoxia-mediated cell invasion/metastasis remain mostly unresolved. One of the mechanisms that tumor cells use for tissue invasion is the generation of invadopodia, which are actin-rich invasive plasma membrane protrusions that degrade the extracellular matrix. Here, we show that hypoxia stimulates the formation of invadopodia as well as the invasive ability of cancer cells. Inhibition or shRNA-based depletion of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHE-1, along with intracellular pH monitoring by live-cell imaging, revealed that invadopodia formation is associated with alterations in cellular pH homeostasis, an event that involves activation of the Na(+)/H(+) exchange rate by NHE-1. Further characterization indicates that hypoxia triggered the activation of the p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (p90 RSK), which resulted in invadopodia formation and site-specific phosphorylation and activation of NHE-1. This study reveals an unsuspected role of p90RSK in tumor cell invasion and establishes p90RS kinase as a link between hypoxia and the acidic microenvironment of tumors.  相似文献   

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