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Summary We examined the influence of culture conditions on the production of the recombinant fused protein Kringle 1 (Streptokinase) (K1(SK)) expressed in E. coli under the control of the Ipp-lac promoter. The growth and the protein production were severely inhibited at glucose concentrations higher than 5 g/L. The highest yield of K1(SK) from the soluble extract was obtained using synthetic medium. Concentrations of inducer between 0.1 and 1 mM of IPTG did not significantly affect the production level of K1(SK) or the final cell density. Under optimal conditions the K1(SK) protein was expressed in an intracellular soluble form at about 3–4% of the total cellular protein.  相似文献   

Clostridium botulinum exoenzyme C3 inactivates the small GTPase Rho by ADP-ribosylation. We used a C3 fusion toxin (C2IN-C3) with high cell accessibility to study the kinetics of Rho inactivation by ADP-ribosylation. In primary cultures of rat astroglial cells and Chinese hamster ovary cells, C2IN-C3 induced the complete ADP-ribosylation of RhoA and concomitantly the disassembly of stress fibers within 3 h. Removal of C2IN-C3 from the medium caused the recovery of stress fibers and normal cell morphology within 4 h. The regeneration was preceded by the appearance of non-ADP-ribosylated RhoA. Recovery of cell morphology was blocked by the proteasome inhibitor lactacystin and by the translation inhibitors cycloheximide and puromycin, indicating that intracellular degradation of the C3 fusion toxin and the neosynthesis of Rho were required for reversal of cell morphology. Escherichia coli cytotoxic necrotizing factor CNF1, which activates Rho by deamidation of Gln(63), caused reconstitution of stress fibers and cell morphology in C2IN-C3-treated cells within 30-60 min. The effect of CNF1 was independent of RhoA neosynthesis and occurred in the presence of completely ADP-ribosylated RhoA. The data show three novel findings; 1) the cytopathic effects of ADP-ribosylation of Rho are rapidly reversed by neosynthesis of Rho, 2) CNF1-induced deamidation activates ADP-ribosylated Rho, and 3) inhibition of Rho activation but not inhibition of Rho-effector interaction is a major mechanism underlying inhibition of cellular functions of Rho by ADP-ribosylation.  相似文献   

In a homologous series of N-(n-alkyl)diethanolamines antimicrobial activity was related to surface activity and increasing octanol-water partition coefficient. Maximum activity was exhibited by the dodecyl-, tetradecyl- and hexadecyl-derivatives. Dodecyldiethanolamine (DDE) displayed a broad spectrum of activity. Towards Escherichia coli NCIB8277, its bacteriostatic and bactericidal activity increased as the degree of protonation lessened, and may have been influenced by the formation of micelles. Uptake of DDE by washed suspensions of E. coli was more rapid and more extensive at pH 7.0 than pH 4.0. Within this pH range, bacterial uptake, the octanol-water partition coefficient (lipid solubility) and the proportion of unprotonated DDE all increased. Uptake isotherms at pH values in the range 4.0 to 8.0 are interpreted as signifying different uptake mechanisms for the protonated and unprotonated forms.  相似文献   

We measured the abundance and biovolume of bacteria in intertidal sediments from Tokyo Bay, Japan, by using a dual-staining technique (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole and acridine orange) and several dispersion techniques (ultrasonic cleaner, ultrasonic sonicator, and tissue homogenizer). Dual staining reduced serious background fluorescence, particularly when used for silt-, clay-, and detritus-rich sediments, and allowed us to distinguish bacteria from other objects during both counting and sizing. Within the studied samples, the number of bacterial cells ranged from 0.20 x 10(9) to 3. 54 x 10(9) g of wet sediment(-1). With the cleaner and sonicator treatments, the bacterial numbers for all of the sites initially increased with dispersion time and then became constant. For the homogenizer treatments, the highest bacterial numbers were observed with the shortest (0.5- to 2-min) treatments, and the counts then declined steeply as the homogenization time increased, indicating that cell destruction occurred. The cleaner treatment had the possibility of insufficient dispersion of bacteria for fine-grain sediments. Within the studied samples, the bacterial biovolume ranged from 0.07 to 0.22 microm(3). With the cleaner and sonicator treatments, the biovolume peaked during the shorter dispersion time. This pattern was caused not by cell destruction but by the incremental portion of dispersed small cells. We concluded that with the cleaner and sonicator treatments, the longer dispersion time reflected the real size spectrum and was preferable for accurate estimation of mean bacterial biovolumes.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of Escherichia coli to several aminoglycoside antibiotics was examined with E. coli DR112 transformed by the gene for polyamine-induced protein (oligopeptide-binding [OppA] protein) or polyamine transport proteins. The results clearly showed that sensitivity to aminoglycoside antibiotics (gentamicin, isepamicin, kanamycin, neomycin, paromomycin, and streptomycin) increased due to the highly expressed OppA protein. When the gene for OppA protein was deleted, sensitivity to aminoglycoside antibiotics was greatly decreased. It was also shown that isepamicin could bind to OppA protein with a binding affinity constant of 8.5 x 10(3) M-1 under the ionic conditions of 50 mM K+ and 1 mM Mg2+ at pH 7.5, and isepamicin uptake into cells was greatly stimulated by the OppA protein. These results, taken together, show that the OppA protein increases the uptake of aminoglycoside antibiotics. In addition, the OppA protein increased the transport of spermidine and an oligopeptide (Gly-Leu-Tyr). The uptake of isepamicin into cells was partially inhibited by spermidine, suggesting that the binding site for isepamicin overlaps that for spermidine on the OppA protein. Spermidine uptake activity by the OppA protein was less than 1% of that of the ordinary spermidine uptake system. Aminoglycoside antibiotics neither stimulated the synthesis of OppA protein nor increased spermidine uptake.  相似文献   

A vector for site-directed mutagenesis and overproduction of the Escherichia coli single-stranded-DNA-binding protein (E. coli SSB) was constructed. An E. coli strain carrying this vector produces up to 400 mg pure protein from 25 g wet cells. The vector was used to mutate specifically the Phe60 residue of E. coli SSB. Phe60 had been proposed to be located near the single-stranded-DNA-binding site. Substitution of the Phe60 residue by Val, Ser, Leu, His, Tyr and Trp gave proteins with no or only minor conformational changes, as detected by NMR spectroscopy. The affinity of the mutant E. coli SSB proteins for single-stranded DNA decreased in the order Trp greater than Phe (wild-type) greater than Tyr greater than Leu greater than His greater than Val greater than Ser, leading to the conclusion that position 60 is a site of hydrophobic interaction of the protein with DNA.  相似文献   

R A Rothery  F Blasco  A Magalon  M Asso  J H Weiner 《Biochemistry》1999,38(39):12747-12757
We have potentiometrically characterized the two hemes of Escherichia coli nitrate reductase A (NarGHI) using EPR and optical spectroscopy. NarGHI contains two hemes, a low-potential heme b(L) (E(m,7) = 20 mV; g(z)() = 3.36) and a high-potential heme b(H) (E(m, 7) = 120 mV; g(z)() = 3.76). Potentiometric analyses of the g(z)() features of the heme EPR spectra indicate that the E(m,7) values of both hemes are sensitive to the menaquinol analogue 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide (HOQNO). This inhibitor causes a potential-inversion of the two hemes (for heme b(L), E(m,7) = 120 mV; for heme b(H), E(m,7) = 60 mV). This effect is corroborated by optical spectroscopy of a heme b(H)-deficient mutant (NarGHI(H56R)) in which the heme b(L) undergoes a DeltaE(m,7) of 70 mV in the presence of HOQNO. Another potent inhibitor of NarGHI, stigmatellin, elicits a moderate heme b(L) DeltaE(m,7) of 30 mV, but has no detectable effect on heme b(H). No effect is elicited by either inhibitor on the line shape or the E(m,7) values of the [3Fe-4S] cluster coordinated by NarH. When NarI is expressed in the absence of NarGH [NarI(DeltaGH)], two hemes are detected in potentiometric titrations with E(m,7) values of 37 mV (heme b(L); g(z)() = 3.15) and -178 mV (heme b(H); g(z)() = 2.92), suggesting that heme b(H) may be exposed to the aqueous milieu in the absence of NarGH. The identity of these hemes was confirmed by recording EPR spectra of NarI(DeltaGH)(H56R). HOQNO binding titrations followed by fluorescence spectroscopy suggest that in both NarGHI and NarI(DeltaGH), this inhibitor binds to a single high-affinity site with a K(d) of approximately 0.2 microM. These data support a functional model for NarGHI in which a single dissociable quinol binding site is associated with heme b(L) and is located toward the periplasmic side of NarI.  相似文献   

The binding of initiation Factor 3 (IF3) to poly (1,N6-ethenoadenylic acid) [poly(epsilon A)] was investigated by fluorescence spectroscopy. At low salt concentrations, IF3 evokes an increase in the fluorescence intensity of poly(epsilon A) due to the unstacking of the nucleotide bases. The poly(epsilon A) fluorescence enhancement titrates to an endpoint of 13 +/- 2 nucleotide residues per IF3. The maximum poly(epsilon A) fluorescence enhancement, at lattice saturation, decreases with increasing salt concentration. Even though IF3 does not produce a large fluorescence increase between 75 and 200 mM NaCl concentration, the protein still binds to poly(epsilon A) at these salt concentrations as measured by sedimentation partition chromatography; the value of Kobs for the IF3-poly(epsilon A) interaction is comparable to that of other synthetic polynucleotides. The binding of IF3 to poly(A) at 150 and 200 mM NaCl induces an increase in nucleotide base-base separation as determined by CD, yet IF3-induced disruption of base stacking of poly(epsilon A) at these same salt concentrations is not detected by fluorescence. It is likely that IF3 binds primarily to the phosphate backbone of poly(epsilon A) at low salt concentrations, producing an increase in the fluorescence intensity. But, at higher salt concentrations, the aromatic amino acids intercalate between the nucleotide bases quenching the poly(epsilon A) fluorescence.  相似文献   

Cell killing and mutation induction in the lacI gene of Escherichia coli by cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2 were studied in cells with different repair capacities, with and without pKM101. The presence of the plasmid pKM101 made repair-proficient cells more susceptible to killing by cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2 and strongly enhanced mutation induction by that compound. Both effects were shown to be dependent upon excision repair. Characterization of the induced mutations in the lacI gene after cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2 treatment of E. coli cells, by the LacI system, revealed that the mutagenic specificity of the Pt compound was strongly influenced by the presence of the pKM101 plasmid. With pKM101, 23% of the induced amber and ochre mutations resulted from substitutions at AT base pairs, whereas these mutations were hardly induced in cells without pKM101. These results suggest that pKM101-induced repair differs from normal SOS repair.  相似文献   

Logarithmically growing and stationary-phase cells of Escherichia coli mutants lacking exonuclease III (xthA) were sensitive to inactivation by broad-spectrum near-UV (300- to 400-nm) radiation. The same xthA mutants were no more sensitive to far-UV wavelengths (200- to 300-nm) than was a strain bearing a functional xthA allele.  相似文献   

Cell division of F+ bacteria is coupled to DNA replication of the F plasmid. Two plasmid coded genes, letA (ccdA) and letD (ccdB) are indispensable for this coupling. To investigate bacterial genes that participate in this coupling, we attempted to identify the target of the division inhibitor (the letD gene product) of the F plasmid. Two temperature-sensitive growth defective mutants were screened from bacterial mutants that escaped the letD product growth inhibition that occurs in hosts carrying an FletA mutant. Phage P1-mediated transduction and complementation analysis indicated that the temperature-sensitive mutations are located in the groES (mopB) gene, which is essential for the morphogenesis of several bacteriophages and also for growth of the bacteria. The nucleotide sequence of the promoter region of the gene in which the temperature-sensitive mutations had occurred was virtually identical with that of the groES gene of Escherichia coli; furthermore the sequence of the first five amino acid residues and the overall amino acid composition predicted from the nucleotide sequence of the gene match those of the purified GroES protein. The temperature-sensitive mutants did not allow the propagation of phage lambda at 28 degrees C and formed long filamentous structures without septa at 41 degrees C, as is observed in the case of groES mutants. Growth of the two groES mutants tested was not inhibited by the F plasmid with the letA mutation. These observations suggest to us that the morphogenesis gene groES plays a key role in coupling between replication of the F plasmid and cell division of the host cells.  相似文献   

A strain of Escherichia coli which was derived from a gentamicin-resistant clinical isolate was found to be cross-resistant to neomycin and streptomycin. The molecular nature of the genetic defect was found to be an insertion of two GC base pairs in the uncG gene of the mutant. The insertion led to the production of a truncated gamma subunit of 247 amino acids in length instead of the 286 amino acids that are present in the normal gamma subunit. A plasmid which carried the ATP synthase genes from the mutant produced resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics when it was introduced into a strain with a chromosomal deletion of the ATP synthase genes. Removal of the genes coding for the beta and epsilon subunits abolished antibiotic resistance coded by the mutant plasmid. The relationship between antibiotic resistance and the gamma subunit was investigated by testing the antibiotic resistance of plasmids carrying various combinations of unc genes. The presence of genes for the F0 portion of the ATP synthase in the presence or absence of genes for the gamma subunit was not sufficient to cause antibiotic resistance. alpha, beta, and truncated gamma subunits were detected on washed membranes of the mutant by immunoblotting. The first 247 amino acid residues of the gamma subunit may be sufficient to allow its association with other F1 subunits in such a way that the proton gate of F0 is held open by the mutant F1.  相似文献   

The gamma subunit of the Escherichia coli F1 ATPase (ECF1) has been altered by site-directed mutagenesis to create five different mutants, gamma-S8C, gamma-S81C, gamma-T106C, gamma-S179C, and gamma-V286C, respectively. ECF1 isolated from four of these mutants had ATPase activities similar to that of a wild-type isogenic strain used as a control, the exception was enzyme isolated from mutant gamma-S81C, which had an ATPase activity of around 70-80% of the wild type. ECF1 isolated from each of the various mutants was reacted with N-(4-(7-(diethylamino)-4-methylcoumarin-3-yl))maleimide (CM). The fluorescent reagent was incorporated into Cys residues placed at positions 8, 106, 179, and 286, but not at 81, indicating which of these Cys residues are on the surface of the gamma subunit in the enzyme complex. Modification of the Cys at position 106 with CM activated the enzyme, and modification of the Cys at position 8 inhibited ATPase activity a small amount; however, modification of Cys at 179 or 286 had no effect on enzyme activity. The four mutants with a reactive Cys were reacted with tetrafluorophenylazide maleimides (TFPAMs), novel photoactivatable cross-linkers. In the mutant gamma-S8C, cross-links were formed between the introduced Cys on the gamma subunit and sites on the beta subunit. This cross-linking between gamma and beta depended on nucleotide conditions under which the photolysis was carried out, with differently migrating cross-linked products being obtained in ATP + EDTA compared with ATP + Mg2+ or ATP + Mg2+ Pi. Cross-linking between beta and gamma inhibited ATPase activity in proportion to the yield of cross-linked product. In the mutant gamma-V286C, cross-links were formed between the introduced Cys on gamma and the alpha subunit which were the same in all nucleotide conditions and which led to inhibition of ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of Escherichia coli histone-like protein integration host factor (IHF) in replication of R6K plasmid (Dellis, S., and Filutowicz, M. (1991) J. Bacteriol. 173, 1279-1286) requires detailed analyses of the interaction of IHF protein with the plasmid's replication origin (gamma ori). We describe an electron microscopic analysis which shows that a compact structure can be formed in the presence of IHF, in which, on average, a 102-base pair (bp) ori segment is involved. IHF.gamma ori complexes also undergo a two-step conformational change in an IHF concentration-dependent manner when analysed by band shift assay. We believe that the DNA is bent at low IHF concentrations, but folded at high IHF concentrations. This idea is supported by the fact that electrophoretic mobility of the IHF.gamma ori complexes is faster at higher concentrations of IHF. Furthermore, it is shown that the formation of a compact nucleoprotein structure depends on the two regions flanking the AT-rich segment; the iterons to the right and the 106-bp ori domain to the left. Finally we show that IHF protects the entire AT-rich segment of the ori against nuclease cleavage. In addition to the protection, an altered cleavage pattern by DNase I, in the presence of high levels of IHF, was observed within the iterons but not within the 106-bp domain of the ori. Implications of the IHF-mediated gamma ori folding as a possible mechanism protecting the ori from replication inhibition by R6K initiator protein tau are discussed.  相似文献   

Labeled oligonucleotides have been fractionated from pancreatic DNase digests of DNA that had been methylated in vitro with the P1 modification enzyme (M·Eco P1) or with the DNA-adenine methylase (M·Eco dam) controlled by the Escherichia coli dam gene. The sequences of methylated oligonucleotides were established for M·Eco dam modification of calf thymus DNA. The results show that M·Eco dam inethylates adenine residues contained in the twofold symmetrical sequence, 5′ … G-A-T-C … 3′. The sequence for the site methylated by M·Eco P1 has also been deduced; we propose that M·Eco P1 modification produces the following methylated pentameric sequence: 5′ … A-G-A1-C-Py … 3′ (where A1 = N6 methyladenine and Py is C or T).  相似文献   

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