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Subdivision of the Drosophila wing imaginal disc by EGFR-mediated signaling   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Growth and patterning of the Drosophila wing imaginal disc depends on its subdivision into dorsoventral (DV) compartments and limb (wing) and body wall (notum) primordia. We present evidence that both the DV and wing-notum subdivisions are specified by activation of the Drosophila Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR). We show that EGFR signaling is necessary and sufficient to activate apterous (ap) expression, thereby segregating the wing disc into D (ap-ON) and V (ap-OFF) compartments. Similarly, we demonstrate that EGFR signaling directs the expression of Iroquois Complex (Iro-C) genes in prospective notum cells, rendering them distinct from, and immiscible with, neighboring wing cells. However, EGFR signaling acts only early in development to heritably activate ap, whereas it is required persistently during subsequent development to maintain Iro-C gene expression. Hence, as the disc grows, the DV compartment boundary can shift ventrally, beyond the range of the instructive EGFR signal(s), in contrast to the notum-wing boundary, which continues to be defined by EGFR input.  相似文献   

Distribution of the enzyme aldehyde oxidase (AO) within the pouch of the mature wing disc is precise and differential. General locations of compartmental boundaries have been identified by fate mapping and studies of AO distribution. The suspected locations of the boundaries were verified by analyzing the distribution of AO-negative cells within an AO-stained background in gynandromorphs and in X-ray-induced clones of AO-negative cells. The anterior/posterior border appeared slightly anterior to the junction of the AO+ anterior presumptive wing surfaces and AO? posterior wing surfaces. A narrow band of AO+ cells extending proximodistally on both presumptive wing surfaces belongs to the posterior compartment. Two dorsal/ventral (dor./vent.) restrictions were found. The dor./vent. restriction equivalent to the dor./vent. border found in the adult wing was located at the ventral most edge of the AO-stained presumptive wing margin. A second restriction which was less strictly obeyed was found on the dorsal edge of the wing margin. We conclude that the whole presumptive wing margin is part of the dorsal compartment. Within the anterior wing margin an intensively stained oval was also found to be clonally restrictive. Therefore, territories were found within the prospective wing margin for which no such features have been identified in the adult Drosophila melanogaster wing.  相似文献   

Differential gene expression is the major mechanism underlying the development of specific body regions. Here we assessed the role of genes differentially expressed in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc, which gives rise to two distinct adult structures: the body wall and the wing. Reverse genetics was used to test the function of uncharacterized genes first identified in a microarray screen as having high levels of expression in the presumptive wing. Such genes could participate in elaborating the specific morphological characteristics of the wing. The activity of the genes was modulated using misexpression and RNAi-mediated silencing. Misexpression of eight of nine genes tested caused phenotypes. Of 12 genes tested, 10 showed effective silencing with RNAi transgenes, but only 3 of these had resulting phenotypes. The wing phenotypes resulting from RNAi suggest that CG8780 is involved in patterning the veins in the proximal region of the wing blade and that CG17278 and CG30069 are required for adhesion of wing surfaces. Venation and apposition of the wing surfaces are processes specific to wing development providing a correlation between the expression and function of these genes. The results show that a combination of expression profiling and tissue-specific gene silencing has the potential to identify new genes involved in wing development and hence to contribute to our understanding of this process. However, there are both technical and biological limitations to this approach, including the efficacy of RNAi and the role that gene redundancy may play in masking phenotypes.  相似文献   

Teleman AA  Cohen SM 《Cell》2000,103(6):971-980
The secreted signaling protein Dpp acts as a morphogen to pattern the anterior-posterior axis of the Drosophila wing. Dpp activity is required in all cells of the developing wing imaginal disc, but the ligand gradient that supports this activity has not been characterized. Here we make use of a biologically active form of Dpp tagged with GFP to examine the ligand gradient. Dpp-GFP forms an unstable extracellular gradient that spreads rapidly in the wing disc. The activity gradient visualized by MAD phosphorylation differs in shape from the ligand gradient. The pMAD gradient adjusted to compartment size when this was experimentally altered. These observations suggest that the Dpp activity gradient may be shaped at the level of receptor activation.  相似文献   

Three main events characterize the development of the proximal-distal axis of the Drosophila wing disc: first, generation of nested circular domains defined by different combinations of gene expression; second, activation of wingless (wg) gene expression in a ring of cells; and third, an increase of cell number in each domain in response to Wg. The mechanisms by which these domains of gene expression are established and maintained are unknown. We have analyzed the role of the gene zinc finger homeodomain 2 (zfh2). We report that in discs lacking zfh2 the limits of the expression domains of the genes tsh, nub, rn, dve and nab coincide, and expression of wg in the wing hinge, is lost. We show that zfh2 expression is delimited distally by Vg, Nub and Dpp signalling, and proximally by Tsh and Dpp. Distal repression of zfh2 permits activation of nab in the wing blade and wg in the wing hinge. We suggest that the proximal-most wing fate, the hinge, is specified first and that later repression of zfh2 permits specification of the distal-most fate, the wing blade. We propose that proximal-distal axis development is achieved by a combination of two strategies: on one hand a process involving proximal to distal specification, with the wing hinge specified first followed later by the distal wing blade; on the other hand, early specification of the proximal-distal domains by different combinations of gene expression. The results we present here indicate that Zfh2 plays a critical role in both processes.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that control organ growth are among the least known in development. This is particularly the case for the process in which growth is arrested once final size is reached. We have studied this problem in the wing disc of Drosophila, the developmental and growth parameters of which are well known. We have devised a method to generate entire fast-growing Minute(+) (M(+)) discs or compartments in slow developing Minute/+ (M/+) larvae. Under these conditions, a M(+) wing disc gains at least 20 hours of additional development time. Yet it grows to the same size of Minute/+ discs developing in M/+ larvae. We have also generated wing discs in which all the cells in either the anterior (A) or the posterior (P) compartment are transformed from M/+ to M(+). We find that the difference in the cell division rate of their cells is reflected in autonomous differences in the developmental progression of these compartments: each grows at its own rate and manifests autonomous regulation in the expression of the developmental genes wingless and vestigial. In spite of these differences, ;mosaic' discs comprising fast and slow compartments differentiate into adult wings of the correct size and shape. Our results demonstrate that imaginal discs possess an autonomous mechanism with which to arrest growth in anterior and posterior compartments, which behave as independent developmental units. We propose that this mechanism does not act by preventing cell divisions, but by lengthening the division cycle.  相似文献   

The gene homothorax (hth) is originally expressed uniformly in the wing imaginal disc but, during development, its activity is restricted to the cells that form the thorax and the hinge, where the wing blade attaches to the thorax, and eliminated in the wing pouch, which forms the wing blade. We show that hth repression in the wing pouch is a prerequisite for wing development; forcing hth expression prevents growth of the wing blade. Both the Dpp and the Wg pathways are involved in hth repression. Cells unable to process the Dpp (lacking thick veins or Mothers against Dpp activity) or the Wg (lacking dishevelled function) signal express hth in the wing pouch. We have identified vestigial (vg) as a Wg and Dpp response factor that is involved in hth control. In contrast to its repressing role in the wing pouch, wg upregulates hth expression in the hinge. We have also identified the gene teashirt (tsh) as a positive regulator of hth in the hinge. tsh plays a role specifying hinge structures, possibly in co-operation with hth.  相似文献   

The subdivision of the Drosophila wing imaginal disc into dorsoventral (DV) compartments and limb-body wall (wing-notum) primordia depends on Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) signaling, which heritably activates apterous (ap) in D compartment cells and maintains Iroquois Complex (Iro-C) gene expression in prospective notum cells. We examine the source, identity and mode of action of the EGFR ligand(s) that specify these subdivisions. Of the three known ligands for the Drosophila EGFR, only Vein (Vn), but not Spitz or Gurken, is required for wing disc development. We show that Vn activity is required specifically in the dorsoproximal region of the wing disc for ap and Iro-C gene expression. However, ectopic expression of Vn in other locations does not reorganize ap or Iro-C gene expression. Hence, Vn appears to play a permissive rather than an instructive role in organizing the DV and wing-notum segregations, implying the existance of other localized factors that control where Vn-EGFR signaling is effective. After ap is heritably activated, the level of EGFR activity declines in D compartment cells as they proliferate and move ventrally, away from the source of the instructive ligand. We present evidence that this reduction is necessary for D and V compartment cells to interact along the compartment boundary to induce signals, like Wingless (Wg), which organize the subsequent growth and differentiation of the wing primordium.  相似文献   

The emergence of sense organs in the wing disc of Drosophila   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We have examined the origin of a set of precisely located sense organs in the notum and wing of Drosophila, in transformant flies where lacZ is expressed in the progenitor cells of the sense organs (the sensory mother cells) and in their progeny. Here we describe the temporal pattern of appearance and divisions of the sensory mother cells that will form the eleven macrochaetes and the two trichoid sensilla of the notum, and five campaniform sensilla on the wing blade. The complete pattern of sensory mother cells develops in a strict sequence that extends over most of the third larval instar and the first 10 h after puparium formation. The delay between the onset of lacZ expression and the first differentiative division ranges from 30 h, in the case of the earliest mother cells, to 2 h for the latest mother cells. The first division shows a preferential orientation which is also specific for each sensory mother cell. Up to this stage, there is no marked difference between the three types of mechanosensory organs.  相似文献   

To determine the roles of Drosophila transglutaminase-A (dTG-A), we examined a phenotype induced through ectopic expression of dTG-A. Overexpression of dTG-A in the wing imaginal disc induced an extra wing crossvein phenotype. This phenotype was suppressed by crossing with epidermal growth factor receptor (Egfr) signaling pathway mutant flies. These results indicate that this phenotype, induced by dTG-A, is related to enhancement of the Egfr signaling pathway.  相似文献   

【目的】灵活操控靶基因的表达水平对于研究基因的功能十分重要。Gal4/UAS系统已被广泛应用于调控基因表达,可研究果蝇Drosophila等模式生物复杂的生物学问题。受采用载体的特性及插入位点的影响,Gal4或UAS转基因品系在构建好之后,其调控靶基因的能力基本是确定的。本研究旨在在现有Gal4/UAS系统的基础上,开发一种新的策略,实现在果蝇翅芽中灵活操控wingless(wg)基因的表达水平。【方法】用遗传学手段将黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster品系的UAS-wg和UAS-wg-RNAi转基因重组到同一黑腹果蝇品系中。将该重组黑腹果蝇品系与dpp-Gal4黑腹果蝇品系杂交,同时驱动UAS-wg和UAS-wg-RNAi在果蝇幼虫翅芽中共表达。杂交子代幼虫分别放置在不同的温度(18, 25和30℃)下培养。将幼虫翅芽解剖并进行免疫组化染色,测量染色的荧光强度,分析翅芽中wg的表达水平。【结果】在低温(18℃)下,UAS-wg在基因表达调控中起主要作用,wg表现为超表达,但其超表达的效率可被UAS-wg-RNAi有效地削弱。相反,在高温(30℃)下,UAS-wg-RNAi起主导作用,wg的表达受到抑制。并且通过转换温度,可实现wg在翅芽发育的不同阶段在超表达和抑制之间相互转化,从而灵活地操控wg基因在翅芽中的表达水平。【结论】该方法可以灵活操控果蝇翅芽中wg基因的表达水平,对于调控转基因的表达有重要的意义。  相似文献   

A new method for modelling cell division is reported which uses a cellular representation based on graph theory. This allows us to model the adjacencies of non-regular dividing cells accurately, avoiding the rigid geometrical constraints present in earlier simulations. We use this system to simulate compartment boundary maintenance in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc. We show that a boundary of minimum length between two growing polyclones of cells could depend on sorting between cells in the different polyclones. We also investigate the response of the model to differential cell division rates within polyclones. This is the first demonstration that cell sorting can generate a smooth boundary in a dividing cell mass. We suggest that biological analogs of our computer sorting rules are responsible for the similar straight polyclone borders seen in the real wing disc. A possible strategy for showing the existence of these analogs is also given.  相似文献   

Jin Z  Homola E  Tiong S  Campbell SD 《Genetics》2008,180(4):2123-2133
Mitosis is triggered by activation of Cdk1, a cyclin-dependent kinase. Conserved checkpoint mechanisms normally inhibit Cdk1 by inhibitory phosphorylation during interphase, ensuring that DNA replication and repair is completed before cells begin mitosis. In metazoans, this regulatory mechanism is also used to coordinate cell division with critical developmental processes, such as cell invagination. Two types of Cdk1 inhibitory kinases have been found in metazoans. They differ in subcellular localization and Cdk1 target-site specificity: one (Wee1) being nuclear and the other (Myt1), membrane-associated and cytoplasmic. Drosophila has one representative of each: dMyt1 and dWee1. Although dWee1 and dMyt1 are not essential for zygotic viability, loss of both resulted in synthetic lethality, indicating that they are partially functionally redundant. Bristle defects in myt1 mutant adult flies prompted a phenotypic analysis that revealed cell-cycle defects, ectopic apoptosis, and abnormal responses to ionizing radiation in the myt1 mutant imaginal wing discs that give rise to these mechanosensory organs. Cdk1 inhibitory phosphorylation was also aberrant in these myt1 mutant imaginal wing discs, indicating that dMyt1 serves Cdk1 regulatory functions that are important both for normal cell-cycle progression and for coordinating mitosis with critical developmental processes.  相似文献   

The sensory neurons of the Drosophila wing differentiate during the initial stages of metamorphosis, appearing in the imaginal wing disc as it everts and flattens. These identifiable neurons arise in a stereotyped sequence, and lay down a specific pattern of axon bundles which travel proximally to the CNS. In several locations, the early arising "pioneer" neurons send axons in the direction of more proximal pioneer neurons, later joining with these to form continuous peripheral nerves. It is possible that distal neurons can contact more proximal neurons by random filopodial search, and use this information to guide axonal outgrowth. To test this "guidepost" hypothesis, everting wing discs were raised in vitro to allow surgical manipulation. Neural outgrowth was largely normal in vitro, though growth of the wing was stunted. If such discs were cut into proximodistal fragments before or at the time of initial axonogenesis, neural outgrowth remained normal: distal axons still grew in the direction of the now missing proximal neurons. Thus, proximal neurons are not necessary for the correct guidance of distal neurons in the developing wing.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster carrying the mutation apterous-blot have blistered wings. Trypan blue stains a patch of dead cells localized to the wing pouch of imaginal discs and the same area shows acid phosphatase (AcPase) activity suggesting that the cell death is lysosomal. Autophagic vacuoles and other secondary lysosomes show AcPase activity within the disc epithelium and enzyme activity is found in fragments of dead cells which have been extruded basally. The cell death, although extensive and confined to the presumptive wing region, does not result in loss of adult structures.  相似文献   

While the membrane potential of cells has been shown to be patterned in some tissues, specific roles for membrane potential in regulating signalling pathways that function during development are still being established. In the Drosophila wing imaginal disc, Hedgehog (Hh) from posterior cells activates a signalling pathway in anterior cells near the boundary which is necessary for boundary maintenance. Here, we show that membrane potential is patterned in the wing disc. Anterior cells near the boundary, where Hh signalling is most active, are more depolarized than posterior cells across the boundary. Elevated expression of the ENaC channel Ripped Pocket (Rpk), observed in these anterior cells, requires Hh. Antagonizing Rpk reduces depolarization and Hh signal transduction. Using genetic and optogenetic manipulations, in both the wing disc and the salivary gland, we show that membrane depolarization promotes membrane localization of Smoothened and augments Hh signalling, independently of Patched. Thus, membrane depolarization and Hh‐dependent signalling mutually reinforce each other in cells immediately anterior to the compartment boundary.  相似文献   

Cell proliferation in the imaginal wing disc of Drosophila has been analyzed by both pulse and chronic labeling with [3H]thymidine. We find neither spatial nor temporal variation in the fraction of S phase cells during the third instar. At or near the time of white prepupae formation the fraction of S phase cells falls sharply. Our chronic labeling experiments have demonstrated that almost all (and perhaps all) of the cells in a mid third instar wing disc are cycling. By examining sectioned material from such experiments we have found that the collumnar epithelial cell and the adepithetial cell populations become labeled with similar kinetics. The peripodial membrane cell population becomes labeled more slowly. We have also obtained estimates of cell cycle parameters for the imaginal wing disc cells.  相似文献   

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