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With expanding human populations, the food sector has faced constant pressure to sustainably expand and meet global production demands. In aquaculture this frequently manifests in an animal welfare crisis, with fish increasingly farmed under high production, high stress conditions. These intense environments can result in fish stocks having a high susceptibility to infection, with parasites and associated disease one of the main factors limiting industry growth. Prediction of infection dynamics is key to preventative treatment and mitigation. Considering the climatic and technology driven changes facing aquaculture, an understanding of how parasites react across a spectrum of conditions is required. Here we assessed the impact of temperature, infection density and host species on the life history traits of Argulus foliaceus, a common palearctic fish louse, representative of a parasite group problematic in freshwater aquaculture and fisheries worldwide. Temperature significantly affected development, growth and survival; parasites hatched and developed faster at higher temperatures, but also experienced shorter lifespans when maintained off the host. At high temperatures, these parasites will likely experience a short generation time as their life history traits are completed more rapidly. A. foliaceus additionally grew faster on natural hosts and at lower infection densities. Ultimately such results contribute to prediction of population dynamics, aiding development of effective control to improve animal welfare and reduce industry loss.  相似文献   

The effect of an acute temperature increase on the control of the heart of the Antarctic teleost Pagothenia borchgrevinki was examined. Heart rate was thermally independent over the range −1.2°C to 3°C, although increasing the temperature from −1.2°C to 3°C elicited a decrease in ventral aortic pressure. Administration of the muscarinic receptor antagonist atropine and the β-adrenoreceptor antagonist sotalol abolished the thermal independence of heart rate, with heart rate increasing at Q10=2. As temperature was increased from −1.2°C to 3°C, cholinergic tone on the heart also increased, from 44.6±4.2% to 70.0±8.4%. At the same time the adrenergic tone increased from 35.5±3.3% to 43.0±3.1%, but the effect on the heart was masked by the increase of cholinergic tone, leading to the thermal independence of heart rate.  相似文献   

Common killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, are found in marshes and estuaries along the Atlantic coast of North America from Newfoundland to Florida. Although these habitats are highly productive, they are also characterized by variation in a number of abiotic stressors, including temperature, salinity, oxygen, and anthropogenic toxicants, which vary substantially in both space and time. In order to survive in these habitats, killifish must be able to cope with these stressors, both individually and in combination. There is substantial evidence to suggest that populations of F. heteroclitus have undergone local adaptation to multiple abiotic stressors, including temperature, salinity, and toxicants, but most studies have examined the effects of single stressors in isolation. Here I review some of the studies on local adaptation in F. heteroclitus, focusing on the molecular basis of local adaptation to abiotic stressors, and the acute responses to these stressors both singly and in combination. This work demonstrates that there are substantial interactions between the responses to both natural and anthropogenic stressors at the cellular level.  相似文献   

The Antarctic notothenioids are among the most stenothermal of fishes, well adapted to their stable, cold and icy environment. The current study set out to investigate the thermal sensitivity/insensitivity of heart rate and ventral aortic blood pressure of the Antarctic nototheniid fish Pagothenia borchgrevinki over a range of temperatures. The heart rate increased rapidly from –1 to 6°C (Q10=2.0–3.3), but was relatively insensitive to temperature above the ~6°C lethal limit of the species (Q10=1.2). The increase in heart rate from –1 to 6°C was the result of a 45% increase in excitatory adrenergic tone, masking a 37% increase in inhibitory cholinergic tone. Ventral aortic pressure was regulated well above the lethal limit, up to at least 10°C. With the return of the fish to environmental temperatures, the heart rate rapidly decreased back to control levels, while ventral aortic pressure increased and remained elevated for over an hour following a 6°C exposure.  相似文献   

Life strategy, ecophysiology and ecology of seaweeds in polar waters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polar seaweeds are strongly adapted to the low temperatures of their environment, Antarctic species more strongly than Arctic species due to the longer cold water history of the Antarctic region. By reason of the strong isolation of the Southern Ocean the Antarctic marine flora is characterized by a high degree of endemism, whereas in the Arctic only few endemic species have been found so far. All polar species are strongly shade adapted and their phenology is finely tuned to the strong seasonal changes of the light conditions. The paper summarises the present knowledge of seaweeds from both polar regions with regard to the following topics: the history of seaweed research in polar regions; the environment of seaweeds in polar waters; biodiversity, biogeographical relationships and vertical distribution of Arctic and Antarctic seaweeds; life histories and physiological thallus anatomy; temperature demands and geographical distribution; light demands and depth zonation; the effect of salinity, temperature and desiccation on supra-and eulittoral seaweeds; seasonality of reproduction and the physiological characteristics of microscopic developmental stages; seasonal growth and photosynthesis; elemental and nutritional contents and chemical and physical defences against herbivory. We present evidence to show that specific characteristics and adaptations in polar seaweeds help to explain their ecological success under environmentally extreme conditions. In conclusion, as a perspective and guide for future research we draw attention to many remaining gaps in knowledge. Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Gunter O. Kirst and to Prof. Dr. Klaus Lüning on occasion of their retirement 28. Februar 2006 and 31. March 2006, respectively.  相似文献   

The relative size and the ultrastructure of the heart ventricle of a haemoglobinless and myoglobinless teleost, Channichthys rhinoceratus , has been investigated. It is two to three times larger than that of a red-blooded species which also lives in the Kerguelen archipelago, Notothenia magellanica. At first sight, electron micrographs of the myocardial cell do not reveal peculiar features related to the absence of respiratory pigments. A mitochondrial compartment amounting to 18% volume fractions indicates a fairly high aerobic metabolism.  相似文献   

Recent investigations have shown the temperate scleractinian coral Cladocora caespitosa to be a new potential climate archive for the Mediterranean Sea. Whilst earlier studies have demonstrated a seasonal variation in growth rates, they were unable to distinguish which environmental parameter (light, temperature, or food) was influencing growth. In this study, the effect of these three factors on the coral physiology and calcification rate was characterized to aid the correct interpretation of skeletal trace element variations. Two temperatures (13 and 23°C), irradiances (50 and 120 μmol m−2 s−1), and feeding regimes (unfed and fed with nauplii of Artemia salina) were tested under controlled laboratory conditions on the growth, zooxanthellae density, chlorophyll (chl) content, and asexual reproduction (budding) of C. caespitosa during a 7-week factorial experiment. Unlike irradiance, which had no effect, high temperature and food supply increased the growth rates of C. caespitosa. The effect of feeding was however higher for corals maintained at low temperature, suggesting that heterotrophy is especially important during the cold season, and that temperature is the predominant factor affecting the coral’s growth. At low temperature, fed samples had higher zooxanthellae density and chl content, possibly for maximizing photosynthetic efficiency. Sexual reproduction investment of C. caespitosa was higher during favourable conditions characterised by high temperatures and zooplankton availability.  相似文献   

Retention of required structural and functional properties of proteins in species adapted to different temperatures and pressures is achieved through variation in amino acid sequence and accumulation of small organic solutes that stabilize protein traits. Conservation of ligand binding and catalytic rate can be achieved by minor differences in sequence. For orthologs of lactate dehydrogenase-A (A4-LDH) temperature adaptation may involve only a single amino acid substitution. Adaptation involves changes in conformational mobility of regions of A4-LDH that undergo movement during ligand binding, movements that are rate-limiting to catalysis. A model that integrates adaptations in sequence and intracellular milieu is developed on the basis of conformational microstates. Although orthologs of different thermally adapted species vary in stability, at physiological temperatures it is hypothesized that a similar ensemble of conformational microstates exists for all orthologs. Organic solutes stabilize this ensemble of microstates. Differences among orthologs in responses to organic solutes at a common temperature lead to similar responses at normal body temperatures. Because protein stability increases at high protein concentrations, intrinsic stabilities of proteins may reflect the protein concentrations of the cellular compartments in which they occur. Protein–stabilizing solutes like trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) conserve protein function and structure at elevated hydrostatic pressures.  相似文献   

The geographic range of the coral, Plesiastrea versipora (Lamarck, 1816), extends into temperate waters outside the southern limit for hermatypic corals. In the present study, calcification in Plesiastrea collected from Port Phillip Bay, Victoria was examined over the coral's normal annual temperature range (10-21 °C), which is well below the normal optimum for coral calcification in tropical corals (25-28 °C). Calcification rate in Plesiastrea was considerably lower than in reef corals, but showed a similar pattern in temperature responses, with a trend towards higher rates at ∼18 °C. The light/dark calcification ratio was markedly lower than that in tropical corals. Autoradiography showed that calcification occurred primarily by deposition of calcium carbonate at the upper surfaces of the septo-costae. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that skeletal deposition in Plesiastrea had a temperature-dependent diel pattern. In the light, calcium carbonate was deposited as small spheroidal crystals and, at higher temperatures, small needle-shaped crystals. In the dark, calcium carbonate deposition appeared to be in the form of an amorphous sheet-like cementation. Compared with other scleractinian corals, calcification rate in Plesiastrea was relatively slow and showed different patterns of skeletal deposition.  相似文献   

The Rogue River, Oregon represents one of three important spawning systems for green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, in North America. In this paper we describe the spawning migration, spawning periodicity, and size at maturity for green sturgeon caught in the Rogue River during 2000–2004. Green sturgeon were caught by gill net or angling; 103 individuals were tagged with radio or sonic transmitters (externally or internally). Green sturgeon caught by gill net and angling ranged from 145 cm to 225 cm total length. Histological and visual examinations of gonad tissues indicated that most green sturgeon were spawning or post-spawning adults that entered the Rogue River to spawn. Ripe individuals were caught when water temperature was 10–18°C. Specimens carrying transmitters migrated 17–105 km up river; reaches consisting of likely spawning sites were identified based on sturgeon migratory behavior. Most green sturgeon remained in the Rogue River until late fall or early winter when flows increased, after which they returned to the ocean. Eight green sturgeon (males and females) returned to the Rogue River 2–4 years after leaving, entering the river during March, April, and May when water temperatures ranged from 9°C to 16°C. None of the 103-tagged individuals entered the Rogue River during successive years. There appear to be few known natural threats to adult green sturgeon in the Rogue River. However, our data suggest that a high percentage of adults that spawn in the Rogue River (particularly males) were susceptible to harvest by commercial, Tribal, and sport fisheries after leaving the system because they were not adequately protected by maximum size limits during the period of this study. The implications of maximum size limits (or lack of size limits) to green sturgeon are discussed, and recent actions taken by Oregon and Washington Fish and Wildlife Commissions to manage green sturgeon more conservatively are presented.  相似文献   

Synopsis Analysis of the fish faunas of Lake Opinicon and other small, cold temperate Ontario water bodies shows that the component species differ in body size, morphology, abundances, habitats, diurnal and seasonal habitat utilization patterns, diets, dietary changes with age, reproductive strategies, and population turnover rates. These differences are detailed.The number of species occurring in a lake is partly due to historic factors, the number of habitats available, and morphological, behavioral and ecological adaptations that, by channelling their owners towards alternative resources, permit species to co-occur. Diet overlap values between most species are low except for the congeneric bluegill and pump-kinseed sunfishes, where values are moderate. These are the two commonest species in the lake and other parameters must increase the ecological differences between these two species.Lake Opinicon is a highly variable ecosystem. Part of this variability stems from the seasonal nature of the environment and the fact that different resources reach their peak abundance at different times of the year. Ecological overlap levels between fish species fluctuate greatly in the course of the season as species switch from, or move on to, different resources. Population levels in different habitats also vary seasonally. Species adaptations and interaction patterns were presumably evolved over a long period; most of these adaptations undoubtedly developed before the component species colonized the lake.This paper forms part of the proceedings of a mini-symposium convened at Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., 18–19 May 1976, entitled Patterns of Community Structure in Fishes (G. S. Helfman, ed.).  相似文献   

Most eucaryotic organisms classified as living in an extreme habitat are invertebrates. Here we report of a fish living in a Mexican cave (Cueva del Azufre) that is rich in highly toxic H2S. We compared the water chemistry and fish communities of the cave and several nearby surface streams. Our study revealed high concentrations of H2S in the cave and its outflow (El Azufre). The concentrations of H2S reach more than 300 μM inside the cave, which are acutely toxic for most fishes. In both sulfidic habitats, the diversity of fishes was heavily reduced, and Poecilia mexicana was the dominant species indicating that the presence of H2S has an all-or-none effect, permitting only few species to survive in sulfidic habitats. Compared to habitats without H2S, P. mexicana from the cave and the outflow have a significantly lower body condition. Although there are microhabitats with varying concentrations of H2S within the cave, we could not find a higher fish density in areas with lower concentrations of H2S. We discuss that P. mexicana is one of the few extremophile vertebrates. Our study supports the idea that extreme habitats lead to an impoverished species diversity.  相似文献   

A total of nine Antarctic fish species belonging to five families were examined for their endohelminth parasite fauna. The fishes Parachaenichthys charcoti (Bathydraconidae), Chaenocephalus aceratus (Channichtyidae), Paradiplospinus gracilis (Gempylidae), Muraenolepis microps (Muraenolepididae), Gobionotothen gibberifrons, Lepidonotothen larseni, L. nudifrons, L. squamifrons, and Trematomus eulepidopus (Nototheniidae) were caught between 80 and 608 m trawling depth off the Antarctic Peninsula (Elephant Island, King George Island) in 1996. Nineteen different parasites species comprising five Digenea, two Cestoda, four Nematoda, and eight Acanthocephala were found. Pseudophyllidean cestodes, the nematodes Contracaecum radiatum and C. osculatum as well as the acanthocephalan Corynosoma bullosum were the most common, infesting eight of the fish species studied with prevalences reaching 100%. Pseudoterranova decipiens s.l. was the only parasite that was isolated from all studied fish species; however, at a lower intensity. The observed parasite host specificity was low, and the species richness in a single fish ranged from one to eleven in a C. aceratus. This icefish and the moray cod M. microps were the most heavily infested fish, harbouring many adult and larval parasitic stages. The benthodemersal P. gracilis had only two larval parasite species, while the nototheniids had very similar parasite communities, harbouring a total of 8–14 species. Larval mammalian parasites were found to utilize fish, especially the nototheniids and channichthyids, as a common transmission route into their final hosts. The fish parasites parallel explored different benthic host systems to reach the most suitable host. In contrast to the coast and continental shelf, the meso/bathypelagiac zone appears to be species poor and is inhabited by few larval forms. The fish parasite fauna off the South Shetland Islands can be characterized by generalistic parasites that distribute within Antarctic waters according to the feeding ecology and depth range of their teleost hosts, not only horizontally but also extending vertically into the deep sea.  相似文献   

Body insulation is critically important for diving marine endotherms. However,cormorants have a wettable plumage, which leads to poor insulation. Despitethis, these birds are apparently highly successful predatorsin most aquatic ecosystems. We studied the theoretical influenceof water temperature, dive depth, foraging techniques, and preyavailability on the energetic costs of diving, prey search time,daily food intake, and survival in foraging, nonbreeding greatcormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo). Our model was based on fieldmeasurements and on data taken from the literature. Water temperatureand dive depth influenced diving costs drastically, with predicted increasesof up to 250% and 258% in males and females, respectively. Changes inwater temperature and depth conditions may lead to an increaseof daily food intake of 500-800 g in males and 440-780 g infemales. However, the model predicts that cormorant foragingparameters are most strongly influenced by prey availability,so that even limited reduction in prey density makes birds unableto balance energy needs and may thus limit their influence onprey stocks. We discuss the ramifications of these results withregard to foraging strategies, dispersal, population dynamics,and intraspecific competition in this avian predator and pointout the importance of this model species for our understandingof foraging energetics in diving endotherms.  相似文献   

Adaptation to temperature changes is vital to reduce adverse effects on individuals, and some may present phenotypic changes, which might be accompanied with physiological costs in fitness traits. The objective of this study was to determine whether the two strains of the herbivore Eccritotarsus catarinensis, a biological control agent against water hyacinth in South Africa, differ in their responses to temperature according to their geographical origin.We experimentally quantified the responses of the two strains, at three constant temperatures: 20 °C, 25 °C and 30 °C, using laboratory cultures that originated from Brazil and Peru, where climates differ. Reproductive output, egg hatching rate, sex ratio and longevity were recorded at each temperature. Fitness traits for both strains were significantly reduced at 30 °C compared with 25 °C and 20 °C in two successive generations. Nonetheless, Peruvian individuals continued their development at 30 °C, whereas Brazilian individuals that succeeded in emerging did not continue their development. In contrast, sex ratio was unaffected by temperature. The Peruvian strain of E. catarinensis presented different phenotypes depending on temperature and was more adapted to extreme high temperature than the Brazilian strain. The tropical origin of the population induces the insect to tolerate the extreme high temperature. We suggest that the Peruvian strain could be better suited for release to control water hyacinth in nature, particularly in regions where temperature is high.  相似文献   

This study investigated (i) blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), and their relation to urinary NOx and eNOS protein expression in male and female spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), as well as (ii) gender-dependent cardiovascular effects of nebivolol (NEB) in comparison to metoprolol (MET) in SHR. BP and HR were measured telemetrically after a single intraperitoneal application of NEB or MET at 07.00 and 19.00 h in male rats and at 19.00 h in proestrus female rats. The two β-blockers varied in time of decreasing BP and HR and also in duration. In males, MET decreased BP and HR for few hours exclusively when applied at the onset of the activity phase (i.e., at 19.00 h), while after its application at 07.00 h, BP and HR were unchanged. In females, MET also caused a short-lasting BP and HR reduction, with the effect being more pronounced than in males. In males, NEB at either dosing time decreased HR and BP to a greater extent than did MET. This effect was evident both during the activity and rest periods and persisted for at least five days. In females, NEB provoked a similar, but more pronounced, effect on BP and HR in comparison to males. These findings demonstrate that significant gender-dependent differences in the circadian profile of BP and HR exist. BP and urinary NOx as well as eNOS expression are inversely correlated, and the cardiovascular effects of NEB and MET vary, depending on the time of application as well as gender.  相似文献   

Antarctic fish, such as the Trematomus bernacchii, living at −1.9°C maintain a serum osmolality of around 600 mOsm kg−1, nearly twice that of temperate fish. Upon warm acclimation, Antarctic fish significantly lower their serum osmolality. It has been suggested that this response to warm acclimation is due to stress. The purpose of this study was to determine, whether upon warm acclimation there was a change in the levels of the stress hormone cortisol and hematocrit associated with the decrease in serum osmolality. T. bernacchii were warm acclimated up to 4 weeks and serum osmolality, cortisol and hematocrit were measured. Upon warm acclimation to +1.6 and +3.8°C over the course of 4 weeks, T. bernacchii significantly lowered their serum osmolality (from 547 ± 4 mOsm kg−1 to 494 ± 6 and 489 ± 4 mOsm kg−1, respectively), yet did not alter their serum cortisol (29 ± 6 nl ml−1) or hematocrit (22 ± 1%) levels. These results suggest that warm acclimation does not induce a stress response in T. bernacchii.  相似文献   

Heart rate telemetry records of up to 5 days duration were obtained from pike living in Lochs Kinord and Davan, Scotland. Applying metabolic rate correlations it was found that mean metabolic rate (R) was 1.5 times standard metabolic rate (Ra), The fish rarely worked near their metabolic limits. Activity metabolism (Ra) was much higher than estimates based on mean swimming speed and comprised up to 10% of R. Most activity metabolism was the result of localized bursts of activity. Less than 10% of activity showed evidence of oxygen debt. Specific Dynamic Action or feeding metabolism (Rf) comprised 15–25% of R. Food intake estimated from heart rate was 1.5% wet body weight day−1, consumed in the form of small items captured during the day and digested during the afternoon and night.  相似文献   

We studied the characteristics of the rhythmicity of heart rate (HR), body temperature (BT), and locomotor activity (LA) in conscious and unrestrained guinea pigs using a telemetry system. HR and/or LA in some guinea pigs clearly showed circadian rhythms, but in others there were no significant daily patterns; BT did not show significant daily rhythms. These results suggest that guinea pigs might have different individual characteristics of rhythmicity, and we should, therefore, be careful when using guinea pigs in chrono-biomedical research. We believe that the results of this study may be useful for future biomedical studies using guinea pigs.  相似文献   

Fragilariopsis species composition and abundance from the Argentine Sea and Antarctic waters were analyzed using light and electron microscopy. Twelve species (F. curta, F. cylindrus, F. kerguelensis, F. nana, F. obliquecostata, F. peragallii, F. pseudonana, F. rhombica, F. ritscheri, F. separanda, F. sublinearis and F. vanheurckii) are described and compared with samples from the Frenguelli Collection, Museo de La Plata, Argentina. F. peragallii was examined for the first time using electron microscopy, and F. pseudonana was recorded for the first time in Argentinean shelf waters. New information on the girdle view is included, except for the species F. curta, F. cylindrus and F. nana, for which information already existed. In the Argentine Sea, F. pseudonana was the most abundant Fragilariopsis species, and in Antarctic waters, F. curta was most abundant. Of the twelve species of Fragilariopsis documented, four occurred in the Argentine Sea, nine in the Drake Passage and twelve in the Weddell Sea. F. curta, F. kerguelensis, F. pseudonana and F. rhombica were present everywhere.  相似文献   

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