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California sea lions, Zalophus californianus, were trained to elicit maximum voluntary breath holds during stationary underwater targeting, submerged swimming, and trained diving. Lowest heart rate during rest periods was 57 bpm. The heart rate profiles in all three protocols were dominated by a bradycardia of 20–50 bpm, and demonstrated that otariid diving heart rates were at or below resting heart rate. Venous blood samples were collected after submerged swimming periods of 1–3 min. Plasma lactate began to increase only after 2.3-min submersions. This rise in lactate and our inability to train sea lions to dive or swim submerged for periods longer than 3 min lead us to conclude that an aerobic limit had been reached. Due to the similarity of heart rate responses and swimming velocities recorded during submerged swimming and trained diving, this 2.3-min limit should approximate the aerobic dive limit in these 40-kg sea lions. Total body O2 stores, based on measurements of blood and muscle O2 stores in these animals, and prior lung O2 store analyses, were 37–43 ml O2 kg−1. The aerobic dive limit, calculated with these O2 stores and prior measurements of at-sea metabolic rates of sea lions, is 1.8–2 min, similar to that measured by the change in post-submersion lactate concentration. Accepted: 7 July 1996  相似文献   

Heart rates were recorded from double-crested cormorant chicks during their first ever and subsequent voluntary head submergences and dives, as well as during longer dives made after the chicks were accustomed to diving. Despite variation between chicks, the cardiac response to first ever and subsequent voluntary submergence (head submergences and dives) was similar to the response observed in adult cormorants. Upon submersion the heart rate fell rapidly when pre-submersion heart rate was high (325–350 beats min−1). The heart rate established within the first second of voluntary submergence was between 230 and 285 beats min−1, well above resting heart rate (143 beats min−1). The same initial cardiac response occurred during longer dives performed after the chicks were accustomed to diving. In these dives the heart rate remained at the level established on submersion, unlike the response observed in shallow diving adult cormorants in which the heart rate declined throughout the dive. The heart rate was also monitored in a separate group of chicks in which the first exposure to water was during whole body forced submergence. Again, the observed response was similar to the adult response, although the cardiac response of chicks to forced submergence was more extreme than to voluntary submergence. Our results do not support the hypothesis that learning (by conditioning or habituation) is involved in the cardiac adjustments to voluntary submergence. It is suggested that the initial cardiac adjustments are reflex in nature and this reflex is fully developed by the first submergence event. Although the nature of this reflex pathway is obscure, cessation of breathing before submersion and the close linkage between breathing and heart rate might provide a plausible mechanism.  相似文献   

When aquatically adapted mammals and birds swim submerged, they exhibit a dive response in which breathing ceases, heart rate slows, and blood flow to peripheral tissues and organs is reduced. The most intense dive response occurs during forced submersion which conserves blood oxygen for the brain and heart, thereby preventing asphyxiation. In free-diving animals, the dive response is less profound, and energy metabolism remains aerobic. However, even this relatively moderate bradycardia seems diametrically opposed to the normal cardiovascular response (i.e., tachycardia and peripheral vasodilation) during physical exertion. As a result, there has been a long-standing paradox regarding how aquatic mammals and birds exercise while submerged. We hypothesized based on cardiovascular modeling that heart rate must increase to ensure adequate oxygen delivery to active muscles. Here, we show that heart rate (HR) does indeed increase with flipper or fluke stroke frequency (SF) during voluntary, aerobic dives in Weddell seals (HR?=?1.48SF?-?8.87) and bottlenose dolphins (HR?=?0.99SF?+?2.46), respectively, two marine mammal species with different evolutionary lineages. These results support our hypothesis that marine mammals maintain aerobic muscle metabolism while swimming submerged by combining elements of both dive and exercise responses, with one or the other predominating depending on the level of exertion.  相似文献   

We collected simultaneous dive Time Depth Recorder (TDR) data and video images from free swimming adult female leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea, during the first 24 h after nesting on the beach, in order to determine relationships between dive parameters, activity, overall respiratory frequency and behaviour.We identified three different underwater locomotory activities (subsurface swimming, V-shaped dives and U-shaped dives) from video and TDR data that varied in their mean depth, duration and a number of other parameters. Overall respiratory frequency (overall fR) was significantly different between all locomotory activities, with turtles taking 1.7±0.1 breaths min−1 while subsurface swimming, 0.78 breaths min−1 after V-shaped dives and 0.57 breaths min−1 after U-shaped dives. Descent rates and ascent rates were significantly faster in U-shaped dives (descent 0.19±0.010 m s−1, ascent 0.28±0.015 m s−1) than in V-shaped dives (descent 0.10±0.008 m s−1, ascent 0.12±0.012 m s−1). Flipper stroke rates were significantly lower during the bottom component of U-shaped dives (0.18±0.02 strokes s−1) than during the descent (0.29±0.03 strokes s−1) or ascent (0.29±0.03 strokes s−1). From overall fR and flipper stroke rate data, we inferred that turtles used less energy during U-shaped dives than the other activity types. We recorded interactions between male turtles and the study females that lasted up to 11 min, during which male turtles displayed the characteristic courtship behaviour of sea turtles. It appeared that females attempted to avoid males by aborting ascent and extending dive duration to swim to the sea floor when males were present.  相似文献   

The equipment used for the first sampling of arterial blood at depth on free-diving Weddell seals Leptonychotes weddelli is described. Blood was withdrawn through an aortic catheter by a submersible, peristaltic roller pump and stored in a single- or multiple-sample collection device. The multiple sampler allowed up to eight individual blood samples to be collected during a single dive. The blood pump was controlled by a dedicated microcomputer that allowed initiation of blood sampling at flexible combinations of depth and/or time during either the descending or ascending phase of the dive. The dedicated microcomputer also recorded swimming depth, velocity, heart rate, and body temperature at selectable time intervals. These data were transmitted to a laboratory computer, and blood samples were retrieved, when the seal surfaced to breathe.  相似文献   

When aquatic reptiles, birds and mammals submerge, they typically exhibit a dive response in which breathing ceases, heart rate slows, and blood flow to peripheral tissues is reduced. The profound dive response that occurs during forced submergence sequesters blood oxygen for the brain and heart while allowing peripheral tissues to become anaerobic, thus protecting the animal from immediate asphyxiation. However, the decrease in peripheral blood flow is in direct conflict with the exercise response necessary for supporting muscle metabolism during submerged swimming. In free diving animals, a dive response still occurs, but it is less intense than during forced submergence, and whole-body metabolism remains aerobic. If blood oxygen is not sequestered for brain and heart metabolism during normal diving, then what is the purpose of the dive response? Here, we show that its primary role may be to regulate the degree of hypoxia in skeletal muscle so that blood and muscle oxygen stores can be efficiently used. Paradoxically, the muscles of diving vertebrates must become hypoxic to maximize aerobic dive duration. At the same time, morphological and enzymatic adaptations enhance intracellular oxygen diffusion at low partial pressures of oxygen. Optimizing the use of blood and muscle oxygen stores allows aquatic, air-breathing vertebrates to exercise for prolonged periods while holding their breath.  相似文献   

Forced submersions and natural dives are compared with regard to heart rate, blood distribution and O2 consumption. Heart rate has been used as a primary indicator of blood distribution. However, often the dive heart rate has been compared to inappropriate surface conditions, and it is suggested that it should be compared to resting apneusis in the arrhythmic breathing animal. Furthermore, natural dives are frequently short relative to the breathhold capacity of a diver, and often during these dives there is little change in heart rate or apparent kidney function from the resting state. Calculations are made to determine the breathhold limit without O2 conservation measures. Further calculations are made to estimate the expected metabolism and metabolite production during an exceptionally long dive in a seal when O2 conservation must be invoked. These results are compared to known values obtained from a Weddell seal that made a 61 min dive. Based on the results of these observations and calculations, three possible models of blood distribution during natural dives are discussed. This discussion shows the limitation of present data and the type of data needed to resolve the question of how aquatic vertebrates manage O2 stores during dives of varying durations.  相似文献   

 The goal of our study was to determine whether evidence for chaos in heart rate variability (HRV) can be observed when the respiratory input to the autonomic controller of heart rate is forced by the deterministic pattern associated with periodic breathing. We simultaneously recorded, in supine healthy volunteers, RR intervals and breathing volumes for 20 to 30 min (1024 data point series) during three protocols: rest (control), fixed breathing (15 breath/min) and voluntary periodic breathing (3 breaths with 2 s inspiration and 2 s expiration followed by an 8 s breath hold). On both the RR interval and breathing volume series we applied the non-linear prediction method (Sugihara and May algorithm) to the original time series and to distribution-conserved isospectral surrogate data. Our results showed that, in contrast to the control test, during both fixed and voluntary periodic breathing the variability of breathing volumes was clearly deterministic non-chaotic. During all the three protocols, the RR-interval series’ non-linear predictability was consistent with one of a chaotic series. However, at rest, no clear difference was observed between the RR-interval series and their surrogates, which means that no clear chaos was observed. During fixed breathing a difference appeared, and this difference seemed clearer during voluntary periodic breathing. We concluded that HRV dynamics were chaotic when respiration was forced with a deterministic non-chaotic pattern and that normal spontaneous respiratory influences might mask the normally chaotic pattern in HRV. Received: 7 August 1995 / Accepted in revised form: 20 March 1997  相似文献   

Unrestrained Amazonian manatees (Trichechus inunguis) maintained a constant heart rate during diving and exhibited a slight tachycardia during breathing. 'Forcing' the manatees to dive caused a marked bradycardia. They exhibited a more pronounced tachycardia during breathing after 'forced' dives and hyperventilated during recovery dives. Manatees are capable of dives exceeding 10 min duration without having to resport to anaerobic metabolism, and even after 10 min dives recover within 3-4 short dives. The ability of manatees to make long dives, in spite of relatively poor O2 stores, is due to their low metabolic rate, while the rapid recovery is aided by their high CO2 stores which minimizes CO2 storage in the body. In manatees the changes in alveolar O2 and CO2 pressure (PAO2 and PACO2) in relation to dive time are slower and more variable than in other marine mammals. The lower rate of change is probably due to the manatees' reduced metabolic rate, while the greater variability is due to their breathing pattern, in which both ventilation and body gas stores influence alveolar gases.  相似文献   

We developed an automated method using depth and one axis of body acceleration data recorded by animal-borne data loggers to identify activities of penguins over long-term deployments. Using this technique, we evaluated the activity time budget of emperor penguins (n = 10) both in water and on sea ice during foraging trips in chick-rearing season. During the foraging trips, emperor penguins alternated dive bouts (4.8±4.5 h) and rest periods on sea ice (2.5±2.3 h). After recorder deployment and release near the colony, the birds spent 17.9±8.4% of their time traveling until they reached the ice edge. Once at the ice edge, they stayed there more than 4 hours before the first dive. After the first dive, the mean proportions of time spent on the ice and in water were 30.8±7.4% and 69.2±7.4%, respectively. When in the water, they spent 67.9±3.1% of time making dives deeper than 5 m. Dive activity had no typical diurnal pattern for individual birds. While in the water between dives, the birds had short resting periods (1.2±1.7 min) and periods of swimming at depths shallower than 5 m (0.25±0.38 min). When the birds were on the ice, they primarily used time for resting (90.3±4.1% of time) and spent only 9.7±4.1% of time traveling. Thus, it appears that, during foraging trips at sea, emperor penguins traveled during dives >5 m depth, and that sea ice was primarily used for resting. Sea ice probably provides refuge from natural predators such as leopard seals. We also suggest that 24 hours of sunlight and the cycling of dive bouts with short rest periods on sea ice allow emperor penguins to dive continuously throughout the day during foraging trips to sea.  相似文献   

Therapeutic horse riding or hippotherapy is used as an intervention for treating individuals with mental and physical disabilities. Equine-assisted interventions are based on the hypothesis that the movement of the horse's pelvis during horseback riding resembles human ambulation, and thus provides motor and sensory inputs similar to those received during human walking. However, this hypothesis has not been investigated quantitatively and qualitatively. This study aimed to verify the hypothesis by conducting a three-dimensional analysis of the horse's movements while walking and human ambulation. Using four sets of equipments, we analysed the acceleration patterns of walking in 50 healthy humans and 11 horses. In addition, we analysed the exercise intensity by comparing the heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure of 127 healthy individuals before and after walking and horse riding. The acceleration data series of the stride phase of horse walking were compared with those of human walking, and the frequencies (in Hz) were analysed by Fast Fourier transform.The acceleration curves of human walking overlapped with those of horse walking, with the frequency band of human walking corresponding with that of horse walking. Exercise intensity, as measured by the heart rate and breathing rate, was not significantly different between horse riding and human walking. The levels of diastolic blood pressure were slightly higher during horse riding than during walking, but were lower during both conditions compared with those in normal conditions (P < 0.01). The present study shows that, although not completely matched, the accelerations of the horse and human walking are comparable quantitatively and qualitatively. Horse riding at a walking gait could generate motor and sensory inputs similar to those produced by human walking, and thus could provide optimum benefits to persons with ambulatory difficulties.  相似文献   

Although energetics is fundamental to animal ecology, traditional methods of determining metabolic rate are neither direct nor instantaneous. Recently, continuous blood oxygen (O2) measurements were used to assess energy expenditure in diving elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris), demonstrating that an exceptional hypoxemic tolerance and exquisite management of blood O2 stores underlie the extraordinary diving capability of this consummate diver. As the detailed relationship of energy expenditure and dive behavior remains unknown, we integrated behavior, ecology, and physiology to characterize the costs of different types of dives of elephant seals. Elephant seal dive profiles were analyzed and O2 utilization was classified according to dive type (overall function of dive: transit, foraging, food processing/rest). This is the first account linking behavior at this level with in vivo blood O2 measurements in an animal freely diving at sea, allowing us to assess patterns of O2 utilization and energy expenditure between various behaviors and activities in an animal in the wild. In routine dives of elephant seals, the blood O2 store was significantly depleted to a similar range irrespective of dive function, suggesting that all dive types have equal costs in terms of blood O2 depletion. Here, we present the first physiological evidence that all dive types have similarly high blood O2 demands, supporting an energy balance strategy achieved by devoting one major task to a given dive, thereby separating dive functions into distinct dive types. This strategy may optimize O2 store utilization and recovery, consequently maximizing time underwater and allowing these animals to take full advantage of their underwater resources. This approach may be important to optimizing energy expenditure throughout a dive bout or at-sea foraging trip and is well suited to the lifestyle of an elephant seal, which spends > 90% of its time at sea submerged making diving its most “natural” state.  相似文献   

We examined the initial effect of sleeping at a simulated moderate altitude of 2,650 m on the frequency of apneas and hypopneas, as well as on the heart rate and blood oxygen saturation from pulse oximetry (SpO2) during rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep of 17 trained cyclists. Pulse oximetry revealed that sleeping at simulated altitude significantly increased heart rate (3 +/- 1 beats/min; means +/- SE) and decreased SpO2 (-6 +/- 1%) compared with baseline data collected near sea level. In response to simulated altitude, 15 of the 17 subjects increased the combined frequency of apneas plus hypopneas from baseline levels. On exposure to simulated altitude, the increase in apnea was significant from baseline for both sleep states (2.0 +/- 1.3 events/h for REM, 9.9 +/- 6.2 events/h for NREM), but the difference between the two states was not significantly different. Hypopnea frequency was significantly elevated from baseline to simulated altitude exposure in both sleep states, and under hypoxic conditions it was greater in REM than in NREM sleep (7.9 +/- 1.8 vs. 4.2 +/- 1.3 events/h, respectively). Periodic breathing episodes during sleep were identified in four subjects, making this the first study to show periodic breathing in healthy adults at a level of hypoxia equivalent to 2,650-m altitude. These results indicate that simulated moderate hypoxia of a level typically chosen by coaches and elite athletes for simulated altitude programs can cause substantial respiratory events during sleep.  相似文献   

The diving ability of marine mammals is a function of how they use and store oxygen and the physiological control of ventilation, which is in turn dependent on the accumulation of CO2. To assess the influence of CO2 on physiological control of dive behaviour, we tested how increasing levels of inspired CO2 (hypercarbia) and decreasing inspired O2 (hypoxia) affected the diving metabolic rate, submergence times, and dive recovery times (time to replenish O2 stores and eliminate CO2) of freely diving Steller sea lions. We also measured changes in breathing frequency of diving and non-diving individuals. Our findings show that hypercarbia increased breathing frequency (as low as 2 % CO2), but did not affect metabolic rate, or the duration of dives or surface intervals (up to 3 % CO2). Changes in breathing rates indicated respiratory drive was altered by hypercarbia at rest, but blood CO2 levels remained below the threshold that would alter normal dive behaviour. It took the sea lions longer to remove accumulated CO2 than it did for them to replenish their O2 stores following dives (whether breathing ambient air, hypercarbia, or hypoxia). This difference between O2 and CO2 recovery times grew with increasing dive durations, increasing hypercarbia, and was greater for bout dives, suggesting there could be a build-up of CO2 load with repeated dives. Although we saw no evidence of CO2 limiting dive behaviour, the longer time required to remove CO2 may eventually exhibit control over the overall time they can spend in apnoea and overall foraging duration.  相似文献   

Heart rates were recorded from double-crested cormorant chicks during their first ever and subsequent voluntary head submergences and dives, as well as during longer dives made after the chicks were accustomed to diving. Despite variation between chicks, the cardiac response to first ever and subsequent voluntary submergence (head submergences and dives) was similar to the response observed in adult cormorants. Upon submersion the heart rate fell rapidly when pre-submersion heart rate was high (325-350 beats min-1). The heart rate established within the first second of voluntary submergence was between 230 and 285 beats min-1, well above resting heart rate (143 beats min-1). The same initial cardiac response occurred during longer dives performed after the chicks were accustomed to diving. In these dives the heart rate remained at the level established on submersion, unlike the response observed in shallow diving adult cormorants in which the heart rate declined throughout the dive. The heart rate was also monitored in a separate group of chicks in which the first exposure to water was during whole body forced submergence. Again, the observed response was similar to the adult response, although the cardiac response of chicks to forced submergence was more extreme than to voluntary submergence. Our results do not support the hypothesis that learning (by conditioning or habituation) is involved in the cardiac adjustments to voluntary submergence. It is suggested that the initial cardiac adjustments are reflex in nature and this reflex is fully developed by the first submergence event. Although the nature of this reflex pathway is obscure, cessation of breathing before submersion and the close linkage between breathing and heart rate might provide a plausible mechanism.  相似文献   

The diving behaviour of 15 dugongs (Dugong dugon) was documented using time-depth recorders (TDRs), which logged a total of 39,507 dives. The TDRs were deployed on dugongs caught at three study sites in northern Australia: Shark Bay, the Gulf of Carpentaria and Shoalwater Bay. The average time for which the dive data were collected per dugong was 10.4±1.1 (S.E.) days. Overall, these dugongs spent 47% of their daily activities within 1.5 m of the sea surface and 72% less than 3 m from the sea surface. Their mean maximum dive depth was 4.8±0.4 m (S.E.), mean dive duration was 2.7±0.17 min and the number of dives per hour averaged 11.8±1.2. The maximum dive depth recorded was 20.5 m; the maximum dive time in water >1.5 m deep was 12.3 min. The effects of dugong sex, location (study site), time of day and tidal cycle on diving rates (dives per hour), mean maximum dive depths, durations of dives, and time spent ≤1.5 m from the surface were investigated using weighted split-plot analysis of variance. The dugongs exhibited substantial interindividual variation in all dive parameters. The interaction between location and time of day was significant for diving rates, mean maximum dive depths and time spent within 1.5 m of the surface. In all these cases, there was substantial variation among individuals within locations among times of day. Thus, it was the variation among individuals that dominated all other effects. Dives were categorised into five types based on the shape of the time-depth profile. Of these, 67% of dives were interpreted as feeding dives (square and U-shaped), 8% as exploratory dives (V-shaped), 22% as travelling dives (shallow-erratic) and 3% as shallow resting dives. There was systematic variation in the distribution of dive types among the factors examined. Most of this variation was among individuals, but this differed across both time of day and tidal state. Not surprisingly, there was a positive relationship between dive duration and depth and a negative relationship between the number of dives per hour and the time spent within 1.5 m of the surface after a dive.  相似文献   

The diving capacity of marine mammals is typically defined by the aerobic dive limit (ADL) which, in lieu of direct measurements, can be calculated (cADL) from total body oxygen stores (TBO) and diving metabolic rate (DMR). To estimate cADL, we measured blood oxygen stores, and combined this with diving oxygen consumption rates (VO2) recorded from 4 trained Steller sea lions diving in the open ocean to depths of 10 or 40 m. We also examined the effect of diving exercise on O2 stores by comparing blood O2 stores of our diving animals to non-diving individuals at an aquarium. Mass-specific blood volume of the non-diving individuals was higher in the winter than in summer, but there was no overall difference in blood O2 stores between the diving and non-diving groups. Estimated TBO (35.9 ml O2 kg?1) was slightly lower than previously reported for Steller sea lions and other Otariids. Calculated ADL was 3.0 min (based on an average DMR of 2.24 L O2 min?1) and was significantly shorter than the average 4.4 min dives our study animals performed when making single long dives—but was similar to the times recorded during diving bouts (a series of 4 dives followed by a recovery period on the surface), as well as the dive times of wild animals. Our study is the first to estimate cADL based on direct measures of VO2 and blood oxygen stores for an Otariid and indicates they have a much shorter ADL than previously thought.  相似文献   

We developed models to predict foraging habitat of adult female northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) using stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope values from plasma and red blood cells. Binomial generalized linear mixed models were developed using blood isotope samples collected from 35 adult female fur seals on three breeding colonies in Alaska during July-October 2006. Satellite location and dive data were used to define habitat use in terms of the proportion of time spent or dives made in different oceanographic/bathymetric domains. For both plasma and red blood cells, the models accurately predicted habitat use for animals that foraged exclusively off or on the continental shelf. The models did not perform as well in predicting habitat use for animals that foraged in both on- and off-shelf habitat; however, sample sizes for these animals were small. Concurrently collected scat, fatty acid, and dive data confirmed that the foraging differences predicted by isotopes were associated with diet differences. Stable isotope samples, dive data, and GPS location data collected from an additional 15 females during August-October 2008 validated the effective use of the models across years. Little within year variation in habitat use was indicated from the comparison between stable isotope values from plasma (representing 1-2 weeks) and red blood cells (representing the prior few months). Constructing predictive models using stable isotopes provides an effective means to assess habitat use at the population level, is inexpensive, and can be applied to other marine predators.  相似文献   

The diving behaviour of four leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) was recorded for periods of 0.5-8.1 months during their postnesting movements in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, when they covered 1569-18,994 km. Dive data were obtained using satellite-linked transmitters which also provided information on the dive depths and profiles of the turtles. Turtles mainly dove to depths < 200 m, with maximum dive durations under 30-40 min and exhibited diel variations in their diving activity for most part of the routes, with dives being usually longer at night. Diurnal dives were in general quite short, but cases of very deep (> 900 m) and prolonged (> 70 min) dives were however recorded only during daytime. The three turtles that were tracked for the longest time showed a marked change in behaviour during the tracking, decreasing their dive durations and ceasing to dive deeply. Moreover, diel variations disappeared, with nocturnal dives becoming short and numerous. This change in turtle diving activity appeared to be related to water temperature, suggesting an influence of seasonal prey availability on their diving behaviour. The turtle diving activity was independent on the shape of their routes, with no changes between linear movements in the core of main currents or looping segments in presence of oceanic eddies.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to ascertain the persistence of heart rate and blood pressure oscillations at the onset of voluntary apnea in humans and to assess the dependence of the fluctuations parameters on the chemoreceptor activity. In 24 young subjects (10 males, 14 females, mean age 20.4 years) heart rate (represented by its reciprocal value--RR-intervals), systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) during controlled breathing (CB) of atmospheric air and oxygen followed by apnea were recorded continuously. The cosine functions were then fitted by nonlinear regression analysis to the heart rate, SBP and DBP oscillations during CB and at the onset of apnea. The parameters of oscillations were different during atmospheric air breathing compared to oxygen breathing. During oxygen breathing there was an increase of the RR-interval oscillations--relative bradycardia and enhanced magnitude of respiratory sinus arythmia. During apnea, the base level of the blood pressure oscillations was higher after breathing of atmospheric air compared to oxygen breathing. At least one cosine-like wave oscillation was present at the onset of apnea in the heart rate, SBP and DBP and the second wave was present in all assessed parameters in at least 70% of recordings. The oscillations in RR-intervals are, to some extent, independent of blood pressure oscillations. No significant gender differences were found either in the duration of breath holding or in the RR and SBP oscillations parameters.  相似文献   

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