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Stuart E. Bunn 《Hydrobiologia》1988,162(3):201-210
Seasonal differences in the processing of jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) leaves were examined in a small forest stream of the Darling Range, Western Australia. Processing rates in both summer and winter were very low, placing this species in the slow category (k < 0.005) of Petersen & Cummins (1974).Macroinvertebrates did not contribute to the processing of jarrah leaves during summer and autumn, coincident with the period of peak litter fall. The low quality of detritus entering the streams, and possibly some adverse interactions with the physical and chemical environment, inhibits processing during the summer months. As a consequence, a significant proportion of the coarse-particle detritus entering these streams may be exported unprocessed at the onset of high winter flows.In contrast with previous studies, jarrah leaves were processed at a faster rate during winter than summer. This seasonal difference can, in part, be attributed to the increased density and proportion of shredders at this time. Despite this, the processing of jarrah leaves during winter was very slow and must reflect the poor quality of this detritus as food for invertebrate consumers.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Streams of the northern jarrah forest, Western Australia, were sampled at twelve sites from December 1981 to December 1982 to examine spatial and temporal changes in the structure of the macroinvertebrate community.
2. The climate of this region is quite predictable by Australian standards and each year a hot, dry summer is followed by a mild, wet winter. Highest stream discharge occurs during winter (June-November) reducing to negligible flow over late summer and autumn (January-May). The low flows in summer were associated with warm water, lower dissolved oxygen, increased concentrations of cations and, in many cases, lower pH.
3. Temporal changes in abundance, diversity and evenness indicated that the invertebrate fauna became dominated by a few taxa during the summer months. Major spatial and temporal changes in the composition of the fauna were detected by classification and ordination. Summer and winter faunas were identified at most sites and were clearly associated with the seasonal changes in the physical and chemical environment. This seasonality is not typical of stream systems previously studied in Australia. Large spatial differences also occurred over small distances among sites in two similar-sized forested catchments.
4. Multiple discriminant analysis and stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that velocity and depth were highly associated with the observed temporal changes in the fauna, though other variables, including concentrations of cations and water temperature, were also important. Spatial differences were correlated with concentrations of cations which may simply reflect differences in the geologies of the catchments.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Spatial and temporal changes in functional organization of the invertebrate community of streams of the northern jarrah forest, Western Australia, were examined in the light of predictions of the river continuum concept (Vannote et al. , 1980).
2. The composition of the fauna was largely as predicted for forested headwater streams with detritivores, principally collectors, dominating the fauna. Although shredders are generally considered to be codominant in such streams, they were not abundant in the riffle areas sampled in this study.
3. Some of the observed temporal changes in the composition of functional feeding groups were in agreement with those predicted by the generalized model. The abundance and richness of collectors were higher during the summer than winter, whereas the converse was true for filterers. This corresponded to the presumed availability of deposit and suspended fine-particulate organic matter during summer and winter respectively. Scrapers and predators showed no consistent temporal pattern among sites. However, the density of the latter was highly correlated with the density of other invertebrates, particularly collectors.
4. Temporal changes in the abundance and richness of shredders were not synchronized with the marked summer input of coarseparticulate organic matter. The possible reasons for this, and the role of shredders in Australian stream systems, are discussed.  相似文献   

马志良  杨万勤  吴福忠  谭波 《生态学报》2018,38(9):3078-3085
植物多酚类物质是森林凋落物中的重要组分,其含量的多寡在一定程度上决定了凋落物的分解速率。然而,凋落物分解过程中多酚类物质的降解动态仍不十分清楚。因此,以四川盆地亚热带常绿阔叶林最具代表性的3个针叶树种马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、柳杉(Cryptomeria fortunei)、杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)和3个阔叶树种香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)、红椿(Toona ciliata)、麻栎(Quercus acutissima)凋落叶为对象,采用凋落物分解袋法,研究了6种凋落叶多酚类物质在第一年不同降雨期间的降解特征。结果表明:自微量降雨期起至雨季前期止,6种凋落叶多酚类物质具有一致的降解动态,降解率均表现为随着降水量的增加而增加;自雨季后期之后,多酚类物质含量均处于稳定状态。第一个分解年,6种凋落叶多酚类物质降解率大小顺序依次为:红椿(100%)柳杉(97.81%)杉木(94.45%)麻栎(93.67%)马尾松(93.06%)香樟(91.64%)。分解初期旱季两时期(微量降雨期和春季少雨期),6种凋落叶多酚类物质均有较大的降解量,其降解率占全年降解率的42.16%—71.20%。并且,除香樟以外的5种凋落叶多酚类物质大量降解释放发生在雨季前期,占全年降解率的44.46%—55.72%。此外,凋落叶多酚类物质初始含量与其降解率呈显著的二次函数关系。可见,降雨是湿润亚热带常绿阔叶林区凋落物多酚类物质降解的关键驱动因子之一,树种组成是影响凋落物多酚类物质降解的内部因素。  相似文献   

Summary The horizontal distribution of three species of tubificid worm (Tubifex tubifex, Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri and L. udekemianus in the sediment of a small stream was examined. Worm distribution was most strongly correlated with the distribution of leaf litter. This relationship was examined in the laboratory by means of choice chambers. It was concluded that; 1) the addition, to an inorganic substratum, of conditioned leaf material, enhanced its attractiveness to the worms; 2) a combination of silt-clay and leaf material was preferred by the worms to mixtures of leaf material and coarser inorganic substrata 3) some leaf species were more attractive to the worms than others; 4) there were differences between the worm species in their preferences for the various leaf species; 5) none of the three tubificid species was exclusively associated with its preferred leaf species; 6) worms would switch to less attractive leaf species if preferred alternatives were unavailable; 7) leaf material only attracted the worms once it had become conditioned; 8) this appeal was lost when the leaves were autoclaved; and 9) substratum choice was independent of worm size.We believe the worms were attracted to the leaves because the associated microfloras provided a concentration of bacterial food. Differences between the three tubificid species in their preferences for the various leaf species probably reduced trophic competition.  相似文献   

We investigated aspects of germination and seedling establishment that might influence the distribution and diversity of Carex species growing in the forest understory. We tested the ability of Carex communis and C. platyphylla to germinate and establish at plots where adult individuals of one of these two species, or one of two other Carex species (C. backii and C. plantaginea), occurred in an old-growth forest in southern Québec, Canada. We also tested for effects of leaf litter on germination and establishment of these sedges. From a series of experiments in the field and in a lath house, we found no evidence of home-site advantage with respect to germination or seedling establishment. Leaf litter had a negative effect on germination and establishment. The results emphasize the importance of dispersal and colonization events in determining local diversity and distribution of Carex species in upland forests. High frequency of occurrence of C. communis at our study site may result from relatively wide dispersal provided by ants, and a suite of traits associated with ant dispersal in some understory Carex species.  相似文献   

Frequent low‐intensity fires are used in management of Australian forests to reduce fuel loads and protect natural resources and human property. Low‐intensity fires are typically patchy and unburned litter microhabitats are often associated with large objects such as logs, which may act as refuges both for vertebrate and for invertebrate fauna. The aim of this study was to determine whether ants were using unburned leaf litter microhabitats associated with logs as a refuge after fire. The study was carried out in Bulls Ground State Forest, New South Wales, Australia, where experimentally burned and unburned sites had previously been established. Species richness and abundance of ants in leaf litter did not differ between habitats adjacent to logs and away from logs, in burned and unburned sites. Fifteen of the 42 ant species were found in all four habitats, and contributed 94% of total ant abundance. Every habitat had a group of unique species, which together made up 30% of the total species richness. There was also a distinct group of species that was not found in the leaf litter associated with the burned/open habitat. However, as 45% of all species were found in low abundance (less than 10 individuals), care must be taken in inferring patterns for these groups. When functional groups were used to assess community structure, ‘cryptic’ species were found to be common in all habitats, whereas ‘subordinate Camponotini’ were found in burned habitats only. This study indicates that in an area where frequent burning is applied on a broad scale, preserving a range of microhabitats, including those associated with retained logs, may make a substantial contribution to conserving ant biodiversity.  相似文献   

杨林  邓长春  陈亚梅  和润莲  张健  刘洋 《生态学杂志》2015,26(12):3602-3610
对我国川西高山林线交错带14种代表性植物凋落叶分解速率与初始质量的关系进行研究.结果表明: 高山林线交错带植物凋落叶分解速率(k)为0.16~1.70,乔木和苔藓凋落叶分解较慢,灌木凋落叶次之,草本凋落叶分解最快.凋落叶分解速率与N、木质素、酚类物质、C/N、C/P、木质素/N均具有显著的线性回归关系.通径分析得出,木质素/N和半纤维素含量可以解释k变异的78.4%,其中木质素/N可以解释k变异的69.5%,木质素/N对k的直接通径系数为-0.913.主成分分析表明,第1排序轴k、分解时间(t)的贡献率达99.2%,木质素/N、木质素含量、C/N、C/P与第1排序轴呈显著正相关,其中木质素/N与第1排序轴的相关关系最强(r=0.923).木质素/N是影响川西高山林线交错带植物凋落叶分解速率的关键质量指标,且凋落叶初始木质素/N越高,分解速率越低.  相似文献   

Cultivar differences in canopy apparent photosynthesis (CAP) have been observed in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) but little is known about the physiological mechanisms which are responsible for such differences. This study was initiated to determine if variation in ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase) and soluble protein exists among cultivars which differ in CAP during reproductive growth. In addition, the relationship between specific leaf weight (SLW) and leaf protein was examined. Two Maturity Group VI cultivars, Tracy (high CAP) and Davis (low CAP), were grown in the field during 1979, 1980, and 1981 and in a greenhouse experiment. Leaves located at two canopy positions (topmost, fully expanded leaf and eighth node from the top) in 1979 and three canopy positions (those mentioned, plus the fourth node from the top) in 1980 and 1981 were sampled. Leaves at the two upper canopy positions exhibited greater SLW, RuBPCase m–2, and soluble protein m–2 than found at the eighth node down. Photosynthetic capacity of leaves at inner canopy regions was therefore affected by both light penetration into the canopy and leaf protein status. Over the three year period, the SLW was 23 percent and the soluble protein m–2 leaf 21 percent greater in Tracy than in Davis. Although the trend in RuBPCase m–2 leaf was not significant, it was consistently greater in Tracy in the field and greenhouse. No cultivar differences were observed when the proteins were expressed on a unit of leaf dry weight. The quantity of RuBPCase per unit leaf area was positively correlated with SLW with significant partial correlation coefficients of 0.62, 0.67, 0.35, and 0.82 for 1979, 1980, 1981, and the greenhouse study, respectively. Since these cultivars have similar leaf area indices during September, the greater SLW of Tracy is translated into more photosynthetic proteins per unit ground area and higher CAP rate.Abbreviations AP Leaf Apparent Photosynthesis - CAP Canopy Apparent Photosynthesis - DAP Days After Planting - DTT Dithothreitol - HEPES N-2-hydroethylpiperazine N-2 ethanesulfonic acid - LAI Leaf Area Index - LSD Least Significant Difference - PPFD Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density - PVP-40 Polyvinylpolypyrroledone (molecular weight, 4000) - RuBPCase Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase - SLW Specific Leaf Weight  相似文献   

In these companion papers, we study how the interrelated dynamics of sodium and potassium affect the excitability of neurons, the occurrence of seizures, and the stability of persistent states of activity. We seek to study these dynamics with respect to the following compartments: neurons, glia, and extracellular space. We are particularly interested in the slower time-scale dynamics that determine overall excitability, and set the stage for transient episodes of persistent oscillations, working memory, or seizures. In this second of two companion papers, we present an ionic current network model composed of populations of Hodgkin–Huxley type excitatory and inhibitory neurons embedded within extracellular space and glia, in order to investigate the role of micro-environmental ionic dynamics on the stability of persistent activity. We show that these networks reproduce seizure-like activity if glial cells fail to maintain the proper micro-environmental conditions surrounding neurons, and produce several experimentally testable predictions. Our work suggests that the stability of persistent states to perturbation is set by glial activity, and that how the response to such perturbations decays or grows may be a critical factor in a variety of disparate transient phenomena such as working memory, burst firing in neonatal brain or spinal cord, up states, seizures, and cortical oscillations.
Ghanim UllahEmail:

M. G. BROOKER  L. C. BROOKER 《Ibis》1989,131(4):528-547
The breeding behaviour of two similarly sized sympatric cuckoos, Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo Chrysococcyx basalts and the Shining Bronze-Cuckoo C. lucidus, was studied over four breeding seasons at Gooseberry Hill, Western Australia. Both cuckoos usually began laying in late August; Shining Bronze-Cuckoos laid for up to 13 weeks and Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoos for up to 15 weeks. Four host species were parasitized and major hosts were parasitized throughout most of their laying periods. The frequency of parasitism varied between hosts and between years, but Splendid Fairy-wrens Malurus splendens and Yellow-rumped Thornbills Acanthiza chrysorrhoa (major hosts) were always parasitized more heavily than Western Thornbills A. inornata and Scarlet Robins Petroica multicolor. Western Thornbills were parasitized by both cuckoos. Horsfield's and Shining Bronze-Cuckoos laid monomorphic eggs; those of Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoos were highly mimetic whereas those of Shining Bronze-Cuckoos were non-mimetic and dark in colour. Both cuckoos laid one egg per host nest, deposited eggs directly into the nest, laid very quickly in the early morning, removed at least one host egg at laying, laid eggs small for the size of the birds, hatched after 12 days and evicted nest companions shortly after hatching. Laying was well synchronized with the start of incubation by hosts. Field observations and experiments with egg models indicated that neither of the major hosts, nor the secondary host in common, discriminate against foreign eggs. The nestling period for Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo was 17 days, and for the Shining Bronze-Cuckoo 20 days. There was a corresponding difference in nestling growth rate between the cuckoo species. About 50% of cuckoo eggs produced fledglings. Reproductive success for both cuckoos was highest in nests of the secondary host in common, the Western Thornbill. Young cuckoos reached independence 5–6 weeks after hatching. The adaptive significance of competition between cuckoos as a selective agent for cuckoo egg morphology and host specificity is discussed.  相似文献   

Yasuo Suto 《Mycoscience》1999,40(6):509-516
A leaf spot disease called frosty mildew was observed onChaenomeles sinensis throughout Japan. Small brown spots with white tufts occurred followed by successive defoliation. On the fallen leaves, minute black dots are formed. The causal fungus was regarded as a new species ofMycosphaerella, M. chaenomelis, andCercosporella chaenomelis in anamorph. Pathogenicity of the fungus was confirmed only inC. sinensis by inoculation experiments. Colonies of the fungus grew well on potato sucrose agar, and grew at 10–30°C with an optimum temperature of 25°C. The fungus overwintered on the fallen diseased leaves in the form of pseudothecia, and ascospores served as the primary infection source from April to June.  相似文献   

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