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Published data on milk composition for nonhuman primates, especially great apes, are lacking. Milk composition data are important for understanding the physiology and evolution of mammalian milk production, as well as the nutritional requirements of infants. For many primate species these data have added relevance because of the need to hand raise infants orphaned by poaching or separated from their mothers in captivity. The proximate composition (dry matter (DM), protein, fat, sugar) of free-ranging mountain gorilla (MG) (Gorilla beringei beringei) milk was characterized from samples (N = 10) collected opportunistically during field procedures. The mean values for mid-lactation (1-50 months) milk samples from healthy MGs (N = 7) were: 10.7% DM, 1.9% fat, 1.4% crude protein, 6.8% sugar, and 0.53 kcal/g. These results are lower in fat and total energy than most other Hominidae, including humans. One early-lactation sample was high in protein content while the composition of two samples from gorillas with poor health and suspected poor milk quality both deviated from the normal, mid-lactation pattern. This survey adds to the data available for primate milk composition and suggests that wild MG infants normally consume milk that is lower in fat and total energy than human milk.  相似文献   

Hand‐rearing and assisted‐rearing aardvarks in captivity has become commonplace and has led to success in breeding the species. However, the macronutrient content of aardvark milk past 1 month of age is unknown. A better understanding of aardvark milk composition would enhance captive management efforts. Here, we assayed milk samples from two captive individuals from 2 to 114 days postpartum (N = 21) for dry matter, fat, crude protein, total sugar, ash (total minerals), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), and gross energy. The body weight of one calf was measured from birth to weaning. Milk macronutrient composition was compared to that of other Afrotherian species and Xenarthra species with similar diets. Average protein, fat, and sugar concentrations of aardvark milk across lactation were 12.3%, 13.6%, and 2.5%, respectively. Ash averaged 1.9%, with Ca (0.50%) and P (0.35%) accounting for about 45% of total minerals. All measured nutrients increased over lactation except sugar, which decreased. Aardvark milk is high in energy (2.12 kcal/g) mostly derived from fat and protein and little energy from sugar. Calf growth was linear (r2 = 0.995) with a mean gain of 159 g/day, achieving almost 30% of adult weight at weaning. Within Afrotheria, aardvark milk is higher in fat and protein and lower in sugar than elephant milk and more closely resembles the milk of its fellow insectivore, the elephant shrew. Aardvark milk is also similar in composition to milk of insectivorous Xenarthra species (nine‐banded armadillo and giant anteater). Aardvark milk composition is consistent with the species’ high‐protein diet, fast growth, and nursing pattern.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to have an improved understanding of milk composition and to help create a suitable milk formula for cubs raised in captivity. Milk samples were evaluated for fat, fatty acids, carbohydrate, vitamin D(3), 25(OH)D(3), vitamin A (retinol), vitamin E (α-tocopherol), protein, and amino acids. Total lipids in milk did not differ for cubs (mean ± SEM = 26.60 ± 1.88 g/100 ml vs. yearlings 27.80 ± 2.20 g/100 ml). Milk lipids were of 23.6% saturated fatty acid for cubs and 22.4% for yearlings. Milk consumed by cubs and yearlings contained 43.8 and 42.0% mono-unsaturated fatty acids and 23.4 and 21.9% polyunsaturated fatty acids, respectively. Carbohydrate content was higher in milk for cubs (4.60 ± 0.64 g/100 ml) than for yearlings (2.60 ± 0.40 g/100 ml). Vitamin D(3) concentration of milk was 18.40 ± 5.00 ng/ml in early lactation compared with 7.60 ± 2.00 ng/ml for mid-lactation. 25(OH)D(3) was lower in milk consumed by cubs (162.00 ± 6.70 pg/ml) than in milk consumed by yearlings (205.00 ± 45.70 pg/ml). Vitamin A concentrations were 0.06 ± 0.01 and 0.03 ± 0.01 μg/ml for cubs and yearlings, respectively. Vitamin E was higher in milk consumed by cubs (20.16 ± 4.46 μg/ml) than by yearlings (7.30 ± 1.50 μg/ml). Protein content did not differ in milk available to cubs (11.40 ± 0.80 g/100 ml compared with milk for yearlings 11.80 ± 0.40 g/100 ml). Taurine was the most abundant free amino acid at 3,165.90 ± 192.90 nmol/ml (0.04% as fed basis).  相似文献   

This study sought to assess the potential effects of hand‐rearing by evaluating the relationships among rearing type and reproductive success in the American Zoo and Aquarium Association's Species Survival Plan® for western lowland gorillas. Our study included data on 697 gorillas: 257 wild‐born (WB) and 440 born at zoos or related facilities in North America. We found no significant differences in the number of reproductive zoo‐born (ZB) and WB females, but more WB males sired infants than their ZB counterparts. This was influenced by a skew in the number of reproductive years for WB males in the studbook. ZB males showed no difference in infants produced per reproductive year, as compared to WB males, while ZB females produced more infants per reproductive year than did WB females. Mother‐reared (MR), ZB females produced more offspring and used more reproductive opportunity than hand‐reared (HR) females, whereas rearing had no effect on the reproductive success of ZB males. Moreover, MR and partially hand‐reared (PHR) females were more likely to become nurturing mothers themselves. Zoo Biol 21:389–401, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Common marmosets, one of the smallest anthropoid primates, have a relatively high reproductive rate, capable of producing twins or triplets twice per year. Growth and development of infants is relatively rapid, and lactation is relatively short at less than 3 months. Although mean values for the proximate composition (dry matter, protein, fat and sugar) of captive common marmoset milks fall within anthropoid norms, composition is highly variable among individual samples, with concentrations of milk fat ranging from below 1 to over 10%. To examine the extent to which this variation might be a consequence of captive conditions, we collected milk samples from wild common marmosets freely living on a farm in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The proximate composition of the milk samples was assayed using identical techniques as used for the captive marmoset milks. The composition of the milk of wild common marmosets was also variable, but tended to be lower in dry matter, fat, protein and gross energy, and higher in sugar than milks from captive animals. Interestingly, the percentage of estimated gross energy from the protein fraction of the milks was relatively constant in both wild and captive marmosets and did not differ between wild and captive animals: 1 kcal of common marmoset milk contains on average (+/-SEM) 0.035+/-.001 g of protein regardless of the gross energy content of the milk or whether the milk was from a wild or captive animal. In contrast, in 1 kcal of low-energy milks, the amount of sugar was significantly higher and the amount of fat significantly lower than in 1 kcal of high-energy milks. Thus, common marmoset milk exhibits axes of variability (especially fat concentration) as well as a significant stability in the relative amount of protein.  相似文献   

Fossil Bovidae constitute one of the most significant proxy records for evolutionary and palaeoecological change in Africa. Tragelaphus nakuae is a regularly encountered antelope in the East African Plio‐Pleistocene, and is a common component of hominin faunas. As previously understood, this species ranged for almost 2 million years, encompassed a large range of morphological variation, exhibited relative stasis in the face of environmental perturbations, and left no known living descendants. I here review and revise the fossil record of this tragelaphin bovid, finding that specimens older than ~2.8 Mya and previously attributed to T. nakuae or a close form are in fact referable to a distinct, but ancestral, species. This new interpretation adds these fossil tragelaphins to the body of evidence supporting major faunal turnover occurring around 2.8 Mya in concert with global climatic change. I also document morphological changes that occur through the duration of T. nakuae, particularly after 2.3 Mya. These taxonomic revisions allow for refined biochronological estimates for several East African Plio‐Pleistocene sites and specimen assemblages of uncertain age. A phylogenetic analysis suggests that the T. nakuae lineage is related to the extant bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus), relating this living but enigmatic forest antelope to the fossil record. One resulting palaeoecological hypothesis is that the bongo's modern fragmented range represents the relicts of a much more widely distributed late Pliocene African forest belt. This study highlights the importance of specimen‐based approaches for elucidating the pattern and timing of major evolutionary events. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 162 , 699–711.  相似文献   

A newborn orangutan was removed from her mother 55 h after birth because no nursing had been observed. She was hand reared in a nursery for 3 d and then successfully reintroduced to her mother. Several factors that may have contributed to the successful reintroduction are discussed.  相似文献   

Hand‐reared grey‐faced petrel (Pterodroma macroptera gouldi) chicks (Order Procellariformes) that were subjected to a standardised blood sampling protocol immediately before they fledged showed a reduced corticosterone response compared to parent‐raised chicks. Serum corticosterone concentrations were lower in hand‐reared than parent‐reared birds 30 and 60 min after handling was initiated (21.5±6.7 vs. 105.4±7.4 ng/ml at 30 min, and 11.3±3.6 vs. 93.8±11.4 ng/ml at 60 min, respectively). The total integrated corticosterone response and the response corrected for initial corticosterone concentrations were similarly lower in hand‐reared than parent‐reared birds (927±489 vs. 4639±1924 ng/ml.min, and 529±352 vs. 4110±1896 ng/ml.min, respectively). Habituation to handling associated with hand‐rearing, which is expressed as a subdued corticostrone response, is likely to reduce the physiological stress associated with the translocation and reintroduction of these birds. However, the longer‐term consequences of this attenuated response remain unclear. Zoo Biol 0:1–8, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Early rearing conditions of captive chimpanzees characterize behavioral differences in tool use, response to novelty, and sexual and maternal competence later in life. Restricted rearing conditions during early life hinder the acquisition and execution of such behaviors, which characterize the daily life of animals. This study examined whether rearing conditions affect adult male chimpanzees' behavior skills used for solving a problem with acquired locomotion behavior. Subjects were 13 male residents of the Chimpanzee Sanctuary Uto: 5 wild‐born and 8 captive‐born. A pretest assessed bed building and tool use abilities to verify behavioral differences between wild‐ and captive‐born subjects, as earlier reports have described. Second, a banana‐access test was conducted to investigate the problem‐solving ability of climbing a bamboo pillar for accessing a banana, which might be the most efficient food access strategy for this setting. The test was repeated in a social setting. Results show that wild‐born subjects were better able than captive‐born subjects to use the provided materials for bed building and tool use. Results of the banana‐access test show that wild‐born subjects more frequently used a bamboo pillar for obtaining a banana with an efficient strategy than captive‐born subjects did. Of the eight captive‐born subjects, six avoided the bamboo pillars to get a banana and instead used, sometimes in a roundabout way, an iron pillar or fence. Results consistently underscored the adaptive and sophisticated skills of wild‐born male chimpanzees in problem‐solving tasks. The rearing conditions affected both the behavior acquisition and the execution of behaviors that had already been acquired. Am. J. Primatol. 72:626–633, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Commercially prepared milk replacers are frequently used to provide the sole source of nutrition for hand‐reared cheetah cubs (Acinonyx jubatus). The nutrient composition of two commonly used milk replacers was determined. Using titanium dioxide as an indigestible marker, nutrient digestibility was calculated from the analyses of fecal samples collected from each cub (n = 4 on formula 1, and n = 2 on formula 2). Mean apparent total tract digestibility for both formulas was >90% for all nutrients analyzed (crude protein, amino acids, crude fat (CF), and dry matter). However, the total CF content and the concentration of the essential fatty acids, such as α‐linolenic, linolenic, and arachidonic acid, of both formulas was lower than reported for maternal cheetah milk. Additionally, one formula contained a comparatively high amount of carbohydrate, at the expense of protein. Although data were lacking for cheetah maternal milk, comparison with domestic cat milk revealed high concentrations of a number of minerals (K, Fe, Zn, and Cu), while vitamin D3 was not detected in one formula. Both formulas were low in the majority of essential amino acids compared with domestic cat maternal milk. Despite their apparently high digestibility, neither formula was complete or balanced in terms of nutrient concentrations and ratios when maternal cheetah milk and/or the requirements established for growth in domestic cats were used as estimates of ideal. On this basis, although all cubs in this study were healthy and maintained good body conditions for the duration of the trial, the results of dietary analyses indicate that these milk replacers may not provide optimal nutrition for growth in cheetah cubs when used for extended periods. Zoo Biol 30:412–426, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In order to describe the lactation curves of milk yield (MY) and composition in buffaloes, seven non-linear mathematical equations (Wood, Dhanoa, Sikka, Nelder, Brody, Dijkstra and Rook) were used. Data were 116 117 test-day records for MY, fat (FP) and protein (PP) percentages of milk from the first three lactations of buffaloes which were collected from 893 herds in the period from 1992 to 2012 by the Animal Breeding Center of Iran. Each model was fitted to monthly production records of dairy buffaloes using the NLIN and MODEL procedures in SAS and the parameters were estimated. The models were tested for goodness of fit using adjusted coefficient of determination root means square error (RMSE), Durbin–Watson statistic and Akaike’s information criterion (AIC). The Dijkstra model provided the best fit of MY and PP of milk for the first three parities of buffaloes due to the lower values of RMSE and AIC than other models. For the first-parity buffaloes, Sikka and Brody models provided the best fit of FP, but for the second- and third-parity buffaloes, Sikka model and Brody equation provided the best fit of lactation curve for FP, respectively. The results of this study showed that the Wood and Dhanoa equations were able to estimate the time to the peak MY more accurately than the other equations. In addition, Nelder and Dijkstra equations were able to estimate the peak time at second and third parities more accurately than other equations, respectively. Brody function provided more accurate predictions of peak MY over the first three parities of buffaloes. There was generally a positive relationship between 305-day MY and persistency measures and also between peak yield and 305-day MY, calculated by different models, within each lactation in the current study. Overall, evaluation of the different equations used in the current study indicated the potential of the non-linear models for fitting monthly productive records of buffaloes.  相似文献   

Lactation plays a vital role in reproductive success, evolving with ecological adaptations of mammalian life histories. Knowledge of the lactation process in odontocetes is scarce and limited to a handful of species. We investigated the changes in milk composition across different lactation stages, including prepartum mammary secretion and early, mid‐ and late lactation of narrow‐ridged finless porpoises. Prepartum mammary secretion was greenish and characterized by high protein, low sugar, and negligible fat contents. In contrast, milk fat became predominant over protein and sugar contents throughout all lactation stages. At the early lactation stage, the contents of all milk constituents except water varied greatly. At the mid‐late lactation stage, the gross milk composition was relatively stable and was composed of, on average, 67.34% ± 4.13% water, 9.96% ± 0.75% protein, 21.40% ± 3.24% fat, and 1.72% ± 0.73% sugar. Our findings provide new insight into milk composition at different lactation stages in the narrow‐ridged finless porpoise.  相似文献   

The social housing of males is of particular importance for captive managers of polygynous species. In this work, we highlight nine areas we believe are important to the successful formation and maintenance of all‐male gorilla groups. Although more data are still needed to complete our understanding of these groups, the general picture that emerges is that all‐male groups can be a functional social unit for male gorillas, the longevity of which might be improved by careful planning. It appears that the best time to form all‐male groups is when the animals are still immature, as males in this age class have been observed to form some of the most stable groups. Efforts should be made to diversify the groups in terms of rearing history, particularly with respect to hand‐reared males, and to limit the amount of hand rearing experienced by males. Groups probably should contain no more than three or four adult males. Exhibits should be designed to provide visual barriers, refuges for subordinate animals, the means to separate individuals, and possibly the means to isolate all‐male groups from mixed‐sex groups. Additionally, because it is likely that some males will have to be removed from all‐male groups, zoos need to design facilities that provide state‐of‐the‐art housing for solitary individuals. It is hoped that by identifying bachelor males early in life and establishing cooperative management plans across institutions, zoos will be able to provide beneficial, long‐term social situations for all male gorillas in captivity. Zoo Biol 23:189–203, 2004. © 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Agent Orange was sprayed in parts of southern Vietnam during the U.S.‐Vietnam war and was a mixture of two chlorophenoxy herbicides. The mixture was contaminated with 2,3,7,8‐tetrachlorodibenzo‐p‐dioxin (TCDD). TCDD and other dioxins and furans are measurable in the milk of Vietnamese women. We explored whether the TCDD in milk from these women was from Agent Orange and whether lactational exposure can be a mode of transgenerational effects of TCDD from Agent Orange. A review of the world's literature on milk concentrations of polychlorinated compounds showed the presence of TCDD and other dioxins and furans in all countries that have been assessed. The congener profile of these chemicals, that is, the proportion of different congeners in the sample, can be used to assess the source of milk contamination. Measurements in most countries, including contemporary measurements in Vietnam, are consistent with non‐Agent Orange exposure sources, including industrial activities and incineration of waste. Models and supporting human data suggest that TCDD from breastfeeding does not persist in a child past adolescence and that the adult body burden of TCDD is independent of whether the individual was breast‐ or bottle‐fed as a child. These findings suggest that exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam did not result in persistent transgenerational exposure through human milk  相似文献   

In this study, we attempted to develop an artificial diet to effectively rear the endangered long‐horned beetle Callipogon relictus Semenov to facilitate restoration efforts for this species. Fungal mycelia of the white‐rot fungus Pleurotus florida (Eager) were, for the first time, provided as an artificial diet for the larvae of C. relictus. The experiment started on August 11, 2015 with 53 larvae being provisioned with the fungal diet under laboratory conditions (25°C, 60 % RH, L:D 0:24) without diapause. During the first year, 11 adults (4 males and 7 females, 20.8 % of the 53 larvae) emerged between September 10 and October 1, 2016. The body length of the largest male was 106.8 mm, and three of the four males exceeded 100 mm in length. These results show that a fungal diet for rearing C. relictus is useful not only for reducing the larval period to approximately 1/6 of the normal larval period in nature, but also for producing large adults. These results support the notion that fungus may provide nutritional benefits during the larval development of C. relictus, and also indicate that this species is fungivorous.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to detect new polymorphisms in the bovine β‐casein (β‐CN) gene and to evaluate association of (new) β‐CN protein variants with milk production traits and milk protein composition. Screening of the β‐CN gene in genomic DNA from 72 Holstein Friesian (HF) bulls resulted in detection of 19 polymorphisms and revealed the presence of β‐CN protein variant I in the Dutch HF population. Studies of association of β‐CN protein variants with milk composition usually do not discriminate protein variant I from variant A2. Association of β‐CN protein variants with milk composition was studied in 1857 first‐lactation HF cows and showed that associations of protein variants A2 and I were quite different for several traits. β‐CN protein variant I was significantly associated with protein percentage and protein yield, and with αs1‐casein (αs1‐CN), αs2‐casein (αs2‐CN), κ‐casein (κ‐CN), α‐lactalbumin (α‐LA), β‐lactoglobulin (β‐LG), casein index and casein yield. Inferring β‐κ‐CN haplotypes showed that β‐CN protein variant I occurred only with κ‐CN variant B. Consequently, associations of β‐κ‐CN haplotype IB with protein percentage, κ‐CN, α‐LA, β‐LG and casein index are likely resulting from associations of κ‐CN protein variant B, while associations of β‐κ‐CN haplotype IB with αs1‐CN and αs2‐CN seem to be resulting from associations of β‐CN variant I.  相似文献   

Cross‐amplification permits transposition of microsatellite markers to closely related species. Multiplexing reduces time and cost further, exploiting simultaneous amplification of several primers. In cross‐amplification tests of 55 ungulate primers in roe deer, 39 gave specific amplification products and 20 were polymorphic. Twelve primers were retained to form a multiplex kit. In 30 roe deer, average allelic diversity was 5.67 (range: 2–15), expected heterozygosity was 0.664 and mean polymorphic information content (PIC) value was 0.605. Probability of identity was PID= 5 × 10?11 and probability of exclusion for parentage studies was PE1 = 0.98856 and PE2 = 0.99952.  相似文献   

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