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In vivo and in vitro matured porcine oocytes were fertilized by subzonal sperm injection (SUZI), and their subsequent development in vitro was examined to determine whether ooplasmic incompetence is the major cause of limited developmental ability of in vitro matured/fertilized porcine oocytes (Experiment 1). There was no significant difference in rates of fertilization (61% vs. 70%), monospermy (37% vs. 45%), and male pronuclear formation (77% vs. 61%) between in vivo and in vitro matured oocytes. Blastocyst formation rate was significantly lower for in vitro matured oocytes (11% vs. 42%; P < 0.001). Forty-six percent of in vivo matured oocytes cleaved to the 2-4 cell stage by 24 hr in culture after SUZI, compared with 3% of in vitro matured oocytes (P < 0.01). In experiment 2, in vitro development of in vitro matured oocytes with evenly and unevenly granulated cytoplasm were compared after SUZI to examine whether developmentally competent in vitro matured oocytes can be identified on the basis of morphological appearance. Most of the blastocysts obtained developed from oocytes with unevenly granulated cytoplasm (7/56 vs. 1/45; P > 0.05). Experiment 3 revealed that the proportion of oocytes with evenly granulated cytoplasm was originally low (11%) in the population of oocytes used for in vitro maturation, and it increased approximately 3-fold (36%; P < 0.001) after maturation. These results suggest that ooplasmic incompetence in porcine in vitro matured oocytes is the major cause of their limited developmental competence. Cytoplasmic maturation measured by male pronucleus formation does not directly reflect developmental competence of the oocytes. It was also shown that evenness of granulation of the cytoplasm is not a useful morphological indicator of developmental competence. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the changes in microtubule and microfilament assembly in aged porcine oocytes and to determine their developmental pattern after parthenogenetic activation. Porcine oocytes were cultured in Whitten's medium containing 10% follicular fluid with hormonal supplements (eCG and hCG) for 22 hr and 40 hr additional culture without hormonal supplements. At 40, 50, and 60 hr of culture, the oocytes were fixed for immunocytochemistry or activated by electrical pulse. In metaphase II stage oocytes, microtubules were detected only in the meiotic spindle. Two microfilament domains existed in the egg cortex, a thick and a thin microfilament domain. In aged oocytes (50 and 60 hr of culture), the incidence of metaphase II plates observed outside of the thick microfilament domain was higher (P < 0.05) than in young oocytes (40 hr of culture). After activation, a polar body was usually emitted from the chromatin at the microfilament rich domain or two pronuclei were formed outside of the microfilament rich domain. The percentage of activated oocytes with one female pronucleus was higher (P < 0.05) in oocytes at 40 hr of maturation than at 50 and 60 hr of culture. At 24 and 30 hr after stimulation the incidence of cleavage to the 3- to 4-cell stage was higher (P < 0.05) in aged oocytes (50 and 60 hr of maturation) than that in oocytes at 40 hr of culture. These results suggested that a role of microfilaments is to retain the chromatin at the proper position in the oocyte cortex, and that aging results in a disruption of the microfilaments such that atypical development results after parthenogenetic activation. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sucrose and trehalose are conventional cryoprotectant additives for oocytes and embryos. Ethanol can artificially enhance activation of inseminated mature oocytes. This study aims to investigate whether artificial oocyte activation (AOA) with ethanol can promote the development competence of in vitro matured oocytes. A total of 810 human immature oocytes, obtained from 325 patients undergoing normal stimulated oocyte retrieval cycles, were in vitro maturated (IVM) either immediately after collection (Fresh group n = 291)) or after being vitrified as immature oocytes (Vitrified group n = 519). These groups were arbitrarily assigned. All fresh and vitrified oocytes which matured after a period of IVM then underwent intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Half an hour following ICSI, they were either activated by 7% ethanol (AOA group) or left untreated (Non-AOA group). Fertilization, cleavage rate, blastocyst quality and aneuploidy rate were then evaluated. High-quality blastocysts were only obtained in both the fresh and vitrified groups which had undergone AOA after ICSI. Trehalose vitrification slightly, but not significantly, increased the formation rates of high-quality embryos (21.7% VS 15.4%, P > 0.05) and blastocysts (15.7% VS 7.69%, P > 0.05)) when compared with sucrose vitrification. Aneuploidy was observed in 12 of 24 (50%) of the AOA derived high quality blastocysts. High-quality blastocysts only developed from fresh or vitrified immature oocytes if the ICSI was followed by AOA. This information may be important for human immature oocytes commonly retrieved in normal stimulation cycles and may be particularly important for certain patient groups, such as cancer patients. AOA with an appropriate concentration of ethanol can enhance the developmental competence of embryos.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to compare the efficacies of Cryotop (CT), solid surface vitrification (SSV) methods and cytochalasin B (CB) treatment for the cryopreservation of immature bovine oocytes, in terms of survival, nuclear maturation, and in vitro development. Solution exposed oocytes were in vitro maturated and fertilized. No difference was found in the rates of survival, nuclear maturation and blastocyst among solution exposed groups and fresh control group, except blastocysts rates in oocytes exposed to CB, cryoprotectant (CPA) and fluorescein diacetate (FDA) group (CB–CPA–FDA) (23%) significantly lower than that of control group (32%). CB pretreated ((+)CB) or non-pretreated ((−)CB) COCs were vitrified either by SSV or CT. Among four vitrified groups the nuclear maturation rates (CT(−)CB: 58%, CT(+)CB: 57%, SSV(−)CB: 60%, SSV(+)CB: 63%), cleavage (CT(−)CB: 36%, CT(+)CB: 24%, SSV(−)CB: 34%, SSV(+)CB: 26%) and blastocysts rates (CT(−)CB: 6%, CT(+)CB: 7%, SSV(−)CB: 4%, SSV(+)CB: 6%) did not differ, but the rates of the four vitrified groups were significantly lower than those of non-vitrified group (81%, 71% and 26%, respectively). We thus conclude that CT and SSV perform equally in vitrification of bovine immature oocytes, and CB did not increase the viability, nuclear maturation, or in vitro development of vitrified oocytes.  相似文献   

It is essential to enhance the in vitro maturation (IVM) condition for immature oocytes after cryopreservation, particularly if limited numbers of oocytes collected from specific donors. The objective of this study was to determine if quality of vitrified porcine immature oocytes was enhanced by coculturing with fresh oocytes during IVM. To distinguish fresh versus vitrified oocytes, we used two types of coculture systems: (a) transwell two‐chamber coculture; (b) labeling and tracing fresh oocytes with CellTracker? Green CMFDA during conventional culture. Coculture systems significantly accelerated meiotic progression of vitrified oocytes and significantly increased blastocyst formation rates following parthenogenetic activation and somatic cell nuclear transfer. Reactive oxygen species generation in vitrified oocytes was ameliorated by the coculture conditions, with no significant difference between fresh and vitrified oocytes for intracellular glutathione level. Both coculture systems significantly increased rate of normal mitochondrial distribution in vitrified oocytes, but did not affect fluorescence intensity of mitochondria. The percentage of oocytes with normal endoplasmic reticulum (ER) distribution and ER fluorescence intensity were significantly higher in vitrified oocytes cocultured with fresh oocytes. After 20 hr of IVM, mRNA expression of COX2, HAS2, PTX3, and TNFAIP6 remained significantly higher in cumulus cells derived from vitrified oocytes and coculture systems significantly decreased the expression of these genes. Additionally, coculture methods prevented the reduction of mRNA expression for BMP15, ZAR1, POU5F1, and DNMT3A in vitrified oocytes. In conclusion, oocyte quality and subsequent embryo development of vitrified porcine immature oocytes were significantly improved by fresh oocyte coculture during IVM.  相似文献   

In several species, the developmental competence of the oocyte is acquired progressively during late follicular growth, after the acquisition of the competence to resume and complete meiosis. In the pig, full meiotic competence of the oocyte is reached in ovarian follicles with a diameter of 3 mm or more. However, there is no information about developmental competence acquisition. We analyzed the ability of oocytes from three foll icular size classes to resume and complete meiosis, to be fertilized, and to develop in vitro to the blastocyst stage. A total of 941 follicles were dissected from slaughterhouse gilt ovaries and classified as small (<3 mm, n = 330), medium (3-5 mm, n = 373), or large (>5 mm, n = 238). The cumulus-oocyte complexes recovered from these follicles were submitted to in vitro maturation for 44 h in TCM199 supplemented with 10 ng/ml EGF, 400 ng/ml pFSH and 570 microM cysteamine; in vitro fertilized for 18 h in mTBM with 10(5) frozen-thawed percoll-selected sperms/ml; and developed for 7 days in mSOF. Samples of oocytes or presumptive zygotes were fixed and stained at the end of maturation and fertilization. Groups of oocytes were cultured for 3 h in the presence of 35S-methionine before or after maturation for SDS-PAGE analysis of protein neosynthesis. More oocytes originating from medium and large follicles were competent for maturation than oocytes from small follicles (77 and 86% of metaphase II, respectively, versus 44%, P < 0.05). More oocytes from medium and large follicles werepenetratedby spermatozoa during in vitro fertilization, resulting in significantly more oocytes presenting two or more pronuclei at the end of fertilization (73 and 77% for medium and large follicles, respectively, versus 53% for small follicles, P < 0.05). More oocytes from medium and large follicles developed to the blastocyst stage (14 and 23%, respectively) than those from small follicles (3%, P < 0.05), even if the development rates were corrected by the maturation or fertilization rates. It is concluded that a high proportion of oocytes harvested from follicles of less than 3 mm in the pig are not fully competent for meiosis and are cytoplasmically deficient for development.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop an effective ultra-rapid vitrification method and evaluate its effect on maturation, developmental competence and development-related gene expression in bovine immature oocytes. Bovine cumulus oocyte complexes were randomly allocated into three groups: (1) controls, (2) liquid nitrogen vitrification, and (3) liquid helium vitrification. Oocytes were vitrified and then warmed, the percentage of morphologically normal oocytes in liquid helium group (89.0%) was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than that of the liquid nitrogen group (81.1%). When the vitrified–thawed oocytes were matured in vitro for 24 h, the maturation rate in liquid helium group (50.6%) was higher (P < 0.05) than liquid nitrogen group (42.6%). Oocytes of liquid helium vitrification had higher cleavage and blastocyst rates (41.1% and 10.0%) than that of liquid nitrogen vitrification (33.0% and 4.5%; P < 0.05) after in vitro fertilization. Moreover, the expression of GDF9 (growth/differentiation factor-9), BAX (apoptosis factor) and ZAR1 (zygote arrest 1) was analyzed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) when the vitrified–thawed oocytes were matured 24 h. The expression of these genes was altered after vitrification. Expression of GDF9 and BAX in the liquid helium vitrification group was not significantly different from that of the control, however there were significant differences between the liquid nitrogen vitrification group and control. In conclusion, it was feasible to use liquid helium for vitrifying bovine immature oocytes. There existed an association between the compromised developmental competence and the altered expression levels of these genes for the vitrified oocytes.  相似文献   

Hoechst 33342 (H342) in combination with ultraviolet (UV) irradiation is frequently used to assist the enucleation of porcine oocytes in somatic cell nuclear transfer programs. This work evaluated the effects of H342 (5 μg/mL for 12 min) staining and/or exposure to UV irradiation on fertilisability and developmental capacity of porcine oocytes matured in vitro. In Experiment 1, a total of 1388 mature oocytes were distributed in the following groups: Group 1: oocytes without treatment (Control), Group 2: oocytes stained with H342, Group 3: oocytes stained with H342 and UV irradiated for 30 sec, and Group 4: oocytes UV irradiated for 30 sec. Oocytes from each group were exposed to thawed spermatozoa and cultured for 18 h to assess fertilization parameters or for 7 d to evaluate embryo development. Sperm penetration (P < 0.001) and monospermy (P < 0.04) were lower in oocytes exposed to H342/UV (80.7 ± 4.5% and 30.7 ± 5.4%, respectively) than in oocytes from the control group (94.9 ± 4.3 and 50.0 ± 4.9, respectively). The oocytes exposed to H342/UV showed lower (P < 0.001) cleavage (49.8 ± 2.9%) and blastocyst (7.7 ± 2.9%) rates than oocytes from the other groups (range: 73.8 ± 2.9% to 77.7 ± 2.9% and 22.3 ± 2.9% to 30.9 ± 3.0%, respectively). Experiment 2 was designed to evaluate the effect of shorter UV irradiation (5 sec). A total of 1835 mature oocytes were separated into the same groups as those of Experiment 1. The fertilization parameters and the cleavage rates were not influenced by the different treatments. However, the oocytes exposed to H342 and UV irradiation for 5 sec showed a lower (P < 0.02) rate of blastocyst formation (15.2 ± 4.5%) than the oocytes from other groups (range: 26.1 ± 4.5% to 30.7 ± 4.5%). In conclusion, our results demonstrate that the combination of H342 staining with UV irradiation has a clear deleterious effect on the developmental ability of oocytes, with the effects being more intense with increased exposure to UV irradiation.  相似文献   

Hoechst 33342 (H342) in combination with ultraviolet (UV) irradiation is frequently used to assist the enucleation of porcine oocytes in somatic cell nuclear transfer programs. This work evaluated the effects of H342 (5 μg/mL for 12 min) staining and/or exposure to UV irradiation on fertilisability and developmental capacity of porcine oocytes matured in vitro. In Experiment 1, a total of 1388 mature oocytes were distributed in the following groups: Group 1: oocytes without treatment (Control), Group 2: oocytes stained with H342, Group 3: oocytes stained with H342 and UV irradiated for 30 sec, and Group 4: oocytes UV irradiated for 30 sec. Oocytes from each group were exposed to thawed spermatozoa and cultured for 18 h to assess fertilization parameters or for 7 d to evaluate embryo development. Sperm penetration (P < 0.001) and monospermy (P < 0.04) were lower in oocytes exposed to H342/UV (80.7 ± 4.5% and 30.7 ± 5.4%, respectively) than in oocytes from the control group (94.9 ± 4.3 and 50.0 ± 4.9, respectively). The oocytes exposed to H342/UV showed lower (P < 0.001) cleavage (49.8 ± 2.9%) and blastocyst (7.7 ± 2.9%) rates than oocytes from the other groups (range: 73.8 ± 2.9% to 77.7 ± 2.9% and 22.3 ± 2.9% to 30.9 ± 3.0%, respectively). Experiment 2 was designed to evaluate the effect of shorter UV irradiation (5 sec). A total of 1835 mature oocytes were separated into the same groups as those of Experiment 1. The fertilization parameters and the cleavage rates were not influenced by the different treatments. However, the oocytes exposed to H342 and UV irradiation for 5 sec showed a lower (P < 0.02) rate of blastocyst formation (15.2 ± 4.5%) than the oocytes from other groups (range: 26.1 ± 4.5% to 30.7 ± 4.5%). In conclusion, our results demonstrate that the combination of H342 staining with UV irradiation has a clear deleterious effect on the developmental ability of oocytes, with the effects being more intense with increased exposure to UV irradiation.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the effects of gonadotrophin on cytoskeletal dynamics and embryo development and its role in improving the retrieval of developmentally competent oocytes. Female golden hamsters were injected with human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG; 5-, 7.5- or 15-IU) on the day 4 of estrus, pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG; 5-, 7.5- or 15-IU) on the day 1 of estrus, or 15-IU hCG at 56 hr post-15-IU PMSG injection in any cycle except estrus. Increasing the hCG dose decreased not only retrieval rate of 2-cell embryo but development to blastocyst after subsequent in vitro culture. Whereas, although increasing the PMSG dose induced increasing the number of 2-cell embryo and blastocyst, 15-IU PMSG injection caused retardation of development to blastocyst. No 2-cell embryos were retrieved by injecting both PMSG and hCG. The injections of 15-IU hCG and 7.5- or 15-IU PMSG inhibited the proliferation of trophectodermal and inner cell mass cells, respectively. Gonadotrophin injection didn't influence microtubular spindle formation, but 5- or 15-IU hCG, 15-IU PMSG, or PMSG and hCG injections induced aberrant cortical granule (CG) and microfilament distribution. After 15-IU hCG or PMSG and hCG injections, fewer oocytes had enriched cortical actin domains, and the expression of alpha-, beta- and gamma-actin genes was greatly increased. In conclusion, a high dose of gonadotrophins alters the microfilament and CG distribution, which in turn reduces the developmental competence of oocytes. Injecting a reduced dose of PMSG to initiate ovarian hyperstimulation without triggering ovulation contributes to the efficient retrieval of developmentally competent oocytes.  相似文献   

Aim of the study was to investigate the effect of vitrification on viability, cytoskeletal integrity and in vitro developmental competence after in vitro fertilization (IVF) of oocytes vitrified before or after in vitro maturation (IVM) using a pig model. Oocytes from abattoir-derived porcine ovaries were vitrified at either the germinal vesicle (GV) or metaphase II (MII) stage by modified solid surface vitrification (SSV). Oocyte viability was evaluated by stereomicroscopic observation whereas their nuclear stage and morphology of microtubules and F-actin were observed by confocal microscopy after immunostaining. Fertilization was assessed by orcein staining. The survival rate after vitrification was higher for MII-stage than for GV-stage oocytes. However, the ability of surviving oocytes to reach the MII stage after vitrification at the GV stage (GV-vitrified oocytes) was similar to that of control oocytes. Furthermore, after IVM, GV-vitrified oocytes had better spindle and F-actin integrity than oocytes vitrified at the MII stage (MII-vitrified oocytes). In accordance with this result, GV-vitrified oocytes had better ability to extrude the second polar body and support male pronucleus formation after in vitro fertilization (IVF), in comparison to MII-vitrified oocytes. Fertilization rates did not differ among groups. Finally, the ability of GV-vitrified oocytes to develop into embryos was superior to that of MII-vitrified oocytes. However, both vitrified groups showed reduced blastocyst development compared with the control group. In conclusion vitrification of porcine oocytes at the GV stage is advantageous in conferring better cytoskeletal organization and competence to develop to the blastocyst stage in comparison with vitrification at the MII stage.  相似文献   

Meiotic spindle structure and chromosome alignment were examined after porcine oocytes were cooled at metaphase II (M II) stage. Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) collected from medium size follicles were cultured in an oocyte maturation medium at 39 degrees C, 5% CO(2) in air for 44 hr. At the end of culture, oocytes were removed from cumulus cells and cooled to 24 or 4 degrees C for 5, 30, or 120 min in a solution with or without 1.5 M dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). After being cooled, oocytes were either fixed immediately for examination of the meiotic spindle and chromosome alignment or returned to maturation medium at 39 degrees C for 2 hr for examination of spindle recovery. Most oocytes (65-71%) cooled to 24 degrees C showed partially depolymerized spindles but 81-92% of oocytes cooled at 4 degrees C did not have a spindle after cooling for 120 min. Quicker disassembly of spindles in the oocytes was observed at 4 degrees C than at 24 degrees C. Cooling also induced chromosome abnormality, which was indicated by dispersed chromosomes in the cytoplasm. Limited spindle recovery was observed in the oocytes cooled to both 4 and 24 degrees C regardless of cooling time. The effect of cooling on the spindle organization and chromosome alignment was not influenced by the presence of DMSO. These results indicate that the meiotic spindles in porcine M II oocytes are very sensitive to a drop in the temperature. Both spindle and chromosomes were damaged during cooling, and such damage was not reversible by incubating the oocytes after they had been cooled.  相似文献   

The meiosis of mammalian oocytes begins during the fetal life and stops at the dictyate stage. This study has assessed the role of specific phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors on the control of meiotic resumption in porcine oocytes investigating the influence of PMSG-hCG and cAMP stimulation. Cumulus-oocytes complexes (COCs) and denuded oocytes (DOs) were collected from gilt ovaries obtained at a local slaughterhouse. Oocytes were cultured in NCSU23 with different PDE inhibitors. The EC(50) for oocytes maintained in germinal vesicle (GV) stage was evaluated using different doses of both cilostamide (CIL), PDE3 inhibitor and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX), a nonspecific PDE inhibitor. In presence of PMSG-hCG, meiotic resumption is observed after 24 hr of culture. Both CIL and IBMX reversibly blocked meiotic resumption. In absence of PMSG-hCG, meiotic resumption is reduced after 24 hr of culture. After 48 hr of culture, only CIL significantly blocked meiotic resumption. Still in absence of PMSG-hCG, significant effect of treatment was only observed in COCs using the combination of CIL and rolipram (PDE3 and PDE4 inhibitor, respectively) compared to the use of IBMX. To assess the contribution of cAMP synthesis, a low dose of an adenylyl cyclase (AC) stimulator, forskolin, has been used in combination with CIL showing a significant effect of this combination. In CIL-treated COCs and DOs, significant higher percentages of oocytes were maintained in GV stage when cultured in combination with forskolin instead of PMSG-hCG. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that the control of meiotic resumption in porcine oocytes is highly regulated by cAMP. Both the degradation by specific PDE3 enzyme and the synthesis by an active AC are highly involved.  相似文献   

Cheng WM  Sun XL  An L  Zhu SE  Li XH  Li Y  Tian JH 《Animal biotechnology》2007,18(2):131-141
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of electrical pulse, ethanol, and ionomycin combined with cycloheximide (CHX), cytochalasin B (CB), and 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP) on parthenogenetic developmental competence of in vitro matured porcine oocytes. In experiment 1, oocytes were treated with direct current electrical pulse (DC pulse) and then incubated in the NCSU-23 medium supplemented with CHX, 6-DMAP, CB + CHX, and CB + 6-DMAP for 6 h, respectively. The rate of blastocyst development in DC pulse + CB + 6-DMAP group was significantly higher than those in other groups (42.4% vs 23.9% approximately 35.8%; P < 0.05); however, there were no differences in both of the cleavage rate and the cell number of blastocysts among four groups. In experiment 2, oocytes were treated with NCSU-23 medium containing 20 muM ionomycin for 40 min and then incubated in the NCSU-23 medium supplemented with CHX, 6-DMAP, CB + CHX and CB + 6-DMAP for 6 h, respectively. The rates of cleavage and blastocyst development in ionomycin + 6-DMAP group were higher than those obtained in other groups (66.2% vs 46.3% approximately 57.3%; 22.3% vs 7.4% approximately 16.1%; P < 0.05). In experiment 3, the activation effects of ethanol combined with 6-DMAP, CHX, CB + 6-DMAP and CB + CHX were investigated. The rates of cleavage and blastocyst development in ethanol + CB + 6-DMAP group were significantly higher than those in other groups (55.5% vs 42% approximately 46.2%; 18.0% vs 7.1% approximately 11.9%; P < 0.05). In experiment 4, the optimal activation protocols in each group plus DC pulse + ionomycin + 6-DMAP were compared. The results showed the rates of cleavage in DC pulse + CB + 6-DMAP group and ionomycin + 6-DMAP were higher than those in ethanol + CB + 6-DMAP and DC pulse + ionomycin + 6-DMAP (73.8-74.4% vs 56.5-57.5%; P < 0.05), but the blastocyst development only in DC pulse + CB + 6-DMAP group was significantly higher than that in other groups (34.1% vs 13.4% approximately 22.3%; P < 0.05). Total cell number of blastocysts in the group of DC pulse + ionomycin + 6-DMAP was higher than that in other groups (34.1 vs 25.3-27.2; P < 0.05). In conclusion, DC pulse, ethanol, CB, and 6-DMAP all affected the parthenogenesis of porcine oocytes matured in vitro, but their combination of DC pulse + CB + 6-DMAP showed the best result in both of cleavage and blastocyst development.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different exposure lenght to heat shock (HS) during in vitro maturation (IVM) on zona pellucida (ZP) ultrastructure and developmental competence of bovine oocytes. Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were matured in vitro (IVM) at 38.5 °C for 24 h (control group, CG), or incubated at 41 °C (HS) for 6 h (HS-6h), 12 h (HS-12h), 18 h (HS-18h), and 22h (HS-22h) followed by incubation at 38.5 °C to complete a full 24-h period of maturation. After IVM, oocytes were subjected to scanning electron microscopy (SEM) or in vitro fertilization and culture until the blastocyst stage. For heat-shocked oocytes, with exception of those in the HS-6h group, SEM examinations revealed that ZP surfaces were rough and characterized by a presence of spongy network. Oocytes from the HS-22h group displayed an increase in the number of pores, as well as a higher proportion of oocytes with amorphous ZPs. The proportion of oocytes that reached metaphase II (MII) stage decreased in all HS groups, regardless of the duration of exposure to 41 °C. These results provide evidence that HS during IVM for 12–22 h reduces the developmental competence of bovine oocytes, increasing the percentage of oocytes with abnormal chromosomal organization, and reducing fertilization and blastocysts formation rate. The effects of HS were more pronounced for the 22-h exposure group. The damage induced by HS on oocyte function clearly increased upon exposure to elevated temperature.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the recovery of mitochondrial function and endogenous antioxidant systems in vitrified oocytes during extended incubations. After 16 hr of in vitro maturation, bovine meiosis‐II oocytes were vitrified, and then surviving oocytes were cultured an additional 8 hr. ATP content, ATP synthase activity, expression of ATP synthase F0 subunit 6 (ATP6) and 8 (ATP8) genes, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were investigated in the vitrified oocytes during this additional period (4 or 8 hr). The results showed that: (1) the ATP content and ATP synthase activities in vitrified oocytes at 8 hr post‐warming (754.6 fmol, 25.9 nmol NADH/min/mg) were significantly higher than in oocytes immediately warmed (568.3 fmol, 8.7 nmol NADH/min/mg), but still lower than in control oocytes (901.5 fmol, 30.7 nmol NADH/min/mg); (2) the relative expression of ATP6 and ATP8 was initially down‐regulated in oocytes when they were first warmed, increased by 4 hr post‐warming, and were again down‐regulated by 8 hr post‐warming; (3) ROS levels in oocytes at 0, 4, and 8 hr post‐warming were significantly higher than in control oocytes; and (4) after parthenogenetic activation, the blastocyst rate of oocytes at 8 hr post‐warming (26.7%) was significantly higher than that of oocytes immediately warmed (16.9%). These results indicated that mitochondrial function and endogenous antioxidant systems recovered significantly better in vitrified–thawed bovine oocytes with 8 hr of additional incubation, but they did not achieve the activity levels found in fresh oocytes. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 78:942–950, 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of our study was to assess the effect of vitrification with or without the presence of calcium in the vitrification solution on the: 1) diameter of oocytes and thickness of the zona pellucida, 2) zona pellucida hardening, 3) expression of mRNA follistatin (FST) and cathepsin B (CTSB) in oocytes and 4) developmental competence of embryos derived from in vitro matured and vitrified oocytes.The results of our study demonstrate, that vitrification did not alter thickness of the zona pellucida and diameter of the oocytes, however it triggered hardening of the zona pellucida. The presence of calcium in the vitrification solutions intensified hardening of zona in immature and mature oocytes (P < 0.04, P < 0.001, respectively) and provoked increased mRNA FST expression in oocytes matured in vitro compared to immature oocytes (P < 0.01) and those vitrified without calcium (P < 0.004). CTSB mRNA expression was increased in immature oocytes and oocytes vitrified with calcium compare to mature oocytes (P < 0.02). The developmental potential of vitrified oocytes was impaired compared to non-vitrified oocytes, being more evident in oocytes vitrified with calcium.In summary, vitrification did not change the oocyte diameter and thickness of the zona pellucida and expression of FST and CTSB mRNA. It diminished developmental potential of the vitrified oocytes. The presence of calcium in the vitrification solutions increased hardening of zona pellucida as well as affected the level of FST and CTSB mRNA in oocytes and developmental potential of these oocytes.  相似文献   

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