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We examined the relationship between food patch size and feeding party size with comparative data from two populations of muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides) in the 37,797-ha forest at the Parque Estadual de Carlos Botelho (PECB), São Paulo, and the 800-ha forest at the Estação Biológica de Caratinga (EBC), Minas Gerais. Precipitation was more abundant and less seasonal at PECB than EBC, and the density of large trees (>25.0 cm) was higher at PECB (206 ha –1 ) than at EBC (132 ha –1 ). At both sites, the size of feeding parties is positively related to the size of food patches. As predicted, food patches at PECB are significantly larger than those at EBC for both fruit and leaf sources. Contrary to expectations, feeding parties were larger at EBC than PECB. The higher population density of muriquis and sympatric primates at EBC may make large associations more advantageous to these muriquis than to muriquis living at lower population densities in PECB.  相似文献   

We collected systematic data on the home range and day ranges of one group of 57–63 muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides hypoxanthus) at the Estação Biológica de Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil from September 1998–July 1999, and compared them with similar data collected 15 years ago when the 23–27 individuals in the group traveled together as a cohesive unit. Home range size increased from 168 ha to 309 ha, reflecting an expansion into areas of the forest that were previously unutilized and consistent with the positive relationship predicted between group size and home range size. By contrast, muriquis exhibited remarkable seasonal and interannual stability in their day ranges. Day ranges, which were calculated from 144 days with 8 h of observation, averaged 1,313 ± 573 m (median = 1,206 m). Day ranges did not vary with the size of subgroups, defined as independent individuals that traveled with one another out of contact with other group members. Subgroups were significantly larger during the rainy season (mean = 41.8 ± 12.7, median = 46.0 individuals, n = 72) than the dry season (mean = 36.6 ± 13.25, median = 39.5 individuals, n = 72). Subgroups were also larger than the size of the entire group during the previous study, yet their day ranges are indistinguishable. The stability in muriqui day ranges is consistent with predictions for folivorous primates in which other indicators of intragroup feeding competition, such as female dominance relationships, are also absent. We attribute the transition from cohesive to fluid grouping patterns to limits on the number of individuals that can coordinate their movements when they spread out while foraging and suggest that seasonal differences in subgroup sizes without corresponding adjustments in day ranges reflect seasonal differences in the distribution of preferred foods coupled with the effects of reproductive seasonality on muriqui grouping patterns.  相似文献   

We examined adult male-infant interactions in wild muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides hypoxanthus), a species in which close relatedness among philopatric males and high paternity uncertainty should minimize both aggressive and affiliative behavior by males toward infants. As expected, male-infant interactions were extremely rare during this 10-month field study. None were observed in over 236 hr of observation on a cohort of six infants (0 – 13 months old). The 29 interactions observed ad lib involved 5 of the 6 infants and 9 of the 16 adult males in the group. All of the male-infant interactions were affiliative, but extremely brief. The median duration of interactions was only 0.33 min, and none lasted longer than 1.52 min. Infants always initiated, and nearly always terminated, their interactions with adult males. The indifference that appears to characterize muriqui male-infant interactions differs from the ways in which other male primates interact with infants when protection of genetic interests or investment in mating effort are involved.  相似文献   

Despite over 25 years of intensive research, much of our knowledge of primate behavior has been limited to a small number of Old World, semiterrestrial species. With the exception of chimpanzees, these species share consistent patterns of behavior, including aggressive competition between males, male dominance over females, male dispersal and female kin groups, that have come to characterize the Order Primates. However, as research has expanded to include a number of newly studied species, such generalizations about primate behavior are no longer appropriate. Data presented on the wooly spider monkey, or muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides), provide examples of the ways in which traditional views of primate behavior are being reconsidered. In muriquis, and in several other New World monkeys, female kin groups do not occur because females disperse from their natal groups. In addition, aggressive competition between males is virtually absent; and, female muriquis appear to be codominant with males. Constraints on sexual dimorphism may help to explain why muriquis (and other New World primates) differ so fundamentally from the better known semi-terrestrial Old World monkeys.Logo of the 1988 International Primatological Society.  相似文献   

I compared the effectiveness of sympatric brown howlers (Alouatta guariba) and muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides) as seed dispersers in terms of quantitative and qualitative attributes. I hypothesized that differences in feeding and behavioral patterns between these large‐bodied folivorous/frugivorous primates would lead to dissimilarities in their effectiveness as endozoochoric seed dispersal agents. The study was carried out in a semideciduous forest fragment of Fazenda Barreiro Rico, southeastern Brazil. Through behavioral sampling of frugivory and defecation events as well as analyses of fecal samples, I determined that A. guariba dispersed fewer species and produced a lower proportion of dung with intact seeds than B. arachnoides. There was no difference between the number of seeds in fecal samples of A. guariba and B. arachnoides. These primates affected to a similar degree both germination percentage and latency to germination of seeds they ingested or removed the pulp from. Howlers and muriquis were also similar in carrying seeds away from the parent trees. Contrary to muriquis, howlers defecated seeds under the canopy of conspecific lianas, where seeds are expected to suffer high mortality rates, and voided seeds predominantly in a clumped pattern. B. arachnoides was a more effective seed disperser when compared to A. guariba in some attributes evaluated, but not in others. Given the interspecific variation in recruitment patterns of tropical plants and the loss of frugivorous bird species at the study site, the differences between howlers and muriquis in their abilities as seed dispersers may crucially influence the composition and maintenance of seedling diversity.  相似文献   

We monitored one group of muriquis, or woolly spider monkeys (Brachyteles arachnoides), over a 9-year period at Fazenda Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The group grew from 22 to 42 individuals due to the births of 21 surviving infants. Eight immigrations involving immature females were offset by emigrations and disappearances. The home range of the group expanded as the group size increased. The group traveled as a cohesive unit during the first 6 years of the study, but recently it has begun to show greater tendencies to fission temporarily into smaller subgroups. Six adult males from the other muriqui group at this site have simultaneously increased their associations with the main study group. These observations indicate that the group is in a state of transition which may lead, ultimately, either to its division into two smaller units or to a more fluid social structure.  相似文献   

Fruit is an important food resource for neotropical primates. In this study I compare the fruit diet of sympatric brown howlers (Alouatta guariba) and southern muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides). Feeding behavior was studied over 12 months and fruit species consumed were identified and assigned to the categories fruit type, fruit color, and seed size. Observed-fruit feeding records were compared with expected records determined from local availability of the fruit of the tree species. I also determined dietary overlap. Fruit consumption occupied 8 and 12% of the feeding time of A. guariba and B. arachnoides, respectively. Fruit from eight tree species were consumed by the former and fruit from twenty-two species by the latter. Patterns of fruit selection of A. guariba and B. arachnoides varied widely. Although howlers and muriquis converge behaviorally by selecting fruit with common attributes (fleshy/unprotected, violet and brown/black-colored), unlike A. guariba, B. arachnoides fed on immature seeds of fleshy/protected and dry fruit. Large seeds were ingested, and defecated intact, by B. arachnoides only. There was little overlap of fruit diet even within categories that had been selected by both, suggesting that dietary divergence is occurring at the interspecific level. Different resource exploitation probably mediates the coexistence of A. guariba and B. arachnoides in low diversity, semideciduous forests, where the environment imposes narrow limits on primate food choices.  相似文献   

Diet of Southern Muriquis in Continuous Brazilian Atlantic Forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We systematically collected data on feeding behavior for one group of 33–39 southern muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides) in Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho (PECB), São Paulo State, Brazil (37,432.45 ha of continuous Atlantic Forest), between January and December 1995. We determined food item consumption from instantaneous scans of behavior. Fruits were the most eaten food items in all 12 mo (40–80% of scan in every mo, average = 71.3%). Muriquis ate young leaves more than mature leaves or flowers. Our results are consistent with previous findings at the same and neighboring forest sites that southern muriquis have a consistently frugivorous diet when inhabiting less disturbed habitats, but contrast with previous observations on oppportunistic frugivory in muriqui populations inhabiting fragmented forests. Sustained high levels of frugivory probably result from year-round availability of fruit within large continuous forests.  相似文献   

We investigated hormonal and behavioral changes in wild male and female northern muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides hypoxanthus) at the Estação Biológica de Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil, during a 6‐mo period that encompassed the onset of the 1998–1999 mating and conception seasons. Individual females resumed mating with the resumption of ovarian cycling, which was not synchronized among them or related to their cortisol levels. Females experienced two to seven cycles prior to conceiving, and the first conception occurred 2 mo after the onset of the group's mating season. There were no differences in female cortisol levels across their premating, mating, and conception conditions. Cortisol levels were significantly higher in females than in males prior to the conception season, consistent with the prediction that energy reserves may be associated with breeding readiness in females, but not males, in this species. The sustained elevation in male cortisol occurred after the peak in their sexual activity, which resulted in the first conception of the year. Male cortisol levels were positively correlated between years that were similar in rainfall, but differed in the timing of sexual and reproductive events. The timing of cortisol elevations in males appears to be generally regulated by environmental cues, but is responsive to fine‐tuning by social and behavioral cues related to the unpredictable timing of reproductive opportunities within their extended mating season. Am. J. Primatol. 61:85–99, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Female northern muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides hypoxanthus or B. hypoxanthus) at the Estação Biológica de Caratinga/RPPN-FMA, Minas Gerais, Brazil typically disperse from their natal groups at an average age of 6.1±0.6 years (median =6.0 years, range =5.3–7.8 years, n =22), prior to the onset of puberty and sexual activity. Immigrants do not conceive until at least their second mating season, and the minimum interval from immigration to first reproduction has been 2.0 years. Age at first reproduction in dispersing females, previously estimated at 8.9 years, has now been documented at 9.0 and 9.25 years for two females whose birth dates are known. This is older than the 7.5 years at which the only female previously known to have reproduced in her natal group gave birth. Here, we present new data from a second female that reproduced in her natal group. This female (BA) was first observed to copulate at 5.5 years, and gave birth to her first infant at 7.25 years of age. Her 1.75-year cycling-to-first conception delay was only slightly shorter than the minimum recorded for immigrant females, and thus was not responsible for her young age at first reproduction compared to dispersing females. Although our sample size is small, our findings suggest that early puberty may permit females to reproduce in their natal group, implying a possible link between life history trade-offs and dispersal patterns. Because the only two females that have reproduced in their natal group were maternal sisters, it is also possible that maternal effects on age at puberty can impact dispersal patterns, particularly in small populations of primates.  相似文献   

Fecal samples were collected systematically during a 6-week period, from 13 September-24 October, 1990, from four nonlactating female muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides) inhabiting an 800 ha forest at Fazenda Montes Claros in Minas Gerais, Brazil. All four females were experienced mothers; one had most recently given birth in June 1988; the other three had most recently given birth in August 1988. Fecal assays measuring progesterone, estradiol, and estrone indicated consistently low levels in the one female who had given birth in June 1988 and in two of the three females who had given birth in August 1988. Elevated steroid levels did, however, appear in fecal samples from the fourth female on day 15 of the collection period. Steroid levels subsequently dropped and then began to rise again during what appeared to be a second cycle. The cycling female was the only one of the four females examined observed to copulate during the collection period. These preliminary data indicate that nonlactating female muriquis do not cycle year-round, resumption of cycling is not tightly synchronized among females even when their prior parturitions were tightly synchronized, and resumed sexual activity appears to be associated with resumed cycling. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The feeding behaviour of a group of free-ranging muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides) was monitored in the 380 km2 Carlos Botelho State Park (PECB), between February 1992 and November 1993. Scan sample data indicated that 59.1% of feeding time was devoted to fruit, 33.2% to leaves, 4.1% to flowers, and 3.6% to other items (twigs, stem and bark). Little seasonal variation was recorded. These results contrast with those of all previous studies of Brachyteles, in which the consumption of leaves was generally double that of fruit. One key difference in comparison with previous studies is that the PECB is part of the largest remaining continuous area of primary Atlantic forest, in the Serra do Mar coastal range. Such intraspecific differences in ecology may have important implications for the conservation of the species.  相似文献   

The analysis of fecal ovarian steroids provides a powerful noninvasive method to obtain insights into ovulatory cycles, gestation length, and the timing of sexual interactions relative to the periovulatory period in wild primates. Techniques developed to collect and assay feces from free-ranging muriqui monkeys (Brachyteles arachnoides) for estradiol and progesterone yield the first explicit reproductive data on this species, and provide the first opportunity to evaluate the timing of observed copulations with muriqui ovarian cycles. Hormonal profiles from seven females indicate average cycle lengths of 21.0 ± 5.4 days (n=20). Females conceived after 3–6 ovulatory cycles. Gestation length averaged 216.4 ± 1.5 days for the five females for which conception cycles were sampled. Discrete copulation periods spanned an average of 2.1 ± 1.2 days (n=29), with intervals between these concentrated periods of copulations averaging 15.6 ± 6.7 days (n=20). There were no significant differences among females in cycle lengths, copulation period lengths, or copulation interval lengths. Ejaculation was visible following 71.8 ± 26.7% of copulations during the females' preovulatory periods. All females copulated outside the periovulatory period. The proportion of copulation days outside the periovulatory period was slightly greater (p=0.08) for primiparous females (64.8 ± 28.3%) than for multiparous females (28.7 ± 19.7%). Am. J. Primatol. 42:299–310, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The muriqui or woolly spider monkey (Brachyteles arachnoids) is an endangered primate endemic to the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, <5% of which remains. The known muriqui population consists of <700 individuals separated into approximately 15 geographically isolated forest fragments. I present data on the distribution of genetic variation within and between two such remnant populations (FE and FBR) and summarize the implications of these results for long-range management of species genetic diversity. Eleven of 32 allozyme loci were polymorphic, representing an overall level of polymorphism of 34.4% and a mean heterozygosity per locus of 11%. Both values are among the highest reported for New World monkeys. Genetic differentiation between the two localities is highly significant (FST = 0.413, p < 0.001). Genetic distance between them is an order of magnitude greater than that between other populations of platyrrhine subspecies, but this could be an artifact of the small sample size from FBR. High levels of genetic diversity apparently characteristic of this species persist because (1) fragmentation and size reduction of muriqui populations has occurred very rapidly relative to the muriqui life span—although both polymorphism and heterozygosity were lost between generations in the largest population, the high genetic diversity present in the parent population was still in evidence; and (2) genetic diversity before population fragmentation by human activity was not distributed uniformly throughout the species' historic distribution. Thus, remnant muriqui populations are important genetic reservoirs of alleles that are unique or rare in the species gene pool as a whole. These results emphasize the need for the integration of conservation management efforts throughout the species range.  相似文献   

We measured canine teeth from 28 woolly spider monkeys (Brachyteles arachnoides) to assess sexual dimorphism and population differences. The specimens are from the Brazilian states of Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo. We found strong sexual dimorphism in canine length for individuals belonging to populations south of 22°00 latitude but no sexual dimorphism in canine length from individuals of populations north of 21°00 latitude. Canine length did not vary among females of northern and southern populations. However, southern males had significantly longer canines than northern males. This geographical difference in canine morphology, together with the presence or absence of thumbs and published accounts of differences in genetics and social structure between northern and southern populations, suggests thatBrachyteles arachnoides may be composed of at least two subspecies, which appear to be separated by the rivers Grande and Paraiba do Sul and the Serra da Mantiqueira.  相似文献   

The relatively low degree of canine tooth dimorphism in Australopithecus afarensis has been used as “primary evidence” to support the concept of a mating system of monogamous pair-bonding and male provisioning. A recent field study of woolly spider monkeys shows that these large primates, which lack canine tooth (and body size) dimorphism, are characterized by apolygynous mating system. Male parental care of infants is absent in this species. These data support the view that a lack of canine tooth dimorphism in an anthropoid species does not necessarily imply either a monogamous, pair-bonded mating system or male parental care.  相似文献   

Female northern muriquis (Brachyteles hypoxanthus) are known to engage in frequent copulations with multiple partners, a pattern that in other primates has been attributed to various functions such as confusing paternity, reducing male aggression, or ensuring fertilization. However, in some female primates, promiscuity is restricted to times when conceptions are unlikely. We investigated whether female northern muriquis might exhibit a similarly mixed strategy by examining their mating, social, and activity patterns during their conception cycles versus other times. Systematic behavioral data were collected during an 18-month period between August 2001 and February 2003 on 13 adult females in a well-studied group at the RPPN-Feliciano Miguel Abdala, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Females mated on an average of 12.5+/-7.9 days during the study period, and spent significantly less time resting and engaging in non-sexual social behaviors, and significantly more time in sexual behaviors on days that they copulated than on days they did not. Three of the eight females for which sufficient data were available copulated significantly more often with their spatially closest non-kin associates, and four of five females that could be analyzed copulated significantly more often with their most frequent non-kin embrace partners. Comparisons between conception and non-conception periods revealed no differences in female activity budgets or in either the number of copulations or the number of different mating partners per female. Our results suggest that some females mate preferentially with close associates and social partners, but there is no indication that females alter their behavior during the cycles in which they conceive.  相似文献   

We monitored the birth patterns of sympatric brown howler monkeys (Alouatta fusca clamitans) and northern muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides hypoxanthus) during a 4‐yr period from October 1996 to August 2000 at the Estação Biológica de Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Brown howler monkey births (n = 34) occurred throughout the year, and birth frequencies did not differ between rainy and dry season months. The aseasonal birth patterns of the howler monkeys differed significantly from the dry season concentration and dry month peak in muriqui births (n = 23). We found no effects of infant sex or the number of females on interbirth intervals (IBIs) in our 10 howler monkey study troops. IBIs of brown howler monkeys averaged 21.2 ± 2.5 mo (n = 8, median = 21.0 mo), and were significantly shorter following dry season births than rainy season births. Their IBIs and yearling survivorship (74%) were similar to those reported for other species of howler monkeys, but yearling survivorship was much lower than that of muriquis (94%), whose IBIs were more than 12 mo longer than those of the howler monkeys. Our study extends comparative knowledge of birth patterns in Alouatta to a poorly known species, and provides insights into the different ways in which diet and life history may affect the timing of births in large‐bodied platyrrhines under the same seasonal ecological conditions. Am. J. Primatol. 55:87–100, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Results of a 10-month study of the ecology and behavior of free- ranging woolly spider monkeys (Brachyteles arachnoides)in Brazil show that these animals are strongly folivorous. Leaf-eating accounted for more than 50% of the total feeding time in all samples but one and accounted for more than 80% of the total feeding time in three samples. Mature foliage was routinely eaten. Woolly spider monkeys consistently spend more than 50% of each day quietly resting and sleeping. Animals travel little except when actively feeding and show low levels of social interaction. Such an activity profile suggests that woolly spider monkeys may often be living near the limits of their energetic resources. The social organization of the species is unusual for a folivorous primate in that small groups of females and associated immature animals confine their activities to discrete home-range areas, whereas males are itinerant, traveling over the home ranges of various female groups. Animals sharing a common home-range area show no permanent daily pattern of association other than that of mother-dependent offspring. Foraging alone or with few conspecifics should maximize each individual’s returns from foraging by minimizing the day range that must be traveled each day to locate foods while simultaneously lowering interference competition for higher-quality dietary resources.  相似文献   

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