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The defensive mechanisms of the wild potato, solanum berthaultii Hawkes, to larvae of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), were studied by selective removal of glandular trichomes and trichome exudates from leaflets, and by comparing performance on S. berthaultii and on the cultivated potato, S. tuberosum L., which lacks defensively active type A and B glandular trichomes. Removal of type A trichomes increased the proportion of larvae that fed on S. berthaultii. Removal of the exudate from type B trichomes increased the proportion of larvae that fed and led to a decrease in mortality. The predominant active compounds in type B exudate, i.e. fatty acid esters of sucrose, were only effective in the presence of type A trichomes. Sucrose esters did not affect larval feeding on S. tuberosum leaflets or on S. berthaultii leaf discs from which the type A trichomes had been removed. Growth of surviving larvae was not significantly affected by removing type A trichomes or type B exudate. Growth of larvae was significantly increased when S. berthaultii leaflets were presented in artificial diet which eliminated the physical barrier of the type B stalks. Growth was no different on artificial diet containing either S. berthaultii or S. tuberosum leaf material (fresh or lyophilized powder) but was poorer on these diets than on S. tuberosum leaflets. The presence of type A trichomes is a fundamental requirement for expression of S. berthaultii resistance to L1 L. decemlineata. Type B droplets containing sucrose esters increase the expression of resistance in the presence of defensively-active type A trichomes.
Résumé Les mécanismes de défense de la pomme de terre sauvage, S. berthaultii Hawkes, aux larves de Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, ont été étudiés par ablation sélective des trichomes glandulaires et par l'élimination de leur exsudat des folioles, et par comparaison avec S. tuberosum L. qui a perdu les trichomes glandulaires défensifs A et B. L'ablation des trichomes A a augmenté la proportion de larves ayant consommé S. berthaultii. L'élimination de l'exsudat des trichomes B a augmenté la proportion de consommatrices et réduit la mortalité. Les principaux composés actifs de l'exsudat B, c'est-à-dire des esters d'acides gras de sucrose, n'étaient actifs qu'en présence de trichomes A. Les esters de sucrose n'ont pas modifié la consommation larvaire sur folioles de S. tuberosum, ou sur disques de feuilles de S. berthaultii dont les trichomes A avaient été enlevés. La croissance des larves survivantes n'a pas été modifiée significativement par l'ablation des trichomes A ou l'élimination de l'exsudat de B. La croissance des larves a été significativement augmentée quand les folioles de S. berthaultii ont été incorporés dans l'aliment artificiel après élimination de la barrière physique due aux pédoncules B. La croissance a été de même importance sur aliments artificiels contenant des feuilles (fraiches ou en poudre lyophylisée) de S. berthaultii ou de S. tuberosum, mais plus faible que sur folioles de S. tuberosum. La présence de trichomes A est indispensable à la résistance de S. berthaultii aux L, de L. decemlineata. Les gouttelettes de type B contenant des esters de sucrose augmentent l'expression de la résistance en présence d'une défense active par trichomes A.

The resistance of Solanum okadae Hawkes & Hjert. (PI 458367), Solanum oplocense Hawkes (PI 473368), and Solanum tarijense Hawkes (PI 414150) to the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelini), was studied. In replicated field trials all three accessions showed a high level of resistance to the beetle. No significant genetic variability between genotypes of the same species was found. Results from host acceptance behavior experiments, suitability for larval development tests, foliage consumption tests, and adult survival and oviposition tests supported the hypothesis that the mode of resistance differs between the three wild Solanum species. Solanum okadae and S. oplocense affected host acceptance and consumption. Because the beetle reacted differently to these two species it was hypothesized that the antifeedant chemical(s) differed in nature or quantity. S. tarijense contrasted with the other two species by affecting mostly adult colonization and oviposition.  相似文献   

Insecticide-resistant Colorado potato beetles (CPB), Leptinotarsa decemlineata, from Long Island, New York and susceptible beetles from North Carolina were tested for response to 2-tridecanone and foliage of the CPB resistant wild tomato, Lycopersicon hirsutum f. glabratum C. H. Mull, PI 134417. Populations did not differ in their response to 2-tridecanone or PI 134417 foliage. Exposure of beetles to sublethal doses of 2-tridecanone did not increase tolerance of either population to subsequent exposures to 2-tridecanone. It was also found that the New York beetles suffered higher mortality than North Carolina beetles on CPB susceptible L. esculentum foliage and PI 134417 foliage from which the glandular trichomes, which contain 2-tridecanone, were removed. Survival of North Carolina beetles was lower on PI 134417 foliage without trichomes than on L. esculentum foliage.
Résumé La lutte contre Leptinotarsa decemlineata, sur la tomate et des autres récoltes, compte ordinairement sur les insecticides. Cette confiance a causé plusieurs populations de cette espèce à développer une résistance aux insecticides. Accession PI 134417 de la tomate sauvage, Lycopersicon hirsutum f. glabratum C. H. Mull, est résistant à L. decemlineata, en grande partie à cause de la presence de 2-tridécanone dans les éxtremités des poils glandulaires du feuillage. Notre étude entreprendait à rechercher la possibilité d'une résistance croisée aux insecticides et au 2-tridécanone.Les coléoptères de Long Island, New York, ceux qui sont résistants aux insecticides et ceux susceptibles de North Carolina, éprouvaient pour une réponse au 2-tridécanone et au feuillage résistant.Les deux populations de coléoptères ne diffèrent pas dans sa réponse au 2-tridécanone ou au feuillage résistant. Nous ne trouvons pas d'évidence d'une résistance croisée.Aussi, nous trouvons que les coléoptères de New York ne survivaient pas aussi bien que ceux de North Carolina au feuillage résistant sans les éxtremités des poils glandulaires et au feuillage susceptible. La survivance était plus basse sur le feuillage résistant sans les éxtremités des poils glandulaires que le feuillage susceptible seulement avec les coléoptères de North Carolina.

Limonin and ten structurally modified limonins were evaluated as antifeedants against 4th instar larvae of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, in no-choice leaf dics assays. The epoxide and furan groups were shown to be essential structural requirements for high antifeedant activity.
Résumé Le pouvoir phagodissuasif de la limonine et de 10 limonines dont la structure avait été modifiée a été évalué sur des disques de feuilles de Solanum tuberosum offerts à des larves du 4ème stade de L. decemlineata. Aucune activité dissuasive n'ayant été observée avec le tétrahydrolimonine ou le déoxylimonine, l'anneau furane et le groupe époxy sont donc nécessaires pour obtenir cette activité. Ni la réduction de la fonction 7-kéto, ni la rupture de l'anneau A de la limonine n'ont eu d'effêt sur cette activité. La réduction des fonctions 16-carbonyl et 7-kéto de la limonine ont diminué l'activité, mettant en évidence une action possible de l'anneau D-lactone dans l'activité phagodissuasive. Tandis que la déépoxydation de la limonine entraîne une perte d'activité totale, une restauration partielle de cette activité a pu être obtenu par une réduction ultérieure de la fonction 7-kéto.

Crosses between white and black color morphs of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, used as genetic markers, showed that male beetles ride and guard females to achieve the three copulations required to fill the spermatheca. Multiple matings are necessary for the females to realize their full reproductive potential. Sperm mixing occurs in the spermatheca providing partial sperm precedence. The data support the competitive mate searching theory.
Résumé Différentes combinaisons d'accouplements entre des mutants noirs et blancs du doryphore de la pomme de terre, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, servirent à étudier le comportement de guarde de la femelle par le mâle après un premier accouplement. Les résultats indiquent que le sperme de deux mâles accouplant la même femelle se mélange dans la spermathèque assurant ainsi un certain niveau de précédence du sperme du dernier mâle.La masse de sperme dans la spermathèque était inférieure à sa capacité chez les femelles ayant été accouplées une ou deux fois. Le doryphore mâle aurait donc avantage à demeurer sur la femelle après un premier accouplement afin d'obtenir le minimum de trois accouplements requis pour remplir la spermathèque avant que les autres mâles puissent accoupler cette femelle. Les autres mâles ont avantage à essayer de dérober cette femelle pour remplir eux mêmes la spermathèque ou tout au moins profiter d'une certaine précédence du sperme du dernier mâle pour fertiliser une partie des oeufs.Sans accouplements multiples, la femelle ne possède pas suffisamment de sperme pour féconder tous ses oeufs. II semble aussi que les accouplements répétés puissent augmenter sa fécondité.Les résultats supportent une stratégie reproductive de compétition plutôt qu'une simple maximisation du nombre d'accouplements.

为明确降水在中国新疆地区对马铃薯甲虫分布的影响,揭示制约马铃薯甲虫分布扩散的关键环境因子,为马铃薯甲虫的持续防控和综合治理提供理论依据。该研究结合新疆历史降水数据,对马铃薯甲虫现有分布区内的降水时空格局展开分析,比较了马铃薯甲虫危害程度与降水时空格局的关系。结果表明:马铃薯甲虫现主要分布于新疆年降水量在150 mm以上地区,早期定殖的地区降水量大于后期定殖区,其扩散方向为自西向东,同时年降水量也逐渐减少。马铃薯甲虫危害程度也随着经度增加而递减,早期发现马铃薯甲虫的地区受危害程度较重。降水量减少导致的水分缺乏对马铃薯甲虫的分布扩散具有一定的制约作用。  相似文献   

A comparative study of the functional response ofColeomegilla maculataDeGeer (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) fourth instars was conducted under laboratory, greenhouse, and field conditions. In the laboratory, individual larvae were placed in 9-cm petri dishes for 24 h, with 1, 3, 5, or 7 Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata[Say]) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) egg masses. Each egg mass was standardized at 15 eggs. In the greenhouse and field,C. maculatalarvae were provided with an equivalent of 0.5 to 35L. decemlineataegg masses/m2of potato leaf. Fourth instars ofC. maculataexhibited a type II functional response toL. decemlineataeggs under laboratory, greenhouse, and field conditions. Predator search efficiency was inversely related with prey density. The maximum mean attack rate (8.7 eggs) byC. maculatalarvae in the field was about half the mean attack rate in the laboratory (17.6 eggs) and greenhouse (20.1 eggs). The difference in prey density between the laboratory and field seems to have been a major contributing factor in determining the rate of predation, whereas differences in environmental conditions (e.g., temperature and possible alternate food) may explain the differences observed in the predation rate in the greenhouse and field.  相似文献   

In short-term field trials at combinations of ambient temperature (°C) and insolation (W·m−2), larval Colorado potato beetles (Leptinotarsa decemlineata [Say] [Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae]) were observed after their release on the adaxial surface of leaflets on potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L. Solanaceae). The larvae either began feeding or moved under the leaflet; mean interval from release to expression of these behaviors (2.9±0.05 min [n =358]) was independent of air temperature and insolation. Proportion of larvae moving under the leaflet increased logistically with both air temperature and insolation. A 1 W·m−2 change in insolation (P) evoked the same effect on this proportion as a 0.0838 °C change in air temperature (T a ), so the two quantities were combined as T*=T a +P·0.0838 °C/(W·m−2), which has units of °C. The proportion of larvae moving under the leaflet increased logistically with T*. In 1-day field trials we monitored air temperature, insolation and proportion of larvae under the leaflet, and compared the latter to predictions from the logistic regression derived from the short-term trials. Consistently more larvae occurred under leaflets than predicted from the logistic regression; this bias diminished as T* increased until at T*≥40 °C, observed and predicted proportions were equal. This pattern of deviation from the predictions of the logistic regression is consistent with a thermoregulatory strategy in which larvae move away from hostile conditions, rather than seek optimal conditions.  相似文献   

Among the drimane compounds tested, the dialdehydes polygodial and warburganal were the most active as antifeedants against Colorado potato beetle larvae, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), in a dual-choice assay with potato, Solanum tuberosum L., leaf discs. Lactones were less effective. Direct observations showed that decreased feeding on leaf discs treated with polygodial and warburganal was accompanied by increased locomotry activity. Topical application of these two compounds on the insect's cuticle decreased food intake of untreated leaf discs, indicating that besides deterrent effects, toxic properties of these molecules influence feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

【目的】通过RNAi技术明确马铃薯甲虫TOR上游的关键信号集成节点及类胰岛素信号通道下游基因结节性硬化复合物TSC1和TSC2的功能。旨在为探明马铃薯甲虫类胰岛素信号转导提供更多理论支持。【方法】在NCBI(美国国家生物技术信息中心)获取马铃薯甲虫LdTSC1/2序列,分别利用多重序列比对和系统发育分析确定该基因的完整性和系统发育关系;采用喂食幼虫dsRNA的方法,观察该基因的调低对马铃薯甲虫幼虫生长发育、糖脂代谢的影响。【结果】克隆得到马铃薯甲虫TSC1编码蛋白的氨基酸序列与鞘翅目白蜡窄吉丁直系同源蛋白的氨基酸序列的自展一致度为100%,聚为一支;TSC2编码蛋白的氨基酸序列与鞘翅目白蜡窄吉丁和赤拟谷盗的同源蛋白氨基酸序列的自展一致度为100%,聚为一支。通过分别喂食2龄幼虫LdTSC1/2的dsRNA能有效降低靶标基因的表达量,幼虫出现体重减轻,化蛹率和羽化率显著下降,葡萄糖的吸收转化效率降低,海藻糖含量升高和甘油三酯均减少。【结论】下调2龄幼虫LdTSC1/2的表达量,导致试虫出现抑制了糖脂代谢、脂肪体减少、体重减轻以及发育延迟;结果表明LdTSC1/2调控了马铃薯甲虫幼虫的糖脂代谢过程,显著影响幼虫化蛹和蜕皮过程。  相似文献   

Field studies quantified predation on Colorado potato beetle [Leptinotarsa decemlineata(Say)] eggs and determined the relationship between predation and egg mass abundance in research and commercial potato plantings in eastern North Carolina. Predator exclusion experiments were conducted weekly in research plantings. In addition, egg mass density and predation on egg masses were monitored throughout the season in research plots and commercial potato fields. Predation was an important source of mortality for Colorado potato beetle eggs. Survivorship of eggs exposed to predators was consistently, significantly lower than survivorship of eggs protected from predation. Averaged over 2 years, the mean survivorship of eggs protected from predation was 69%, compared with 26% survivorship of eggs exposed to predation. Regression analysis failed to detect any relationship between egg mortality due to predation and egg abundance. These results imply that efforts to reduce Colorado potato beetle populations selectively will not be offset by an according decline in abundance of natural enemies and therefore should be fully compatible with naturally occurring biological control.  相似文献   

Some components of the food-related behaviour (biting, feeding, walking on the plant or walking elsewhere, and resting) of two North American and three European Colorado potato beetle (CPB) populations, on six solanaceous plant species were monitored with the help of a microcomputer-based program, testing the hypothesis whether populations showed differences at the behavioural level to alternative host plants (S. melongena, S. dulcamara, andLycopersicon esculentum), as well as to non-host plants occasionally encountered (S. luteum, S. nigrum.). The few significant differences found were among populations of the same continent in 1) the number of activities monitored, 2) the duration of feeding periods, 3) the number of bites taken to the onset of feeding, 4) the ‘amount of behavioural plasticity’, and 5) the ‘behavioural diversity’. On the basis of two-way ANOVA analyses, no plant-by-population interactions were detected indicating that the CPB populations studied did not have specific relationships with any of the plant species tested. The lack of substantial differences in food-related behaviour was unexpected since considerable isolation in space and time exists between the populations occurring on the two continents.  相似文献   

Glandular trichomes on foliage of the wild potato species, Solanum berthaultii Hawkes, deter oviposition by the potato tuber moth (PTM), Phthorimaea operculella Zeller and negatively affect other important performance parameters. Oviposition deterring factors are localized in the glandular trichomes of S. berthaultii. When mechanically transferred to foliage of a susceptible potato cultivar, trichome contents reduced egg laying by 97%. Removal of glandular trichomes from S. berthaultii foliage using a combination of chemical and mechanical procedures increased oviposition rates ca. 210-fold. Removal of trichomes also led to increased mobility of larvae on the leaf surface, more leaf feeding, shorter larval development and larger pupae. The resistance conferred by glandular trichomes of S. berthaultii provides an important genetic trait potentially useful for management of PTM.  相似文献   

Restriction endonuclease analyses of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were used to examine genetic variability and population structure inLeptinotarsa decemlineata (Say). A group of three enzymes, EcoRI, HpaI, and PstI, was used to reveal polymorphism both within and among some of the 10 populations tested, yielding 16 haplotypes in combination. The frequencies of these 16 haplotypes differed significantly across geographic regions, indicating some partitioning of mtDNA haplotypes. Estimates of mtDNA sequence divergence (δ) between haplotypes ranged from 0.016 to 0.135%, suggesting local differentiation of mtDNA in some populations. Analysis of these data suggests that Texas was colonized by more than one mtDNA lineage, most likely originating in Mexico. We hypothesize that a larger founder size for the initial introductions or high levels of variability in the parent population at the edge of the CPB expanding range led to the initial partitioning of haplotypes observed in samples from Texas.  相似文献   

Wild Solanum species constitute a source of resistance to several pests and diseases of potato. Several species of wild tuber‐bearing potato have been identified as resistant to the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), including Solanum tarijense Hawkes (Solanaceae). Our objective was to determine the mechanism of resistance of S. tarijense to the Colorado potato beetle and, because the resistance is limited to the adult stage of the insect, to study the host selection behaviour on resistant plants. In the field, Colorado potato beetles demonstrated a unique behaviour when in contact with S. tarijense, abandoning the plant by falling to the ground after a few minutes. The abundant trichomes on the leaves of S. tarijense induced the falling behaviour. However, on S. tarijense feeding remained low even after the trichomes were mechanically removed. Observations demonstrated that the normal sequence of behaviour leading to feeding was interrupted before adult beetles fed on S. tarijense leaves. Feeding experiments using volatile and non‐volatile fractions of leaf surface extracts identified a phagodeterrent effect of the volatile fraction. Our results contrast with a similar evaluation of the mode of resistance of Solanum berthaultii Hawkes, a close relative of S. tarijense, on which some feeding occurred and adults did not show falling behaviour. This study presents information on S. tarijense as a new source of resistance to the Colorado potato beetle that can be used for potato breeding.  相似文献   

We evaluated the hypothesis that Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) (CPB) flight frequency is related to diet, and that it changes with duration of food unavailability or exposure to poor quality food by exposing adult overwintered and summer CPB populations to an acceptable host plant (conventional foliage), a poor host (insect resistant transgenic foliage expressing Bacillus thuringiensis tenebrionis[Btt] Cry3a toxin) and no host. Exposure to poor host and no host treatments (with or without water) decreased mean daily flight frequencies and the overall number of overwintered CPB flying, but increased the mean daily flight frequency and number of summer population CPB that flew. Overwintered CPB did not react to an absence of plants at emergence whereas summer CPB increased mean daily flight frequencies when plants and water were not available. The flight response to insect resistant foliage was similar to that for starvation treatments in both populations indicating that flight may not be triggered by Btt toxins but by starvation brought on by feeding on poor quality food. Flight was observed in all treatments for the duration of the test with two exceptions; overwintered beetles fed insect resistant foliage ceased flying after day 17 and summer beetles starved without water ceased after day 8 of a 29‐day study.  相似文献   

不同寄主植物对马铃薯甲虫的引诱作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着马铃薯甲虫不断扩展其分布范围,其对寄主的适应性也在发生变化。在我国,马铃薯甲虫的主要寄主植物是马铃薯、茄子、番茄和天仙子。为进一步明确马铃薯甲虫对不同寄主植物的嗜食程度,研究了以上4种寄主植物对马铃薯甲虫的引诱作用,以及取食量的影响,同时进行了田间寄主选择性的调查。选择性试验结果表明:不同寄主植物对马铃薯甲虫的引诱作用差异显著,其中马铃薯、天仙子引诱作用显著高于茄子和番茄;取食量研究结果表明:马铃薯甲虫各龄期对不同寄主24 h取食量的大小依次为:马铃薯>茄子>天仙子>番茄;1—2龄幼虫取食量小,3—4龄幼虫及成虫暴食寄主叶片,是马铃薯甲虫造成危害的主要阶段。  相似文献   

Mating behavior of post-diapause Colorado potato beetles, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), was observed within an overwintering site, a rotated potato field, newly colonized potato plants, and under laboratory conditions. The influence of spring mating on beetle flight in the presence and in the absence of host plants was investigated using a computer-linked flight mill system. Diapause was terminated simultaneously in male and female beetles, and the first matings were observed as early as within the first 24 h after the beetles emerged from the soil (60–90 DD accumulated). The beetles mated within the overwintering site, the potato field, and the fields rotated out of potatoes. Mating status did not affect flight behavior of overwintered beetles; however, unfed beetles displayed higher flight activity than fed beetles. Most flight activity took place soon after flight muscle regeneration, and then declined sharply by the 5th day after flight initiation. Mating in or near overwintering sites soon after diapause termination might be an important factor in providing gene flow between insecticide-resistant and insecticide-susceptible Colorado potato beetle populations, and should be considered in designing resistance management plans.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The behaviour of newly emerged adult Colorado potato beetles on preferred hosts follows a stereotyped pattern of sampling, feeding, grooming and rest. Reduced meal sizes on less-preferred hosts is accompanied by increased sampling and frequent interruptions in feeding. A systematic increase in pre-ingestive sampling on less-preferred foodplants indicates that beetles discriminate among closely related species within the Solanaceae. This ability may depend primarily on stimuli perceived at, and near, the leaf surface. Three geographic populations of beetles have adapted to different local host plants, but have not lost their preference for feeding on an ancestral host species. Host shifts by oligophagous insects to related plant species may evolve through selection for feeding generalists in isolated populations, and may not require genetic changes affecting the perception of a particular novel host.  相似文献   

[目的] 马铃薯甲虫是我国已公布的全国农业植物检疫性有害生物名单中的害虫,自新疆传入后对我国马铃薯产业造成了巨大的损失,研究蠋蝽成虫对马铃薯甲虫卵和低龄幼虫的捕食能力,可为利用天敌防治马铃薯甲虫提供理论依据。[方法] 采用室内饲养观察研究方法,并用Holling Ⅱ型圆盘方程对研究结果进行拟合,计算寻找效应。[结果] 蠋蝽成虫能够捕食马铃薯甲虫卵和低龄幼虫,且捕食功能反应均符合Holling Ⅱ型圆盘方程,蠋蝽成虫对马铃薯甲虫卵和低龄幼虫的功能反应方程分别为Na=0.2862N/(1+0.0198N)和Na=0.8400N/(1+0.0709N);在一定范围内,蠋蝽成虫对马铃薯甲虫卵和低龄幼虫捕食量在理论上随密度的增加而增加,当马铃薯甲虫的卵和低龄幼虫的密度分别达到20粒和20头时,蠋蝽成虫的捕食量最高;蠋蝽成虫对马铃薯甲虫卵和幼虫的最大日捕食量是14粒和12头,瞬时攻击率是0.2862和0.8400;蠋蝽对马铃薯甲虫卵的控制能力(4.1299)小于对低龄幼虫的控制能力(9.9526)。[结论] 蠋蝽成虫对马铃薯甲虫卵和低龄幼虫有较好的捕食能力,但控制能力不同。  相似文献   

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