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F1-ATPase was treated so that it contained three tightly bound nucleotides per molecule. One of these was bound at a catalytic site and was rapidly exchangeable, the two remaining nucleotides were nonexchangeable. Incubation of this preparation with ADP in the presence of Mg2+ results in 40-45% inhibition of the ATPase activity. With 2-azido-ADP instead of ADP, the ligand was covalently bound to F1 by illumination, in the presence or absence of turnover of the enzyme, and the site of binding was determined. In this way, one site could be identified, which induces the inhibition. The attachment of the covalently bound 2-nitreno-ADP is at Tyr-368 of a beta-subunit, characterized in the literature as a non-catalytic site. A second, non-catalytic site also binds 2-azido-ADP, but this binding is partially reversed by the addition of ATP and does not cause further inhibition of the ATPase activity. It is concluded that the slowly exchangeable non-catalytic site is the site of inhibition by ADP. 相似文献
The aurovertin-F1 complex was used to monitor fluorescence changes of the mitochondrial adenosine triphosphatase during multi- and uni-site ATP hydrolysis. It is known that the fluorescence intensity of the complex is partially quenched by addition of ATP or Mg2+ and enhanced by ADP (Chang, T., and Penefsky, H. S. (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 2746-2754). In the present study low concentrations of ATP (0.03 mM) induced a marked fluorescence quenching which was followed by a fast fluorescence recovery. This recovery could be prevented by EDTA or an ATP regenerating system. The rate of ATP hydrolysis by the aurovertin-F1 complex and the reversal of the ATP-induced fluorescence quenching were determined in these various conditions. ITP hydrolysis also resulted in fluorescence quenching that was followed by a recovery of fluorescence intensity. Under conditions for single site catalysis, fluorescence quenching was observed upon the addition of ATP. This strongly indicates that fluorescence changes in the aurovertin-F1 complex are due to the binding and hydrolysis of ATP at a catalytic site. Therefore the resulting ADP molecule bound at this catalytic site possibly induces the fluorescence recovery observed. 相似文献
Although the binding of nucleotides at the noncatalytic sites of F1-ATPase has been regarded as probably having some type of regulatory function, only limited observations have been reported that support such a role. We present here results showing that the presence of ATP at noncatalytic sites can give a fivefold enhancement of the rate of GTP hydrolysis by the chloroplast F1-ATPase. Heat-activation of the chloroplast F1-ATPase in the presence of ATP, followed by column separation from the medium nucleotides gives an enzyme with two of the three noncatalytic sites filled with ATP. In contrast, heat-activation in the presence of ADP gives an enzyme with only one noncatalytic site filled with ADP. Such an enzyme with two noncatalytic sites empty catalyzes MgGTP hydrolysis only very slowly. The filling of a second noncatalytic site with ATP by exposure of the enzyme to ATP without Mg2+ present, followed by column separation, markedly increases the rate of GTP hydrolysis. A further increase occurs when a third noncatalytic site is filled by exposure to Mg2+ and ATP. The rate of MgATP hydrolysis is the same for the enzyme heat-activated in the presence of ATP or ADP, probably because MgATP, unlike MgGTP, rapidly binds to both catalytic and noncatalytic sites. 相似文献
Adenine nucleotide binding sites on beef heart F1-ATPase. Asymmetry and subunit location 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Previously we have shown that beef heart mitochondrial F1 contains a total of six adenine nucleotide binding sites. Three "catalytic" sites exchange bound ligand rapidly during hydrolysis of MgATP, whereas three "noncatalytic" sites do not. The noncatalytic sites behave asymmetrically in that a single site releases bound ligand upon precipitation of F1 with ammonium sulfate. In the present study, we find this same site to be the only noncatalytic site that undergoes rapid exchange of bound ligand when F1 is incubated in the presence of EDTA at pH 8.0. Following 1000 catalytic turnovers/F1, the site retains the unique capacity for EDTA-induced exchange, indicating that the asymmetric determinants are permanent and that the three noncatalytic sites on soluble F1 do not pass through equivalent states during catalysis. Measurements of the rate of ligand binding at the unique noncatalytic site show that uncomplexed nucleotide binds preferentially. At pH 7.5, in the presence of Mg2+, the rate constant for ADP binding is 9 X 10(3) M-1 s-1 and for dissociation is 4 X 10(-4) s-1 to give a Kd = 50 nM. The rate of dissociation is 10 times faster in the presence of EDTA or during MgATP hydrolysis, and it increases rapidly at pH below 7. EDTA-induced exchange is inhibited by Mg2+, Mn2+, Co2+, and Zn2+ but not by Ca2+ and is unaffected by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide modification. The unique noncatalytic site binds 2-azido-ADP. Photolysis results in the labeling of the beta subunit. Photolabeling of a single high-affinity catalytic site under conditions for uni-site catalysis also results in the labeling of beta, but a different pattern of labeled peptides is obtained in proteolytic digests. The results demonstrate the presence of two different nucleotide binding domains on the beta subunit of mitochondrial F1. 相似文献
Under the conditions of ATP regeneration and molar excess of nucleotide-depleted F1-ATPase the enzyme catalyses steady-state ATP hydrolysis by the single catalytic site. Values of Km = 10(-8) M and Vm = 0.05 s-1 for the single-site catalysis have been determined. ADP release limits single-site ATP hydrolysis under steady-state conditions. The equilibrium constant for ATP hydrolysis at the F1-ATPase catalytic site is less than or equal to 0.7. 相似文献
Braig K Menz RI Montgomery MG Leslie AG Walker JE 《Structure (London, England : 1993)》2000,8(6):567-573
BACKGROUND: The globular domain of the membrane-associated F(1)F(o)-ATP synthase complex can be detached intact as a water-soluble fragment known as F(1)-ATPase. It consists of five different subunits, alpha, beta, gamma, delta and epsilon, assembled with the stoichiometry 3:3:1:1:1. In the crystal structure of bovine F(1)-ATPase determined previously at 2.8 A resolution, the three catalytic beta subunits and the three noncatalytic alpha subunits are arranged alternately around a central alpha-helical coiled coil in the gamma subunit. In the crystals, the catalytic sites have different nucleotide occupancies. One contains the triphosphate form of the nucleotide, the second contains the diphosphate, and the third is unoccupied. Fluoroaluminate complexes have been shown to mimic the transition state in several ATP and GTP hydrolases. In order to understand more about its catalytic mechanism, F(1)-ATPase was inhibited with Mg(2+)ADP and aluminium fluoride and the structure of the inhibited complex was determined by X-ray crystallography. RESULTS: The structure of bovine F(1)-ATPase inhibited with Mg(2+)ADP and aluminium fluoride determined at 2.5 A resolution differs little from the original structure with bound AMP-PNP and ADP. The nucleotide occupancies of the alpha and beta subunits are unchanged except that both aluminium trifluoride and Mg(2+)ADP are bound in the nucleotide-binding site of the beta(DP) subunit. The presence of aluminium fluoride is accompanied by only minor adjustments in the surrounding protein. CONCLUSIONS: The structure appears to mimic a possible transition state. The coordination of the aluminofluoride group has many features in common with other aluminofluoride-NTP hydrolase complexes. Apparently, once nucleotide is bound to the catalytic beta subunit, no additional major structural changes are required for catalysis to occur. 相似文献
Alexander N. Malyan 《Photosynthesis research》2010,105(3):243-248
Light-dependent binding of labeled ADP and ATP to noncatalytic sites of chloroplast ATP synthase and the effect of light-exposed thylakoid membrane preincubation with ADP or ATP on ATPase activity were studied. ADP binding during the preincubation was shown to inactivate the chloroplast ATPase, whereas ATP binding caused its activation. The rate and equilibrium constants of ATPase inactivation and activation were close to those of ADP and ATP binding to a noncatalytic site, with K d values of 38 and 33 μM, respectively. It is suggested that ADP- or ATP-binding to one of the noncatalytic sites affects the ATPase activity of chloroplast ATP synthase through a mechanism that modulates tightness of ADP binding to a catalytic site. 相似文献
Nucleotide-depleted mitochondrial F1-ATPase (F1[0,0]) is inhibited by the diadenosine oligophosphate compounds, AP4A, AP5A, and AP6A (where APxA stands for 5',5'-diadenosine oligophosphates having a chain of x phosphoryl groups linking the two adenosine moieties). When F1[0,0] is preincubated with these compounds and then assayed for ATP hydrolysis activity under conditions that normally allow turnover at all three catalytic sites, the maximal level of inhibition observed is 80%. However, when assayed at lower ATP concentrations under conditions that allow simultaneous turnover at only two of the three sites, no inhibition is observed. A decrease in the number of phosphoryl groups that links the adenosine moieties to less than 4 (AP3A, AP2A) converts the compound to an activator of ATP hydrolysis, similar in effect to that obtained when one mol of ADP or 2-azido-ADP binds at a catalytic site on F1[0,0]. Inhibition by the compounds requires the presence of at least one vacant noncatalytic site. Evidence is provided that the probes also interact with a catalytic site. The stoichiometry for maximal inhibition by AP4A is 0.94 mol/mol of F1. The data presented support a model for the structure of nucleotide-binding sites on F1 that places catalytic and noncatalytic sites in close proximity in an orientation analogous to the ATP and AMP binding sites on adenylate kinase. Inhibition of the enzyme by the dinucleotide compounds can be explained by the cross-bridging of one of the catalytic sites to a noncatalytic site in analogy to the inhibition of adenylate kinase by AP5A. The residual capacity for bi-site catalysis indicates that the second and third catalytic sites remain catalytically active. 相似文献
The recent finding that the presence of ATP at non-catalytic sites of chloroplast F1-ATPase (CF1) is necessary for ATPase activity (Milgrom, Y. M., Ehler, L. L., and Boyer, P. D. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265,18725-18728) prompted more detailed studies of the effect of noncatalytic site nucleotides on catalysis. CF1 containing at noncatalytic sites less than one ADP or about two ATP was prepared by heat activation in the absence of Mg2+ and in the presence of ADP or ATP, respectively. After removal of medium nucleotides, the CF1 preparations were used for measurement of the time course of nucleotide binding from 10 to 100 microM concentrations of 3H-labeled ADP, ATP, or GTP. The presence of Mg2+ strongly promotes the tight binding of ADP and ATP at noncatalytic sites. For example, the ADP-heat-activated enzyme in presence of 1 mM Mg2+ binds ADP with a rate constant of 0.5 x 10(6) M-1 min-1 to give an enzyme with two ADP at noncatalytic sites with a Kd of about 0.1 microM. Upon exposure to Mg2+ and ATP the vacant noncatalytic site binds an ATP rapidly and, as an ADP slowly dissociates, a second ATP binds. The binding correlates with an increase in the ATPase activity. In contrast the tight binding of [3H]GTP to noncatalytic sites gives an enzyme with no ATPase activity. The three noncatalytic sites differ in their binding properties. The noncatalytic site that remains vacant after the ADP-heat-activated CF1 is exposed to Mg2+ and ADP and that can bind ATP rapidly is designated as site A; the site that fills with ATP as ADP dissociates when this enzyme is exposed to Mg2+ and ATP is called site B, and the site to which ADP remains bound is called site C. Procedures are given for attaining CF1 with ADP at sites B and C, with GTP at sites A and/or B, and with ATP at sites A, B, and/or C, and catalytic activities of such preparations are measured. For example, little or no ATPase activity is found unless ATP is at site A, but ADP can remain at site C with no effect on ATPase. Maximal GTPase activity requires ATP at site A but about one-fifth of maximal GTPase is attained when GTP is at sites A and B and ATP at site C. Noncatalytic site occupancy can thus have profound effects on the ATPase and GTPase activities of CF1. 相似文献
The F1-ATPase from chloroplasts (CF1) lacks catalytic capacity for ATP hydrolysis if ATP is not bound at noncatalytic sites. CF1 heat activated in the presence of ADP, with less than one ADP and no ATP at non-catalytic sites, shows a pronounced lag in the onset of ATP hydrolysis after exposure to 5-20 microM ATP. The onset of activity correlates well with the binding of ATP at the last two of the three noncatalytic sites. The dependence of activity on the presence of ATP at non-catalytic sites is shown at relatively low or high free Mg2+ concentrations, with or without bicarbonate as an activating anion, and when the binding of ATP at noncatalytic sites is slowed 3-4-fold by sulfate. The latent CF1 activated by dithiothreitol also requires ATP at noncatalytic sites for ATPase activity. A similar requirement by other F1-ATPases and by ATP synthases seems plausible. 相似文献
S Highsmith 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》1984,124(1):183-189
The CaATPase of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum was specifically labeled in the ATP binding site with fluorescein isothiocyanate under gentle conditions (pH 7 X 5). Fluorescence energy transfer from the attached fluorescein to Nd3+ indicated that a cation binding site was about 1 X 0 nm away from the fluorescein. Thus it appears that the ATP site includes a cation binding site. At 25 degrees C in 0 X 5 M KCl, the association constants for Nd3+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ were 3 X 3 X 10(5) M-1, 84 M-1 and 35 M-1, respectively, making it possible that, in vivo, the site binds Mg2+. 相似文献
Methods are described to classify nucleotide binding sites of the mitochondrial coupling factor F1 from yeast on the basis of their affinities and stability properties. High affinity sites or states for ATP and related adenine analogs and low affinity sites or states which bind a broad range of different nucleotide triphosphates are found. The results are discussed in terms of a two site, two cycle scheme, where binding of nucleotide at one site facilitates the release of nucleotide at a second site. 相似文献
Preincubation of submitochondrial particles with ADP in the presence of Mg2+ results in the complete inhibition of ATPase which is slowly reactivated in the assay mixture containing ATP and the ATP regenerating system. Significantly, the rate of activation increases as the concentration of ADP in the preincubation mixture rises from 1 microM to 20 microM and reaches a constant value at higher ADP concentrations. The first-order rate constant for the activation process in the assay mixture is ATP-dependent at any level of inhibitory ADP. The data obtained strongly suggest that two ADP-specific inhibitory sites and one ATP-specific hydrolytic site are present in F1-F0 ATPase. Taking into account the (3 alpha.3 beta).gamma.delta.epsilon structure of F1, it is concluded that the synchronous discharge of ADP from two inhibitory sites during the activation occurs after ATP binds to the ATPase catalytic site. 相似文献
The initial rates of ATP hydrolysis catalyzed by Fo x F1 (bovine heart submitochondrial particles) preincubated in the presence of Pi for complete activation of the oligomycin-sensitive ATPase were measured as a function of ATP, Mg2+, and Mg x ATP concentrations. The results suggest the mechanism in which Mg x ATP complex is the true substrate of the ATPase and the second Mg2+ bound at a specific pH-dependent site is needed for the catalysis. Simple hyperbolic Michaelis--Menten dependences of the reaction rate on the substrate (Mg x ATP) and activating Mg2+ were found. In contrast to the generally accepted view, no inhibition of ATPase by free Mg2+ was found. Inhibition of the reaction by free ATP is due to a decrease of free Mg2+ needed for the catalysis. In the presence of both Ca2+ and Mg2+ the kinetics of ATP hydrolysis suggest that the Ca x ATP complex is neither hydrolyzed nor competes with Mg x ATP, and free Ca2+ does not affect the hydrolysis of Mg x ATP complex. A crucial role of free Mg2+ in the time-dependent inhibition of ATPase by azide is shown. The dependence of apparent Km for Mg x ATP on saturation of the Mg2+-specific site suggests the formal ping-pong mechanism in which bound Mg2+ participates in the overall reaction after dissociation of one product (most likely Pi) thus promoting either release of ADP (catalytic turnover) or slow isomerization of the enzyme--product complex (formation of the dead-end ADP(Mg2+)-inhibited enzyme). The rate of Mg x ATP hydrolysis only slightly depends on pH at saturating Mg2+. In the presence of limited amounts of free Mg2+ the pH dependence of the initial rate corresponds to the titration of a single group with pKa = 7.5. The simple competition between H+ and activating Mg2+ was observed. The specific role of Mg2+ as a coupling cation for energy transduction in Fo x F1-ATPase is discussed. 相似文献
Zhao J Wang WN Tan YC Zheng Y Wang ZX 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》2002,297(3):653-658
The biological activities of Rho family GTPases are controlled by their guanine nucleotide binding states in cell. Mg(2+) ions play key roles in guanine nucleotide binding and in preserving the structural integrity of GTPases. We describe here the kinetics of the interaction of GTP with the Rho family small GTPase Cdc42 in the absence and presence of Mg(2+). In contrast to the cases of Ras and Rab proteins, which require Mg(2+) for the nucleotide binding and intrinsic hydrolysis of GTP, our results show that in the absence of Mg(2+), the binding affinity of GTP to Cdc42 is in the submicromolar concentration, and the Mg(2+) cofactor has only a minor effect on the Cdc42-catalyzed intrinsic hydrolysis rate of GTP. These results suggest that the intrinsic GTPase reaction mechanism of Cdc42 may differ significantly from that of other subfamily members of the Ras superfamily. 相似文献
The H(+)-ATPase from chloroplasts CFoF1, was brought into the active, reduced state by illumination of thylakoids in the presence of thioredoxin and dithiothreitol. Uni-site ATP synthesis was initiated by the addition of 20 nM [alpha-32P]ADP, and enzyme-bound and free nucleotides were separated by a pressure column. The ratio of enzyme-bound ADP to ATP was 0.55 +/- 0.05. In a second experiment, uni-site ATP hydrolysis under energized conditions was initiated by the addition of 36 nM [alpha-32P]ATP; enzyme-bound and free nucleotides were separated by a pressure column. Both procedures were carried out under continuous illumination. The ratio of enzyme-bound ADP to ATP was 0.46 +/- 0.04. In a third experiment, uni-site ATP hydrolysis under de-energized conditions was initiated by the addition of 39 nM [alpha-32P]ATP and NH4Cl/valinomycin in the absence of illumination. Free and enzyme-bound nucleotides were separated also by a pressure column. The ratio of enzyme-bound ADP to ATP was 0.43 +/- 0.02. This ratio was always the same irrespective of whether the reaction runs in the synthesis or the hydrolysis direction. Furthermore, the ratio does not depend on the membrane energization. We conclude, therefore, that the protons are not directly involved in the reaction at the catalytic site. 相似文献
The effect of Mg2+ on mitochondrial F0.F1 ATPase and characteristics of the nucleotide binding sites
The interaction of Mg2+ with nucleotide-washed F0.F1 ATPase from pig heart was studied. Mg2+ had no effect on nucleotide-washed F0.F1 ATPase, but it competitively inhibited the hydrolytic activity of washed F0.F1 ATPase preincubated with ADP and slightly activated the hydrolytic activity of washed F0.F1 ATPase preincubated with ATP. In the last two cases, it revealed negative cooperativity. The effect of Mg2+ on F0.F1 ATPase is therefore closely related to the characteristics of the nucleotide binding sites on mitochondrial F0.F1 ATPase. 相似文献
Adenine nucleotide binding sites on beef heart F1-ATPase. Specificity of cooperative interactions between catalytic sites 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Cooperative interactions between nucleotide binding sites on beef heart mitochondrial F1-ATPase have been studied by measuring substrate-promoted release of 5'adenylyl-beta,gamma-imidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP) from a single high affinity site. The site is initially loaded by incubating F1 with an equimolar amount of the nonhydrolyzable ATP analog. When unbound [3H]AMP-PNP is removed and the complex diluted to a concentration below the Kd, release of ligand shows an apparent absolute requirement for medium ADP. Release is biphasic with the extent of release during the initial rapid phase dependent on the concentration of medium ADP. Although phosphate alone has no effect, it enhances the rapid phase of ADP-promoted release over 2-fold with a half-maximal effect at 60 micrometers P1. The binding of efrapeptin (A23871) to the F1.AMP-PNP complex completely prevents ADP-promoted dissociation. Although AMP-PNP release also occurs in the presence of medium ATP, the F1.AMP-PNP complex does not dissociate if an ATP-regenerating system of sufficient capacity to prevent accumulation of medium ADP is added. Consistent with an inability of nucleoside triphosphate to promote release is the failure of medium, nonradioactive AMP-PNP to affect retention of the 3H-labeled ligand. The stability of F1.AMP-PNP complex in the absence of medium nucleotide and the highly specific ability of ADP plus P1 to promote rapid release of the ATP analog are interpreted as support for an ATP synthesis mechanism that requires substrate binding at one catalytic site for product release from an adjacent interacting site. 相似文献
Adenine nucleotide-binding sites on beef heart F1-ATPase. Conditions that affect occupancy of catalytic and noncatalytic sites 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Beef heart mitochondrial F1 contains a total of six adenine nucleotide-binding sites including at least two different types of sites. Three "exchangeable" sites exchange rapidly during hydrolysis of MgATP, whereas three "nonexchangeable" sites do not (Cross, R. L. and Nalin, C. M. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 2874-2881). When F1 that has been stored as a suspension in (NH4)2SO4/ATP/EDTA/sucrose/Tris, pH 8.0, is pelleted, rinsed with (NH4)2SO4, dissolved, and desalted, it retains three bound adenine nucleotides. We find that two of these endogenous nucleotides are bound at nonexchangeable sites and one at an exchangeable site. The vacant nonexchangeable site is highly specific for adenine nucleotide and is rapidly filled by ADP upon addition of ADP or during ATP hydrolysis. ADP bound at this site can be removed by reprecipitating the enzyme with (NH4)2SO4. The single nucleotide retained by desalted F1 at an exchangeable site is displaced during hydrolysis of ATP, GTP, or ITP. The binding of PPi at two sites on the enzyme also promotes its dissociation. Neither procedure affects retention of nucleotide at the nonexchangeable sites. These observations, combined with the finding that PPi is much more easily removed from exchangeable sites than ADP, have led to the development of a procedure for preparing F1 with uniform and well-defined nucleotide site occupancy. This involves sequential exposure to MgATP, PPi, and high concentrations of Pi. Unbound ligand is removed between each step. The resulting enzyme, F1[3,0], has three occupied nonexchangeable sites and three vacant exchangeable sites. Evidence that nonexchangeable and exchangeable sites represent noncatalytic and catalytic sites, respectively, suggest that this form of the enzyme will prove useful in numerous applications, including transient kinetic measurements and affinity labeling of active site residues. 相似文献