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Aspergillus fumigatus is currently the major air‐borne fungal pathogen. It is able to cause several forms of disease in humans of which invasive aspergillosis is the most severe. The high mortality rate of this disease prompts increased efforts to disclose the basic principles of A. fumigatus pathogenicity. According to our current knowledge, A. fumigatus lacks sophisticated virulence traits; it is nevertheless able to establish infection due to its robustness and ability to adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions. This review focuses on two crucial aspects of invasive aspergillosis: (i) properties of A. fumigatus that are relevant during infection and may distinguish it from non‐pathogenic Aspergillus species and (ii) interactions of the pathogen with the innate and adaptive immune systems.  相似文献   

Aspergillus fumigatus is a medically important opportunistic pathogen and a major cause of respiratory allergy. The species has long been considered an asexual organism. However, genome analysis has revealed the presence of genes associated with sexual reproduction, including a MAT-2 high-mobility group mating-type gene and genes for pheromone production and detection (Galagan et al., personal communication; Nierman et al., personal communication). We now demonstrate that A. fumigatus has other key characteristics of a sexual species. We reveal the existence of isolates containing a complementary MAT-1 alpha box mating-type gene and show that the MAT locus has an idiomorph structure characteristic of heterothallic (obligate sexual outbreeding) fungi. Analysis of 290 worldwide clinical and environmental isolates with a multiplex-PCR assay revealed the presence of MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 genotypes in similar proportions (43% and 57%, respectively). Further population genetic analyses provided evidence of recombination across a global sampling and within North American and European subpopulations. We also show that mating-type, pheromone-precursor, and pheromone-receptor genes are expressed during mycelial growth. These results indicate that A. fumigatus has a recent evolutionary history of sexual recombination and might have the potential for sexual reproduction. The possible presence of a sexual cycle is highly significant for the population biology and disease management of the species.  相似文献   

The filamentous fungus Aspergillus fumigatus is responsible for a lethal disease called invasive aspergillosis that affects immunocompromised patients. This disease, like other human fungal diseases, is generally treated by compounds targeting the primary fungal cell membrane sterol. Recently, glucan synthesis inhibitors were added to the limited antifungal arsenal and encouraged the search for novel targets in cell wall biosynthesis. Although galactomannan is a major component of the A. fumigatus cell wall and extracellular matrix, the biosynthesis and role of galactomannan are currently unknown. By a targeted gene deletion approach, we demonstrate that UDP-galactopyranose mutase, a key enzyme of galactofuranose metabolism, controls the biosynthesis of galactomannan and galactofuranose containing glycoconjugates. The glfA deletion mutant generated in this study is devoid of galactofuranose and displays attenuated virulence in a low-dose mouse model of invasive aspergillosis that likely reflects the impaired growth of the mutant at mammalian body temperature. Furthermore, the absence of galactofuranose results in a thinner cell wall that correlates with an increased susceptibility to several antifungal agents. The UDP-galactopyranose mutase thus appears to be an appealing adjunct therapeutic target in combination with other drugs against A. fumigatus. Its absence from mammalian cells indeed offers a considerable advantage to achieve therapeutic selectivity.  相似文献   

As the frequency of antifungal drug resistance continues to increase, understanding the genetic structure of fungal populations, where resistant isolates have emerged and spread, is of major importance. Aspergillus fumigatus is an ubiquitously distributed fungus and the primary causative agent of invasive aspergillosis (IA), a potentially lethal infection in immunocompromised individuals. In the last few years, an increasing number of A. fumigatus isolates has evolved resistance to triazoles, the primary drugs for treating IA infections. In most isolates, this multiple-triazole-resistance (MTR) phenotype is caused by mutations in the cyp51A gene, which encodes the protein targeted by the triazoles. We investigated the genetic differentiation and reproductive mode of A. fumigatus in the Netherlands, the country where the MTR phenotype probably originated, to determine their role in facilitating the emergence and distribution of resistance genotypes. Using 20 genome-wide neutral markers, we genotyped 255 Dutch isolates including 25 isolates with the MTR phenotype. In contrast to previous reports, our results show that Dutch A. fumigatus genotypes are genetically differentiated into five distinct populations. Four of the five populations show significant linkage disequilibrium, indicative of an asexual reproductive mode, whereas the fifth population is in linkage equilibrium, indicative of a sexual reproductive mode. Notably, the observed genetic differentiation among Dutch isolates does not correlate with geography, although all isolates with the MTR phenotype nest within a single, predominantly asexual, population. These results suggest that both reproductive mode and genetic differentiation contribute to the structure of Dutch A. fumigatus populations and are probably shaping the evolutionary dynamics of drug resistance in this potentially deadly pathogen.  相似文献   

Aims:  Aspergillus fumigatus is the most common cause of airborne mould infections in immunocompromised patients worldwide. Our aim was to develop a method to identify agents that inhibit siderophore biosynthesis because this pathway is unique to the fungus and is essential for virulence.
Methods and Results:  A high-throughput two-step screening assay was developed using 96-well plates in which fungal growth and siderophore production is assessed spectrophotometrically. If a compound inhibits growth only in iron-limited medium (screen 1), its effect on siderophore production is then determined (screen 2). The proof of concept was demonstrated using a known antifungal agent, amphotericin B, and a strain of A. fumigatus deficient in siderophore production.
Conclusions:  The two-stage screening method clearly identified growth defects in A. fumigatus related specifically to siderophore biosynthesis.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The increasing incidence of life-threatening fungal infections has produced an urgent need for novel antifungal agents. The method described in this report will facilitate the identification of novel antifungal compounds that inhibit a pathway critical for A. fumigatus virulence and have a reduced probability of affecting host metabolism.  相似文献   

The development of a homologous transformation system for the opportunistic human pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus is described. The system is based on the sC gene encoding ATP sulfurylase. Several A. fumigatus sC mutant strains were readily isolated by strong selection for selenate resistance. The coding region plus upstream and downstream regulatory sequences of the A. fumigatus sC gene were cloned by inverse PCR and then sequenced. Sequencing of the sC cDNA revealed the presence of five introns located within the first half of the gene. The A. fumigatus sC gene encodes a protein of 574 amino acids which is highly similar to ATP sulfurylases from the filamentous fungal species Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus terreus and Penicillium chrysogenum. By contrast, ATP sulfurylases from the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe lack the C-terminal adenosine-5'-phosphosulfate kinase-like domain present in the filamentous fungal orthologues. A 3.8-kb DNA fragment amplified by PCR and containing the sC gene plus 5' and 3' flanking regions was cloned into pUC19 to give the vector pSCFUM. Transformation of two different sC mutant isolates with the plasmid pSCFUM established the functionality of this new homologous transformation system. Molecular analysis of sC+ transformants showed that up to 44% of transformed clones contained one or more copies of the entire plasmid integrated at the sC locus. This result also demonstrates the utility of the sC marker for targeting specific genetic constructs to the A. fumigatus sC locus, facilitating studies of gene regulation and function.  相似文献   

Septins, a conserved family of GTPases, are heteropolymeric filament-forming proteins that associate with the cell membrane and cytoskeleton and serve essential functions in cell division and morphogenesis. Their roles in fungal cell wall chitin deposition, septation, cytokinesis, and sporulation have been well established and they have recently been implicated in tissue invasion and virulence in Candida albicans. Septins have never been investigated in the human pathogenic fungus, Aspergillus fumigatus, which is a leading cause of death in immunocompromised patients. Here we localize all the five septins (AspA–E) from A. fumigatus for the first time, and show that each of the five septins exhibit varied patterns of distribution. Interestingly AspE, which is unique to filamentous fungi, and AspD, belonging to the CDC10 class of septins, localized prominently to tubular structures which were dependent on actin and microtubule networks. Localization of AspD and AspE has never been reported in filamentous fungi. Taken together these results suggest that septins in A. fumigatus might have unique functions in morphogenesis and pathogenicity.  相似文献   

The opportunistic pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus is the most frequent cause of deadly airborne fungal infections in developed countries. In order to identify novel antifungal-drug targets, we investigated the genome of A. fumigatus for genes that are necessary for efficient fungal growth. An artificial A. fumigatus diploid strain with one copy of an engineered impala160 transposon from Fusarium oxysporum integrated into its genome was used to generate a library of diploid strains by random in vivo transposon mutagenesis. Among 2,386 heterozygous diploid strains screened by parasexual genetics, 1.2% had a copy of the transposable element integrated into a locus essential for A. fumigatus growth. Comparison of genomic sequences flanking impala160 in these mutants with that of the genome of A. fumigatus allowed the characterization of 20 previously uncharacterized A. fumigatus genes. Among these, homologues of genes essential for Saccharomyces cerevisiae growth have been identified, as well as genes that do not have homologues in other fungal species. These results confirm that heterologous transposition using the transposable element impala is a powerful tool for functional genomics in ascomycota, and they pave the way for defining the complete set of essential genes in A. fumigatus, the first step toward target-based development of new antifungal drugs.  相似文献   

Acidic glycosphingolipid components were extracted from the opportunistic mycopathogen Aspergillus fumigatus and identified as inositol phosphorylceramide and glycosylinositol phosphorylceramides (GIPCs). Using nuclear magnetic resonance sppectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and other techniques, the structures of six major components were elucidated as Ins-P-Cer (Af-0), Manp(alpha1-->3)Manp(alpha1-->2)Ins-P-Cer (Af-2), Manp(alpha1-->2)Manp(alpha1-->3)Manp(alpha1-->2)Ins-P-Cer (Af-3a), Manp(alpha1-->3)[Galf(beta1-->6)]Manp(alpha1-->2)-Ins-P-Cer (Af-3b), Manp(alpha1-->2)-Manp(alpha1-->3)[Galf(beta1-->6)]Manp(alpha1-->2)Ins-P-Cer (Af-4), and Manp(alpha1-->3)Manp(alpha1-->6)GlcpN(alpha1-->2)Ins-P-Cer (Af-3c) (where Ins = myo-inositol and P = phosphodiester). A minor A. fumigatus GIPC was also identified as the N-acetylated version of Af-3c (Af-3c*), which suggests that formation of the GlcNalpha1-->2Ins linkage may proceed by a two-step process, similar to the GlcNalpha1-->6Ins linkage in glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchors (transfer of GlcNAc, followed by enzymatic de-N-acetylation). The glycosylinositol of Af-3b, which bears a distinctive branching Galf(beta1-->6) residue, is identical to that of a GIPC isolated previously from the dimorphic mycopathogen Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (designated Pb-3), but components Af-3a and Af-4 have novel structures. Overlay immunostaining of A. fumigatus GIPCs separated on thin-layer chromatograms was used to assess their reactivity against sera from a patient with aspergillosis and against a murine monoclonal antibody (MEST-1) shown previously to react with the Galf(beta1-->6) residue in Pb-3. These results are discussed in relation to pathogenicity and potential approaches to the immunodiagnosis of A. fumigatus.  相似文献   

Recent outbreaks of new diseases in many ecosystems are caused by novel pathogens, impaired host immunity, or changing environmental conditions. Identifying the source of emergent pathogens is critical for mitigating the impacts of diseases, and understanding the cause of their recent appearances. One ecosystem suffering outbreaks of disease in the past decades is coral reefs, where pathogens such as the fungus Aspergillus sydowii have caused catastrophic population declines in their hosts. Aspergillosis is one of the best-characterized coral diseases, yet the origin of this typically terrestrial fungus in marine systems remains unknown. We examined the genetic structure of a global sample of A. sydowii, including isolates from diseased corals, diseased humans, and environmental sources. Twelve microsatellite markers reveal a pattern of global panmixia among the fungal isolates. A single origin of the pathogen into marine systems seems unlikely given the lack of isolation by distance and lack of evidence for a recent bottleneck. A neighbour-joining phylogeny shows that sea fan isolates are interspersed with environmental isolates, suggesting there have been multiple introductions from land into the ocean. Overall, our results underscore that A. sydowii is a true opportunist, with a diversity of nonrelated isolates able to cause disease in corals. This study highlights the challenge in distinguishing between the role of environment in allowing opportunistic pathogens to increase and actual introductions of new pathogenic microorganisms for coral diseases.  相似文献   

The phospholipase B family (PLB) are enzymes sharing phospholipase (PL), lysophospholipase (LPL) and lysophospholipase-transacylase (LPTA) activities. They have been shown to be important virulence factors in several human fungal pathogens including Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans. Aspergillus fumigatus, a human opportunistic fungal pathogen leading to a high rate of mortality in immunosuppressed patients is known to possess an extracellular phospholipase B activity. In this paper, we report the molecular characterisation of three PLB genes from A. fumigatus (afplb) using degenerate primers in PCR amplification and data from the A. fumigatus genome project. They are expressed at 37 degrees C, and two of them (afplb1 and afplb3) are induced by lecithin. They encode proteins of 633, 588 and 630 amino acids, respectively, presenting together a T-Coffee score of 81. They also possess the amino acid triad responsible for enzymatic activity in the mammalian cytosolic PLA2 and other fungal PLBs. AfPLB1 and afPLB3 are secreted with a cleaved signal peptide. The complete cDNA sequences were obtained by RACE-PCR for the two secreted afPLBs and probably account for the extracellular phospholipase activity previously reported in the culture media of A. fumigatus.  相似文献   

When the opportunistic pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus entered the stationary phase, there was a rapid loss in cell viability which was associated with the appearance of markers characteristic of apoptosis, namely annexin V-FITC binding to the cytoplasmic membrane, demonstrating exposure of phosphatidylserine to the outer leaflet of the membrane; and TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling) staining of the nuclei, indicating DNA fragmentation. This was followed later by a loss of membrane integrity as revealed by propidium iodide staining. The development of the apoptotic phenotype was blocked when the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide was added to the culture 1h prior to the onset of the stationary phase, demonstrating active participation of the cell. In addition, intracellular activity against substrates specific for caspase-1 and -8 also increased on stationary phase entry and the development of the apoptotic phenotype was blocked when the cell permeant caspase inhibitor Z-FAD-fmk was present in the medium. Cell death in A. fumigatus during the stationary phase therefore appears to share similarities to apoptotic cell death in higher eukaryotes and to be dependent on a caspase-like activity.  相似文献   

While plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs), a natural type I interferon (IFN)-producing cell type, are regarded as critical for innate immunity to viruses, their role in defense against fungal infections remains unknown. We examined the interactions of pDCs with hyphae of the invasive human fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus. Human pDCs spread over hyphae and inhibited their growth. Antifungal activity was retained in pDC lysates, did not require direct fungal contact, and was partially reversed by zinc. Incubation with hyphae resulted in pDC cytotoxicity, partly due to fungal gliotoxin secretion. Following hyphal stimulation, pDCs released proinflammatory cytokines via a TLR9-independent mechanism. Pulmonary challenge of mice with A. fumigatus resulted in a substantial influx of pDCs into lungs, and pDC-depleted mice were hypersusceptible to invasive aspergillosis. These data demonstrate the antifungal activity of pDCs against A. fumigatus and establish their nonredundant role in host defenses against invasive aspergillosis in vivo.  相似文献   

Aspergillus fumigatus, a ubiquitous human fungal pathogen, produces asexual spores (conidia), which are the main mode of propagation, survival and infection of this human pathogen. In this study, we present the molecular characterization of a novel regulator of conidiogenesis and conidial survival called MybA because the predicted protein contains a Myb DNA binding motif. Cellular localization of the MybA::Gfp fusion and immunoprecipitation of the MybA::Gfp or MybA::3xHa protein showed that MybA is localized to the nucleus. RNA sequencing data and a uidA reporter assay indicated that the MybA protein functions upstream of wetA, vosA and velB, the key regulators involved in conidial maturation. The deletion of mybA resulted in a very significant reduction in the number and viability of conidia. As a consequence, the ΔmybA strain has a reduced virulence in an experimental murine model of aspergillosis. RNA‐sequencing and biochemical studies of the ΔmybA strain suggested that MybA protein controls the expression of enzymes involved in trehalose biosynthesis as well as other cell wall and membrane‐associated proteins and ROS scavenging enzymes. In summary, MybA protein is a new key regulator of conidiogenesis and conidial maturation and survival, and plays a crucial role in propagation and virulence of A. fumigatus.  相似文献   

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