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Seven species of dwarf lemurs (Cheirogaleus spp.) are currently recognized after a recent revision of the genus. During a field study in southeastern Madagascar, we observed 3 distinct morphotypes of Cheirogaleus resembling Cheirogaleus medius, C. major and C. crossleyi. In particular, for Cheirogaleus crossleyi southeastern Madagascar was far away from the known distribution range of the species when referring to the recent revision of the genus. In order to clarify the taxonomic status of the 3 morphotypes, we compared field samples from southeastern Madagascar to museum specimens from several locations in Madagascar and to field samples from Kirindy/CFPF, western Madagascar by genetic analyses using the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Genetic data yield strong support for 2 of the 3 morphotypes to represent Cheirogaleus medius and C. major. The third morphotype is genetically closely related to Cheirogaleus crossleyi, albeit more distantly than the other 2 morphotypes to the respective reference samples. The genetic distance is related to a considerable geographic distance between the location of our field study and the origin of the respective reference specimen, because Cheirogaleus crossleyi had been reported only from northern Madagascar. Our field observations indicate an isolated population in southeastern Madagascar. We propose to identify them as Cheirogaleus crossleyi and discuss the population genetic and biogeographic considerations supporting this conclusion.  相似文献   

The western woolly lemur is distributed through central western, northwestern and possibly northern Madagascar and is traditionally viewed as a monotypic species (Avahi occidentalis) or as a subspecies of A. laniger. We present new data on body weights of Avahi which, together with previously available body weights, provide additional evidence for recognizing eastern and western woolly lemurs as two distinct species. We then reexamine the distributions of, and chromatic variation within and between, populations of western woolly lemurs. A comparative study of wild subjects and museum skins reveals that several geographically discrete morphs exist in western Avahi, which is clearly polytypic. Marked differences between populations in fur coloration suggest that 3 distinct taxa should be recognized. The populations differ considerably in their habitat structure. In addition, field observations suggest clear differences in population density between 2 of the populations. We describe and name one new species.  相似文献   

Modern tools of paleoecological and ecomorphological research have enabled researchers to reconstruct the lifeways of extinct species more thoroughly than ever before. We apply a variety of tools in an attempt to reconstruct the diets of the extinct archaeolemurids of Madagascar. Our data include dental use wear (examined across species and across ontogenetic series of single species), enamel microstructure, enamel thickness, and δ13C. The data are complemented by field data on the environmental contexts in which the species lived and 14C determinations that demonstrate the surprisingly late survival of archaeolemurids. Several lines of evidence converge to suggest that all archaeolemurid species were hard-object processors, but with different diets and different methods of food processing. Past reconstructions of the diet of Hadropithecus as a specialized grass consumer fail under the scrutiny of multiple lines of evidence.  相似文献   

Numerous zoologists who study diurnal lemurs on Madagascar have noted that they react strongly to the presence of birds of prey. For two of the most intensively studied lemurs, Propithecus verreauxiand Lemur catta,there are few documented cases of raptor predation. Thus, the maintenance of this stereotypic response is enigmatic. Bird bones recovered from cave surface deposits in southwestern Madagascar include the remains of an eagle (Aquila),a genus that has disappeared from Madagascar and that would have been capable of hunting animals the size of adult P. verreauxi and L. catta.The stereotypic response of these two lemurs toward raptors may have been retained from the period when this extinct eagle inhabited the island and is reinforced by rare acts of predation by extant birds of prey.  相似文献   

The type of climbing exhibited by apes and atelines is argued to have been important in the evolution of specialized locomotion, such as suspensory locomotion and bipedalism. However, little is known about the mechanics of climbing in primates. Previous work shows that Asian apes and atelines use larger joint excursions and longer strides than African apes and the Japanese macaque, respectively. This study expands knowledge of climbing mechanics by providing the first quantitative kinematic data for vertical climbing in four prosimian species: three lorisid species (Loris tardigradus, Nycticebus coucang, and Nycticebus pygmaeus) that share with apes and atelines morphological traits arguably related to climbing, and a more generalized quadruped, Cheirogaleus medius. Subjects were videotaped as they climbed up a wooden pole. Kinematic values, such as step length and limb excursions, were calculated and compared between species. The results of this study show that lorises, like Asian apes and spider monkeys, use relatively larger joint excursions and longer steps than does C. medius during climbing. These data lend further support to the idea that some primate species (e.g., lorises, atelines, and apes) are more specialized kinematically and morphologically for climbing than others. Pilot data suggest that such kinematic differences in climbing style across broad phylogenetic groups may relate to the energetics of climbing. Such data may be important for understanding the morphological and kinematic adaptations to climbing exhibited by some primates.  相似文献   

Sequence data from the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene were combined with endogenous retrovirus sequences to study the position of the genus Miopithecus in the primate tree. The mitochondrial sequences indicated that Miopithecus is a true genus distinct from Cercopithecus, although talapoin monkeys are commonly referred to as dwarf guenons. The existence of two species of dwarf guenons, suggested by differences in coat color, pigmentation, and geographic location, was supported by substantial mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene divergence. In line with the informal proposal of J. Kingdon (1997, “The Kingdon Field Guide to African Mammals,” Academic Press, London), we use the names Miopithecus talapoin for the southern, darker species and Miopithecus ougouensis for the northern, lighter-colored monkeys. Different 12S rRNA gene haplotypes found in M. ougouensis individuals suggest the possible existence of additional subspecies. Simian endogenous retrovirus (SERV) strain 23.1 proviruses were introduced in the primate germ-line after the Cercopithecinae split from the Colobinae, estimated at around 9–14 million years ago. SERV sequences were used for timing of divergence events in Cercopithecinae and confirmed the close relationship between the genera Cercopithecus and Miopithecus, which was only weakly supported by the more variable mtDNA sequences in a distance analysis, demonstrating the utility of these pseudogenes in phylogenetic grouping.  相似文献   

Recent morphological and molecular phylogenetic studies of mouse lemurs (Microcebus) living in the western and southern regions of Madagascar have shown that specific diversity had been considerably underestimated. In large part, this underestimate was due to the lack of sufficient specimens from given localities to assess properly the level of phenotypic variation within and between populations. The accurate delineation of specific boundaries has no doubt been confounded by the diminutive size, nocturnal habits, and subtle morphological variation characteristic of mouse lemurs, which can make field identification of individuals problematic. We illustrate the use of molecular phylogenetic analysis to reveal reproductive isolation in two sympatric mouse lemur species, Microcebus murinus and M. griseorufus. Their documentation in the Berenty Private Reserve in the extreme south of Madagascar verifies the historically-broad distribution of Microcebus griseorufus, a species recently resurrected from synonomy.  相似文献   

The genus Microcebus (mouse lemurs) are the smallest extant primates. Until recently, they were considered to comprise two different species: Microcebus murinus, confined largely to dry forests on the western portion of Madagascar, and M. rufus, occurring in humid forest formations of eastern Madagascar. Specimens and recent field observations document rufous individuals in the west. However, the current taxonomy is entangled due to a lack of comparative material to quantify intrapopulation and intraspecific morphological variation. On the basis of recently collected specimens of Microcebus from 12 localities in portions of western Madagascar, from Ankarana in the north to Beza Mahafaly in the south, we present a revision using external, cranial, and dental characters. We recognize seven species of Microcebus from western Madagascar. We name and describe 3 spp., resurrect a previously synonymized species, and amend diagnoses for Microcebus murinus (J. F. Miller, 1777), M. myoxinus Peters, 1852, and M. ravelobensis Zimmermann et al., 1998.  相似文献   

该研究对采自新疆天山及阿尔泰山山脉、保存于新疆大学中国西北干旱地衣研究中心地衣标本室(XJUNALH)的130余份黑尔衣属(Melanohalea O.Blanco et al.)地衣标本进行了研究。研究发现,新疆黑尔衣属地衣包括2个中国新记录种——烟色黑尔衣(M.infumata)和亚橄榄黑尔衣(M.subolivacea),1个新疆新记录种亚长芽黑尔衣(M.subelegantula)以及4个常见种地衣等7个地衣物种。并提供了新记录种地衣的形态-解剖特征描述和彩色照片,以及包括这些种的检索表、地衣名录和分布地区。这些新记录种的发现,为中国和新疆的地衣资源提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

I aimed to determine when and under which seasonal environmental conditions gray mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus), a small nocturnal primate species endemic to Madagascar, utilize daily torpor. Using temperature-sensitive radio collars, I measured skin temperature (T sk ) of free-ranging mouse lemurs under natural conditions. My results showed that male and female mouse lemurs in the wild enter torpor spontaneously over a wide range of ambient temperatures (T a ) during the dry season, but not during the rainy season. Mouse lemurs that remained normothermic had significantly lower body masses (mean: 59.7 g) than individuals that used torpor (mean: 80.2 g). Skin temperatures dropped to 20.9°C and the mean torpor bout duration is 10.3 h. The use of torpor on a given night varied among individuals, whereas the propensity for torpor did not differ significantly between males and females. I found no evidence that T a can be used to predict whether mouse lemurs will remain normothermic or enter torpor. It appears that the most reliable indicator for the occurrence of torpor in free-ranging Microcebus murinus is time of the year, i.e., photoperiod.  相似文献   

I studied the insulation capacity of tree holes used by gray mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus) in a primary dry deciduous forest in western Madagascar during the cool dry season. Tree holes had an insulating effect, and fluctuations of air temperatures were less extreme inside the holes than outside them. The insulation capacity of the tree holes peaked between 0800 and 1100 hr, when ambient temperatures ranged between 25 and 30°C. To compare tree holes, I calculated the mean difference between the internal temperature )(Ti ) and the external temperature (Te ) for each tree hole. Thus large differences indicate good insulation capacities. The mean difference of tree holes in living trees was significantly larger than that of tree holes in dead trees, which shows that insulation in living trees is more effective. During the dry season, the insulation capacity of tree holes in living trees decreased and was lowest in July, whereas the insulation capacity of holes in dead trees remained approximately constant. Physiological studies under natural temperature and light condition in Microcebus murinus reveal that daily torpor saves around 40% of the daily energy expenditure compared to normothermia. However, torpor can be maintained only up to the threshold body and ambient temperature of 28°C, whereat Microcebus murinus have to terminate torpor actively. By occupying insulating tree holes, mouse lemurs may stay longer in torpor, which increases their daily energy savings by an extra 5%.  相似文献   

Although many wide-ranging taxa occur in Madagascar, phylogeographic studies for most of these species are still lacking. This is especially the case for snakes, where of more than 100 endemic species, the population structure of only two species has so far been examined. Here, we examine genetic population structure of one of the most common snakes of Madagascar, Mimophis mahfalensis (Grandidier, 1867). This taxon is the only representative of Psammophiinae in Madagascar, where the majority of species in this subfamily is distributed throughout mainland Africa. Applying an integrative approach, where both morphological data and genetic results from coalescent species delimitation analyses are considered, we determine that Mimophis mahfalensis is composed of two distinct taxa: M. mahfalensis in the central montane and southern parts of Madagascar, and a second new species restricted to the north and north-west, which we describe here. We also examine the colour pattern polymorphism exhibited in Mimophis, which has been previously hypothesized as sexually dimorphic and/or geographically correlated. However, we find all three colour morphs in both sexes, and both species of Mimophis. Our work highlights the importance of phylogeographic studies that examine wide-ranging taxa to detect cryptic species diversity, even amongst species that are common, or have been previously considered to be well known.

www.zoobank.org/lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9791DC0B-49E5-4571-884C-4AA85EAF2472  相似文献   

Understanding processes affecting the distribution and abundance of organisms is a central issue in ecology and conservation biology. In northwestern Madagascar, we found an uneven distribution pattern of the golden-brown mouse lemur (Microcebus ravelobensis) and the grey mouse lemur (M. murinus). In one area (JBA) the two species lived sympatrically, whereas in another forest area (JBB) Microcebus ravelobensis occurred exclusively. To investigate whether differences in forest structure may explain this uneven distribution, we conducted a microhabitat analysis and related it to specific distribution. In JBA the habitat of Microcebus ravelobensis was characterized by a higher percentage of trees with many lianas and a higher cover of the herb layer, whereas that of M. murinus had a higher number of trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) >10 cm. The comparison of the forest structure of the microhabitats of the two species between JBA and JBB revealed further differences. The cover of the overstory, the percentage of trees without lianas and the number of larger trees (DBH >10 cm) among the microhabitats were higher for Microcebus murinus in JBA than for M. ravelobensis in JBB whereas the microhabitats of M. ravelobensis at the two sites did not differ concerning these vegetation structures. Differences between the two species coincide with those of resources important for survival. Our results indicate the importance of microhabitat analyses for the understanding of distribution patterns of species and for successful conservation planning.  相似文献   

A study on three new species of the genus Hedotettix Bolivar (namely, Hedotettix grossivalva sp. nov., Hedotettix brachynota sp. nov., and Hedotettix xueshanensis sp. nov.) from Yunnan Province, China, was performed. All their specimens are deposited in the insect specimen laboratory of the Department of Resources, Southwest Forestry College (Kunming, China). The appendix presents a catalog of subcategories of Hedotettix Bolivar from China. Translated from the Journal of Shaanxi University (Natural Science), 2005, 33(1) (in Chinese)  相似文献   

According to present hypotheses on the evolution of life history traits and social systems in Malagasy lemurs, nocturnality and infant parking are associated with a solitary lifestyle and a polygynous mating system. However, theoretically extreme seasonality of reproduction could limit the number of females that can be monopolized by a given male and thus hinder the evolution of polygyny. The aim of this ongoing study is to test these contrasting expectations by looking at the social and mating system of the fat-tailed dwarf lemur Cheirogaleus medius . This species hibernates for up to 7 mo, so that time for breeding and raising offspring is extremely limited.
A mark-recapture study in western Madagascar was combined with observations and radio-tracking of 36 individuals during the rainy seasons from 1995 to 1998. According to these data, fat-tailed dwarf lemurs live in permanent sleeping groups consisting of a male and a female (n = 8) or one male and two females (n = 1). One or two offspring from the previous year were frequently observed to sleep together with an adult pair. Members of each sleeping group were the exclusive users of their nest holes and home ranges. During the birth season, males and females took turns at baby-sitting their offspring. Females without paternal help were unable to raise their offspring successfully. Since females did not exhibit oestrus synchrony, the ultimate selective factor favouring pair-living could be obligate paternal investment. The results, together with the lack of sexual size dimorphism and relatively small testis size, suggest that the fat-tailed dwarf lemur lives in family groups with a monogamous mating system. A review of the mating systems of nocturnal lemurs shows that monogamy appears to be the rule rather the exception.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) Dwarf8-1 (D8-1) is an andromonoecious dwarf mutant proposed to be involved in gibberellin (GA) reception (Fujioka et al. 1988b; Harberd and Freeling 1989). The mutant D8-1 is dominant and GA-nonresponsive (Phinney 1956). We show by map position and similarity of phenotype that five additional dwarf mutants are D8 alleles. We show by map position and similarity of phenotype that a second andromonoecious dwarf mutant, D9-1, defines a duplicate gene. Maize D9-1 and each dominant D8 allele specify a different plant stature, from very mild to very severe dwarfism. Plants of D9-1 and all dominant D8 alleles, except D8-1591, were GA-nonresponsive when treated with 7500 nmol GA3. The behavior of the mild dwarf D8-1591 was unique in that a small but significant growth response was detected (37% for D8-1591 vs. 130% for the wild type) when treated with 7500 nmol GA3. These results establish that all dwarf genotypes, except D8-1591, in one dose set a maximum limit on plant growth and block the normal response to GA. When treated with the GA-synthesis inhibitor paclobutrazol, plants of all dwarf genotypes and wild-type siblings were severely dwarfed. Plants of all dwarf genotypes treated with the GA-synthesis inhibitor paclobutrazol and GA3 were returned to their normal dwarf phenotype. Dominant dwarfing, delayed flowering, increased tillering, and anther development in the ear are characteristic features of D9-1 and all D8 alleles. The GA-synthesis-deficient dwarfs also have these characteristic features. We discuss the function of the wild-type gene product in the context of the observed results.Abbreviations D8 Dwarf8 - D9 Dwarf9 - GA(n) gibberellin A(n) - GA3 gibberellic acid - MNL Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter - NIL near-isogenic lines - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism - WT wild type This work was supported, in part, by a National Science Foundation Plant Postdoctoral Fellowship to R.G.W., by grants from NIH and ICI Seeds to M.F., the NSF Center for Plant Developmental Biology and the California Agriculture Experiment Station. Much of the work was done in the laboratory of Tim Helentjaris and was supported by a grant from Pioneer Hi-Bred Int'l. The generous gifts of the dominant dwarfing mutants from M.G. Neuffer and O.E. Nelson Jr. are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) is the only species in the Genus Lemur, distributed in the deciduous and spiny forests of southwestern Madagascar. This species is listed as endangered due to the loss and fragmentation of its natural habitat, a consequence of deforestation. Twenty-one nuclear microsatellite loci were isolated from a genomic DNA derived from a free-ranging ring-tailed lemur population from the Tsimanampetsotsa National Park, Madagascar. We report various parameter estimates and measures to establish the utility of this marker suite as screened among individuals this single forest fragment.  相似文献   

通过对地卷属地衣形态和化学的研究,并结合核基因ITS序列的系统发育分析,报道了采自中国西北地区地卷属的1个中国新记录种——芽片地卷(新拟)。它的典型特征是沿着地衣体边缘或地衣体上表面裂隙具有大量的薄片状phyllidia,且常常覆有粉霜。地衣体上表面的边缘具有白色绒毛,下表面具有丛生假根,而且假根在边缘为白色,逐渐向中心变为深色。该研究提供了该种的详细描述,并与近缘种进行了细致的讨论。  相似文献   

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